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    Saturday, September 12, 2020

    Assassin's Creed [Day 02/60] Assassin's Creed Unity - Sequence 03 - 'First Blood'

    Assassin's Creed [Day 02/60] Assassin's Creed Unity - Sequence 03 - 'First Blood'

    [Day 02/60] Assassin's Creed Unity - Sequence 03 - 'First Blood'

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 06:00 AM PDT

    AC Marathon 2020 - Day 02

    Assassin's Creed Unity - Sequence 03 - 'First Blood'

    Welcome back, Initiates! Today we're tackling our first assignment as an Assassin. Working alongside Bellec, we learn about the conspirators of François de la Serre's murder. In addition, we also experience our first Server Bridge, allowing us to avoid detection from Abstergo.

    Today's Target: Charles Gabriel Sivert


    1 - Graduation
    Complete one last mission, assigned by Bellec, to become a fully fledged Assassin.
    2 - Confession
    Assassinate Charles Gabriel Sivert inside Notre-Dame.
    3 - Fin de Siecle
    Evade Abstergo's server sweep through an unfinished simulation of late 19th Century Paris.


    Share your feelings about today's sequence in the comments below. What did you think? Talk about what you liked, what you disliked, and your general thoughts. Feel free to engage with others and ask questions of your own!

    Being active in discussions will make you eligible for an official Marathon giveaway. More info in the 'Giveaway' section below.


    Make sure to download the official Marathon wallpapers for Assassin's Creed Unity!

    Desktop 1920x1080 || Desktop 1920x1200 || Mobile


    Here is today's Fan Art of the Day for Assassin's Creed Unity.
    Artist: Ariel Diaz

    Here is today's Video of the Day: Assassin's Creed Unity | Confession Stealth Reaper for Assassin's Creed Unity.
    Creator: Treviso - Proper Stealth


    Here's the list of streamers that will be broadcasting today's sequence. All times in EDT.

    9:30 AM - /u/SerHolmes on Twitch

    10:00 AM - /u/GamerGirl_9623 on Twitch

    11:00 AM - /u/MegaBoschi on Twitch

    6:30 PM - /u/InfinityGB on Twitch

    Here are the playthroughs that Marathon streamers have pre-recorded and uploaded:

    AC Unity, Sequence 3 by /u/vDmze 1:27:10


    September 11th - Assassin's Creed Unity
    September 21st - Assassin's Creed Unity: Dead Kings
    September 22nd - Assassin's Creed Syndicate
    October 1st - Assassin's Creed Syndicate: Jack the Ripper
    October 3rd - Assassin's Creed Origins
    October 13th - Assassin's Creed Origins: The Hidden Ones
    October 15th - Assassin's Creed Origins: Curse of the Pharaohs
    October 17th - Assassin's Creed Odyssey
    October 29th - Assassin's Creed Odyssey: Legacy of the First Blade
    November 2nd - Assassin's Creed Odyssey: The Fate of Atlantis
    November 9th - Marathon End Discussion
    November 10th - Assassin's Creed Valhalla Launches!


    Three lucky winners will receive a copy of The Art of Assassin's Creed Valhalla!

    To be eligible for this year's giveaway, you must comment on at least 24 total threads across all games, including one thread from each game. (DLCs don't count as separate games.) Replies to other comments count as well. Engaging in discussion with other Marathoners is strongly encouraged!

    Your account must be older than the Day 01 post of this year's Marathon, and you will have to confirm your participation at the end of the Marathon by commenting on the final thread (Day 60) using a keyword given in the post.

    Please refer to our FAQ for additional details.


    Tomorrow, on Day 03 of the Assassin's Creed Marathon, we will be going after the King of Beggars, as part of Assassin's Creed Unity - Sequence 04!

    Heads up! Sequence 04 will introduce 3/5 star difficulty. Upgrade your gear and skills accordingly!

    Follow us on Twitter || Follow us on Instagram || Marathon Megathread & FAQ

    submitted by /u/ACMarathon
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    Just sharing some beautiful screengrabs with y'all, that I took on my potato PC, while playing Assassin's Creed: Origins. I love Ancient Egyptian history and I had a fun time completing this game.

