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    Tuesday, August 11, 2020

    Assassin's Creed Assassin's Creed: Imperium (Ancient Rome). Next Gen AC

    Assassin's Creed Assassin's Creed: Imperium (Ancient Rome). Next Gen AC

    Assassin's Creed: Imperium (Ancient Rome). Next Gen AC

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 12:57 PM PDT

    Assassin's Creed: Imperium (Ancient Rome). Next Gen AC

    City based, 1:1 scale AC. https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/000/303/896/large/KARAKTER_Ryse_Rome.jpg?1416149349 ERA: 117 AD (Trajan's era, Rome's peak). No level requirements. Just your own skill.

    PROLOGUE: The story starts with the invasion and conquest of yet more land for the Empire. In the fight a well respected young legionnaire, Sirius, the main character, is fighting for his life amidst all the chaos and fire. This character, if you want an idea of who he is, is a sort of mix between Bayek and Rust Cohle from TD.

    Sirius and the legions. \"The world is dark and brutal. Rome is its light. Rome brings the light\". This is what Sirius believed at first.

    Sirius is immediatly distressed by the sight of war and innocent people dying. The Roman generals in the war seem to care little. Sirius is determined to put an end to the war by killing the enemy leader, knowing the army will likely give up, putting an end to the suffering. The theme of suffering is the defining theme of this narrative.

    Sirius runs through the ruined city to the place where the enemy leader is. He finds him and kills him and a white confessions scene plays out. He takes a shiny object from him. The enemy asks why the need for such violence and conquest. Sirius seems to have no answer as if he has been dealing with the same questions for a long time (he has).

    The enemy also asks if the Ancients came for the object, to which Sirius doesn´t even know what he's talking about. As he orders the enemy to declare desistance, he looks down to the burnt city as the Romans ignore the fact the army is defeated and slaughter most of them.

    Sirius finds an eagle burnt but still alive. He carries her out of there. He names her Luna. The eagle would then be your faithful companion. TITLE INTRO PLAYS. ASSASSIN'S CREED IMPERIUM

    The romans spared few in their conquest, while Sirius froze in anguish


    After fading to black, the game cuts to the modern day. A young female (Sara) wearing a hoodie is looking at a man, who also looks at her and asks her if she's had a rough night, while she looks stunned and concerned. Screen cuts to black again and we see her in a club, with innebriating music playing dulling all other sounds. She is tailing a man

    We walk through the disco after the man, slowly, taking in the music. She then manages to sneak into his private room and starts flirting with him. He goes along with it. She suddenly changes topic of conversation and tells him she knows of the morally incorrect things he's done. She describes the corrupt things and tells him he should hire better guards at his house.

    She knows he is Abstergo. She has all the info she needs to send him to jail. At first he doesn´t seem to believe her but then he starts to panick and calls security. We get another cutscene in which she efficiently defeats the guards while this plays, and the corrupt man.

    Sara fights off the guards

    As she is arriving home a man stops her and asks her that initial question. It's William Miles. He tells her if she succeded in taking down the corrupt man. Having received the info that the man was corrupt and worthy of investigation by an anonymous source she immediatly realizes it was that man.

    William Miles tells her vigilantism only gets her so far and mentions how he is an Assassin. She is already familiar with them due to having worked with a member of them in the past. Miles tells her her lineage is important and she could do more for the world working with the Assassins.

    They go to theur hidden base where Rebecca and Shaun are there. They meet, talk a bit and she enters the Animus.

    ACT 1

    Sirius would have frequent flashbacks to the initial battle. It would be a constant source of guilt for him

    The Legions return to Rome as victors and are received by Trajan, who wants to speak with Sirius knowing the young legionairre is responsible for killing the barbarian leader. The two talk and we get a sense of who Trajan is and more information on who Sirius is. Trajan, the main villain of the game.

    But Trajan isn´t a villain in the traditional sense. He is an educated kind man, that has been expanding the empire but providing social welfare and important programs that uplifted the lifes of the citizens. He asks Sirius his opinion of Rome and why he joined the Legions to which Sirius answers that the world is a dark, brutal place and he wanted nothing more than to help those in it.

