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    Sunday, October 25, 2020

    Assassin's Creed [Day 45/60] Assassin's Creed Odyssey - Chapter 7: Part 3 - 'Picking Sides'

    Assassin's Creed [Day 45/60] Assassin's Creed Odyssey - Chapter 7: Part 3 - 'Picking Sides'

    [Day 45/60] Assassin's Creed Odyssey - Chapter 7: Part 3 - 'Picking Sides'

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 06:00 AM PDT

    AC Marathon 2020 - Day 45

    Assassin's Creed Odyssey - Chapter 7: Part 3 - 'Picking Sides'

    Hello, Assassins! Today, we'll be working with both Myrrine & Brasidas, but ultimately you'll have to choose a side. Then later, we'll be meeting up with a different Spartan, and we'll see the results of an earlier decision after another Conquest Battle ensues.

    Today's Targets: Lagos, 4 Boeotian Champions, Pausanias,


    Please note, it is strongly recommended to play on New Game Plus. It'll be easier to keep up with the fast pace of the Marathon not having to worry as much about resources, money & gear, and leveling up your character and ship.

    During the Marathon, we will be playing the family story, and the First Civ story. We will not be covering the elimination of all the Cultists, only the ones as defeated during the other two story lines.

    With today's support quests in the *Judge, Jury, Executioner quest, while you can choose to do the quests for both Myrrine & Brasidas, you don't have to. You can choose to do only the quests for one or the other.*


    CHAPTER 7: Part 3

    The Cult and the Archon
    1 - To Kill or Not to Kill
    Deal with a mercenary sent to kill you, then converse with Myrrine & Brasidas about Lagos
    2 - Judge, Jury, Executioner
    Side with Brasidas to let Lagos live, or side with Myrrine that Lagos must die
    2.1 (Support) - White Lies and Blackmail - Brasidas
    Brasidas believes someone is manipulating Lagos, investigate to find out more information
    2.2 (Support) - Gluten Free - Brasidas
    Lagos's family has been kidnapped, find and free them
    2.3 (Support) - Breaking Bread - Myrrine
    Kill Lagos's men in a barracks, a camp and a fort *
    2.4 (Support) - Fourth Degree Burns - Myrrine**
    Destroy the grain silos around Lagos's compound
    Paint It Red
    3 - The Conqueror (Part 1)
    Meet the Spartan Polemarch, you're tasked with defeating the Boeotian champions
    3.1 (Support) - The Last Hunt of Nesaia
    Investigate the clues at the camp to find Nesaia and kill her
    3.2 (Support) - The End of Drakon
    Drakon could be in one of several places, find and kill him
    3.3 (Support) - The Last Fight of Aristaios
    Aristaios is at the Military Fort of Gla, find and kill him
    3.4 (Support) - The Fall of Daianeira
    Daianeira lives in the Cave of the Oracle, find and kill her
    4 - The Conqueror (Part 2)
    Join the Spartan you met earlier in defeating Boeotia in a Conquest Battle The Cultist King
    5 - A Bloody Feast
    With the victory for Sparta in hand, return to the Spartan Kings for an enlightening conversation
    6 - The Battle of Pylos
    Time for another Conquest Battle, then an important conversation ensues

    Side Quests for additional XP

    Sibling Revenge, Brewing Love, The Stolen Steed, The Hunting Party (+ 3 additional Hippokrates quests), A Life's Dedication (+ 5 additional Eppie quests)


    Share your feelings about today's sequence in the comments below. What did you think? Talk about what you liked, what you disliked, and your general thoughts. Feel free to engage with others and ask questions of your own!

    Being active in discussions will make you eligible for an official Marathon giveaway. More info in the 'Giveaway' section below.


    Make sure to download the official Marathon wallpapers for Assassin's Creed Odyssey!


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    Here is today's Fan Art of the Day for Assassin's Creed Odyssey.
    Artist: Icy

    Featured Video: Historical Realism Review: Assassin's Creed Odyssey
    Creator: Overly Sarcastic Productions

    2020 Schedule

    September 11th - Assassin's Creed Unity
    September 21st - Assassin's Creed Unity: Dead Kings
    September 22nd - Assassin's Creed Syndicate
    October 1st - Assassin's Creed Syndicate: Jack the Ripper
    October 3rd - Assassin's Creed Origins
    October 13th - Assassin's Creed Origins: The Hidden Ones
    October 15th - Assassin's Creed Origins: Curse of the Pharaohs
    October 17th - Assassin's Creed Odyssey
    October 29th - Assassin's Creed Odyssey: Legacy of the First Blade
    November 2nd - Assassin's Creed Odyssey: The Fate of Atlantis
    November 9th - Marathon End Discussion
    November 10th - Assassin's Creed Valhalla Launches!


