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    Sunday, May 17, 2020

    Assassin's Creed When you got a printer and can’t wait for valhalla, so you make a shrine.

    Assassin's Creed When you got a printer and can’t wait for valhalla, so you make a shrine.

    When you got a printer and can’t wait for valhalla, so you make a shrine.

    Posted: 16 May 2020 11:13 AM PDT

    The underwater life in Odyssey is amazing

    Posted: 16 May 2020 07:51 AM PDT

    I completed the main game a couple days ago & I'm only now discovering how incredible it is underwater.

    After cleaving a ship I like to call Ikaros to track the treasure chests then dive after them as the ship sinks. That in itself is an amazing experience. Seeing these massive ships slowly descend into the depths, trying to chase after the boxes, seeing the bodies floating around. The amount of detail in this is incredible. Not just how it looks. But the physics of it all is so cool.

    Then while doing this I hear a faint tone. I realize it's a whale! I thought they were only occasional animations that pop up whenever you're in traveling speed on your ship. I never really pursued them. But this time I decided to swim around & look. Then all of a sudden my heart stops as this MASSIVE creature comes swimming right by me. I was scared at first but I ended up spending a few minutes just swimming around with it.

    THEN a pack of dolphins show up! And here I am swimming around with a whale & a few dolphins. Absolutely breathtaking. I'm blown away by what there is to discover even after the game ends. The amount of detail that goes into these underwater activities & in all the different islands is crazy. I know the game isn't popular here but I have such an incredible amount of appreciation for it.

    Can't wait to dive into Hidden Blade & Fall of Atlantis!

    Edit: I am using Poseidon's Trident to stay underwater for as long as I want.

    submitted by /u/SiriusC
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    I found Connor to be relatable

    Posted: 16 May 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    Man, I know a lot of people seem to dislike Connor and found him not relatable, but I found his story to be the most compelling and memorable. I could see why people hate him, he is one of those "love or hate him" characters, people have very strong opinions for or against him.

    I could totally feel his frustrations and felt frustrated too. I felt like I was playing as him for real, and I legit felt mad about Charles Lee or anyone who burned my village or was forcing my friends off their land. I mean, if you put yourself in Connor's shoes, you'll see why he felt so mad. Your dad is a templar, your village was burned down, mom burned alive, and your people are being forced off their land, and you literally have no friends/family other than an old man with a busted knee as your mentor. I'd be pretty damn on the edge too if I was in his shoes. Whenever I play narrative driven games, I put myself into the character's mind as much as possible. I actually found it easier to relate to him because we got to play as him when he was just a kid and teenager and see how he developed the way he did.

    I thought it was awesome how Connor was a one man army, he pretty much single-handedly revived the brotherhood after a period of time where the templars had hunted and killed every single assassin. That was simply badass. Since he was an outsider, his interactions with other people was really interesting. His interaction with Haytham was even more interesting. The fact that he was shy/naive and had to integrate himself into American society, I found really funny. He just felt very realistic to me.

    submitted by /u/AnyComedian6
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    Just finished Assassin's creed origins and it was a great experience 9/10

    Posted: 16 May 2020 10:39 AM PDT

    I loved Bayek and his story of revenge and the environment was awesome especially the pyramids. My only complaints are that the main story is just a little short for the experience and I kinda wanted to control Aya a few more missions. Other than that great game

    submitted by /u/ezio8133
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    Assassins Creed Ubisoft What if Ubisoft is actually the Templars.

    Posted: 16 May 2020 08:39 PM PDT

    What if Ubisoft is actually the Templars ? I mean it's good way to hide in plain sight well hidden. Using all the things the games taught us.

    submitted by /u/lynnwinchester
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    Really minor but interesting historical detail I just noticed while replaying AC4

    Posted: 16 May 2020 06:52 PM PDT

    So this is minor but it got me pretty excited when I noticed it.

    I just started replaying AC4 after a few years and to properly immerse myself into the world I am reading A General History of the Pyrates as a companion to it. I'd never read it before but since it is undoubtedly the most famous source of information about the Golden Age of Piracy and one that was written during the time period (1724 to be precise, only a couple years after the ending of Black Flag) I knew I had to check it out. Since it's a centuries old book it uses grammar of the time, which is a bit awkward to get used to. Basically lots of long run on sentences with lots and lots of commas. For example from the first chapter:

    NONE of these bold Adventurers were ever so much talked of, for a while, as Avery; he made as great a Noise in the World as Meriveis does now, and was looked upon to be a Person of as great Consequence; he was represented in Europe, as one that had raised himself to the Dignity of a King, and was likely to be the Founder of a new Monarchy; having, as it was said, taken immense Riches, and married the Great Mogul's Daughter, who was taken in an Indian Ship, which fell into his Hands; and that he had by her many Children, living in great Royalty and State; that he had built Forts, erected Magazines, and was Master of a stout Squadron of Ships, mann'd with able and desperate Fellows of all Nations; that he gave Commissions out in his own Name to the Captains of his Ships, and to the Commanders of his Forts, and was acknowledged by them as their Prince.

