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    Sunday, April 5, 2020

    Assassin's Creed Just got to Nassau in Black Flag. My God this game is great!

    Assassin's Creed Just got to Nassau in Black Flag. My God this game is great!

    Just got to Nassau in Black Flag. My God this game is great!

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 10:51 AM PDT

    My first AC game ever. Playing on PC. The whole part where you free the pirates and commandeer a ship, sail through the storm to Nassau with your improvised pirate crew....just so cool.

    I'm upset I avoided this series for so long. (Ubisoft's serialization of the series turned me off, plus hearing the crap they got with their later games being buggy AF and incomplete).

    submitted by /u/Chicken-Inspector
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    Assassin's Creed: Unity is, and has always been, the franchise's finest

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 08:10 AM PDT

    Assassin's Creed: Unity is arguably the most controversial game in the AC franchise. I personally feel like its reception didn't do it justice and resulted in games of overall lesser quality in the years to follow. I was never a huge AC fan and found many entries somewhat repetitive and dull but I remember Unity catching my eye when it was first teased in 2013. The visuals, the setting, the gameplay and many other innovations had me hooked. I remember watching its E3 demo videos on loop and counting days to launch. I got the game on day 1 on PC and had an absolute blast, so much so that I still play it on a regular basis so many years later.


    Let's get this out of the way first. While I do feel like the criticism for the game's lack of polish at launch is justified, I wouldn't go as far as calling it a 'buggy mess'. The game definitely requires some decent hardware in order to run properly and has some bugs and glitches here and there, but I have never in all those years encountered a game breaking bug. I feel like this aspect of Unity is completely blown out of proportion, as other games that launched in an even worse state (for instance Skyrim and The Witcher 3) were met with tons of praise.


    Arguably Unity's finest quality - its absolutely stunning and immersive world. Even the game's biggest critiques had to agree that the game's world was unique, highly detailed and absolutely gorgeous looking. The game world also features a diverse array of enterable and explorable interiors, many of which are quite unique. A feature that even RDR2, one of the most immersive games ever created, doesn't fully feature. Moreover, NPC behaviour is definitely the most diverse in an AC game to date! You can encounter NPCs rallying, shouting, sleeping, dancing, resting, working, dining, drinking and even getting a haircut, the list goes on! This for me is almost on par with GTA 5's organic NPC behaviour. This aspect of the game unfortunately did not live to see another day, as NPC activity is largely reduced in Syndicate and Origins and is almost absolutely non existent in Odyssey.


    One of Unity's weaker points in my opinion. While Arno is not as relatable and likeable for me as say, Vito Scaletta from Mafia 2, he is definitely a solid protagonist, backed up by a very solid array of supportive characters - Elise, Francois de la Serre, Bellec, De Sade and Napoleon immediately spring to mind. However, my main gripe with the main story was its inconsistent pacing - one moment Arno reports to his master about an unknown silversmith he has heard about and is tasked with tracking him down, and the next moment already involves you waltzing into his house, without any prior inquiry nor investigation. Such inconsistencies are rather common in this otherwise pretty solid campaign. I wouldn't go as far as saying they completely spoil everything for me, but they definitely make things unnecessarily confusing.


    Assassin's Creed: Unity completely overhauled the core gameplay of Assassin's Creed. While the previous entries in the franchise involved light stealth, cookie-cutter counter based combat and loads of unnecessary gadgets, Unity takes a more tactical and deliberate approach. All gadgets you're given are useful at least under certain circumstances, unlike in previous entries where the use of stealth was conducted mainly for roleplaying purposes, stealth has a dedicated mode and is actually useful, as unless you're maxed out in armour and weapon stats you cannot charge head on into a group of enemies and expect to beat all of them without getting shot or stabbed to death, combat has been revamped - featuring a levelling system that does provide a fair bit of challenge but also doesn't turn top-tier foes into damage sponges. The main mechanics and moves in combat actually somewhat resemble French fencing and require patience, timing and skill in order to master. Under many circumstances it is easier to keep to the shadows and sneak behind enemies rather than charge head on, which would have been the lazy, easy approach on previous titles. Parkour has also been revamped, featuring satisfying animations, the option to parkour down, a splendid flow and is overall an absolute joy to use. Now it's true, that many of the game's mechanics, like stealth and combat could have used a bit more polish, and that they at times feel cumbersome and unresponsive but I still find them overall very playable and manageable.

