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    Wednesday, February 5, 2020

    Assassin's Creed My take on Assassin’s Creed Cosplay.

    Assassin's Creed My take on Assassin’s Creed Cosplay.

    My take on Assassin’s Creed Cosplay.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 07:50 PM PST

    As a new player, the ending of Brotherhood shocked me. (Spoilers)

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 08:53 AM PST

    From what I've seen, I have an unpopular opinion as I actually enjoy the modern day story. I like Desmond and Lucy, and I genuinely thought a relationship was building between them. Needless to say I was very wrong. I'm guessing the reasons for stabbing Lucy will be in revealed in Revelations, which I happily plan to play next.

    submitted by /u/LevitarDoom
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    Assassin's Creed Armada: An AC set mainly in India, also Portugal and Brazil in the age of exploration.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 04:58 PM PST

    The plot would be something like this:

    The game would start in 1510 with the Invasion of Goa, India, by the Portuguese Armada.

    This is the time where the Portuguese established the first global empire with templar funding like real life, and conquering Goa was the last step.

    With a force commanded by the game's main villain Afonso Albuquerque, the protagonist (P) would take part in this invasion.

    A young soldier still, but a protegee of sorts of Albuquerque, his adopted son in a way, the soldier would take part in a massacre that would go out of control causing far more death than necessary.

    While the political reasons for the conquest were obvious, the true nature of it was to raid the city for Pieces of Eden rumored to be stored by the leader of it.

    Eager to end the battle by killing the city's leader, the protagonist would be the one killing him, only to find out in his enemy's dying words that political aims were not the only goals of the Templars and also witnessing that mercy was not granted.

    Distressed by the massacre, P would find out about the true goal of the empire and the Templars controlling it, deciding to fight the Empire Templars and to find what they truly seek, Isu wise, eventually siding with the assassins in an arc of redemption from a man that was never truly bad, eventually taking him to the mainland and Brazil. Possibly also Africa.

    Main Characters:

    The Protagonist - Kind, joined the Armada because he loves his country but soon finds out how the Templars have manipulating it for centuries, eventually embarking on a quest for redemption after taking part in the massacre of Goa, having to face old Armada friends in the process.

    He has two main goals.

    A collective one, of reducing suffering in the world and a more personal one, to achieve redemption, with the assassins.

    Afonso Albuquerque - one of the greatest generals of all time, he would be the main villain and the true architect of the empire.

    He would be portrayed as a father figure that mentored the protagonist in the Armada.

    Simultaneously, Albuquerque would be portrayed as someone who doesn't think what he is doing is right or justifiable, only necessary.

    In a way, he would feel he would be sacrificing his own morality for the good of the empire and humanity. And to find the piece of eden.

    It is the main character actions that lead him to more cruelty and madness as his plans are defeated progressively.

    He has two goals. Collective and personal, to mirror the protagonist. (read piece of eden part)

    The piece of Eden: The piece would be something that would allow to humans to hack reality like the Isu did, except Albuquerque would want the piece to basically create a parallel virtual world in which his biological son is actually alive (flashbacks would show this better).

    A simulation as we know the AC universe to likely be actually.

    Whether it could be done or not would be answered.

    So, he has two main motives in this game : the expansion of the empire and Templar control for collective purposes.

    And a personal role, achieved by the use of the piece of eden.

    submitted by /u/Brandomd
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    Desmond's son in Assassin's Creed V Ragnarok please ?!

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 10:50 AM PST

    I still don't understand why wasn't Desmond's son Elijah the new modern day protagonist . Ubisoft had stated that origins was a "fresh start " for both the historical sections and the modern day for newcomers but let's get real here . There is no way a newcomer would understand what happened in the modern day of Origins . Like how does the Animus work , what is Abstergo and the significance of William Miles' appearance . Most importantly , if they actually wanted to be newcomer friendly then the protagonist shouldn't be someone who already works for Abstergo and knows all this stuff about the Animus and the secret ongoing war but someone who gets introduced to all this stuff like the newcomers. Don't get me wrong , now that they established Layla as the new protagonist i want to see a conclusion to her story but not using Desmond's son was a wasted opportunity . It would be very interesting to see a sage trying to take control of his mind from Aita , find out about his father's legacy and join the Assassin's Creed . What do you think ?

