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    Tuesday, January 14, 2020

    Assassin's Creed "Odyssey has no grind because I did every side-quest before the main story!" is a bad argument and I hate to see it

    Assassin's Creed "Odyssey has no grind because I did every side-quest before the main story!" is a bad argument and I hate to see it

    "Odyssey has no grind because I did every side-quest before the main story!" is a bad argument and I hate to see it

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 09:07 AM PST

    No, lady, I will not get your husband magical viagra. No, dude, I won't dude your scammy trials. No, little girl, I don't give a shit about your clay friends.

    There is a cult to destroy, a war to win and a sunken city to discover.

    I don't want to waste my time with irrelevant shit for the main story. I would rather do that after finishing the main story to have some post-game content and avoid that "void" in your heart after finishing a game. So, yes, it is pretty annoying having to level up 5 levels to do a certain mission and to not get absolutely destroyed even in "Easy" because the human beings in this game can take a lot of punishment without any consequences and having all this people saying "It's not a problem. I did every side-quest and it was all fine!". Good for you, champ! I'm happy you had fun but your "fun" isn't the same as my "fun". Why do I have to submit myself to your idea of "fun"? "Then why are you playing? Why don't you play something else?" Because it wasn't like this before! In Syndicate, I could go to a level 10 area while being level 1 and still assassinate everybody because that was the game rewarding me for taking risk and going stealthly. In Odyssey, you're not rewarded for taking risks, you get fucked in the ass with no lube. "Do you want to do the Olympics or go to Beotia?" Guess I'll have to be a good little soldier and go to the Olympics first because that's what the game wants me to do. It's funny, considering this series was all about free will and stuff.

    In conclusion, "Odyssey has no grind because I did every side-quest before the main story!" is a bad argument and I hate to see it.

    Edit: There are way too many replies to answer now so I'm sorry if don't answer you. For the people that engaged in this discussion, either with the same opinion or different, thanks. To the people I directly answered, I tried to be civil and you did too. It's good to have a discussion that doesn't get too heated. Thank you all!

    Edit 2: I don't hate this game. I have made 3 playthroughs, acquired all trophies and bought all DLCs. If I complain it's because I care.

    submitted by /u/DariusStrada
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    The thing I enjoyed the most about AC Unity was how the enemies could not do parkour.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 01:58 PM PST

    I always found it immersion breaking how in many of the games in the series, the enemy npc's could come chasing after you running up a building, or deftly jump down from the rooftops after you lose them. This isn't the case in AC Unity. Not only were rooftop guards very rare, enemies couldn't chase Arno once he went vertical either. My favorite action in the game was running up to a radical revolutionary and assassinating them in front of some guards, then dropping a smoke bomb and either diving into a building or scurrying up to the rooftops to lose them. It was immensely satisfying and probably one of my favorite actions to do in the AC series.

    With the new AC coming up soon, I'm hoping to see a return to this kind of gameplay. A "blade in the crowd" who's best skill when confronted with a bunch of enemies is to run away in an unchasable manner, not slaughter everyone in sight.

    submitted by /u/flameheadthrower1
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    AC Unity appreciation post

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 08:26 PM PST

    Despite having the sloppiest release ever, I think Ubisoft managed to somewhat fix this game. Well at least it's playable now. I recently picked it up and been playing it since that day. I feel like this game rekindled my love for the franchise. I love the city, the weapons, the parkour is kinda smooth -although I dont like the fact that we can't jump from a ledge that we are holding onto to a ledge that is behind us- and so far, the questline's had me hooked up to it. The experience has been pretty rejuvenating and fresh overall.

    submitted by /u/lordadewan
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    What is your favourite Soundtrack?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 10:04 PM PST

    Mine is definitely Origins, i absolutely love the theme. But Brian Tyler's Black Flag is also very very good. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/seba_0502
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    Assasins Creed set during the spanish conquest of america

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 08:24 PM PST

    A game set during this time with the same care put into Origins and Odyssey would be amazing.