    As of mission structure, assassination missions are now fully open ended, and feature Hitman-like levels. A huge step-up from the previous entries, that had you following the target as part of a linear mission, then proceeding to sneak behind the guards' backs and then stabbing the target. In Unity, you first have to infiltrate the target's turf, be it by using a guided infiltration opportunity or making your own way in. You are then often met with challenging scenarios, such as rooms full of guards, rooftops littered with snipers or locked doors that you have to find you creative way around in order to make contact with your target. Finding you way around guards can be done in a plethora of creative ways, such as impersonating a guard, using a distraction or a smoke bomb, making a guard go berserk and attack his allies... the possibilities are endless. When you've finally made contact with the target you also need a bit of cunning intelligence in order to approach the situation wisely. You can draw the targets attention, wait for them to take the wrong turn and find themselves on their own or even poison their wine. Bottom line, such a wide array of ways to manipulate a situation are almost exclusive to Unity.


    Unity features a brilliant 'deep customisation' system, which allows you to customise your characters robes, hood, trousers, gloves, belts and their colour scheme. Moreover, each and every piece of clothing has its own stats, strongpoints, flaws and boosts, much like the ones in God of War 4, which makes tailoring your outfit and gear all the more interesting and thoughtful. The game also features a wide array of weapon types, each provides a slightly different gameplay style. The combination of your outfit's and weapon's stats is what determines your character's level, meaning you don't have to grind for xp and level up your character in a traditional fashion.

    The game also grants you with skill points for every main or co-op mission you complete, which allow you to unlock more useful skills that can alter an enhance your gameplay style and approach to certain situation, such as the ability to pick locks, the ability to impersonate guards, double air assassinations, combat finishers etc. It is all in all a pretty rewarding and satisfying system.


    One of my favourite parts about Unity. The Paris Stories are short side missions scattered across the map, each featuring a certain historical figure or event that happened during the French Revolution. It is a fun, interactive and interesting way to immerse you into the game's world and learn about its history. I do think those missions could have used some more diverse gameplay loops and full blown cutscenes, but other than that I don't really have gripes with them, as they are very numerous and quite unique. This for me is a huge step up from the traditional Ubisoft formula that still plagues its games to this very day - the check list. Almost every Ubisoft game I can think of features them to a degree. These are copied and pasted activities, recycled all across the map, often with check-lists to complete. Definitely the least enjoyable and satisfying type of side activity I can think of. Unity was the only AC game really to break out of this loop and it wasn't met with nearly enough praise for that in my opinion.

    submitted by /u/LadJustesen
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    Black Flag has one of the best soundtracks in the series

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 11:57 AM PDT

    I've been replaying some of the games cause my uni's closed and seriously, I forgot how good of a soundtrack Black Flag has. Not only the see shanties but overall music, and mainly the main team. Gorgeous, sounding like it would be played by the sea, and that kick. And most importantly it's not another version of Ezio's family

    submitted by /u/matianakin
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    Ubisoft needs to play AC 1 again. Interesting Villains 101.

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 10:58 PM PDT

    1. Each target that you take down drives the narrative forward. Each villain is so intriguing and thought provoking, that Altair can't help but question with each mission if maybe his own master and order is wrong.

    2.Each one has their own unique method to attempting to control their regions, which can be seen and heard about from people living in their respective areas.

    1. Most of the targets can only half way be called "evil" men. Most of them truly believe that they are making the world a better place. And they are so convincing of this, that they even have Altair questioning himself if what he is doing is right. Only a few of them did what they did out of selfishness.