    Three lucky winners will receive a copy of The Art of Assassin's Creed Valhalla!

    To be eligible for this year's giveaway, you must comment on at least 24 total threads across all games, including one thread from each game. (DLCs don't count as separate games.) Replies to other comments count as well. Engaging in discussion with other Marathoners is strongly encouraged!

    Your account must be older than the Day 01 post of this year's Marathon, and you will have to confirm your participation at the end of the Marathon by commenting on the final thread (Day 60) using a keyword given in the post.

    Please refer to our FAQ for additional details.


    Tomorrow, on Day 46 of the Assassin's Creed Marathon, we will be returning to Athens, rising up against Kleon and then meeting our sibling again on Mount Taygetos as we play ** Assassin's Creed Odyssey - Chapter 8 & 9**

    Follow us on Twitter || Follow us on Instagram || Marathon Megathread & FAQ

    submitted by /u/ACMarathon
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    By far one of the best speeches in AC history. It truly shows how wise Ezio has become since his time as a Florentine noble

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 02:26 AM PDT

    I Punched the minotaur to death

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 09:11 PM PDT

    I punched the minotaur to death, was doing my first run of it and my mate dared me to use fists only, i then let him kill me so i could do a fists only run, got it on my 2nd attempt, the game is on nightmare difficulty as well, enjoy


    submitted by /u/Xx_Jax11111_xX
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    Out of all the game covers Ubisoft could’ve “Hacked”‘I’m surprised they didn’t hack syndicate.

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 05:54 PM PDT

    Syndicate and watch dogs legion are both set in the same place. They're just in different time periods. Instead of the ezio collection they should've just hacked syndicates cover.

    submitted by /u/MySticxg
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    Full Transcript of Assassin's Creed Odyssey

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 12:37 PM PDT

    Hi guys! Some time ago I passed Assassin's Creed Odyssey and I liked it so much that I made its transcript. It contains all the main missions and a good portion of the side quests. I don't know if you need it, but I think the script might help the discussion of the whole series.


    submitted by /u/Snow_Guard
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    How big are we expecting vinland to be?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 06:52 PM PDT

    I can't imagine they would go to the effort of creating a region with different plants, fauna, peoples etc just for it to be a very brief and small location.

    submitted by /u/nonoman12
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    Triggering double counter in Black Flag

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 07:19 PM PDT

    In AC3 and Rogue, the method of triggering double counter is very easily replicable and the result is always predictable: when being surrounded by at least 3 guards, counter disarm/throw one guy and the other 2 will attack at the same time. Recently i started replaying Black Flag and turned out this method didnt work, only 1 guy would attack. How do you guys do it?

    submitted by /u/HeavyBlastoise
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    [Possible Spoilers] Legitimate Question: Why do people people dislike Jacob Frye but LOVE Evie Frye?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 08:01 PM PDT


    I've been playing through all the Main AC games and I'm currently on Syndicate. Playing through it again I remembered one thing: I LOVE JACOB. His humor is good, reminds me of Ezio, and his motivations I can relate to. I've never really cared about the pieces of Eden, they just muddled the plot in my opinion. But the Templars were always there, doing something terrible that made me want to kill them. And what do you know: thats Jacob's goal too. Then there is Evie. There are things about her I really do like: her seriousness that helps carry the plot and her admiration for the assassins creed and all those who've carried the honor of mentor. But her first mission ruins that for me almost right away. Her hatred for just about everybody who isn't an assassin or a kid. Meaning her first interaction with Topping. She kills his captors and then proceeds to just leave him. What if he hadn't been a circus man? He'd probably be dead. Why? Because he would've gotten in the way? Because he wasn't apart of the mission? Then there's her second interaction with him. She treats him like a nobody, even though he's the reason she completed her mission. And her interactions with her brother sour that further. Sure her brother is a stubborn jack-ass from time to time, but he follows the creed in his own way, which reminds me of my favorite assassin, Edward. He makes mistakes, but he always tries to fix them or make amends. But Evie everytime without failure treats him like a little kid. Getting mad at him for what? Killing Templars? Not giving 2 shits about a piece of Eden? When he messes up? Which is funny considering at the beginningshe gets mad at him for destroying a coal train, which was basically empty. What did she do? Only destroyed the one thing that should probably NOT EVER be destroyed (AC Rogue). Sorry if I'm venting and its coming across as me just hating on a beloved character. But I just can't stand her character. Playing the game again, I just want to save all her missions until I absolutely have to. I'm mostlytyping this because everytime i look at reviews on syndicate, people talk about how Evie is the best AC character of all time and how Jacob is just the worst. And I feel that's unfair.

    submitted by /u/GamerDuck001
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    I wished they would have redone way more animations for Valhalla than they actually did

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 10:47 AM PDT

    Sure there are lots of new and also improved animations, but some are still bad relicts from the last two games.