    Now the the thing that I found interesting: The Sequence Recaps in the AC4 pause menu are written in the same style! Here's the Sequence 3 recap:

    ...in which Edward Kenway, newly named Captain aboard his newly christened Jackdaw, set sail for Nassau, Pirate Republic;- whereupon he reunited with old friends, Ed Thatch, Benjamin Hornigold, and James Kidd;-And there under the Tutelage of his Betters, learn'd the proper Methods of Captaining, Seafaring, and Pirating;- and did ultimately cross Paths with the Templar, Julian du Casse, whom he killed out of Caution, wishing not to raise the Templar's Attentions against him, as he continued his own private Search for the mysterious Observatory, and the only man who knew it's Location- the Sage.

    Notice not only the sentence structure of both examples, but also that nouns and certain other words are capitalized that typically wouldn't be today. It's a really minor thing but I find this really cool and it stood out to me just how much Ubisoft Montreal did their homework for this setting!

    submitted by /u/STOPSENDINGMEHENTAI
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    I need to rave about the stealth in in Origins

    Posted: 16 May 2020 05:22 PM PDT

    Having just gotten this game I wasn't sure what to expect, including how it uses stealth. I've heard that stealth either takes a back seat to the combat or even that there is basically no stealth at all. Now combat is certainly presented as a first option here over the the previous games, but as I've been finding out completing missions using stealth is far more officiant and easier then fighting everyone. I've always been horrible with the stealth in these games, and only a little better at combat overall in any video game. But in origins I've been putting all my effort to hone my stealth; upgrading my hidden blade, working the hunter skill tree and basically learning all of the ways this game uses stealth. Anyone who says stealth in origins is an afterthought is just wrong, as there's never been this many stealth options before and I, a guy who's always been lousy at stealth, can become a master at it, well that's just not true. On a side note, I think this is my new favorite video game, period. Outside of a few glitches this game just does everything right and more for me. I could rave about Origins for hours honestly.

    submitted by /u/Mikecirca81
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    Valhalla at ign's summer of gaming in june

    Posted: 16 May 2020 08:13 PM PDT

    Sorry if this has been posted but I just watched Unlocked ep 443 and at about 32 min he says we will be seeing Valhalla in june before the July event

    submitted by /u/roughrider221
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    Assassins Creed Valhalla world "A bit bigger" than odyssey according to lead producer of AC Valhalla.

    Posted: 16 May 2020 06:06 PM PDT

    It's good to be hyped, but let's be careful

    Posted: 16 May 2020 04:34 PM PDT

    Everything we keep hearing from all the interviews and articles sounds really awesome. I really like the idea of playing as a viking in that time period.

    However we've only heard how great the game will be from the devs, we haven't seen a shred of gameplay. I feel like this isn't a good approach. People will be imagining and creating their own version of the game in their heads, I mean I'm already doing it. I'm thinking what weapons I'll use, how my character will look, what play style I'll focus on etc. But when the game finally releases we might be dissappointed. Or the game will revolutionize video games as we know it, but we don't know that because we haven't seen anything from the game yet.

    What I'm trying to say is that people should manage their expectations. I'm already on the hype train and looking forward to Valhalla, but I'm also a little bit afraid I might be disappointed.

    submitted by /u/Bread999
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    The AC Syndicate crime investigations were fun as hell

    Posted: 16 May 2020 03:32 PM PDT

    I wish they would have somehow implemented it more in other AC games

    submitted by /u/awesomehuder
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    Just started the discovery tour in Assassin's Creed Origins. I should have checked this out much sooner

    Posted: 16 May 2020 03:10 PM PDT

    I have had the game since launch, but never checked out the discovery tour. It really is amazing how polished and outstanding the whole presentation is. And I'm a total ancient Egypt geek so this is right up my alley. Also it's so cool how you can choose which character to play as, especially being able to play as Aya some more.

    submitted by /u/Cubegod69er
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    A possible "what if" storyline for the leaked Assassin's Creed Victory which later became Syndicate. This is a hypothetical alternative storyline for what Victory could of been if it didn't become Syndicate.

