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    Friday, July 31, 2020

    Assassin's Creed Hey folks my dad has drawn another piece from the games, I put up a post before and it got a great response so thank you for that! I hope you guys like this one too 😊

    Assassin's Creed Hey folks my dad has drawn another piece from the games, I put up a post before and it got a great response so thank you for that! I hope you guys like this one too ��

    Hey folks my dad has drawn another piece from the games, I put up a post before and it got a great response so thank you for that! I hope you guys like this one too ��

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 03:11 AM PDT

    My friends are tired of hearing about AC so I’m posting here

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 07:55 PM PDT

    I bought 6 games on the summer sale, I got AC2, Brotherhood, Revelatjons, Black Flag, Unity, and Syndicate

    I have played 2 and unity, couldn't play syndicate, and I'm in the middle of black flag.

    I started my ac experience with odyssey, and I never knew how amazing the series can actually be! I almost gave up on the series all together but then I tired origins and 3 and bought these 6.

    I just want to take a second and say I just f*cking love this series. The only hame I have actually hated so far is syndicate, and the rest I've loved.

    And now I'm playing black flag, and It's just on a fucking entirely different level.

    I just wanted to take a second and say, this series is great, and I'm happy I didn't give up on it. These games are amazing.

    submitted by /u/Dcsd212368
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    I finally finished axes and shield for my Eivor cosplay

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 08:41 AM PDT

    I made a fan art of Shay Cormac

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 11:01 AM PDT

    Some positivity about AC Odyssey despite expecting the worst based on what I've mostly heard about it!

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 11:13 AM PDT

    I started AC Odyssey a couple weeks ago after playing Unity and Origins, back to back, and I was pretty hesitant to play based on the seemingly overwhelming negative opinions on the game.

    I just thought I'd pop in and say that after 60 hours of playtime so far, I am loving this game! I don't understand the hate. Maybe we tend to see more negative opinions about it because people with negative opinions tend to be more vocal about them then those with positive opinions? I don't know

    The world is incredible. I'm constantly in awe as I roam around ancient greece. The combat is a lot of fun(I dare to say I like it more than the 'traditional' AC combat). Yeah, it felt a little more... impactful... in Origins. I was a little off put when I first started at how it felt like I was slicing through air on every hit of my opponent, vs in Origins you really felt every hit, but for the most part it doesn't bother me any more.

    I love how they implemented the whole Cult of Kosmos thing, and how you have to explore and follow leads to find the next cult member, vs the story line just giving you the target. And I've found the whole story about Kassandra/Alexios' family and the cult to pretty compelling so far.

    I've found that there has been plenty of opportunity to feel like an assassin, as it's been nearly impossible for me to take out any camp/fort etc. without implementing some heavy assassin tactics. If I don't I quickly get over run by the guards, and my only choice is to flee. It's hard, and I love it.

    I actually love the mercenary thing. I love it when they come after me because fighting them is a lot of fun, and the fact that they will track you down when you get into a big brawl in a fort or something, quickly overwhelming you, makes the game play a lot more interesting for me, and forces me to be a lot more calculated in my approach to engaging enemies.

    The 'god-like' and 'magical' abilities are maybe a little over the top, but I think it's pretty easily justified in that Kassandra/Alexios has a piece of eden, and well, in every AC game to date, the enemy that had a piece of Eden did some pretty crazy and magical stuff. It's not exactly a feature that's completely out of left field. No assassin in any of the AC games have used a piece of Eden as a weapon, so... that's good enough for me!

    The two things that really annoy about this game however, although fairly minor, are civilians attacking you when you're in a fight, and the stupid auto slow-down of the horse when you're around populated areas. Let me run my horse at full speed through a crowd of people if I want to, damnit!

    Anyway, that's all. Just thought I'd put out some positivity about this game for a change!

    submitted by /u/Mographer
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    If they were ever gonna make a sequel to AC Unity what changes would you like to see in it?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 08:14 PM PDT

    The chances of ubisoft making a sequel to unity that continues the story of arno is basically zero, but hypothetically if they made a sequel what would you want to see in it?.

