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    Sunday, March 29, 2020

    Assassin's Creed Conor should have gotten another game

    Assassin's Creed Conor should have gotten another game

    Conor should have gotten another game

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 02:01 PM PDT

    Just replaying AC3, I know he's not as charismatic as the other Assassins, but his arc, what he goes through you can't help but wonder what could have been if another game was done. His perspective in a developing America would have been fun to see imo.

    submitted by /u/eldest1993
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    I love the concept of modern day but the execution has been terrible. I hope it gets improved instead of abandoned

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 09:29 AM PDT

    The idea of modern day, of two brotherhoods still fighting today, with the weight of two orders on the modern assassins and Templars. The idea that their ideals have never resulted in long term peace but they fight for it nonetheless. The addition of cyberpunk elements to a historical tale.

    I just find it an absolute genius inclusion by the creators of AC and its a shame people didn't give the Desmond modern day saga the attention it deserved back then, despite the meh ending.

    The execution since AC4 has been terrible. First with the whole walking tablet thing. The idea of an explorable Abstergo was interesting but there was no personality. Why should I care about a tablet? That was the first mistake. But the story continued anyway.

    Then, the catastrophic decision of the online player and only cutscenes MD. And abandoning the Juno plot.

    Then came Origins and despite an already problematic development of Layla as a character, it had potential. It was established the AC universe was a simulation. Imagine the consequences of that!

    The ways it could impact both modern and historical assassins. Could the simulation be altered? Destroyed by some rogue faction tired of the eternal conflict and lack of peace?

    Controlled to predict its future, something the Templars would definitely want?

    None of that was explored. Instead we had a repeat of the end of the world plot, which makes the Desmond saga useless, a huge time skip between Origins and Odyssey.

    Not only Layla was already a member of the brotherhood but a respected one, even participating with Charlotte de La Cruz in the Juno fight. We witnessed none of that.

    But the greatest crime was to turn MD dialogue into a dramedy when it should be serious. After all the conflict is serious and it should be dealt like that. AC is at its best when it takes itself seriously and this can be proven.

    It honestly feels on purpose. To make people hate modern day. MD should be what we had in AC3. It's a part of AC so it should be done right. I respect not liking its execution but people should be open to it if done right.

    submitted by /u/GreenArrow194
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    Bayek is frickin awesome

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 04:53 PM PDT

    Bayek is hands down my favourite assasins now. I've been playing origins recently(been loving it) and I just did the quest "First Blood". SPOILERS FOR THE QUEST AHEAD

    In the quest, you go in the bent tomb of sneferu, where bayek killed his first target, what he calls "the start of my quest". After careful investigation, you find someone has performed traditional Egyptian rites on his body to make sure he enters the Duat safely. What gets me is at the end, Bayek (roughly) says "Whatever this person did, it does not matter. Rudjeks heart was evil and he will be judged accordingly in the Duat. I know I will be judged one day, but I do not regret my actions, the feather will always be lighter than my heart". Sorry if it's not 100% accurate to what he said, I couldn't remember the quote word for word, but thats roughly what he said.

    Bayek knows his actions are violent, but he believes it's for a noble cause, and he has faith that he will be judged accordingly in the Duat. What I like about bayek is he has a very strong connection to the gods, and is on a very noble cause to rid Egypt of its evil and avenge his lost son.

    I haven't finished the game yet, but it's one of my favourite ac games and can't wait to finish it and do the dlcs.

    submitted by /u/BigMamaJuuJuu
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    Which style of Assassins Creed do you prefer?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 01:41 PM PDT

    I'm sure this question has been asked before but I'm new to the sub so I wanted to ask it to gain some fresh perspective.

