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    Friday, April 3, 2020

    Assassin's Creed Been playing Unity and came across a plot hole

    Assassin's Creed Been playing Unity and came across a plot hole

    Been playing Unity and came across a plot hole

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 06:33 PM PDT

    I started the Social Club mission 'An Engaging Egyptologist' in which the Templars have gotten their hands on a rubbing of the Rosetta Stone. Apparently it contains sensitive information regarding the Assassins. However, the Rosetta Stone is inscribed with three versions of a decree issued on behalf of Ptolemy V Epiphanes in 196 BCE. According to AC Origins, the Brotherhood didn't exist until Bayek was among it's founders in 47 BCE.

    Just something I noticed. I suppose it could be explained away that the recorded history was altered, or the Brotherhood decided to add some information to the Rosetta Stone for some reason or other, Brotherhood or Isu related.

    submitted by /u/Brasc2318
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    [Spoilers] Has anyone accidentally killed a cultist before in Odyssey?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 05:09 AM PDT

    I randomly decided to attack the Athenian guards in the Temple of Hephaestus in Athens and I accidentally hit a random citizen. He continued to attack me and I killed him with a few hits not really noticing until after he was dead that it was a cultist. Just thought it was funny lol

    submitted by /u/SteelersPirates
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    Roman countryside in Brotherhood is actually very full and entertaining

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 06:24 PM PDT

    When you pull up the map and look, the countryside doesn't look very big or eventful. But when you actually get out there it's crazy how varied and unique it is. All the different locations and ancient ruins make for tons of fun and exploration. Not to mention once you start unlocking courtesan, thief, and Abstergo memories. Also, if you couldn't buy flag or chest maps in this game you'd be totally fucked.

    submitted by /u/redhjom
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    Do the british soldiers ever clear out of the cities in AC3?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 08:31 PM PDT

    I've been playing AC3 for a bit now and have made it to sequence 10 without really doing any side missions in the cities. I really want to do the liberation missions and free the sectors, it was a thing I enjoyed doing in Syndicate (the first and only AC game I've played with this kind of thing). My problem, and the reason I don't stick around the cities besides main missions, is the absolute flood of redcoats. It feels like the second I run or even stand somewhere too long let alone attack someone for a liberation mission, someone gains interest, and with the overpopulation of soldiers once that starts I can't move away without drawing the attention of, and being chased by, like 15 other soldiers. I can't even run on roofs like in Syndicate without the rooftop soldiers yelling and drawing attention.

    I'm not here to complain (maybe a small rant cause I'm a little frustrated at the moment lol), but ask if there's anyway to not be bombarded with every move. I started the game long ago and only came back to it recently due to quarantine boredom, so maybe there's something I missed that was explained in the beginning? I don't plan on 100% syncing but I like to alternate between story and side things when I get bored of one or need money. Any help/advice would be appreciated!!

    submitted by /u/sussolini
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    Ubisoft needs to back off with the size of these maps or learn how to work with then

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 12:24 AM PDT

    I usually dont like to make a big deal out of things but this just pissed me off. Did a mission called Runaway on AC Odyssey were I'm supposed to go grab a kid thats a thousand meters away from me. Okay. Went there, got him, called my horse, mounted on it and to my disdain the kid didnt. I had to run a 1000m back because, with not even a line of dialogue just to pad out game time. Jesus christ, cut to black, its not fun for me to push my stick forwards and use my other hand to screw around my phone.

    There is so much downtime playing this thing, which is a major drag because I actually have fun when there's actual game going on. Please, stop wasting our time with giant ass boring maps and insane ways to pad out your game to make it seem bigger than actually is.

    submitted by /u/obigbrubs
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    how origins passed to me from a game hated to loved

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 05:06 PM PDT

    I hated origins at the beginning, the game ruined all the decent work that existed in unity and syndicate. threw out the animations of murder, parkour, double murder.

    it all made me angry. I only started loving the game after clearing the main story, playing some quests and dlcs. I didn't want to know the game or learn everything, I just wanted to finish the story and uninstall it.

    after I played more calmly, learning combat and stealth I started to like it.

    origins is the best ac since black flag, maybe it is my second place in ac.

    submitted by /u/AshamedTarget
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    New Gamer Wanting to Try AC

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 11:47 PM PDT

    TL;DR at the bottom

    Hey r/AssassinsCreed!

