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    Monday, January 27, 2020

    Assassin's Creed My Custom LEGO Bayek from AC Origins!

    Assassin's Creed My Custom LEGO Bayek from AC Origins!

    My Custom LEGO Bayek from AC Origins!

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 01:03 AM PST

    Assassin's Creed Syndicate | No Upgrades [2020]

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 06:49 PM PST

    The next AC should have an already written protagonist again.

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 11:15 AM PST

    Odyssey was the first title where you could choose your gender and make choices but this made the experience and story much worse in my opinion.

    For me the written protagonists where always a strong point of the series even when in some titles the story wasn't that great I enjoyed to play it with a interesting and good written character what has a personality. This also made the story much more enjoyable because you see how the protagonist evolve trough his journey.

    Odyssey neglected all this. The Eagle Bearer feels like a empty shell with no personality. You choose his actions and he could be one moment the noble hero but after that a blood thirsty beast what kill an entire village. It gave no character evolution in the entire story the eagle bearer feels like the same form the beginning as to the end. I really fear that this will be the future and that we never get such great Character Arcs like Ezio,Edward or Bayek again.

    submitted by /u/JKAC2013
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    ASO DLC cryptic afterlife realm message “YYIYY IIIYYIYYIYY YIYYIYY” decoded

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 07:10 PM PST

    I just started playing origins about a month ago so I know this is old.... but I think I figured out something to the message on the tower in the afterlife reality in the assassins creed origins DLC that just says YYIYY IIIYYIYYIYY YIYYIYY.

    So one person in an old thread did the same thing I did but didn't appear to get anywhere. So what we both did was translate it to 212 321212 11212 based on the number of letters in a row. Then the suns add up to 5 11 7 which becomes 527. I'm not sure if the other person got anywhere with it....I think they then condensed the number more.

    Buuttt with some searching I found that a monastery in Egypt at the based of mount Sinai was founded in year 527 called st Catherine's monastery. So there's was a special feast important to that monastery in Christianity called the feast of transfiguration.

    So transfiguration is defined in one place as "a complete change of form or appearance into a more beautiful or spiritual state."

    So I personally think the monastery and the temple in the centre of the ASO area with the message look kind of similar, and there's definitely a transfiguration vibe like how it's like an afterlife place and the monastery is similar to the temple but different, and there's like half human half owl beings and such. Transfiguration can also mean like a general change of form or appearance.

    So churches seem to celebrate it on Easter Sunday which is related to eggs such as Easter eggs. There were three eggs in the nest with the message. Some churches celebrate the feast on a day known as Trinity Sunday. Trinity Sunday is the week after a day known as Pentecost. Pentecost is 52 days after good friday(when Jesus died) and is the day the Holy Spirit descended into the apostles. Then 7 days later is trinity when the feast of transfiguration is celebrated by some. The three eggs could symbolize the trinity, especially being a birds nest in reference to the Holy Spirit often depicted as a bird. Good Friday of course begins the transfiguration of Jesus.

    On Trinity Sunday is when the Athanasian Creed is recited which refers to a belief in the holy trinity and begins with "whoever so wishes".

    So yea... assassins creed right there is it not?

    Maybe I took it too far? I'm sure there's other connections but I think the message is basically pointing towards the athanasian creed.

    submitted by /u/lugiasophia
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    The Ezio Trilogy and my experiences with it.

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 04:27 PM PST

    This is just a post talking about my experiences as a newcomer to the Assassin's Creed series. I hope this doesn't annoy anyone, I just like writing about my experiences with games like this. Feel free to ignore it. Or tell me to take it down and I will.


    Recently a friend of mine lent me the Ezio trilogy after I mentioned I had never played an Assassin's Creed game before, and he gave me a month to play all three games. I figured I wanted to get my emotions concerning the trilogy. Feel free to ignore it, I just wanted a place to talk about it.

    **Assassin Creed 2**

    I started at the obvious place in the trilogy, I will admit that in the beginning, I was a bit cynical while playing the game, the story sometimes felt a little slow and disjointed and some of the combat felt repetitive, but I remember that roughly halfway through I started to have fun. Maybe it was more because of Ezio himself than the game, but I actually found myself having fun with the game, to the point that I set out to platinum the game, it was a pretty quick and simple process, but I had fun with it.

