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    Thursday, April 9, 2020

    Assassin's Creed I did a Tin Whistle cover of "Leave her Johnny, leave her" from Assassin's Creed Black Flag. I also made a tutorial if you would like to learn it. Link below.

    Assassin's Creed I did a Tin Whistle cover of "Leave her Johnny, leave her" from Assassin's Creed Black Flag. I also made a tutorial if you would like to learn it. Link below.

    I did a Tin Whistle cover of "Leave her Johnny, leave her" from Assassin's Creed Black Flag. I also made a tutorial if you would like to learn it. Link below.

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 08:33 PM PDT

    Critical Assassinations requiring Adrenaline is dumb

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 08:40 AM PDT

    In my first 30 hours of Odyssey, I was clearly naïve. I'm playing the most Assassin-y build I can, so of course I invested in the Critical Assassination ability. The normal assassination wasn't just going to cut it – I want to One-Hit-Kill as many bad guys as possible.

    At first, I thought the idea of having to "hold" the assassination key to activate the Critical Assassination was a steep cost. One of my favourite things to do in older AC games was the "running assassination", where you'd take out a guard on your way from cover to cover. Critical Assassination requiring a button-hold limited that. But it let me do that OHK so I was happy.

    Then as I went on, I noticed how the ability to button-hold was greyed out as I went to target Captains, and other higher ranking enemies. So I was like "wtf?" okay.

    I rolled with it, started combat, kicked everyone off a cliff, moved on.

    Then I realized just recently, in clearing out a mine, how post-fight I needed to hunt down the wandering captain. All my adrenaline was spent. I snuck into a bush, and tried to Critical Assassinate and couldn't. That's when it dawned on me.

    I needed Adrenaline like any other ability.

    And I immediately thought it was dumb.

    Does this mean that I have to generate Adrenaline by assassinating smaller targets before taking out the big boi? This seems like its hamstringing my choice as a player in how I approach forts, camps, etc. It also just seems like a boring way to go about playing an assassin-based build.

    So yeah, I hope in the next one Critical Assassination has some sort of requirement (if they really think that necessary), but it's not one based off of an artificial resource management.

    submitted by /u/markthequest
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    I made a custom Dualsense AC Odyssey-themed design!

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 09:48 AM PDT

    Been playing assassin's creed black flag and there's some things in this that I would be interested in seeing again in the Viking game

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 01:57 AM PDT

    If it is for sure Vikings these are some features that I'd like to come back from Black flag

    Kenway's fleet could be reused and made into a feature for sending Norsemen on raids across Europe, Iceland, Scotland ect.

    Edwards hideout we could have a small town that we could build up and have actives in such as mini games and brawls or even contests using wooden sword and shields to see who the best fighter is etc.

    Harpoon fishing I found the whale and shark hunting to be pretty fun if they did do harpooning again it would most likely be seal and walrus.

    Cargo that could be sold or traded for money instead of just having a inventory full of crap what I mean is more specific stuff like rum but instead mead and maybe church loot and hunting goods ect.

    Crafting for different tools and armor pieces but still have your outfit so like the pistol holster but instead have specific pieces of armor like chest waist ect.

    The database loved this being able to fully read about places and people I always enjoyed it

    submitted by /u/AssassinMentorX
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    After replaying Origins again I can fully say I have total faith in the team that they are going to do a fantastic job with a Vikings setting.

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    They really made the time period work. Egypt, Medjays, Roman influences, gladiatorial arenas. Each area felt fresh.

    The RPG mechanics didn't feel out of place nor did the weapon and armor loot tiers.

    The characters were fantastic. Bayek really is a top notch character/Assassin. The story was interesting and kept my attention through the whole game.

    Origins felt like a masterclass on how to shift gears and keep a franchise fresh. Odyssey felt like a masterclass of how to overdo things and make everything feel a bit repetitive.

    With this team being the team that made Black Flag and Origins, and after replaying Origins recently I have total faith that a Vikings setting is perfect for this team and I'm even more excited now than I have ever been for a Assassins Creed game.

