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    Saturday, July 11, 2020

    Assassin's Creed POSSIBLE SPOILER: I just wanted to hug Leonardo

    Assassin's Creed POSSIBLE SPOILER: I just wanted to hug Leonardo

    POSSIBLE SPOILER: I just wanted to hug Leonardo

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 10:35 PM PDT

    So, having just built my first PC and having a platform to play on, I'm finally delving into the Ezio trilogy, and I'm already super engaged.

    Literally just went through the tour of Venice with Leonardo, and missed the hug at the end 3 times. 3 TIMES. I replayed that walk 4 separate times just to not miss the prompt to hug Da Vinci because I was devastated the first time around (I seriously love the character development and friendshio present between Ezio and Da Vinci) and then proceeded to miss it two more times. 4th times a charm I suppose, cause I finally got it and it was so satisfying.

    submitted by /u/IanL1713
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    Connor is an underappreciated protagonist

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 06:00 PM PDT

    Dont shit on connor. He is one of the youngest protagonists. He was an idealist. He believed men could rise above their base and selfish natures. And if to someone, that is the truth, why would society need puppeteers like the templars? They only make sense to those that are realistic or cynical. To connor, they are an evil, and not even necessary.

    In the end he grew up. But he learned his lesson the hard way. But his sincerity and honor is still intact. Achilles recognized this. If anyone truly had the heart to save the world, itd be connor.

    Requiscat en pace, Ratonhnhaké:ton. Your sacrifices may be twisted and trivialized by some but we remember.

    submitted by /u/One-Eyed-Merc-Reborn
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    One thing I love about each AC game

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 06:01 AM PDT

    This sub can be pretty negative, and it feels like no matter what game in the series you like, someone is going to come on and tell you why you should feel differently. I've also gotten into enough arguments here to know this sub could use some positivity, so here is one thing I legitimately love about each entry in this series I care so much about.

    AC1: The atmosphere of this game and its primary cities is something no game has since replicated. Christian and Muslim cities starkly contrast one another with warring dialogue that makes you feel like you are in the middle of a massive religious conflict, while also highlighting the hypocrisy of each side. The speeches the orators would give in the streets are seared into my memory, and touches like that set the standard for living worlds that the series still struggles to match sometimes.

    AC2: Obviously Ezio was amazing, but people forget how varied the mission structure was. It takes what made its predecessor a little dull and flips it to give us an awesome cinematic adventure through Italy. AC2 was a long game and yet I always wanted to know what Ezio was going to do next, and what quirky character was right around the corner.

    AC Brotherhood: This is the cleanest game in the franchise by far. Nothing is superfluous, everything has meaning and feels natural. It has plenty of solid side missions, and each side mission branch begins in the main plot and gives the player the choice to pursue it. You liked playing Leonardo's machine mission? You can go and do more. You like working with Claudia or La Volpe? Go interact with them more in their own set of side missions. Then you had the Christina missions which were just so great for building Ezio's character. Such a well polished experience.

    AC Revelations: We really needed a setting change after two years in Italy, and Constantinople is just so amazingly colorful and unique. It made me want to explore and learn more about the real world counterpart just like AC1 did back in 2007. Plus the soundtrack really adds to the ambiance.

    AC3: The scope of this game for the time still astounds me, especially coming from Revelations. The game really makes you feel the overwhelming expanse of the American frontier and how hard life was there. The homestead missions do a great job of immersing you in a community that could have existed back in that period.

    AC4: What an amazing narrative. It opts to follow a personal story and lets Edward be the one leading the course of events as opposed to a magical artifact or warring cults. This is about one man's transformation as the world around him leaves people like him behind. It integrates history into its narrative so much better than a lot of the other games, and historical inclusions felt really organic and natural. I loved almost every character and have not felt for a cast as much as I have for this one.

    AC Rogue: You can tell they just had fun with the environment here. They did their best to make sailing and ground traversal quick and easy, as a love letter to the games that came before. Every scene in this game looks like a Bob Ross painting and there's lots to explore.

    AC Unity: In terms of sheer detail, Unity still takes the cake. You can say what you want about the rest of the team, but the people who painstakingly built each block and cathedral and hundreds of throwaway lines to add to the atmosphere deserve all the credit in the world. It may not have the most to do, but in terms of being amazing to look at Unity is one of the best.