    Unity is my favorite assassin's creed game but it wasn't perfect and i feel like there was a lot more potential there that was missed.

    some things i would like to see is deeper stealth mechanics, like moving bodies, vision cones, etc, and also a better story because i can't even remember most of the stuff that happened in the game.

    submitted by /u/bookmark32345
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    In blackflag how long does it take warehouses to restock

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 08:01 PM PDT

    Been ages since ive played it but i know after a specific ammount of time they can be done again..

    submitted by /u/cheeuschrist
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    Could Serge Hascoet have been partly responsible for the lackluster Modern Day storyline we've seen since Origins?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 07:51 PM PDT

    I was watching a YongYea video regarding the whole Ubisoft situation going on and in the article he reads, it goes into detail that this guy was really into this one type of forumla for Ubisoft games, that they couldn't be super linear or have too many cutscenes and that he was more interested in a "strong male lead" as the protagonist. With this in mind, it's hard not to think of the current Modern Day with Layla as being a victim of this because it all seems to encompass everything this guy doesn't care for. Layla ends up being portrayed as a really unlikeable, bland Millennial stereotype where her sections simply amount to being in one room to interact with e-mails or maybe a corridor to walk down. It seems a lot of the Modern Day world-building goes on in the transmedia stuff now (like that radio drama/audiobook that was released a few months ago).

    I know at this point it feels too much like wishful thinking to hope that with his removal, we'll begin to see a change for the better in elements like the Modern Day but I feel like this is the first thing in a while that's given me a sort of hope for the series and either a return to form or maybe going off in a different direction that feels more like "Assassin's Creed" than Origins/Odyssey/Valhalla do.

    submitted by /u/Briankelly130
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    Why do some people think that the Assassin vs Templar conflict is about order vs chaos?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 02:05 PM PDT

    Why do some people think that the Assassin vs Templar conflict is about chaos vs order? From what I understand, it's about freedom vs order. I've watched some interviews and some devs, especially from the odyssey team and Aymar, think that the ideology is chaos vs order. They even mentioned it in odyssey when Layla says "I'm an assassin, I fight for chaos" and the devs even said that the Greek world symbolizes the chaos vs freedom conflict that has apparently been in the series for a long time. Does anyone know why they keep on saying this, cuz I can't find anywhere else in the series where it was mentioned that it's chaos vs order.

    submitted by /u/tarund2302
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    Why wont it let me lock onto enemies?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 09:33 PM PDT

    I'm at the point in the game in brotherhood where you're using the apple but I'm also trying to use my assassin recruits and mercenaries and I can hire them and call them but it wont let me lock onto a group...

    Is this just me or the game?

    Also why cant I just put the damn thing in my pocket and take it out when I need it UGHHHH I really dont like it at all

    Edit: also lmao my armor is very damaged and it didnt give me a chance to repair before the next sequence what the hell...is there anything I can do?

    submitted by /u/juststupid8970
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    AC Syndicate is a great game and the music is even better!

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 09:14 AM PDT

    Sorry for the long read, I've tried to keep it short.

    So during this weird lockdown period we've had this year I've decided to catch up on where I left off in the Assassin's Creed series. I had played all of the AC games up to Unity but when Syndicate released I either didn't have the time or money to play it and so i just kept delaying buying it until I did. As time went on I started to lose interest in carrying on the series, especially as Syndicate wasn't getting great reviews, and before I knew it Origins was released and then eventually Odyssey.

    Fortunately, at the start of the pandemic, PlayStation was having a sale and both Origins and Odyssey were available at a very affordable price and I had more time to spare than I knew what to do with! So I bought them and sunk A LOT of time into them both. I regret nothing. They are both very good games and I enjoyed the heck out of them, but for me they didn't feel like Assassin's Creed games. They weren't very 'assassiny' if you know what I mean. But don't get me wrong I completely understand that they were about the origins of the brotherhood itself, the pieces of Eden, the isu and the bloodline etc etc.

    So once I'd finished them, I had one more game to play, Assassin's Creed Syndicate. As luck would have it my friend had a copy and was happy to lend it to me. Oh man, as soon as i started this game I suddenly remembered everything that I missed from previous installments in the series. Now this is a Assassin's Creed game. Yeah its not perfect and it could do with a little tidying up around the edges, but damn, this is the style of AC game that I love. In my opinion Odyssey (maybe Origins too) was way too big a game. We don't need to explore the entirety of the Greek world. Syndicate is based in only a part of Victorian London and i think that is the perfect size. Not too big, not too small, not too much to do, it doesn't feel repetitive, the skills and leveling up system works perfectly for me, the gang upgrades, crafting and character customisation is just enough. Its great and I dont feel too overwhelmed playing it, and i can enjoy it more as a whole.

    Oh and the music in Syndicate is amazing! Its underrated. They did a fantastic job with depicting Victorian London and an even better job making you feel so immersed within it.

    I would love it if Ubisoft went back to this style of AC game, but unfortunately I'm not convinced that they ever will.

