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    Saturday, May 23, 2020

    Assassin's Creed Ashraf on flyting in Valhalla

    Assassin's Creed Ashraf on flyting in Valhalla

    Ashraf on flyting in Valhalla

    Posted: 22 May 2020 09:44 AM PDT

    Every country and region featured in Assassin's Creed

    Posted: 22 May 2020 02:50 PM PDT

    There are literally only 3 to 4 minutes of playable modern day in Origins. The rest can be skipped. And yet there are a lot of people calling to remove this integral concept. Based on being forced to exit the animus for literally 4 mins? In a 60h game?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 08:30 PM PDT

    I'm not disputing against the quality of Layla's character. She's... Not good. This is not a criticism of people who dislike bad modern day. Or even bad origins modern day.

    This is a criticism of the criticism of the existance of modern day, especially in this rpg new era.

    I replayed Origins. it took me about 4 mins, skipping cutscenes, to do all modern day obligatory missions. Now, yes, the modern day was weak but even then there were demands that moder day should be completely removed.

    Reading this before actually playing Origins I thought, maybe there's a lot of modern day and that's why the new fans don't like being pushed off the animus.

    But there isn't. There's 4 minutes. And 10 of cutscene more or less. No more. In Odyssey if you skip dialogue it's probably the same.

    You may have hated the 4 mins. But you call for the complete removal of something core fans want to have and have it embraced and made better. Even if it's just 15 mins. Or 4 mins.

    In a 60 hour game, people made a storm in a cup of water of how intolerable it was for them. To exit the animus. For 4 mins. Demanding ubisoft to remove the concept in its entirety.

    I have never witnessed such a thing. A franchise completely removing or reducing to a minimum its core aspects. There are no assassin's anymore. No templars. The Isu turned into fantasy instead of Sci Fi God's. All of this to appeal only to new fans.

    You're absolutely free to enjoy this but you don't witness people going over to star trek and demanding them to get rid of x and add y because it's cool.

    Every franchise has core aspects.

    When you come into one, and all the franchise asks of you is to play 4 mins of modern day, maybe its not so bad to say no prob.

    I made this post to show how nonsensical some criticisms about time are. I don't mean to gatekeep. But if you can't tolerate 4 mins of modern day, for the sake of the old fans, then I don't know what to say. This is absolutely surreal.

    submitted by /u/GreenArrow194
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    Proud of this

    Posted: 22 May 2020 08:24 AM PDT

    I want justice for Bayek of Siwa. He got robbed of everything.

    Posted: 22 May 2020 01:25 PM PDT

    Im sorry if this idea posted before but im new on this subreddit and just finished the AC Origins. And wtf ? Bayek was a perfect protagonist. His story, motives, skills were amazing. Voice acting was flawless. He easily could have been the next Ezio. I think it is a huge mistake that he only got 1 game and we couldnt see his entire story. Instead we got demigods and 2 easily forgettable characters. Shame on you ubi...

    submitted by /u/boxerinos
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    The "Dan Brown" feeling of the first AC

    Posted: 22 May 2020 08:43 AM PDT

    Ancient secrets and symbols understood only by a selected few of powerful ancient organizations.

    Conspiracies that could change the world we know forever.

    Grounded sci-fi elements that you can imagine existing in a near future.

    Academics, politicians and corporations cooperating or fighting in secret wars.

    Images of churches, holy places and hidden ultra-modern laboratories.

    All of this, taken very seriously.

    Beyond many other good ideas (like the use of diegetic elements to distinguish the past from the present, the absence of unnecessary bloat that in newer games is caused by the unjustified presence of immersion-breaking rpg elements/HUD etc...) this is what i miss the most about the beginning of the Assassin's Creed franchise.

    This mood, while kinda dated (it really feels like it never escaped the 2000s), is filled with potential and is sadly almost completely unexplored in the world of videogames. But most importantly, it defined what Assassin's Creed was.

    Will we ever go back to such beginnings? Or are we doomed to explore from now on a series of generic, colorful but interchangeable pasts?

    submitted by /u/RaidoXsat
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    I did this modern assassins creed edit long time ago, and what a coincidence! We are getting a raven as the eagle vision in valhalla! Dream come true

    Posted: 22 May 2020 04:12 PM PDT

    Favorite unintentionally hilarious thing about the series?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 03:34 PM PDT

    Mine would have to be when you're in a mission that requires you to follow a small child or frail elderly person, and they just take off running and shove the absolute shit out of everybody in their way

    That or the fact that the Templars have been fighting the Assassins for thousands of years and apparently don't tell their soldiers "Hey so they, like, ALWAYS attack from the rooftops. So maybe watch the rooftops."

    submitted by /u/TasteThePainbow12
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    "When I was a young man; I had liberty but I didn't see it, I had time but I didn't know it, I had love but I didn't feel it. Many decades would pass before I understood the meaning of all three." Ezio's Evolution over the years in Movies, Games and Commercials for EZIO AUDITORE FANS.

