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    Tuesday, February 25, 2020

    Assassin's Creed Robin hood as a character would work really well as an assassin.

    Assassin's Creed Robin hood as a character would work really well as an assassin.

    Robin hood as a character would work really well as an assassin.

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 02:34 PM PST

    Rouge charismatic paragon who works outside the law to help the poor with his merry crew. That is really not far off from describing ezio. I actually like the idea of Robin hood having bean a real person who was an assassin. He was just less secretive about his life then most assassins and thus his existance became a legend written about as fiction by writers. It's not like other real people were written about as fiction for people to enjoy. Exploring medieval england, stealing from the poor, throw in some Isu artifscts and templars and that could be a great assassins creed game. Throw in a bow and arrow and its even.

    submitted by /u/broji04
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    I hope that Ragnarok will have a base that is upgraded through missions.

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 05:55 AM PST

    3's Homestead missions were my favorite part of the game, and they're the main reason why 3 is my favorite AC game. I hope Ragnarok has something similar, cos the newer trend of farming resources to upgrade is really tedious and takes away from the fun of the game.

    submitted by /u/rs_obsidian
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    Why isn't there a remake of Assassins Creed 1?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 11:55 AM PST

    I'd love to play it with updated graphics and a slightly reworked movement system.

    submitted by /u/kimai_v2
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    Assassin's Creed Origins is phenomenal

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 04:06 PM PST

    I know theres been a shitloads if posts about this game but I'm getting through the Curse of the Pharaohs DLC atm and my god this is what I've wanted in AC. The mystery. The exploration. It's all so beautiful. The afterlife sections have me so excited. I havent been this amped to go explore a game in a long time. I know not everyone is about the fantasy side of AC but it's been around since the first game and I've loved every moment of it. And Bayek is easily on par with Ezio in terms of likeability and bad assery... this game. God I love this game.

    submitted by /u/h1bum
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    "Both sides" no longer have a point

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 07:41 PM PST

    Ubisoft kind of lost it. We started of with both sides having a point. Even if you disagreed with it the Templars in the first game could provide a logical explanation how their action benefit everyone in the long term. Then the Ezio trilogy came along and replaced it with a charming band of roguea fighting against unapologeticaly evil bastards. Then we got another decent morally grey story with the Templars were cruel but had some points. Then after that it kind of went in a unsatisfying middle ground where Templars excuse their vile actions with a vague "order" and "greater good". I had absolutely no idea how the Revolutionarie's or the Ancient's actions would work in the long run and they didn't exactly say it either. It was just pointless cruelty with "i did it because only order can bring peace Assassin. We are the same you and i. ". Even when they tried to bring some "both sides" stuff back to the game with Rogue they just switched the sides where now the Templars are the wacky do gooders and the Assassins are just a bunch of deluded thugs.

    submitted by /u/JohnPopeIl
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    Why are 80% of temples restricted?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 07:28 PM PST

    Seriously, I'm touring Athens, want to go see a temple, set a foot in and then the entire city is trying to kill me. Why is this???

    submitted by /u/hellothere564738
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    I can't help but feel relieved that Ubi Quebec are not working on the next AC game.

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 11:12 AM PST

    Origins was such a nice balance of new and old for the franchise which is why I loved it sooo much. But with Odyssey it just felt so alien and strange to me (same as Syndicate which Quebec also worked on). It felt so strange and divided the community so much that I thought about just dropping the franchise because it had lost its charm and instead just felt like a downgraded experience of the Witcher 3.

    However recently I found out that Quebec have their own Greek IP which makes me soooo happy because now Quebec get to do what they want to do and not be forced to make an AC game and us fans can (maybe) finally get a true successor to Origins from a dev team (Montreal) that understands and cares about the franchise.

    Anyone else pumped?

    submitted by /u/UniLoserAnon1
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    A photograph of my AC statues

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 01:23 AM PST

    Where is Ezio's body?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 12:31 PM PST

    Is this ever mentioned or are we to assume it is buried in the family crypt?

    submitted by /u/IronAbsCrabs
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    Fuck the giant and the storm mission in AC3

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 07:10 PM PST

    This mission is far more bullshit than anything I have ever seen in assassin's creed, besides tank mission from brotherhood.