    AC Syndicate: This game doesn't take itself too seriously and I love it. The people making it were having fun and it shows in the gameplay. The series can get a little full of itself sometimes and this was a nice reprieve. The twins were fun, the WWI inclusion was awesome, and Crawford Starrick is actually a villain I remember which is more than I can say for some of the other games. It's just an all around good time and it made me happy playing it. Plus London is so dynamic and cool.

    AC Origins: This was the first time I felt like Ubisoft actually cared about its fans. It addressed so many of the stagnating features that had made me feel like they were content to just spew out a game a year without putting much effort in. But Origins was so expansive, so deep, and so beautiful that I couldn't help but fall in love with every aspect of it.

    AC Odyssey: I played this game for 130 hours and I enjoyed each one. There aren't many games that have kept me that engaged for so long a period. The plot was simple and that didn't get lost for me in the many hours I deviated from that plot: I wanted to bring my family back together. It became a really personal journey for me, and the vastness of my own experience with the game really meant it lived up to its title: what an Odyssey.

    What a series! I'm happy to have been a fan this past decade. Tell me things you like about the series in the comments if you'd like. Please avoid posting things you hate or disagree with or don't like here: this sub has plenty of other places for you to do that. I just want to know what about this series makes you happy.

    submitted by /u/Secosum
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    One of the best things of the series is the Art

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 01:57 PM PDT

    In one regard in wich AC never disappointed was the Art of the series. I have a lot of Artbooks from the Collectors Editions with Artworks from AC and its every time great to looking at them. They Series has such a wonderful Artstyle and its so beautiful how the Artists bring these locations/characters in a picture.

    How did you like the Art of AC and wich one is your favorite to look?

    submitted by /u/JKAC2013
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    Anyone interested in an AC game set in the Aztec empire around 1518?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    I think that this could be a great opportunity to change the "Assassin vs Templar" narrative.


    He could be an infamous "eagle warrior" fighting for The Aztec empire who has an encounter with an assassin. This assassin was sent to Tenochtitlan to defend the Aztec empire from the Templar Hernan Cortes who was trying to find a piece of eded. After our protagonist shows interest in the assassins motives the assassin agrees to mentor him. After some training our Aztec protagonist becomes part of the assassin brother hood. After assassinating many Spanish Templar's the two assassins become close Montezuma who learned about there efforts of the assassins to protect the peace of eded. But after having multiple conversations with The indigenous tribes who have been oppressed by the Aztecs, our protagonist confronts Montezuma who reveals that he used the price of eden to rise to power and control the indigenous tribes. He also reveals that he gives human sacrifices to Juno (the isu who hates humanity) in order to remain in power. Horrified with Montezuma, our protagonist fights Montezuma and assassinated him. He then pins the assassination on the Spanish which causes the conflict that ultimately leads to the fall of the Aztec empire.

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/Few_Addendum6639
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    One of the original level design directors is coming back to Valhalla