    **Combat:** Simple but feels fun in the end due to the wide range of upgrades and different weapons.

    **Story:** Sometimes a little boring and repetitive but also incredibly fun at other spots (Such as the ending area in the vault with the apple of Eden)

    **Characters:** Ezio quickly grew on me as a fun MC with some wit and charm but he also felt deeper due to some of his displayed failings. By the end of the game, he felt like a more developed character and an Assassin above all else.

    **Summary:** I enjoyed it, and by the end, I was eager to jump right into Brotherhood but took the time to first complete AC 2.

    **(Took me: 4 days to fully complete.)**

    **(Additional Notes: Too many feathers...not enough birds...0/10 needs more birds)**


    **Assassins Creed Brotherhood**

    I looked forward to starting Brotherhood, and started it the same day I beat AC 2. The opening was a good starting point, they made the loss of the previous games equipment make sense, and I like the way they introduced the big bad of the game, it made me really look forward to hunting him down. I also liked that we got to fully see Rome after the glimpse we got of it at the end of the previous game.

    On a side note, the combat was pretty much a carbon copy of the previous game, the only additions being the parachute and so one, it was still fun, but I would have enjoyed seeing more of a variation in the combat between the game and the other one.

    Overall I had quite a few ups and downs with this game, but in the end, it was definitely a fun experience.

    **Story:** As I mentioned I liked the Borgia in this, the way they were set up, how they were an integral part of the story, and of how they felt like a real threat looming over Rome.

    **Characters:** I enjoyed seeing Ezio mature, and I also enjoyed seeing some of the side characters change a little, I also liked seeing Ezio's family appear more outside of the first few Sequences. In the end, Ezio had matured more by the end of Brotherhood, just like in AC 2, which I liked. I enjoy it when characters continue to develop and change so it was good that he didn't just stagnate.

    **Summary:** It definitely ties with AC 2 for me as a favourite, it has its own successes and failings, so I enjoy it, but its hard to claim that I love everything about it.

    **(Took me: 9 days to complete.)**

    **(Additional Notes: Whoever paid someone to climb up all those pillars to put down some flags...I hope it was worth it)**


    **Assassins Creed Revelations**

    After Brotherhood I was a little bit burnt out on the series, but I was still looking forward to this game. Admittedly I like the setting a lot, the idea of exploring the setting of Revelations was pretty fun, but it feels like the game dropped the ball a little. It felt like Rome with a different colour of paint, but with less character than the previous settings, it seems like the game didn't really play around with the idea of its setting properly.

    I liked the new combat changes, even if I didn't use them that much, the addition of the hook was a cool idea, and the ability to extend your reach a bit with the hook, along with the ziplines was a unique way of tweaking the movement and climbing in this game.

    In the end, I liked Revelations, but I feel like it could have done more with its settings, but I liked what it did with its characters, it made me care about them more, with the ending sequence concerning Sofia being my favourite ending of all three games, due to the use of the parachute and a fun chase sequence.

    **Story:** A bit weaker than the other two, and it felt like it could have been explored to a better extent, but aside from that, it was good.

    **Characters:** As I said before, it feels like the characters in this one were fleshed out more than those of AC 2 and AC Brotherhood, I liked the dynamic between Ezio and the other characters. As always Ezio was my favourite, and seeing him move on from the assassin life was nice and a bit bittersweet. I enjoyed seeing him go from a brash charismatic novice assassin to a charming wiser old man.

    **Summary:** Assassin's Creed Revelations sits at a weird spot for me. It's not my favourite but as the conclusion to Ezio's character, it holds a special place.

    **(Took me: 8 days)**

    **(Additional Notes: Hated the Sage trophy, liked Ezio as always okay game. Part Hook...Part Blade...ALL AWESOME.)**


    In the end, I enjoyed the short time I played the Ezio's trilogy. I'm considering moving on to 3 or the newer games...but I'm burnt out for now.

    Any recommendations for which AC game to play?

    Anything I should know?