    Look at most of the current day assassination targets. Most of them are no-name templar members, borderline frat house cult members, that only joined the Templar Brotherhood to gain more power for themselves.

    Selfish villains are fine, but in limited quantity. Or at least ones with outstanding personalities that relish in being selfish or Evil. Look at Emperor Palpatine. The guy loves being evil. But when every enemy is some forgettable jerk who just wanted wealth and power, well, they become uninteresting.

    submitted by /u/XBgyManX
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    I want a game that really puts story first. There are many ideas for gameplay and functionality, but if I ain't invested in the characters. Why should I care?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 07:48 PM PDT

    I wish there was an ac game where it focused on two siblings rivaling within the assassins creed order... but not like ac syndicate where Jacob and Evie had different approaches - stealth versus brawl (which didn't truly affect the story). I want a real rivalry and conflicted hatred between the siblings.

    I think it could lead to good storytelling opportunities - maybe, one goes rogue, or is disgraced, or becomes too ruthless. Something like that... if you've seen 'Prince of Egypt', kinda like that.

    I want a story that really hones in on the emotional complexities and struggles of being an assassin. Where there is true character development and change of ideologies. Too often, I see the "reckless boy turn into a wise man" story and I just want some refreshing narrative concepts.

    submitted by /u/Jezza262
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    Blood Fever side Quest - little to close to home atm...

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 06:34 AM PDT

    (Spoilers if you haven't done this quest obviously)

    I just started Odyssey and got hit with the choice of let the family die to contain the virus or save them. Given the current Covid situation I, i had to stop and have a beer before letting them die. But man given that this is kinda what's happening in overflowing hospitals currently it just hit hard.

    Much respect to the doctors making these choices in real life

    submitted by /u/MIAxPaperPlanes
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    I got on board due to the lockdown and I'm having no regrets.

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 02:16 PM PDT

    Started with AC1, I'm currently on Revelations, and I am hooked. I'm 34, I had a launch 360, I have no excuse for not playing these games when they came out.

    I am keen on the multiple protagonist angle, tied together with the lore of the apple. I've bought all the available titles (cheers to Ubi for the dirt cheap sales)

    In one way, I want to rush onto the next title, and on the other hand, I want to take my time, I know this is my last game with Ezio at the helm, a fantastic character. Love when games take us through decades of a characters life. I am OK knowing the next guys only have a game each from what I gather.

    Can I have some spoiler free hints and clues as to what to look forward too? Be creative, be cryptic.

    submitted by /u/purehealthy
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    Assassin’s creed 1 is better than I remember it

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 02:15 PM PDT

    Years ago I played some of the first assassins creed game on my Xbox 360. I remember not liking it and like the controls were choppier and the game was just overall not as fluid as it's successors. I decided I want to play through all the assassin's creed games. I installed almost all of them on my computer and skipped assassin's creed 1 and went straight to 2 which is one of my favorites in the series. Over half way through I reconsidered and I installed assassin's creed 1 and just started playing it not to long ago. I don't know if it's just better on the pc than it was on the Xbox but the game is a lot more fluid then I remembered it and I think I'll play through it this time.

    submitted by /u/shugo223
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    There's a new piece of information that seemingly proves the next assassin's Creed is Viking based!

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 09:27 AM PDT

    A YouTuber did an interview with the voice actor of Highlander from For Honor. He is icelandic. He mentions there's not an abundance of icelandic voice actors, later mentions his friend is doing a project for Ubisoft. For a unannounced game that he can't say much about. Seems like it very easily could be assassin's Creed.

    submitted by /u/Thor9616
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    Revelations is the best of the Ezio series

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 08:08 PM PDT

    Most people put Revelations as their last favorite Ezio game. People also hold Brotherhood in such a high regard, honastly I feel that Brotherhood was a copy past AC 2. Why do people prefer Brotherhood over Revelations?

    submitted by /u/ekington15
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    What is your dream Assassins Creed location?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 03:52 AM PDT