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 02:57 PM PDT

    Assassin's Creed 3 had the most well thought side activities

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 01:16 AM PDT

    • The first rule about Fight Club is you do not talk about Fight Club: We had to fight bare-handed strangers throughout the map. At that time I wasn't sure what it was leading to and voila I was invited to the fight club where I fought multiple foes. These side activity was pretty cool and I was satisfied with the ending.
    • Liberation Partners: To me AC 3 had one of the best recruit missions. The recruits were unique and all the missions played out differently. In the end I get to have 6 ally who provided unique playstyle for me.
    • Glorifying Collectibles: Like its predecessor AC 3 also had collectibles. There are some specific collectibles that I'd like to mention now. First of all the almanac pages. yes I know they were a bit tricky to catch but the reason I loved them is because the knowledge it provided afterwards. I get to read the inventions of Benjamin Franklin. Next up is the Peg Leg Trinkets. Collecting all activated
      some of the coolest missions and we get an outfit as well as shard of Eden.
    • The Underground: The fast travel system of AC 3 was different than any other game in the franchise. I liked the fact that I actually had to put in effort for activating it. As we all know we had to traverse multiple underground tunnels to activate fast travel points. I enjoyed every aspect of it due to the fact it makes sense for an assassin or freedom fighter to create secret navigation route for ease of navigation throughout the enemy territory. This actually made me feel like a freedom fighter. This activity helped a lot in bringing the revolution vibe.
    • The folklore in us: With the Frontiersmen side missions I get to enjoy missions centered around some of the well known folklore story. I get to solve the mystery behind this stories. It was really cool and awesome plus I get to meet the headless horseman.
    • The Hunting Society: I had to hunt six special animals. Reason I mentioned this side activity is because up until AC 3 we didn't had any sort of hunting missions or activity. AC 3 was the first in the franchise to introduce animal hunting.
    • Homestead Missions: Arguably one of my favorite side mission in the game. I get to rescue people who then establish their own places in my home area. The great thing about this game is that one can actually see the growth of the community through out the passage of time. I don't think we have seen any other AC game to showcase such a beautiful sense of community. This mission was really streets ahead.
    • Encyclopedia of a Common Man: I know many will not like this mission. The premise of the mission is basically to document the daily lives of people in my area. The process is very long and to me that is completely justifiable and fair as it is a type of documentary after all. I had to document the activities of each people during different times of the day. After documenting each people I was rewarded with a database explaining those activities which I found very interesting to read.

    This game had the most unique side activities. It was really impossible for me to get bored when I first played it. When I played this game I had very limited access to internet so I had no idea that many people hated it.

    I'd like to end my AC 3 appreciation post by asking a question:

    Is there any other AC game that provided this many diverse quest and activities which is unique different from on another?

    Thank You

    submitted by /u/NavaSage
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    How to go about procuring an Animus

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 10:13 PM PDT

    I've always found the design of the iconic red Animus chair (we're talking AC2 here) to be a fascinating concept for the seat of one's pants to experience, one that combines the sterile medical nature of a dentist's chair with the ergonomics and form-factor of a gaming-style chair.

    I've scoured the web searching for someone, ANYone, who's tempted both Templar and Isu wrath by attempting to create their own, but to no avail.

    My one glimmer of hope, the 2016 film that has a single shot of what might be an IRL prop Animus, proved useless even upon finding a site dedicated to selling props FROM that film.

    I've seen the "similar" chairs from Ubisoft's old teaser event, too, but those are too much like a lawn chair for me.

    IMHO, the best I've managed to find as a jumping-off-point of sorts in the thoughts of making one from an existing chair is this (fixed link) expensive Italian office chair, but even it has a lot of differences to iron out.

    So, in reverence of this, the fifth solstice of my reddit-birth, I implore you: Do you know anyone anywhere that's managed to create and/or sit in a real-life Animus?

    submitted by /u/IMHOZen1
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    how and when did Kanieht:io met Achilles?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 05:57 PM PDT

    how and when did Kanieht:io meet Achilles? I know it happened before 1754 (because she already knew about the Templars, didn't like them, and was able to perform a Leap Of Faith), but it's never been revealed more, which is surprising honestly, so when is the estimated time for when Kanieht:io met Achilles and how did their first meeting came to be?

    submitted by /u/TheHood2001
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    My favorite moment from AC3

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 12:44 PM PDT

    My favorite moment from AC3 is pretty near the beginning with one of the interactive conversations Haytham has with Benjamin Franklin. It starts off with just a simple hello and then turns 180 with Benjamin explaining why MILFs are superior other women. I'm just sitting there wide eyed as American hero Benjamin fucking Franklin goes on for well over 5 minutes explaining why MILFs, or as he called them, "older women" are best for taking up as a mistress. In a clear and concise manner, even numbering his reasons, he says they're starved for attention, not likely to produce a baby, and how they're also quite well at keeping up a conversation. Best part is that he convinces Haytham to "try it out" but we don't get to see that in the game. Before writing this I did a little research and found out that this isn't just made up by the creators for shits and giggles, but is actually based on a real letter he sent, titled "The benefits of taking an older women as a lover" which was not published in the United States until the mid 1900s because of its promiscuity. It's pretty well known in America how much of a playboy Franklin was, but I never knew he had a thing for MILFs. On another note, if he was taken 2020, do you think he'd like the idea of a MILF Denny's, Femboy Hooters, or Tomboy Outback the best?

