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    Thursday, June 18, 2020

    Assassin's Creed I made an Assasins Creed fan concept for a game set in the Aztec period. I allways loved the style of maya/aztec culture, and I thought AC would make a sweet fit for that, hope you like it!

    Assassin's Creed I made an Assasins Creed fan concept for a game set in the Aztec period. I allways loved the style of maya/aztec culture, and I thought AC would make a sweet fit for that, hope you like it!

    I made an Assasins Creed fan concept for a game set in the Aztec period. I allways loved the style of maya/aztec culture, and I thought AC would make a sweet fit for that, hope you like it!

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 07:58 AM PDT

    My Eivor Cosplay (Self). I hope You'll like This first Preview of my Eivor Cosplay (Assassin's Creed Valhalla). At the moment I'm working to finish the bow, shield and hidden blade and make a professional photoshoot this week of which I'd like to show You some outcome.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 04:02 AM PDT

    1920s Irish war of independence assassins creed fan made concept art

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 03:40 PM PDT

    Assassin's Creed Valhalla wallpapers for phone

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 08:17 PM PDT

    The ancient Assassins shown in Altair’s Armor room in Assassins Creed 2 (spoilers *probably*)

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 11:19 PM PDT

    So I'm sure this has been brought up so many times that it's annoying now, but I'm on a playthrough of Assassins Creed 2 and I've reached the part where you can get Altair's armor. I'm looking through the ancient assassins and it just makes me think - man we could have had at least 4 more games before Ubisoft switched the formula and went in a new direction.

    We've seen Darius and Amunet (although we didn't really get but only so much of their stories and they were mostly side stories in relation to Cassandra and Bayek respectively), but there were others like Leonius the Roman assassin, Iltani the Babylonian assassin (I would have LOVED to see this), Wei Yu the Chinese assassin, and Qulan Gal the Mongolian assassin (also would have loved to see this).

    Now this isn't saying that Ubisoft can't take a reverse step and go back to these stories, but I feel with the new gameplay formula they're using, it would be weird at this point. I feel that the older stories should keep the old gameplay formula of the games before Unity to have that more 'ancient' feel to it like the first 2 Assassins Creeds. This also isn't a partial hate post for the newer games because I actually like them a lot. Origins in particular, blew me away because I was originally hesitant to play it but I ended up loving it and I'm glad it gets so much love on this sub. But man....the stories we could have had with those other characters.

    submitted by /u/LeedleLeeze
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    Not sure which memory to do first in AC2?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 10:50 PM PDT

    As I understand it the exclamation point markers move the story along...I just saved lorenzo in florence and did dome assassination contracts (what do you gain from these? money?) And because I had a codex page I went to leonardo and then another memory marker appeared in florence but instead but I went back to Monteriggioni to empty my money stash and saw that there is another exclamation memory point here.

    Now I'm not sure if I should go back to florence or? Does it not matter?

    Also another question: if I have the coin should i just buy the best armor available? I had only purchased one leather greaves and went to repair them and suddenly I have the next level of armors available for purchase. Same with weapons. Just keep upgrading? Not sure when you know you've leveled up...

    submitted by /u/juststupid8970
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    Who Is This Man in Assassin's Creed 1?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 10:29 PM PDT

    So I remember in AC1 there was an Assassin or soldier outside of Masyaf where if you looked at him with Eagle Vision, he had a red color to him. If I remember correctly that makes him a bad guy. Does anyone know if he is an undercover soldier or who he is? I also remember him fidgeting a lot like he is nervous. And if you try to attack him, the fellow good guys would attack you. I tried looking up who he is but I couldn't find anything.

    P.S: I marked this post as spoiler just in case someone wanted to find him by themselves.

    submitted by /u/QueenRigby
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    AC3 Question (from an old lady)

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 07:31 PM PDT

    I have a question about the maps. I acted last night and my frontier map showed treasures and feathers and trinkets. Tonight, the areas I explored yesterday are foggy again and the map is missing all the treasure markings. I quit at a save point and I'm sure this has happened before. What makes it change?

