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    Wednesday, April 8, 2020




    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 05:26 PM PDT

    I am playing Assassins Creed 1 and the NPC's keep saying the same lines over and over again! Its driving me insane!

    submitted by /u/Kyrie2468
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    Where the hell is sideways double assassination

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 03:02 AM PDT

    The ability to double assassinate 2 guards running from their side in AC3 and AC4 is never implemented again in later games, which is surprising seeing how fluid it feels to actually do so while freerunning instead of the 2 guards magically re-positioning themselves by slightly teleporting so their backs faces Arno/Jacob/Evie. Seeing how double assassination became non existent after Syndicate it just feels incredibly unnatural that Arno or Jacob/Evie can't do what Connor and Edward managed to pull of with ease knowing that they never actually needed 2 hidden blades to kill both guards at the same time

    Also whoever came up with the idea to not be able to choose the option between entering a window or climbing on top of it in Odyssey like in Syndicate should be castrated

    submitted by /u/MozzlyPro
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    assassin's creed origins just blew me away.

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 02:31 PM PDT

    so ive taken a pretty big break in ac. the last one i beat was 3, i played and beat the ones prior, and i played around in 4 a little but never touched unity or syndicate or anything else. i came back because i just kept hearing talk about odyssey good and bad and it was on a huge sale on psn so i got it. my internet sucks (like so bad yall wouldnt be able to deal 🤣 download still isnt done) and i knew odyssey was going to take forever so i went and got origins to occupy me (plus that dlc was on sale too so why not) and i had no idea what i was getting into... rememeber my last real time i spent with AC was 3. i didnt get a ps4 like everyone else did just bc of life reasons so now im getting to play all of these games. i had been hearing about origins map being huge and ive been able to catch up on alot of big games already but the difference is i had no expectations with origins. i honestly thought it would be a Nth AC game cluttered with mechanics that were never fixed and just a copy and paste experience. i had no idea how much this series had been evolving. so anyway where im going with this, i just beat the crocodiles scales mission. this game has been one of my favorite if not my absolute favorite of all time (a little biased towards egypt) but i still keep in mind this is a huge game with alot of coding to do so it may be a little samey with the big cutscenes...


    after that cutscene with the girl passing (im so bad with these names) i was literally just in awe with the 1. atmosphere 2. the voice acting. 3. the actual models themselves. and 4. with how they shot it to resemble a tragic scene in a movie where its a couple of flashes of whats happening along with music.

    guys. this is the game i have been waiting for since the 2007 debut of assassins creed. this is it. i know its not perfect and i know theres more games to come (i cant wait to explore greece) but i absolutely love egypt and theres not a true egyptian rpg out there so this one reaaaalllyy nailed it for me and i can see it did for alot of people because as far as im concerned ac origins brought life back into the series from the bad rep and sales of unity and syndicate. sidenote: i just got unity and its really not that bad!!

    but yeah. i just wanted to share that with you guys. ac has always had good stories but it felt like it lost its edge years back and i just never got that lightning captured again until now. and a big part of this is the step towards a more dark souls experience as far as the combat goes. its shifted alot and personally i love it even if its not perfect. ds games hold a huge chunk of my heart and i love the combat so to see ac put their own spin on it and actually evolve to keep the series from dying, is worth the praise.

    submitted by /u/j_blugh
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    i saw this in r/clipstudio and thought this subreddit would also enjoy it!

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 11:59 AM PDT

    AC1 atmosphere and soundtrack is incredible

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 07:18 PM PDT

    Gone back to this as it's one of the only AC's I never fully completed. And my god. The feeling of being in holy land with this unbelievable soundtrack and eerie atmosphere is incredible. And not to mention the graphics for a 2007 game are amazing. Might just be the best atmosphere game I've ever played and it's 13 years old.

    submitted by /u/Freshkeyy
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    Ubisoft accidentally made some pretty challenging endgame content for Unity with playing the coop missions alone

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 09:02 PM PDT

    Like it was a terrible decision to make a single player franchise have shit locked behind coop but I get it, they were trying something new.