    Is it worth going back to Assassin's Creed?

    And for anyone who put up with this post and read to this point. Thanks. I hope I wasn't a bother.

    submitted by /u/Spazkick
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    Why is Achilles's named like that?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 07:46 PM PST

    I don't know if this was ever previously stated anywhere and I don't know about it, or it just took me far too long to figure it out, but.. Is Achilles named like that by Ubisoft just because he was shot in the leg? I mean they gave him that name just for the pun?

    submitted by /u/kajev
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    I have a love-hate relationship with Assassin's creed 3

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 10:29 AM PST

    On the one hand, the gameplay is incredibly fun, and the world incredibly intriguing. The side missions are great. Combat is fantastic, and it made an undeniable impact on the franchise. But, it takes six sequences for Connor even to become an assassin. In the beginning, I like Connor, but he gets worse. Haythem pretty much debunks Connor's entire world view, but Connor is so stubborn he doesn't change his mind. When he finds out George Washington burned down his village, he doesn't want to kill him but still Charles Lee for some reason. Eventually, it turns out his entire efforts were in vain, which dome correctly could be good, but I felt empty. It doesn't help that Haythem is a lot more likeable than Connor. The modern-day sequences are brilliant because it makes you see the modern-day conflict first hand, but Desmond's death is incredibly rushed.

    submitted by /u/1964_movement
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    My initial, very early game impressions of Assassin's Creed: Syndicate

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 06:08 PM PST

    So I've made a couple of posts about my journey through all of the Assassin's Creed games back to back, and now that the OG games are about to come to a close as I play through Syndicate, I wanted to post my initial thoughts on the game an hour in so far.

    -I very much like the dynamic between the twins, they are definitely yin and yang characters that compliment each other very well, from the brash brother who rushes in and makes it up as he goes along to the sister who meticulously plans out every one of her moves.

    -I understand that some people don't like the 1800's setting, but I have to entirely disagree. I am a fan of the Victorian Era, and running around in this dank, dark, and dirty setting is amazing. Plus I would really like to see an AC game set entirely in the modern day, but I suspect I might be alone in that.

    -The newer stealth systems are pretty dope, especially the ability to "see" sounds when you're crouched. More than once that saved my ass as enemies came walking up behind me.

    -The combat is fun and engaging, and it feels extremely fluid, about as fluid as the combat in AC3 It's also nice to see the ability to whistle and attract enemies back, I missed that in Unity.

    That's my initial impressions of Syndicate, if anyone is interested I would be happy to post an update once I have completed the game, otherwise I'll just move on to Origins next! Also, if anyone is wondering Unity is still pretty buggy. It got so bad that I finally gave up trying to do side missions and burned through the main quest line just so I could wrap up the game lol

    submitted by /u/ghostinthewoods
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    Got questions on Assassin creed unity

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 11:07 PM PST

    I want to know a little more about the game before buying, also does anyone play still ?

    submitted by /u/itzJamm
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    An Evie Frye sequel ?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 03:58 AM PST

    Would anyone like the idea of an Evie Frye sequel set in India. She could be taking the East india trading company down with the help of Henry. We could have cameos from Jacob and young Jack the ripper. I think it would be nice to explore evie's character more as I think synducate was more focused on Jacob.

    submitted by /u/Lucathepuca
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    Main quest mission order - AC Odyssey (SPOILERS)

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 09:02 PM PST

    I know I should do the family questline first before the other two. But does the order of quests matter when you get multiple quests at once.

    For example: I just completed the King of Sparta quest and now I can either do the Olympics, win the war in Boeotia, or meet Myrrine to hunt another cultist. Does it matter which order I do these in?

    Also the inner child in me couldn't help but laugh when I saw the person you have to talk to for the Olympics is named Testikles lmao.

    submitted by /u/heryea42
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    Do you think they will ever bring back Protagonists?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 09:01 PM PST

    Like, do you think we will ever see a Sequel or prequel with Connor, Haytham, Edward, Shay, Aveline, Shao Jun, Arbaaz, the Russian Dude, Arno, the Fryes or Bayek? Or even side characters, like Aya from Origins? How likely would that be? Given the direction change of Assassin's Creed maybe they wouldn't want to bring back old elements from the Story though.