    Rome, as bringer of civilized society, was the instrument in that. But there is doubt in Sirius's voice. He then asks if Sirius recovered anything from the barbarian and Sirius gives him the shiny object, to Trajan's full delight...

    The Legions return to Rome

    As the act progresses, we do a few normal missions for the empire in Rome, nothing major. We also meet Sirius's friends who ask him how the conquests went. Eventually Sirius breaks and talks about how what he always despised, he ended up working for. Brutality.

    We get a flashback to Sirius's childhood and see his family, we play for a little while but the family and the city of Rome is ravaged by the plague. The memory ends with Sirius as a kid crying.

    Sirius is now a broken man, not being able to forget the horrors he participated in the wars for conquest. He wonders if the last one, was just a pretext for the obtainment of the object, whatever it is. He decides to try and retain him.

    Sirius infiltrates the imperial palace and steals the object. He returns home and by tinkering with it, has a vision of the past. We now play as Bayek in a 30 to 1h mission of his time in Rome. In this segment we get a quick sense of who the Order of the Ancients are, of who the Hidden Ones are and their goals.

    S Y N C H R O N I Z A T I O N C O M P L E T E W O R L D M A P U P D A T E D

    Bayek also talks about some hidden temple named the Red Room. Sirius concludes easily that the Roman empire is controlled by this shadowy organization that is the Order and why they invaded the last land. He vows to fight them.


    Sara training with a bow and arrow after an animus session. Sirius was a skilled archer, probably the best in the army.

    We get a little segment in which we explore the Altair II, the boat where the hidden base is located. We get to know more about Sara and why she decided to become a vigilante. She explaines she used to work for Abstergo and quickyl understood how corrupt they were.

    Because she shares a distaste for injustice, she decided to fight Abstergo, having started to train parkour and archery (because of the animus). There is however more to her past...We do some parkout training that displays she has a natural skill for it. She also starts to begin a friendship with the rest of the team.

    ACT 2

    Sirius now is acting a hidden vigilante that investigates the link between the Order and Rome. He seeks the Hidden Ones, having known their location in the bureau through the memory seal. Surpringsily its still there, in the catacombs of Rome.

    He explains his predictament and while they don´t trust him immediatly and certainly don´t turn him into to a hidden one just yet, they agree to work together. The city is now in maximum attention because of the stolen object and the roman guards are actively searching the thief.

    Meanwhile, Trajan and Sirius get closer and Sirius gains his trust. However, he also starts to look to Trajan as a sort of father.

    Simultaneoly, the vigilante dismantling operations in the city is now famous, seen as some sort of Robin Hoodm hunting down the corrupt elites of the city. Trajan comments this with Sirius, not knowing apparently that he is the vigilante but speaking of the actions of the hero as understandable and even worthy, being able to do without bureouracy what he intends to do for the city.

    Sirius proceeds his investigation in Rome and finds out Trajan is the leader of the Order of Ancients which disturbs him midly but doesn´t exactly surprises him.

    One of the investigations would lead us into the Coliseum. Sirius also had a bit of a contradiction. He loved to kill. To release the anger he had. He realized how problematic this was with his other peaceful ideologies.

    He manages to sneak in a meeting of them and listens to them talking about the Red Room and its purpose. He learns the invasion he participated in was nothing but a plan to recover the piece of eden from the barbarians. It wasn´t planned that Sirius was the one to get it. But no one planned Sirius to want to go on a suicide run and go straight to the enemy fort to try and end the war fast.

    Apparently a machine devised by the Isu, of which Sirius also learned during Bayek's mission, capable of the predictive elements they always showed to have. Basically, the Red Room is a device started by Isu scientists that understood reality to be a simulation and by studying its code, they could predit the future.

    This is how they knew of Desmond and the 2012 flare. But the machine only tells us the probable future, not a certainty.

    To have the power to know future possibilites, a man could rule the entire world. This is the promise the Order seeks and why the Hidden Ones want to destroy it.

    In the meantime, Sirius gets close with a hidden one assassin and she and him get closer as the game progresses. She displays a needed optimistic light in his life filled with darkness.

    We know get a few locked misions outside of Rome, searching for rumors of the Red Room and Siirus finally finds info of it.

