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    Thursday, January 16, 2020

    Assassin's Creed Altair is on Super Smash Bros Ultimate as a Mii Costume.

    Assassin's Creed Altair is on Super Smash Bros Ultimate as a Mii Costume.

    Altair is on Super Smash Bros Ultimate as a Mii Costume.

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 06:41 AM PST

    The combat in ACIII is the best and most brutal in the franchise

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 05:51 PM PST

    In the last few months I've replayed Black Flag, Rogue, Unity, and Syndicate. Now it's time for III and I forgot how amazing the combat is. It consistently has me laughing at the screen as Connor absolutely punishes lobsters for simply existing. Normally when I finish a game I have a 50% or above assassination/kill ratio. For example when I finished Syndicate I had 6000 kills with 3500 assassinations. In III I have like a 10%. My personal favorite is just reigning terror with the rope dart.

    submitted by /u/redhjom
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    Unity is the most beautiful Assassin's Creed game

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 08:45 PM PST

    The color palette is fantastic. Everything about the game's aesthetics are perfect. It obviously was the first current-gen AC I've played so I might be eternally biased towards it but I don't think Ubisoft ever surpassed Unity's graphical height and sometimes approached it during the Atlantis DLC for example but never otherwise

    submitted by /u/Athethos
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    What I want to see in the next: Better enemy A.I

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 08:07 PM PST

    Recently I played the Tomb Raider trilogy, which is similar in gameplay to Assassin's Creed though a bit more grounded in realism in regards to what humans can climb. However one thing that stuck out to me were the enemies, like enemies in AC they have routines and patrols going back and forth, except they reacted when something was amiss. If a guard went missing and hadn't been seen in a while, they became suspicious. Or if you were to kill somebody right in the middle of a conversation they'd know you were somewhere in the area and begin searching. Even better, when an enemy corpse was discovered the guards would remain alert and they're hearing along with their sight would become enhanced. An actual consequence to being messy with your killings.

    Compare this to AC where if a guard goes missing, none of the other enemies even notice. The guards barely interact with each other ( there are 2 outliers to this though where guards in Origins and Odyssey have full on conversations, but nothing comes of them). And when an enemy corpse is discovered they're only alerted for about a minute, then resume patrol like everything is normal. The logical though process ( which all game devs should strive to give them A.I) is that if your buddy Todd, who you were just talking to is dead, then maybe, just maybe, the blade wielding maniac your boss told you about has infiltrated the base.

    Not to shit on AC, because I've thoroughly enjoyed most of the games (yes, that includes the 2 new ones), but tell me why does a series that doesn't even pride itself about stealth, have better stealth than a series where the preferred tactic of choice of ALL of the protagonists is stealth? I'm not gonna call AC a stealth game series because none of the games have ever been marketed under the category of stealth, but instead action-adventure. And it makes sense, seeing as how all the games also let the player disregard stealth and kill anything that moves until they reach the target. But you get the gist.

    To be a blunt, stealth in AC has always been just "ok," but I think the shocking part is that there's not much difference from the A.I in AC1 all the way to the A.I in AC Odyssey ( in terms of stealth of course). It's the same blind as a bat and unresponsive A.I that it's always been. Yeah it's still passable for fun, but it's easy. IMO stealth shouldn't be easy, it should require the player to think. The only time I felt like I ever had to be methodical to reach a target was Unity, and it wasn't because of the A.I. It's because they made up for it by level design and enemy placing. It's one of the games few redeeming qualities IMO.

    Throughout the series, it seems like they've only artificially upgraded the stealth by giving us more ways to stealthily kill. Notice how I say artificially. It doesn't matter how many ways you give the player to stealthily kill an enemy If how the A.I reacts is all the same, which is to say little to not at all. For example if you take out guards one by one and the remaining few become aware it should harder to sneak up on them because there senses should be heightened to a point where they can see and hear you farther out. Or if you were to brutally assassinate/ kill a guard in front of others which should make them run. These are fear mechanics which the games actually use to have and should bring back.

    Point is: the stealth can be so much better than it's been, and should be better if they plan on delving further into play styles. That includes social stealth which could be revamped treading in the foot steps of the iteration of it in AC:Liberation which was the only game to actually build on it using different outfits and the players surroundings.

    And lastly, I just wanna be able to hang guards in trees to frighten their buddies like in TR


    EDIT: Smh forgot to put "game" in the title.

    submitted by /u/Powerblue102
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    How to get over burn-out with Odyssey?

