• Breaking News

    Tuesday, November 24, 2020

    Assassin's Creed I'm not a fan of the pop-culture Viking outfit design in this one, so I made my own designs with the traditional AC flairs. I really wish chainmail was more of a thing.

    Assassin's Creed I'm not a fan of the pop-culture Viking outfit design in this one, so I made my own designs with the traditional AC flairs. I really wish chainmail was more of a thing.

    I'm not a fan of the pop-culture Viking outfit design in this one, so I made my own designs with the traditional AC flairs. I really wish chainmail was more of a thing.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 09:55 AM PST

    Can we please get a “buy all” button for shops in Valhalla?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 03:54 PM PST

    Spending time watching the ore/leather counter go up to 200 each time I need to buy material is getting pretty old.

    Adding a "purchase all" button would make my life and probably a bunch of other players lives much easier.

    submitted by /u/ffunnyffriends6
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    Assassin's Creed: Valhalla's Viking dice game Orlog will get a physical version in 2021

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 10:00 AM PST

    Ravensthorpe Level 6 Unlocks (VERY USEFUL)

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 05:46 PM PST

    When you upgrade the settlement to max you unlock the ability to buy some cosmetics, weapons and 2 very useful things.

    These things are Scrolls of Knowledge which give 1 Skill/Mastery Point. And Tungsten Ingots. The Scrolls of Knowledge are 700 silver and the Tungsten is 350 silver.

    I haven't seen anyone talk about this yet so I'd thought it be nice to give you a heads up before you go farming for tungsten.

    submitted by /u/HamboneButAThrowaway
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    The gear system in Assassin's Creed Valhalla should be the standard for all future AC games.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 09:38 AM PST

    Keep in mind that I mentioned the gear system and not the loot variety because I do agree that more loot would improve the game.

    With that said, I love having to upgrade my favorite armor set and weapons, it gives you a better feeling of progression and makes your journey feel more unique. I can never go back to any system where you pick up hundreds of loot but end up selling 80% of them. Please Ubisoft keep this system, I don't care if you change everything else lol.

    submitted by /u/everythingsuckswhy
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    Finally started playing Origins and can't get over how good that opening was

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 02:33 PM PST

    My favorite opening in an Assassin's Creed game used to be Black Flag's- I loved how you saw the assassins from the perspective of an outsider where they were this mysterious entity appearing out of nowhere.

    However, I gotta say, Origins has officially topped it. Bayek's rage when he confronts Rudjek, scratches out his name on his arm, and tells him how he is "Medjay to no one." Just absolutely amazing voice acting from Abubakar Salim. And then catching the arrow from the mask and using it to kill the Heron? So poetically beautiful.

    Outside of that, the game did a great job introducing all its systems (combat, stealth, Senu, exploration, experience, etc...) without feeling like a generic tutorial.

    submitted by /u/RedtheGamer100
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    I feel anxious in game when I have to break stained glass windows.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 03:13 AM PST

    I feel slightly uneasy every time when the game puts me into situations where I just have to break through a stained glass window to get forward or to find something.
    Stained glass windows take so much time and effort to make and requires very skilled craftsmanship. Also they are very expensive to be just broken for some trifle loot. Of course they are also beautiful works of art and historically important. To me it feels to me the same like slashing through an old painting.
    I know they're just a virtual gameplay element and they are just meaningless obstacles in a game, but I always try to leave breaking the glass as a last measure. Anyone else feel the same way?

    submitted by /u/No7er
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    For those who want to farm nickel and tungsten ingots.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 09:29 PM PST

    For those who want to farm nickel and tungsten ingots.

    You know the drill. Kill the enemies, loot, save, load recently saved game. Rinse and repeat. These enemies will definitely respawn after you load your game. Hope it helps! I don't know where to farm carbon ingots, and since I am nearing the end of the game I don't really need them, but if you know where to farm you can comment!

    Nickel Ingots

    Southeast of Buckingham in Oxenefordscire

    4 enemies


    Tungsten Ingots

    East of Glowecestre in Glowecestrescire

    3 enemies

    Thanks to Jorraptor for this tip!


    submitted by /u/derrickrecca
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    Drew this up the other day. Altair, Eagle Vision. What do you think?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 06:12 PM PST

    Warning: Do not give Hytham 15 medallions if you do not know who the grand magister is.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 01:23 PM PST

    I don't know how or when, but the order of the ancient medallions in my inventory duplicated and the game allowed me to give hytham the "last" of the medallions without killing all the members of the order. When doing this, Eivor blurted out the grand magister's identity and their motives despite me being only 3/4 through the story and having about 6 members of the order left alive.