    Posted: 22 May 2020 02:36 PM PDT

    Assassins creed 2 is blowing me away (first timer)

    Posted: 22 May 2020 05:15 AM PDT

    I have played most assassins creed games and while i enjoyed most of them, i never came around to finishing them (except unity). i played assassins creed 2 at my brothers house when i was much younger. Only roaming around the open world because he had already finished the game.

    i picked up assassins creed games regularly after that but never went back to the games before assassins creed 4 because they looked extremely dated and stiff. Yesterday i was extremely bored so i started playing the free copy of AC 2 i got from uplay. after 1 hour i can already understand why this game is held to such a high standard. Of course the cutscenes feel very dated and the dialogue is a bit on the nose. But everything besides that is perfect. The parkour trumps all of the other games and the combat feels fluid and satisfying. Moving ezio around feels like a dream and he has the perfect amount of weight to him. The story starts off with a strong personal start to ezios development and it feels extremely human.

    The city is also beautiful, and designed in such a way that you can always see a parkour path somewhere.

    This game is impressive and im looking forward to trying the other earlier ones. Playing this game made me realize what is missing in the newer titles, that being identity and soul. I'd love to hear some other opinions in the comments.

    submitted by /u/snowskrubberr
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    My idea for an AC Setting. Take a look at AC: Traditions

    Posted: 22 May 2020 04:28 PM PDT

    My idea for an AC Setting. Take a look at AC: Traditions

    I think every AC at least once thought how a an AC set near his home would look like. So this is my take on that:

    First of all, I live here, in

    South Tyrol

    which is part of Italy now. I chose the time period of ~1800 for the game, since there was a fight going on between the patriots of my home and french invaders, Napoleon to be exact. Napoleon was on a spree to conquer all of Europa but my ancestors fought for their freedom. So far so good.

    The Protagonist

    The protagonists name is Josef "Sepp" Gruber, a farmer living in the little village of Latzfons, born in the Winter of 1773. Since Sepp was hunting animals for meat in the nearby woods since he was little, he became a good archer. He had a huge family (~10 siblings) but never had a deep connection to them because their poverty and the work on the farm gave everybody enough to do, so no time for great emotions towards them. The thing Sepp loved the most was his homeland, its traditions, its views and also its people. Regularly Sepp visited markets, bars, attended the mass every sunday.

    Latzfons in the 2000s

    more information below, but I want you to read the story first

    The Story


    One day when Sepp drank at a bar, he met a man called Peter Mayr. (a historical figure, who actually once owned the bar I hyperlinked), who explained to him that their homeland was in great danger because of the French.

    Peter Mayr

    Here is why: (All of this may be a little historically incorrect, I am no historican) Austria was originally allied with Bavaria, but their bond broke and therefore Bavaria found a new ally in France. France (with Bavaria) however planned to conquer literally everyone and with that also their beloved Tyrol.

    Therefore Sepp decided to join Peter Mayr, who was a patriot, but also an Assassin. He introduces Sepp to the Brotherhood. Sepp leaves his village and farm and joins Peter Mayr in Brixen, the first major city of the game. There he helps the Brotherhood and the patriots in various quests.

    A picture I once took in Brixen

    Out of nowhere Brixen gets attacked (historically inaccurate) by a little french troop, who will be defeated because of a new ally, Andreas Hofer. This man was the face of the patriotic fight for liberty. He was (and still is for people today) an idol of many and lead most attacks.

    Andreas Hofer

    Story Building up

    Hofer is impressed by your skills and decides that he needs your help fighting against the Bavarians, who became the new rulers of Tyrol. The reason for that you can read here. Bavaria was treating the Tyrolians very harsh (taxes, limited their traditions etc.) and ultimately forced them to join their army which was breaking a really old Tyrolian constitution, which means war.

    Innsbruck, the second major city in the game, was the center of Tyrol at the time and therefore Hofers and Sepps target. Together they planned an attack on the city, which was under the rule of Bavaria. Those attacks were later known as the battles of Bergisel (a historical battle). Hofer and Sepp are victorious, they conquer Innsbruck.