    Posted: 16 May 2020 02:30 PM PDT

    Hello all. ThIs is my very first post on reddit. I made this account souly to post this idea because ive needed to write it down for some time now. I apologize if this isnt the correct way to discuss ideas, if it isnt any help would be much appreciated.

    I would love feedback or any form of discussion apon this idea of an alternative Victorian London Assassin's Creed story. When i refer to "Victory" i am meaning the leaked early test screenshots of syndicate that leaked many years ago under the title of Assasins Creed Victory.

    Many many years ago I remember reading a leak (or fan theory) about the possible story for ac Victory being of a Bruce Wayne archetype born into the assassins in Victorian London. After much time pondering of what this game and story could of been i have decided to rewrite my own version of this leak i remembered reading all those years ago. I will be drawing apon many of the ac games and other games for insperation so lets hope it isnt too obvious.

    Additionally if anyone knows what post or fan theory im refering to and also drawing inspiration from please let me know.

    From memory the foundations of the story consisted of Victory being based in Victorian London, revolving around a single assassin. The main character, being an incredibly intelligent, incredibly wealthy burce wayne archetype born into the order.

    The story would consist of some form of collapse in the order, which the main characters driving motivation would be to amend. This version of Victory would be incredibly dark and gritty. This collapse or verge of collapse i refer to could be the possible murder of the main characters farther and or the murders of many members of the Victorian Londons branch of assassins.

    Using ideas from rogue the theme of the hunter (the assassins) being hunted by the templars would work so well. The difference being we would be in the shoes of the hunted this time. Our main character could be one of the very last surviving members of the Victorian London branch of assassins. Think of "future trunks being the last z fighter from the future timeline" Or think of the surviving members of "Order 66" for the feeling. The story could consist of our assassin following the clews of a mystery and murder of his fellow assassins or possibly of his farther. All while still being hunted down himself. By the killer that was powerful enough to almost collapse the Victorian London's order.

    This hunter could be a possible "Shay" archetype from rogue. In rogue over the course of the game Shay managed to almost single handedly collapse the whole order of the colonial assassins.

    In Victory the threat and cause of the murders and collapse of the Victorian London assassin's could be by a shay type figure or possibly a whole host of Templars. It could possibly even be by a defector assassin. This game could be set around the whole purge of the assassins order in london.

    Ultimately the ending could be of sacrifice. Maybe he ultimately amends the assassins order but at the cost of his own life. His ambitions of revenge and to restore his clan so to speak could put him in a situation at the end of the game face to face with the enemy templar that collapsed the order. Maybe they fight in a burning collapsing building and he sacrifices his life to stop the templar ultimately for the greater good of freedom. Maybe in his freedom he chooses sacrifice. Though the story and his character arch he understands the meaning of being an assassin and why they fight for freedom. The storys motivation at the start could be driven by revenge and to amend or revive his clan so to speak (meaning amend the Victorian London assassin's order) but though his growth as a person he ultimately learns the wisdom of the principles the assassins code. He does amend his clan but to ensure the next generation of assassins and the future of freedom he sacrifieces himself. His story will begin as a rash boy born into an order which he doesn't understand, born into luxury, puzzled by the laws the assassins live by. but though the harsh course of his life with everything stripped away he will grow in his wisdom, he will follow his ambitions and with his skills he will amend the order, and to protect the freedom of the many he will ultimately choose to sacrifice himself and die a man of the assassins creed.

    Gameplay: The story and game would be much more grounded in reality with much more of a gritter and darker london. Many beats of the story could consists of puzzles or murder mystery clews. Im thinking of the detective batman moments in the dark knight games. Or how geralt has inner monologues with himself when he's analysing what possible monster he will face in the witcher 3. But this will be accomplished by our main characters use of eagle vision and his intelligence.

    The main character: Im imagining the leaked images of Victory so the player model would be of George Westhouse. -Outfit black.

    The main characters personality: -incredibly intelligent. -inner conflicting feelings of the principles of the assassins "nothing is true" and "everything is permitted" through the course of the game he will grow in wisdom.

    Gameplay mechanics:

    -Social stealth to hide from the killers, this includes the hood hiding your identity.

    -no grappling hook

    -more puzzle focused climbing mechanics

    -ac unity engine

    -heavier focus on stealth (imagine the splitner cell games)

    -more of a counter based combat system like ac3/unity.

    -More instant kills, no bullet sponge enemys

    -origins style map

    -His variant of eagle vision could help him solve his detective murder myteries.

    Assassins Creed Victory, the George Westhouse story: Set in a darker and grittier London.

    I would love anyone that likes this idea to share thier thoughts and I would love to hear anyones ideas or cretiques of this concept.