    Everyone has one, that one time period you would love to explore, but there is so many different periods to choose from, let me know your favourite👇

    submitted by /u/Aaron-Hanley
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    The glyphs in Brotherhood are kinda creepy given what’s going on in the world right now

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 06:48 PM PDT

    Just played the 10 glyphs and wow. First off they are very eerie and cool... definitely worth doing. They are also kinda scary. It really makes you see that we the people have no idea or say in anything that goes on. It's all behind the scenes and run by people we've never seen or heard of. It makes you realize we are powerless. On that note hope everyone is well and stay safe!

    submitted by /u/redhjom
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    What's the best way to farm xp right now in Odyssey?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 11:01 PM PDT

    I think they patched the teabag exploit so what's the best way to do this now?

    submitted by /u/DoneDealofDeadpool
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    Made a Mod to Remove the XP Boost Icon in AC Syndicate

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 03:59 PM PDT


    Since Syndicate was free recently, I started playing and liked enough that I bought the season pass. The XP boost icon was a stain on my gaming experience so I spent a day browsing various tools to mod the game. The tool, Resorep, works with all other AC games starting with 3. Enjoy.

    submitted by /u/Bevrei-Langsley
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    [AC Odyssey] Major General Spoiler ahead! Living past your mistakes, how many decisions do you regret making in the game?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 09:23 PM PDT


    I kinda like how the consequence in some of your actions didn't take place until hours later after you already do it. Combined with limited save slot (only 20, I think? which is meagre amount in a game like this) Making save-scumming very hard since chances are you already overwritten that specific save...

    Some of my regrets are:

    1. Blood fever in Kephallonia, if only I just listen and let them burn everything, I can prevent Kephallonia from having the plague. Also it irks me that there are 1 or 2 reference to get back but there's no quest for it. Even after returning.

    2. Killing the Monger in public, if I do it privately I can get Lagon to join my side and have enough proof to accuse Pausanias, instead I do it publicly, have to kill Lagon and got exiled from Sparta though I kill the Cultist fast enough and regain my home in less than an hour lol.

    3. Not accepting Daphnae's challenge. I could've become the leader of Daughters of Artemis and just realize there's a quest that can use that status... She just said I'll be a "special" guy to them after slaying all the mythical beasts, but nope, I have to kill her to become one.

    submitted by /u/outerzenith
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    ACR could have been a masterpiece

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 09:03 PM PDT

    ACR is an amazing game, but also I'm very sad every time I play it because it could have been a masterpiece. I wish there was more time to develop it. The Story is very short and there isn't really good side content. And the Altair Segments are so short, I wish they were longer. It would be amazing, if you could switch between Ezio and Altair in Constantinople. The Problem for Desmond is, that his brain can't devide his, Altairs and Ezios life. It would be so cool if at some point in ezios story in Constantinople the Animus would have some sort of crash and would switch to Altair, because he was at the same place as ezio at some point in his life. And therefore you switch between Constantinople in Altairs and Ezios life. I love ACR and therefore I hate the missed opportunity to make this game the best AC ever.

    submitted by /u/L4g10n
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    Assassins Creed titles are on sale on Xbox!

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 10:17 AM PDT

    Just picked up Origins: Gold Edition! Nearly finished with Odyssey I'm super hyped to travel to Egypt!

    Edit: It's only $25 when it's originally $100! If you were waiting to pick up one of the games now is the time!

    submitted by /u/jhall234
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    Evading is freaking BS in assassins creed 2

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 11:27 PM PDT

    I press A and Move my left thumb stick to a direction to dodge and I still get his, this is Bs, I press a and move the damn stick and ezio still gets hit help

    submitted by /u/PoppingWithPoppy
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    Why did Ezio get a trilogy while every other game is stand alone?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 07:30 PM PDT

    Not a rant about why *blank* character deserves another game, blah blah.