    From all the footage I've seen, there are several examples of this, which one would be movement up/down stairs or other inclines that still looks horrible. I wished they would've made some dedicated animations for that like Breakpoint did. Same for the sneaking, sprinting and some other animations.

    Also, I am not a fan how exaggerated Eivor swings their weapons. Like every swing seems to go in a radius of idk at least 270 degree, while I feel it should be more something between 150 to 180 degree. I want everything to feel way more realistic. Less exaggerated swings, less floating dodges, more animations in general.

    Still very excited for the game, but yeah these things kinda bother me.

    submitted by /u/ComputerSagtNein
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    Do we know if the x ray assassinations can be turned off in Valhalla?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 02:06 PM PDT

    No harm to anyone who likes them, they're just not my thing

    submitted by /u/Gib1997
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    Regarding the version of Anvil Next 2.0 they're using in Valhalla. What do you guys think about this?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 07:00 PM PDT

    I discovered recently that not only Origins don't use the same engine build of Unity but neither does Odyssey (Origins use an older version and Odyssey is build on the Origins version). I was chatting with some dude on Twitter that said me that, it might not be true at all. That being said, looking through gameplays of Valhalla I can't help but notice that it looks more close to Odyssey than to Origins (Apart from animations and some other things) in terms of assets, color grading and open world feel in general. What do you guys think? Origins build or Odyssey build?

    submitted by /u/crmonials
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    This may seem like an odd thing to have on your wishlist for Valhalla, but I really hope there is a horse with large saddlebags and a rolled blanket

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 08:01 AM PDT

    ACV https://imgur.com/gallery/rF4FwL1

    I just really like the aesthetic of looking like I'm on a long haul adventure and actually traveling with my equestrian companion.

    submitted by /u/WolverineKuzuri93
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    Learning new stuff about AC3

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 08:02 PM PDT

    Just did the intro into AC3 and walking around, learnt that could pet the animals! Dogs, cats and even the pigs lol xD made me maybe happier than it should have ;p

    submitted by /u/Shyla97
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    What are your opinions on the philosophies of the Assassins and Templars?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 05:19 PM PDT

    Biases aside, which do you think is the best approach to humanity's survival and prosperity and overall success as a species?

    I'd always thought of the Templars as pretty generic bad guys until Assassin's Creed 3. After all, almost all of the Templars you kill end up being all 'mwahaha, power is mine and the strong rule the weak', more or less. Your targets are usually tyrants, or straight up a**holes that go around killing for sport and pleasure.

    But Haytham won me over. The fact that, for one, we couldn't distinguish much between him and the Assassins in his prologue speaks to how similar the two groups can really be - Charles Lee was the same, until he met Connor in the forest and was suddenly a raging psycho bad dude.

    It was Haytham's speech as he fights Connor that convinces me, and moments beforehand. Absolute freedom DOES invite chaos, because human beings are chaotic and cruel things. All an Assassin's idea of freedom does is either turn the world into a hellscape of disorder, or it just doesn't work at all. It's way too idealistic. All people have to be offered to live and make do is convenience, after all. So long as someone in power allows them that, and the illusion that they're the ones in control, then people are entirely content. Haytham is right - nobody wants responsibility. What do people do when things go wrong? They blame the ones in control. But what happens if they themselves are the only ones in control at all? They can't manage.

    Humans need leaders for that purpose, and an Assassin leader that's true to their ideals isn't any leader at all.

    Just thought I'd bring this little philosophical post up as I'm starting AC3: Remastered again, haha. Please don't take it too personally or politically.

    submitted by /u/Whorinmaru
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    Why does Ubi thing time challenges are a good idea?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 03:32 PM PDT

    The sole point of playing a video game is to have fun. Time challenges changes the gameplay in a way where it's not only infuriating, it also isn't fun in the slightest and every flaw in the parkour becomes glaring. For example, you try to jump from rooftop to rooftop, you slightly miss and are hanging on by a ledge. You just dangle there for a second or two before finding the right spot to climb. Like "Yes lad, just fucking hang there you dolt." Tries to run across a railing, but nope. Ezio be like "Imma just hang on the rooftop. Wait now I'm on the roof. Now I'm hanging on the roof. Now I'm standing."

