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    Wednesday, March 25, 2020

    Assassin's Creed Assassins Creed Origins is the BEST GAME I HAVE EVER PLAYED IN MY ENTIRE LIFE

    Assassin's Creed Assassins Creed Origins is the BEST GAME I HAVE EVER PLAYED IN MY ENTIRE LIFE

    Assassins Creed Origins is the BEST GAME I HAVE EVER PLAYED IN MY ENTIRE LIFE

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 07:52 AM PDT

    Fifteen years ago I used to play games like Mario , IGI. But then i stopped playing games and since last year I started playing assassins creed. I played brotherhood first and was immediately hooked. Did a play through of all the games from 1 to syndicate. Bought some. Cracked some. Did all of them a 100%. Took a break and played The Witcher 3. Since before that, the only games I had played recently were ac titles I was really having a hard time playing that game. So i immediately got assassins creed origins. Wrote all this to convey that maybe I don't really qualify as a proper gamer. But...... of all the games I have ever played, ORIGINS IS THE BEST ONE BY FAR.

    The sheer vastness of the map is breathtaking. The best part is. I go to a high point, look at a far away landscape, or just walk on a random street and look at stuff around me, ask myself, "Can I go there? Can I reach it?" And 100% of the times, yes I can reach it, interact with it, break it, hunt it, burn it, use it to my advantage, etc. I'm a thousand meters into the sea, can I dive and reach the bottom of the sea? After nearly loosing my breath while reaching the hundred and twenty meter deep floor and nearly loosing my health while reaching upwards, yes I can.

    The story, is a bit short but so intensely done. After origins and odyssey (haven't played it yet) it is taken for granted, but a controllable eagle and its functions is really underrated and really cool.

    The wharfs and huts near the sea shore were reminiscent of a black flag like feel. (Made me want a bf remake again).

    At first I thought that the pyramids were ornamental. I expected them to be a synchro point at max. Maybe have a mission or two around them. But i was not expecting to completely explore out their bowels inside out. Which bring me to the next topic

    The ancient tombs and mechanisms throughout the map are so nicely done. It is so nice to have so much of 'Isu' and a playable Layla Hassan after so many games with little to no progress in the present day.

    The war elephants, the mirages while riding over and under a thousand sand dunes, the extremely well acted Duat scenes after we assassinate someone from the Order, the beautiful minor and easy-to-not-notice details that caused god knows how many artists and developers their tea and lunch breaks is worth stopping and looking at.

    Not a big fan of the hippodrome but the gladiator fights are, in one word, BRUTAL. My favourite kill was where we part someone's helmet and chest armour and Senu comes and rips his throat open. Like W. T. F.

    The only thing I missed in the game. I recently rewatched the trailer of Origins and there is this scene where sexy ass Bayek is overpowered by a brute but shoots him with an arrow while holding the bow with his leg. Hoped to do it in the actual game.

    I am and hope to be for some time, in awe.

    And for god's sake I need to stop calling people around me naket iadet, 'cause they think I said something else.

    Edit: clarification that when I wrote I was having a hard time playing the Witcher 3 I meant that I was bad at it because the overall movement feel was completely different from any ac I had ever played so I played it till the Bloody Baron and have kept that game for later. I haven't yet ranked the Witcher for myself yet.

    submitted by /u/banerji_with_a_ji
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    What “experimental” types of games would you want to see in the franchise?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 04:38 PM PDT

    In the past, there were occasionally smaller titles that played around with the gameplay, like Discovery, which went 2D, or the ios multiplayer, which was in overhead view. I'd love to see a spinoff game in first person (maybe even VR) set around Ezio's era, just so we could use things like the hidden gun in first person.

    submitted by /u/BaneShake
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    Is anybody even keeping up with the story anymore.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 10:45 PM PDT

