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    Saturday, June 6, 2020

    Assassin's Creed I made fan art combining AC with the noir aesthetic and art deco art style! You guys really liked my synthwave artwork I posted last week, so I decided to post this as well.

    Assassin's Creed I made fan art combining AC with the noir aesthetic and art deco art style! You guys really liked my synthwave artwork I posted last week, so I decided to post this as well.

    I made fan art combining AC with the noir aesthetic and art deco art style! You guys really liked my synthwave artwork I posted last week, so I decided to post this as well.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 03:52 PM PDT

    Eivor, AC Valhalla drawn by me

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 10:48 PM PDT

    I don't care what anyone says, I found Connor to be the most reletable

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 09:35 AM PDT

    I see a lot of people bashing Connor, but I loved that guy. He is literally my favorite videogame character of all time. I found him to be relatable and also he was an absolute TANK that can pretty much destroy an army by himself.

    submitted by /u/Inside_Inflation2955
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    Fate of Atlantis has briefly reintroduced free-running puzzles and it made me nostalgic [SPOILERS]

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 02:31 PM PDT

    There's a quest somewhere in the middle of the first chapter where you need to reach a Keeper's Insight located high above. To get there, you need to go through a cave, climb up, and navigate through two "wings" of climbing to traverse to an upper section of unclimbable pillars, which will then eventually lead to your goal. Midway through you even open a shortcut.

    This reminded me of a verrrry watered down version of AC2-3's tombs and lairs. Climbing puzzles were so fun, they made me feel much more accomplished then dumbly holding A+forward to traverse all obstacles. Not once since Syndicate have I asked "how can I get there?" Last night, I actually had to ponder for a few seconds what my route should be.

    I miss that. I hope they revive this concept completely for Valhalla.

    submitted by /u/WingedBeing
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    Which assassin have the most discreet robes ?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 01:56 PM PDT

    Which assassin would you consider to have the most discreet robes for their location and time period ?

    I would say Altair and Jacob have the best outfits to blend in.

    submitted by /u/RafaelRoriz
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    Which Assassin had the best story?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 02:10 PM PDT

    In your opinion, which Assassin had the best story. Not who had the best game, I'm mean as in who's life story did you think was the best from a storytelling perspective. For example, I think it's Ezio. He started off as a rebellious teenager who snuck into his girlfriends bedroom but sadly witnessed his father and brothers die.

    He then rose through the ranks and became the leader of the Italian Brotherhood and yet after all that he went through, no matter how badass he got the more he aged, I still see that young teenager who didn't have a care in the world

    submitted by /u/Zorkahz
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    Is ac unity less repetitive than ac odyssey

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 03:48 PM PDT

    I am experiencing some serious burnout with odyssey because I feel like I am just mindlessly doing so many side quests of just doing the same thing, is unity more varied with its side content and if it is is the story interesting since I've heard it's bad and it's the only thing keeping me from playing the game, I got it for free years ago (I liked ac4 and origins story)

    submitted by /u/Splumpy
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    Question about meeting Rhona Dinsmore in AC:4 Black Flag

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 02:06 AM PDT

    When does Edward need Rhona in cannon? In the first scene of her Templar hunt she and Edward act like they've met already. I mean Rhona straight up says that Edward hasn't lost his sense of humor, you don't say that to people you haven't met. But I've also heard that she shows up later in the story, so which comes first? Or is there just a scene missing from the game?

    submitted by /u/scottz657
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    Which Assassins Creed location has been the best out of the ones the series has visited so far?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 03:11 PM PDT

    Which setting has been the best that an AC has been set in so far? For me, it has to be revolutionary Paris.

    submitted by /u/jk9107
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    Assassin’s Creed ideal future settings that Ubisoft should consider doing

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 09:25 PM PDT

    Assassin's Creed: My Ideal Settings

    Ubisoft should really listen to the settings that we the players want and they seem to be doing a better job of that with their polls that they put out once the year. So far we've gotten the Peloponnesian War and the Viking invasions (obviously coming this year). Both come from those polls Ubisoft put out. I'm listing my top 5 future settings and I wanna see yours too.

