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    Sunday, June 21, 2020

    Assassin's Creed My one concern with my favorite franchise, Assassins Creed. (Series Spoilers)

    Assassin's Creed My one concern with my favorite franchise, Assassins Creed. (Series Spoilers)

    My one concern with my favorite franchise, Assassins Creed. (Series Spoilers)

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 02:08 PM PDT

    Does anyone else feel like we are getting this constant build up to a climax that will never happen? I love the series, I've owned all of the full games and PSP games, and I always love them.

    But the one time we hit a climax in the series, when Desmond dies (still pissed btw.), it wasnt much of a game changer for the series. The apocalypse was postponed, and the Assassins and the Templars just kept at their fight to gather pieces of eden, and ISU locations.

    I'm not one of the people who hates the present day stuff, I always enjoy the jump to the present. Well, almost always, I think it was Unity (maybe black flag?) that the present day stuff felt clunky roaming around an office. Whereas Odyssey has Atlantis, which is pretty rad.

    What do you guys think? Will we ever get some sort of closure on the ISU threat, or even an escalation of the the current threat?

    submitted by /u/MetalsDeadAndSoAmI
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    Love or hate Odyssey, cleaving a ship in two then looking at the carnage in photo mode, is amazing

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 07:27 PM PDT

    Whenever you cleave a ship, open photo mode. You might be surprised on how many individuals planks spring up. The only downside are the soldiers blank stares...

    submitted by /u/ekington15
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    Rogue,III,Unity all need a sequel and let me explain

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 02:39 PM PDT

    I've played both rogue, III, and unity and they have great story and a chance to start something new once again. This title in my mind would be the referenced one in rogue or black flag present. Assassin's Creed Phoenix

    what I think is we should continue as Shay and make him return to the colonies and set a new order by request of the Council (of templars in england if exists) and after that we continue until he either gets killed by conner or..mysteriously, Arno who returns, but in the colonies. of course shay is old, but Arno would learn of a new order after finding Connor chasing down Shay himself. They'd work together with their allies in the colonies and this would take them farther south meeting Aveline. They would go to iconic cities (new orleans and others again though some new) this would pull something from AC2 several locations. Naval combat and all is diverse depending how they want it and the world would have amazing locations ofc. As for the story. I won't go to full detail, but If this was gonna happen then ubisoft can try it. Finishing off Shay, Conner, And Arno questions if they ever hunted each other and establish new lore and theories within the Americas. hope y'all enjoyed my post. No I won't fix my grammar cause phones bad for reddit anyhow

    submitted by /u/Frostykinggg2
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    What’s everyone’s favorite cinematic trailer? (not based on the game just solely the trailer)

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 04:23 PM PDT

    Some of my favorites are Revelations, III, Unity, and Origins. Plus, I love Lorde and got really excited when I heard her version of Everybody Wants to Rule the World in the Unity trailer it was epic. Iron by Woodkid couldn't have been more perfect for revelations.

    submitted by /u/ku_1213
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    So Arno's personality just dies when he becomes an assassin?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 11:58 PM PDT

    First time playing Unity. I was really starting to like Arno, being similar to Ezio and Edward, but suddenly he joins the Assassin's and all the humor leaves his personality. He just becomes all serious and stoic all the time.

    What's up with that?

    submitted by /u/thrashmetaldinosaur
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    a game focusing on Ezio's grandfather.

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 05:43 PM PDT

    who else would want a game focusing on Ezio's paternal grandfather (Son of Renato Auditore, and father of Mario and Giovanni Auditore)? especially since almost nothing is known about him.

    submitted by /u/TheHood2001
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    The couple of extra quests that would have really helped round off the ending of Odysssey

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 02:57 PM PDT

    I'm pretty sure we can all agree by now that the "best" ending for AC odyssey, where all of the family has survived and is brought together for a very cheesy cutscene of them sitting round the dinner table together was a bit of a dissapointing way to end the storyline, especially considering all that happens afterwards is your family becomes usable as leutentants aboard your ship and you basically never interact with them again. I would have gone about tying up the story a bit differently.