    In the meantime, we get to know Sirius more. His view on the world is rather important to later parts of the story. He is a man at conflict with man and with nature. There is that dual storm in him. On one hand, Sirius hates the injustices created by Man and the oppression of liberty.

    In this, he sides with the Hidden Ones. On the other, Sirius is at conflict with the natural world. He witnessed the effects of the plague in Rome as a child. From then on, any promises of divine justice fell for him.

    He despises the brutality of the natural world. Animal eating animal. He intends to help people and animals but even he recognizes suffering is the natural state of mankind and all living being. Everything he does is a drop in the ocean. This is why he became so shocked at what the romans and he did in the prologue.

    In that moment, he added suffering to the world, instead of fighting against it. He tried to sooth his ideological storm by joining the legions, fighting for country and all. But he realized what the Hidden Ones preach. Nations and empires come and go, while the people suffer always.

    Eventually we find the location of, not the Red Room but another temple containing the key to it. Here Sirius gets a vision of an Isu, much like Desmond at the end of Revelations, and he finds out the other true purpose of the Red Room. To his shock.

    The Isu understood reality to be...malleable. And within them, some realized reality to be built on suffering. This drove them to near madness.

    The Red Room's predictive capabilites weren´t all it could do. A rogue faction of Isue working in the project devised another function. The Red solution (based on negative utilitarianism). By knowing future probabilities, those Isu saw how the solar flare would attempt to destroy the world, their world. They saw the rise of Assassins and Templars. But above all they saw one common factor.

    Suffering. Oppression. They saw how common it was. Yes, the machine doesnt have 100% predictive capabilites but it's near. This realization that suffering is at the root of the Isu and human experience drove them mad and made them dig deeper into the simulation's code.

    They believed to have discovered a way to turn off the simulation. To destroy the world in a second. Painless. So that suffering would be eradicated. Whether this function would work or it was just the job of mad scientists was the question now. The scientists never could activate the function before the solar flare. But the temple remined there.


    Sara exits the Animus shocked at what she saw and wondering about the implications of it. The rest of the Assassins are shocked as well but Shaun thinks the red room end of the world stuff is just the ramblings of Isu. The team has a conversation on the ethics of extinction and hope.

    Eventually, Rebecca tells the team they have a lead on the new Abstergo CEO. Sara volunteers to go on the mission, since Rebecca cant due to being chronically injured after Syndicate, Miles being, well, and old assassin, and Shaun having to be backup in the mission.

    Sara goes to Lisbon, where Abstergo has now installed their new HQ. Portugal is the first country created by templars in history and saved them from total extinction in the medieval ages.

    Sara's assassin outfit. Because of the bleeding effect, she'd get very good with a bow and arrow. She could also use that as a non lethal weapon (round arrows) since she had a no kill rule as a vigilante. She and Sirius are two sides of the same coin. Both choosing to fight injustice. But Sarah was much more balanced.

    The Abstergo CEO is attending a Woodkid concert. Yeah thats right.

    We have an infilration parkour sequence, we get a birds eye view of Lisbon and leap of faith into the theater. As Sara enters it she uses her eagle vision obtained via animus bleeding effect. She detects the CEO as Iron by Woodkid plays as we stalk him

    We'd have to parkour around the theater, much like Haytham did in AC3

    We eavesdrop a conversation between the CEO and a mysterious man. The mysterious man asks him how the project is going on. The CEO tells him things are going smoothly. Sara's opportunity for assassination is null now, even tho she tbh never wnt there with the goal in mind. Killing irl is still something she's wary about.

    She returns to the new HQ of the Assassins in Lisbon (which is actually the real HQ of the nizari ismailii, assassin descendants, irl lmao). And we get a new small open world to explore as her. She talks about the conversation she witnessed and Shaun says he will research more on the mysterious man.

    Sara and William Miles have a serious argument about whether she should have gone in for the kill. He tells her she can´t be an Assassin without blood on her hands. She tells him she´s not killing anyone. He then tells her he knows of her past. She is visibly upset and surprised. What could he know? Miles tells her he knows about the adoptions.

    He knows how his father killed her mother. How she wished she could do something but she couldn´t. How she was powerless. He told her that to be an Assassin is to be powerful. To prevent needless suffering. She looks at him ready to punch him, saying he had no right in researching her past. He tells her it's his job and this is how they discovered her lineage and tracked her down.