    submitted by /u/esiokles
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    Re-playing Unity. Now I remember why I skipped most side missions

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 09:29 PM PST

    Don't get me wrong, I actually really enjoy Unity. The parkour may be the best in the series. But there are just so many Paris Stories, Social Club missions, Helix Rifts, Murder Mysteries, etc. etc. I'm replaying the whole series just for enjoyment and to kinda reconnect all the many dots scattered throughout history, but this is stretching my patience. I'm on Sequence 12 Memory 1 and wondering why i don't just finish the game at 50%...

    submitted by /u/TyrantLobe
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    Stealth in Unity seems somewhat... Unfun

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 07:32 PM PST

    So I've recently been trying to get back into this series, I loved AC1-3 but kind of dropped off after Black Flag.

    I picked up Unity and Syndicate for cheap and right off the bat I was frustrated with the stealth in Unity. It seems impossible to not be constantly spotted from every direction by the 5+ guards on the rooftops in every mission. The detection is super inconsistent, enemies will spot me from miles away but other times I'll assassinate their buddy right in front of them and they're unfazed.

    I gave Syndicate a whirl and although the world doesn't seem quite as interesting, the stealth feels 1000 times better. The crouch button actually works for staying hidden. You actually have some leeway to run around and not get spotted. You can actually air assassinate somewhat and not be detected by every guard in a 100 meter radius. Maybe it's a bit too lenient at times, but it's actually fun.

    What exactly am I missing with Unity? I love the world, and the combat is meaty and punishing, but I cannot deal with stealth and the game seems to rely heavily on it.

    submitted by /u/sixty9iner
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    What song should be used for the new AC trailer? Or really fits an "old" trailer?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 08:18 AM PST

    The assassin's creed cinematic trailers have always, in my opinion, been supported by a good choice of music. But what would be a great song for the new trailer or existing trailers?

    I think Ruelle's music would be great for an assassin creed trailer. Songs such as Live Like Legend, Madness or Game of Survival. (Too much good songs to name them all, so here

    What's your recommendation/opinion?

    I'm not quite sure if this fits this subreddit, but we'll see I guess.

    submitted by /u/Nova_Avalon
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    What was your favourite game in the franchise?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 02:58 PM PST

    In my opinion, I think ac3. From the mechanics, soundtrack, story and most of all, Connor! What was your favourite game?

    submitted by /u/Reganchurchiam
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    Is A Desmond Resurrection Being Set Up?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 09:00 AM PST

    So, in Syndicate, we found the Shroud of Eden, which can heal the wearer, and we learned that Abstergo is capable of cloning people. We also know that they still have samples of Desmond's body. Odyssey provided to us the Staff of Hermes, which grants to user long life. Plus, Desmond's father, William, is still around and probably would do anything to get his son back.

    I think it's possible, maybe even likely given how some people feel about the quality of the modern-day storyline right now, that Desmond will be resurrected. What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/brcn3
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    For those of you going for the Greek Hero set.... - AC Odyssey

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 07:21 PM PST

    DON'T DO IT. The armor and the resistance might seem nice (which is why I was drawn to it) but you do NO damage which in turn makes fights way longer. I spent the first half of the game using this set and since I've gotten the Amazon set I completely regretted using the Greek Hero for so long. With the Amazon set I can still take on every person in a fort at once but I've noticed a MAAAAASIVE increase in damage. I put one 20% resistance and armor engraving (which I really don't even need). On top of that you get health per hit with the Amazon set bonus which basically keeps you at full health all the time if you are halfway decent. I'm basically unkillable just like with Greek Hero set but I do way more damage. Take it from someone who has used the Greek Hero for 50 hours.

    submitted by /u/heryea42
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    Potential future game Easter eggs

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 07:09 PM PST

    So in Odyssey, as you start the questline to do the Atlantis DLC. we learn that Kassandra never dies from when she first touches the Staff until she passes it on to Layla and that Kass doesn't spend the entire 2,000+ years in the entrance to Atlantis which means she has been out watching the world pass by. Hopefully, in future games, we can get an easter egg of her as a NPC, quest giver, etc. and see her in future games. For example, since the next game in the series is about Vikings, maybe she is a distant mysterious traveler who has nothing else to her except the look, and is a neat easter egg to see that she was out finding artifact. What do you all think?

    submitted by /u/Shard477
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    What should be the customization and multiplayer style in the new game

