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    Thursday, July 2, 2020

    Assassin's Creed Me cosplaying as Alexios in Pilgrim set from AC: Odyssey

    Assassin's Creed Me cosplaying as Alexios in Pilgrim set from AC: Odyssey

    Me cosplaying as Alexios in Pilgrim set from AC: Odyssey

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 10:16 AM PDT

    "Jackdaw" is a very appropriate name for Edward Kenway's ship

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 08:41 AM PDT

    Jackdaws are attracted to shiny objects like jewelry. Kenway was a greedy thief who wanted money for no other reason than to have it. In his play The Beggar's Opera, John Gay stated, "A covetous fellow, like a jackdaw, steals what he was never made to enjoy, for the sake of hiding it."

    (Fun fact, that's the play Haytham went to see at the beginning of AC3 and the end of AC4)

    Jackdaws are sometimes mobbed to death by predatory birds, just like Edward was by the Templars. They often forage with other species of birds, too (Blackbeard, Jack Rackham, etc).

    They're often regarded as greedy and narcissistic in folklore. Some cultures consider them omens of death or calamity.

    Even dream interpretations of jackdaws fit Edward. The jackdaw symbolizes that dark, difficult times will be upon you soon and that they will last a very long time. Once the dark time ends, you will be stronger and wiser because of it.

    submitted by /u/mylegismissing
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    Layla's story structure is bad and Darby knows that.

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 06:00 AM PDT

    So Darby once mentioned in a loomer's podcast (right after the release of black flag) that having the modern day events happen in the year of release of each game respectively from black flag moving forward creates these one to two year time jumps in the modern day story. According to him this story structure is not suitable for one ongoing story with one protagonist and that's why the modern day segments of black flag, rogue, Unity and syndicate are self contained storylines for the most part.

    However fans weren't happy with this approach and ubisoft decided to return to the old formula for the modern day making one huge mistake. Continuing having the modern day segments happen during the release of each game respectively. Why? Why didn't they set the modern day in the near future like 2022? These time jumps really hurt Layla's story. We never saw her relationship with the brotherhood and i am afraid that this time the events of the fate of Atlantis will be forgotten. So effectively her character development is happening off screen.

    I would like to hear your thoughts and especially Darby's on the matter. Also i have to point out that i am excited to see how he and the rest of the writing team handles Layla's arc and i am glad that they didn't resolve her story outside of the games like what happened with a particular story in the uprising comics.

    submitted by /u/esiokles
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    What is the dynamic between the historical assassins, the Isu and our modern day protagonist

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 06:13 PM PDT

    Do the assassins interact with the Isu and their messages or are they merely a method of the isu communicating to the modern day protagonist in the animus to stop the end of the world etc.

    This is something that confused me as when Bayek in origins is hearing messages that are directed at Layla not him and he is far from aware of the existence of Layla. Does he really hear these messages at all in the way we hear them in game or does hear an altered version potentially of them or nothing at all?

    The relationship of Isu, past assassins and our modern protagonist has always perplexed me as the dynamic seems very strange as it sometimes seems our assassins are merely a messenger for the isu to our modern day protagonist or are what we perceiving through the animus as Layla or Desmond merely an altered version of these memories/altered timelines.

    Forgive me for such a heavy question but I am fairly new ac fan and have started to really get into the lore of it all and was just so fascinated by the dynamic of the ac universe and how it all functioned in tandem.

    submitted by /u/HiThereMyFriendz
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    Will people play through a fully remastered Assassins Creed 1

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 11:42 PM PDT

    I'm curious because I've seen mixed messages about if a remastered AC1 would even be played due to its repetitive mission structure, but a huge turn off for some especially younger fans is graphics quality, so I want to see if the AC community would still play a fully remastered, not remade, Assassins creed 1

    submitted by /u/JHove_19
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    Desmond's grandparents in World War 2.