    "Sink all ships by firing on their powder stores"

    Why did they even put this dumb optional objective? Why would Connor ever choose to do this shit the hardest fucking way possible? Does he enjoy pain?

    The mission itself isn't a challenge, it's actually really easy to sink all of ships. But that optional objective is purely rng based, it just can't be done if you aren't lucky.

    They say chainshot the ship and then ram the mast.

    I ram the ship at full sail, the ship sinks.

    I ram it at half sail, ship sinks.

    I ram it at slowest speed and it doesn't sink but it doesn't show powder store sign either, what kind of sorcery am I supposed to perform in order to achieve this?

    Have been repeating this mission for 5 hours.. it's boring, repetitive, takes long time due to Aquila being slowest fucking ship of america. It also takes ages to reload.. I only pity Connor and myself for having to drive this wreck of wood.

    submitted by /u/Baron012
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    When do you think the viking game will be officially announced?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 06:34 PM PST

    Rumoured to be released late this year. Don't ubi usually announce ac titles a few months prior to E3?

    submitted by /u/Phooka12
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    Rogue on the Switch stutter

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 09:23 PM PST

    I just starting playing the rebel collection on the Switch and I noticed whenever Rogue saves it stutters a bit. Is there any known fix?

    submitted by /u/Assloadof12
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    AC Rebel Collection Uplay points question

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 12:01 AM PST

    Do the two games provide enough Uplay points through playing them to unlock every reward? Or do you need additional games linked to your account to make the difference?

    submitted by /u/clappingcheeks6969
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    How does Black Flag differ from AC3?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 02:07 PM PST

    I'm playing through the Assassin's Creed series. I've played through the Ezio collection and I'm almost done with AC3. Contrary to everything that's online, I like AC3 so much more that any of the Ezio games. Could be that the Ezio games felt outdated to me or that I'm a bigger fan of the AC3 time period idk. But yea I liked AC3 much more. The story of Ezio might have been a touch better but literally everything else in 3 is better imo. I just started sequence 9 so no spoilers please.

    Anyway that's not why I posted. I'm wondering what Black Flag adds. Obviously it's ship and ocean based but what features are there that weren't in AC3? For one example from Ezio to AC3, all of the homestead stuff was added.


    submitted by /u/heryea42
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    OPINION: Assassin's Creed is going in the wrong direction when it comes to setting.

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 04:11 AM PST

    Before I say anything else I just want to say that I do not believe that either Origins or Odyssey are bad games, I believe that they are good games which I've poured many hours into. The settings themselves are beautiful and they are a blast to explore, however, I don't agree with the time in which these games are set.

    With Origins, I can slightly give Ubisoft Montreal a pass. It features the formation of the Assassins (or the Hidden Ones but they essentially evolved into the Assassins the same way the Order of the Ancients evolved into the Templars) so it kind of actually has Assassins in it. When they gave us a date on when the Assassins was formed they kind of dug themselves into a hole. Any game now set before Origins, i.e Odyssey, feels like much more of a spin-off rather than a main game in the franchise. I don't understand how they can make an Assassins Creed game that doesn't have Assassins in it.

    I'll be disappointed if we get more ancient settings set before Origins because I still believe there is plenty of different settings that could be amazing. I even think that some protagonists would benefit from a sequel, mainly Bayek, Connor and Arno. Ezio was given three whole games which show his progression throughout most of his life so I don't see why they can't give anyone else a sequel. It doesn't necessarily need to be set in the same place and a previous game, I remember a lot of speculation that Connor might have returned in Unity when we found out that it takes place not long after AC3.