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 12:53 PM PDT

    Jacob Frye standing in Big Ben while London is on fire, oil on canvas painting (by me)

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 06:01 AM PDT

    Made a fan art of Lydia Frye

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 06:23 AM PDT

    origins is by far one of the most beautiful games I've played within the last 5 years. i had such a blast with the photo mode and these are a few of my (personally) best and my favorites.

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 04:45 PM PDT

    Revisiting Rome would be treading old ground but revisiting London is okay?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 07:38 PM PDT

    Whenever an Ancient Rome setting is suggested, you'd see comments saying Brotherhood is already set in Rome and that it's too similar, but how come nobody's pointing out that Valhalla is set in England and we'd be visiting London again? Do people not realize that Ancient Rome is as different from Renaissance Rome as London in Valhalla is from Syndicate's Victorian-era London?

    submitted by /u/GGG100
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    Ezio Trilogy Tombs where the peak of AC parkour

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 01:25 AM PDT

    Over the years the parkour element was changed a lot in AC. But I think they tombs from the Ezio Trilogy represent it as its best. They totally required this game element and unfolded it the most.

    Also their level design was incredible. Its just mind blowing how they made these tombs/churches/caves/etc. to big parkour puzzles, every time while exploring this places you see another unique way how the connect the parkour elements and gameplay with the level environment. They also require that you use every parkour move you know to go forward.

    I also like a lot the parkour in the games after Ezio and we still had after that a lot of great designed parkour set pieces but for me none of them came close to the well tought out tombs.

    Your opinions?

    submitted by /u/JKAC2013
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    Assassin's Creed: Eclipse - Aztec Empire

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 02:21 PM PDT

    Assassin's Creed: Eclipse - Aztec Empire

    This is set within the continuity of my fanmade lore, both historical and modern, but you can read this as a standalone. The game and the story is set in the Aztec Empire, mostly, during its fall, with MD too.



    In the Modern Day, Sara Miller, in the picture (playable Modern Day protagonist,descendant of Eve, created by me), and Shaun, Rebecca and William Miles, recover the DNA of a spanish templar, also being researched by Abstergo to find the location of the El Dorado, with rumors of Isu tech there.

    1518. In the past, it is a time of unrest for european templars. After the Order clearly favoured the Portuguese Empire and helped it become the first world empire ,the Spanish Templars now face an unfriendly...friendship with the portuguese ones. The nation of Spain wants more, far more..

    Despite sharing common goals, in the spanish sect lies a man of great ambition, who is sickened by the inaction of the Spanish crown to Portuguese conquests, defending an increase in exploration and agression by the Spanish conquistadores. That man was Hernan Cortes.

    One of several commanders of the Spanish Templar Order he is the respected, ambitious teacher of many recruits, including the playable character in the historical narrative, Garcia Morales.


    In this prologue section, Cortes has heard news of a hidden temple, chasing it too are the Assassins. Cortes would be initally portrayed as a man of ambition but great honor and dedication to his nation. But also a man that respects the assassins, believing them to be wise opponents, worthy of respect. For now.

    Morales would train and become ultimately in this section a full templar as he is tasked with finding the hidden temple. He is devoted to find it as he intends to please his mentor, a father figure for him, and he does so. Morales on the other hand cares less about borders but more about the pure values of templar ideology.

    He truly is, by historical standards, a decent man, he believes, wanting to provide peace and stability for the people, despising the more oppresive elements some agents want to incorporate in the order..


    He finds the temple and gives its hidden piece of eden to Cortes, who studies it heavily, albeit limited by its technological misundertandings. But in it, he manages to perceive visions of a future that drive his mad curiosity. In these visions, he sees the legend of El Dorado, a temple containining great ancient riches.

    But the assassins too were tracking down the hidden temple and in the officiation ceremony of Morales as a templar commander, the templars are attacked by the Assassins and while Morales kills them all he fails to impede one of them of slashing Cortes with a sword, leaving him to die.

    But before the assassin makes the final cut, Morales kills the assassin and saves Cortes.. Morales rushes to his mentor as he appears to be drfiting from this plane. He is taken to medical care and spends days there, with Morales by his side. Cortes wakes up days later, now a changed man.


    Now more cruel and ruthless than before, and prone to action. From ideological to a nihilistic deterministc cruel man. Where before he would disagree but respect with the crown's decisions, he now intends to take action and go to the New World to conquer it, believing that to be his fate.