    He tells her she becoming a vigilante is a sign from the universe, or could be viewed as such, that she was meant to be an assassin. Before she does anything rash, she goes back in the animus.


    Sirius is now in disarray. He thought the Red Room allowed for its original purpose, like the Order thinks. But now he now wonders if that second rogue function is possible.

    As a pessimist, the idea of ending suffering forever, even if by eliminating the world, was tempting. Whether the possibility of the red room's wacky function being true is irrelevant now. It created the seed of doubt for Sirius. What would he do if he were to find it. It completely changed his goal...

    Sirius doesn´t tell the Assassins the other so called function, nor does he tell the female assassin, with whom he's been in a relationship now. He keeps investigating by himself the location of the Red Room.

    In a way, Sirius was using the assassins as a means to an end. To reduce his guilt and to end the suffering of the world which deeply troubled him.

    He then is asked by Trajan for a meeting. They used those meetings for traditional philosophical talks about life that revealed much about the characters. Sirius asks him, hypothetically, what he would do if he could end suffering forever. The two have a conversation about wheteher life is worth living.

    These meetings between the Emperor and Sirius are a topic of heavy discussion for the Hidden Ones. Some agree that someone close to the emperor is important to know info about the Order, while others think he should just kill Trajan and be done with it. Sirius justifies it by saying he is held in rgard by Trajan and could extract valuable information.

    But in truth, despite Sirius can+t help but love Trajan as a father element.

    In a mission when it appears the game is strangly slow down, Sirius is arrested and taken captive by the Roman guards and put in a prison.


    The HQ of the Assassins is attacked and they are all taken captive (oh look, mirroring) by the Templars. The Abstergo CEO takes Sara to an isolated room and lockes her to an animus. The templars too are looking for the Red Room, but they too, apparently, only know about the predictive capabilities. Sarah is forced to continue her journey in the animus while the rest of the team is locked up.

    ACT IV

    Sirius is now a prisioner of...Trajan.

    This is a world where nothing is solved, Trajan, claimed Sirius. You may be righteous but you are an emperor.

    The emperor enters the prison and talks with Sirius. He tells him he knows he has been the vigilante and he appreciates his work but nonetheless couldn´t help but arrest him. He talks about how despite being the official leader of the Order of the Ancients, his work is sabotaged by the inner council, de facto leaders.

    Trajan hopes for a more humane Order while the council is more prone to warring. He had to arrest Sirius when he had proof he was the vigilante. But the conversation doesnt end here.

    Trajan also tells him he knows of the Red Room. He too witnessed the memories of Bayek talking about it. But he doesn´t know, too, of the second function.

    He begs Sirius to join him, the Order, to change it from within and to unleash the potential of the predictive capabilites of the Red Room. Sirius refuses, of course, and doesn´t tell him the other function.

    Trajan is visibily sad that he has no alternative but leaving Sirius in jail. Trajan speaks on how he has uncovered information related to the location of the Red Room and plans to uncover it.

    The Hidden Ones rescue Sirius of jail, with particular input from his hidden ones girlfriend. His girlfriend notices something different in him and not just because he was in jail. He confesses to her that he likes to kill because it allows him to unleash the anger he feels toward the world.

    An anger hehas felt ever since that plague memory. He coulnd´t blame man for that so he blamed the world. There was of course the ideological component of it, the majority of his reasons, but that was also there.

    Sirius then tells her about the second function of the Red Room. She refuses to believe it but nonetheless is intrigued. She asks him if he believes it and he is elusive in his answer. She notices something wrong in him but doesnt ask much.

    A few more missions later the hidden ones learn where Trajan has gone, with the Order. He must be going for the promise of the Red Room. The hidden ones plan to leave the next day. But Sirius evades them and escapes on his own.

    Sirius and the Hidden Ones mentor discuss plans to chase down Trajan. They never had a stable relationship. The mentor knew of the conflict within Sirius and feared what it could bring to the brotherhood.

    Sirius tracks Trajan to the city of Selinusto recover the key that gives access to the Red Room. He proceeds to kill him, revelaing the full extent of his devotion to the possibility of ending reality. To the point he'd kill Trajan, who had become family. Trajan is disappointed but hopes Sirius will turn back from his perdition.