    I legitimately asking why did Ubisoft opt for standalone games. Was it to explore different time periods, characters, etc. Or perhaps, it was a deal with executives/producers, was there an epiphany to shift the series to a more anthology style?

    submitted by /u/Jezza262
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    need help with black flag costumes from previous games on PC

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 11:00 PM PDT

    i own AC2, brotherhood, 3 and 4 on uplay, have beaten the other 3 but cant get the outfits for edward

    submitted by /u/itsdaboclock3
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    Unity Co-op Missions are good.

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 06:40 PM PDT

    Based in historical events, a group of assassins come together to complete a mission. It was really immersive.

    I didn't experience any lag, connection issues or bugs - the gameplay was smooth. All the players had maxed out and were experienced, so I legit felt like an assassin maneuvering in the crowd and assassinating targets. I really wish there was more like this... however I know its a difficult ask.

    I wish there were easier options for solo runs tho. I know this was a big gimmick that Ubisoft betted on with this installment and I can see their vision. If I could get friends together and tactically infiltrate bases and take out targets, that would be amazing.

    I want more feeling of stealth kill and escape mission cos a lot of the harder missions force me to either kill everyone or sprint, kill, sprint away. And the co-op strategy of playing could lean into this.

    Just my thoughts, you can disagree... but I enjoyed it.

    submitted by /u/Jezza262
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    How do you rank the series?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 06:24 PM PDT

    I have played these games since AC in 2007, and loved every minute of them. If one thing has taught me anything it's that everyone has something they love and something they don't, and I'd love to hear where you stand (PLEASE no flamewars though, this is respectful discussion).

    1. Assassin's Creed II
    2. Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
    3. Assassin's Creed: Origins
    4. Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
    5. Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines
    6. Assassin's Creed: Syndicate
    7. Assassin's Creed: Rogue
    8. Assassin's Creed: Revelations
    9. Assassin's Creed III
    10. Assassin's Creed: Freedom Cry
    11. Assassin's Creed: Odyssey
    12. Assassin's Creed: Liberation
    13. Assassin's Creed (2007)

    Never Finished

    1. Assassin's Creed Unity
    2. Assassin's Creed: Chronicles (Trilogy)
    3. Assassin's Creed: Identity

    Never Played

    1. Assassin's Creed: Discovery
    2. Assassin's Creed: Chronicles of Altair
    3. Assassin's Creed: Memories
    4. Assassin's Creed: Pirates
    submitted by /u/TomTheJester
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    Why was Bayek and Aya betrayed?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 06:16 PM PDT

    Still dont understand why Cleopatra and Caesar betrayed Bayek and Aya. They literally handed her the throne. Caesar and Cleopatra literally witnessed them killing the most high profile cases around and didnt think "maybe I shouldnt fuck these people" Also dont understand why they had to break up. Once Aya killed Septimius what was holding her from going back to Egypt back to Bayek? And why didnt she kill Cleopatra? Cleopatra isnt even in Egypt anymore she just bounced to Rome and left Egypt to die

    The foundation of the brotherhood was excellently done imo and it was an emotional scene but it kinda seemed to come out of left field and the betrayal seemed so.. random?

    submitted by /u/Marlon195
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    Assassins Creed Unity imo is the worst AC game

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 09:51 PM PDT

    I'm one of the people to has pretty much all the AC games and decided to binge-play all of them while on quarantine. Even though I own them, I haven't beaten any of the more recent ones (every one after Black Flag). I'm just started Unity today and I gotta be real with y'all, I fucking HATE this game. That's not even me being trash and complaining about it, I just genuinely think this game sucks. It's mostly due to the combat dynamics of the game tbh. I can barely last a fight without getting shot and when I get shot I die right away regardless of how much health I have. Another thing I don't like about the combat is that it feels insanely slow and everyone attacks at the same time so it's hard as fuck to fight multiple people. There's really nothing new that I like about the game and in imo is probably the worst of the AC games. I'm already halfway done with it so I might as well finish it. Then it's on to Syndicate, Origins, and finally Odyssey. I've played some of Syndicate a coupe years ago actually but I don't really remember much of it so I'm just gonna start over.

    submitted by /u/lilpenis9151
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