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    Wednesday, November 25, 2020

    Assassin's Creed Thoughts on AC: Valhalla from an Icelander

    Assassin's Creed Thoughts on AC: Valhalla from an Icelander

    Thoughts on AC: Valhalla from an Icelander

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 05:55 PM PST

    Icelandic is the Nordic language that has changed the least since the Viking Age. That means that it is most similar to Old Norse of all the Scandinavian languages, this can be attested by most Icelanders who have read the 800 year old sagas and understood them.

    As an Icelander the butchering of Old Norse in popular media is very annoying, in games like God of War or the Marvel movies, words like Bifröst or names like Loki or Óđinn are butchered horribly, the actors are clearly not even attempting a correct pronounciation.

    Assassins Creed: Valhalla is the first peace of media where there is an effort to pronounce things as people speaking Old Norse would have pronounced them. Icelandic actors are prominant and you can even hear people speaking Icelandic in the background! (context often doesn't make much sense but Icelandic actors are speaking Old Icelandic/Old Norse which is cool as hell).

    I've seen ubisoft get a lot of shit for supposed ,,historical inaccuries'' in the newer Assassins Creed games, some of that criticism is of course fair but in a lot of ways they go out of their way to make things accurate. Hearing a crew member shout ,,upp međ seglin!'' is pretty damn cool. Anyways just wanted to share my experience of the game as someone who speaks a language that is remarkably similar to Old Norse 1200 years later.

    submitted by /u/borcklesner
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    Eivor the Wolf-Kissed(my fan art)

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 04:23 AM PST

    Ubisoft accidentally created a new genre with its last three AC games: Bird-Flying over Historical Destinations.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 05:09 PM PST

    I realised that when I was just flying Ikaros over Greece yesterday.

    It's basically a new game genre. I bet if you showed it to someone who's no idea what AC is, they would be impressed enough with just hovering over the ancient world. It's quite realistic, after all!

    submitted by /u/NikolaBankov
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    Hoping ubisoft add new hairstyles and beards in a future update

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 01:31 PM PST

    Does anyone else hope that in future updates they can add new hairstyles and beards? Or even more options because I'm quite frustrated I can't have a shaved head with a light brown beard, just reverts back to blonde again 🙄

    submitted by /u/askmybollox
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    John Carpenter on Twitter: "ASSASSIN'S CREED VALHALLA is a return to excellence in the franchise. Massive open world, beautifully designed, with great gameplay. Incredible game."

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 08:27 PM PST

    Patch for AC Valhalla coming sometime next week

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 09:26 AM PST

    I much prefer the music that plays when you synchronize a viewpoint in Norway over England.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 06:43 PM PST

    The synchronization music in Norway is just so much better in every way. I went back to sync my last point for the challenge and I realised that I hadn't heard it at all in England, even though it's more fitting to Vikings.

    submitted by /u/Thecarrotkage
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    After 30 hours Valhalla starts to feel like busywork

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 12:48 PM PST

    I know it's probably an unpopular opinion but i'm sure i'm not the only one feeling like this.

    The sheer amount of map points to clear is mind boggling and the story pace is so slow that I can't help but think that the game's just been bloated intentionally which hurts it in the end.

    Don't get me wrong, I had a ton of fun in the first dozen of hours but now it's starting to be really fatiguing.

    At this point i'm really considering just skipping everything but the main story.

    submitted by /u/J3SP3R
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    Valhalla made me love AC again

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 05:08 AM PST

    Valhalla has done what I thought was impossible, as someone who has played every AC since 2007 I haven't enjoyed this franchise since AC4 for one reason or another, but this game, brought the RPG style of gameplay and integrated with classic AC so utterly perfectly, this is the game I've waited for for so long, and the narrative and lore implications are absolute masterclass for hardcore fans

    Thank you Ubisoft MTL, Darby and the entire writing team, You've made an old fan satisfied and excited for the future of this franchise for the first time in 7 years ♥️

    submitted by /u/The_Synth_Potato
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    Justice for Unity on PS5 and SERIES X

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 03:09 PM PST

    Justice for Unity on Next Gen!