    So let me start with Bayek. Ac origins explained everything about the hidden blade, finger sacrifice, leap of faith but ac odyssey ruins that whole message with the first blade dlc. How is it that Darius has the look of an assassin, and can do the leap of faith BEFORE it was invented and used by Bayek. Whats the point of telling such an amazing story of the origin of assassins and the brotherhood if your just gonna fk it up in the next game. Who thought this would be a good idea? And in ac2 in the altair room darius is shown without the hood and robes, he looks pretty cool and i would of loved to see that darius than the darius we got, how is it that darius knows everything about the brotherhood and assassins BEFORE it was created by Bayek. How stupid are writers at Ubisoft. There first mistake was concluding the Juno story in the comics when it was started in the games. Is anyone keeping up with this horrible story? Ac odyssey is a joke

    submitted by /u/carrot390
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    To fellow classic "Assassins Creed" fans who've managed to get into Odyssey

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 11:07 PM PDT

    Please tell us your secret of how

    submitted by /u/RockNDrums
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    Black Flag is the best AC yet

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 09:50 PM PDT

    To me, Black Flag is the best AC title yet.. mostly because of the vast naval world, pirating, naval battles, crafting and the amazing visuals of the world. I have played origins and enjoyed that a lot as well.. but Black Flag was just so much ahead of the time when it launched.

    submitted by /u/cool_god
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    Objective examples of why Ubisoft Montreal is a higher quality studio than Ubisoft Quebec (Odyssey v Origins)

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    Lets talk about FACTUAL and OBJECTIVE attention to detail. Not opinions, but facts.

    Maybe Ubisoft learns from this post and we get better products in the future, and everyone benefits.

    Fans enjoyment and Ubisoft profits alike.

    I'll start with Odyssey (Quebec) vs Origins and Unity (Montreal). Other people feel free to do Syndicate, Rogue or other non Montreal productions. Or contribute to this comparison.

    Objective Lack of attention to detail in Odyssey:


    From asset design and placement... look at the steps leading up to the acropolis in Athens (ok forget that they are incorrect in terms of anachronism, those steps were commisioned by Claudius in 57AD... in 431BC it was just a dirt road up), leave that to one side, but look at the asset placement. A 90 degree wall bordering grass with no transition, leaves, dirt, realistic discoloration, wind swept mounds, unevenness, piles of dirt, etc. like you would see in Origins or in reality. It's like it was placed there in a hurry or by an intern. Asset transitions like the game is from 2007.


    Similarly to Syndicate (another Ubisoft Quebec production), you cannot go into the classic ancient Greek houses in Odyssey, the typical Oikos with the central court. All are the identical model (including the textures!) and you can not enter any (ofcourse, because they are all copy / pasted). That while it is known that these courtyard houses varied enormously in size and shape in Ancient Athens. You can only "go inside" the larger villas but that is just an illusion. There is no inside, it's just the central court.

    The only real Greek style house you can enter in the entire game is Pericles house. But that's inline with what you would expect from Ubisoft Quebec. It was the same in Syndicate (the only "house" you could enter in all of London was Scotland yard). Whereas in the Montreal made Unity, you could enter a quarter of all the buildings in Paris. 1 in 4.

    Look at temples in Odyssey, all almost exactly the same textures and objects inside. All dead and lifeless. Same with huts, all identical, down to the blades of hay, dirt texture on the bed, decorations, etc. all just copy pasted.

    Look at asset textures. In Odyssey there is too much repetition in objects and textures. Volumetric lighting meshes are lower resolution than Origins. No swirling fog, dew, sand or air currents. Look at the flame on the torch in Origins and Odyssey. Houses in Odyssey are exact duplications of each other. while in Origins and Unity they are procedurally generated combinations.

    Asset detail

    I love the attention to detail at the Mycenaean temples and Delphi temple complex. The Mycenaean ruins are very accurate to real life. The Delphi temple complex also is a very beautiful and immersive recreation. Delphi temple complex also has some votive offerings positions mixed up with each other, e.g. treasury of Thebes. But they are just errors, not a lack of detail. But the nerd in me wants to point out some of these errors, though they aren't really relevant to this post.

