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    Monday, July 27, 2020

    Assassin's Creed I tried...

    Assassin's Creed I tried...

    I tried...

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 12:19 PM PDT

    Assassins Creed games are now more about exploring famous time periods than the actual 'Assassins Creed' anymore. I get it, but lets all be honest with ourselves.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 02:36 AM PDT

    Following Revelations, Assassins Creed has become less and less about Assassins and Templars and more and more about exploring famous time periods as a sort of pseudo historical simulator. I don't have much of a problem with this, but lets be honest with ourselves. Once 3 was over and met with both praise and skepticism - Ubisoft realized that they could essentially use the animus and the overarching history of the Assassins and Templars as an excuse to time-hop through iconic periods in history and make games set in those periods.

    Black Flag made an attempt to keep the Assassins and Templars somewhat relevant, as did Syndicate and Unity. This for me has marked the 'second stage' of the AC franchise - The first being everything leading up to 3 which very much focused on Assassins, Templars and all the story beats the series was introduced with.

    Now we're fully into the third stage of the AC life cycle. Almost entirely abandoning the series' core story concepts in favor of a by the numbers historical simulator. Each game hops between a fun, famous period of history that continues to put less and less emphasis on the Series' roots until at this point, they're almost unrepresented. We can all see this trend, how quickly we swap to radically different periods of history that have less and less relevance to Assassins and Templars yet more and more recognizable 'beats' that people can fawn over. Ancient Egypt, Spartans, Vikings - To give way to likely Samurai, Knights, Ninja, Cowboys, whatever other famous cultural figure is ripe for capitalizing on.

    I don't know about others, but to me - This is why I think the series shouldn't be called Assassins Creed anymore. It's not about the Assassins Creed anymore, it feels painfully transparent that Ubisoft doesn't want it to be about the Assassins Creed anymore. And y'know what? I'm fine with it. The games'll keep coming and I'll keep enjoying them. There's not many other games that offer the same thing in the same way. I just wish for closure and some sense of honesty from both Ubisoft and the Fanbase. The Assassins Creed name kind of needs retiring.

    EDIT: TLDR - The story of the franchise and what makes it narratively unique is being pushed into the background to more conveniently time-hop between famous cultures and their respective time periods. Post Revelations it's been more about the setting and the actual core narrative of the series has become more and more diluted.

    The reason I say Black Flag 'tried' is that it linked into the Kenway overarching stuff and still had a Templar representation even if it is mega weak and really marks the beginning of 'Who cares about Assassins and Templars, Pirates are cool - Lets make a game about them'. Completely forgot about Rogue, you'll have to forgive me. Unity also goes back to a more authentic AC1 /2 esque set-up. I'm more trying to stick to the point of 'The setting has gradually become more important than everything else' and that's a real shame, imo. It's still fun - But it's more... Shameless in what Assassins Creed is now. A tired old vehicle to let Ubisoft make historical fantasy games in whatever period or setting they like.

    EDIT 2: Oh yeah, newer games still have connecting threads with the series' roots - They just take a massive back seat. They're still there, don't get me wrong - They're just completely overshadowed by the setting, the myth the stereotypes. 'We're making a game about Vikings, When's a good time for the Vikings to look cool? What kind of Norse myths can we place around? What kind of viking things can we have the player do?' - It becomes more and more of 'This is a viking game set in the assassins creed universe' and less and less of 'This is an assassins creed game set in the Viking era'. The setting sells.

    submitted by /u/IIHawkerII
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    "I want someone to tell me what is the soul of a man" my fan art piece of Evior from the new assassin's creed game! I'm so excited for it �� and I hope you like the art �� ❤️

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 05:31 AM PDT

    I'm from Wyoming so I combined some of my favorite things

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 03:51 PM PDT

    Things that you can do in Assassin's Creed Valhalla according to the 'Skills' section of the demo

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 09:16 AM PDT

    I've been trying to compilate everything you can do, or possibly do in the game, but as you can guess there is not much to see in the gameplays and the fact that, being a Demo, there is a lot that hasn't been added to that version of the game.

    If you don't know, the 'Skills' we are talking about are passive effects or abilities that require little to almost no input from the player to activate. These skills help the player grow in 'Power', which is the new Level system.