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 05:36 PM PST

    I was enjoying the game a lot, doing all the side quests, tackling every fort and camp and completing every question mark. Then all of the sudden when I get to Athens, I can no longer bring myself to play the game anymore. I suddenly got absolutely bored to shit, just thinking about the game makes me want to sleep... it's just so damn repetitive and it's too bad because I was really enjoying it before realizing this. The same thing happened with Origins but it was towards the end so I was able to slog through. I really want to see it through and at least finish the story but I literally can't play for more than 5 mins without turning it off. Idk what to do 😕

    submitted by /u/Valus22
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    With the recent Smash news, thought I'd share this fake Newcomer screen I made a while ago. There's still hope!

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 06:03 PM PST

    Anybody wants snow-capped forests in AC Vikings?

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 08:53 AM PST

    This is pretty much sure because of its North European setting. But I miss since Rogue and only at peak of mountains in Odyssey

    submitted by /u/adibr2020
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    AC: Rebel Collection White Whales

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 09:56 PM PST

    This is super niche and a tad long winded but how can i hunt a white whale? I recently got the game on Switch and as i got into upgrading my gear in the crafting menu when i noticed the whaler outfit and it's requirement of 3 white whale skins. I looked around the map for a couple of minutes, didn't find any icons of it, looked online and saw that white whales could only be hunted down as part of an online event.

    Can white whales and other content that was in those community events be accessed or where they overlooked when porting to switch and are inaccessible?

    I know you can buy the skin at the general store but i like the harpooning activity and im frugal.

    submitted by /u/jen_kasady
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    How does engraving with Ainigmata Ostraka work? - AC Odyssey

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 10:02 PM PST

    Does my engraving automatically increase when I get another Ainigmata Ostraka?

    For example: if I have something engraved with 6% increase to heavy weapon damage and I get the next tablet to increase that engraving to 8% does it automatically increase on my item or do I have to re-engrave it?

    submitted by /u/heryea42
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    We dont need a a whole Discovery Tour if they just brought the database back.

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 10:39 AM PST

    Instead of having to completely exit the game and load up the same map we just left, just give us the database back so we can tour as our main character and learn about history and locations as we actuallu play and work through the game.

    submitted by /u/adVANCE03
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    How have some of the old AC games aged?

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 11:08 PM PST

    Lately been feeling nostalgic and was thinking of trying them again, but was wondering how they would hold up today. I'm worried lot of the old mechanics are outdated in modern games now so they might feel jarring.

    Has anyone played them recently?

    I'm thinking mostly ACII, Brotherhood, Revelations, ACIII and Black Flag. Thanks in advance!

    PS. I did find some posts about this topic but they were years old and I wanted some fresher input. :)

    submitted by /u/ZixtyZix
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    Season Pass Download Question - PS4 (probably Xbox One too)

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 03:48 PM PST

    Hey y'all

    This will likely be a silly question but here it goes: I just purchased AC Odyssey Gold Edition which comes with the season pass.

    I started to download the game but it seems only the base game is being downloaded. I then assumed I needed to download the season pass separately.

    When I start the season pass download, only the mission The Secrets of Greece comes through.

    Do I need to download each of the episodes individually? Can't seem to find another way to get them all.

    Thanks a lot!

    submitted by /u/BingTheChandler
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    All AC on Sale on Steam Up to 75% off

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 03:34 PM PST

    Just figured Id give everyone a heads up that Steam is having a sale on the Assassins Creed Franchise! Ive mainly been playing on PS4 but got a new GPU and wanted to put it to use so I bought a couple of these again bc they were so cheap.

    Odyssey - $23.99

    Origins - $14.99

    Syndicate - $11.99


    SALE ENDS JAN. 20 @1PM

    submitted by /u/kwagenknight
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    AC: Black Flag minigames are driving me crazy...

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 06:43 AM PST

    I've been trying to win 2,000 reales through minigames for the stupid abstergo challenge for the past 6 hours and I feel like I'm losing my mind. This is the hardest thing I've ever done in a video game and I've beaten Bloodborne without leveling up... Let that sink in. The AI is fucking unbeatable. Every time I'm about to win he does some crazy move and takes out like 10 of my pieces. If anyone who's good at any of the minigames is reading this, could you possibly drop your PSN below and do it for me with SharePlay? Please? I would be so grateful. I'm desperate. At this point, I would suck your dick.

    submitted by /u/TachankaIsTheBest
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    When do you think AC 2020 will be announced?