    Sirius now learns the location of the Red Room is in Olisipo, modern day Lisbon.

    Luna flies over Olisipo

    He finds it and there it is. A gigantic temple, the likes the franchise never portrayed and all around it lights illuminating to one point. There it was. The device. Sirius finds it. He kills Order of Ancient guards being killed by laser like weapons.


    He stands at the control room. An isu figure appears to him. A VI. One of the consciousness of the Isu rogue scientists that created the destroy function. It tells him what he needs to press in order to activte it and end reality.

    Suddenly, his girlfriend appears. She now fears the function might be true and begs him to step away from the console.

    He denies. She points an arrow at him. He looks defeated by her treason but commited.

    "This is how they survive. They paint the world full of light and happiness. Then thell the children to propel their values into adulthood. Their light, their values. Their false optimism. But this isnt true. My life proves that isnt true. All there is, at its core, is pain and chaos. The universal laws of our existence are defined by it. The isu who built this knew it. You know it."

    She asks him if he hates people. Why would he do something like this? That he's betraying everything the assassins stood for. He tells her he doesn't hate people. He loves them. This is why he's doing this. Because they've been handed a broken world, unfit for their dreams of peace.

    She tells him she will stand there with him for a thousand years if need by until he has changed his mind and steps away from the console. He refuses, goes for the button and she shoots him with an arrow. She holds him as he apparently dies. She's crying and apologizing. She tells him she wished he could see the beauty in the world as the assassins and she does.


    Sara has tears in her eyes. Sirius's story is emotionally painful.

    The templars now know the location of what they wanted. They arent´t interested in finding out if the second function is real of course, they just want the predictive capabilities of the red room.

    The new ABSTERGO CEO wants to set a new standard for the order. He has the order breathing down his neck asking for results. But he wants to be more than a lackey. He looks up to God, who created the heaven, the earth and man. Anything less than that is not worth mentioning. That the machine will allow them to finally have control of time itself.

    Sara, still shocked by the events of the animus, tells him that she has been playing by the rules for so much time (she never killed anyone as a vigilante). But clearly in this templar run world, rules matter little.

    She tells him she will kill them all. The man exits the room. An employee by Abstergo enters her room with a syringe to kill her but she manages to grab it, escapes and kills the employee.

    Sara killing nearby guards. The other assassins always felt it was a bit weird her animus skill retention. So effective and perfect. Her lineage is more important than they know.

    What follows is poetic rage.

    Sara is now as skilled as Sirius

    She grabs a bow and arrow and along with the archery skills learned in the animus she just kills every guard that appears in front of her, Green Arrow style and she goes on and saves the rest of the kidnapped team, except Miles who she cant find, and sets a detonation timer for the facility. The facility explodes as Sara escapes it. At this moment she is willing to let Miles die.

    Sara escapes the exploding facility

    The new Abstergo CEO appears holding a gun to Miles head amidst the collapsed facility. He tells her to look at what she's done. She never wanted to be a killer and now look at the destruction she's causes.

    He tells her she is free to go, but Miles stays with them. He asks her if she's ready to sacrifice her morals to kill him. She looks at Miles. She doubts for a second. She shoots the CEO in the head.

    Sara had to make a choice. She had to kill Abstergo's new interim CEO

    Miles apologizes to her for his previous behaviour and tells her everyone is proud of her. She is still distressed from all the killing but appreciates it. He tells her he will not repeat the mistakes he did with Desmond, with her. That its her freedom to choose her path. To be an assassin is to be free

    The team goes back to the Altair II where Miles thanks Sara and apologizes for doubting her. Sara confesses something to him. She killed her father, revenge for him killing her mother and brutalizing both of them for years. The Abstergo escape is not the first time she's killed.

    Miles didn´t know about this and hugs her. Sara says she is ready to fight for a better world and to prevent suffering. Sirius might have taken things over the edge but his lessions were valuable. At the HQ, Rebecca comforts Sara as she cleans the blood from her hands. They're good friends.

    Sara becomes an assassin and swears the code. Sara goes back to the animus to find out what happened to Sirius. After, the assassins will go to the Red Room and seal it good


    Sirius is standing, looking much older, standing in the cliff of a high mountain with a letter in his hand. He reads it, and its his girlfriend telling him what happened between them could not be surprassed.

