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    Sunday, May 24, 2020

    Assassin's Creed Alexios with Spartan War Hero armor and the Wolf's Helmet, as a classical greek Black Figure drawing.

    Assassin's Creed Alexios with Spartan War Hero armor and the Wolf's Helmet, as a classical greek Black Figure drawing.

    Alexios with Spartan War Hero armor and the Wolf's Helmet, as a classical greek Black Figure drawing.

    Posted: 23 May 2020 07:45 AM PDT

    Fan Art i made with all the main characters(AC Legacy)

    Posted: 23 May 2020 06:23 PM PDT

    Who was last night’s target? (fanart that also killed four of my pens; may they Rest In Peace)

    Posted: 23 May 2020 04:27 AM PDT

    (AC Odyssey) I feel like I played a completely different game than everyone else

    Posted: 23 May 2020 01:05 PM PDT

    Everyone complains about the grind, the boring story, lack of character development, and I don't get it at all.

    For me, there was no grinding at all, I just played the game and always found myself overleveled for quests.

    I found the story very engaging and actually got emotional at several points.

    My Kassandra had so much character development, from a simple mercenary to a broken woman to a hero.

    The criticisms I see of the game sound nothing like the game I played.

    submitted by /u/mylegismissing
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    My Custom LEGO Altair!

    Posted: 23 May 2020 07:55 PM PDT

    Ubisoft's missed opportunity with Connor, Arno, and Shay cross-over game set during the Barbary Wars.

    Posted: 23 May 2020 05:27 AM PDT

    A game leading up to and during the Barbary Wars (1801-1815) would have been a perfect setting for a game featuring Connor & Arno going up against Templar Grand Master Shay Cormac. Connor would be in his 40s. Arno in his 30s. Shay in his 70s.

    • You've got the setting for Black Flag's naval combat with the Aquila in the Mediterranean. Pirates galore. Thats what the war was about anyway.

    • Revisit Egypt. Alexandria harbored the usurpred Tripolian prince the United States was trying to aide before they marched across North Africa with the Marines and an army of mercenaries with plenty of trouble along the way. Maybe we even find some elusive hints to Bayek/The Order of the Ancients/The Hidden Ones.

    • You're going into a Christian/Muslim conflict and can draw parallels to the crusades/AC1 as well as make social commentary or parallels to modern conflicts.

    • Napolean's campaign in Egypt was during this time as well. That's how you bring in Arno.

    • Culture clash. Connor's Native American heritage would be such a unique vantage point as he views this conflict in the old world. Imagine Connor stumbling upon ancient Egyptian ruins as the Aquila sails down the Nile River finding villages raided by Napolean's forces.

    • The burning of the USS Philadelphia, American hostages in Tripoli, William Eaton's campaign with the Marines across North Africa, Siege of Derna, Aiding (and then abandoning) a usurped prince, a war over extortion and state sponsored piracy -- many exciting events and scenarios to weave a narrative around.

    • edit addition Could even visit southern Europe as Napolean invaded Italy in 1796. So we're talking diverse geographic settings -- new places and revisiting old ones. Monteriggioni is only a few hundred KM from Arcole, one of Napolean's battles in 1796.

    • edit addition Others have pointed out The War of 1812 and The Napoleanic Wars as ideas. Both awesome settings. I think, considering Shay's age, the Barbary Wars afford the opportunity to give him a proper send off (assassination) before he's too elderly, but also could set the world stage for two more sequels -- follow Connor back to the US (along with other US Military Characters we meet along the way who go on to play major roles during the War of 1812) and tell the story of the War of 1812. Follow Arno off into Europe and witness the chaos there surrounding Napoleon.

    • edit addition Did you know the story of the USS Philadelphia and Stephen Decatur, later called the "most daring act of the age"? Basically Decatur leads a group of Sailors/Marines on a stolen Ketch, the Intrepid, into Tripoli's harbor disguised as a merchant's ship to raze the USS Philadelphia -- which had accidentally beached itself -- to the ground so that Tripoli doesn't capture the ship and use it to defend the harbor. That's a story and set piece that belongs in Assassin's Creed. We as the player could be there on that fateful night on the Intrepid. Further reading: https://www.navalhistory.org/2015/02/18/the-burning-of-the-uss-philadelphia

    You'd be bringing together all these characters together for a huge blockbuster game set during a pivotal historical event. Ubisoft's own Assassin's Creed Infinity War. I think it's all a missed opportunity. I'd love to hear what you all think.

    edit: added another bullet about Italy

    edit 2: another bullet about War of 1812 / Napolean.

    edit 3: Had to add Stephen Decatur at the behest of u/VVulfpack

    submitted by /u/geraltseinfeld
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    Tossing my hat in to the ring. Here's an edit I made a while back celebrating the 10th anniversary of Assassin's Creed.