    Thanks for any help.

    submitted by /u/fosteringmemories
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    Assassin‘s Creed Unity - Parkour Montage | AC's Parkour At It's Best

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 09:10 AM PDT

    One Thing from the Old Games I Really Hope Returns In A Future Title...

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 05:55 AM PDT

    The old movement system, and not just the parkour (which is warranted) but the base movement itself also. In the first game all the way up until Revelations you could walk, fast-walk, run and sprint with simple button presses and combinations, making a total of four movement speed options. But then with 3, Black Flag and Rogue, run and sprint were one in the same, cutting it down to only walk, fast-walk and run. Then with Unity and Syndicate fast-walk was removed, leaving just walk and run. And then finally with Origins and Odyssey the movement speed was completely locked to input on the joystick for controller users, thus simplifying but also limiting movement options further.

    This may not be a popular opinion, but I really miss these features. Not only were these features very useful for social stealth, but they were also great options for interactive and immersive gameplay. Obviously I can't say for sure but it's very likely Valhalla won't be heading in the direction of the earlier games in terms of gameplay and notably stealth (Vikings aren't exactly subtle.) However if a future title were to return to the roots of the old games I'd love for these movement options to return.

    submitted by /u/HUSHHSUH
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    Is there any reason to collect all flags in Assassin's Creed 1 considering there's no reward to them?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 02:04 PM PDT

    Been really enjoying my first walk trough and upon going to my next target, I went ahead and collected all flags in Masyaf, which was despite it only being 20 already pretty enduring. Now, I didn't get anything for completing that side quest. Will I get something if I collect all flags in all towns and the Kingdom + Masyaf, or is there no reward at all? If so, is there any reason to collect them to begin with? If there's a reward, then let me know! Cheers

    submitted by /u/niclaswwe
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    (ACBF) Mary Read is awesome.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 06:09 AM PDT

    When people state their favourite side characters I usually see the same names, Leonardo, Bartolomeo, Thatch, Hickey and so on.

    Now don't get me wrong, they are all awesome but I wanted to show some love to this gem from Black Flag.

    To be fair, the supporting cast in general in BF is top tier but I don't know, Mary Read stands out to me.

    I think the voice acting is great, the writing, how she always believes in the good man that Edward is, even though he acts like an asshole at the start of his arc.

    And then we've got spoilers her death which is hands down one of my saddest scenes in all of AC.

    I'll be damned if I'm leaving her body behind.

    submitted by /u/Mo_Salah_
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    The quality of cutscenes in origins

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 01:44 PM PDT

    I know the game isnt New But recently i played origins again on my ps4 pro. The gameplay looks stunning, but the graphic quality of the cutscenes really bug me. Is it just me, or do you guys feel the same way about it?

    submitted by /u/FamLund007
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    I think I've figured out what bothered me most about Odyssey as a game (Long)

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 07:08 AM PDT

    Now I'm going to criticize the game here, so if it's your favorite game on planet Earth and you dislike constructive criticism of the game, this might not be a post you wanna continue reading.

    To start off let me establish what Odyssey (like many other games Ubisoft makes) does well; its visuals. Breath-taking scenery, screenshot worthy wallpaper quality landscape, nice cities to explore, and beautiful vast oceans to sail. Not only do they do it well, you could argue they slam dunk this so hard the backboard shatters and they earn a gold medal for literal peak quality content. I remember walking into the petrified forest the first time and being on edge because of how well done the level design was.

    Then it goes off the rails, when we get into to characters and narrative.

