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    Wednesday, February 12, 2020

    Assassin's Creed I finished AC Origins after 145hrs of gameplay and loved & enjoyed every second, Thanks UBI for the masterpiece

    Assassin's Creed I finished AC Origins after 145hrs of gameplay and loved & enjoyed every second, Thanks UBI for the masterpiece

    I finished AC Origins after 145hrs of gameplay and loved & enjoyed every second, Thanks UBI for the masterpiece

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 07:09 PM PST

    'The Brand' - An Assassin's Creed Story

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 10:47 AM PST

    The Assassin's Creed brand is horribly mismanaged.

    If one were to pay attention to only official English language channels (twitter, facebook), one would never know that Assassin's Creed: Gold; the audio drama announced last year is coming out in less than a month.

    One would never know that the graphic novel Assassin's Creed Bloodstone exists, much less that the second part releases in English this year. (Though if one were so inclined, one might have found spoilers to the the story completely because it has been out in French since last year)

    One might have played Odyssey, but if one read the modern day emails one might have been confused as to what happened with Juno (the villain from two games prior) and who all the people mentioned in the emails are. One would not be remiss to wonder this given that that came all from a then on-going comic series whose last few issues never even received physical releases and were rarely advertised.

    One might not know either, that an adaptation of Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China is currently ongoing as Assassin's Creed: China, a manga serialised in Sunday GX. This manga has no date for a non-Japanese language release.

    One might know, but not know know, that Adi Shankar, showrunner for the Nexflix Castlevania series, has been on board to showrun an Assassin's Creed series for far longer, and the series has been stuck in limbo for ages.

    One would also be cought completely unawares by the continued production of Triton Noir's Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood of Venice, a complex, canon board game that was kickstarted and is still in development, which receives updates on the regular

    Above those, one might have missed the multitude of stand-alone novels from multiple authors and genres, from the Young Adult series, The Fate of the Gods, to Christine Golden's Heresy-Assassin's Creed duology that expands and adapts the movie to fit the world of the series more appropriately while also telling great stories in their own rights.

    One wouldn't know any of these, if one didn't follow sites like Access the Animus, who actually put in more legwork for advertisement than Ubisoft does.

    That's the state of the "The Brand". Community managers and representatives and outreach programs can only do so much, when "the brand" itself is so unknowable to the average enthusiast.

    submitted by /u/Zero-ELEC
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    Assassin's Creed Cinematic Trailer

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 01:45 PM PST

    I really hope the next Assassin's Creed game is shown via a cinematic trailer unlike Odyssey.

    Since 2007, cinematic trailers for Assassin's Creed are something I've always looked forward to with each release and it was disappointing to see that Ubisoft didn't make one for Odyssey.

    submitted by /u/TheNerdWonder
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    Why do Spanish and British ships still fight in AC4: Black Flag?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 01:23 PM PST

    I frequently see Spanish and British ships fighting each other, despite the fact that the War of the Spanish Succession was over during the game's setting. Why are they fighting? Or are these fighting ships just loose privateers sent out to bully their rivals?

    Btw I love this game it's the fifth time I've returned to it and my first time playing on pc and it's great

    submitted by /u/Ramone252
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    Would you guys be interested in an "Assassin civil war" type scenario in a game?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 01:42 PM PST

    We start in a period where the Assassins are decadent and immoral, and you start a new faction with the idea of returning it back to it's former self.

    submitted by /u/SighingLion
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    Replaying the games for my fiancée: Part 3 - Assassin's Creed III

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 06:12 AM PST

    Links to previous posts:

    Part 1: https://www.reddit.com/r/assassinscreed/comments/evo4le/replaying_the_games_for_my_fianc%C3%A9e_part_1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x

    Part 2: https://www.reddit.com/r/assassinscreed/comments/eyanvo/replaying_the_games_for_my_fiancée_part_2_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x

    Going into Assassin's Creed III, I was both hesitant and excited. When I was younger, AC3 was my favorite in the franchise. There was something about how grey the world was, heroes and villains on both sides of the conflict and seeing Connor trying to maintain his morals and beliefs in a world where such absolution wasn't practical.