    The game could follow the story of a Assassin sent to stop Columbus ( a know templar ) conquest of america, and how he trains a new assasin in a young Aztec warrior to help him with his mission I feel the Aztec culture would lend it self great for some amazing set pieces and missions, I would also love to see Aztec gods get the same treatment as Egiptian & Greek gods. I feel like we never have seen that in a major AAA game.

    submitted by /u/Tezcatlicejas
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    Another game where you are Templar.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 04:06 PM PST

    Am I the only one who would like a game where you handle the Templars by destroying the murderers? How would you like it to be, ideas? Yes, I know what it is (assassin's creed rogue) But that was a story of changing sides.

    submitted by /u/Pakejo
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    Would anyone be interested in seeing the Assassins Creed series being rebooted?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 11:37 PM PST

    With the lore and modern day story such an incoherent mess at the moment, would anyone be interested in seeing a potential reboot of the franchise? If so, what kind of features/ story ideas would you like to see?

    submitted by /u/dipterathefly
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    We need the sane amount of care they put in origins in every upcoming game

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 09:20 AM PST

    At like 13-14 i got assassins creed 3 thought this is cool and great then played black flag instant favourite played the ezio chronicles and the fist Ac and was sucked in im 20 now working alot and recently fnished unity (loved) ,syndicate(aight) now im back on origins. I played it for a bit thought this is new and couldent grasp the level system plus i have ADHD and would spend 20 min playing the game then 40 min playing on my phone.now im back on origins and its fantastic the scenery,the fighting,the story and bayek. Bayek is just everything to me now hes so cool. Im actually so sucked into his story i dont even have my phone with me. I just got past the part were bayek has that like fever dream of him and khemu in a field and i actually felt a tear in my eye and im a grown fucking man

    submitted by /u/smeefz
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    I just got back into Assassins Creed 1. I have some questions about the series.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 08:25 PM PST

    So, I played the original around when it came out and quit because I didnt like it after killing the first target. I did complete AC 2. I'm currently replaying through AC 1 and I'm really liking it enough to play more installments of the series. I just need 2 more targets, but I'm wondering about one thing. I'm an achievement hunter. All the damn flags. All the damn saving citizens. On avarage 3 x 12 saving citizens and doing the same damn thing in every region of the town. Does this continue in this extent in the other games, too? Because if I need to save every bloody citizen in every town I'm don't think I can cope with that.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Skyfirexx56
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    Co-op is perfect for Assassin’s Creed

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 03:27 PM PST

    A few months back I was playing a ton of Unity online with my friends and it really solidified just how suiting it is for the series. So much so, I'm surprised it hasn't been implemented in any other games. After all, co-op was supposed to be in the original game and planning out assassinations, parkouring together, traversing the map, all of it is so much fun. Especially when you can each customise your weapons and gear to be totally unique from one another. It really makes you feel like a brotherhood of Assassins.

    I know there's been rumours of its return and I've seen people diss the idea, which is surprising to me. It's a mechanic SO perfect for the AC world and I only ever had fun with it in Unity. I really hope it does return in the coming Vikings game!

    submitted by /u/InmemoryofDW
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    Will Black Flag feel like a downgrade after 3 Remastered?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 12:00 AM PST

    Playing through the series on PS4. I just finished the Ezio collection, and not sure which to start next. as I understand it, 3 Remastered had some gameplay improvements.
    Will Black Flag feel dated going from 4 (newish) remasters to a 7yo game?

    submitted by /u/DamonTyler
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    Looks like the rumours were false.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 09:10 AM PST

    Small things I'd like to see in the next AC that aren't as talked about

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 10:17 PM PST

    1. No dead relative as a mechanic to thrust the MC into the story

    Seriously, if family drama bs is the only thing Ubisoft writers can think of for your protagonist to engage in the Assassins-Templar war, then just hire better writers.

    1. No strangely giant mutants to show us that an enemy is stronger.

    I know this is a clichee in most games. It's just so stupid though, I mean c'mon guys... It's so distracting and weird.

    1. Customization options

    Ideally, I'd like to see an all out character creator. But if that won't happen, just a regular customization option will do. Beards, hairstyle, maybe some tattoos. But for the love of the gods, do not use hair growth system! That shit is so annoying after about an hour of playing the game.

    1. Color changing system for clothes.

    So that they don't just put five armors in the game but in 100 colors and then brag about how many items the game has. Odyssey was ok because you can mix and match them, but wtf Origins?

    1. Accurate depiction of cultures

    I'll unashamedly admit this is a small rant. As a fanboy of Ancient Persia, their depiction in Odyssey was the most infuriating, immersion breaking and distracting thing I ever dealt with in an AC. Why TF are they shown in an aesthetic that they won't sport for more than 1000 years in the future? That shit is so bad that you just know it had to be a conscious decision. And I will never understand or enjoy it. Show the real thing, I Ubisoft.

    1. Improved animations and camera distance options.

    I don't even need to explain this. In a world where RDR2 exists, the animations and just overall looks and world of Origins and Odyssey is just so.... Bad. And Unity and Syndicate were better in this regard too.