    Skip over to the POPULATION / CROWDS section if you don't care about historical accuracy issues.

    Where the treasury of the Knideans is (the 20 statues) should be the Treasury of the Thebans (a building).

    They accidentally switched those around. Positions on the sphinx pillar and sybl rock are also not quite right. But those are just errors, not lack of detail.

    Also the Cnidean Lesche (lounge) (out Delphi's temple turn left and go up) is very basic. Just some wallpaper. Pausanias' descriptions of Polygnotus' paintings in that club house cover around 20 pages. In the game, none. That is a real lack of detail.

    It's a greatly simplified version and misses out many buildings and details but that's understandable considering the memory and work overhead of doing all the mayor site in Greece.

    Pausanias' Desriptions of Greece Book X chapter 29 he describes exactly what was at Delphi (even in his age when it was run down). The description of the inside of the temple alone is no where near accurate to the game. In the game there is one statue inside, in reality the description is around 30 votive offerings and statues (which is what you'd expect).

    Also, 19 years ago (in 2001) De Boer et al discovered that the adyton of the Delphi temple lied above three young active fault lines (Delphi Fault) in the 1st millenium BC and concluded that emissions of hydrocarbons and ethylene were most likely the cause of the "medical symptom" descriptions of the Pythia, I so hoped the inside of the temple to be filled with some sort of smoke (like the steam in the bathhouses in Origins) but alas. I even thought maybe the "treasure room" behind and under where the phythia stands in the game would have some smoke and a tripod, but no.

    If you care, here you can read Pausanias' description of his walk around of Delphi:


    And use this actual map when comparing to the game.


    Pausanias is a little hard to read among the ancient writers because he will list something he sees briefly and then provide almost a 10 paragraph description of the myths and history surrounding that object (which to me aren't always terribly interesting), and when you try to skip over his detailed backstory sections you tend to miss when he then starts talking about the next thing he sees.

    That's graphically.

    Population / Crowds

    Compare the population or amount of NPC's on the streets with e.g. Unity or Origins. That while Ancient Athens and 18th century Paris had coincidentally similar populations (693,000 per the census of Demetrius for ancient Athens and around 750,000 people for 18th century Paris). The streets in Odyssey look (and feel) lifeless.

    Look at this GDC for systemic crowd events from Unity. https://youtu.be/FaV88JAWnbQ

    The tech in Odyssey has regressed. There is not the variation of crowd and civilian types, solo and group activity ranges there was in Unity. Neither is there variable branch systemic group interactions.


    Now look at linguistic detail. In Origins the team made an attempt to actually recreate ancient and Coptic Egyptian, Koine Greek and Aramaic. Linguists actually worked hard to recreate them.

    In Odyssey all the language is modern Greek pronounciation, not Ancient. Take the betacism, pronouncing the B as a V. So Barnabas becomes Varnavas. That is modern Greek. The betacism is a remnant of the 4th century AD, not the 5th century BC. Or words like Malaka! That is modern Greek, it was not an insult at all in Ancient Greek, the word didn't even exist. Or the pronounciation of the greeting Chaire (pronounced "ghere" in the game), in actual ancient Greek it would have been pronounced "Kaire". It changed from "Kai-re" in ancient Greek to "Kei-re" in Koine Greek to "Ke-re" in medieval Greek to "ghere" in modern Greek.



    Look at gameplay grind and repetitiveness. It's almost as repetitive gameplay mechanics as AC1 from 2007(!).

    " So proud I was born to be spartan. They rise over fire they face. They carry the weight of Leonidas " song is played EVERYWHERE around Greece. That while Spartans didn't travel outside of Sparta. The song even plays in areas occupied by Athens.

    Stand in Athens and pan around all the islands from a high altitude in Icaros view. It looks huge. Now goto the map, mark a spot in say Lesbos and switch back to Icaros view, you will notice that the Lesbos island which you think is so far away is actually pretty close by in Icaros view. What you think is the entire map in Icaros view is actually not traversible, you are looking at Anatolia to the east and mount Olympos and Thrace to the north.