    Between the more traditional Assassins Creed like 2 or Black Flag or the newer style like Origins and Odyssey. I personally like both for different reasons. Though I know a lot don't like the newer style, I personally love it! But that doesn't mean I hate the old style either. Far from it. Though I think if I had to pick, honestly I'd probably choose the newer more RPG focused styled of Origins and Odyssey. What about you?

    submitted by /u/SJBailey03
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    Assassin's Creed Kingdom as an End of the Viking Age game

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 12:23 PM PDT

    Assassin's Creed Kingdom as an End of the Viking Age game

    To start/remind some...Assassin's Creed II was a story stretched across about ~23 years

    So I really have been thinking about AC:Kingdom as a 1066 game and these are my ideas about some people, places, and things we could see. Sorry for the wall but I read a lot of Wikipedia and took notes.

    ~~First thing I read about made me want to go into some wikipedia rabbit holes was this:

    Witan/Witenagemot – A real life Anglo-Saxon sorta proto-Parliament for "choosing" the new king. It was made up of the "who's who" of Anglo-Saxon England. This could be a proto-Templar Order or proto-Assassin Brotherhood.

    Major figures:


    Cnut the Great: king of the North Sea Empire (England, Norway, Denmark and parts of Sweden)

    • "good guy" with a PoE or specifically an Apple. And the game starts around the time of his death (1035)
    • A Danish prince who became king of England in 1016, and of Denmark in 1018, and Norway in 1028.
    • Had influence over the Norse-Gaels (Irish).
    • Controlled parts of Sweden
    • Son of Danish prince Sweyn Forkbeard, and grandson of King Harald Bluetooth.
    • His father conquered England and when he died, the Danelaw elected Canute king.
    • Canute conquered England and was named Edmund Ironside's heir upon his death (died within weeks of the treaty).
    • Canute stabilized England and consolidated power in Scandinavia over a 20 year period.
    • **Maybe the myth that he said could control the tides could be a smudge part of history and the story was about him controlling the minds of others? Or maybe he has something that literally controls the tides (Isu tech like the Observatory)?
    • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_Canute_and_the_tide
    • Died around age 45

    Harald Hardrada

    Harald "Hardrada/hard ruler" King of Norway

    • I'm thinking of a larger-than-life character
    • In the vein of Blackbeard or as unhinged as Black Bart Roberts (maybe he's even a Sage)
    • tried to take over England and Denmark but failed.
    • Was a former commander of the Kievan Rus' and of the Varangian Guard.
    • He forced into exile because he fought against Canute the Great and lost (tried to help take Norway from Canute).
    • While in the Varangian Guard he fought in:
    • Asia Minor, Sicily, The Holy Land, Constantinople, and Bulgaria.
    • Left Byzantine Empire in 1042 to go back to Kievan Rus' to get back Norwegian throne.
    • He failed to take Denmark in an effort to restore the North Sea Empire.
    • He had a somewhat peaceful reign in Norway, introduced coinage and foreign trade.
    • **Maybe he uncovered some relics in the Holy Land or somewhere in the Mediterranean?
    • Had some success in northern England when he invaded but was defeated by Harold Godwinson at the Battle of Stamford Bridge (the end of the Viking Age)
    • Died around age 50


    Edward the Confessor, last House of Wessex (Alfred the Great) king of England.

    • Ruled 1042 – 1066
    • Died around age 60.
    • He'd just be a bad incompetent figure on the English throne.
    • **Maybe a Templar puppet that is just an idiot? I don't know.
    • He lived in Normandy for about 25 years, in exile.

    Harold Godwinson

    Tostig Godwinson (Harold's brother)

    Harald Godwinson (last Anglo-Saxon king of England)

    • He would be another "good guy"
    • Maybe he is a proto-Assassin
    • died around age 45 killed by William's Norman army
    • His sister was married to King Edward the Confessor.
    • He was a powerful Earl of Wessex.
    • Fought a lot in Wales, fighting King Gruffydd ap Llywelyn.
    • He had to go against his own brother because he was doing a bad job ruling the north of England.
    • This dispute led Tostig to ally with Harald Hardrada.
    • Tostig could have raised taxes (which led to unrest in the north) to stir up trouble because he likes chaos, non-cringe joker type guy.
    • First king to be crowned at Westminster Abbey January 1066.
    • **Maybe he could be a tragic figure who had to kill his own brother, Tostig, and had to fight William less than a month after that. He would need to get the Origins' Caesar treatment and just turned into a different person to suit a more interesting narrative. He'd be the "good guy"
    • I am thinking he would be a Peter Jackson version of Aragorn, a reluctant ruler that is a badass