    Hofer now is one of the most powerful people in Tyrol and becomes corrupted by it. He releases coins with his face on them, creates ridiculous laws and starts to become a crazy, but still idolised character. During Hofers reign, Sepp found out that Innsbruck was the location of a Piece of Eden. This Piece of Eden was capable of giving the wielder immense power (similar to ACII). Sepp finds the Piece of Eden in an ancient cave below Innsbruck, learns about its powers and is afraid of it. Unsure what to do, he decides to leave the cave and the Piece of Eden inside.

    Since he now knows he could be the most powerful man in the world, he starts to reflect on what would be the best thing to do now. He returns to all the people he met in the course of this journey and asks them how they would change the world if they were the most powerful person ever. But he does not tell anyone about the Piece of Eden. He gets many different, sophisticated answers, but in the end he still does not know how to use this much power.

    Final Fight

    France (and Bavaria since they are allied) try to regain control over Innsbruck because Napoleon knows about the location of the Piece of Eden. Hofer organises his defences and orders Sepp to "find the most powerful weapons" for their final fight. Even though Sepp still supports Hofer, he is unsure whether he wants to use the Piece of Eden for the fight. Hofer notices Sepps doubts about the fight, spies on Sepp and finds out that Sepp knows the location of the Piece of Eden. Hofer goes absolutely crazy because Sepp did not tell him about the Piece of Eden and throws him into prison, torturing him until he knows where to find the Piece of Eden.

    During the torture chaos breaks out because out of nowhere the French attack Innsbruck. Sepp is able to free himself, sneak into the ancient cave to find the Piece of Eden and destroy, because he thinks that this much power for a single man could do no good in this world. Once he reaches the location of the Piece of Eden, he sees Napoleon who already grabbed it and the boss fight with Napoleon starts. Napoleon is defeated and the crazy Hofer and his men reach the cave aswell. Sepp defeats Hofer and destroys the Piece of Eden. Sepp spares Napoleon and Hofer because he knows: If he kills them the people who will replace them will be even worse than them. This is what he learned when he became an Assassin.


    France wins the fight, and now controls Tyrol. But because of Sepps smart move not to kill Napoleon, Napoleon is lenient and Tyrol is able to live a peaceful and indipendent life (historically inaccurate, but I think all ACs need a happy ending).

    (Im aware the story has many flaws, but this is what I could think of off the top of my head)

    The Protagonist #2

    At the start of the story Sepp is a very loud, extrovert and ludicrous man. But once he joins the Assassins, he starts to see things differently, become more thoughtful and sophisticated. This character trait is most visible when he has the possibility to become the most powerful man in the world, but decides against it. But also in the end of the story you can very clearly see the progress in his personality. There are some similarities to Ezio, yes, I know.

    How I imagine Sepp:

    • has a beard
    • has brown, short hair (similar to Hofer)
    • looks like this in the beginning


    • is a rather clunky guy in the start, gets smoother and stealthier the longer you play
    • does not wear a hood at the start, even dislikes it
    • wears a hood more often the longer you play
    • wears something like this at the end:

    this needs a hood instead of a hat; a longer cloak that has white details; more armor, weapons and equipment; other than that quite how I imagine him (feel free to come up with your own designs)

    I originally wanted Sepp to have a wife aswell, but thought I would include apathy and chastity to his later character traits so he really does feel philosophical and smart at the end. Therefore Sepp has a girlfriend in his hometown, but when he leaves to go to Brixen he never sees her again. He will read about her death in a letter given to him during the epilogue and get really emotional. Also Sepp is a really devote christian just as all the patriots.


    The Open World

    AC:Traditions would play in the area between and around Innsbruck and Brixen.

    The Map of AC: Traditions on Google Maps

    All locations would only be seen as a "?" until you discover them, just like in other games. My idea is: Once you discover a location/village, you can enter the bar there and just ask the people inside if there are any places of interest nearby. If they tell you about one, it is marked on the map. If you do not ask around, nothing at all will be seen on the map until you are quite close to it. Since discovering all the map by running up to npcs and pressing "talk" would be boring, I would include side missions for that. Maybe you need to beat someone up (as in ACII), maybe you need to buy them a drink, maybe you need to earn their trust because the place they show you is very secret and special. There are tons of possibilities.