    I would absolutely love this tbh. I think one part about Ezios Story that made it so great, is that we had three whole games and even short movies featuring him.

    submitted by /u/Xello_99
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    It's like newer games are made so we appreciate the old ones

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 08:39 PM PST

    It's like "Oh, people find Connor blund? Let's make Jacob a pure mockery of an interesting character to an annoying point, and then have Alexios and Kassandra be tabula rasa characters, so people go back to AC3 and don't hate Connor as much"

    "Oh what's this? People say Rogue is a bad retcon cause it doesn't add up with Forsaken? Let's make the entirety of Odyssey, and LoTFB so people have a worse retcon to complain about"

    "Oh, combat is too easy and fast paced in old games? Let's make Odyssey's combat take so much longer so people like the old systems more"

    "People didn't initially like Desmond? Fuck you have Bishop and Layla"

    "People didn't like Syndicate templars not alligning with actual history? Let's have the pyramids built in 400 BCE"

    submitted by /u/ZedGenius
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    Odyssey: How am I supposed to complete a conquest?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 08:32 PM PST

    I'm sure this question has been asked a million times, but how am I supposed to weaken and complete it if the nation becomes fortified and respawns all over again?

    The fort says completed, but I reload and I have to restart?

    Don't get me wrong, it's a cool mechanic that they can rebuild and all. Im not complaining, but do I just have to end a factions status and then do the conquest from start to finish all in one sitting?

    Edit: I'm in Phokis on Hard.

    submitted by /u/sir_winkyy
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    An Idea I've had for a new assassins creed game for a while

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 02:24 PM PST

    First things first. I want a couple of things I want in this game.

    1. fighting with a hidden blade
    2. more realistic climbing (I was thinking the from AC3/4 worked well it was somewhat realistic and quick. )
    3. no optional dialogue (Maybe optional choices from time to time like RDR2)
    4. a final battle with weapons from the first civilization
    5. guards cannot climb but the fighting should be harder like in AcU but cleaned up a lot.
    6. different types of hidden blades which have different stats for fighting but silent kills are always one hit.

    I was thinking the setting to be set around 1450-1455, based primarily around the fall of Constanintople. Obviously after the Ottomans take it over there wouldnt be much city left so maybe adding other cities around the area to would work. This could be taken advantage of to make different experiences. I think theres plenty of opporutinity here to make a more dark and depressing feeling to this game which is what i would personally like to see from an AC game.

    I think it would be quite cool if the templars had something to do with the fall of constaninople. like maybe the templars are the ones that give the ottomans cannons because they have to get into the walls of constantinople and end up having a genocide of the assassins and the protagonist must work on rebuilding the brotherhood from scratch while also completing the main missions to kill the antogonist. The theme of coming of age, and death should be clear. It could also be cool if the main character was struggling with something personal in his life like some sort of mental illness would be cool to explore.

    i want meaningful skills to upgrade. like maybe u can upgrade your climbing from Ac4 style to AcU (just as an example). meaningful skills makes people want to continue playing and finding things to do to gain experience points.

    I also want a very immersive world. i dont want to see people just randomly walking in a market place, i wanna see theives, bartering, yelling, things like this that make me feel like i am immersed into the world. I want to be able to get into this character and enjoy playing as him instead of it feeling like a copy and paste character with terrible voice acting. But if theyre going for RPG, why not fully commit, what if i want to buy a carpet to put into my house, i should be able to go to trader and buy one.

    If any of you can think of something to change or add please let me know in the comments.

    submitted by /u/PlaneClassic7
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    AC Odyssey Set Gear Question

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 08:08 PM PST

    I'm just firing this game back up after not playing for a long time. I'm level 30 and have lower level set/gold names gear- should I hold onto it to upgrade or can I find it again?

    submitted by /u/chad771
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    Assassin's Creed Black Flag DLC Freedom Cry Soundfiles missing

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 01:59 PM PST

    So I recently decided that I wanted to play Black Flag, Freedom Cry and Rogue again, but the soundfiles are still missing in the Freedom Cry DLC, so there's no sound being played for the machete or the blunderbuss, which really ruins the experience. Does anyone have the files needed? I read about a fix for it, but those fixes are old now.

    submitted by /u/Captain_Humle
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    Legacy of the First Blade wasn't a bad story. It was just told in the worst way possible.