    William of Normandy

    William "the Conqueror" Duke of Normandy (descendant of Rollo)

    • Templar A-hole
    • Conquers England and maybe has a PoE??
    • End of the narrative (end of many eras, rise of the Assassins that have to resist the Templar state/Normans)
    • The Bayeux Tapestry is one the most famous pieces of propaganda in British history, we know how much Templars love to rewrite history (much like the tapestry does IRL)
    • He held Harold Godwinson's brother and cousin political hostage
    • Claimed that he was promised the throne of England (maybe weak ass Edward was a part of this scheme when he was in exile before becoming king)

    The Battles to End the story...

    Battle of Stamford Bridge - September 25, 1066.

    • 10,500 Foot-soldiers 2,000 Cavalry vs. 9,000 vikings
    • For context, the Great Heathen Army maybe had 3,000 vikings
    • Harold Godwinson vs. Tostig (his brother) and Harald Hardrada the last Viking King
    • Viking force almost completely wiped out
    • Anglo-Saxons win and go straight to face William down south
    • There's a legend that a lone viking fought off the English on the bridge until someone snuck underneath the bridge and stab the viking in a sneak attack.
    • From The Anglo Saxon Chronicle "Then was there one of the Norwegians who withstood the English folk " that they might not pass over the bridge nor obtain the victory. Then an Englishman shot with an arrow, but it availed naught; and then came another under the bridge and pierced him through in under the bymy."
    • ^ That gives me Assassin getting his/her target vibes

    Battle of Hastings – October 14, 1066.

    • Estimated forces: 7,000-12,000 Anglo-Saxons vs. 5,000-13,000 Normans.
    • Normans set sail September 12, 1066 and many ships were lost at sea
    • this could be a Piece of Eden going back to the days of Canute "controlling the tides"
    • Maybe the character we play is activating a Isu weapon used by Canute?
    • Elizabeth's England was saved from the Spanish Armada because of a storm, she also had an Apple).
    • A tragic end for Anglo-Saxons, templar William wins.

    Places you could visit based just on these figures

    • England
    • Ireland
    • Wales
    • Scotland
    • Byzantine Empire
    • Sicily
    • Rome
    • Kievan Rus'
    • Bulgaria
    • Norway
    • Denmark
    • Sweden
    • The Holy Land
    • ~~Asia Minor

    And any former settlement of the vikings

    • Iceland
    • Greenland
    • Newfoundland


    Game starts with a prologue to appease the Ragnar lovers at Lindisfarne. You play as Ragnar and the end of the mission camera pans from a bloody monastery to a bloody battlefield. You are now playing as your character (IDK if its a choose a gender or what) You are fighting in the Battle of Stiklestad (1030 AD Norway) along side a 15 year old Harald Hardrada, maybe you are friends, maybe you are just another person. You are also about the same age as him. This battle was an attempt by Harald's half-brother to retake the throne of Norway from Canute The Great. You guys lose, you are his companion in exile. This gives you the narrative excuse to go to some or all of these places, based on scope of the game. High jinx ensues, and you end up seeing eye-to-eye with a mysterious organization that could be our proto-Assassins. England maybe has a PoE or the tide controlling machine is real, IDK.

    Canute was an assassin maybe, Harold Godwinson is an assassin

    Harald Hardrada and Tostig are "chaos" people anarchist madmen

    William the Conqueror is a Templar

    I am thinking a real character driven story, there are also a shit load of military conflicts going on throughout Europe and N. Europe so your character would be a viking mercenary like Harald Hardrada literally was in history.