    Now let's hope we see it soon.

    submitted by /u/GoodfellaJoey
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    What’s your unpopular Assassin’s Creed opinion?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 05:54 AM PDT

    I recently just got back into the series: just beat Syndicate, almost done with Origins and about to start Odyssey. The reason I stopped playing the series is because I was left so disappointed by Black Flag I literally had no hope for any of the games after that. It didn't feel like an AC game, I hate sailing, I thought it was so tedious, and missed the free running. But I'm surprised to find out recently that Black Flag is usually a top 3 AC game for most people, especially on here. What's your unpopular opinion?

    submitted by /u/Soggy_Loops
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    Can You Drive *Safely* in “Syndicate”?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 06:16 AM PDT

    I'm crap when it comes to video game vehicles of any kind.

    But is it actually possible to successfully complete missions that require driving a coach through London's congested streets without leaving a trail of crashed coaches, dead civilians, and broken streetlamps in your wake? How?

    Because if you put me in the driver's seat, I'm going to leave London looking like New York City after an Avengers battle.

    submitted by /u/ArcadiaStudios
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    Neon Assassin's Creed Insignia [3840 x 2160]

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 05:29 AM PDT

    Playing Origins for the first time after 100 hours in Odyssey

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 10:12 PM PDT

    After taking a break from the series I recently decided to pick up Origins when it was on sale. Being in quarantine, I've found myself playing it non stop for the past week and a half. Every few days or so I'd check back in on Odyssey to compare the two and I was blown away.

    Origins feels superior in every aspect. The atmosphere is the best in the series, graphically it's miles ahead, (Odyssey looks incredibly over-saturated and either cluttered or completely empty), and the UI design is hardly comparable. Going from Origins beautiful minimalistic style to the layout of Odyssey was jarring to say the least. Also plot wise, (minus the atrocious final act), Origins is my clear favourite with far more interesting and likable characters.

    Needless to say, I'm incredibly glad Ashraf Ismail is spearheading the upcoming game.

    *It's also noticeable how many things from Origins were near or completely directly copied into Odyssey in retrospect.

    submitted by /u/ABadlyDrawnCoke
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    Assassin's Creed Unity - Cinematic Stealth & Parkour

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 05:15 PM PDT

    I Think Assassins Creed Origins Is a Step in the Right Direction

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 08:04 PM PDT

    During Quarantine, I took the time to play all my AC games. I like the older games but after a while it was just the same thing over and over again. I like how Origins was unique and fun. Although I think Odyssey was a step to the right off a cliff, it's an awful AC Game (I do like it though).

    I guess the main point of this post is that, I don't really understand why people don't really like the new AC games and want them to go back to the older formula.

    I can understand why Odyssey would be disliked but Origins is phenomenal. It has the stealth of older games while improving on the combat.

    I've also heard that the world was big and empty. I have to disagree because it's really not. I don't know how to explain it. It's like say AC Black Flag is empty because 75% of it is ocean.

    I don't know I've seen quite a few posts dissing Origins and thought I'd say my opinion.

    submitted by /u/Cyclops_Boss
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    Assassins Creed Rogue is now my new favorite entry in the series

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 06:32 AM PDT

    My favorites were 3 and Unity. I've always loved to learn about revolutions and war, and those stories felt so good to me. I'll admit the mechanics leave some to be desired compared to more recent entries, but I typically dont play for those things. I want a story, and history. Those two games in particular gave me such a good experience, when Rogue went on sale I had to get it. And I love it.

    It ties so many other games together, and helps tell a more complete story. But more importantly, it helps tell the other side that I've so desperately wanted to know more about. Although a little on the short side, I'm really happy that Ubisoft gave us the chance to see things from this side

    Seeing Shay struggle was all too real. While he knew the ambitions of the Assassins would lead to the destruction of the world, he still found it hard to fight his old friends. He was so sure of his convictions after witnessing the calamity in Lisbon, but was never a cold blooded killer like the Templars were always painted out to be.