    submitted by /u/SubbOrbital
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    I was legit disappointed with the [SPOILER] quest (Odyssey)

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 07:28 PM PDT

    The Circe quest. Wasn't Circe in mythology the witch who turned men into farm animals or something like that? When I walked onto that island and saw all the animals, I was thinking, "oh, so these pigs must be people. It's gotta be all the men she turned into animals, right?" Then I fetched and drank the wine expecting SOMETHING to happen to reference that, knowing full well she was tricking me, hey, maybe she's gonna turn my character into an animal and we have to find a way to turn ourselves back!

    But no. She just drugs you and throws you in a tomb. Kill pig, kill some more animals, go back, kill Circe. Done.

    There was so much wasted potential here. I am glad they decided to include Circe in the game, but it felt... I don't know, lazy? Like, maybe this quest could play differently depending on whether you picked Kassandra or Alexios. Maybe she might try to trick Alexios and turn him into an animal. Maybe she might be more open to Kassandra and tell her she's a witch. There's already so much magical stuff in this game anyway, why not explore that aspect of the story with Circe? It would have been perfect.

    Furthermore, Barnabas says he saw her at the island in his vision; there was indeed a witch, so his vision wasn't ENTIRELY bogus. But he says she was Leda's friend, yet you can't even mention Leda to her, to see if his vision was correct?

    Why even pick Circe for this at all if the most you're gonna do to reference her is put some random pigs around her? This could have been literally anyone else.

    I haven't finished the rest of this questline, so this might be referenced again later. I'm also not a Greek Mythology expert, so I might be wrong about Circe as a mythological figure. But I just needed to share my thoughts on this particular side quest.

    submitted by /u/madmarchhare14
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    Is Unity enhanced for One X?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 01:10 AM PDT

    I want to play the game but I'm curious if it's enhanced for the One X

    submitted by /u/TheKeeper772
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    I just finished Rogue and I don't know how I feel about it. (SPOILERS)

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 02:05 PM PDT

    It was cool to play as a templar (I guess). The story was interesting. It was cool seeing young Achilles. It was also cool seeing super young Arno and Elize (Unity will be my next game) and hearing about Connor in the colonies at the end but the game felt strange. I guess that's how it was supposed to feel playing as a Templar.

    I felt really bad killing assassins, especially Adewale and Hope. The game didn't change my mind about the Assassins and Templars. Even though they tried to portray the Assassins as the villains at the start, the Templars are still clearly the "bad guys" to me and Shay is 100% a traitor to me although I get his reasoning somewhat. The game just left me feeling.... weird or something.

    Also, Haytham is still a bonified asshole lmao.

    submitted by /u/heryea42
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    A interesting new tweet from Darby.

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 06:32 AM PDT


    This is interesting because I think he means, that James is in luck because apart from playing as an Assassin, all.. the rest are present in the game? And pretty much everything here we already know, except for complex parkour, which even he cant pretend that the parkour as found in Origins and Odyssey is what James meant. It might not mean anything, Darby could just be joking around, he could have just been talking about the narrative elements here, but I just wanted to share this.

    submitted by /u/AC4life234
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    My thoughts after finishing the entire series

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 01:15 PM PDT

    I've dedicated the last few weekends I had to play through and finish all of the main AC games. I have been a fan of the series ever since I was first introduced to it in Brotherhood, and liked that type of games ever since playing the 'Sands of Time' trilogy on my old PC. And now, well... Here's what i think about each game in a few sentences each(or less):

    AC 1: The game has aged VERY poorly, especially in the design department and in the missio nstructure. But in retrospective I can appreciate it, since there is a very interesting design change from most of the games of it's time.

    AC 2: With the exception of the frustratingly spongey enemies that occasionally crop up(as well as the bizzare combat mechanics that take time getting used to) the game is pretty good. And I don't think there is a need to talk about Ezio's journey more than it was already discussed.

    Brotherhood: Basically just an improved AC2 with some new mechanics, a great new map to explore and a great multiplayer that I remember to this day. However, the game does begin to show it's age in the mechanics area, which are especially noticable during the chases.