    This isn't an issue with the early games, all the games have it, it's at it's worst in the Kenway Sega. Why have wonky controls and timed missions? It isn't an issue with me being good either, because I am taking the correct route. You just have to land everything with absolute precision or the gameplay will trip over itself and be like "Idek what I'm doing. I'm just gonna dangle despite the fact you're moving the stick up"

    submitted by /u/ToesyToeNails
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    Just wanted to thank Darby

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 02:54 AM PDT

    Just joined Reddit recently and this was the first community I joined. I saw a post where someone talked about how inspirational Darby's writing was, and he basically summed up how I felt about his work in that post. I'm a writer too, and just wanted to say, Darby, if you see this somehow, I really think you're one of the best writers in the gaming industry. Assassins creed is one of my favorite franchises because of its overarching themes, and I feel like you express the humanity of the characters in these games with a lot of depth and heart. I'm super excited for Valhalla mainly because of the narrative, and I know you and the team worked hard to make it a memorable story. So thanks for some of my favorite memories in gaming and for what's surely gonna be a great journey in Valhalla!

    submitted by /u/EndlessOctober
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    Russia and Constantinople for a potential year two?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 11:30 AM PDT

    I hope Ubisoft breaks the AAA RPG Expansion limit and supports Valhalla until the end of 2022 before the next game. I'd love to see Russia and it's slavic folklore and Constantinople.

    submitted by /u/nonoman12
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    Valhalla has so many new and returning features that it would be very hard to go back to a more straightforward style of game (AKA Odyssey)

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 05:35 AM PDT

    I like Odyssey, don't get me wrong. It's not a terrible game, it's just not a great AC game. But it is very straightforward and limited in its ambition. The entire game is basically just killing enemies. There is very little in the way of mini games, investing your resources into anything other than weapons, and your ship.

    That's it. The entire game is go there, kill these guys, go here, do it again. It doesn't feel like the world of Greece is really alive. Not alive in the way I felt Monterigioni or my American homestead was alive. Or visiting a pub, solving crimes... It's just fight, fight and more fighting.

    Valhalla on the other hand...

    A fully upgradable and customizable home base

    Social stealth

    Customizable followers (Jormsvikings)

    Seiges/Fort battles



    Alliances with kingdoms

    Assassin buero

    Customizable ship, raven, mounts

    Animus anomalies

    Being able to shoot traps and hanging barrels

    Cairn stones



    There's just so much more depth to the mechanics and overall game. How could it be justified to go backwards after this?

    submitted by /u/WolverineKuzuri93
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    [Spoiler] Question about The ending and Animus in Odyssey.

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 06:03 PM PDT

    Since it's shown that Kassandra is alive in 2018. What would happen if she got in the animus? Would they be able to go further back than they've ever had before?

    submitted by /u/Mikester223
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    What happened to Shaun and Rebecca?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 11:08 AM PDT

    It's been a while since I've played syndicate but I remember Rebecca getting shot but not knowing whether she survived or not.

    As for Shaun, I've got no idea where our poster boy for sarcastic humour is at.

    Did I miss something?

    submitted by /u/Mo_Salah_
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    How do the Tomb Mechanisms in Origins function? [Spoiler]

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 07:32 PM PDT

    How do the Isu Tombs Mechanisms in Origins work from a story perspective? The messages that are being said are only in relation to the modern day so clearly they are trying to communicating to Layla. But is it like Ezio in the vault from AC2 where they know the message is going to be received in the future through the Animus? Or is it just a glitch in the Animus like with the Trial of the Gods? I would assume the latter only because they mention Desmond's actions are the end of 3 being unforeseen which wouldn't make sense if the message was a result of time travel. Is there any agreed upon understanding of this?

    submitted by /u/Christoman2000
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    Will there be much focus on the mythologies in Valhalla, like with Origins and Odyssey

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 03:14 PM PDT

    It seems to be an unpopular, but I really loved how they tied the mythologies to being Isu experiments and technology. Battling things like Medusa, The Minotaur, finding mythological weapons and armor etc etc

    I know we can go to Asgard, but anything beyond that seems to be obscured right now.

    I'm just curious if there is more information out there about it? Because I see alot of posts and articles about how they scrapped most of that stuff.

    Cheers :)

    submitted by /u/DagonParty
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    Is it possible for PvP to return to the AC franchise

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 10:33 PM PDT

    to this day i'm not sure why they stopped incorporating PvP. But after all these years, i have hope that MAYBE if you there's a high demand for it then Ubisoft might bring back an updated PvP like the one from Brotherhood. What do you guys think? Will we ever see PvP in AC again?

    submitted by /u/Item-Jazzlike
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