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 12:42 PM PST

    I personally really liked unity's customization because you didn't need to renovate stores everything is accessible from the menu and all weapons are unlocked as opposed to other games where certain weapons could only be unlocked as the main story went on

    Also I liked the co op feature of doing separate missions with other people

    submitted by /u/Bolt2025
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    My "Want/Don't Want"? Stop killing kids for drama.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 08:45 AM PST

    It's that time before an anticipated announcement when every game site is publishing their "I hope the next one has more of this / less of that" articles...personally, I always find those to be some one player's likes/dislikes, and we all have different ones: more naval combat! Bring back multiplayer! Kill the present day storyline or pay more attention to it...I'm just another player with his preferences.

    But it's AC's stories that have always drawn me in, and I hope someone on their writing team voiced the same complaint I have about the last two games: they have leaned heavily on murdering children for dramatic effect. Yes, I realize such things happened throughout history, and even that this is meant to highlight one of the differences between the player and the "bad guys". But it's lazy writing: for lack of developing a real relationship between the player and other adult characters to raise the stakes, they throw in an adorable innocent as a shortcut to your heartstrings, and then "fridge" them ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women_in_Refrigerators).

    Since they seem to be going the same "choose your gender" route on the next one, maybe they will make the relationship between those characters more meaningful (the sibling connection in Syndicate was pretty meh, and made little sense in Odyssey). Husband/wife, parent/(grown) child, student/mentor...even if tragedy is inevitable, I'd like to get invested into it by way of good writing and not cliche manipulation.

    Psyched to see news soon either way.

    submitted by /u/iamlevendis
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    AC:Odyssey - Any way to turn off the little screen blur effect thing when entering combat?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 08:48 PM PST

    Does my head in, just wanna stab stuff tbh

    submitted by /u/50cslol
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    Was Leonardo's sexuality ever explicitly discussed in 2 or Brotherhood?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 07:27 PM PST

    I played through 1, 2, and Brotherhood over the course of one summer before Revelations came out, so there stories were very foggy in my memory.

    I recently listened to the audiobooks for Renaissance, Brotherhood, Secret Crusade, and Revelations (which correspond to all of the Ezio trilogy, Embers, 1, and the PSP game).

    In the audiobooks, it was explicitly said that Leonardo was gay. I don't recall it ever being explicitly said in the games (but instead it was hinted or implied). Am I misremembering?

    submitted by /u/leftisthominid
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    Just bought AC Blackflag and Syndicate because of ps4 sales

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 11:44 AM PST

    Am i wrong if i say blackflag is much better than syndicate? I've finished Blackflag two times already and i just can't get myself to finish syndicate

    Characters suck (especially Jacob), story sucks, Gameplay is clunky and inferior to Unity. The story of Syndicate feels dull and rushed. It's the "siblings not getting along" cliche and it's one of those games where I can correctly predict what will happen next and there's nothing to hook me into the story.

    The combat system feels like a match of Rockem Sockem robots, except I'm the one mashing buttons and there are several other people taking turns hitting me. In BF atleast the fight animation looks good and feels fluid

    submitted by /u/djarumblacc
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    Just saw AC:Revelations trailer again after a couple of years and it made me realize what ezio says.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 03:29 PM PST

    "Ah, I am weary of his fight, Claudia. Not because I am tired, but because our struggle seems to move in one direction only...towards chaos. Today I have more questions than answers. This is why I have to come so far: To find clarity...To find the wisdom left behind by the great Altaïr, so that I may better understand the purpose of our fight, and my place in it."

    Not a hater of Odyssey but I'm one of those that think it's a good game but not exactly a good AC game. I grew up with the old ones and while I do like the current ones it's not AC in it's prime. So with that out of the way. I think AC Odyssey showed that it's now "order vs chaos" and that's kinda why I'm not a big fan of it atm but as Ezio says it only leaves more questions than answers. But that's also a part of the reason I stick with the franchise to see what will happen and if things will ever move forward with the modern day story because that's the real AC story(or that's what it's supposed to be at least). Even though chances are slim I want to see more classic AC stuff, no OP "hero", no one man army. What we basically have now is everything what an assassin shouldn't be.