    1. Aztec Empire

    Just think of the jungle you could explore in this one. Ubisoft could reinvent the way we think about parkour (for better or worse) with the swinging and climbing from tree to tree. Not only this, but they would have to put in the massive city of Tenochtitlan. I also believe that the assassin robes could be out of this world with all of the color and celebration outfits. If you wanna go for a more stealthy loom then go ahead. One last thing, Tenochtitlan is bigger than Rome. That's just for reference.

    1. A Robin Hood era England game

    I know we are getting Valhalla which means we most likely will never get this one but Robin Hood was a stealthy guy. He was always slick with his plans to take from the rich and give to the poor so an assassin could be seen training him or Robin teaching a soon to be assassin. I like this one for story and England but we will see a lot of England in Valhalla.

    1. Feudal Japan

    Not much I'll say about this one. Ubisoft, we've begged you forever for this. It screams assassins creed (don't get me wrong though, they could totally mess this up though it'd be hard to) The robes would be gorgeous and stunning and the setting. My god look at Ghost of Tsushima. That's our game that we deserved. Ubisoft probably will wait for a bit after Ghost to do feudal Japan so I'm not getting my hopes up. Ninjas were in a way assassins so you know.

    1. Ancient Rome

    I understand why Ubisoft didn't go straight to it. It is a tad bit too similar to Ancient Greece and Egypt but that doesn't mean they shouldn't do it. It doesn't have to be a Bayek sequel (though it kinda should be). I'd be happy if we play as a centurion who is recruited to the Hidden Ones. Rome is also one of the most beautiful cities in the world and I'm sure it was more so in its prime. AC Brotherhood captured it well, but that's when it wasn't even in its hey day. Brutus, Cassius, (sorry if I spelled wrong) Aya, Bayek. It needs to happen.

    1. Early 1900s in New York City

    New York City is arguably one of the greatest cities in the world. The mafia and gangs were springing up all the time back then. These were dark times. I'd be happy if Ubisoft only covered Manhattan in this one. Seeing as they covered the entire country of Greece in Odyssey. There is a catch though. They have to make Manhattan near identical to the real life version. Don't like the city? Head over to Central Park. No but seriously the parkour would be pretty good and the story could be dark as we haven't seen as many darker protagonists (I know that not many people want that though)

    Thanks if you read this much. I really wanna know your top 5. Tell me if you want me to do not top 5 future settings for Assassin's Creed. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Vinzelor
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    How would you have wanted the AC universe to stay connected after the Ezio games?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 02:19 AM PDT

    AS everyone here most likely has noticed, every since Ezio and Desmond left the series the whole AC universe has felt extremely disconnected, with a new hero introduced in one game and then instantly dropped forever in the next, and the overall arching plot and themes have just been left in limbo. Assuming you didn't want Ubisoft to just forever keep making games staring Ezio, how would you have preferred the series to have kept that sense of cohesion and connectivity that 1 through 3 had? Personally I would have kept the same protagonist for at least 2 games, and then lead into a new protagonist by having some connection with the previous one, so that the overall story feels like it has some level of progression based on what we've previously played.

    I would also have kept the whole precursor stuff very much in the shadows and mysterious, becuase frankly by now there's so much known about them and too much focus on them is making too big of a contrast to the main game characters, so it all feels like a mess now without it's original purpose. Too many too's in that sentence, sorry. I also would not jump time periods as often. Let us build up a single era again, connect with that world a bit before moving on. Like yeah technically 3 and black flag takes place almost in the same time period, but they both feel like their completely different games without much of a connection. Same with Rogue. As for how to handle the overarching plot regarding the templars and assassin's....I honestly got nothing about how that should have been handled post AC3. Outside of it being completely resolved I can't think of any direction ubisoft could or should take it.

    submitted by /u/Mikecirca81
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    Weapon VFX should ease up