    The map filled with location markers

    In the end you would uncover most locations by sidemissions and some would still remain hidden. The ones you didnt find could only be discovered by reaching a synchronisation point. I think synchronisation points should become special again, therefore I would make them rare and rather difficult. Since they reveal the most hidden and most interesting locations on the map they should feel challenging. I would only implement 3 of them in the entire map. And I have some ideas where to put them

    • on top of the white tower in Brixen

    pretty standard, put some snipers and enemies here and there, make the only way up an underground entrance through another building etc., unlocks all secrets around brixen and gives Sepp a cosmetic pocketwatch hanging from his pocket;

    • at "the cross of latzfons" (supposedly the highest pilgrimage site of all Europe, at 2500m above sea level)

    make getting there a real journey, similar to the 7000 steps in Skyrim, it unlocks all secrets in the area around Latzfons and in the mountains, gives you a cosmetic rosary Sepp will always around his neck

    • the St.Jacobs church of Innsbruck

    same thing as in Brixen; unlocks all secrets around Innsbruck and gives your horses saddle golden details

    Obviously you can leap of faith off of them all. Those would be the major synch spots and I would also include some on smaller churches etc. so you can see chests etc. who are near. The major ones however also mark hidden caves, huts, tombs etc. etc. who give very rewarding loot.

    Bars and Restaurants

    Since most of the normal people walking around in AC: Traditions are farmers and poor mountain folk they should all meet in very basic bars. So those should be loud, uncivilized, full of alcohol and gambling.

    All those things should be doable ingame:

    • drink with randoms
    • beat other people up for fun
    • burp
    • play cards ("Watten)" to be exact)
    • play musical instrument like the horn, accordion, piano
    • sing songs like this or like this, you should also be able to just be able to press a button and start singing when walking around (maybe keep holding the whistle button)
    • some variation of this should be the main theme of the game

    Mysterious places

    Since mountains used to be a really scary place for a long time, many stories evolved around them. Also the devotion and beliefs of the people let to some crazy stuff happening. Some examples:

    • "The Schlernhex":

    every thunderstorm that occurs near this mountain called \"Schlern\" has been conjured by the \"Schlernhex\" (the witch of Schlern); make it so when you are near this mountain during a storm, a witch appears and when you defeat there is no thunderstorm ever again in this area

    • "The Rose Garden"

    the dwarf king called Laurin lost a battle and had to give away his most precious belonging: his garden that was full of roses; but out of spite he cursed his own garden and turned it into stone so that no soul during day or night could see his beautiful red roses; but as it seems king laurin forgot about the dawn where his garden shines in this beautiful red color

    I hope you enjoyed some of my ideas. Maybe I will make a second part since this is quite unfinished


    submitted by /u/andiknedl
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    Don't know if it's popular or unpopular but it's my opinion: Unity doesn't have the best parkour

    Posted: 22 May 2020 12:03 PM PDT

    To me the best parkour of the series was from I to Revelations. Yes, a bit slow and clunky but it's the only one that makes you feel that you're getting better into because there's actually risks and rewards and new techniques to learn, not only by practice but also some are tied to the narrative. When Ezio first arrives in Venezia, there are some buildings he can't climb. After seeing a girl climbing those buildings and after saving her, he asks her to teach him how to climb like her as reward for saving her and after a short tutorial mission, Ezio can now climb the previosly unclimbable building. Today, you simply go to your skill tree and buy the skill. This also makes it feel that Ezio is learning and constantly evolving into a better assassin, while pretty much any other assassin in the series is an expert at everything from the start of the game. Seriously, how much parkour did Edward back in Wales? Also, Unity's parkour is pretty but it's mostly just animations that you cannot interact with. It looks good but doesn't feel good. Parkour got progressively worse and Odyssey has easily the worst parkour in the series. Everything is climbable, even flat surfaces, completly removing the mini-puzzle you had to do in order to best climb. Also, "climb" is an overstatement. Kassandra/Alexios don't climb, they jump. Also, they are as gracious as elephant doing parkour. They do not feel agile at all. Also, it completly removed the high risk/high reward factor by simply making you unable to take fall damage. I know AC doens't have to be 100% realistic but holy moly! Hopefully, Valhala will return parkour to it's roots.

    submitted by /u/DariusStrada
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    AC Odyssey - Just realized the Ostraka Riddles are actually riddles

    Posted: 22 May 2020 06:54 AM PDT

    When I found the first ones I didn't read the text carefully. So I thought it's just some background lore of the region and treated them as collectables.

    Now about 50 hours in my playthru, just found Mom, and took a closer look at one. Realized they are actually riddles, leading you to mostly unmarked locations.

    I did the first few on Kephallenia, but I still got about two dozends sitting in my backpack.

    Damn, as if the game was'nt already filled with side quests, cultists, beasts, bounty hunters etc. to hunt down. Now completionist-me has yet another checklist to go thru.