    I wasn't too privy to read online reviews of the game, so many of the criticisms that people had about this title I never really experienced. The slow start? It felt more like a period piece, taking me across multiple decades. I absolutely loved playing as Haytham and seeing how the colonies were slowly establishing (and the eventual duality that would be mirrored with Connor). Playing as young Connor and seeing what he and his tribe endured was highly intriguing. For me, Assassin's Creed was always a story first. I love the gameplay, don't get me wrong. Stealthing through the bushes, leaping from tree top to tree top and making use of all the tools at my disposal was great fun and a total power fantasy for something I could never achieve, but the driving force moving me forward was the story and this title gripped me from beginning to end.

    For me fiancee, as this was her first experience with the AC3, she had mixed feelings. She enjoyed the setting and the period piece aspect of the game, but often remarked that she missed Ezio and the feel of those games. While she fully understood and appreciated why Assassin's Creed III was darker in tone and less "fun", it was harder for her to binge watch. "Draining" was a word she used. I never really thought of it that way but I couldn't argue that fact. AC3 is a heavy story. Connor watches everyone who ever meant anything to him die, he drives all of his energy at taking out Charles Lee and seems to just being doing the best he can in a world gone mad. I see AC3 as more of a grand scale tragedy and less of an epic like the Ezio trilogy.

    We both agreed that we liked Connor and attributed his characteristics and mannerisms to reflecting stoicism, most likely jaded by his mother's death and the fact that he never really had much of an upbringing. He has trouble expressing emotions, aside from anger and frustration. But he shows a kind heart and a capacity to care, as evidenced by the homestead missions. And in the end, he finds understanding. I love the cut epilogue speech by Connor, recognizing that he was too bull-headed about the assassin's and that his father had a point, but he still wouldn't give up trying to do the right thing.

    And speaking of his father, Haytham is easily my favorite Templar and favorite side character in the entire Assassin's Creed universe. The first time I heard his speech on the rooftops with Connor about the Continental Congress, I remember thinking "Dang... he's got a point". And younger Haytham shows the good that could come from the Templars, even being disgusted at the actions of those who abuse their power like Braddock. Watching him go from idealistic Templar and then fall from grace in his last years was great, as if showing Connor this is what could happen to him.

    My fiancee's consensus upon completion? AC3 was a good game, great in parts. It does come with a different tone, a different message and "Wow, they just killed him off!" ending and it may not be for everyone. Whereas the Ezio trilogy is inspiring and hopeful, AC3 is thought-provoking and tragic. She does feel Connor deserves another game, a chance to see him as an adult, more fleshed out and wiser.

    It wasn't a happy ending, for anyone, but it was a compelling story watching a young man do his best with what he knew in a world that was far over his head. Honestly, that last sentence may be why this game spoke so much to me as a young adult and why it'll always be special.

    Up next, Black Flag!

    submitted by /u/Longsword007
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    The potential announcement of the new AC

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 06:05 PM PST

    Given that the rumors and leaks have been practically proven false, do any of you people think AC will be announced this month?

    submitted by /u/No_arm64
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    AC Syndicate Other Twin as AI Companion

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 11:07 PM PST

    Aside from the probably large technical issue that it would pose, was there ever an explanation why your twin didn't accompany you (as in controlled by an AI) whenever you explore or do missions and stuff as the other twin? Like whenever you are Evie, Jacob would still be following you around as an AI companion and if you ever switch to Jacob, the camera would just move or something and then the AI takes over Evie.

    Narratively, you can head-canon that as the other twin doing other things at the moment while you control the other but then the switching of the controlled twin makes it so they occupy the same space as the previous one. That is technically simple but very jarring. Thoughts?

    P.S. I've only just started AC Syndicate. I don't know if this ever happens at any point in the game.

    submitted by /u/wagmainis
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    Barnabas is like the shuffle on my iPod. No matter how many times I request a new song I end up hearing the same shit I heard 2 minutes ago.

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 04:04 AM PST

    "Another one!" He shouts, only for it to be the same song from a moment ago.

    submitted by /u/Ali_6950
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    Do fire damage and poison damage stack together?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 08:13 PM PST

    If I use my flaming weapon ability on a weapon while I've got Arachnes Stingers equipped do the fire damage and poison damage combine?

    submitted by /u/ArriflexStock
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    AC: Odyssey: After reaching level 60, nightmare mode is not a challenge anymore.

