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    Thursday, February 6, 2020

    Assassin's Creed Redrew my take on a shinobi Assassin from a while back.

    Assassin's Creed Redrew my take on a shinobi Assassin from a while back.

    Redrew my take on a shinobi Assassin from a while back.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 05:14 PM PST

    I think I never got to share my Arno Cosplay with you! I made the coat and the waistcoat by myself, with a little bit of help :)

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 05:07 AM PST

    Assassin's Creed Odyssey is a bit... Weird?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 11:21 AM PST

    So, as an RPG the game is quite fun, but it's so weird as an Assassin's Creed game. I mean, how are choices explained? Are you reliving someone else's life or re-creating it? And the Alexios Kassandra stuff, I was level 12 when I figured out Kassandra was the canon character... Why even give me a choice then? I mean, if this game was called "Legends of Greece" or something and it happens in the Assassin's Creed universe (but no Animus), like Watch Dogs, it would have made a lot more sense, at least for me.

    submitted by /u/Laudrian
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    Ubisoft needs to fuck off with the Comics already

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 11:34 AM PST

    Let me give you an analogy.

    Imagine the Marvel movies, right? We all know how they were building up Thanos for the past 10 years with each movie they made, which lead to an epic conclusion with two movies; Infinity War and Endgame.

    Now imagine instead of doing two huge movies about Thanos (aka the villain they have been building up for a decade), they start canon comic books based on the MCU. And from there, they kill off Thanos after two huge volumes of comics instead.

    You see how dumb that is? That is what they've done with Juno in the comics.

    Imagine how much interesting and how good the modern day wouldve been in the past games if they applied it from their comics to the actual games, AKA where their playerbase is? Imagine if we followed Desmond's son, Elijah in killing Juno in an actual AC game?

    I speak for alot of the fans when I say Ubisoft needs to take a hint and realize we don't want comics, we want an actual good modern day. I don't want to play the next AC game and see a random comic book character thrown in there expecting to know them, or a comic book plot point that has found it's way into the next game.

    There are literally some fans who still don't know what happened to Juno right now. Some people dont even know that Desmond has A SON. He should've been the fucking protagonist.

    It didn't help the modern day when Odyssey made Layla so unlikable and shit as a character. Their attempt at making her a villain in the DLC was very weak and nonsensical to the point where it was hilarious.

    Ubisoft, please get your shit together next game. I don't want you to drop the comics entirely, just don't make it as important or more than important than the games are.

    submitted by /u/F3XTerrorKilla
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    Wish Unity had transmog

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 01:11 PM PST

    It would be nice to choose any of the gear pieces, and not have to worry about stats. Similar to odyssey

    submitted by /u/Cubegod69er
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    Hey all! I drew my own take on the Assassins emblem. "Truth is Veiled within Obscurity"

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 11:31 AM PST

    Digital painting of our boi Altair by me (hope the link works)

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 09:28 PM PST

    I enjoyed Odyssey I really did.... But it didn't make me feel the same as the other games, didn't move me in that way.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 03:21 PM PST

    Connors Speech (Connors Speech that was sadly not in the game), Shadias death, the end scene with Bayek and Amunet, Ezio watching his family hang, Altair's death, Ezios death, Mary Reads death, Edward turning Assassin, Ade's death, Haytham and Connor talking about the revolution, Ezio addressing the Assassins in revelations after Tamzin was killed, Ezio meeting Altair's body, Desmond's sacrifice.

    I felt goosebumps in every scene, it's what Ubisoft is good at. But even when I saw the scenes meant to stir emotion in Odyssey I felt empty. It's strange...

    submitted by /u/Witcher797
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    I just hope AC: Vikings will return to the AC gameplay roots...

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 11:47 PM PST

    Social stealth, the old games' combat (Unity is the best I think, it pushes you to be stealthy), maintaining cafes or villas, gadgets, having some Assassins that you can command, and focusing in the Assassin's Creed part of an AC game. The newer games did some few things better like less modern time stories, putting you in action immediately (unlike AC 3's horrible pacing), AC Odyssey's clothing customization, and a large open world map with no loading screens. I hope Vikings will learn from the past games.

    submitted by /u/Calorie_Killer_G
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    Exp glitch ac odyssey

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 10:52 PM PST

    Anyone know if there is a exp glitch or money glitch?

    submitted by /u/Godofblood0101
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    Alpha bear AC odyssey!