    The map couldn't possibly include every piece of Europe so maybe the tech from the Curse of the Pharaohs is implemented. You walk under or over a downed tree similar to Uncharted/tLoU games and the other side is a loaded in different area.

    submitted by /u/Ratonhnhaketon_K_
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    After playing the first few hours of Watch Dogs, I now know...

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 09:20 PM PDT

    This is exactly what I want in a modern day Assassins Creed mission structure. The game was free on epic games and it is amazing. The movement/parkour is a delight. And chasing people down feels like something right out of the first few AC games. I felt very much at home.

    If AC is going to continue with this Layla stuff (or whoever they choose for the next game) the modern day should play like this.

    submitted by /u/eziotheeagle
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    The abysmal execution of the ezio set

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 05:02 PM PDT

    Why is nobody talking about how horribly executed the release of the ezio roman set was, limited i can understand but atleast give people a way to obtain it afterwards, just harder to get like buying it with orichalcum, not basing it around the fear of missing out and making it only available once, especially in times like the corona virus when some of us cant even get it because our works force us to be there every day a week and for longer because of it, not to mention the fact the reward may not have been obtainable even if you played during the weekend.

    submitted by /u/fentrylo
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    Parkour in a Viking Setting could work if they made it like the Frontier in ACIII

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 09:36 AM PDT

    I read many toughs about parkour gameplay if the made it in a viking setting. Most people say that it couldnt work because there would be to much woods, mountains, small villages etc. But I think it could be great if they made it like the frontier in AC3.

    The tree climbing and parkour was very funny and had a lot of nice ways to move. I also liked the swamp parkour gameplay in Liberation because it also give you many ways to do parkour.

    Maybe we also have some cites to climb because they could made more then just Scandinavia to explore. I also think that they definitely would add some Castles or Fortress to climb.

    With a focus on parkour in nature like the Frontier in AC3 they could make a nice system for an Viking Setting I think.

    submitted by /u/JKAC2013
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    Why is AC liberation not talked about as often and what is the consensus on the game itself?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 10:29 PM PDT

    So I've played through and enjoyed AC3 multiple times, but I only just recently played through AC Liberation. I honestly thought it was a pretty solid game, with an okay enough story and characters. Aveline can be a bit stale but I personally think it's not awful. I haven't seen many posts on this topic, so I was wondering what you guys thought about the game and how it stacks up to other AC games, even if Liberation is almost like an add-on.

    submitted by /u/SpaceJam36
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    AC3 should have had Billy Lee.

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 08:16 PM PDT

    Billy Lee was one of George Washington's slaves. But he was more. He was one of his greatest helpers and supporters. He managed Washington's files and his vision devices for scouting. He was even the only slave freed before George died.

    AC3 should have included him. He could assist Connor and they could have found common ground being minorities in colonial times. It also would have increased the diversity. Billy Lee should have been there because he makes sense historically

    submitted by /u/Phuxsea
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    What is your favorite combatsystem?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 07:39 AM PDT

    What is your favorite combatsystem? (Only could make 6 so i combined some that are similar)

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/_Dennis-
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    Which AC setting do you like best?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 06:05 PM PDT

    Feel free to give your opinions on Ancient Egypt and Greece from Origins and Odyssey, I couldn't fit them in the poll.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/grjfiozpkfdsokMFdsp
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    Idea for modern day

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 04:14 PM PDT

    So I was thinking since the fan base is split maybe do the animus a set character no dialogue blah blah and Modern day is kinda like an rpg like odyssey where you create your own modern assassin that way a player is more invested in and have more of a stealth hacker game play think like watch dogs and splinter cell and you can have more of an open ended story that's tailored more or less to you. What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/NordicWeapon
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    Some beautiful AC soundtracks