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 05:40 PM PDT

    even though nothing is known about Desmond's paternal grandparents (William Mile's parents), I believe they fought in World War 2, I kinda once an idea and story for this (but that's besides the point), maybe Desmond's grandfather was an American Assassin while Desmond's grandmother was a German Assassin, and since William Miles was born in 1948, it would work, maybe Desmond's Paternal grandparents during World War 2, like maybe Desmond's grandfather and Desmond's great-grandfather (Desmond's grandfather's father) were sent to Germany by the American Brotherhood to help the German Brotherhood, and Desmond's grandmother (and her parents before her) was already a member of the German Brotherhood, so that's how they could of met, maybe Desmond's grandfather even killed Hitler and took his Apple of Eden, but hey, that's just my idea and theory (yes, I'm aware this won't be turned into a game, I'm aware Ubisoft doesn't want to do an AC WW2 game, I also never said they had to make this into a game, this is just something I came up with back in late 2017).

    what do you guys think, do you think it's possible Desmond's paternal grandparents fought in WW2?

    submitted by /u/TheHood2001
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    Will Valhalla be coming to steam eventually?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 05:56 PM PDT

    Is this game never coming to steam or will release later after some exclusivity deal?

    Would be like a kick in the face after all the AC games I've bought via steam.

    submitted by /u/-Auditore-
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    IMO the Co-op in Unity is one of the best game mechanics they underutilized.

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 12:09 PM PDT

    It should come back at some point, I loved playing with friends.

    submitted by /u/turixrios
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    Would a Connor/Arno/Shay sequel sell well?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 01:26 PM PDT

    This might be a flogging the dead horse kind of topic, but I can't tell you how much I want a sequel game for Unity or 3 which somehow blends together those 3 characters (I know a revenge plot wouldn't work with Arno's Unity arc, but I'd take anything, honestly). I think I'm borderline obsessed with the idea. It's maybe a pipe dream given that Ubi haven't been known to return to main characters barring Ezio, but I'm pretty sure a lot of people want it too, given what I've read online.

    God I miss that feeling of the games being interconnected, I think the Kenway era is my favourite in that regard (Revelations also hit that sweet spot). There's so much scope for a good story! And gameplay wise, I could totally see it working similarly to Syndicate, with Arno being your quick stealth man and Connor focusing on that iconic brutal combat. Even Shay, despite being older by then, could probably have a few sequences of gameplay a la Revelations Ezio.

    Both Arno and Connor defo feel like they have a lot more story to cover. And Shay, I know he dies of old age, but this is the franchise that killed Juno off in the comics, I think for the sake of a great game they could bring him into the fray.

    Do you think it'd ever be possible? Would it sell well? Or this just the lonely Connor fan in me talking wanting more of him?

    submitted by /u/m_ikewazowski
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    New player - Black Flag - point of chests and fragments?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 08:19 PM PDT

    New to the series. Started with Black Flag cause I was in a pirate mood. There is so much about this game I love, and so much I find strange (pretty much everything to do with the animus and the strange "out of game" forced story).

    The chests and the fragments all around the map. Do those... do anything? Do they mean anything? Do they impact the game? Or is it just completionist chasing junk? I started out trying to get them all since I assumed it was a big part of the game. But now I'm just ignoring them and following the story and it doesn't seem to have any impact what-so-ever on anything.

    submitted by /u/Anonycron
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    Is it possible Germany/Germania will be in Valhalla?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 04:04 PM PDT

    I want to see Germany in a game that doesn't involve WWII.

    submitted by /u/Jazoua
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    Potential Idea for New AC Game Set in Korea!

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 10:16 AM PDT

    Hey guys! First time posting.

    I absolutely love the AC franchise and all the historical tidbits that go into it from hanging out with da Vinci or Sokrates. However, as a Korean I never really did get a sense of a proper representation in these games of my country's history, which I am really passionate about. Yes, I am aware that this idea can be made for literally every nation's history, but hear me out.

