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    Friday, February 7, 2020

    Assassin's Creed HQ Version of Ezio

    Assassin's Creed HQ Version of Ezio

    HQ Version of Ezio

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 07:52 PM PST

    HQ Version of Ezio

    I was curious how a modern version of ezio would look like. Since a remake will probably never happen I decided to rip some models and do this. What are your thoughts?


    submitted by /u/MedaFighterCross
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    Assassin Creed Unity’s Depiction of people who can’t whistle

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 05:10 AM PST

    When I bought my copy of assassin creed unity I did not expect it to depict a man who suffers the deliberating condition of not being able to whistle. I'm not able to whistle myself so I identify with this assassin's plight. Though I can't identify with the way he solves his problem. Other stealth games have other solutions to solve your character's inability to whistle. One example is the Deus ex series where they let you throw boxes and shoot silenced weaponry near them to slowly draw your enemy to where you want them to be before whacking them. Some other games like Watch Dogs let you set off distractions so you can sneak up to your enemy.

    Aron's solution to not being able to whistle is cherry bombs. Yes cherry bombs. These bombs barely work half the time due to your enemies not being able to see or here them. You can't even use them while hiding so they are even harder to use when they do work. Arno's other solution is shooting a flintlock to draw his enemies closer, the problem is that he gets seen most of the time doing this and it's really loud so everyone in a mile radius hears it and knows that Arno is the only assassin who can't whistle.

    Human shield enthusiasts may also be saddened by the depiction of a assassin who doesn't know how to grab someone to protect them from bullets. Yes for some reason a person in a time period of history where guns where quite common somehow doesn't know any way to avoid being shot from said guns. In fact Arno barely has any useful abilities and he is probably the most inefficient assassin in the whole series.

    In conclusion I think that Assassins creed unity doesn't depict people who can't whistle in a respectful manner. A person who couldn't whistle would be able to find other ways to draw people closer, but Unity's protagonist is too stupid to see any other way other then cherry bombs.

    submitted by /u/Rebel_Spy
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    A New Assasin's Creed has been confirmed to be releasing somewhere between April 2020 and March 2021

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 12:07 PM PST

    Continuation of the Connor/Shay/Arno storyline

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 01:32 PM PST

    I'm still upset by AC moving away from the storyline set up between AC3, AC4, Rogue, and Unity. Why was there almost no crossover between the main characters (Connor, Shay, and Arno) seeing as they were all active around the same time.

    submitted by /u/DaCookies747
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    Here’s my little story of how AC III broke my body posture in real life...

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 11:02 PM PST

    Just wanted to share this to everyone. I'm replaying AC III right now and I'm in love with it more compared to my first play through on my slow laptop years and hears ago. Back then, I noticed how weird Connor and Desmond's walking animations are. I know they share the same walking animations, but there's something about it that's off. It's like there's someone sitting on one side of his shoulder which makes his shoulders slanted. Young me thought it was cool, it's like Connors is always ready to pounce on something. So one day, I made it a habit to walk like that for the rest of my high school years. Bad news is that as I grew older, I've fully implemented Connor's walking animations to my life. People noticed it and they kept telling me that I look weird. In the words of Connors himself: "What would you propose me do?" I asked that kind of question once and got the simple answer of: "Change your posture." And so... trying to change it now: straight body, chin up and all. But as a 23 years old guy, changing posture is hard. From time to time my body will just reset into Connor's walking animations and it's annoying. Anyways, that's how my young self FU my posture because I thought it was cool.

    submitted by /u/Calorie_Killer_G
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    If legacy outfits return in next AC, I hope we get master assassin outfits for Arno and Jacob.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 10:03 PM PST

    It may be just me, but their master assassin outfits look so much better than their standard outfit on the cover.

    submitted by /u/Baron012
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    [Odyssey] Fire Resistance, Poison Resistance Legendary Engravings

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 12:37 AM PST

    I've got access to two legendary engravings, +40% Fire Resistance and +40% Poison Resistance, both available for torso armor. But I can't figure out what item unlocked these engravings for me.

    Does anybody know where these two engravings come from?

    Second question: my tank build with the Greek Heroes Set hits 105% Melee Resistance, 105% Ranged Resistance, and 85% Elemental Resistance. I could replace the +20% Elemental Resistance engraving on my Jason's Golden Fleece with either +40% Fire or +40% Poison Resistance to reach 105% resistance to one of the two elemental damage types, at the cost of dropping to 65% resistance to the other type. Would that be worth doing, and if so, is one of the two damage types notably more common to come from enemies?