    I apologize if I'm violating any rules regarding easily Googled questions, but I would like the personal opinions of true Assassin's Creed players instead of professional game reviews.

    I would like to start off by saying I've never played an Assassin's Creed game before. A close friend of mine is a huge, yet critical fan of the series and constantly is recommending I try out Assassin's Creed: Revelations so I fall in love with series. Only problem is, that is a Xbox 360 title and those are usually priced at MSRP due to no longer being supported in most sales.

    Today, the Xbox Spring Sale launched and I noticed the Ezio Collection is on sale for $11. It states that it includes AC: Revelations, AC: Brotherhood, and AC: 2 — all remastered with DLC. Unfortunately, I am a musical instructor for youth and currently out of work due to not being an essential service. At this time making an $11 purchase would take a big hit on my finances and refunds are never guaranteed by Xbox, especially while they're short of staff .

    Problem is, I've been REALLY wanting to try the series since I got my first Xbox in December of 2019, and I don't have many titles to play so I'm thinking of picking this up. Please be brutally honest, as I am very interested in purchasing this collection, but I want to make sure I get my money's worth.

    Thank you in advance, once again I apologize if I am violating any rules. Stay safe, and take care :)

    TL;DR Always wanted to try out the Assassin's Creed series and the Ezio Collection is on sale on the Xbox store for $11.99 USD; Unfortunately I'm out of work and making such purchase and regretting it could be detrimental to my financial stability. Should I go for it?

    submitted by /u/jlwas227
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    Unity has the worst and most unsatisfying Story i‘ve played so far

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 11:55 AM PDT

    The ending Boss battle is also atrocious. The thing i liked the most about it were the medieval France animus transition scenes, i'd actually like a full game to take place in that time.

    submitted by /u/rookmavillain
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    I’ve realized I was playing Odyssey wrong (yeah I’m coming to its defense)

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 08:16 AM PDT

    A few weeks ago I beat AC 3: Remastered. Loved a lot of moments of it. Still hated the crafting system (my god is it clunky and awkward and not integrated well). The story was more poignant than I remember, and the combat was actually trickier too. Some of the pacing was still off, but it felt good to play an "Assassin's Creed" game after womping around Egypt as Bayek.

    Then I picked up Odyssey again. I was a few hours in but kinda felt turned off. Playing as Kassandra on the heels of Ratohnhake:ton felt odd. Completing quests felt odd. The combat felt odd.

    …but then I realized I was just playing the game in a way that wasn't really intended.

    I ramped up the difficulty. Turned off most of the HUD elements. And suddenly everything started to "click."

    In a way, I almost want Assassin's Creed to go in this direction.

    Sure, I could do with actually having a hidden blade again, and maybe having some smaller, more dense locales, but…

    The combat system is immensely more rewarding than the older titles. I was so turned off by having all of these 'cooldown powers' originally, but that was because I was expecting the game to be something it wasn't try to be. Square peg, round hole, you know?

    There was an excellent interview with Hugo Martin by NoClip about how you have more fun playing DOOM if you play it the way it was intended to be played.

    I think the same thing goes for Odyssey. Using and abusing all of these different abilities, swapping playstyles on the fly, exploring the world to collect the resources to stay levelled, and playing a way you want to.

    There's still emphasis on historical tourism, and it still has free-running and a movement system that beats out so many other AAA games. In some sense, its parkour is better than older AC games.

    To me, using Ikoras to fly around, scout out locations of interest, and then go off and explore a really really beautiful ancient world has just been great. In a sense, it reminds of exploring Jerusalem or Acre in AC1 as Altair. Some of the core gameplay systems have changed dramatically, but the history is still there.

    I don't know. I'm just trying to embrace what Odyssey is offering, and I've had so much more fun than trying to shoehorn playing this game like I would AC 3. I think it's better if we do so.

    It's why I'm starting to get excited for whatever comes next. Odyssey isn't without faults (cough Layla, cough no OHK from stealth), but the loop is solid.

    So yeah. Embrace the change, I guess, is the tl;dr?