    I don't know why I haven't seen many post regarding this important matter during the last couple of weeks. Essentially, as Digital Foundry stated (link at the bottom), AC Unity is perfectly performing on Next Gen consoles. I have a PS5 and i'm actually LOVING playing Ac Unity with this incredible boost, it's kinda totally different game, it's like playing a game how it was always supposed to be and perform. There's one annoying problem though. In order to achieve this smoothness, you have to play the disc version 1.0 due to the locked settings of version 1.05 precisely that solved so MANY issues on last gen. This said, i'd like to highlight this post in order to reach Ubisoft (I hope so at least) and expect a a small update for the new consoles. It's simply necessary: all the digital owners would benefit from the stunning visuals and disc owner's life woukd be a lot simpler, they won't be forced to constantly pause and delete the update which always starts downloading when playing the game or during the update check when the console boots or rests (i had to disable the auto update and auto install feature during rest mode...)

    Please share this and help get Justice for this amazing game <3


    submitted by /u/Draftcoronet
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    If we can't get a Transmog / Refashion function again... Can we at least get the function our Viking companions get?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 04:15 AM PST

    Can we at least get the ability to revert out gear appearance to an earlier model but keep the same stat appearances? I don't like the overly fantasy vibe of Thegn. It was neat when I first saw it and I would love it in a fantasy game. But when I'm running around, the only glowing gold behemoth as an "Assassin" it kinda loses it's cool factor and robs me of any immersion I might of had. I really, really like the Thegn original appearance. It looks beautiful. I put that on my personal viking guy and I'm so jealous every time I see him running around or on my boat.

    I get they were probably trying to go back to their roots, but they still have stats on gear. And some of the bonuses are insanely noticeable on the hardest difficutly. Especially when you're fighting Zealots. We had it in Odyssey, at the very least I think we should get the same system our Viking Companion has?

    submitted by /u/asirpakamui
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    Assassin's Creed Syndicate was a wonderful experience

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 04:54 AM PST

    So I just finished my playthrough of Syndicate a few days ago and I gotta say, it was awesome! I think it might be my favourite Assassin's Creed game in terms of gameplay. Although, Unity and Black Flag were very good as well and I haven't played Origins and Odyssey yet. I also liked 2 because of the nostalgia and story. But Syndicate had some awesome gameplay and the Frye twins were quite interesting. I liked Jacob especially because he was funny, charming, enthusiastic about his gang and preferred brawling over stealth and he was good at brawling too. Evie was great as well. The story may not be that great though, it was mediocre.

    The setting of Victorian London created the perfect atmosphere and the streets were wide for the carriages, which you could ride. The rope launcher was a great addition as I was bored of climbing buildings and helped for faster transversal. Combat was fast, which I liked. You had to dodge and attack quickly and the multi kills were cool. It wasn't that difficult, especially by the end of the game it gets a lot more easier, but it was fun at the same time unlike the previous games where you just counter and chain kill. The fight clubs were SO DAMN AWESOME and we also could liberate areas by doing missions for the gang. You could finally dodge or countershoot gunshots so firearm mechanics were improved. Overall, its a fantastic game.

    submitted by /u/TheChosenOne_101
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    The New Set Einherjar, Ranting

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 03:21 PM PST


    The new set in the store called Einherjar is one of the best and most authentic looking sets in the game at the moment. It only has one big problem and that is the constant bloodstains on it. The name of the set is a reference to the fallen warriors that have made it to Valhalla but this shouldn't have to make it so you are a dirty goober while feasting with the Gods!

    Ubi please make a clean variant too!

    submitted by /u/PrettyPreacher
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    Valhalla and the missing North of England

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 05:41 AM PST

    As someone who lives in NE England I was really disappointed when I found they moved Hadrian's Wall south into fucking Yorkshire, since it pretty much seals it that Ubisoft isn't featuring my homeland in Valhalla even in DLC form.

    Which is a shame, I was looking forward to exploring the Liberty of the Haliwerfolc, land of St Cuthbeorht (which later evolved into my native Prince-Bishopric of Durham under Norman rule) and it's capital of Dunholm. Plus the great Bernician settlements of Munucceastre, Lindisfarena, and Bebbanburh. This was pretty much our golden age. I struggle to believe Ubisoft couldn't have made something of all our history, had they tried. Not to mention it would've made way more sense to have a storyline about Pictish incursions up here than in Yorkshire, given our border reeving history (I myself share my surname with a Scottish border reeving clan and am likely related in some way based on geography alone).

    Before some American swoops in to say "so what?" to me it's like omitting a flyover state from an AC game where it had every reason to be included. It's just another slap to the face in a world where it feels like our own government sometimes forgets that Northern England doesn't end in the Midlands.

    submitted by /u/TacticoolShart
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    I love the Einherjar fallen warrior set, but hate the fact that it's covered in blood

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 02:59 PM PST

    I get it, it's called the "fallen warrior" set.