    By sending Morales to do his dirty jobs, Cortes manages to gain enough influence in the spanish court and establishes the plans for an expedition to conquer the Aztec Empire and finding the El Dorado. They embark on their boats as the journey begins.

    ACT 1 - 1519 TO 1521

    Morales notices the changes in Cortes behaviour and his demeanor. He now looks at a man almost absent of emotion, completely different from the man he knew, caring and empathetic.

    Cortes and Morales would talk with frequency in order for Morales to arrive at this conclusion. In one of the conversations Cortes tells him that when he apparently died and came back to life, he saw nothing. Nothing at all.

    No divinity as he believed to be a sure thing, no heaven, nothing. Just blackness. He also tells him what he saw researching the apple. In it, visions of a future, of a Spanish Empire in the New World. An inevitability. Him leading it, finding the El Dorado and uncovering its secrets, destroying the assassins.


    It was then Cortes reached a conclusion of prophetic nature. Time was already written, history set, merely enacted by brave warriors fulfilling their inevitable destiny.

    It was then he solidified his distaste for the Creed...for the Assassins, believing them to be fighing for something illusory. Free will. In this he differed from other templars as he believed free will to be non existent, or a flaw at best, while the templar order believed it to be a reality, one to be fought against.

    He believed his absence of divine visions when dying tells him that there is nothing but determinism. Nothing more than this world. That our lives are already written by Time as the Isu too understood, hence their many predictions.

    All we have to do is enact them. So why fight for anything else but power, if that was his fate, he believed? The betterment of your own condition and those that follow your mentality.

    So, free will was a lie with choices being just a product of time's essense, pre-made for us. The assassins were not only wrong but foolish, for him. Enacting an illusion. The respect for them wasgone

    In this first act, it is the time to make alliances. A more concerned Morales feared that Cortes was driving into madness and the necessary missions in order to gain the alliance of Aztec states that paid tribute to the Empire, were done with continuos reluctance.


    The spanish empire supported by the native Aztecs rebelling agains the Kingdom engage in many several smaller scaled wars, all to gain terrain and prepare the final battle that would defeat the Aztec Empire, beggining a new age in Spanish history, a New Spanish Empire.

    The air was silent as the spanish armada and its native allies looked over to the battlefield, locking eyes with the Aztecs. With tears in his eyes, stood Morales, who previewed the impeding slaughter of thousands, for an ideal he no longer believed. The idea of an empire didn´t bother him. People living under the same rule. It was the ruthlessness of the conquests and expansions that did, as he stood.

    This mistake was solidifed the day before when Morales talked and begged with Cortes to find new ways of achieving his goal, absent of wars. Cortes tells him that Spain will install a new world order,not Portugal, ruled by them and him. This is his fate, he keeps saying. e'd become their new God, of the New World.


    A man filled with madness..Any memory of fatherly relationship with him was almost gone. Almost. The day of the battle comes and as Morales predicts, it's a blood battle. The once great Aztec Empire now on a path to destruction. But the Aztecs would not stop fighting.

    It is then Cortes does something they could not believe. The Aztecs held the belief that an eclipse meant the end of the world. Cortes walks slowly with arrows being shot at him but not hitting him, absent of concerns for he belived his destiny was victoy. Maybe it was.

    Cortes holds the piece of Eden Morales discovered in Spain and he raises it high. And an eclipse occurs. The Aztecs start pannicking and screaming, whereas before they continued to fight absent of desistance.


    Could Cortes truly hold the power of Gods as he said? Morales now looks as thousands of men, women and children lay down their arms begging for mercy, believing the world to be at an end and Cortes its potent destroyer.

    But Cortes grants none and orders the slaughter of every soldier still fighting, despite victory being acclaimed. Morales confronts Cortes ready to kill him, pleading for mercy in behalf of the Aztecs, feeling his own blame of having granted a weapon of destruction to the spanish conquistador and all.

    The two fight but Morales stills holds son-fatherly feelings for Cortes, but Cortes doesn´t share the sentiment anymore. The hesitation of Morales betrays him.

    Cortes kills him, as Morales dies, feeling responsible for having given the POE to Cortes, telling him about the Aztecs and granting him such a weapon.


    The spanish conquistador now apparently stands a God himself, feared by Aztecs and all alike in the New World. Morales attempts to speak, engulfed in his own blood, saying all he wanted was a more peaceful world. Cortes crushes his throat. The end of the young spanish templar agent..