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 07:53 PM PDT

    Hello wonderful people. I just wanted to share some soundtracks which I really loved from Assassins Creed. These ones are a little more fast paced but there's something beautiful about them...I don't quiet know. Let me know what you guys think and please share your favourite AC soundtracks. The ones I'm sharing are from the Ezio Trilogy and no I don't want to discuss how much better the Ezio Trilogy was than the current state of AC, I'm sure that debate has been entertained enough on this sub lol



    submitted by /u/admirable_3535
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    Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag ��

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 09:48 PM PDT

    I personally did not much care for Black Flag besides for the purpose of giving slight backstory for AC 3. I want to hear your thoughts about this, new perspectives might help me respect this game more 💭

    submitted by /u/JoeKloe
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    What's your favorite parkoursystem?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 10:48 AM PDT

    What's your favorite parkoursystem from the Assassin's Creed games?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/_Dennis-
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    What is/are your favorite AC trailer?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 09:44 PM PDT

    All of the cinematic trailers of Assassin's Creed just looks cool and badass even Altair's trailer still holds up. Now we all have our opinions on Ubisoft but damn they can really make trailers for their games, it's like they hire actual film directors. My absolute favorite would be the one from Unity with AC3 coming second. Even the "Elise reveal" trailer is so good showcasing that awesome parkour movement and it has some similarities with AC 1 trailer like assassinating the executioner. I thought it was kinda neat paying respects to the one that started the franchise.

    submitted by /u/Kenway21
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    I’m stuck at 99% on ac 2. Am I missing something?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 07:19 PM PDT

    A while back I decided to pick up ac Ezio collection. I played ac 2 and I'm pretty sure I got everything, but I'm still stuck at 99%. Is this a glitch or is there some sort of hidden mission?

    submitted by /u/DATS6
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    What are connected/game contacts in AC Unity?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 07:08 PM PDT

    What do you think of the story in odyssey

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 04:17 PM PDT

    IMO I think it's great I just wanted to know other ppls opinion on this

    submitted by /u/GENERAL-CLANKA
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    AC1 is definitely going to be released with Assassin’s Creed 2020

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 09:12 PM PDT

    Assassin's Creed Rogue had a remaster. So did ACIII, and the Ezio Trilogy. AC1 is the game that needs a remaster.

    submitted by /u/oogaboogaNXS
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    I think a good setting for the franchise would be the southern United States after the civil war.

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 08:55 PM PDT

    I bought Origins to ride out the virus, and played 2 days of Odyssey during the free weekend. I've played most of the games, but anywho i got to thinking about historical times/events that i would like to see explored by assassin's creed and i think the antebellum south is ripe for an excellent game.

    So the event to kick off the game would be failing to stop the assassination of Lincoln. because Lincoln is dead the antebellum south is gonna get fucked and you have to prevent it. The enemy can be the templars by way of the kkk. you have to run around killing known and unknown members of the kkk. if you do it right after the civil war there can still be skirmishes between union troops and locals.

    you protect the people from plantation owners, armed militias, angry union soldiers, etc. you could raid plantations, militia bases, civil war prisons. i think you'd have to climb trees like in AC3. naval stuff could be about catching slave ships.

    honestly, i think setting the game during the civil war would be even better, but i think people would get bitchy if we killed actual confederate generals.

    but anyway, TLDR - the american south at the end of the civil war has slavery, plantations, kkk, union soldiers/confederate soldiers, crazy politics b/c lincoln was assassinated.

    submitted by /u/IamGrimReefer
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    Playing Two Games at Once

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 05:00 PM PDT

    So I got both Origins and Unity at the same time. Moving from one control scheme to another is drastically different. Seems I may need to stick with one before I get to the other.

    Does anyone else have experiences like this? I love both games, but Ive gotten thrown off soo many times in origins. (I use a controller btw)

    submitted by /u/Truenorth321
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    My thoughts on the AC Brotherhood map.

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 11:48 PM PDT

    Personally I didn't like it. I thought it was to rural and I hate riding on horseback. What do you guys think about the map?

    submitted by /u/Elitesoldier3715
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