    The game is set sometime around the 1905~1909 era, between when the Eulsa Unwilling Treaty and the assassination of Ito Hirobumi by the freedom fighter Ahn Jung-Geun. It was a very depressing time to be a Korean, effectively having been forced to give up their sovereignty to Imperial Japan. The game could follow a freedom fighter and a member of the Brotherhood as they rebel against the increasing influences of the Japanese government and the Templar Order. They could ultimately fail and be forced to move to Manchuria and/or Vladivostok, and ultimately into Europe by Stalin's policies. With the mixture of traditional Korean architecture and the more Western buildings coming into existence around the time, as well as the slowly-Westernizing culture I think it make a very interesting Assassins game that could provide a modern link as well, considering there is still a considerable diaspora of Korean people still living in Eastern European countries.

    You could have a mixture of classic swords, spears, and bows, as well as more modern guns; as anyone who's seen Kingdom on Netflix would know, the outfits could also be really snazzy while capturing the 'oriental' look. You could meet people ranging from the King of Joseon to maybe even the Japanese Emperor! I just want my Shingijeon rocket arrows.

    Also... there is literally a Korean freedom fighter guy who met his end after being surrounded by nearly four hundred Imperial military-police members and duking it out for three hours and armed with only two pistols. He reportedly took eleven bullets and killed fifteen before committing suicide using the last bullet. Everyone's just sleeping on this guy; shove him into a dlc already boys

    submitted by /u/CarelessAI42
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    Assassin's Creed 3 Remastered Motion Blur turns itself back on when restarting the game - any fixes?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 01:43 PM PDT

    Title says it all really. I launch the game, turn motion blur off, then when I close the game and reopen it motion blur's turned itself back on. There isn't an option for motion blur in the .ini file either so I can't change it there. Are there any fixes for this issue?

    submitted by /u/Gameskiller01
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    Questions about Sages throughout the series

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 01:56 PM PDT


    I have two question about the Sages, specifically de Molay, Germain, Bart Roberts and Thomas Kavanagh.

    So in Black Flag, you meet Roberts throughout the story and hes pretty anti-templar. He isn't treated well by them at all, and seems uninterested by their goals and their war with the assassins. There is also Kavanagh, who died in 1706 , who was being used by the Templars. However, you learn that in the early 1300s, the Templar grand master is a Sage. So surely the "Sage" in Molay wanted to be a Templar and even went as far as to let himself die to make the world think the Order was destroyed, whilst organising for it to go underground similarly to the assassins. If this is so, then why is Roberts so adamantly against helping them?

    I was thinking it could be possible that the treatment of Kavanagh and Roberts had turned the "Sage" against the Templars, but then Germain becomes Grandmaster again about 70 years or so later? So far, the Sage has gone from the big cheese Templar, right down to actively working against them and being hunted by them, then back to being top dog.

    Also, Edward sees Roberts as a full grown man in 1715, so does that make Roberts and Kavanagh alive at the same time? If Sages have the memories of all other sages, would a young Roberts be actively creating memories along side Kavanagh?

    submitted by /u/georgepa97
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    Is Syndicate’s combat fun through the whole game?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 05:32 PM PDT

    Or does it get annoying? I've heard it very different from Unity's which I actually liked.

    submitted by /u/Frank91405
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    Ideas for new gameplay mechanics?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 12:19 PM PDT

    So with Valhalla almost at our doorsteps, its probably about time for us to start thinking "how could they make the next game better?" And I don't mean something basic like "bring back parkour/classic elements" I mean any specific ideas, because lets face it, there was a fair amount of jank in the older games that got ironed out or replaced entirely over time. We know Social Stealth is back (with some sort of twist), but what's next? Since the animus is a simulation and not a 1-1 recreation of real life (its how they've explained videogame logic since the first game) they have pretty fair ground to make a few changes still. Do you remove the exp system in favor of the original games's upgrades? Do you remove the enemy AI being dumber than rocks who can't notice the guy they were looking for five minutes ago is in those bushes a few meters away? What do YOU want to make this series better than ever?

    submitted by /u/Cake_Lube
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    Monkey Island Easter Egg in Black Flag

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 03:16 AM PDT

    In the Mission where you have to kill Laurence Prins at his estate you can listen to a very familiar talk between 2 soliders."The way I see it is, Sword Fighting is a little like making Love. It's not alway what you do, but what you say" The same you hear in Monkey island


    submitted by /u/Swissie_01
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    [Lore Question] How did the Assassins gather such a powerful navy by the time of AC: Rogue?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 08:06 AM PDT

    Even as a lore fanatic, scrolling through the wikia pages does not yield any result, nor does it yield even the slightest of explanations on how the Brotherhood had managed to boast a fleet nearly as powerful as what some of the european powers had.