    MODERN DAY SEGMENT - Sara Miller exits the animus not believing what just happened. How could the memories end there. Something must be wrong, they're missing information.

    Shaun tells her that by hacking Abstergo's database he discovers that indeed there is a second historical protagonist that needs to be researched and that Abstergo is already doing that.

    They must retrieve part of his DNA, by infiltrating an Abstergo facility where they too are researchin'. A race against time as both the Assassins and Templars are reviewing the same memories. Sara infiltrates the facility and takes down several templars with her bow and arrow and fighting skills

    To accomodate historical assets, Abstergo guards would also use bows, part of a special Abstergo team called Animi, comprised of agents that relived the lives of brutal ancient templars, becoming masters with a bow as well

    The Animi Team was led by Numbskull (nickname given in AC: Rogue), yes, thats right, the voiceless protagonist of AC4 and Rogue. This is a retcon but I never liked the whole you are the protagonist.

    In here, Numbskull would be described as someone who suffered from a voice problem, and after joining the Templars at the end of Rogue, Abstergo cured him of his condition, gaining his total loyalty.

    Sara finds the place where Numbskull is researching the same storyline as well, now of the next historical protagonist but she is captured by Abstergo and tied to an animus, forced to continue the journey by herself, at gunpoint.

    This is because her bleeding effect is the best of any assassin, so better to have her research the memories even if she was tied, because it would be faster. Knowing she has been caught by hearing comms, the assassins escape their HQ and go to the Altair II while they devise a plan to rescue her

    ACT 2 - 1521 TO 1524

    We now play as an Aztec Warrior, a man named Izel, as he lives in Tenochitlan (Teno, shorter). The spanish have enforced a brutal rule and the Aztecs remain in continuos obedience to their master, fearing Cortes will finish what he showed he could do, destroy the world.

    But before playing with him as an adult, we do so in a flashback of him as a child, as he witnesses most of his family, citizens of conquered aztec states, being sacrificed by the Aztec King.


    Normally Izel would be in favor of Cortes invasion, killing the rulers that caused him so much pain and sacrificed his family.. But Izel was not a man of lesser evils for he desired true justice.

    In the warrior, there is the fire of rebellion, a rebellion he intends to start in his native land against the tyranicall rule of their percieved ruthless new master.

    Izel participated in the wars against the Spanish. But he did so forcefully as he was no big believer in the Aztec Empire cause.

    How could Izel find peace and divinity in his troubled life where everywhere he looked he saw men claiming to serve or be ruthless Gods? How could he find religion? Instead, he found the creed. As he one days finally decides to stop being absent of action, if he can´t spark a revolution he will fight the spanish by himself. A one man fight, or so he believed.


    This gets the attention of the Assassins and he joins them eventually, aligning purposes. With the Assassins he also found love, another Aztec Woman recruited by them named Tayana. The two start a relationship, bound together by morality and emotion.

    Eventually she gets pregnant. This was not a happy thing for Izel at first, as he believed the world to be far too brutal for a child to be birthed in it. But he quicly learned to be hopeful as well for his future son, ready to love him.

    In the assassins, he found what he was looking for, being mentored by a man named Eztli, the leader. He found...A creed granting an inner peace he so heartily desired. The Assassins were also responsible for protecting the entry to a temple containing the El Dorado, located in the Honduras


    A group dedicated to liberating the Aztec people from harsh rule, regardless of its masters. The aztecs had suffered incredibly. From the Empire's ritualistic violence to the Spanish brutality, they needed hope.

    And hope was what the Assassins would give them, as act 2, would be about assassinating high level spanish commanders.

    The climax of ACT 2 is when Izel finally gets a chance to assassinate Cortes. He manages to be alone with him to defeat him. But before, a conversation.

    Izel tells him of the hatred he feels for him, for having had the chance to install a new benevolent rule in the region but he chose to continue the usual oppression. An agent of corruption. However, unlike the people he does not feel fear for him. Instead, he feels compelled to defeat him.

    Cortes then tells him his point of view. He tells him how the previous rule of Teno was one of religious madness, of ritual sacrifices and heavy taxation. Insteasd, he gave the people order, stability, peace in the city.