    Posted: 23 May 2020 08:50 PM PDT

    Charles Randall, programmer of Assassin's Creed 1, shared a story how several side activities were added to the game because of CEO's kid

    Posted: 23 May 2020 02:54 AM PDT


    I will format the text a little so it looks coherent, but nothing crucial is removed. And ofc you can check the source to verify in case you don't believe.

    If you've ever played the original Assassin's Creed, you'd know that there were the missions with the targets, and there were also a bunch of side activities. What if I told you those side activities didn't exist in the first submission?

    So we're all ready to ship the game, first submission goes pretty well, and then...

    The News

    The CEO's kid played the game and said it was boring and there was nothing to do in the game.

    So my lead comes to me, and he says "so, we have to add a bunch of side activities into the game. we have a plan from Patrice, but I'm not going to say yes unless you are in." I tell him to give me some time to think about it, and I go crank my music and have a nap at my desk. Oh yeah I forgot the key part. He says "we have to put all these side missions into the game in five days, and they have to be bug free, because the build is going to be burned directly to disc and released to retail."

    So anyway about an album later I lift my head and see him sitting there staring at me, just waiting for me to give him an answer. I say "Yes. But I have conditions." He says: "Anything". That's how myself and... 4? or 5? other people ended up in the main conference building of montreal's peck building, which is normally only accessible with a special door card. And it was only us who had access. No one else was allowed in. We had all our computers moved there.

    Anyway, the rest of it is a blur, but I know that it went super well, because we did it. We managed to implement all of it in 5 days. And it was bug free... almost:

    1. If any of you poor folks ever tried to get the full 1000 gamer points on Assassin's Creed, you'd know there was one bug where sometimes you could never complete all the templar assassinations, and you'd have to restart your game to try again. I will now explain that bug. So it turns out one of the templar were parented to the wrong sector. If you approached the templar from the wrong direction, he fell through the world and was despawned. Which didn't give you credit for the kill, but stored him into the savegame as dead. No more spawning. So yeah, if you had to play AC multiple times to get your max gamerscore or whatever, sorry. But I literally don't remember what happened in that period of five days. But I know it's a miracle that the game didn't just melt your console or whatever.
    2. And the double assassin spawning bug if you had two controllers plugged in was probably my fault. You're welcome.

    Addendum, I really don't remember a god damn thing about being in that room. for all I know I died in there and this is hell. or purgatory. I don't remember entering it or leaving it. I know I was in it. In retrospect I should have just asked for lots of money instead of a temporary sealed room that I may not have actually escaped.

    submitted by /u/bool0011
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    What exactly is there under Altair’s hood?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 10:39 PM PDT

    Is it the pervasive ponytail? Is it a Mohawk like Connor? Is he bald? Is it tattooed? Is there a tumour? Is he ok?

    submitted by /u/banerji_with_a_ji
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    Assassin's Creed Valhalla won't have any "big progression walls" in the way of the story, creative director says

    Posted: 23 May 2020 07:07 AM PDT

    How does Edward Kenway know the Leap of Faith?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 07:00 PM PDT

    So I know we've discussed that Bayek was taught the Leap of Faith by his father or grandfather (I forgot). However, I don't think it was ever explained how Edward knew the Leap of Faith. I've looked around and read how his natural fighting skills and overall experience as a pirate aided him to imitate the assassins, but I have yet to read something that explains how he knew the Leap of Faith. Is it just from him imitating Ducan in the very beginning of the game? I've been playing Black Flag for my second time, and I honestly don't really see how he learned it.

    submitted by /u/CTCranky
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    How would you like Hidden Blade customization?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 05:46 PM PDT

    I'm thinking in the vein of Fallen Order's lightsaber.

    Maybe the parts could be like: glove, gauntlet, mechanism, and blade

    It's a small detail but idk, I think it'd be cool

    submitted by /u/Jigglelips
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    Why did the Templar’s publicly reveal themselves again during Syndicate?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 08:17 PM PDT

    There were members who displayed the Templar insignia on their clothes and on their boats too. Templar hideouts had the logo displayed everywhere. I just find it strange since the Templars, like the Assassins, usually want to remain a secretive organisation.

    submitted by /u/Bruhurb69420
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    How many AC games will Ubisoft make? Is there a limit? 20-25?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 07:51 PM PDT

    The thought made me chuckle and I think it is not a serious question, so I put it under the Humor tag.
    How many games can we get?
    Is it even possible to make Modern Day AC games and games on Mesopotamia and Indus Valley (Too Old)?