    If I recall correctly, in Black Flag, Edward Kenway had a fleet of around 20 vessels, however its ships and efficiency depended on the players' actions, so not exactly sure how effective it actually is.

    In Rogue, as Shay Patrick Cormac, we can face dozens, if not hundreds of Assassin vessels, each one stronger than the last, some even ridiculously powerful, more resilient than even the best ships in the Royal or French Navy.

    It may be they're actually just independent pirate or smugglers' ships commandeered or paid by Assassins, but the fact that we see hooded and masked Assassins captaining these aforementioned vessels makes me doubt it, not to mention they all have some unique British names uncommon for 'regular' vessels (The Stalker ; The Ice Pick ; Hook).

    Another contradictory point is that of the Storm Fortress, literally the strongest warship of the entire Atlantic, especially combined with the two other man'o'wars at its side. It's more powerful, more resilient than even the Spanish El Impulento in AC:BF. The Gerfaut, I could understand how they got into the hands of the Assassins (by Verendrye), but the Storm Fortress itself offers no explanation.

    submitted by /u/NCBlizzard
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    [ACB] War machine Mission Help

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 10:53 AM PDT

    I need help with the tank mission, you can't take damage while in the tank, and it's really frustrating me. I almost dont wanna do it, but I feel like I cant live with a 99%.

    submitted by /u/djxkksbsjskd
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    How would you connect a AC character to a IRL character?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 02:07 PM PDT

    In anticipation of "Assassins Creed - Valhalla", there has been an idea brewing in my head for almost two years, and now it's starting to take form.

    We're a group of Norwegian filmmakers with a screenplay idea for a "Assassins Creed" story. The thought is to bring some more viking stories to life. Thing is, with the characters timeline (yr980-1030) we have some "issues" with connecting this to known lore of Assassins Creed. We therefore wanted to "survey" a bit in the community for ideas on how to connect the main characters (one viking becoming an assassin and one becoming a templar).

    We know it's really difficoult to connect "Eivor" to any future characters since we don't know anything about the story yet, but what we're looking for is theories based on what we already know, and what would be possible within the lore.

    What we need help with is making a "lore correct" connection between the intended characters and AC lore.

    We're still in the beginning of getting a very rough story for a first draft for what will start as a 3-5 minutes short/trailer/teaser. Where we're going with this in the end is not set yet. That depends if we feel the story is true enough to "Assassins Creed"

    submitted by /u/TeddySpelberg
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    Why did Haytham’s hidden blades detach but shays didn’t

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 05:36 PM PDT

    Since quarantine ive Been going through the assassins creed games in order and I got to three and one thing I noticed is that Haythams hidden blade detaches but shays doesn't Haytham told shay that his blades were donated by the brotherhood so was a detached blade only carried by master assassins it never did explain why Haythams detached and Shay's didn't. Perhaps a oversight

    submitted by /u/redjoe112
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    Theory about the use of both eagle visions in Valhalla.

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 07:22 AM PDT

    I think I heard somewhere about a weak point system in Valhalla, like in Fallout. I may be wrong, if so just ignore me. But that got me thinking, what if we have both eagle visions, one for the regular bird stuff, and one for identifying weak points. The bird would act more or less like Senu or Ikros, maybe a bit different so its not the same. The traditional eagle vision would be used like the scanner in Fallout. But I dont know how the weak point system would work in combat, or maybe thats how you get one his assassinate.

    submitted by /u/ekington15
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