    If anyone knows the post or leaked story i refer to and extrapolate apon in this please let me know.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/cmefly007
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    Ahmad ibn Fadlan (The 13th warrior) may be in AC: Valhalla

    Posted: 16 May 2020 07:26 PM PDT

    Ashraf Ismail, said in an interview with Valhalla that he liked the book "Eaters of the Dead" written by Michael Crichton.

    "On a very personal level, when I was 12 years old I read a novel by Michael Crichton which was about Vikings. And the lead character was a guy from the Middle East, so you have this Arab interacting with Vikings. The story was about their journey, but I'd never seen something like that before; I'd never seen Vikings painted in that light. I found a personal connection to it, and ever since then, I've loved Norse history and the time period."

    He also mentioned another interesting thing on his twitter "Vikings and Arabs had connections in the 9th century".

    I think Assassin's Creed: Valhalla and the book written by Michael Crichton will be related (great book, btw). Also movie called "The 13th Warrior" was made inspired by this book, where Antonio Banderas played middle eastern "Ahmed Ibn Fahdlan" and was fighting with the Vikings against unknown enemies.

    So, my theory is that the arabs can appear in the game and it is they who will introduce Eivor to the Hidden Ones and give him a hidden blade. This is entirely possible, because chronologically after the events of the Origins, the events of Valhalla follow. By that time, The Hidden Ones should go beyond Egypt and the Sinai Peninsula. And since the Vikings were actively engaged in trade and reached the shores of the Caspian Sea and further to the Caliphate, the meeting with the Hidden Ones/Fahdlan may be real.

    Or... this may be part of a DLC or side mission.

    submitted by /u/Stargazerr_21
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    How awesome would it be if the Dynamic Weather had an impact on combat and stealth in Valhalla?

    Posted: 16 May 2020 01:15 AM PDT

    Evior could sneak through a blizzard or heavy fog. A loud rain and the booming thunder overhead during a storm can make kills more silent.

    The heat could make it so adrenaline builds slower maybe just to add heat waves as a heat extreme. The cold slows us down naturally, and this extends into combat attacks if the fight is in a blizzard.

    Our Raven could sense the weather for the next day, giving the meditate ability an actual reason to be in the game other than the night and day system. You can purposefully wait until a storm or past a heat wave or something.

    And writing that I realized, what if you deliberately wait until a thunderstorm to launch a rain and this gives everyone a buff because Odin and Thor are on your side?

    Not gonna lie, I personally think if there are windy days than that should affect longer arrow shots. I'm talking long ones, and maybe as you level up or something you get better and shoot through it straighter. I really want this world to feel like a living, breathing place, and the occasional wind gusts could go a long way.

    Hopefully the wide life reacts accurately to all these systems. Snow means hibernation. Heat waves mean flocks by water. Etc.

    Lastly, and this is just a stupid stretch at this point, but if Isu artifacts are just as mystical in this game, IF, I want Thor's hammer and to wield lightning. Possibly other artifacts to command the weather. That's just fucking sick.

    That's it thanks for listening to my Ted Talk.

    submitted by /u/meme_abstinent
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    I forgot how good old Assassins Creed felt

    Posted: 16 May 2020 06:38 PM PDT

    I just got a PC and I've been replaying some Assassins Creed games. I started with Odyssey (which I never actually finished the first time) because it was on sale and it's a fun game that looks great on PC. Then I got Unity, and holy crap does it feel good. Not only do I like the more linear story style more, the city of Paris really feels alive and the animations, my god the animations are amazing! The parkour is at it's best in Unity imo. I wish Unity was given a bit more time so it didn't earn the reputation of a buggy mess because I think it might be my favorite of the series. I hope Valhalla takes some ideas from it.

    submitted by /u/HaughtStuff99
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    Is it bad that I think Assassins Creed Unity and Syndicate were the best in the series?

    Posted: 16 May 2020 05:32 AM PDT

    I've played most Assassins Creed games (from the original to Origins) and have beaten most of them, but I usually keep replaying Unity and Syndicate. I think both of their stories weren't too bad and the borough conquering mechanic in Syndicate, I believe was amazing. Surprisingly I also haven't managed to encounter any game breaking glitches I've either of the games and think that all the patches Ubisoft released a while ago fixed the most common bugs. I think the soundtracks in both the games were nothing short of great and I love the settings of Paris during the French Revolution and Victorian London knee deep in the Industrial Revolution.

    I have heard these games getting terrible reception and generally made the series turn sour in most people's opinion, so much so that Ubisoft changed most of the gameplay style. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/peeman69420911
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    Well, I finally finished Revelations for the first time.