    Update: This makes the game completely unfinishable. Hytham won't give you the quest to assassinate The Father because he is already considered dead. RIP my 130 hour save file

    submitted by /u/noahnwood99
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    I wish you could “downgrade” the variants of each gear piece.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 03:34 PM PST

    I just got the Mythical Magister's Cloak, and I honestly prefer the default's look over both of the upgraded versions. I wish you could go back to the older version instead of being stuck with the new ones after upgrading it, or maybe have a system like Odyssey where you could combine the stats of one gear piece with the look of others.

    submitted by /u/Seras-Arantza
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    I think it was a mistake to have the Assassin origin story take place in 49BC.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 04:25 PM PST

    Origins takes place in 49BC, which locks off a lot of interesting settings before that because they can't feature the Assassins. For example, they did Odyssey straight after, and a lot of people don't like it because it isn't an Assassin story. I've always wanted the Hanging Gardens of Babylon to be shown in an AC game, but that's pretty much impossible now. Also, it ruins the really cool idea of the Assassins and Templars being at war since the creation of mankind 70,000 years ago.

    submitted by /u/iitc25
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    I wish the cloak looked better.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 07:03 AM PST

    The cloak looks organic and cloth-like when it's down and over you while you slowly walk but when you run or have the hood down it looks stiff as a board. Almost like what physics haven't kicked in yet.

    I keep just hiding it because I can't stand seeing it being so lifeless.

    *edit\* for reference this is a Ubisoft video that within the first few seconds you can see clipping and terrible stiff cloth in action,


    submitted by /u/Simple_Simons
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    Darby McDevitt (read only if you have completed the game)

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 11:23 PM PST

    Well I just completed Valhalla (still have the Order left and I'm pretty sure King Alefred is the last Order member by looking at the Order list, and he always looked the type) anyway. HOLY SHIT, how can Darby McDevitt write such an amazing story that ties in so well with previous games. Not only did it pay homage to AC1 in the cities when you killed Order members but it had Easter eggs of pretty much every game from the Desmond era. Vinland was just a place where I got goosebumps, early on we got voicemails to hear voicemails from Desmond and best of all... We got to meet Desmond in the gray... 10 years ago subject 16 (or maybe even Desmond from the gray) told Desmond that he needed to find Eve, and he found Layla...

    This game really fixed me and there are so many more points to go through. I really hope Ubisoft takes this story that Darby fixed and does something cool with it...

    Thank you so much Darby. This meant a lot to me and many other AC fans, we hope to see you in the future!

    submitted by /u/edzone96
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    Valhalla has been out for 2 weeks, but not a single patch has been released since then?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 06:42 AM PST

    Have they even acknowledged the amount of game breaking bugs?

    submitted by /u/23167bb13b5241b4b74c
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    A simple programming mistake could be an explanation for the "lifeless" cities criticism in AC: Odyssey.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 09:36 AM PST

    EDIT: Created a video to illustrate the bug: AC: Odyssey's reason for "Lifeless cities": A Simple Bug?

    There is a programming bug in AC Odyssey no one has found until today.

    It could be the reason why many people call Odyssey's cities "lifeless" as compared to Origins and Valhalla. It's so surprising no one has found this simple bug until today because it's very obvious when you compare it with Origins and Valhalla side by side.

    Basically, in Odyssey, NPC conversation volume was set to 5% by accident during one of the patches.

    So in cities and villages there are tons of NPC's just standing around like silent wax figures. A large amount of people standing together in complete silence feels "wrong" and "lifeless" psychologically.

    It could be a major contributing factor why some people call Odyssey "dead and lifeless" compared to Origins. This is unique to Odyssey, as in Origins and Valhalla this bug is not there. Just a simple bug no one caught during testing!

    Explanation: Basically NPC dialogue is split into two branches:

    Branch 1. Player reactionary:

    -Reacting when shoved by player
    -Reacting when the player runs, jumps, steals or does something infront of them: "Posithon!" "Idiothin", etc.
    -Singing, triggered by player vicinity.

    Branch 2. Non player reactionary

    -NPC's in conversation with each other.
    -This is irrespective of player behavior.

    The programming bug is that:

    Branch 1 is set at the correct volume and is exactly the same volume as in Origins and Valhalla.
    Branch 2 has been set at 5% volume by accident. It is 5% of the volume coded in Origins and Valhalla.

    You can test this by going into options-sound and turning Music and Sound FX to 0 and leaving voice at 100.

    Now turn up your sound system to louder than you would normally. Go to a busy area like the Mykonos taverna, Athens Agora or one of the terrace parties in Naxos. Or anywhere there are NPC's talking with each other.

    Suddenly the game comes alive and you hear all NPC's talking with each other. Now the NPC's "bustle" sound exactly like Origins (harbor Alexandria, etc.) and Valhalla. Whereas before it was just silent wax figures standing around. That's why people say it feels dead compared to Origins.

    Try it yourself, and just see how in default Odyssey your footsteps, grunts and even crickets are 30 times louder than NPC's talking with teach other because of this bug.

    Turns out it was just a bug. The audio was there all along, just set to 5% by accident. I hope they fix this simple bug.