    That's all from the top of my head. What other small things you guys wanna see in the next game?

    submitted by /u/TheSerpentPrince369
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    I just finished the original Assassin's Creed, first time playing this kind of game. Some thoughts.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 06:16 PM PST

    The franchise had been vaguely on my radar for a couple of years, probably about 2015 when I had a look around Steam, but it's taken me a long time to actually go and play it. I'm not a big gamer, it's something I do on the side and when I go for something I like to give it the full 100%. And so many games involve you gunning down hundreds or thousands of people, and that's just unpleasant. There's also the learning curve to consider: when you've never played a whole lot of combat games, it takes time to learn how to get comfortable with the controls and everything. (I tried to get into AC2 a few years back, but gave up after an hour of frustration.) So for the past five years, I pretty much just stuck to Paradox games. The one snag? Those games require a lot of focus, and with no real characters or storyline to interact with, it can be a long playthrough. So I wanted something different for a change.

    So on to the game. One thing that I will give AC1 a lot of credit for is its tutorial. I had the time to adjust the keyboard controls to something that felt natural, and the reward system was pretty good. In fact, the one thing this game doesn't get enough credit for is how well it builds up. You start with short, simple missions, the stakes gradually get higher, pieces of the puzzle are slowly revealed, etc. I love lore, so of course I'd been reading up and I wasn't surprised by any of the twists, but that's kind of expected when you play a 13-year old game. The 'real world' and Crusader stories were very nicely interlinked, but I did feel a little let down by the end of the game. After hours of running around in sunny open cities with their merchants and propagandists, the final two confrontations are much more railroaded. And where the Crusader story wraps up to a certain point (I mean, there's still all these people to dehypnotize), the 2012 story doesn't have that. It's just a bunch of mysterious markers on the floor and on the walls. Balls to Ubisoft for assuming the game would garnier enough attention to warrant a sequel, but it's a little unsatisfying.

    As for the gameplay, a lot has already been said about how repetitive the game is, which is something I read in reviews just before I started to experience it masyaf, but the way the story structure is clearly laid out in the Animus gives you a good sense of progress and allows you to pace yourself. The game turned out to take longer than I thought, mainly because I wanted to 100% this shit and it took a while to realize that Shift+Tab and having the Flag and Templar maps up was the quickest way of getting them all. 58 hours is a lot, but as someone used to playing Europa Universalis, I was relieved to know that there was at least an end to this game that I wouldn't have to return back to. There's usually a point in the game where my will is sustained by Achievement hunting -- which of course this game doesn't have on computer -- but collected all the flags and saving all the citizens counts for something. I even managed to actually perform a sneak assassination on one of my targets near the end -- it was Sibrand.

    Yeah, as playing the game the way it's supposed to be played, that didn't really work. I messed up the order of the side missions all the time, because I didn't realize the map icon corresponded with an icon on the menu. It's a minor thing, but it did take away my enjoyment a little. Only the last one, in Jerusalem, I followed right. As for my success, let's just say I was not a very sneaky assassin. Lots of high profile running, lots of encounters with random beggar women altering the guards to my presence. I have have forgotten the creed once or twice and killed them out of sheer spite to help them out of their misery. When I was caught, I would usually do the assassin thing and hide on a rooftop somewhere, but those damned guards were so quick I often ran halfway across the city with two dozen guardsmen on my heels. Like I said before, I dislike killing in video games, especially if it's twenty guards who caught me speeding. I find swords more elegant that guns, so that's something, but it did get on my nerves occasionally. Thankfully, the missions allowed me to perform other tasks -- not that my pickpocketing skills were any more elegant.

    I'd like to dedicate some time my favourite NPCs in the game, now that they've driven me slightly mad. My favourite merchant is "If you're tired of shopping goods, come to me! My merchandise is without fear!". He gets bonus points for putting two totally unrelated things together. I always expect him to say "If you're tired of shopping goods, you're tired of life!" but instead he goes on about how benign his produce is? Next up is the thug who says "Do I look like a merchant? No! So go away!". I'm just glad I'm not the only one who's tired of the merchants. My favourite assaulted citizen is the old man who goes home to his sons so they may "hear this tale, and know what it is to be a true hero". He had the most recognisably Jewish accent for me, and I was just waiting for him to sing "If I were a rich man" or "Tradition". Finally, my favourite town crier is of course "PRAISE BE SALAH AD-DIN! HE HAS FOUND THE STRENGTH TO STAND IN DEFENSE OF OUR GREAT CIVILIZATION! MAKE NO MISTAKE, IT IS OUR VERY EXISTENCE WE ARE FIGHTING FOR! CURSE THE CHRISTIAN KING, AND HIS INFIDEL ARMIES! THEY GO AGAINST THE WILL OF GOD, AND MUST BE MADE TO PAY! THEY SAY IT IS A CRUSADE. A CRUSADE FOR WHAT!? IGNORANCE? VIOLENCE? MADNESS!". Get that man a job on Fox News or something, what a speaker.