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 07:41 PM PST

    I feel like this might was well apply to Odyssey as a whole (except for whatever the hell was that story in Fate of Atlantis) but it is more obvious in this DLC because it is the closest Odyssey ever tries to be an Assassin's Creed.

    A tale where the Misthios starts getting "home settling" wishes after a lifetime of carnage and family issues (not to mention the future of an eternal, lonely life), where we see the absortion of the Cult of Kosmos by the Order of the Ancients in the pre Origins times (after they did came off as competent and scary on that game) and most specially the Canon tale of Darius and Xerxes is an interesting proposition.

    In theory the DLC goes through all that. And it's not like the story beats are not there, they are. Kassandra meeting a fleeing Darius and his son. They being on the hunt from the Ancients being the threat that is literally absorbing the former super evil group from the main story, the Revelations about Kassandra's bloodline as a first clue to the real meaning of her conflict (which comes to a surprisingly competent reveal at the very end of Fate of Atlantis), the ways each one of the liteunants personally connects to Kassandra etc. It's there. The whole thing. They even untangle the historical Darius-Artabanus account.

    But when you actually see that happening with Odyssey's awful animations and lack of visual storytelling finesse (or as some would way, cinematic qualities), the designed for ADD pacing of the dialogue and the script (you literally kill the first ancient after just meeting him in the most epic way Odyssey actually introduced a Villain ) and overall inherent lack of escenario variety the game design allows, it falls just flat. Completely flat.

    Hell, even Natakas being Kassandra's actual true love: a very sensitive, very unmanly guy compared to everyone else she has encountered is exactly what I'd expect Kassandra to truly fall for. He's the anti alkibiades basically. That would be cool if it wasn't painfully obvious that the DLC was written for Alexios (one of many, many incredibly amateur lore shattering decisions in the story) and it was Neema who was really written /and programmed animation wise/, giving a jankily femenine quality to the male Natakas.

    The DLC is awful to live through, yet nice to think about on a conceptual level. Like Odyssey, basically, which biggest quality is its ability to walk juuuuuuuust the line between awful and excellent.

    Hopefully Ubisoft actually gets the means to execute its ideas in the way they lend themselves to be.

    submitted by /u/Dexcard
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    Plot for “Assassins Creed: Kingdoms”

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 06:27 PM PST

    Does anyone know what the plot is; has there been a leak? If not, I say we should think of one. Since it is Vikings I feel like the most appropriate setting would be the Nordic invasion of England circa 800ad. My reason for this is that perhaps the Templar's will somehow be involved in the death of Alfred the Great, and try to enforce their views on the medieval England. Do we know if their will be RPG elements such as Origins and Odyssey? I for one love the RPG style Assassins Creed but obviously that's just an opinion. Again any links to any news about the so called "Assassins Creed: Kingdoms" is appreciated

    submitted by /u/TheUnknownGopnik
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    Assassins creed Rome vs Viking setting.

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 05:44 PM PST

    Would anyone else prefer the next Assassins creed to have an Ancient Rome setting? During Romes golden age with the Colosseum and circus maximus in all their glory?

    A Viking setting is just as exciting to me but seeing Ubisofts version of Rome during its glory days would be an amazing experience. Either love it or hate it guys.

    As long as my Viking assassin can have a 2ft beard n wield 2 axes across his back with a shield over them in all for it. BRING BACK DUAL HIDDEN BLADES!!!!

    submitted by /u/teegy00
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    Got questions about Assassin's creed origins

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 11:48 AM PST

    I'm thinking about buying origins and want to get some knowledge of how the gameplay is in the game and if there is alot of sailing and sea combat in the game?

    Thx in advance

    submitted by /u/IronJej
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    ac odyssey xp farming methods

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 02:31 PM PST

    Anyone know any? i am quite underlevelled in relations to the mercenary line

    submitted by /u/EpicBen04
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