    But its got such a cool aesthetic that is ruined by the blood stains in my opinion. A clean version would be nice.

    submitted by /u/WolverineKuzuri93
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    Why Are People Saying Valhalla Is a Drag?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 03:40 PM PST

    I think this is another case of the Ubisoft hate bandwagon. 'Yeah let's all hate Ubisoft and their games because it's cool'. There is nothing wrong with Valhalla's pacing or length.

    I have just over 104 hours and this game has not got boring once. It's all about how you play it. If you try to complete every single wealth icon on the map in 2 days, of course it's going to get boring. You aren't supposed to rush everything on the map if you know you will get tired. I don't understand, literally no one does this with The Witcher or any other RPG, so why this game?

    Onto the story arcs. I think all of the ones I've played have been really fun and interesting. People are focusing on getting rewards and not focusing on the story and characters. All of the arcs I've played have had really interesting stories. Much like the exploration, these aren't supposed to be done one after another for 12 hours. That's not how you play a game if you don't want to get bored.

    This game will not be getting boring for me anytime soon it looks like. I love the settlement upgrading, the story arcs and exploration. There's always a new ability, legendary animal, boss, artifact, gear set, weapon etc that I find that makes the game even more interesting. People are rushing it and not taking their time. It's your fault you are getting bored. But oh well, this post it pointless, it's Ubisoft, and it's AC, so no matter how amazing Darby McDevitt's writing is, or how amazing the world looks, and how creative and varied the exploration is, people will blindly hate. Anyway, not my problem.

    submitted by /u/Connor1802
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    Thanks for the Fishing System

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 12:22 PM PST

    I just want to give a huge thanks to the developers for the fishing system. I thought it would be stupid and useless but I actually have a lot of fun running around the map and fishing for specific fish for the boy in the settlement. And I love how the rewards are actually amazing (diamond runes) and change how I play. Thanks so much!

    submitted by /u/Purple_Mayonnaise
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    Orlog is getting a physical release!!!

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 08:11 PM PST

    Do not fully upgrade your ration bag/quiver

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 09:30 PM PST

    If you fully upgrade both your ration bag and your quiver you will not be able to provide the 5x fabric needed to complete the Altar in Eurviscire.

    I learned this ahead of time and decided I'd try and be smart and collect all the fabric I needed to do the last ration upgrade, the last quiver upgrade, and the 5 needed for the altar which the total came to 38.... The moment I hit 33 fabric, fabric completely stopped dropping which tells me they only currently provide enough fabric in the game to do your upgrades and completely forgot about the last 5 for the altar.

    I chose to do the altar first so I can get the Completionist All the Way! Achievement than I upgraded my last Ration Bag upgrade. Guess I'm gonna have to wait on the quiver for now.

    submitted by /u/msgkar03
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    Anyone found story characters just out in the world randomly in AC Valhalla?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 09:14 PM PST

    I just found Basim in Canterbury just roaming the streets on the way to the viewpoint there. I'm on the story mission "The Abbot's Gambit" headed towards the mission marker that's 1050m away so doubt he is part of this mission. Just thought it was weird/ interesting.

    submitted by /u/DeadliestDeadpool
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    Does anyone want a free code to, "Assassin's Creed Valhalla"? Reply within 24 hours.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 08:18 AM PST

    I have received a free game code for "Assassin's Creed Valhalla" with a PC purchase and I don't have any need for it. Does anyone who is a fan want for free?

    If so, I will pick at random in the next 24 hours. If you reply and are able to run the game.

    A Ubisoft account is required.

    edit: everyone who leaves a reply their usernames will be entered into a random name generator for tomorrow.

    submitted by /u/xocit
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    Parkour still sucks ass but these cities are some of the best in the series!

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 10:48 PM PST

    One of my biggest gripes about origins and oddysey is just how boring most of their cities are, they can have cool landmarks and look gorgeous from a far but once you get inside them they feel bland, Alexandria and Athens should be bustling cities but there's very few NPCs and what few we have are mostly just walking in a strait path, replaced buildings are common and there's basically zero atmosphere. A Roman and Egyptian city in origins should feel very different with distinct cultures and ascetics but its basically just a pallet swap with a couple of different landmarks swapped. I legit think you could take a Screenshot of Alexandria and Cyrene and I wouldn't be able to tell the difference without landmarks.