    But Izel sees him as a dictator nonetheless. He argues that the Assassins have confirmed his previous beliefs of freedom. Lesser evils were still evil and he promised to fight the templars to his last breath. Cortes warned others attempted as such, like his apprentice Morales, and failed.

    As Izel prepares to attack him, guards enter the room and arrest him. He is taken to jail, to be executed later. But he shall be tortured before, for information about the assassins but he resists...

    Until Cortes decides to take action himself and visits him in the prison. He tells him that if physical torture will not be enough, he shall wound his soul.

    He brings Tayana, his girlfriend who was also an assassin. She was pregnant. He threatens to kill her, Izel screams why are you doing this. He then tells Izel that he once died and saw nothing. With his fading breath, his morality faded away too.

    A world without Gods, he believed, required no morality for those that recognized that, with good actions being just an illusion. Why sacrifice yourself for illusory ideals that were not to be rewarded?

    Izel then proceeds to tell him everything about the assassins, the El Dorado (which the Assassins only protected, for they could not open it, as it was sealed completely). their whereabouts, all of the info he knew. Izel tells him he will stop him.


    Cortes thanks him. And he stabs his girlfriend, killing her and his yet to be born child.Those who fight against time's machinations, deserve nothing but suffering, Cortes said as he leaves..Izel can´t even scream or cry, he just looks at her body.

    MODERN DAY SEGMENT - Sara Miller continues in the animus being forced to relive the memories of Izel now, as Abstergo intends to discover the location of the El Dorado, having studied the links of those that might have discovered it.

    Simultaneolsly she too is being tortured by Numbskull as he wants to know the location of the assassins.

    Numbskull had been one of the soldiers she had injured while escaping Abstergo, and he still hates her for that. She holds on to the memories of Izel and his own torture to tolerate what's happening.

    He tells to her to apologize for what she's done to him (cut his eye) after she escaped Abstergo..she tells him she's sorry amidst the pain.

    Sorry she didn´t take out the other eye. "Of all the people I've hurt...you were the one I felt no remorse whatsoever. In fact, just the thought of that gives me pleasure.."

    \"Last punch tickled a little, give another\"

    Taking control of the torture, taking away his power, that was her goal. Izel too suffered physical torture and he too remained strong, she learned from him there.

    As he is about to punch her again, explosions are heard in the facility where she is and it's the assassins, mounting an offense of rescue.. Leading them is William Miles. Sara manages to escape the animus as Numbskull chases her, and the assassins find her.

    They go to the elevator to escape and they enter it, as Miles grabs Sara, still weak (she also managed to recover the DNA). But the elevator isn´t working. The button is damaged and only from the outside it can be activated, but bullets and arrows from Animi Team are being thrown at them. Sara says she will go but Miles stops her from that.

    He looks at her and tells her that after Desmond he thought he could never have felt the love a father does for anyone else and he missed Desmond a lot. It was time to go to him and what better way by saving her, he says with tears in his eye.

    She tells him to stop, she begs him but he runs to the button and activates it as he looks back to her and is gunned down by Abstergo.


    Sara returns to the Altair II, as she is shocked at what happened feeling guilty. She tells Shaun and Rebecca what happened. They can´t believe it. Sara amidst tears in her face says the time for mourning is later and gets back to the animus, as Shaun tells her to rest, being denied

    ACT 3 - 1524

    What compelled Izel to embrace the creed was now absent. Hope. Izel is a broken man, in chains, and ready to kill himself when he can. But not before stopping Cortes from finding the El Dorado. He starts hallucinating with his girlfriend, in playable sequences in his tortured mind.

    She tells him, that the fear of not living life to the fullest has driven Cortes to absolute madness. As he understood there was nothing after, or so he believed, he decided to do everything he could to achieve everything he wanted, caring not for anyone else.

    Going from an idealistic man to one of cruelty, unparalalled cruelty. She tells him he can´t stop believing in the the good of humanity, he must continue fighting for her and every other person.

    He asks her if she's real, if she's really there. She tells him one day he will find out as he awakens from his dream, or vision.


    He is now determined to escape. The day he is to be executed, publicly as a show of strenght by the templars to dissuade any support for the Assassins, he is taken to the main square. Ironic, the man, Cortes, that claimed he had replaced a culture of ritualistic sacrifice, now ordering public executions.