    Revelations: For some reason I didn't like it as much as the previous games, and I can't put my finger on exactly why. The map and atmosphere are fantastic, the story is decent, the characters are likable and the combat is decent as well. Might be Ezio fatigue, but I still don't know why.

    AC 3: The map is great and the combat in it is a big improvement over the previous game. But the stuff that surrounds the core bore me so much that I put it off in one of the weekends I dedicated to it to just play some TF2 to liven it up. That is the only game I did it in, which should tell you what i think about it.

    Black Flag: A HUGE improvement over 3. A complete overhaul of the core gameplay(even though the combat was a bit too simplified for my liking), something to actually do with the treasure trove's worth of money bags you pile up and a pretty fun endgame goal with the legendary ships. The endgame itself is kinda bad though, since by then you become super-assassin-man, which I dislike(looking at you, Mayan armour).

    Rogue: My favourite in the series. An absolutely fantastic story, core combat slightly tweaked from 4, forts are now a bit more dynamic and you even get some very fun additions like the grenades(and I know that the silent rifle is basically the blow-dart, but it feels better to use because it doesn't sound like yo uare blowing raspberries at the enemy). I also am a bit biased in this sense but I absolutely love arctic scenary and prefer it over the caribbean atmosphere.

    Unity: Absolutely fantastic combat and parkour. This is pretty much the only game in the series where I actually got to feel like a sneaky assassin who can will die if he as much as gets poked with a stick. I might be in the minority on that, but after all the patches I do think that THIS game is what future games should model themselves after, instead of following Origin's direction.

    Syndicate: This is the game where the series stopped feeling like AC for me. It still was a lot of fun and the world felt more real than in any other game, but it also felt TOO big. When I played with Evie I felt like a parallel-universe Batman who has finally lost it, and with Jacob I felt like I was playing Colossus from the X-Men who stopped taking his pills. The city itself was too high, too big to enjoy parkouring through, and the grappling hook cut a bit too much gameplay for me.

    Origins: I didn't like the game and the direction it was taking. The world was fantastic and detailed and the characters were enjoyable, but I really disliked the grind nad how spongey the enemies felt, as well being mostly restricted to playing in certain section of the map at certain times because of the leveling system.

    Odyssey: Everything that i disliked in Origins is present here, along with some additional problems: Enemies felt even spongier, the hidden blade is gimped to a criminal degree, the world is simultaneously too big and too empty, the parkour is not fun at all... Overall it's my least favourite in the entire series.

    Finally, as to how I will rank them... I once again will be in the minority in terms of how I ranked them, but keep in mind that it is my opinion. If you disagree, do say in the replies why(but keep in mind what I said about each game). And for the ranking, from best to worst...
    1) Rogue
    2) Unity
    3) Black Flag
    4) Brotherhood
    5) 2
    6) Syndicate
    7) Revelations
    8) 3
    9) 1
    10) Origins
    11) Odyssey

    submitted by /u/Tornado_Rush
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    Who are your top 5 favorite characters of all time?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 11:05 AM PDT

    I'm curious to know what people would have as their favorite characters in the history of this franchise. My top 5 favorites are (in no specific order) 5.Edward 4.Bayek 3.Connor 2.Altair 1.Ezio I love all 5 of these characters with all my heart and was wondering what other people think.

    submitted by /u/PreMalone3
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    The thing that bugs me most with how the series is going is the fact that it has become a trend chaser, instead of a trend setter.

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 02:27 AM PDT

    People like to complain about the ubisoft formula a lot but fact of the matter is, it was such a good formula at the time that a lot of games copied / adapted it.

    Assassin's Creed games were creating mechanics that the rest of the industry saw how it was bringing a lot of people in and started bringing those elements into their own franchises.

    Hell, middle earth was accused of ripping movement and parkour animations straight from AC.

    It used to be when they did this with every franchise they had. PoP revitalized and completely changed the 3d platforme genre, far cry took what crytek made and completely shifted it, making it a massive success and a really fun game.

    Just for the fun of it, they made the Ubi Arts division and popped out Rayman again when the 2d platforms were stagnant. And did so with such a beautiful art style as well.