    In the end, he was both an Assassin and a Templar. He fought for order, but not without emotion. He carried out his duty, but knew the costs of success and failure. He is without a doubt in my mind the greatest protagonist in the entire franchise. I really hope that we get to see more stories like this one in the future, rather than the disappointment that is Kassandra/Alexios.

    submitted by /u/murrrrrsteak
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    Are the CGI trailers canon?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 08:32 PM PDT

    Are the trailers, including the AC trailer where Altair uses a crossbow, the trailer where Ezio chases the target from the carnival, etc, canon in the sense that they are things that "truly" happened in history?

    submitted by /u/kaseylouis
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    Looking for tips to AC Origins

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 06:10 AM PDT

    Looking for any tips because I have just bought AC Origins again.

    I have played AC Origins before and completed it fully. The main quest line, The Hidden Ones and about half way through the Curse of The Pharaoh's.

    I was just looking to see whether any of you guys have any tips on how to properly start a playthrough and maybe where I can get some nice gear early on.

    The first time I played Origins I didn't fully explore, due to the humongous map that it has.

    But now since I have time due to the coronavirus, I'm thinking of exploring a few things that I didn't get the chance to explore before and maybe get some cool gear.

    Any help is appreciated <3

    submitted by /u/YaB0iDanilio
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    AC 4: Black Flag, Empty World With Great Gameplay

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 03:31 AM PDT

    For those new or who don't recognise my format by now, I'm going through each game blind and in sequential order and then writing a "review" here. It's more a mock up of my thoughts than a review.

    Now to begin I really liked the story. It was engaging and paced well enough that I didn't pay much mind to how rushed or dragged I felt at any given time.

    However it's not all great from here.

    I disliked the trading of colonial America for the open seas of the Caribbean. The map is 80% water and for much of that stretch I found myself just hoping the journey would be over so I could get on with the story, or collect a Stelae (of which I did all of them).


    And the cities are barely an improvement. Take Havana for instance, during the Age of Sail Havana was a major port in Cuba. It should have been lively and filled with people. Instead I ended up walking to tail a guard in the open using bushes and rooftops for cover because I couldn't find a single blend group (because you can't blend next to just a single NPC).

    The cities have very little variation and blend together very easily.

    The naval combat is however fun and offers decent reward. I found myself oftentimes just wandering the seas looking for a Frigate or Man of War to attack and loot. Not out of necessity or progression of the Jackdaw but because it was fun and I could.

    I took the longest on this game too and this is primarily why. I would end up in large naval battles after attacking a ship and not realising he had friends just on the other side of the wave or behind some rocks.

    What started as a one on one ship battle turned into a full on fleet battle.

    Going back to the story the pacing is slower than other games but it's very deliberate. Edward is a well written character with phenomenal voice acting.

    Each main mission we get to see a different Edward from before. All the way up to when he joins the Assassins. Growing with each encounter with his Templar antagonists who are equally well written, if not a touch flat.

    Laureano Tores is a decent enough antagonist who like Haytham before him was not just an evil person.

    Which brings us to the mission structure. I thoroughly enjoyed many of the main missions. My favourite coming when you kill Rogers at a party. Doing the optional objective allows you to walk away right after into a blend group and leave without even changing your social status at all.

    It is the most like a true Assassin I've felt since Altair.

    The naval missions are fun and new while the variation in structure to the old games on land is much appreciated.

    Combat on land however is unfun and boring. Kill chaining is still present and if that's not easy enough just got spacebar and left click afterwards for an instant kill on practically every enemy.

    I know I've been avoiding the modern day in this write up and it's for good reason. I have no good things to say about it.

    It was nice to see Shaun and Rebecca again. John Standish provided possibly the worst dialogue writing I've ever had to listen to. I'd rather watch The Room than listen to John Standish speak.

    The "hacking" was uninspired. The snippets of Desmond we see is shallow at best. The sticky notes....... I didn't expect to need to perform a collect-a-thon outside the Animus.

    In all I really liked Black Flag and wish the world had been worked on and filled more.

    I'm placing it in my No. 3 spot right next to AC 3 in 2nd.,

    submitted by /u/UnofficialOffice
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    Who is the worst Assassin?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 04:07 PM PDT

    I don't mean worst character, I mean the worst assassin at being an assassin.