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 12:01 PM PDT

    this is a minor aspect to some for sure - maybe even petty - while im the biggest fan of the weapon enchantments, if Ubisoft decide bring back weapon element effects, they should tone down or just get rid of the visual effects.

    a flaming sword looks cool but can become pretty obstructing, especially when enemies glow red before their damn unblockable attack!

    i didn't like the VFX in Origins, and don't in Odyssey. i already know my weapon's poisoned, i really don't need a sword that's constantly farting green gas, it looks hilarious. there are other ways to convey "this thing utilises poison" instead of farty weapons

    1. a gentle pulsing shader on the weapon, something like purple for poison, orange/red for fire etc

    2. im pretty sure there's a distinct enemy archetype that uses poison weapons, have a very short cutscene for the enemy's very first introduction showing them applying something to their weapon, im sure players could deduce whatever the enemy's coated their weapon with will be detrimental to players health. then players will just associate said enemy archetype type with poison damage

      farty weapons should go imo

    submitted by /u/ted-Zed
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    Which is the best hidden blade variant(s)?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 01:33 AM PDT

    IMO the Altaïr/daVinci upgraded one (Ezio's) and the Pivot Blade (Connor's) are the best, but I want to see others' opinions.

    submitted by /u/xXxXSpyderXxXx
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    Assassin's Creed 3: The worst UI I've ever experienced; Part 3

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 03:08 AM PDT

    I love The Da Vinci Disappearance DLC, even with its flaws

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 06:11 PM PDT

    I love Leonardo da Vinci. He is the main reason I started studying to become an art conservator and it's thanks to Assassin's Creed II and Brotherhood if I have a huge passion for art and art history.

    I had done a lot of personal research about Leonardo and its life and eventually I came across that little guy named Salaì. I became very fascinated about their relationship and story, researched more and more, read many books, until I accidentally discovered that in ACB there was Salaì's character in a DLC. It made my life. What? You're telling me there's a playable content where I can meet Salaì and interact with him? Wait, I even have to save Leonardo and find his paintings! Where was this dlc for my entire life???

    I've finished The Da Vinci Disappearance for the second time today (after many years from the first time) and all I can say is that I'm hugely thankful to Ubisoft for this DLC. And thankful for feeding my passion and my will to study more and more to fulfill my dream career. Thank you, Ubisoft.

    Even if Ezio said he had to find Leonardo's CANVASES but it's known that he had always painted on wood. But I love you.

    Also playing it in italian is the best choice ever. (I'm italian)

    submitted by /u/Lars_Amandi
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    AC Origins - The murder of Shadya

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 05:58 PM PDT

    Wow that really hit the feels. It's been a while since a character death really bothered me. The doll really drove it home.

    submitted by /u/Soy_based_socialism
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    Something I noticed while playing Rogue

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 06:01 AM PDT

    When Shay does a leap of faith there is no eagle cry because he is not an assassin

    submitted by /u/OneBricky_Boi930
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    Why did Haytham Kenway choose to stay a Templar after he found out that his father Edward Kenway was an Assassin killed by the Templar Grand Master Reginald Birch?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 10:43 PM PDT

    I was surprised, because he had such a strong sense of family (with his dad and sister at least) that I would think he would feel betrayed. Like the only reason he is a templar in the first place is because they murdered his father. I don't know, it has kinda itched at me to figure it out.

    submitted by /u/kempx32
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    Thoughts on a future AC game based in Washington DC during Civil War times

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 03:10 PM PDT

    I think it would be a great setting, lots of great landmarks during the time, lots at stake. I think it could take the best elements from AC3's world as well as the newer RPG elements from Origins and Odyssey for world building.