    As the executioner is ready to cut his head, his sword is hit by an arrow, shot by Eztli, the Assassin mentor who rescues Izel. The two reconvene and Eztli tells him that the brotherhood has been hit hard. Izel then tells him what happened and apologizes for telling Cortes everything, crying fully.

    Eztil tells him we all choose what to do, and fate is nothing more than the combination of choices. His life was proof of that, how a man that had decided to fight when everyone was unwilling to do so, that was proof that we are not beholden to fate but our freedom.

    Go, assassin and end Corte's rule. Izel is now a fully formed assassin, ready for his final fight.He knows he has to remove the piece of Eden from Cortes so in an infiltration mission, he steals it from his palace. It is then he understands as he researches the piece of eden.

    But Cortes quickly leaves th in pursuit of El Dorado. By researching the piece of Eden, Izel understood that Cortes was nothing but a manipulator.


    Cortes was no God. He held no power. He merely witnessed visions of a possible future, like the pieces of Eden allow, And the eclipse? He didn´t activate it. He merely understood the natural phenomena and predicted it to happen that day. He planned the battle for that day knowing it would happen, knowing the aztecs would perceive him as a vengeful God, ceasing the fight.

    Cortes goes to the El Dorado with his army as they search for its treasures, a final attempt by Cortes to retain hold of his power in the Order, for he was losing it, for not being able to find it. A new Templar Afonso Estrada was now climbing the ranks, being sent to reel in Cortes and take his place.


    Izel finally finds Cortes and his men, kills them and battles him, defeating him. He punches him a lot, leaving him once again in the brink of death. But doesn´t kill him.

    Cortes cannot believe it, this is not what his visions showed him. It showed opening the temple. Turns out determinism was not real, people do have a choice, and I choose to fight for humanity against the tyrants such as you, Izel claimed. He then tells him. I will give you a fate worse than death, which you clearly do not fear.

    As you did to me. I will give you your worst nightmare. The disrespect of your fellow men, the loss of your power, knowing you will never achieve greatness again. Returning to Spain empty, forever broken

    With a bloodied Cortes lying in the floor unable to get up, Izel enters the Temple. as it appears to activate in his presence. He walks through it and an Isu Goddess A.I appears in front of him, telling him he fulfilled his prophet, to be the messenger for Sara Miller and now its up to her. To find Desmond Miles in the grey. Money was not the treasure of the El Dorado. Knowledge was. Knowledge to be used in the future, of how to reach Desmond in the grey.

    THE END.Assassin's Creed and its created characters belongs to its respective owners, as does any image or concept art https://i.pinimg.com/originals/4d/14/d4/4d14d4c36b19a6691cc397b3a796f3d8.jpg

    submitted by /u/GreenArrow194
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    Please give Ezio Collection and Origins the next gen treatment.

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 04:08 PM PDT

    I know this might be a lot to ask for as they're older games but I'd love to see the Ezio Collection and Origins with 4k/60fps on Xbox Series x.

    submitted by /u/ReeceReddit1234
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    I love Assassins Creed Unity and it’s Gameplay

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 11:36 AM PDT

    I'm aware that this is an unpopular opinion but I love unity. The story is pretty bad with very forgettable characters, but the gameplay is fantastic. Part of me likes it so much because it had so much potential if it was polished and had a good story to be an amazing game. When you do everything right gameplay wise if feels so smooth and great. When you seamlessly parkour a building as fast possible and air assassinate a guard. If you throw a smoke bomb and kill everyone in it undetected. Even if you get the detected it still feels smooth with the great combat. It's so satisfying watching the beautiful parkour and kill animations. I wish this game was polished easily could have been top 3 Ac games. Maybe even number 1.

    Edit: thanks for the award kind stranger!

    submitted by /u/Kaboom212121
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    I’m so conflicted between the two characters

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 09:19 PM PDT

    I played as Kassandra in Odyssey because I I've always wanted to play as a female + Alexios voice was pure dogshit. I honestly wouldn't mind playing as a female in any other AC but I can't do it for this game. When I think of a Viking, I think of a brute male leader and playing as a female would break the immersion for me.

    I play super stealthy and when you think of an assassin you think of a slim nimble acrobatic dude, the male Viking is humongous and when he enters social stealth with his hooded fur jacket he looks like the fucking Big Show.

    The female is slimmer and fits my preference in shape plus they somehow someway made her Look more masculine than the dude but the thought of a female Viking leader doesn't sit right with me.