    Ah, Ladder Climbing Simulator. I jest of course, but the biggest draw for me was definitely the ability to run around in semi-realistic depictions of actual historical places. There's nothing like your first dozen view point towers and leaps of faith, nothing like entering a city for the first time and seeing its skyline. Jerusalem and Damascus in particular had beautiful soundtracks to go along with their beautiful scenery. I wish my laptop screen wasn't in 1366x768, so that I could see it in proper HD, but it was just what I needed. Just pop in the headphones, turn up the volume, and get immersed in another world. There are very few franchises that give you that. And also, I suppose, the feeling of being in a safe environment that where clear and winnable goals are set for you. It's a boost I didn't I was going to get.

    I'll take a short break and try another Paradox game, but I will come back for Assassin's Creed II. See you in Florence!

    submitted by /u/MetalRetsam
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    With the recent “leaks” being debunked I’m glad we don’t know anything about the game now. There is one thing I hope is true though...

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 09:18 AM PST

    I always love leak season. It gives us something to talk about until the game is announced. With all the rumors seemingly being debunked the one thing I hope remains true is that we play as Vikings.

    The setting of AC games has to be hard to do. You know you won't please everyone. But I personally can't think of anything cooler right now than playing a Viking assassin.

    I don't care if it goes back to a traditional AC game or stays with the RPG mechanics as I have found both enjoyable in their own ways.

    The one aspect of the game that "leaked" that really sounds interesting is being a Viking assassin. It feels like there could be a ton of history there, as well as a lot of maybe new ways to play. I wouldn't dare making any guesses at this point as to what they could be but that era and civilization would be very fascinating to explore. So I hope that's then one thing that was true.

    submitted by /u/GoodfellaJoey
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    Exploring the map - AC Odyssey

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 08:26 AM PST

    Are there any islands/regions I should explore on my own? Meaning are there any island/regions the story lines don't take you to?

    submitted by /u/heryea42
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    Note from IGN's latest AC rumor article - Difficulty has been overhauled. Rather than being about enemy health, difficulty will determine your own health, parry times, and enemy reaction times.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 06:06 AM PST

    Anyone good at Assassins Creed Rogue?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 07:32 PM PST

    I'm kindof lost. I did the tutorial level, & the training, & I went to some city & met a guy in a empty room, & I picked up the grumpy guy I beat up in the tutorial... but now I'm not really sure where to go.

    My brother was complaining about pirates, but I tuned out when they started trying to teach me about history. I've just been sailing back & forth for about 2 hours, getting in boat fights, shoving ppl on roofs & dying in towns.

    I'm in Halifax right now, because it was the only place I recognized. Like what is the objective of the game? Should I have played the first game before this?

    submitted by /u/agent_wolfe
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    What is the voice saying in Ezios Family?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 11:52 AM PST

    In the original Ezios Family there in the middle of the song, you can hear a voice speaking. I haven't found any leads, so I've turned to trusty reddit to see if anyone knows what the voice in Ezios Family is saying.

    submitted by /u/ordinarymartian
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    Tbh I'm glad they haven't done a main AC game in Japan yet

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 10:15 AM PST

    I think looking back at the combat and movement from AC1 to AC BlackFlag everything was so stiff and unnatural,even though I'm sure we would've still enjoyed it I'm glad they still haven't ventured there yet and with the backlash from Ghost Recon Breakpoint (which resulted in them looking into quality control) I think the next couple AC games could end up being really good.

    submitted by /u/Quicksilver_328
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    Most "lore friendly" character builds (That are still exciting) in AC:Odyssey?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 06:14 PM PST

    I'm trying to get my butt back into the game, finally jump into NG+ and re-experience it all. But, well, I've min/maxed the game to hell and back and looking for ways to tone everything down a few notches while still fulfilling the strength nature yet being more grounded to the story, only to become more powerful later down the line.

    submitted by /u/Nesqu
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    AC4 can’t connect to Ubisoft servers (Xbox one) can’t access kenways fleet

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 06:02 PM PST

    Is there anyway to fix? Or am I just not going to be able to do it?

    submitted by /u/austinurbana
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    Anybody miss doing parkour around the city?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 05:50 PM PST

    There aren't really any good places to do some real parkour. I miss that, because now it's just running around on your horse or sailing in your shop.

    submitted by /u/L4zorWolf
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