    I think making the character a former slave from the south who helps the north secure victory and emancipation could be very compelling. What do you guys think? Also what are your other settings and details you would like?

    submitted by /u/COSHOW10
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    In Assassins creed three for some reason I can’t get all of the assassin recruits

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 12:41 AM PDT

    So there is this one recruit in north New York Deborah Dobby carter and ive done all the saving people and stuff but I can't go and talk to her because it isn't showing up on the map and advice

    submitted by /u/Hifive177
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    Which Assassins creed has the biggest brotherhood ?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 05:44 PM PDT

    I always thought rogue had a larger than average brotherhood,especially when we see the homestead with all the assassins training and living. AC2 doesnt have many stealthy assassins but it does have a large group of people who all are united,it has been a while since I played it so I cant remember if all the people Ezio meets on his journey are official assassins. Anyway what are your thoughts on this ?

    submitted by /u/Lucathepuca
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    It's so annoying that Connor wasn't in unity!

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 03:58 PM PDT

    Like Connor and Arno are only 12 years apart. It would've made Connors character development more, possibly making him a better character (I love Connor btw). It would've also made the Unity story more compelling and less of a Romeo and Juliet story.

    Connor would've been around 36 or early 40s in Unity (which is when Ezio was in his prime in brotherhood) and it would've been cool to see middle aged Connor kicking ass

    submitted by /u/Will-Milson
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    [AC:Odyssey] Crit Chance While Full Health

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 11:55 PM PDT

    I solved all 5 riddles for upgrading this engraving, but it showed in my engraving list that it's still only at level 4. Anybody know how to fix this bug??

    submitted by /u/kenshin656
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    My theory about AC Valhalla's story

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 10:44 AM PDT

    This has been on my mind for awhile now and I want to share a weird theory about the upcoming AC Valhalla's story. The story can go 2 ways:

    1. The RPG choice story route: As the settlement is the core element of this game, I think Eivor's decisions will influence the settlement's ideals. If Eivor rules the settlement in a benevolent way, allowing the villagers to do what they believe in, this will inspire the Hidden Ones to have a community that exercises free will. If Eivor rules the settlement with an iron fist, forcing villagers to do something for the sake of the community, this will inspire The Order of The Ancients to not only seek power, but pursue order to influence not only the common people, but kings and queens. There can be a third option where Eivor's community can make the modern day protagonist see that there could be a small chance that Unity between 2 factions is possible.
    2. The true Templar + Assassin Origin story: After seeing how their old community eroded, Eivor decided to travel to England to find a new life / settlement / land to pillage. They came across The Hidden Ones early on, gave them the Hidden Blade (turned Conspicuous Blade) and asked Eivor for assistance (killing some lords, pillaging, damaging King Alfred's reputation). Eivor did what they do best and pillage, raid villages across England, and eventually came across The Order of The Ancients. Eivor hated what The Order of The Ancients stood for, being the puppet masters, manipulating people like Alfred for their own gain. There would be some interaction between Eivor and Alfred, and Alfred saw how Eivor's vision for their settlement (build a real life Valhalla) while too idealistic, could eventually help him rule. Regardless, the war between Vikings and English forces still happened, and Eivor realized that not only the Order of Ancients, but the Hidden Ones also instigated the war by using Eivor, having their own settlement freely murder and invade wherever and whenever they like just to get the Apple of Eden. Eivor saw that senseless murder and manipulation for one's own gain cannot be accepted, and giving too much freedom will cause chaos, they grew jaded to the war and worked with Alfred and a few other allies to stop both forces by killing all the leaders and important people of both sides (including former allies if necessary). Eventually, Eivor's philosophy about the necessity of order and stability to rule the perfect land inspired Alfred, and before Eivor left England to "go East", Alfred promised that he would rebuild and teach his people the necessity of order, and create a group of leaders who would live and inspire order to achieve peace. Eivor's leadership to the settlement also inspired the Hidden Ones in some ways (free will and peace), as they decide to build a community that inspires free will, not just murder. Alas, as Eivor wasn't officially in either sides, they were forgotten by future Templar and Assassin figures. However, Layla saw that both ideals came from one great person, and there might be a chance that there can be Unity between 2 factions, as chaos and order need to co exist for balance.
      What are your thoughts and how do you think Eivor's story would go?
    submitted by /u/halcyonzuiain
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