    They got back together but they could never move on from the fact that while he chose not to activate the machine, Sirius wanted it and his girlfriend denied him the chance. Luna, Sirius's eagle has long passed. Sirius is alone. He feels alone. Did he brought it upon himself? Or is he a victim

    Sirius looks to the cliff and the game ends, making us wonder if he jumped or not. And if he did, was it a classic leap of faith, or a suicide attempt.

    ROLL CREDITS. A slowed version of Ezio's theme plays.

    POST CREDITS SCENE: Has the mysterious man calling Otso Berg and telling him to initiate project Valhalla. He is looking at a panel filled with lineages. In it, Eve (yes the first assassin) is related, lineage wise, with... Sara. This mysterious man would in later games be revealed to be the Templar's leader.

    I'd also like to introduce a new faction, of which Sirius would get a little taste in this game, comprised of ex assassins and templars, united in their goal to find to Red Room and do what Sirius coudln´t. Despite his failure, he'd be seen as their prophet. They'd be also be a modern rival faction to Assassins and Templars, motivated by their extreme utilitarian ideology.

    All pics, gifs, videos, music, characters and franchises belong to their respective owners

    submitted by /u/GreenArrow194
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    A sketch I drew inspired by the Jackdaw

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 07:27 AM PDT

    Assassin’s Creed Origins is one of the best games.

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 01:26 AM PDT

    Before I get flamed for this, I know there's A LOT of hate when this game first came out especially from fans such as myself who played the game since the very first. I see why we hated it and personally for me it was because of change, even though I still don't like Odyssey very much because it seems rushed I'm falling in love with Origins.

    I got it when it first came out for PS4, I played to a certain point (won't say bc of spoilers but it was Sequence 4) and I just stopped one day because I just felt I couldn't enjoy it because it wasn't the same old Assassin's Creed games, everything was completely different from what I've known for years and I just stopped.

    Fast forward to today, I downloaded the game again because I finally built myself a gaming computer, I played Odyssey for a bit but really didn't like it even on PC (played for about 5 days). I saw a video on YouTube about one of the DLCs for origins and the combat looked better and the gameplay looked smoother especially combat! I decided to get the game with all the DLC and give it a try, so far after HOURS of playing non stop I'm in love with this game. I felt horrible for dropping it and thinking it wasn't an Assassin's creed game, they took their time perfecting the RPG style and I really appreciate how well it turned out. I feel Odyssey is rushed compared to this game, the combat is smoother, the setting just feels so much nicer, and i can't stand how the lip sync is in Odyssey along with the horrible voice acting especially with Alexis (my personal opinion) and the lack of hidden blades killed me. I felt too OP and like a god with magical powers in the game which was weird but I understand why they did that do to lore or whatever.

    As for Origins... The PC controls are a bit strange and ended up changing them because climbing with alt just felt absolutely stupid, other than a few weird controls the game is truly a masterpiece! I look forward to actually playing through till the end. This game and Odyssey are the only 2 Assassin's Creed games I couldn't bring myself to finish. Though I may never finish Odyssey I 100% plan to finish Origins. I pray Valhalla is a good game but as of right now I have high expectations. I know a lot of people with agree / disagree with this. I just wanted to share my new found love for Origins, kinda like when everyone hated Unity but years later we all agreed it has the best parkour system in any game so far (we ignore the bugs).

    I love this game, and on ultra settings it looks gorgeous. I'd also like to hear others opinions on why they like / dislike Origins. Would ALSO like people's reasoning for liking Odyssey so maybe I can return someday or after Origins and give it another shot, thank you for reading :)

    Edit: Bayek is one of the best main characters we've gotten, forgot to add that haha

    NEW EDIT: After reading some of the Odyssey opinions I'd also like to add some things I liked!