    • Stomp: Enemies on the floor can be stomped in the head by Eivor to cause more damage, even killing them in the process.

    • Advanced Assassinations: When an enemy is above your Power Level and you try to assassinate him, a QTE will appear that, if you manage to successfully pull out, will kill him with only one hit, regardless of the status as an enemy (Bosses can be killed in one hit).

    • Pickpocketing: You can steal from NPCs if you are close to them (See Assassin's Creed 2 as an example). Doing so will reward Eivor with 1 point of adrenaline.

    • Breakfall: Falling from a dangerous height will make Eivor automatically roll as soon as they hit the ground, reducing the damage taken. You are STILL taking damage, meaning it is not the way it worked in Odyssey.

    • Chain Assassinations: If you kill an enemy and there is another nearby, Eivor can throw an Axe and kill him as well (Similar to Origins).

    • Bow Reflex: If spotted, Eivor can pull out his bow and quickly kill the enemy in the same vein as both Origins and Odyssey

    • Stun Finisher: When you reduce the enemy stamina, you can finish him off with a close ranged attack.

    • Bow Stun: When you reduce the enemy stamina, you can quickly finish him off with a long ranged attack.

    • Sprint Attack: While sprinting, Eivor can hit an opponent with his main weapon. I don't if sprinting means there's a specific button that allows the player to run, like Old Era - AC, or if it's just like Origins and Odyssey.

    • Parry Damage: If Eivor perfectly blocks an enemy attack, the attacker will receive a bit of damage.

    • Dual Swap: With a single button tap, you can change the weapon from your right hand to your left hand and viceversa.

    • Terror: Enemies can run away, leaving the battle, if you kill the stronger ones or the bast majority of them (Example: Assassin's Creed Syndicate: Jack The Ripper DLC).

    • Bow to Melee Link: Swapping from bow to Melee attacks deals extra damage for a few seconds.

    • Hunter Bow Combo: Realising your arrows as soon as it finishes the drawing animation makes the next one draw faster.

    • Brush With Death: Dodging at the right time makes everything move slower (Like Origins and Odyssey).

    • Predator Bow Combo: Consecutive headshots deal extra damage.

    • Guided Arrow: You can move the predator arrow just like in Origins.

    • Light Bow Combo: Consecutive shots with the light arrow deals extra damage.

    • Berserker Mettle: You no longer lose adrenaline after taking damage.

    • Heavy Dual Wield: Normally, Eivor needs both of their hands to carry some weapons (Bigger Axes, Great Swords and Bigger Shields). With this skill, you can carry these kind of weapons with one hand, leaving the other one empty.

    • Throwable Weapons: If Eivor is nearby an enemy weapon on the ground, they can throw it to someone attacking them.

    I will keep adding more if I see one that hasn't been added yet.

    submitted by /u/RazeMania
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    I've been playing the old Assassin's Creed games on PC and they still just fit like a glove after all these years.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 09:12 PM PDT

    Eariler I decided I wanted to stream all the old games because I haven't played some of these in like a decade. I just got done with AC1 yesterday and just started AC2. It seriously came back to me like riding a bike. They're just so good, I think the intro to AC2 is still one of my favorite sequences in a video game ever.

    I mean, the RPG games are fun too. Origins is probably one of my favorites, but it can't beat the og games imo. Pulling off assassinations with Altair and Ezio is just so fun.

    submitted by /u/Bulwark_HD
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    I’m having fun with Unity?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 04:15 PM PDT

    I thought this game was supposed to be bad, but I'm having a blast. Arno's Story is a lot of fun and Paris is cool to explore. Was there any reasons people shit on this game besides the bugs at launch?

    submitted by /u/0ldShadows
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    Emotional Economy of Assassin's Creed II in 60 seconds

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 12:03 AM PDT

    I think the Templars in AC Valhalla might be the best looking Templars since AC 1.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 11:08 AM PDT

    They have the knight look which is my favourite look because that's how they originally are in the very first assassins creed game. What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/Brrrrrggg
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    Odyssey is terrible, but I can't stop playing it. It's annoyingly fun.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 03:44 PM PDT

    Odyssey is not a good game, yet I can't stop playing it. The world is interesting but it's basically just copy/pasted. Every single bloody camp is the same. The story is decent but not that interested. Level gating sucks. It has nothing to do with assissins creed. But I can't stop playing it.