    I thought origins was a good one though because it led to the formation of the hidden ones who later became assassins but Odyssey didn't really add anything to the overall story,just more questions as I mentioned above. The hidden ones DLC did add the "stay your blade from the flesh of an innocent" and their name "the hidden ones" should hopefully mean that their second tenet is taken literally. I'd really like to see more of the hidden in plain sight with social stealth becoming a thing once again and that you can become a real assassin hiding in plain sight and not just an invisibility ability. Hope the next AC game will fix many of these things, especially if it really is the viking era as we should then be at between year 700-1000.

    I usually don't make long posts like this and became a lot longer than I thought it would be at first.

    Oh and I think the first AC up until Unity also grasped another theme some newer hasn't done: wisdom.

    submitted by /u/beach_boy91
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    No discovery pop up for Lesbos? - AC Odyssey

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 07:02 PM PST

    For every other region/island I've been to, I've had a pop up when I first get there like "you've discovered Makodamia: the start of an empire" (or something like that) but I didnt get anything when I landed in Lesbos. I'm pretty sure it's not game breaking or anything. Just a strange bug I guess?

    submitted by /u/heryea42
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    In the assassin's Creed oddsessy Canon does Kassandra let the family go or does she let the priest kill them?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 06:21 PM PST

    I have been wondering this for a while so I can do a 100 percent Canon but I have not seen the novel. So what did Kassandra do?

    submitted by /u/lost_lottery
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    Who is your favorite assassin?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 06:17 PM PST

    Personally mine is a tie between ezio and Shay so who is your favorite?

    submitted by /u/imprettyguyforawhite
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    New player to the series - DLC question

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 04:20 AM PST

    Hi there.

    While I"m not a new gamer, I just started playing AC series. I was always aware of the popularity of the series and they were always on my radar, but I never got the time or determination to really start the series in a serious way. Until recently.

    I always tried to start with the first game, but the graphics, animations, etc, they never appealed to me and I always dropped the game. This time I totally skipped and started with AC2 and my god, what a difference.

    I have all the "main" games on Uplay (PC Gamer here), but most of them are just barebones, the normal editions. My question is, how important are the DLC's to the story and also how fun.

    What I miss are the Season Pass for Odyssey, Black Flag, Syndicate and Origins. While Odyssey is totally on my radar and as soon as I see a good deal I"m gonna get it, do you recommend the others too?

    Very excited to finally click with the series :) I think I have my gaming schedule sorted for this year, haha.

    submitted by /u/TheVisionBleak
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    AC odyssey- [spoiler] weird story progression in the DLC's

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 11:48 AM PST

    i really enjoyed the DLC's but any1 else feel like there is a really weird story progression in some of the DLC?

    in the first DLC you go from meeting a guy in the middle of bloody nowhere to starting a family with him? talk about going fast. didn't feel 100% right with me and felt out-of-character for the MC. i felt like the MC had much much more to do before actually trying to settle down.

    then in the second DLC; what your deeds are actually meant to accomplish and the broader connection between those quests is up in the air most of the time. while i enjoyed the fact that it felt like i had meaningfull decisions, the broader meaning and purpose of the DLC's main quests was completely lost to me. one time you are helping the queen retrieve a horse to endear yourself to her the next moment you talk about how bad she is to the queen's jealous friend and go save a preacher. at the end you have the chance to oust the jealous friend and possibly earn yourself a trip to the underworld, but no you are forced into the rebellion route no matter what... that felt really shitty considering all the bloody time i spent pleasing her and hermes... like why are we even doing this shit for her if we are going to go fight her nonetheless?

    then in atlantis you first act the goody two shoes solving atlantis' problems and helping a just and kind ruler govern his glorious city. But the next moment you and poseidon are all like "atlantis is really really bad, and must be destroyed". which just seems like a really really bad idea considering the only especially bad elements are just 2 ppl and poseidon has to power of body and thought control of isu and humans alike...

    submitted by /u/fabiaville
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    Ship crew after completing the family quest line - AC Odyssey (SPOILER)

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 01:56 PM PST

    I beat the family quest line and now I have my family as my crew. I'm just wondering, do they ever say anything? I know normally your crew doesnt but I would thing they would since they are main characters of the game.

    submitted by /u/heryea42
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    Assassin's Creed Brotherhood multiplayer come play

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 11:40 AM PST

    Me and this other person has been waiting forever come save us! Lets play

    submitted by /u/welldont
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