    I'd personally say it's Mills. He got into the same ship with his target, and not only did he not kill Haytham when he was sleeping, his plan was to leave a massive trail of evidence for another ship to follow and count on the fact that the Captain would order his target to go to the decks. Fair enough, this extremely stupid plan worked, but his methods were not particularly reliable. Furthermore, he tried to protect his target when his mates were trying to attack him, and in the end, when he had him cornered, gave him a sword so he can kill him.

    submitted by /u/ZedGenius
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    The modern day missions irritate the living shit out of me

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 10:47 PM PDT

    Not trying to be super negative but I've been binging these games during quarantine and I forgot how annoying these modern day missions are. I really don't find them that interesting and the whole Desmond plot-line just seemed very anti-climactic and tedious. After AC3 the whole thing became very convoluted and tbh I don't even know what the hell is going on anymore. I'm pretty sure Ubisoft didn't know what the hell to make the modern day missions consist of after AC3 so they just made it up on the fly with each game lmao. Is this a common opinion amongst AC players or am I trippin?

    submitted by /u/lilpenis9151
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    So I just finished Black Flag and...

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 02:22 AM PDT

    It has amazing story, characters, character development, locations, naval combat, everything is great but and these are 2 big buts, regular combat and parkour/manoeuvrability which you do a lot of especially during missions. The ass counter button only works when it feels like it and the parkour/manoeuvrability just yeets you wherever that feels like it. Both systems had me screeching at my tv quite often. I also noticed a large amount of tailing mission and I hated every last one of them. My favourite bit is Edwards character arc after the drunken scene and Mary's death. He acts more calmly and less self-centred. People complain about the modern missions and hacking abstergo but I liked them and the modern Templars plot to reveal the observatory.

    Overall blackflag was amazing but the horrendous combat and parkour just can't allow me to call it the best assassins creed game like so many others do.

    submitted by /u/memeboi48
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    Was the shift to RPG a good move for Assassins creed?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 07:25 PM PDT

    I presume this kind of question has been asked many times already, but the choice to make it into a game where you could just use brute force(from what I've seen) to complete missions seems a bit off to me.
    I think that they have made it too revealing by adding so much Isu content into it. Would it be a good move to change it back to concentrate on the history part and keep the artifacts as plot devices?

    I know that things change with time but doesn't anybody want the good old AC formula with some modifications to make it better?

    There are many other historical periods and events to choose from, so what made them take this step?

    submitted by /u/Arigamon
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    What do you want from “Assassin’s Creed 2020” In terms of stealth additions/changes

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 04:39 PM PDT

    Id like tougher AI, throwables and smarter enemy placement, different enemy types and more challenging gameplay overall.


    submitted by /u/Timo-D03
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    Just bought ac 2 and 3. Are there any tips or information I should know?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 02:59 AM PDT

    The earliest game I have played is black flag

    submitted by /u/HammerTimePlays
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    [AC:Odyssey] I have questions about using weapons as statsticks and special engravings.

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 06:39 AM PDT

    From what I understand, the offhand weapon also affects your stats, it doesn't need to be active, but what about the special golden engravings?
    Specifically I'm interested in the one that transforms weapon damage into poison/fire.
    If I use a weapon with that engraving on the offhand, does that mean that the main weapon will also inherit the damage transformation?

    Also, how does this tie in with the relative elemental buff skills?
    I'm not sure how those work in the first place, do they just change your damage type to poison/fire, or do they add a % of your damage as the element?

    Do you still benefit from them if you transform your damage type to that element already?

    submitted by /u/freeway80
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    Remembering stuff about the Ezio Trilogy

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 03:48 PM PDT

    Few things that have come back to me during my replaying of the Assassin's Creed games:

    1) The A button is a terrifying thing and you should never press it unless you're absolutely sure about it 2) Ezio is a badass but also lacks common sense 3) Renaissance Italy had a pigeon problem

    submitted by /u/SpiderFan2512
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    Why not just unlock anti fall damage to all horses after getting one with this perk?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 03:23 PM PDT

    what's the point of collecting the other horses if all other than those with wings are useless after you get one? there are lots of cool ones at the helix store but none of them are worth using because they are not as good as the pegasus

    submitted by /u/francorocco
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