    It's too fucking fun, even though I know it's the junk food of gaming I'm still really enjoying it. And that annoys me because I really want Ubisoft to make a quality assassin's creed game that stays true to the originals (Valhalla looks promising, but still more actiony than stealth) and if Odyssey keeps selling and people keep liking it, then they'll keep churning it out. Anyone else think the same way? Or am I just insane?

    submitted by /u/george_n0p
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    Has anyone seen video of this hidden tomb being completed in AC Valhalla?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 11:25 PM PDT

    As per the title, has anyone seen video of someone putting in the swords statue inside the hidden tomb?


    Really interested to see what comes out

    submitted by /u/FizzKaleefa
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    In assassins creee unity arno gets expelled from the brotherhood for the exect same reasons the last 3 assassins joined the brotherhood.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 10:44 AM PDT

    He gets told he only joined to get revenge. You know like a Italian assassun who joined after his parents died.

    He gets told he carries a personal vendetta that he uses his status as an assassin to fulfill, almost like a colonial assassin who wanted to save his people.

    And he gets told off for joining the brotherhood out of redemption. Because as we all know no Caribbean assassin ever joined the brotherhood to redeem himself for his past mistakes.

    Not complaining because I honestly like the power hungry assassins we see in the french revolution. Its an interesting thing to see how the asssassins can be corrupted and act outside of the creed because of arrogance and a selfish desire for power.

    submitted by /u/broji04
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    Am I crazy or are there creepy faces on hacked screens in AC4?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 08:38 PM PDT

    With the upcoming Valhalla and the ammount of time I have right now, I decided to replay the series. As I was hacking one of the computers in Black Flag, I checked my phone and saw in the corner of my eye this weird face that seemed in agony. I didn't think much about it, until I saw it again after a different hack.

    Clip (bottom right corner)

    Close ups

    I couldn't find anything about it online but it triggered a memory of a theory about a certain "someone" being trapped in the Animus/Abstergo computers.

    Or it's nothing and I just had abundance of time and gin.

    Edit: Does the first face remind you of Machiavelli?

    submitted by /u/RendanfuIs
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    [AC3 SPOILERS] THAT twist in AC3

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 03:58 PM PDT

    I was 15 when AC3 was released and a huge AC fan. So of course I had pre ordered it and replayed Brotherhood and Revelations in preparation for it. So I planned it in a way so I could finish Revelations and immediately start with 3 (especially due to THAT ending in Revelations).

    So as you may know it picks off right where Revelations ended. We play as Haytham Kenway for 3 sequences, getting to know him and how charming he is. He's shown to be respectful and helpful... then BAMM! "May the Father of understanding guide us" Haytham is a GODDAMN TEMPLAR!! My 15 year old fragile mind was BLOWN.

    I used to be quite active in the AC forums at that time but it's amazing how the developers managed to keep that a secret. I had never played a game where you essentially play a villain without realising it, it was mindblowing!!

    I don't think there are any other twists as good as this one in all of AC franchise (maybe the Lucy one but the explained that in a DLC -.-).

    Do you guys have any other favorite moments like this one?

    submitted by /u/KidsMaker
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    Swords of the Masyaf Brotherhood

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 06:10 PM PDT

    I am curious as to what (aside from the Syrian Saber) are the swords used by the brotherhood during the 3rd crusade are based on. I see design elements of various swords but nothing concrete. I am not super well versed in Central Asian and Middle Eastern swords myself. I also cannot help but wish for either a remake or remaster for this game. Ideally a remake, since then we could drastically improve designs and graphics while a remaster tends to only do so much.

    Anyways, if someone who is knowledgeable on the subject help me that would be swell.

    submitted by /u/pricedubble04
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    how did Charles Dorian know Shay?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 05:18 PM PDT

    at the end of AC Rogue, when Shay stabs Charles Dorian, Charles says that he's the traitor, almost as though that Charles knew who Shay was and was surprised he was a Templar now, yet Shay seems like he only knew who Charles Dorian was possibly through Assassin info, so how did Charles Dorian know Shay?

    submitted by /u/TheHood2001
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    So after some deep thought, here’s my take on female the female assassins controversy.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 10:10 AM PDT

    I always play as male characters whenever I get the chance to. It's not a sexism thing, I am a male and it's who I just can identify with better when given the option.