    submitted by /u/Arigamon
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    What type of tone do you hope Assassin's Creed Valhalla has (compared to the other AC games)?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 03:27 PM PDT

    AC Origins and AC3 esque? I think those are the most serious games of the series

    AC2 and Black Flag had more lighthearted moments but still a serious story

    AC Syndicate (especially) and AC Odyssey have the most "fun" tone. There is not much tension.

    submitted by /u/EUJourney
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    I made a bingo card with my assorted predictions for the plot points of Valhalla

    Posted: 23 May 2020 04:02 AM PDT

    Odyssey Atlantis DLC Chapter 3 Question: to kill or not to kill? [SPOILERS Inside]

    Posted: 23 May 2020 11:49 PM PDT

    I am in chapter 3 now, Judgement of Atlantis I think it is called, and I know this game can be very touchy with certain quests requiring you not to kill anyone or your story will go a different way as your quest characters discover what you did, regardless of being spotted.

    I am at the very beginning of the chapter, after having been told that I am basically the sheriff of Atlantis and I have to go help out people in Atlantis, and not to use Isu tech of humans.

    My questions is, can I kill the Isu controlled humans that guard the hostile areas of Atlantis, such as in the keeper's insights, garrison's, forts, and more... or will doing so piss of Poseidon, Atlas, or someone else as they comment on my destruction of Atlantis or something? I want to take the righteous path in this story, but is so difficult to play this game without assassinating or killing hostile enemies. I know they gave this staff that does knockdown damage (which maybe was meant to help in this effort) but it is still difficult when completing areas require you to kill captains and you can use your abilities because that might kill others.

    So PLEASE let me know if I can kill Isu guards outside of quests or not (without affecting the direction of main/side quests), because containing myself in this chapter might drive me insane and I would like to proceed forward without worry of actions like this

    submitted by /u/TheSaltyFox
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    Is Odin how the nordic people knew the Isu Jupiter?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 01:21 PM PDT

    Jupiter is known throughout most polytheistic religions has the head God of the Pantheon, Zeus for greeks, Jupiter for romans and Tinia to the estruscans (ancient Italy). Do you think Odin from the Norse Pantheon is Jupiter and will we appear in Valhalla in any way?

    submitted by /u/MatFernandes
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    Some of my favorite Odyssey screenshots I've taken so far

    Posted: 23 May 2020 01:43 PM PDT

    Origins did a lot better than Odyssey in my opinion and I want them to keep that in Valhalla.

    Posted: 23 May 2020 09:48 AM PDT

    The title basically. For example, stealth was better in Origins in my opinion. I know that you have to make an assassin build if you want to do a one-shot, but still. I feel like a one-shot should be baseline but you take the assassin tree if you want to sneak better. Also many of the things that made the immersion better was gone in Odyssey. I like the combat it Odyssey more, but feel like shields should come back. Also no demigod powers, that just felt weird in my opinion. Also, the dual bows felt better but having one bow is also fine. This is basically a huge rant on my feelings about the two games.

    submitted by /u/DarthKittie
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    Cool and unusual AC GMV I found.

    Posted: 23 May 2020 10:11 PM PDT

    Hot take on the Chronicles games

    Posted: 23 May 2020 05:55 AM PDT

    You may not like them, but the chronicles games are the only one that push you to play as an assassin.

    The theory behind the assassins is that you should kill only when it's necessary and the less you can. However every "normal" game incentives you to kill the more that you can. Every enemy killed gives you exp, gear, tools or money, but there isn't really a reward for not killing them.

    Players don't kill the enemies either to give themselves a challenge (it's harder to be stealth when there are many enemies around) or because they want to act like an assassin, but the gameplay itself doesn't reward you for doing so.

    And sure, one may argue that you are killing enemies so they still count as "good" kills. But they don't. A random guard doesn't know about Templar mission that they are unknowingly helping. Killing 100 guards just to eliminate one target is not the assassin way.

    My brother for example only okayed Syndicate but since he is not a fan of stealth game he never played it as one. Every mission he went straight for the bad guys and fought them all. In the end he did it the "easy" way but we got the same exact reward.

    In the Chronicles games it's not like this. You get points based on how you played a level, and if you didn't kill anyone (and were never spotted) you got the max. Also, the fact that fighting wasn't as easy as in a main game pushed you to play stealthily and not just fight your way out of a situation.

    Imo, the main AC games should take a note from the Chronicles. You have to assassinate a target in an area? Okay, make it so that every enemy you don't kill gives you double xp, or something similar. You could also bring back an easier combat system so that you can choose to play it easy, but with a lower reward.

    TL;DR, the chronicles games are good and the main serie should take some features from them

    submitted by /u/niko2710
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