    Posted: 16 May 2020 02:54 PM PDT

    I genuinely enjoyed it, and I felt like it was a fantastic end to the story of Ezio Auditore. What'd you guys think of it?

    submitted by /u/SilentStorm017
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    AC Odyssey - Are there "inofficial" bounty hunters?

    Posted: 16 May 2020 11:53 PM PDT


    I am not really far into the game yet. About 15 hours in, confronted Daddy and Elpenor, currently level 13.

    I got quite some bounty hunters sent after me, most of them were luckily at or below my level. Managed to kill two who were one level above me, but if they are two levels above all I can do is run and hope for the best...

    Anyway, I didn't count how many I killed so far, but surely it was more than a dozend. However in the rank table, I can just see maybe a handful of them marked as defeated. Also, after a few of them I got the option to confirm the kill (resulting in a kind of fatality move), while most of them simply droped dead.

    So I am wondering if there are two kinds of bounty hunters: the official ones from the list that also let me climb up ranks, and randomly generated dudes as a kind of filler?

    Or is there something else to this that I didn't understand yet?


    submitted by /u/BackpackMarv
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    I'm getting excited on how Ubisoft approached the dark and depressing athmospere of the Viking Age

    Posted: 16 May 2020 09:01 AM PDT

    Rape, Plunder, Murder and Slavery. Its what the vikings have done historically speaking and it breaks all the Tenets of the Creed. But I do think there would be a different faction within the vikings that despite the viking way of life of dying on the battlefield, stays their blade from the flesh of the innocent and does not go into battle to compromise the creed. What are your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/paulevan
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    Edward Kenway Fan Art

    Posted: 16 May 2020 04:23 AM PDT

    Will Valhalla have enemy health bars? The

    Posted: 16 May 2020 11:07 AM PDT

    And will their be the number of damage inflicted shown on the screen, stuff like that? Does anyone know, or it it just common sense? Like Odyssey? Or Unity?

    submitted by /u/oneviolinistboi
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    A discussion on how I feel after re-reading the Secret Crusade.

    Posted: 16 May 2020 08:50 PM PDT

    The Secret Crusade

    Holy shit.

    This book is masterfully written. It's narrative deep and complex, yes while I know it's taken from the games most notably AC1 and Bloodlines and around the certain points we aren't shown, the way Bowden manages to connect you to these characters is nothing short of excellence. We get a deeper more insightful look into Altair as the man under the hood. The parts where Bowden is allowed creative freedom he shines through beautifully. You feel for these characters. You understand them, truly. I've been a fan of this franchise for the longest time. And whilst recent years had tainted me somewhat, this book brought me right back in. I had read it once before and thought it was great, yet now I think of it as one of the best books in the genre out there. Bowden should really be commended for his work on these books retelling certain events form the games must be challenging yet he does it so incredibly good, with such knowledge and understanding of these characters showing respect to the original medium. Through his books it allows you to understand these characters on a deeper level as almost all the time it's the POV of the main character of the game e.g The Secret Crusade being the story of Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad, The Master Assassin. During this re-read Altaïr began to slowly creep up my list of characters in this series, to where I now have my top three as being; Altaïr, Ezio, and finally the first true Assassin Bayek himself. I'm thinking of doing a post later on Bayeks overall significance and how Bowden crafts a majestic and immersive origin to the man who the Creed itself originated from.

    Overall however I must say, to all who read this, I assume you are loyal fans of the series? (After all this is a sub dedicated to Assassin's Creed.) I must whole-heartedly recommend this book to you. Even if you're not a fan of reading in itself or find it struggling, I implore you pick up an audio edition, for this is an incredible piece of the series that shouldn't be left out. Anyway that's pretty much it. Finished the book yesterday and found my love for the series re-invigorated, and just thought man I need to let out these feelings and expressions. If you've made it all the way to the bottom of this post I thank you for taking the time out of your day to listen to a fellow fans ramblings.

    P.S is the DS game made about Altaïr,(Altaïr's Chronicles) considered canon?

    submitted by /u/RastaBoi44
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    Are the Discovery Tours now a mainstay feature for the series?

    Posted: 16 May 2020 02:11 PM PDT

    I wouldn't mind them being around permanently, since I'm having quite a lot of fun with the Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece tours (which, by the way, are both currently free until 21st of May). I do miss the old databases, which were more accessible with just holding down a button. But I can see the high value of these tours in appealing to a wider demographic. They are quite impressive and immersive, the latter being something that the databases weren't able to provide.

    submitted by /u/Ladzofinsurrect
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