    I never had people to play the coop with so I always just avoided the mission. But I'm on my second play through and they are actually pretty fun as a challenge sandbox. I'd say they are even better than the story missions because they rely on the mechanics more than cutscenes and set pieces.

    So I just thought it was funny that it almost feels like endgame content for me because the difficulty was for a lot more players

    submitted by /u/Trankman
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    AC3s Replay Value is really hindered by the initial few sequences

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 09:48 PM PDT

    I last finished AC3 about two years ago and wanted to pick it up again in this quarantine period. I played about 9 hours in and I closed my game (when the save icon was loading for an unusually long amount of time). When I restarted it, I got an error, "Load failed. Don't have the resource ". I can't seem to solve it despite looking at the steam community blogs/Google.

    If this was any other game, I would have been more than happy to restart but fuck me if I need to see that unskippable video of Desmond's dad talking for 5 minutes straight, and then another 5-6 hours of banal handholding until you are finally let off the leash. This game only truly shines from sequence 6 around the Tea Party mark and you can finally go about setting up the Assassin order and homestead and cool side missions etc. AC 3 doesn't deserve unnecessary hate but in all fairness, those first 6 hours reaaallly hurts the replay value.

    submitted by /u/AviBharadwaj98
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    What do you think of Netflix or Prime buying movie rights for Assassins Creed?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 12:22 PM PDT

    Honestly, I'd love to watch a series based on Assassins Creed. They could focus on a different era each season.

    submitted by /u/Hammer48423
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    Assassins Creed from Asia? Have they ever thought of doing an assassins creed in Eastern Asia?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 10:05 PM PDT

    I think it would be interesting to make an Assassins Creed game from ancient Japan/China/Korea. See ninja or samurai fighting style. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/maldoggyy
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    Would Berlin in the Cold War era be a good setting?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 05:06 PM PDT

    So even though an Assassins Creed games wouldn't be great in the last modern era, I think that Berlin would make a pretty good setting with you having to cross the wall and the parkour would also work quite well.

    submitted by /u/joshhirst28
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    Any explicit scenes in Odyssey?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 01:09 AM PDT

    I'm currently in quarantine with my parents, and the tv is in the living room. Are there any explicit scenes?

    submitted by /u/DrunkenFatty
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    Map Restricted By Progress - I Miss It

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 09:14 AM PDT

    I've found myself replaying the Ezio Collection now coming off of Origins. And I realized that I actually missed something that I took for granted in the old games. Being restricted to an area based on progression in the story. Now of course back when I first played these games I didn't like those milky walls of wires and white preventing me from seeing the rest of the map. But now that I've played a big game like Origins where you have access to everything at once I actually welcome it. No longer am I overwhelmed by wanting to do all the optional side stuff before doing the story. Instead I am now limited to a portion of the map where I can do all the current available side content before progressing. Now I understand that in Origins I can try and limit myself to say completing all the side content of a region before doing story but it isn't that easy for me as it might be for others.

    Do any of you miss these walls restricting exploration to the location where "historically" the character visited at that time?

    submitted by /u/DFakeRP
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    Question on how long it takes to beat odyssey on New Game+

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 12:37 AM PDT

    I beat odyssey a while back and I am just wondering how long it will take to beat the story on new game plus, without any of the side activities or the grind?

    submitted by /u/FoxHoundBridges
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    I wanted cutscenes to comeback

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 06:09 AM PDT

    Odyssey relied mostly on face to face game engine interactions, which felt boring and bland (imo) , they did have rendered cutscenes though which I love in origins and before it. I've read that they've decided not to focus on cutscenes in their future games and that's sad. Unless AC 2020 manages to make the face to face conversations really engaging and well directed, I fear that it'll be another boring story, like Odyssey's.