    TLDR I like Origins and Odyssey but enjoyed Syndicate way more because it felt more like an AC game to me. Also, the music is awesome.

    submitted by /u/Fensomee
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    Assassin's Creed series canon equipment and outfit

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 05:15 AM PDT

    Hello everyone

    For those of you who, like me, want to play with the canon appearances, here is what I believe to be the canon equipement and outfit for all games after replaying them all and checking wikis, promo art, trailers, demo and figurines

    When i put an arrow between weapon or armor, it means that you have to change from the one before the arrow to the one after it

    - AC 2 : common sword → altair's sword, dagger → notched cinquedea, leather greaves, metal pauldron → altair's armor

    - ACB : common sword → captain's sword → altair's sword, stiletto → romulus' dagger, roman spaulders, roman vambraces → seusenhofer full armor

    - ACR : assassin yataghan sword, macedonian dagger → mehmet's dagger, no armor

    - AC 3 : assassin's tomahawk, flintlock → dual flintlock

    - AC Liberation : cutlass → machete, sugarcane machete, queen anne's pistol → dual pistols, pocket pistol, assassin hat

    - AC 4 : british cutlasses → kenway's unique swords (if not possible, golden matched swords), common flintlock pistols → golden flintlock pistols, jackdaw : jackdaw figurehead, black skull sails (if not possible, black ship sails), jackdaw wheel

    - AC Freedom Cry : rusty machete → steel forged machete, smoothbore gun → the dragoon, experto crede : proud lion figurehead, liberty sails, wheel of bindings

    - AC Rogue : french cutlass → bastard sword, common flintlock pistols → english percussion flintlock, assassins robes → interim robes → templar robes, morrigan : wolf figurehead, wolf sails, wolf wheel

    - ACU : dull cavalry saber → officer's saber, pistol → arno's pistol, arno's robes → arno's tailored robes

    DLC Dead Kings : raider outfit, guillotine gun

    - ACS : iniate knuckles → steel knuckles (jacob), initiate cane sword (evie), derringer pistol → 1856' revolver, leather gauntlet → black leather gauntlet, leather belt, simply jacob → outdoorsman outfit, plain cape, simply evie

    - AC Origins : bronze sword → kopesh sword, hunting bow → amenhotep's bow, medjay shield → shield of alexander

    Gear upgrade : breastplate level 10, bracer level 10, stabiliser level 10, hidden blade level 10, quiver level 5, tool bag level 5

    DLC Hidden Ones : hidden ones robes, 1 more level for all gear, painless death bow

    - AC Odyssey : bandit sword → hero's sword, improved hunter's bow, misthios set (tunic & belt) → mercenary set

    submitted by /u/MaxGaming3005
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    ASSASSINS CREED FRANCHISE WEEK on humble bundle check it out this is an affiliate link the recommendations are in the comments section

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 10:32 PM PDT

    Multiple Universes (Spoilers for potentially all games)

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 05:31 AM PDT

    The more I read about Valhalla and Eivor, the more certain I'm becoming that AC is moving into an "infinite multiverse." Let me explain my key ideas:

    • The multiverse is set to allow for infinite possibilities; but, there are certain determined moments that will always happen (fixed points, constants, etc.). The AC term for this is a "node."

    • Desmond activated the Eye, a piece of Isu tech that was able to delay the catastrophe, not stop it. Minerva uses a lot of explanation about the "calculations," which Darby confirmed was parallel universes.

    • The Staff of Hermes is capable of altering the laws of reality that underpin our existence. We see it is altering our reality; but, the Isu would see it as adjusting the "code" of existence because they have a more advanced perception of time.

    • Layla's Animus is "different" and has the opportunity to change things. On its own, not so much; but, with the Staff...

    • Layla is able to use the Staff and her Animus to now see the multiple "possible" realities that could have been. Eivor is both genders because both were extant in different realities. Eivor can have different dialog because all things happened differently in different realities.

    Finally, it is my belief that Layla will be searching for another PoE through Eivor's story that will allow her to "adjust" the timeline. If she has the PoE and Animus necessary to see the different timelines, maybe one more and she'll be able to "change" them. To shift the realities to make the "canon" reality the one she wants.

    But hey... that's just a theory... a game theory. Ok, I'm tired. I'm running on no sleep, so forgive me if that wall of text is garbage.

    submitted by /u/Thespis41
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    Can we just get rid of Layla?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 12:01 PM PDT

    We all have our preferences about AC games, but if it's one thing we can all agree with, it's that Layla is the worst character in the entire franchise. I didn't hate her that much until I played the Fate of Atlantis DLC. If they bring her back in Valhalla, her character wouldn't be redeemable no matter what they do. Kiyoshi would be a good protagonist or maybe that girl who is a descendant if Shay, I'm all for it, but just don't make Layla the protagonist again.

    submitted by /u/QuezzyOfRivia
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    Holy crap I love origins, first time playing and I haven't even downloaded the dlc