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 12:55 PM PST

    There have been rumors of it being announced at the "PS5 event" in February, but with Sony's recent statement of pulling out of E3 again and attending most smaller gaming conventions, I think AC 2020 will be revealed on its own. I'm just not sure when.

    I think this year is completely loaded with so many games and most releasing around when AC 2020 will, I think the sooner the marketing the better. They need to get the hype train rolling so I think with all these "leaks and rumors" that have surfaced they should announce the game before the end of January or early February, but I feel they may actually wait until Late May or E3 because with Sony out Ubisoft could really use E3 as a huge way to announce their 9 AAA titles.

    (Sorry for the great wall of text)

    submitted by /u/GoodfellaJoey
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    Discovery Tour For Ever

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 09:25 AM PST

    I don't care if the next game is set in Scandinavia, Japan, Gotham, Andromeda, your mom's ass, I don't care. Just make Discovery Tour a permanent mod for all the upcoming AC games. Can't wait for Ragnarök.

    PS: I know AC Ragnarök it's just only rumored, but, considering all the leaks that Ubi ever had... Ubi's security it's like a goddamn strainer at this point tbh

    submitted by /u/Zemrik
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    Ac unity hands problem...

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 11:10 AM PST

    Does anyone else on xbox one see thomas outfit have this weird texure on his hands when panning the camera around in the customization menu? His hands have like a pixelated/missing texture looking effect when you circle the camera in the outfits menu, curious if its there for anyone else since AC Unity is known to be a buggy game.

    submitted by /u/looplermew3
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    Are there any regions/island I shouldn't explore on my own? - AC Odyssey (SPOILERS)

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 06:37 PM PST

    I've been playing for a while. I take my time and do alot of question marks and side stuff but I still haven't been to alot of the map. I'm level 53 so no place is over leveled for me. But I'm just curious if there any places I shouldn't explore on my own for any reason. I'm at Kings of Sparta for my family quest line. I've talk to my real father and are hunting down the creatures for the Atlantis quest line. And I just kill the cult as they come but not that far in that quest line.

    submitted by /u/heryea42
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    Most fun I’ve had on a video game for the past year

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 08:44 AM PST

    We all know that unity wasn't the best when it came out. We all know why but I was more focused on the story. I was 16 years old when Unity came out and I found the game to be the most boring AC game ever. I didn't make it to sequence 4. I'm almost 20 now and I just finished Unity and I've been staying up til 3 in the morning playing. They had the right formula but couldn't capitalize on it. Gameplay wise, probably the best AC game besides Origins IMO. Again, I used to despise the story but I found it more tolerable now and it wasn't as bad as I used to think.

    submitted by /u/Rhyvy
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    Started on xbox 360 now on ps4 just love AC

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 04:03 AM PST

    started on ac 2 the Ezio story was fantastic loved the character, story line and scenery, now on the ps4 gone through to Odyssey and I am loving the rpg feel of the game, if that was added to the ezio games it would be fantastic but can't say enough about the whole series, just brilliant..

    submitted by /u/marketmangler63
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    AC Odyssey, what weapon can knock back mercenaries that are immune to spartan kick?

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 12:39 PM PST

    I'm getting to the point where mercenaries are immune to spartan kicks. Is there a weapon that can knock them back the same way spartan kick used to? Or if they are immune to spartan kick, will they be immune to a heavy weapon attack? Thanks for your time.

    submitted by /u/Gildster1029
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    How to get the Mcfarlane outfit in AC unity? And are unity servers dead

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 08:51 AM PST

    I have just been replaying unity in the past days, thing is McFarlane outfit was my favourite one and I wanna get it again but it doesn't appear in the outfit section. And a side question, I can't seem to get coop games running, it says waiting for players for like 5 seconds then a couldn't connect to the servers message pops up

    submitted by /u/M-o-r-p-h
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    [Origins] Any ways to grind money?

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 04:44 AM PST

    I'm dumb and I sold all my old weapons (most were below level 30) and bought a bunch of heka chests... not only I've lost most of the good legendary weapons that you get from the Phylakes but I've wasted so much money and dont have enough to upgrade them? Idc if it takes some time as long as its not those arena fights because they make me so anxious...

    submitted by /u/bbaeblades
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