    Anyone else just as conflicted? The female looks cooler but the male fits my ideal Viking.

    submitted by /u/billyayo
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    What Legacy Outfits would You like to see make an appearance in Valhalla?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 11:32 AM PDT

    I want to see Ezio Auditores' Revelations Outfit with the fur on the should and the cloak we saw that He had when He first got to Masyaf Castle.

    submitted by /u/JurassicRanger93
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    I just played Syndicate’s Jack the Ripper DLC for the first time. Here are my thoughts

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 03:20 PM PDT

    First, the story. I liked the Jacob we see in JTR. I thought he was a welcome change to the original character in Syndicate, so it's a shame that the first mission is to kill him. Speaking of which, the entire DLC would've only lasted five minutes if Jacob knew how to use a hidden blade in open combat. Honestly, the amount of opportunities he had to kill Jack...

    The rest of the story transitions between Evie trying to find Jack and Jack trying to clean up his tracks. The Jack sequences only happen occasionally, and are a welcome break from Evie. Evie's sequences take up the majority of the DLC and mostly consist of her investigating crime scenes and arguing with Abberline. She also assassinates various people associated with Jack in order to find him.

    The final battle consists of Evie running into a basement and finding Jacob, who is near death. The actual fight with Jack is too easy; it consists of two brutal takedowns and a sequence of quick-time events. The end result is Evie crying over Jacob's body and telling Abberline that nobody can know Jack was once an Assassin.

    Overall, I'd give the story a 7 out of 10. My largest criticisms are how short the story is and the lacklustre conclusion.

    Next, the fear system. Jack and Evie can use various tools to scare their enemies, with enemies afflicted by maximum fear running for their life. I like the idea, and I like the execution. My only issue is that the middle ground seems to similar to no fear at all. 9 out of 10.

    Finally, the side activities. Returning are bounty hunts, cargo hijacks, and fight clubs. The new side activities, like slow carriage escapes (the name says it all) are rather slow and tedious. 5 out of 10.

    As a whole, I'd rate Jack the Ripper 7 out of 10. It can be slow at times, but it has unique ideas that I would like to see return

    submitted by /u/Roku-Hanmar
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    Why don't Assassin Recruits have hookblades?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 09:56 AM PDT

    Yesterday I was revisiting AC: Revelations, and accidentally landed in the Janissary camp while paragliding. I summoned a couple of my MAs since I didn't have enough available assassins to use Arrow Rain, and after the Janissaries were killed I followed some of my assassins and noticed that when they climbed, they didn't use hookblades. Yusuf mentioned that he grew up using one (before he became the leader of the Ottoman Assassins), so I was wondering why didn't Master Assassins get one.

    submitted by /u/CaptainFlymann
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    Assassin's Creed inspired by Dan Brown's novels (or maybe the other way around)?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 11:25 AM PDT

    I've thought about this for a long time, but never bothered to look it up. Also, it's been a long time since I read Dan Brown's books, so I could be remembering some things wrong here, but anyway here goes:

    (Spoilers ahead for Dan Brown's novels and the AC games)

    In Angels and Demons the bad guy is said to be from an ancient society of Assassins, or Hashashins (however you spell that), obviously basing their origins on the same thing Ubisoft did with the Creed IN AC1. AFAIK, Angels and Demons came out quite a few years before the first Assassin's Creed game. However, AC1 could have been in development at the same time DB wrote A&D, for all I know.

    In The Da Vinci Code, there are a few references to Newton's apple, the Holy Grail, and a lot of mentions of Opus Dei, a secret society that wants to control the world, etc. Pretty sure it says something about them evolving from the Templar order, or something like that.

    And finally in Inferno, the book takes place in Florence, Venice and Istanbul, at various times throughout the story, just like the Ezio games did.

    Now this could all be a coincidence, as there's so much history connected with these locations, people, associations and everything, and thus an enormous amount of inspiration to create stories from, but I think there's a bit too much smoke not to be a fire here, so to speak. And there are probably a lot more things that the books and games have in common that I haven't brought up here. The tricky thing is the timeline of the books and games as well, as they overlap somewhat in terms of when released.