    The ship combat was extremely fun and being able to side with the Roman soldiers or Athenians, but I really wish you could pick a side it was a huge let down not being able to swear your alliance

    submitted by /u/Banishes
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    The switch from PS4 to PC for AC Origins is incredible and blew me away

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 02:22 PM PDT

    So I have beat the entirety of AC Origins on a base PS4. I now have a PC that can run it on max settings and my jaw dropped to the floor when I crested the hill in Siwa for the first time. I can barely even progress the main quest because I'm looking at every tiny detail. The lighting and draw distance are amazing. The water looks better than real life. I don't know if any game shows the jump from console to PC more than this one. I know the honeymoon period will probably end soon but until then, Egypt is my new reality! Any former console gamers experience this when you first switched?

    submitted by /u/Jonly123
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    Can we talk about syndicate's WW1 segment?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 07:49 PM PDT

    I beat Syndicate a while back, but every now and then I come back to it just for the ww1. It single handedly has to be my favorite moment from any game.

    submitted by /u/FATCATbtw
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    How come in revelations Ezio puts so many lives in danger

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 02:27 PM PDT

    I mean it's bloody mad man. He pulls down an entire building that could most likely crush hundreds of people when he blows up the great chain. Immediately after he sets an entire port on fire with Greek fire. Then he goes to that cave city and smokes out all of its innocent inhabitants. No one even says anything??

    submitted by /u/Gaymer21fortnite
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    Which is better? Bayak with beard and hair or Bayak without beard or hair?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 05:47 PM PDT

    Imo Bayak's beard is too magnificent to shave so I keep it on. Same with the hair.

    submitted by /u/Some_Guy132352
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    What your favorite non playable assassins

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 07:09 PM PDT

    Whitley says it all what is your favor non playable assassins from any game

    submitted by /u/MrStan13
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    I'm replaying assassins creed unity and man the parkour is fantastic

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 01:37 PM PDT

    The parkour in unity is awesome wish future assassins creed games had the same thing jumping over roof tops of paris

    submitted by /u/cporter1996
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    AC: Rev - is there a best armor like Brutus in Brotherhood?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 10:26 PM PDT

    I remember missing one romulus lair in brotherhood and finishing the game without the armor of brutus which was super disappointing. Is there something like this in Rev?

    Not googling to avoid spoilers because I have accidentally spoiled myself too many times like that

    submitted by /u/juststupid8970
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    Finding books in Revelations (not the key books)? What are they for?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 10:21 PM PDT

    I see book icons on the map that dont have the exclamation and they're like random books...do you do these to eventually find the polo ones or those are just the ones with the exclamation? And the main quest is just exclamation but the polo books to find the keys are a book with an exclamation i think?

    As far as I can tell finding these other random books dont do anything (dont even increase revenue like the paintings in Brotherhood)?

    submitted by /u/juststupid8970
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    Hey guys, I just made an Assassin's Creed trailer montage. I would appreciate some feedback if y'all want to give your opinions! Enjoy :)

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 02:30 PM PDT

    Are there any Subtitles on ac1?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 01:49 PM PDT

    So I have been completing the ac games I hadn't played before (100% Xbox achievments) thus far I have done oddesey, origins, syndicate and rogue, also did unity as it's my 2nd fave ac game. Now I'm going through ac1 to ac4, just started ac1 today and I always play games without audio as I turn subtitles on but that doesn't appear to be an option for ac1, did it have no subtitles at all? Been atleast 10 years since I played it 😂

    submitted by /u/SP_LVI
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    2020 Social Chest for Ac Blackflag

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 09:47 PM PDT

    What are the recent locations of you guys seeing a chest? I've been searching all day but got no luck

    submitted by /u/bacon_pancakessss
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    AC: Revelations - getting master assassin armor and not being able to dye it is dumb

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 12:38 AM PDT

    are rants allowed?

    I finally got the master assassin armor and was confused as to how gold/green it was and how it reverted my robes to default silver. Fine, whatever, I can finally dye them a nice green without the silver armor sticking out (which is why I always would dye it cool/silver colors)

    BUT NO. IT IS SO UGLY. https://i.imgur.com/MvFHe6O.jpg

    they really decided to have cool toned robes with warm gold and green? Am I unnecessarily annoyed? Yes. Is it quarantine and this game is the one thing I look forward to after work? Yes. Is this post dumb? Absolutely.

    brb getting the pasha armor

    submitted by /u/juststupid8970
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    Just came here to say that Syndicate is a masterpiece

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    I loved the characters, story, gangs, and the remarkable recreation of London. I have played every ac game ( aside from the 2d ones and liberation) but I've never had so much fun. The side activities like freeing children and talking over gang strongholds felt meaningful and didn't feel like they were only there so that the player can level up. Another reason why I like this is that I really tried to get into unity but the bugs and stupid combat/leveling system ruined it for me.

    submitted by /u/abdullahnawaz9
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    AC3 Boston Brawler Challenges 3 Help

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 07:58 PM PDT

    Currently doing all the Club Challenges in Assassin's Creed 3 (Frontiersmen, Thieves, Boston Brawlers etc), reached the 3rd BB challenges, 1 of which is to purchase all weapons in the stores.