    Oh. Turn on Exploration Mode. It's literally a night and day difference. It makes everything significantly more fun and awesome.

    submitted by /u/markthequest
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    Ezio carried Context, Depth, and an Arc. Who's Your Favorite Assassin❓

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 02:27 PM PDT

    "When I was a young man, I had liberty, but I did not see it. I had time, but I did not know it. And I had love, but I did not feel it. Many decades would pass before I understood the meaning of all three. And now, the twilight of my life, this understanding has passed into contentment. Love, liberty, and time: once so disposable, are the fuels that drive me forward. And love, most especially, mio caro. For you, our children, our brothers and sisters. And for the vast and wonderful world that gave us life, and keeps us guessing....."

    submitted by /u/B1TAH1
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    Did I mess up badly? Returning player wondering about Origins vs Odyssey!

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 12:21 AM PDT

    Super Bummed!

    Played all the ACs from 1 to Revelations, even bloodlines on the PSP but after Ezio left so did my interest. Recently I craved a comeback to this marvellous series, deciding which game to buy. I decided I'd check out what's on Sale ATM, and saw that Odyssey, the newest rendition is on sale. But after going through the subreddit, it seems like Origins was better than Odyssey? Origins was on sale, only two days ago but now I missed out on the sale, leaving me with no other option than Odyssey. Is Odyssey really as bad as people say? How much worse is it than AC Origins? Sorry if I sound noobie, trying to get back into this series!

    submitted by /u/CR7_HalaMadrid
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    Poll: Favorite Assassin's Creed game, ranking games

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 09:15 AM PDT

    Funniest ways you've killed bosses/minibosses?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 07:23 PM PDT

    I was playing AC Origins CotP the other day and a Shadow of Anubis spawned in a military post while I was clearing it out. It actually spawned before I met the story one in the Blue Lotus house, so I thought it was like a Pharaoh's Shadow and that it would disappear. I shot at it from on top of the watchtower that I was on, and it climbed up to me. I wanted to see if I could just knock him off the tower and kill him with fall damage, and it actually worked! I shield charged him, knocked him off, he suffered 14500 fall damage, and died. Easiest boss ever!

    submitted by /u/jameszheyuan
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    Let's discuss about AC Kingdom map

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 12:16 AM PDT

    I heard it's going to be largest open world in AC series but personally I don't want that to happen Odyssey map is already mess, if it's gets bigger than that it would be very repetitive or empty.

    There might be two chances in map setting, first they may just show the entire landscapes of Vikings origin area Norway, Sweden, Denmark and occupied areas such as England, Finland, Some parts of France and Germany, some parts of Russia and Belarus I heard rumors showing Istanbul also that would be hard to make the game spanning different parts of Europe. Instead they may just show the Scandinavia, Germany, England and France this will be itself biggest open world in the series with naval combat and exploration in North sea and Baltic sea if not, for better case scenario they must just rule out the idea of Scandinavia instead they should just show us Vikings invasion of England this makes the open world balanced with minimal naval combat. We can also get the chance to explore Medieval England which is one of the settings asked by Ubisoft inone of their survey polls. For the second case, they can show Paris or other cities in just sequences removing from the game to explore regularly.

    submitted by /u/almightygamer2020
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    Watch dogs Legion = Assassin's Creed Legion?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 09:43 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I've been thinking about this for a while..

    Ubisoft are known to be reusing game mechanics from their catalogue of games. Maybe the "play-as-anyone"-mechanic as seen in Watch Dogs Legion, will also be in the next AC game?

    We know that Ubisoft used alot of time on developing the "Play as anyone"-Mechanic in their upcoming game, Watch Dogs Legion.

    Now, Ubisoft have never been shy on reusing the same mechanics in their own videogames

    • - The "synchronize"-mechanic first started, as we know, in AC - later it went over to Far Cry but in the form of a radio-tower.
    • - The new 'eagle vision' since Origins, is very similair to the "Far Cry Primal owl drone" which is also similair to Ghost Recon Wildlands's "Drone-cam".

    there's other examples too, if one were to do a quick google search..