    In my head, after that cutscene finished their should have been a quest where you have to speak to each of your family members individually. Speaking to Myrinne, she tells you that she's going to remain in Sparta in the family home to help with her city's affairs and try to rebuild some of the life she had lost, but will always be ready to join Kassandra if she needs her. Speaking to Stentor, he informs you that he will be returning to the front lines to continue fighting for Sparta in the war and while he may not like Kassandra much yet, he admires her determination and how she has brought her family back together, and offers to aid Kassandra in her quests should she need his help. Speaking to Nikolaus, you have the daiologue option to persuade him to either continue alongside Stentor in the war against Athens or to remain in Sparta and try to mend his relationship with Myrinne. He is greatful for Kassandra's advice and for reuniting the family and will also offer to help if needed.

    Alexios has his own mini quest line, starting with you taking him to Kephalonia to see where Kassandra grew up and forming the beginnings of a sibling bond between the two. You assist some civilians somewhere which grants Alexios the chance to see how he can use his abilities as a force for good. One of the civilians becomes a potential love interest for Alexios and you have the dialogue option to persuade him not to rush into it and to return home to be with Myrinne (and Nikolaus if he stays) or encourage him experience falling in love and possibly starting a family of his own, in which case he will part ways to be with the love interest but again offers to help Kassandra should she need him.

    After this you now have the option to call upon any of the 4 to use them as a lieutenant on the Adrestia, but you can only use one at a time. This to me seems like a much more sensible and realistic way to end the storyline. Sure the family has been reunited and that's great, but each of them will still have their own goals and plans, why would they all want to permanently be stuck on the Adrestia while Kassandra goes off on her adventures?

    submitted by /u/Rossage99
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    Unity 2 set during the Napoleonic Wars with Arno and Leon.

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 01:35 AM PDT

    They won't but if Ubisoft ever thought, hey another game in France, I think that a story revolving around Arno mentoring Leon to become an assassin during the period of Napoleon's conquests in the 1800's.

    Just an idea. Agree or disagree, I don't mind.

    submitted by /u/Jezza262
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    Best hideout? Personal favorite is cafe theatre

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 01:40 PM PDT

    I haven't played the early AC's, but I've played AC3, black flag, unity and syndicate. My personal favorite is the cafe theatre in Unity, it's just so cool to have your own cafe and there are so many rooms to explore and the sewers. I'm sure when I play the first couple ac games my mind will change.

    submitted by /u/martinluther95theses
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    I'm playing through Assassin's Creed 3 and really enjoying it

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 04:19 PM PDT

    So I'm playing through 3 right now after a while and honestly I'm loving it so much (I'm fairly early in, back in Boston to meet Sam Adams).

    The Haytham sequence is definitely long (surprisingly so) and it takes a long time to get to adult Assassin Connor, but strangely enough it doesn't bother me because I find the gameplay so enjoyable. I played Assassin's Creed 2 just before 3 and I found the controls awkward, but with 3 I find movement so smooth and fun! The parkour is so free flowing! I could jump through trees all day (and always get side tracked doing that in the Frontier). I also really enjoy running around Boston, even doing meaningless message delivery quests. Now I know the series has definitely improved in terms of movement lol, but I've found no problems with AC3's tbh. I've always heard the Kenway movement engine was weird but it hasn't really troubled me.

    The combat is really easy but I find the animations so satisfying, love the tomahawk and the rope dart. Also I'm not that great at action combat lol so I like that it isn't too punishing, although I swear notoriety can be a bitch at times, I usually end up fighting the whole city

    Enjoying the cutscenes a lot, my love for Connor deepens every day, and I was really surprised to find a TON of dialogue outside the Animus. There were loads of optional conversations with Shaun Rebecca and William, and a lot of them were interesting too, like Shaun and Desmond having a debate over George Washington, Desmond and William making up. Honestly I never paid enough attention to the modern day before but I'm glad I kept pressing for more dialogue, it's gotten me attached (great idea, right, we know the modern day Desmond team lived up to their potential!!!!). I also loved the modern parkour section.