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 10:44 PM PST

    Everybody wants to talk about the attack power. Of each of the tamed animals in AC Odyssey. How about the fact that you're tamed animal can pull and hold aggro? I use alpha bear because he's got the most health of any of the animals. I'm not really even worried if he kills anybody!

    submitted by /u/Sully_916
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    I got my Platinum Trophy [ACII] [Ezio Collection]

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 01:21 PM PST

    This will be the second time I have got everything in this game, the first being back on the Xbox 360. Now onto Brotherhood and then Revelations. I fell out of the Assassin's Creed Series after Syndicate, so I thought picking up the Ezio Collection would be a nice call back to the games that made me fall in love with the series.

    I'll be honest the story still holds up, and Florence is still amazing to explore and look at, also the overworld theme for Florence is still brilliant, along with a few others of Jesper Kyd's compositions. But my god the climbing mechanics have not aged well. There have been many times where I wanted Ezio to jump/climb something specific, and he'll end up just going the opposite direction or miss the ledge causing me to lose health or de-synchronise. I'm expecting the same come Brotherhood and Revelations because they ran on the same engine.

    Also playing this game made me remember how annoying Viewpoints are. Why could I not have just went to an Art Merchant and buy a map? That would have been a nice patch to add in.

    Have they removed the Multiplayer for Brotherhood and Revelations? I noticed that there are no longer any Trophies tied to multiplayer, which I'm happy enough with as it makes Platinum'ing these games much easier (aside from the 100% synch all memories but that's for future me to rage at, I still have PTSD from Leonardo's tank mission.) I thought the MP was okay, but I'm a big believer in not having Trophies tied to any MP aspect of a game.

    So how has your experience of the Ezio Collection been? Was it as good as you remember it being? Or for any newcomers to the series could you see why it was highly praised?

    submitted by /u/MartyD14
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    Find Shadya at Origins is the saddest quest i ever saw at AC game

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 03:36 AM PST

    Dunno why but it really made me sad, so emotional.

    Origins is a great game, it makes u feels like u are in Ptolemy Egypt

    submitted by /u/1982mathew
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    I’m having trouble with Origins please help

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 03:39 PM PST

    I have been playing a lot of odyssey lately and decided to pick origins back up and play it again cause I never got into at first, but I am having such a hard time. Every quest is about 3-5 levels above me and when I do a quest one level above me I just keep dying over and over because the enemies hit me one time and that takes away a chunk of my health. In Odyssey I can take on forts with enemies two levels above me and have no issues at all, what am I doing wrong in origins? Also, the combat in origins doesn't feel as smooth as it does in odyssey so maybe that's contributing to the problem.

    Someone please give me some advice as I'm about to return this back to amazon cause I'm not having fun just dying on every quest I attempt to do.

    submitted by /u/xFR0STYYYx
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    What are friends for in Origins?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 05:19 PM PST

    Hi! I'm playing Origins for the first time now and I'm at almost 60% of the game so far and I thought about friends in Uplay.

    It would be fun to have them in my account (which is charlies33, so you're welcome to invite me) since none of my friends play AC:O legally 😁 but I've been wondering what for are they there? There's no multiplayer mode or at least one I know about so what's up with it? Do they help with defeating the Gods or something? I know you can compare your achievements and ingame progress, but is there more?

    submitted by /u/pan_sprout
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    [Lore] Best order for series?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 06:37 PM PST

    I am just getting into the series and Ive only played 4 and Unity. Should I play by release? Is the movie canon? Should I read comics?

    submitted by /u/Bluegunshot1022
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    Assassins creed ezio collection broken

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 03:24 PM PST

    I bought assassins creed ezio collection to relive my childhood and play it all over again but I physically can't. Every single time I load up one of my saves on assassins creed 2 it will freeze and take me back to the dashboard? I play on Xbox and I got the game in disc form please someone help :(

    submitted by /u/TRIGGA75
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    Are the DLCs on the same map? - AC Odyssey

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 05:57 PM PST

    I've been doing a healthy mix of question marks, side quests, and main quests. I'm almost done with all the main stuff in the base game so I'm wondering, will I still be able to do the side quests and question marks while I'm playing the DLCs like I have been with the main quests?

    submitted by /u/heryea42
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    Character customization in the next AC

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 04:10 AM PST

    Just a side note, but Im really hoping they'll let us customize our hair and facial hair in the next game since the vikings had so many badass styles. War paint too

    submitted by /u/solarn7
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    Assassins Creed Odyssey playstation sale