    My question is, do you think the next Assassin's Creed game, will feature a similair mechanic, as seen in 'Watch Dogs Legion'?

    submitted by /u/TheNikoHero
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    Was ACII always this quiet?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 10:45 PM PDT

    I'm playing through the Exio Trilogy on PS4, and while playing ACII, I've noticed music almost never plays. No combat music, no music in town, or anything.

    I just did the Jacapo assassination, and at the end when you're fighting all the guards, the only thing I could hear was Jacapo moaning in the background.

    Is this how ACII always was? Is this a big? How can I fix it?

    submitted by /u/kaseylouis
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    The downvote icon should be the templar cross

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 06:42 AM PDT

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/wokenaizen
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    Predetermined and stun lock animations in Assassins Creed Origins

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 06:49 PM PDT

    If you're AI has to rely on predetermined animations or unbreakable stun locks to kill the player character then you need to remake your AI because you did a bad job at making it in the first place

    submitted by /u/Eragon_Auditore
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    How I S See AC.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 12:26 AM PDT

    I didn't particularly like Black Flag compared to other AC titles, I remember people were criticizing Revelations, then they criticized 3, I didn't see why, they were decent installations to the franchise, then Black Flag came along, everyone loved it and I'm all "meh, it's okay" then Rogue and Unity hit, people ignored Rogue and focused on how terrible Unity was, but I was playing Rogue that whole time, when I finally did play Unity they had sorted out a bunch of tech issues with patches, still a pretty broken design but good enough to play solo. In that sense Unity was a bit of a masterpiece, what a pleasure to play.

    Unity made me excited for Syndicate, but then that felt anticlimactic, I breezed through it and patiently waited for the Ripper dlc, by that time my excitement had faded. This actually did me a huge favor because I went into Origins not expecting anything special, low expectations means you aren't disappointed when they are met, pleasantly surprised when exceeded.

    It is that rule I took into Odyssey and will take into the next game too, don't expect them to be better or worse, see them as their own game self-contained, worry about how well they fit into the franchise later, just try to immerse that gaming experience while it lasts. To be honest, I loved Odyssey, and Black Flag remains my least favorite installment, still great as games go but meh as AC games go, I much preferred playing as Adewale, that machete-wielding badarce, Assassin's are normally slight and subtle, not that guy.

    submitted by /u/EdmundAdams
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    How did "Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted" come to be?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 12:26 AM PDT

    I always wondered how they came up with their creed. I thought it would explain it in Origins but o beat it recently and saw nothing about it. Does anyone know who came up with it and how?

    submitted by /u/ImAVipa
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    Beginner tips for a new AC Syndicate player

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 12:08 AM PDT

    I've recently started playing Syndicate since it was one of the only AC games that I have yet to complete. I was just wondering, would anyone be able to give me some beginner tips to really put me on the right track? Any help is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/YaB0iDanilio
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    Need help about an AC revelations master assassin mission

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 03:06 PM PDT

    I'm doing a master assassin mission right now and for some reason my assassin keeps spawing in with only 1 health bar, will they die? Because i know actual master assassins cant die but since this is the mission that makes them a master assass i just wanted to be sure

    submitted by /u/Dwuarfs
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    Got physically stuck in AC brotherhood

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 04:11 PM PDT

    I got stuck between a cliff and a tree, and there's no way out. So is there some kind of console command or cheat or a mod to allow me to teleport/fly/noclip out of there

    Edit: for some reason going into challenges and then back fixed it

    submitted by /u/fluffy_grape
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    I can't for the life of me kill the Kalydonian Boar on Nightmare

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 11:17 PM PDT

    Bit of background. I played the the game during the free weekend for the first time. I was playing on hard, but the you can outlevel enemies so once I got my gear up I just stacked +10% damage to animals on what I can and made easy work of that pig and his little shitlets. I then bought the game and tried to play on nightmare. It's not so bad, I only have problems in crowds such as going spears blazing in camps and conquest battles. Back to the boar, it's honestly not so bad. It can kill me in 2 or 3 hits but I'm able to get by. The problem is when the shitlets spawn, they kill me so easily and if one knocks you down it's game over since the rest will just trample you.

    Any advice on how to handle this on nughtmare since everything just levels up with you?

    submitted by /u/Animeoverhoes
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