    I have owned pretty much every console. I play different games on different systems. I actually loved the PS Vita and I loved AC Liberation, not a masterpiece but Aveline was a great Protagonist and the game was fun.

    In Syndicate (which is my least favorite AC game) I liked Evie a hell of a lot better than Jacob. She, in my opinion was the superior assassin and character.

    In Origins, now here's were I deviate a bit. While Aya would have probably been a good protagonist. Keeping Bayek as the main protagonist was the wise move. He is a phenomenal protagonist and made the game even better. There were just emotions he had throughout his journey that made the story amazing. I honestly cannot imagine the game with him.

    Odyssey was just a shitshow to be honest. I played both Alexios and Kassandra, and it's completely obvious that Kassandra was the real main protagonist. Having both characters as options did bother me. It was so obvious back then that Alexios was the antagonist that when played as him, I didn't even consider Kassandra the antagonist. She was the main character and she was great. The game had issues and I think we can mostly all agree with that, but Kassandra was made for that game.

    Now finally on to Valhalla. I actually like that you can swap genders on the fly. I like how they have explained it and even though most people just want one character male or female, as long as it makes sense I'm fine with the option. It doesn't feel forced. "Eivor" can be a great protagonist as a male or female because "they can't tell if it's male or female dna" and that's how the game was built. Not like Odyssey where it's blatantly obvious Kassandra was the main and Alexios was "tacked on".

    Moving forward I hope Ubi can recognize that females can sell games. Horizon Zero Dawn, Last of Us P2, Tomb Raider, Bayonetta, Dishonered 2, and for Gods sake Metroid all have badass female leads and sell a ton.

    Don't be afraid that those of us who prefer playing as male characters, when given a choice will bail because a game has a female lead. If I'm not given a choice, it doesn't mean I shy away from playing female characters. I embrace it. It takes me out of a comfort zone and usually leads me to have even more fun.

    submitted by /u/GoodfellaJoey
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    Just finished Syndicate for the first time and, while I did enjoy it, I think they missed a solid side plot.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 12:33 PM PDT

    The game could have featured the founding of Abstergo-or at least one of its predecessors. I forget when exactly in the game timeline Abstergo is officially founded, but with the focus on capitalist conglomerates this would have been thematically the best game to show that origin.

    submitted by /u/nvogie
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    Cinematic trailer with unofficial Valhalla Ezio theme

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 09:17 AM PDT

    I really hope in Valhalla we can make Eivor dedicated to the creed

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 02:56 AM PDT

    The last 2 assassin games really didn't have much to do with the creed except the hidden ones dlc.

    I hope that the upcoming game will allow for us to dedicate our time to the creed and see it grow. I miss the old games and honestly the last time it felt like we were part of the creed other than the hidden ones was unity.

    submitted by /u/MateuszMartyni
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    Are Multiplayer achievements/trophy's in AC IV:Black Flag obtainable?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 06:56 PM PDT

    I'm trying to Platinum all the AC games prior to Valhallas release. I'm almost finished AC3, was planning to do ACIV next but I realised there were MP trophies. As I'm not sure if anyone is still playing MP are they still obtainable?

    submitted by /u/Sapir-Whorf682
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    “How Dya Like Apples” Achievement didn’t pop up after completing sequence 3? )AC3 Remastered)

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 12:50 AM PDT

    Title. I completed sequence 3, Haytham was a Templar all along Yada yada, but the game just took me to the next modern-day cutscene and then put me into the next sequence? I didn't get an achievement. AC3 Remastered on the Xbox One X

    submitted by /u/SuperMaanas
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    Why do my assassin tower icons change?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 09:02 PM PDT

    In AC: Brotherhood the pigeon coops sometimes have the assassin tower logo wine sometimes a contract logo...but they are both no?? Just want to make sure I'm understanding the signs correctly

    submitted by /u/juststupid8970
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