    Valhalla though has some absolutely amazing cities with so much detail and care to make them all look distinct. Lundon is a dark foggy city in ruins, everything is run down with century long buildings being left simply because no one cares to destroy them. Everything is done strictly functionally without a hint of aestetic appreciation. It is ugly and I absolutely adore it. On the complete opposite spectrum we have Jorvik which is a winter wonderland of Norse culture. Snow covers the entire city yet it feels warm, the mix between saxon and nordic culture creates a great Mashup.

    NPCS are also a lot more distinct, I can see people sobbing on the streets for no apparent reason, families and children playing together and groups of men sitting next to a fire together trying to stay warm.

    Its a damn shame parkour still sucks but I'm still grateful we have so many amazing cities to explore instead of a couple of boxes strapped inside some walls and than called a city.

    submitted by /u/broji04
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    People wanting strange things from this franchise

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 05:31 AM PST

    So after reading so many threads about people wanting things like mythical elements, creatures, boss fights, wild animal companions, dialogue choises etc. added to the franchise, i am wondering: isn't there so many game series with those things already in them? Why people want them in Assassins Creed games?

    For me the appeal of the older titles were exactly the opposite. The secret societies fighting in the background of our known past. Getting to play a part in key events in human history from shadows. Feeling that we as players really knew how things went down.

    Now, im not here to bash newer games or trying to be the "old game good new game bad guy". I have enjoyed all of them. I dont mind the RPG elements. Some of them i actually like, like customization of our characters looks.

    There are lots and LOTS of video game franhises that have supernatural elements in them. Why do we have to have them in this one? I have read people say to go play old AC games if the new ones aren't to my liking. But why play these games in the first place if things what you want from a game isn't what the core of AC is about? If i'm in a mood for fantasy game i go and play Witcher or Elders Scrolls game. I'd say they do fantasy even better than AC. I get the feeling that asking fantasy elements from AC is like saying "Red Dead was good and all but would've been better with sports cars" Or "Fallout is fine but i dont like the post-apocalypse aspect of it. Could it be more like a present day puzzle game?"

    I really would like to hear discussion about this. Im not here to tell you that i'm right on this one. Maybe the old formula was getting stale or something. I still think the grounded down-to-earth assassins are cool

    Anyway cheers to all Vikingr and have a great day!

    submitted by /u/AladarHazardi
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    Hood infiltration, crowds & drunkards aren't bad in RPG. They only need rework. Here is my solution.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 01:40 PM PST

    In general the stealth mechanics that returned in Valhalla are heavily inefficient in open space villages and require too much set-up to replace aggresive stealth playstyle even for fun. There's no reason to walk slow and look for drunkards or crowds because too much is sacrificed for too little. That's coming from someone who would love to use them. My observations are based on default stealth difficulty and these are suggestions what should be amended:

    1. Moving away in the opposite direction should drastically decrease the gauge to stop guards from following asap. Even if a guard closes the distance the gauge should still decrease rapidly because the player turned his back and walks away. Currently when guards suspect us and we walk away the gauge still fills up because guards follow us and they are faster than the player. If NPC moved to a different spot and shortly after restarts his walk pattern in random direction like in the attached example the player is practically busted. Notice how despite of getting stuck the guard could still easily close the distance with his high speed.


    2. Crowd could work like dancers in the past. We should actually lead them. Blending in crowds is not effective because NPCs walk their own path and Valhalla streets are wide and in general there is lots of open space. Therefore the alternatives are much better and the player will not look for crowd and wait until they go to the place he is interested in. Maybe implement the option to control the crowd by paying them with additional input? A little bribe as a gift for successful Norse-Saxon partnership ;)

    3. Drunkards should completely block suspicion from guards unless we are very close to them. Basically a 2nd grade "crowd". Guards suspect the player walking next to drunkard from a few meters away. Again, it's not worth the effort if we still need to walk around. I could do that myself without drunkard. Also the range of drunkards should be slightly larger when we leave them for luring in nearby guards.

    4. Allow Synin to highlight drunkards and crowds. This would work like infiltration opportunity in past games. Synin unlike others birds encourage the player to actually explore restricted areas but could be more supportive in other aspects. Numerous times I entered the village and didn't meet crowd or drunkard on the way. When we fly over those camps drunkards and crowds could be highlighted with light gray colour as they are during Odin's Sight. This way we could place manual marker on them like we do with enemies? And then remove them automatically once we interact with NPC. Or simply make those highlights visible to Eivor for several seconds after leaving Synin's view so we have enough time to plan infiltration path as we go.

    submitted by /u/p4v07
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