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 07:21 PM PST

    I have played a lot of RTS and RPG games since the age of 7 (Red alert 2 is the best RTS btw). From Elder Scrolls, Assassin's Creed, Tomb Raider and many more, I played reading and understanding 'builds' and play styles that can make my character stronger. I started playing Odyssey in hard mode because I said to myself "why not? how hard can it be?" and leveled up til reaching lvl40. I made Kassandra a warrior since I favor the axe and spear more than swords and daggers. Reaching around level 45, I switched to nightmare mode and tried to challenge myself. It was hard and challenging at first but then Kassandra got stronger and more versatile (I died to a chicken more than once though). After reaching lvl 60, I kind of got 'too strong' now. Level 62 mercenary? Just press R. Now I'm using the engraving that makes Kassandra receive more damage. I hope in the next game, they dont stop giving engravings that can make my character weaker.

    submitted by /u/PandaGirlKaede
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    If you were a assassin in the creed, what time frame would you operate in and why?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 07:18 PM PST

    I would personally go with WW2 I think would be a cool time dashing through the eastern front with a pistol and a hidden blade and you could take out a whole trench by urself. My second would be either during Assassins creed Odysseuy because Ancient Greek would be amazing or During Julius Caesar's Reign. What about you guys?

    submitted by /u/absorbwarrior
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    I'm not sure if I finished the story or not

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 04:05 PM PST

    Does the main story end when I kill all the cultist or does it continue.. I just killed all of them and upgraded my spear fully

    submitted by /u/DarkFire422
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    Assassin's Creed 4 Uplay PS4

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 03:38 PM PST

    I want to get Edward the legend outfit but when I launch Uplay it goes to the website with the normal background of recent games and says get more from your games, I can't do anything else on the page. does it take extremely long to load or just not work?

    submitted by /u/yukadfsa
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    The evolution of Assassin's Creed questions

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 03:04 PM PST

    I played Odyssey and it was amazing so I'm playing through the whole series (besides AC1). I'm just curious about how the games progress. I played AC2 and it was really good considering it is a decade old. But it was a bit repetitive still. And the world was a bit mundane with every location being similar to me. Obviously the games won't be as wide open or beautiful as Odyssey. But when will the worlds not be "bland" for lack of a better term. And when will they start opening up a bit? Meaning not just "go assassinate this guy". Regaurdless I'm going to play them, I'm just curious.

    submitted by /u/heryea42
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    What should be included in an Assassin's Creed 2 remake?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 02:31 PM PST

    I'm talking about a complete, made from scratch recreation of Assassin's creed 2. Not simply a port with slightly better graphics/resolution, etc. Personally I'd love to see combat be more in line with newer games(as as Unity for example), and a generally more customizable Ezio, perhaps even some weapons we never got to use originally such as a bow and arrow and heavy two handed weapons.

    What would you want to see implemented?
    (should also keep in mind, this will probably never happen, or at the very least have a very little chance of happening. So this is more of a thought experiment.)

    submitted by /u/TRedRandom
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    What would be the best option for the next games setting

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 04:21 AM PST

    For me it's the Scottish wars of independence I want japan but I don't see that happening so this is a great one

    You could work alongside William Wallace to try and liberate Scotland while working to assassinate the Templars in the English empire and you could have all of Scotland and part of England to explore

    I feel as if keep origins style gameplay and keep it grounded if they want a giant monster keep it as a hallucination

    submitted by /u/rdr2fan287
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    Where is the best spot to money farm in AC Origins?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 04:45 AM PST

    So I've finished AC Origins about a week ago and I wanted to max upgrade Bayek and some of the weapons but I noticed that it's very difficult to find a good spot to farm.

    submitted by /u/kcrooow
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    Assassins creed odyssey 100%

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 10:52 AM PST

    I'm currently playing odyssey. And I'm going for 100%. Can you see in game how far your progression is. So I know when I completed the game.

    submitted by /u/denathan123
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    AC:Rogue was my second worse AC game.

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 07:15 PM PST

    *Edited auto correct * Now, I've been completing every assassin's creed game to platinum. By far the worst (and longest) to get platinum is Rogue. My first 15 hours was collectables. Then some of them were blocked off because of the shrapnel grenade, and by far, the second worst story I've played in this franchise so far (better than liberation). And after 23 hours I'm dropping this game. As for my final say on this game the graphics were good, story mediocre, gameplay a little better than BF, ship battle Riped straight from BF. And what turn me off worse than all the POINTLESS collectables was Shay's reasons for leaving the Assassin's. Thank you for reading my post I love y'all very much!

    submitted by /u/TimeBreakerBaba
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