    I've checked every store, purchased every normal weapon, blunt weapon, heavy weapon, firearm, completed all crafted weapons, downloaded all Uplay weapons, and yet the challenge remains uncompleted. I've checked every website imaginable and they all say that every weapon becomes available after Sequence 9. I'm at Sequence 10, and this is in the Remaster, so I'd expect there to be no bugs in the completion this time round. Am I missing something? Is there a weapon that only becomes available after you finish the game? A special weapon I'm missing? Or am I one of the players who gets fucked by this broken game yet again. Any suggestions would be great, also please let me know if anyone else has this problem.

    submitted by /u/Numpteez_
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    Pitch Your Dream Assassin’s Creed Game

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 10:37 AM PDT

    I'm sure this has been done many times in this group, but I'm always curious to know what other people would want to see in an Assassin's Creed game, if they could have the reigns for the series. What settings and historical figures of that era would you want to see, and what would your protagonist be like?

    submitted by /u/grandmuftarkin
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    One Shot Assasination needs to come back

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 06:26 AM PDT

    I was playing through the older games and I got all the way to syndicate. I was in a mission and threw a knife at a gang leader. He didn't die.

    I then realized that the same principle was applied to Origins and Odyssey. If you aren't the same level, you cannot is kill from stealth. Don't get me wrong, origins is one of my favs, but I shouldn't have to be restricted by level. I loved how unity did it. You can one shot everyone from stealth, but if you get caught, you're fucked. That's a good feeling. Bring that back Ubisoft!

    Edit: I'll check out the system in Valhalla, I had no idea

    submitted by /u/KennyFromAOT
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    How many kills do you have in Assassin's Creed Odyssey?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 10:47 PM PDT

    According to Uplay, I've played 87h, got 1639 kills, killed 17 Cult followers. I don't know how many civilians and animals I butchered though.

    What about you?

    ... And for what it's worth, Max Payne seems to have killed around 2000 people, on the span of 3 games and 11 years.

    Suuuuuuure, Odyssey is still an Assassin's Creed game and is about being an assassin and not a mass murderer.

    submitted by /u/needfx
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    Ac4 The templar keys. I can’t get all five of them.

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 02:02 PM PDT

    Maybe its a bit late considering the game was released 6 years ago or something. But I cant get all five of them.

    So far I have gotten Opias key, Vances key, Antos key and rhonas key but i cant find the fifth key anywhere

    submitted by /u/Shaq_is_my_dad
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    Origins is my first game, things to know

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 09:41 AM PDT

    I bought Origins a few years ago but never really got into the game. Well do to my interest in Egyptian history I decided to try it again and am starting to get more into it. I'm wondering if there are things I should know from past games, and things about like the overall story of Assassins Creed that I should know to understand everything better.

    Btw I haven't even killed the oracle of Siwa yet so I would appreciate it if there were do spoilers of the game. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/nph505050
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    Why are game critics so one sided about Odyssey?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 01:45 PM PDT

    From what I've seen and played, Odyssey seems to have completely Thanos snapped the AC fanbase into people who like it and people that don't, but almost every critic who's reviewed AC Odyssey has praised it excessively. Why so much one sided praise?

    submitted by /u/ArterialGrain
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    In Assassins Creed 4 Black Flag do you ever get to see or loot visible gold or piratey plunder, or is it just finding items and a money number going up?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 02:54 PM PDT

    I really want to play and try out Black Flag but not if it doesn't feel sufficiently piratey in that you can actually see the loot you plunder. Do you ever get to actually see stuff like piles of gold coins or jewelry?

    submitted by /u/dorito-pariah
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