    These are just some examples of the top of my head. I'm sure there are more.

    Also don't forget that I have 350 hours on Odyssey at level 82 with some LTOG still to do. I wanted this game to be better than anyone else probably because I love ancient Greece.

    And you may think I'm a historian or something. I'm not, I'm just a regular dumb guy.

    I just looked at youtube videos and googled research / read Pausanias, Xenophon, watched nearly all Ubisoft developer talks of the past 10 years, etc.

    submitted by /u/Gold333
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    is there any benefit to using/mastering parry? (AC:Odyssey)

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 11:10 PM PDT

    new to this game (haven't played origins), and was wondering if parry gave any benefits compared to dodging. I am well aware that dodging is better from the general consensus, so why would they add a parrying option if it is downright worse in every aspect? I have even heard some people never used parry or have put countless hours into the game and haven't even known it existed

    submitted by /u/Amatsubane
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    Who was the first Templar and Assassin?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 12:41 PM PDT

    So I know the end goal of the story line is basically the Assassin's making sure the Templars don't get all the Eden Pieces (in short) to control power correct?

    So my question is, who was the first Assassin? was it the Origins story main character or who was it, cuz a friend said the first original one was in Origins, so who is the 1st Templar and the 1st Assassin?

    submitted by /u/Katawina44
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    If AC III (xbox 360cd) don’t work on your xbox one

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 06:18 PM PDT

    For the people who have tried everything to solve this problem I have a solution.

    First you delete the game and then try to insert the game cd. If it doesn't work go to your settings and set your xbox to factory reset but not deleting the other games or data that you all ready have in your xbox. Finally just let reset and long in and put the game to install it will work. At least it worked for me.

    submitted by /u/Remopair
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    First AC Game Location In New Game

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 09:53 AM PDT

    Who else wants new AC game with the same locations (Jerusalem, Acre and Damascus) as the first game just updated in a new game with new characters.

    submitted by /u/Eyas2006
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    An AC game like 2 but different

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 07:33 PM PDT

    Who would like the idea of an AC game that's kind of like AC 2 but but it's at the height of the Roman Empire. And you could choose to become a Roman legionnaire

    submitted by /u/zach06080
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    What are your favourite smaller details in each game?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 12:27 PM PDT

    Sometimes the smaller details in games can get completely overlooked or aren't appreciated enough. For example I love that in origins the slower you walk the more over the shoulder the camera becomes and the more you can appreciate all the little details. In AC3 I like how holding a different face button when vaulting will give a different animation. What are other small features that others might not have picked up on?

    submitted by /u/aasclarke
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    AC Odyssey: Silver Islands Questline (Kyra/Thaletas) [SPOILERS]

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 06:03 AM PDT

    Hey everyone. So really quick, background to my status on this game- got it on launch and played for about 30 hours, then got sidetracked by other games and am only just coming back to it over a year later, so I'm a bit behind (lol).

    Anyway, my question is regarding the questline on the Silver Islands with Kyra and Thaletas. I have not been able to find any comprehensive guide breaking down the various choice paths between who to side with, who to romance, etc., and I desperately do not want to have anyone get killed at the end of this. Buuut I also want to have my cake and eat it too...so to speak, and want to pursue both romances (Kassandra is a busy gal what can I say).