    Interested to hear what you guys think!

    submitted by /u/HorribleHank44
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    Will Assassin's Creed Valhalla have multiple save slots?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 12:21 PM PDT

    I was wondering if Valhalla will have multiple save slots like in the first few games. Please let me know if there is an answer or if it hasn't been announced yet. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/lightbreak69167
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    odyssey - is using battle cry of ares before using over powered attack increase the damage ?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 11:57 PM PDT

    is there any other ability tips and tricks like this ?

    submitted by /u/suicideboy1
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    First time playing Odyssey—It’s the best game ever

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 06:53 AM PDT

    The only AC game I've ever played was Black Flag (to 99% completion). I decided to try out Odyssey on my bf's PC but was worried I wouldn't like it because of how different it is from Black Flag. But HOLY SHIT! IT IS AMAZING! The story doesn't feel repetitive AT ALL, which is something I struggled with in Black Flag. I love this format so much more. It actually feels like a story. I love how many different options there are and how your choices affect the story later on. My bf is at work all day so I plan on spending the entire day getting as far as I can. Seriously, I love Odyssey so much. I can't believe I didn't think I'd like it!!!! I'm just really excited to have found a game to get into again.

    submitted by /u/zinthos48
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    Does Unity play like Syndicate?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 11:50 PM PDT

    I've played most of the games and I recently finished syndicate and I really enjoyed how it played like tha mechanics and stuff, and was sad to find out origins played completely differently. Does Unity work gameplay wise like syndicate? Or is syndicate unique on this?

    submitted by /u/UndeadCh1cken52
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    Ezio collection recruits and how it works

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 04:18 PM PDT

    1.Am planning on getting the ezio collection for ps4 how ever I want to know how the bundle actually works is it you get the 3 games downloaded separately or 1 big download that you play in quick succession? Or is it just an option of which you want to play when you first log in.

    2.[recruits] does the game have them like the ps3 versions and do they permenatly die if you call them in in combat?

    Is assains creed 2 necessary to get the plot of brotherhood and the other one?

    submitted by /u/ant3680
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    Eivor will become the mythos of Loki

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 11:41 PM PDT

    Not as in hes actually a god but that he'll essentially take of the role of Loki and other Scandinavians will mythologies him into a god. Here me out.

    The earliest records we have of Loki dates to poams in the late 9th century, assassins creed valhalla takes place in 873, this contrasts with other members of the norse panthean who usually sprung from Germanic myths dating way earlier.

    Loki is the god of trickery and mystif, hes iconic for blending in by turning himself into other things and is a master at deception, hell he even has a habit of assassinating other gods and getting away with it. All of this could easily fit the archetype of an assassin especially from the perspective of said assassins victims. It also could explain how both eivors are cannon. Loki changed sex A LOT so a girl eivor would have no problem fitting in as Loki.

    I think after eivor becomes a hidden one he will be less secretive than other assassins, he may still hang around other Scandinavians and vikings but his new actions as an assassin will inspire the vikings, they could even be fooled into thinking they're actually witnessing the acts of a god, maybe eivor could even be doing this intentionally. Intentional or not though the Scandinavians will turn his/her actions into a mythos, eivor will represent something to them and that something will have a name. Loki

    submitted by /u/broji04
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    Help with getting gold coins from challenges

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 07:38 PM PDT

    Alright so I own the rebel collection on switch and I'm tryna get these 2 packs but first I need ucoins from challenges so I go see if I have any challenges then I discover I don't have the "the hammer falls" and DNA complete (I assume you get it from finishing the game?) I've finished the story on both yet they aren't complete? Please help.

    submitted by /u/Enzyblox
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    Do games past Revelations have the same control system like AC1 and the Ezio trilogy?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 10:55 AM PDT

    I played AC1 and AC2, I am currently on Brotherhood and then I'll hop into Revelations. I love the three games I played and one of the things I loved in these games is the control system. I love how when you master it you can easily parkour through any urban area with ease, and people can't say how the controls are bad: they are extremely precise and the only reason why it's bad for those is people is because they're not good enough at controlling the character. So my question is: is this system changed in AC3 and newer games? Does low/high profile exist, Button 1 and 0, legs and empty hand button? I am afraid Ubisoft made games past Revelations easier for casual gamers who don't want to bother with learning the great control system old games have.

    submitted by /u/AndyToskovic
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    Assassin's Creed Unity - Cinematic NPC Battle

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 04:44 PM PDT

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