    Now AC has become a trend chaser and it's why some of us are pissed off about the new direction the series is going in.

    And to top it all off, Ghost of Tsushima is doing the AC formula, the old formula and it's getting nothing but praises for it.

    This was just the ramblings of moreso disappointed than angry, fan. I hope some people will actually connect to this but if not, that's great too.

    Modern AC is not for me anymore and for those who like it, more power to you. Don't let others dictate what you like.

    AC shower thought over.

    submitted by /u/Just_a_user_name_
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    A lil Valhalla piece I knocked up, couldn’t be more excited to raid and pillage as a Viking.

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 06:00 AM PDT

    What never before thought settings would you like to see for an Assassins Creed game?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 03:30 PM PDT

    I'd like to see -Three Kingdoms of Korea -Arthurian England -Fall of Soviet Union

    submitted by /u/Jabe-Thomas
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    A 2D assassin's creed game that was pre installed with nokia phones in 2010s

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 07:20 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, I remember that a lot of years ago (like early 2010s) I had a nokia smartphone where there was pre installed this weird platform assassin's creed game that was in 2D and talked about the american revolution. I tried to look up on internet and I can't find anywere what chapter of the saga it was. I'd really like to play it again beacause it was my first contact with this universe and I think it's a great simole game. Thank you for your time

    submitted by /u/Bigiobogi
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    Potential Plotlines in AC: Valhalla

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 07:01 AM PDT

    A list of some potential plotlines that could be explored during the course of the main story of AC: Valhalla. Do keep in mind that if Ubisoft choose to follow historical events, then some of these plotlines could be considered historical and thus potential !!!SPOILERS!!!. But obviously its difficult to conclude whether or not that will be the case.

    The Conquest of Mercia (874)
    Since the game starts in 873, Eivor will not be participating two of the three successful conquests of Anglo-Saxon kingdoms. Therefore, I think it's a given that he/she will participate in the conquest of Mercia in 874. Maybe Eivor's main reason for participating in the conquest would be to hunt a target that is hiding within the Mercian capital of Tamworth. Would also be really interesting if Mercia is a single area when Eivor arrives in England, and then after the conquest it is split into the eastern and western section that can be seen in the leaked boss gameplay.

    The Conflict of the Client-Kings (875)
    Two client kings ruled East Anglia in the name on the Danes between 869 and 880: Oswald and Æthelred II. Based on the 30-minute leaked gameplay, the story seems to put emphasis on the fact that East Anglia is in turmoil and rival Viking clans are fighting over who should rule as their client-king. Maybe Eivor's clan will support Oswald, while other clans will support Æthelred II. This could be an interesting way of showing that conflict also existed between the Viking clans.

    The Hunt for Ricsige, King of Northumbria (876)
    The interesting thing about the 870's in England, is that all kingdoms of the heptarchy sees new kings ascend the kingship. I think it's a given that Eivor will assassinate at least one of these kings that pass in the 870's. The one that makes the most sense would probably be Ricsige who ruled (mostly) Northern Northumbria between 872 and 876. Having a plotline where Eivor hunts a king would be pretty interesting.

    The Throne of Dublin (873 – 877)
    I personally believe that Dublin is going to be the surprise location that was mentioned around the time of the reveal. Dublin is pretty important Viking city during the 9th century. Another reason Dublin could be interesting is because there is a lot of quarreling over the throne of Dublin in the wake of the death of Ivar the Boneless. This quarreling mostly happens between Ivar's nephew Oistin, his son Bárid, and his "supposed" brother Halfdan. There is certainly a lot of room for interesting plotlines centered around murders, scheming, and fragile alliances. Certain events that could be included could be: The Funeral of Ivar the Boneless, The Taking of Dublin in 875 and The Battle of Strangford Lough in 877.

    The Invasion of Wessex (878)
    This one is a given. It's probably going to be the culmination of the story. Guthrum against Alfred. Perhaps Eivor will have some internal conflict about who he/she should support – if Alfred and Eivor will have formed some friendship prior to the invasion. Events that could be included would be the battles of Chippenham, Cynwit and Edington.

    Let me hear if you've got any interesting plotlines that could be explored.

    submitted by /u/SirChrissaster
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