    PS: You can't fix this yourself because trying to adjust the volume ratio to something like Music: 30% Sound FX: 30% Voice: 100% messes up the ratio. Getting the NPC conversations audible means your speakers almost explode when you accidentally shove someone and get the louder Branch 1 voice audio.

    EDIT: Added video:


    submitted by /u/Gold333
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    Chasing pages is NOT FUN!

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 12:53 AM PST

    Seriously whoevers idea it was to do this should be fucking fired. Im doing a page now where everytime eivor does something I dont want him to do and fucks up the parkour and I miss getting the page I have to slog through fucking water and then climb a huge fucking aqua duct just to start again THIS SHIT IS NOT FUN IN ANY FUCKING WAY!

    Not to mention each tattoo is randomised so you can't just look up the one you want and get the page. You have to do each one in the hopes you get what you want meaning you have to slog through all the shit fucking Parkour courses just to find the one your looking for. FUCK. THIS. SHIT.

    submitted by /u/crilly125
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    (SPOILERS) For those who don't know about the poor fellow soldiers of Christ

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 05:23 PM PST

    That was the original name for the templars before they were renown, but Aelfred had nothing to do with them as they weren't established until 1119 ad. Still a fun way to show the transition from the order of ancients to the templars we know from other titles

    submitted by /u/slashgamer11
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    I found an easy way to make around 1300 silver every ten minutes or so

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 07:12 PM PST

    Fast travel to the Northwic dock in East Anglia. Equip a spear. Start by jumping in the river, then wade west until you reach the wall/bridge. Turn around and scan the area to reveal the fish. Begin fishing by hitting R1(or light attack). It helps to have the Sprint Attack Skill(Wolf Skill Tree). Make your way down the river, scanning and killing all the fish, until you can no longer wade. Sell said fish to nearby shop. Voila!

    submitted by /u/Ichinutz_PSN
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    Blind man from the quest where you have to lead a blind man stream is apparently raiding with me?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 10:06 PM PST

    Anyone else have this happen to them? I didn't complete the blind man and lame man quest, just got frustrated and stopped trying when he kept walking away from me yelling "where are you going, I give up." Then on my next raid I noticed he helped me open a chest but I wasn't sure it was him. Just went on another raid and he's yelling "where are you going, I give up." or "oh god where are you going, we're nowhere near clee hill stream" and fucking dudes up with his axe lol. Is this meant to happen?

    submitted by /u/Shaq_Bolton
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    As much as I like the opening to Unity, I feel like they could have at least shown a little bit of Shay.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 09:02 PM PST

    Like, he could have not even said a word, just a passing glance at Arno on his way out. It would have made the scene more emotionally impactful, if even by just a tiny bit.

    Idk, it's 2am and I'm probably wrong.

    submitted by /u/candy_paint_minivan
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    Looking back AC Syndicate was treated way too harshly.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 11:57 PM PST

    I am recently revisiting the game after 5 years and man. Maybe I'm just super tired of this rpg shit but this is probably in my top 3rd of the AC games for me. I love the setting especially and I'm enjoying my second playthrough much more than my first. I think Unity's launch bugs stained the franchises and made everyone going into the game expecting shit and that's what they thought they got. But idk if any of you kind people have played recently or even at all what do you think of the game?

    submitted by /u/FriendlyPolar
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    What is the point of the cursed symbols?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 05:54 AM PST

    I'm not sure what the point of seeking these things out is, you don't get anything added to your inventory, there doesn't seem to be any financial benefit, they don't give much exp, and they only have an effect on a very small area that you have no reason to return to

    Am I missing something or do these things really have no point aside from 100% completion and implying some kind of eeeviiil celtic magic is now a thing in AC

    submitted by /u/oceanking
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    There needs to be an option to reduce/disable the cinematic combat finishers.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 04:39 PM PST

    I'm loving this game so far, I've got 90+ hours and am a good way through the game but I feel like I spend more than half my time looking at finisher or ability animations during combat.

    Don't get me wrong, there are a bunch of cool animations and adding decapitation has made them more interesting. I particularly enjoy the fact that there are so many combinations with the weapons that give you different animations, but they happen WAY too frequently.

    In Odyssey they were pretty common but they seemed to only happen when you were no longer detected by enemies. In Valhalla, every enemy that you use a finisher on gets a close-up shot and the camera snaps to the new enemy. On top of this there are a number of abilities or skills that have motion-sickness inducing camera snaps; Dive of the Valkyries, Throwing Axe Fury, Rage of Helheim, Rush & Bash, Battleground Bolt, Missile Reversal, Bow Stun Finisher.

    I think there needs to be an option to reduce these animations to 'special targets' or 'end of combat' enemies, where you are no longer being targeted. The animations break the flow of combat and disable you from being able to parry or dodge attacks.

    submitted by /u/sendit2ash
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