    Also can I just say?? The atmosphere in this game is amazing. The ambient sounds, even the old ps3 graphics (yeah I don't have the remaster) look very pretty to me. Frontier is gorgeous imo. Love the weather changes even if snow is annoying to run in.

    I have had glitches- one where Haytham t-posed, levitated in the air and desynced and another where I got stuck in a desync loop (connor would come back to life and immediately desync again) but they're not too bad. Honestly I remember AC3 being extremely buggy so I'm glad it's not hit me too hard this time lmao

    submitted by /u/m_ikewazowski
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    Game about Haytham becoming a templar would be way better and more relevant than Shay ever was

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 05:54 AM PDT

    I always felt like Shay just deosn't belong in that arc, I never liked him as a character and always thought turning to templars was a very irrational decision. I know, there probably a comic or a novel about how Haytham became a templar but, come to think of it, I always thought that seeing it in a game would be great. I guess this is just me hating on Ubisoft for all the transmedia and how much they milked and destroyed the franchise.

    submitted by /u/NikaRuso
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    Going back to older games after playing Odyssey makes me feel weird.

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 06:57 PM PDT

    Of all the games, I haven't played the Chronicles (though they're a different genre altogether, 2D action I think), a few DLCs, and Rogue. So I'm trying Rogue.

    The first thing I have trouble with now is "huh? why can't I climb that?" and just remembered that you have to figure out a route to climb something... I feel like Odyssey (and Origins maybe?) streamlined the freerunning a bit too far when you can basically climb anything. It's understandable though, given the area of the game.

    Climbing used to be a little bit of a puzzle, instead of just a minor obstacle to plow through.

    Also the lack of 'climbing down' mechanic is really painful lol. I drop down and get fall damage more times than I'd like to admit, thinking that if I press the button, Shay will climb down like Arno.

    Freerunning kinda hit the sweet spot of puzzle and convenience with Unity, and start slowly going a bit too far making it too convenient in Odyssey.

    What do you think ? do you miss the olden games freerunning ? do you want to go back to "hold-down-3-buttons-to-climb" (right click, shift, and space in PC IIRC) ?

    submitted by /u/outerzenith
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    What is the best difficulty for ac origins for someone who play black flag and unity(half-way)

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 06:54 PM PDT

    I want to know what is the best difficulty to play assassins creed origins

    submitted by /u/DiscoNic1P
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    Legacy Of The First Blade [SPOILERS]

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 03:02 PM PDT

    Hey, I know I'm late to the party, but I've only just gotten round to playing Odyssey.

    Anyway, I'm about to finish the final chapter of the DLC and I found something quite interesting and it's not really been discussed on this sub as far as I'm aware.

    Just before you enter the final fight with Gergis The Herald (assuming you didnt kill him the first time you met), the very last thing he says to you is "Everything is permitted."

    I personally was taken by surprise by this as obviously this is the last part of the Assassin's Creed, but clearly the Ancient Order is the beginnings of what would become the Templars. This line really starts to blur the lines more so than before and thought it would be an interesting topic to discuss with you guys.

    What are all your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/KBibbler
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    The last act for Odyssey.

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 08:36 PM PDT

    Was this rushed? I killed Kassandra then went back to the house and had the family dinner and.......that was it? The whole scene felt awkward just a few lines and done it felt more like a ending to just a ordinary quest and you keep going, feels really weird tbh.

    submitted by /u/IXGhOsTX1
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    What is your least favorite mission in any AC?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 12:12 PM PDT

    For me It's that tea mission in ac 3 and it's optional objective. So I did everything, threw tea, rifle assassination, and did 2/3 red coats throwned. But then last second I threw the dude, but then the game went into a cutscene. I love ac 3 but this mission made me quit atleast 3 times lol. It's probably not really my least favorite, some in oddysey were but I don't consider that a ac game so I can't really count it. What is your least favorite mission in any AC game?

    submitted by /u/Voornaz
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    Does maria appear in AC1?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 12:01 AM PDT

    No spoilers please!!!