    Now you've all heard the hot take that Alexios and Kassandra aren't themselves, but function more like say the Dragonborn, a blank slate that can ride the personality rollercoaster all over the place. In my opinion it comes across as Ubisoft wanting to make a Demigod Simulator leading to characters that like demigods of old, can do just about anything and in that time period it was cool. However here in 2020 when you make a character based RPG we tend to expect that character to have a set personality that we dive into and guide. Geralt of Rivia comes to mind. All the options you get are things Geralt would reasonably do, whereas Alexios and Kassandra can take such drastically different options that we have no idea who they are as people. You've probably heard this before though, so I'm going to going to go from our protagonists to the supporting cast.

    I would at least if you could call it that. The level scaling of literally everything already robs you of your sense of progression, but to add salt to the wound barely anyone you meet throughout the game matters. Markos and Barnabas are probably the closest things to consistent supporting characters, and you don't so much interact with them as they either have something for you to do or comment on you passing by. This leads to your allies feeling like run of the mill NPCs. It deepens when you look at the crew. For this I'll compare to MGSV, because it has a similar system. As you walk around the crew does things, and will make comments at you making them feel like their actually part of a crew while not being part of the main cast. Compare this to Odyssey and its basically just gear for your ship. What makes this worse is how interesting some of the crew members COULD HAVE BEEN.

    You can reunite your family, recruit mercenaries that failed to best you and each have stories of their own, recruit random NPCs or Quest NPCs like Odessa, but at the end of the day all it does is change the numbers on your ship. Any romance you might have had means nothing, your family means nothing, even when reuniting your family was one of the MAIN OBJECTIVES its forgotten to add to the grind.

    'Now whats the big deal with that?' you may be asking yourselves, to which lets talk about the 3 big pillars of a good adventure. I'm gonna give it to you in as simple terms, as its something that most people who have played or watched tabletop RPGs or the Witcher, or Skyrim, be played would probably understand.

    1-The setting must be something that compels you to go there. Maybe it looks nice and you want to adventure there to explore, maybe it looks horrible and you want to go there to fix it, either way step number one is have a good setting for your adventure. Odyssey does this rather well I'd say.

    2-Half the adventure is the friends (and enemies) you make along the way. This doesn't mean that half the time adventuring should be talking to npc's, simply that this is the second driving force, the thing that will keep players going because their interested. Maybe they find love like in Skyrim, or have meaningful relationships that your trying to fight to protect like in the Witcher 3. Odyssey at times, manages this, it does have interesting characters, with unique and at times entertaining stories, but because so many of them make one appearance you rarely ever get to feel attached and when you are attached they either fall victim to Ubisoft's obsession with killing off likable characters, or become part of your crew and mostly just pieces of gear, thus robbing you of that satisfaction of having a companion. As for enemies, I can't recall any appearing multiple times a reoccurring villains, and honestly the most interesting enemies were mythical monsters because the boss battles were handled pretty well in my opinion.

    3- Third and finally you need a reward fitting of the quest. Odyssey fails this so hard its not even funny. Due to the scaling enemies progressing is more of a chore and leveling up doesn't mean you're better than the enemies, it just means the enemies will now be stronger. The exact same enemies you've been fighting this whole time. Yeah, Idk why they're higher level now, steroids maybe? Who knows. Along with that the fact that crew mates are just glorified gear means it never feels that you have new allies sailing alongside you it just feels like you found some new loot that may or may not be better than what you already had.

    All this together combines into a idle game that you actually have to apply yourself to, in a vein attempt to reach the next level, so you can progress threw the sloppily done story.

    It's not a terrible game by any mean, but its so disjointed and unrewarding that I find it hard to believe they took inspiration from a game like the Witcher 3 and literally missed everything that makes that game good.