    Guess once I finally finish this game I can hand it over to my grand children...

    submitted by /u/BackpackMarv
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    Why does the mercenary placement seem backwards for me in Odyssey?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 11:51 PM PDT

    So I'm playing through AC Odyssey and I'm still pretty early in, I'm in megaris and I'm level 17, but I'm getting super frustrated because all of the mercenaries who are my level are across the map, inaccessible, or in areas that are 20-30 levels above mine. Yet the mercenaries that are all around me are levels 25-30! It's frustrating. Did anyone else run in to this issue?

    submitted by /u/oorahmojo
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    Assassins Creed Odyssey 9am - 5pm Edition

    Posted: 22 May 2020 02:35 PM PDT

    This is just an opinion at least from my experience but why does the new Assassin's Creed games feel like work as if you're putting in a 9-5 with almost every mainline mission or side quest turns into a fetch job.

    It's kind of laughable at times how it always ends with I need you to do this or I need you to get this for me to give you the information you seek. It makes the story so much less engaging for me especially after coming from completing Red Dead 2 not long ago.

    On a positive note I do like the change in combat but I do wish they incorporated more 1 hit kills to make you feel like more of an "Assassin". I really hope they change up the fetch quest formula & try to aim for something more engaging in the new game but we'll just have to wait & see.

    submitted by /u/farah486
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    Possible First Civ stuff in Valhalla.

    Posted: 22 May 2020 08:42 PM PDT

    I was replaying through the Ezio Collection and found in AC2 on the codex pages wall where it shows Isu Vaults all over the world it actually shows one in Norway. Do you guys think we will visit this in Valhalla.

    submitted by /u/darth_thror
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    How will Ubisoft implement the mercenary system and companions into Valhalla

    Posted: 22 May 2020 10:51 PM PDT

    Do you think we could see an improved mercenary system or hopefully revamped system much like the nemesis system in shadow of war where there was more meaning to the enemies and you would have a more personal vendetta/story towards them.

    Also with companions I hope their will be side quests and tasks you can do with them to grow a connection, adding more to the story then just being a random npc you don't care about who fights for you.

    And finally what would you like to see with the new homestead/Homebase addition, I'm hoping to see us be able to create like a small community that settles down and throughout the game we make friends/companions who can live their with us and we have to raid to gather materials to upgrade and build things. I've seen that their is minigames like fishing, flying etc so I'm looking forward to being immersed into the story of a Viking settler.

    submitted by /u/lil-car-crash-
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    Assassins creed odyssey question. HUGE SPOILER FOR CULT STORYLINE.

    Posted: 22 May 2020 04:29 PM PDT

    When you bring Aspasia to Myrrine on Naxos, she openly offers to translate a piece of cult scripture which shows that one of the Spartan Kings is a cultist. After realizing that Aspasia is literally the head of the entire cult, I question why she not only offered to translate it but didn't even lie about what it said.

    submitted by /u/zberston
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    Any particular mission in Assassins creed that you think should have been altered or fixed in remakes/remastering?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 06:28 PM PDT

    Ok just to give context to this, I was playing Assassins Creed 2 and I got the mission where you played as Altair in Acre and it took me 5 tries to get to the top of the final tower. It didn't help that if you died you had to restart from the beginning and thanks to early assassins creed parkour I would jump off the walls and into the ocean where I would get desynched. I Had to look up a youtube video to figure out what to do... and it was something I never would have thought doing.

    Anyway, this little rant made me wonder what other stuff in the remakes of assassins creed should have fixed to be easier/less frustrating.

    submitted by /u/Kingman212
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    In your opinion what was the saddest moment in the games for you?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 07:08 AM PDT

    What are your thoughts on AC Syndicate?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 04:02 PM PDT

    It seems to be the least popular game of the series overall (main series). Do you think that's deserved or is it underrated?

    I think London was really well crafted but they wasted it on a poor story, weak gameplay and overall a forgettable game. With more effort put into the game it could have been one of the best ones. I remember Victorian London was quite the popular setting

    submitted by /u/EUJourney
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    AC Origins is better than I thought

    Posted: 22 May 2020 07:58 AM PDT

    I bought Origins when it first came out in 2017 but the whole RPG mechanics of it really took me out of the game right off the bat so I never really got into it. Never bothered to buy Odyssey because of that too. Odyssey then went on sale for $15 on the Microsoft store so I just went ahead and bought it since it was a good deal and I owned every AC game except that one lol. I decided "fuck it I'm gonna beat this damn game already". Started over on Tuesday night and I've been playing a ton ever since. Most AC games are all relatively the same in the sense that there's a big group of bad people and a boss that you need to kill to save your city/country, etc.) but it's almost always good if it has good mechanics and engaging, fleshed out characters. Overall a pretty solid game and I'm almost finished with it. I'm playing Odyssey after this then Valhalla when it comes out.

    submitted by /u/lilpenis9151
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