    I just got to the memory/dream in AC2 where it is heavily implied that Desmond is related to Maria. I know nothing else.

    Desmond seems to recognize her as "the woman from Acre"

    Where does she appear in AC1? is she the woman the funeral near the end where they ambush Altair?

    I really want no spoilers but wanna make sure I remembering correctly and am scared to Google anything because I've been spoiled too many times with different games.

    submitted by /u/juststupid8970
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    Best way to free roam Unity?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 07:19 AM PDT

    Playing AC:Unity has been great escapism during covid quarantine. While there's no replacing seeing something in person, there's also something very cool about being able to explore areas you couldn't even if you physically made the trip! (e.g., Notre Dame). There's a clip of someone on youtube breaching the rooftop and being apprehended by security, but before he was caught he roamed around and it looked pretty identical to what you see in AC:U. But I digress...

    I've finished sequence 5 and hopefully will beat the game at some point, but more importantly I'd just like to be able to explore the game without any hindrances. I'd like to get the highest lockpick skill, but can anyone recommend anything else to acquire or unlock in order to have the best experience roaming around?

    submitted by /u/thetredstone
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    Do you prefer the male or female crews in Odyssey? And why?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 09:40 AM PDT

    I personally prefer the female crews not just because I love their singing but also their singing reminds me of the Greek mythological creatures, the sirens, which I believe would be far more terrifying to hear than a bunch of men singing.

    submitted by /u/Seier_Krigforing
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    I completed assassin’s Creed Origins 100% (completed main story+all side missions+all locations+100% all DLC) AMA!

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 05:45 AM PDT

    Only things left to do are getting the misc trophies for the platinum, and get all the cosmetics and gear from the Heka chest.

    submitted by /u/Huubst3rr
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    why won’t my hood appear?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 06:17 PM PDT

    i'm playing assassin's creed odyssey ur for some reason my hood wont appear on my character can someone tell me why that is?

    submitted by /u/Stormtroop3r53
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    potential spoiler and question about LOTFB dlc

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 03:59 PM PDT

    so i just started the dlc a few days ago and it's great, i love odyssey but this dlc feels more like an AC game more than odyssey itself lmao. currently i'm doing the main quest but i see the red exclamations around the map and i'm assuming it's for killing the other members of the order, i'm just not sure when to start those? or does it not matter, i've just killed the huntsman and that's how far i've gotten so far

    submitted by /u/normaIboy
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    Why was Juno's story discintinued after Syndicate?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 01:55 PM PDT

    As far as I know Juno's story now is continued exclisively in comics, sucks to see ubisoft milking thid franchise this much.

    submitted by /u/NikaRuso
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    What would you say is your favorite outfit/combination from Odyssey’s transmog system?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 09:09 AM PDT

    As much as I don't really like Odyssey I am playing it again for the first time in two years because I've went through Origins once more in preparation for Valhalla and just needed another crumb of AC. So I started up Odyssey again and I honestly love the look of the Odysseus gear seat and really wish I could see the hood all the time. The look fits the Greek setting very well and I'm trying to play pro Athenian this go around since I've already seen the goody Spartan ending and hated it so the blue fits that nicely. If I had to choose a base game outfit I'd say the regular black tunic with no belt or headgear and some Spartan or Athenian gauntlets/boots. Just looks very normal and lightweight, perfect for a rooftop running mercenary. What about you guys? There's so many possible outfits you can make im curious to what your favorites are.

    submitted by /u/TheLittleGremlinMan
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