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 12:25 PM PST

    On playstation odyssey is on sale for $25 with seasons pass included. Keep in mind with the season pass you get AC3 remastered with their dlc and Liberation. If you already have odyssey the season pass is on sale for $20. Ends 2/19

    submitted by /u/Batmanick
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    I feel most people would of seen this but for those that haven't. It's a must for any Ac fan.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 03:11 PM PST

    [Minor Spoilers ] A location I’d like to see in Assasin’s Creed,

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 12:02 PM PST

    A location that I think would be pretty cool is Early Medieval and Viking Era Ireland. At the time most of Ireland was split into different regions that were all part of a 'clan' or family, e.g The O'Neills, The O'Rourke's, The O'Donnell's, etc... Ireland also has a lot of beautiful points of interests such as The hill of Tara which is where high kings of Gaelic Ireland would reign from , Newgrange which was actually built before the pyramids, The Giant's Causeway , The Cliffs of Moher and Skellig Island which is an island full of monks and would also work with the era as Vikings had settlements on Skellig Island . The location would work with the story as the next game is rumoured to take place during the Viking era and Vikings had settlements on the coast of Ireland and they have travelled down the longest river in Ireland, The Shannon, which goes all the way to the middle county of Cavan which is how most of inland Ireland got raided . The game could be about you being exiled from your clan and you turn to the creed in attempt to get some meaning in life ( back in those days a lot of people turned to religion to give them a meaning in life after something life-changing happened in their lives and the Assassin's creed is sort of like a religion)and rebelling against the Vikings in Dublin while fighting against other Irish clans. There could also be some other side activities to do such as stealing cattle ( the currency in Gaelic Ireland) from your old clan, hunting for mythical creatures, fishing for the salmon of knowledge, freeing Ireland from Viking Oppressors and having conquest battles thought not as large on odyssey's and searching for treasure. It could also be the origin of the Templars as we know from ac1 that there is a piece of Eden in Scotland which could have been obtained by the Vikings when they were Travelling over to the Ireland from Scotland . One of the first Viking leaders in Ireland, named Thorgest, could be have obtained an apple of Eden and planned to take over Ireland with it. So he creates an order of powerful allies that could help him and he names them the Templars. They travel to Ireland and are successful with taking over Dublin but then the Assassins that had came from Scandinavia hear about this and decided to save Ireland and because they don't want to become mindless slaves. The Viking oppression would end in 902 A.D but then the Vikings come back to take over Ireland again and have settlements on the east coast of Ireland in the province of Leinster. Some of them could find out about the piece of Eden and try to get it for personal gain. The game would tie in nicely with the new game that is rumoured to be in the Viking Era and in my opinion would be a pretty good game.

    submitted by /u/STORM-ivy
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    [DISCUSSION] Finish my Origins Playthrough (SPOILERS!)

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 10:51 AM PST

    Super late on the party. So I bought the Origins/Odyssey bundle pack around last year through Ubisoft Sale but due to my demanding job, never got to play either. And boy did I missed out on a good game.

    I'm not the biggest AC fan out there but as a gamer, this series is in my catalogue. Origins is just the second game I finished from the series, first would be AC3. Got to play the AC, AC2 and Black Flag but never got to completely finish. Watched Chris Smoove play Unity and I wasn't interested anymore until Origins/Odyssey came out.

    Since I have free time now, I played Origins. Clocked in 79 hours and 5 mins with all locations cleared out and of course main story complete. Here are my takeaways:

    1. Origins really felt like a slight overhaul of the series as how reviews said it was when it released. Stealth was still there but felt more of an adventure game. Still fun and enjoyable.
    2. How the Assassins Brotherhood came about was a huge intrigue for me especially since the setting is in Egypt. Story played out itself well albeit personally I felt that Aya started it, Bayek was just the foundation and eventually the pillar in Egypt.
    3. Speaking of Aya, the last mission was a true callback to how AC was when it started. No Senu, minimum weapons, and just straight up blending in the crowd to go for the kill.
    4. Modern day story was limited (which is good), but something I felt didn't have that much meat (unless you read Kayla's files).
    5. Side quest often come as uninspiring. You can tell Ubisoft did try to connect the world with it but actually seeing the Brotherhood operate as side quests would have been much better.

    Glad I've finished it and looking forward to Odyssey. Which if I'm not mistaken is a much longer game.

    TL; DR - I love Origins. Stands on it's own pretty well. Wish it was more of how the Brotherhood started and operated rather than events that lead to it.

    submitted by /u/NY12251990
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