    However, that is just my opinion on Odyssey's failing as an RPG. I'm not even going to try to discuss if its a good assassin's creed game, because thats a hopeless venture, but if you read through all this and have an opinion, be it agreeing with what I said, voicing your own thoughts, or explaining what you feel I got wrong or am not giving the game a fair shake on, feel free to do so.

    submitted by /u/CaptainAntiHeroz
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    Which Assassin's Creed games should I need to buy on PS4?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 12:22 AM PDT

    Hi. I'm thinking about starting to play Assassin's Creed. I have a PS4 and I'm thinking about upgrading to PS5. So, I have a question. Which Assassin's Creed games should I need to buy on PS4?

    submitted by /u/OyunClash
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    Would you recommend the Ezio games in 2020?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 06:22 PM PDT

    Genuine question and wondering other peoples opinions on it. Personally I have a lot of nostalgia for the Ezio games, especially 2 and Brotherhood. However, going back to them, it is clear that the gameplay has not aged like wine. Would you still recommend them to someone for the story/setting/characters? Or are they better off just reading or watching a summary of the plot?

    submitted by /u/KRONGOR
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    Ragnar is the new Leonidas

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 02:18 PM PDT

    Looking sooo forward to AC Valhalla....

    When it comes to Vikings, there's no one more famous than Ragnar Lothbrock. So i think he would play a part in Valhalla just like Leonidas did in Odyssey.

    Ivar the boneless, like many in sagas claimed to be a son of Ragnar. Weather this is true or not, i think Ubisoft will portray Ragnar as the father of Ivar and also a descendant of the Isu. Ragnar's sigil was said to be a raven. In History's viking show Travis Fimmel has a tattoo on his head of a crow/raven. In on frame of the trailer, ivar too has a crow tattoo on the shaved part of his head. The same place as TV's Ragnar. So I believe that Ivar is indeed Ragnar's son.

    In the Sagas, Ragnar claimed he descended from Odin himself. Even though Odin showed himself to Ivor on the battlefield, i doubt that Odin in the game is an Isu like the gods in Odyssey. However the "magical" trousers Ragnar wore in battle might be an Isu artefact just like the spear of Leonidas.

    It's obvious that Layla Hassans reasoning for looking into Ivar's memories is to find an artefact that ivar held/found/hid. Unlike Kassandra/Alexios, Ivar knows about assassins. He may not be like Etzio Auditoré who comes from a long list of Assassins. Ivar might be the first ever Viking assassin. And part the reason for his raids and settlements might be a secret war with hidden ones or the Order of the ancients. Whichever name they go by in the game. Also to keep an artefact they so desperately seek.

    Can't wait be a VIKING...

    submitted by /u/pos-it
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    Are there any missable achievements in Assassin’s Creed: Origins?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 09:43 PM PDT

    And should I do all the side missions and quests? I just want to finish the game 100%, don't wanna miss anything.

    submitted by /u/connor091
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    OUR BROTHERHOOD - Assassin's Creed Tribute

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 10:16 AM PDT

    I'm back with yet another update: AC3 TOKW

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 05:31 PM PDT

    I've been going back and trying to get platinum trophies for all the AC games.

    A few weeks ago I came here moaning about how irritating the Lost Archive is in Revelations. I then came back with an update moaning about Fanarona!

    I'm currently on the Tyranny of King Washington DLC. I've got to nearly the end and it's wiped all my side missions and chests. Which means I have to do them all again. Apparently it has something to do with the save slot?

    Such a joke. A remaster that was full of bugs.

    I hated AC3 the first time I played it and these bugs (along with Connor being unbearable) have killed it this time over. Shame.

    Onto Liberation next. Never actually played this one so I'm sure I'll be back here very soon with another update lol

    submitted by /u/Bamonk
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    Thought of a new setting for Assassins Creed

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 09:08 PM PDT

    So, what do you guys think of a English Civil war setting? The two parties would work really well for Templar v Assassins. You would be able to parkour around places like London and Oxford (Those being the two biggest cities in the conflict) which would also give Ubisoft a chance to remake social stealth. The battles between the Parliamentarians and Royalists would be a really cool way of assassinating different leaders an implement some smooth combat systems.

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/Narutofam
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