    Since it's been over a year since the game came out I was hoping people have found the manner of getting the most positive outcome from this quest. If anyone can help me I'd appreciate it! Out of all of the side quests and even the main quests in this game, this one seems to be the most complex which I love but it's also killing me.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/vero0333
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    Changing between games and the usage of UPlay

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 10:06 PM PDT

    I just completed AC Rogue and i have to say i was very thrilled and enjoyed the entire game. I really dont want to lose the progress ive already made with the game, BUT i dont have enough space on my computed disk to be able to download the next AC game. So if i uninstall Rogue, will i lose all my progress? it goes without saying that I have Uplay connected, but, in my experience with Black Flag and AC2, my information is not saved. How do i make it so i dont lose my progress?

    submitted by /u/Fireflyin72
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    What's your favourite weapon class for Evie and Jacob in Syndicate?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 04:33 AM PDT

    I personally use the cane sword for evie,and the kukri for jacob.No particular reason,but that's how i saw it in the trailer and when i got the game i just followed the trailer.

    submitted by /u/walkie79
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    Does anyone know where to find social treasure in ac4?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 12:37 PM PDT

    I was recently playing ac4 again after my save corrupted and I've been trying to find some social treasure and I've been playing for more than 15 hours and haven't found one yet can someone please show me a location of at least one social treasure

    submitted by /u/willbill562
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    What is a Sage?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 12:30 PM PDT

    Im playing BF and im on seq 2 where you meet the sage Roberts (something). I was wondering what a sage is, i know the sage must protect the observatorys location but why is it a random pirate? Why does a random pirate know the location? It might seem like a dumb question but the only assassins creed i have played are ac2 acb acr acu. I have played more but thoose are the ones i remember the story best from.

    submitted by /u/carrot390
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    Just barely missed the Ezio outfit, any chance I'll be able to get it later?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 02:30 PM PDT

    Thing is, I actually bought odyssey during what I didn't know was the free weekend and was busy playing through all of the games in order of release. I'm way back at black flag at the moment, so I was nowhere near starting up odyssey, just had it downloaded and ready.

    I'm hoping childishly that ubi can gift it to me, seeing as I've bought all of these games, 4 recently, 1 being the game this skin is promoting. And brotherhood is my favorite one.

    submitted by /u/Ca11m3Raven
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    Ragnarok going to be the least parkour based game in the series

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 02:26 PM PDT

    Both recent games were averaged at parkour and now next game rumored to be in Vikings setting which I think it's going to be filled with pine forests, mountains, wooden hut villages and beaches. It's almost no parkour will be based and also Vikings were less known for their stealth and parkour approach more focusing on violent and open combat. In order to keep the parkour at least some degree, Ubisoft should make trees climbable again especially like AC3.

    submitted by /u/joyathomes98
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    Someone here already noticed that about the release dates of the ACs?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 04:07 PM PDT

    They normally release in October or November, look:

    AC 1 - November 14, 2007
    AC 2 - November 17, 2009
    AC Brotherhood - November 16, 2010
    AC Revelations - November 15, 2011 (Notice how the days go decreasing)
    AC 3 - October 30, 2012 (released on this day cuz the game actually starts at this day)
    AC 4 - October 29, 2013
    AC Rogue - November 11, 2014
    AC Unity - November 11, 2014
    AC Syndicate - October 23, 2015
    AC Origins - October 27, 2017
    AC Odyssey - October 5, 2018

    Nothing rly important but I didnt had nothing to do, so....

    submitted by /u/joaosimoes4034
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    How can I find the later audiobooks?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 07:51 PM PDT

    Hello, so I've been listening to the audiobook novelizations of the Assassin's Creed games. I have most of them through Syndicate, but for the life of me, I can't find out how to access the ones for Unity, Origins and Odyssey. I can't even find proof that they ever existed.

    submitted by /u/Zelgerath
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    Assassin's Creed Game Concept (Updated)

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 07:28 PM PDT

    WWII setting for an assassins creed game?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 07:10 PM PDT

    This may be a bit controversial as WWII is an extremely touchy subject but I'd like to see a game set in the USSR, Britain or nazi germany. With the germany one it could be your trying to bring down the nazi party from the inside or so...

    What do you think?

    Edit: WWI would be much better due to the amount of firearms in WWII

    submitted by /u/PapaTristan69
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    How do you leave a mission on ac syndicate

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 10:58 AM PDT

    How do you leave a mission on ac syndicate?

    submitted by /u/oogabooga262552
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