    No I don't hate odyssey, it just took a wrong turn in terms of cutscenes and the way the story is told.

    submitted by /u/Timo-D03
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    What makes Assassin's Creed 2 one of the best assassin's creed games?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 06:05 PM PDT

    I played AC 2 and found it long and uneventful. So what makes this game a staple in the franchise?

    submitted by /u/HeatedMayo
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    Online Stuff Prevented Me From Enjoying Black Flag As Much As I Should

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 09:31 AM PDT

    Can't get the white whale without going online so I can't craft one of the outfits. Can't do all of the Abstergo challenges without sharing events online. They're not big things but if you like to get 100% and don't play online it's qiute disappointing. I can live without getting a few multiplayer only achievements but this mixing online stuff in with the main game is really annoying. It's a shame because otherwise I'm really enjoying the game.

    submitted by /u/Spire-Al
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    [AC Unity] Favourite costume combo in Unity?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 12:49 PM PDT

    Isolation truly getting to me so trying to get a discussion going! What is your favourite costume combo in Unity?

    The customization in this game was great, I tried to make my assassin into a Daredevil like character (Red Costume, used a staff). It will 100% be getting a play through again

    submitted by /u/Slawg3r_777
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    Re: Assassin's Creed set in Ireland

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 04:31 AM PDT

    (Long post incoming) I've seen a few posts about the potential presence of an assassin brotherhood in Ireland, and so I was thinking. What if ubisoft created an assassins creed title set during the plantations of Ireland (when the English attempted to settle in Ireland and rule it in essence). This time period was between roughly 1556 and 1641. I believe this would be a great opportunity for some dynamism in the architecture throughout Ireland to be displayed, ranging from the beautiful farmland, the thatched cottages of the Irish at the time, to the large English towns that were built, along with the castles of the Irish kings, and the various settlements of when the Vikings invaded Ireland. The story could follow a young Irish man who is picked up out of coincidence by an assassin from England, who follows the templars, in the form of the landlord planters. This assassin would serve as a mentor for the main character and allow for the introduction of an assassin brotherhood in Ireland. The game might also feature some other aspects as the character might travel the whole of Ireland and as well to England, Scotland and Wales, allowing for a much larger map, as well as the possibility for naval combat, without being heavily focused on it. The involvement of a piece of eden may come in the form of the templars searching for an apple of eden or a stave of eden, hidden and worshipped within one of the many monasteries in Ireland. Overall I think this would be a very good location for a game, as Ireland is known as the land of saints and scholars it could be quite possible that somebody like Saint Patrick, or further down the line like Michael Colins could have come into possession of this apple or stave. If you read all of this I'd just like to thank you for your time and hopefully it may have been entertaining to read. Stay safe during these times especially and I hope you all have a great day. :]

    submitted by /u/Alagos03
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    Assassin's Creed Revelations - Exploring Masyaf (Place Where Altair Used To Jump)

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 03:26 PM PDT

    Assassin's Creed Revelations - Exploring Masyaf (Place Where Altair Used To Jump)

    I just checked video I uploaded in 2012 and it has over 200k views. I'm proud of this video even I made it when I was much younger. I'm just wondering has anyone from here watched it sometime before?

    submitted by /u/oaleebih
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    Which tool / gadgets to do guys like from the assassin's Creed games?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 01:38 PM PDT

    I'm board out of my mind and I got curious which tools/gadgets do you guys like out of all the assassin's Creed games?

    Mine are the blowpipe from black flag/liberation

    and the bomb crafting from Revelations

    submitted by /u/AssassinMentorX
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    Would you be okay if this was how watchdogs and AC merged or at least started to?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 08:42 PM PDT

    So I am currently playing through the original watchdogs and I had a thought: Aiden Pearce has been a reoccurring character in the series but what if he was trained as an Assassin?

    I think his antics would fit somewhat with the creed and his overall feel towards control and his lack of a problem with killing would be an amazing work in for the series. Thoughts?

    I think he would be a good start to the assassins becoming modern.

    submitted by /u/Ukucrazy
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    Production budget of origins and odyssey?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 09:16 AM PDT

    Anyone knows how much these games cost to make?

    submitted by /u/Timo-D03
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