    Edit: Hmm, I just tried putting the +40% Fire Resistance on my Fleece, and now the stat display screen says I have 100% Elemental Resistance...

    submitted by /u/Lithl
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    Why hasn’t there been an AC1 remaster yet!?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 12:57 AM PST

    Why the hell hasn't there been an Assassin's Creed1 remaster yet!? They've done every other game from the 360 era. We've even had liberation upcycled about 3000 times. Where's Assassin's Creed 1! That game was fucking epic.

    submitted by /u/superslug6
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    What is up with Odyssey Conquest Battles

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 04:00 PM PST

    You don't regenerate health. 4 hits and you're dead. If someone fights you, the camera stays focused on them and you can't look away. Every archer is only out to kill you.

    I'm playing on normal but the controls make it way more difficult.

    submitted by /u/nosimaj0219
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    This is it my fellow assassins, every game from now on will be like Odyssey, and I don't know how to feel about it...

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 10:05 PM PST

    AC Origins: Why there's only 4 Legacy Outfits?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 09:20 PM PST

    I started playing AC Origins about a month ago and I was wondering why there's only 4 Legacy Outfits in the game?

    submitted by /u/kcrooow
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    Just got assassins creed rogue remastered , is it good?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 11:06 AM PST

    It's just what the title says

    submitted by /u/Reganchurchiam
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    A few questions in regards to black flag's multiplayer

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 11:01 AM PST

    So i am playing the MP and get my ass handed to me like crazy. Mainly because most people left are high level players but I also do not understand certain mechanics.

    1. How do people rack up crazy high points for kills? My kills always give me 100 or 150 points, but some just do nothing but sprint at me and kill me for 900 points.

    2. Can you counter as a defender? I noticed that I am never able to counter someone and get killed quite a lot while I still stun them

    3. How can I make sure people do not counter me? Sometimes I feel like I do suprise them and they had 0 clue I was standing near them, but still manage to counter my stun.

    4. Any tips on how to blend in with the NPCs?

    submitted by /u/vorkot3
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    I really, really hope AC Vikings have dense cities

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 08:15 PM PST

    I have already accepted the chance that this AC Vikings could have the less appealing architecture since AC3, with wooden little huts, and nothing more (big ass medieval Castles and beautiful Gothic cathedrals where not a thing yet) those little wooden huts should make a little dense city, I think Odyssey lost a lot of inmersion because the houses are far away, cities in antiquity (with the exception of Hellenistic and Roman cities) had no urbanistic plans, they built one house right beside the other, there was no big ass roads like the ones we had in Athens or Corinth. So in this next AC. They should make a dense city without order and with a lot of little roads, that way the world feels more alive and more beautiful. What do you think??

    submitted by /u/andazo122
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    [Spoiler] AC Odyssey Atlantis DLC question.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 02:04 PM PST

    When first going into Atlantis, it focuses on Kassandra's bloody hand. Why is her hand bloody?

    In the "flashback" as Deimos, it shows him beating that guy to death and having a bloody hand, along with Layla as she was experiencing it.

    How would this bloody hand make its way to Kassandra?

    submitted by /u/henry_the_cat
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    Stink Eye trophy - AC Odyssey

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 07:46 PM PST

    This is the only trophy I need to platinum. I've completed the entire game. Please tell me I can still just go back to Kephallonia and get it. Or do I have to start a new game and basically play the intro again?

    submitted by /u/heryea42
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    The good old days.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 12:31 AM PST

    Lvl up ac origins

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 07:29 PM PST

    Whats the fastest way to lvl up in game

    submitted by /u/UlfurGaming
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    Black Flag Multiplayer Mode

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 06:32 PM PST

    Is the multiplayer mode still active? I've been thinking about revisiting it and getting the rest of the achievements in the game.

    submitted by /u/whatever1639
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    Anyone have a video on present day templar vs assassins story?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 05:20 PM PST

    I havent found any videos on the Templar V Assassins present day story. If anyone has a link it would be appriciated.

    submitted by /u/CircleOfGod
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    Can't Find The Challenges in ACIII

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 12:39 PM PST

    After you are told to seek out the Creed and leave your home I saw a list of challenges pop up for a second and got the achievement be invited to a club. But I can't find the list of challenges I saw anywhere. If anyone can help it would be much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/ProfessorWankStank
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    What's the best way possible to power level in Odyssey?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 04:01 PM PST

    I'm lvl 54 and on the mission to confront the traitor king of Sparta when I read the max level is 99. I would like to get to max level before finishing the game and moving on to dlc so I can be as powerful as a can be and enjoy my max level builds.

    I don't have any xp boosters purchased, nor will I purchase them (besides the Ubisoft club 2h boost if I can find a way to "cheese" a bunch of xp fast). It seems that the fastest xp is to fast travel to every town with a notice board and get every contract I can, as those are worth 100k each. But this takes so much time staring at load screens that I can't bring myself to do it. Anyone know a good strategy to getting a ton of xp fast?

    submitted by /u/AgentDieselMusk
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