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 05:52 AM PDT

    Let's get one thing out of the way. I hated Odyssey. Hated it. I didn't play Origins because I just assumed it to be terrible, being sandwiched between my two least favorite installments in the franchise...dont get me started on syndicate. After Odyssey I heaved a sigh of disappointment and formulated the very premature opinion that Unity was the last real AC game. Syndicate had downgraded graphics and absolutely terrible kill animations with very cartoony blood. I felt like Ubisoft had taken me to waffle house for our anniversary and stuck me with the bill. I felt cheap, used and insulted. Odyssey turned out to be yet another drab, uninspired money-making machine. So why even try to play origins, I thought. The franchise has totally fallen off, I thought.

    Frankly, I'm not even that far in Origins (level 18 or so) and I am having more fun than i can even articulate. The protagonist is an absolute badass. The mechanics feel better than Odyssey. It's just an amazing game. The map is dope. Odyssey is just huge, that's it. Every sync point is identical to the last, it just becomes a tedious grindy mess.

    Quick question is the dlc for origins something I can install mid playthrough or will I have to start over?

    submitted by /u/GlorygoleGargoyle
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    Valhalla should have companions and choice of ships

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 03:13 PM PDT

    So while playing Odyssey and having some sad thoughts of who I lost on my adventure in the game I really wished my character had someone with him on this hurtful journey. Someone to talk to, someone that fights on your side, someone to be your company. I liked Dragon Age Origins and 2 so much for the group dynamic and the individual characters.

    Also, do you also hate how from Assassin's Creed 3 on we always only get the smallest ships? Or at least not the biggest... how cool would it be if you could get a bigger ship, either buy or steal it. Like I want the biggest badass mf'ing ship there ever was and upgrade it to the teeth. Anyone with me on that? :D

    submitted by /u/JohnnyTest91
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    Is there a Spin Off game that is canonical and also a Comic that is canonical?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 06:57 PM PDT

    Is there any Spin Off that is canonical and in the same way and any Comic that is canonical?

    submitted by /u/DiegAserret0
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    Can I reload a previous save in ACB?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 11:59 PM PDT

    I made it to sequence 9 but my armor is really really damaged and it didnt give me a chance to fix between sequence 8 and 9.

    I also want to finish the lairs to get the better armor...I wasnt able to because I walked into the pope sequence before I could get lair near it.

    submitted by /u/juststupid8970
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    AC: Odyssey Nation Leaders, what are they good for? I've ran into 2 and killed them, is that bad?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 01:56 PM PDT

    Should I wait and not kill them? I kinda stumbled upon them on the road.

    submitted by /u/WonderChode
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    Layla’s arc possibly ending with Valhalla

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 06:25 PM PDT

    I've heard quite a few people say that the series is coming to a close with Valhalla, but i heavily doubt it is going to. Layla's arc might end, but even if it does, it will just be like Desmond. Ac3 could've been the last in the series and would've made a complete ending, the solar flare threat was ended, the main apparent bad guy, Vidic, was gone, and the world was saved. But Ubi made black flag, and continued it on. Even if, when valhalla comes, it seems like the end of the series, it won't be. 2 reasons reinforce this: The war between the assassins and templar's cannot end with victory on either side, as it will end in the doom of the world, and Ubisoft like money, and the franchise is one of their biggest, if not the biggest, they've ever made.

    submitted by /u/EpicBen04
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    People who think AC should remove the modern day stuff entirely, not care about stealth, or not care about historical accuracy, which AC was your first and how much of the series did you play before Origins/Odyssey

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 06:46 AM PDT

    Genuine question here. I want to see how this breaks down.

    submitted by /u/Twoklawll
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    NPC can vault over wall but we can't?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 10:01 PM PDT

    In this video (https://youtu.be/l5s_Sf2pHAo) at 8:53 we can see the archer vault over low wall. It has been shown in several video but I have never seen eivor can vault over wall or small object. Vaulting was reintroduced in odyssey why they remove it now?

    submitted by /u/quanzaizai
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    Can I skip Unity and Syndicate?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 10:43 AM PDT

    I've recently started playing through the AC games before Valhalla comes out, I'm about halfway through Black Flag at this point but I really don't want to play Unity at all. I have played it before but never finished it. I don't want to start from the beginning cause it felt like such a drag to get to where I was when I stopped. I like Syndicate a lot more than unity and while I don't really want to play it that much since I want to get to Origins asap I will if it helps with the over arching modern day story. Sorry this post was so long lmao.

    TLDR : Can I skip Unity and Syndicate without any story problems?

    submitted by /u/Straycube567
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