    For a brand new game with a new protagonist, the community for as long as I can remember has been begging for a game set in either feudal China or Japan. We've seen this setting (along with India which is another time period which would make for a great game) in Assassins Creed Chronicles but I do not believe that these games have given their respective settings justice. It just makes sense, we've been neglecting an entire continent filled with history and culture. I am intrigued to find out about other settings set after 49 BC (after Origins) so if you have any ideas please comment them.

    submitted by /u/AfterthoughtCentral
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    I'm having trouble with "Encyclopedia of the Common Man" quest - AC3

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 07:11 PM PST

    I follow the people around but half the time they are just walking around the homestead. Does anyone have a strategy to completing this? Also, is there any way to check what activities I still need to examine? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/heryea42
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    The next generation of consoles should allow Assassins Creed to return to big cities while also having a huge map

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 10:42 PM PST

    I just read the specs of Xbox series X and God damn, it will be powerful, it's safe to assume that the PS5 will be a monster as well, so now that there are no excuses, next Gen AC should give us big cities while also giving us some huge maps, that way we can have the best of both new and old AC, in the big cities, the gameplay should be more stealthy, with dense cities, a lot of places to blend in, social stealth. while in the huge open areas the gameplay should be more like Origins/Odyssey.

    That way both old and new AC fans are happy, Imagine having Imperial Rome reconstructed in a 1:1 scale, and then having, Gaul, Hispania, Judea, North Africa or any other part of the empire as a separate map, with its own towns and fortresses. Or imagine WW2, you are behind enemy lines in Berlin, or maybe Occupied Paris, while also having all of the north of France, Belgium of the Netherlands as part of the map, where you can fight alongside the Allies. Tenochtitlan, and all of Mesoamerica. Tokio, and all the isles of Japan. And the list goes on and on.

    I don't know about you guys but I would love that!

    submitted by /u/andazo122
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    Why is Brotherhood considered the best in the series by some

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 10:19 PM PST

    The story is pretty short and the game is pretty old. Why do people place it higher than Ac2 at certain times?

    submitted by /u/adsonn
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    Beat all AC games in 1 Sitting?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 01:14 PM PST

    I currently just bought all Assasins Creed games. I've beaten AC 2, Revelation, 3, Black flag, Unity and Odessey and i wonder if anyone has ever beaten all the games in 1 sitting? or in 1 Live stream. Cause if not i would try to attempt that being the first. Not 100% completion on all of them cause that would take 1-2k hours. Just get the main story done.

    submitted by /u/Ulol60
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    Syndicate surpassed my expectations

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 02:54 AM PST

    So I saw syndicate is free and I took the chance. After installation the atmosphere gripped me in so hard I can still hear the violin strings in my head. I am a guy who is into history pretty much and man I can tell that living in Victorian London as a commoner sucked so hard. The filth that is shown in the factories with the muddy land and thick layers of smoke really nail the atmosphere. The other thing that made me approciate the game even more are the 2 main antagonists. Jacob and Evie, especially when they are on screen together made me smile every time. Ubisoft nailed their characters really good. Last but not least the brutality of execution animations with the kukri's and cane sword's made me say WOW a lot of times. I am not an AC specialist. Played a few AC games like black flag and revelations and i enjoyed those as well. At last, have a good day. I gotta go to London baby.

    submitted by /u/C3lebrimbor
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    What were your thoughts 100% AC: Rogue?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 05:37 PM PST

    I want to know y'alls thoughts. It's so tedious and repetitive. Especially all the complete 20 achievements.

    submitted by /u/ProfessorWankStank
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    The biggest mistake in ac odyssey

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 01:31 PM PST

    I have put over 60 hours into the game so far and I think that the game is great. The one big problem I have with the game is the cutscenes. Aside from the main missions all of the cutscenes are just kassandra/alexios talking to a person with minimal movement and the camera switching between the 2 heads. After a while all of the dialogue seems the same. In all of the previous games the cutscenes were dynamic and showed the story instead of just talking about it.

    submitted by /u/TheNebulaWolf
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    Why do we never see the Templars lose?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 08:56 AM PST

    In each game, the assassins seem to get rid of a number of Templars and hinder their plans, but in the next game, things are either the same or worse than before.

    I want to see a game where the Templars have been taken down a notch because, in my opinion, what's more scary than a evil organisation of hundreds/thousands of Templars trying to achieve world domination? A group of Templars that are weakened and therefore volatile and dangerous.

    submitted by /u/izzyobro
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