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    Tuesday, January 7, 2020

    Assassin's Creed An AC inspired tattoo

    Assassin's Creed An AC inspired tattoo

    An AC inspired tattoo

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 10:13 AM PST

    My Edward Kenway acrylic painting ��

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 05:33 AM PST

    It’s been 8 years since Desmond died.

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 06:18 PM PST

    And all we've gotten is a dumpster fire modern day story from there on out. I have high hopes for this years AC, like higher than ever. I just hope they can maybe for once make the modern day story line worth it.

    submitted by /u/KaulinD
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    Just finished AC Odyssey

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 05:52 PM PST

    And the endings left me empty and dissatisfied. I put 80 hours into the game, and at first I was really excited because of the amoung content, but as I played through the game it feels like the story falls apart and it disregards the lore. The difficulty curve is kind of flat as well, and I'm not too keen in playing a demi-god.

    The last game I played was AC Syndicate over three years ago, and I haven't kept up since, until I saw this game for sale on Facebook for $15. I caught up with the current storyline, which I found to be better than the direction the series went after Desmond died.

    The game overall was pretty okay, lots of fun quests, mediocre story, dead landscape, interesting characters.

    My biggest gripe is the canon choices. It's just turning AC on its head imo. Why give a choice to players if there's gonna be a canon anyway? Why would a game franchise that has a linear story allow choices that affect the storyline, only for a canon to be released? Why not just remove player choices in the first place? This is just leaving even bigger gaps to the lore.

    submitted by /u/ToukaScottxMilly
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    AC Unity co-op buddy/buddies??

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 07:40 PM PST

    Unity is one of the few AC games i havent got around to play (odyssey and origins being the only others but i dont care to play them since ive watched some game play and noticed theyre no longer "true" AC games imo) i got unity for free this year during the cathedral fire and am just now starting it (lastnight). Im just wondering if anyone would like to run the co-op missions/get all the collectibles or even just free roam and enjoy the veiws with me, this game looks amazing and the environment is becoming my 2nd favorite next to syndicate to run around in, if anyone wants to play you can message me here or just add me on uplay same username as reddit. (Eastern timezone)

    submitted by /u/sirrburr
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    Assassins creed in Scotland?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 04:44 PM PST

    How cool would it be to have AC in Scotland? Jacobite rebellions perhaps?

    submitted by /u/PlagueDoctor5
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    myth boss fights in AC odyssey

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 09:18 PM PST

    i saw a video on the fights and i got the game for Christmas but the player was level 40 so i`m confused because are the fights like very late game or are they spread out and that person was just max level because he was doing new game + or what can someone explain this to me please

    submitted by /u/manhunter645
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    Not 100% sure - think I might have found super early dev footage of Black Flag and Unity, in the depths of YouTube

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 08:26 PM PST

    I don't think these videos have been posted here before. Earlier this year I came across a video that is apparently early development footage for Black Flag. I forgot about it for a few months but came across this seemingly innocuous channel again today. I looked into this channel further and also stumbled across what could potentially be VERY early footage of Unity. I can't seem to find either of these videos anywhere else on the net - has anyone else seen them?? I'm aware they're just very short clips but I find this stuff interesting. What do you think? Some notes:

    Black Flag

    • Uploader titled the video "Golden Age"; which ofc is not surprising given that was the working title for Black Flag
    • Clearly still using the ACIII HUD, with some text using the font from the final game and a bit bugged/unfinished
    • Weird HUD messages that guide the player through the demo, more than definitely for testing
    • An early look at Havana, with unfinished lighting and fog, and unfinished geometry
    • An early looking Edward model that looks like its using Connor's gameplay animations, like his walking/running animations and the like
    • Redcoat models looking like they were ripped from ACIII
    • Early showcase of the flintlock pistols in gameplay


    • Only 30 seconds; obviously super early footage from that bit where Arno drinks from the goblet and trips balls in Sequence 2; possibly so early that game mechanics hadn't even started development?
    • The animations of the crumbling floor and the statues' heads moving look similar to how they were the final game

    I'm pretty sure that Black Flag footage is real. 50/50 about the Unity one given how early/crude it is and could be somewhat easily faked. I love shit like this so I hope this stuff is genuine! There's already dev footage of these games out there but this is very early. Again what are your thoughts? Real/fake?

    submitted by /u/TommyGeorge98
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    Thoughts on Assassin's Creed Origins as my first Assassin's Creed experience.

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 10:27 AM PST

    I have to say it was a pretty strong ending and as the first Assassin's Creed game I've played, I'm impressed and I liked it!

    A friend recommended it to me after I showed him The Witcher 3 on my new PC and it piqued my curiosity. I didn't know about the RPG turn the Assassin's Creed games took in the recent past. I've actually finished The Witcher 3's main campaign twice now and I was starting with my 3rd playthrough but then I thought a new and fresh story would actually be nice, so since the Assassin's Creed franchise is a AAA franchise I thought it would be a great time to check Origins out as its first RPG style game.

    Upon first impression the graphics totally blew me away, the game shows off very well in the beginning and I probably spent an hour just walking around the Library of Alexandria, completely awestruck at how detailed and beautifully lit this game is! The novelty does wear off after a while though because after the pyramids you've probably seen most there is to see, but it stays impressively beautiful and it effectively sinks its hooks into you at the beginning.

    The combat was also a welcome and very fun change, compared to The Witcher 3 and most other RPG based games. I love stealth games and the fact that stealth was such a natural combat option made this game a lot more fun for me. It brings depth and options to your approach as opposed to an enemy seeing you within a certain radius and the just hacking and slashing your way through it. It was a little bit on the easy side though but maybe because I've also been playing Sekiro recently so that type of challenge was missing and it felt a bit lacking, but nothing major. It was still more refined than Witcher and the story and graphics were good enough to keep me interested.

    I was grinding for gear upgrades and just hunting a shit ton after I got to Alexandria and it all became a bit stale for me by the time I reached Giza (let's be honest, when we think Egypt the pyramids are the first thing that come to mind). After seeing the pyramids I kinda felt like I've had enough so I did take a week or two break to reset. (playing a game needs to be fun, not a chore)

    This is and was probably my main complaint and issue with Origins. It is a tad bit too grindey for my liking. It made the game feel like a chore at times and that spoiled it a bit for me. It can make any game, even an amazingly designed and refined one like Origins feel cheap and almost like it's cheating you out of your time, so that is my main complaint and I'm still semi - put off by the thought (I feel slightly mad at the devs for slaving the player to this degree, it felt a bit unnecessary). But now that I've reached the end, finally, I know there is an end and I'm glad I finished it!

    Now I'm looking to play my next Single Player game. I'm interested in Odyssey actually. I have no idea what to expect but I had fun with this so maybe I should give it a try.

    What are your guys' thoughts on Origins as a game and Odyssey in comparison. Is it worth sinking another 60+ hours in or would I be better off watching the Witcher series and doing my 3rd playthrough of that? Perhaps maybe try a new game like Dishonored 2 or anything anyone can recommend?

    I'd love to hear your thoughts on all this. Let's talk about it!

    submitted by /u/Igmanige
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    Does Rogue change/add anything that is in Black Flag or is it basically a North Atlantic black flag game? (Besides the story & characters, obviously)

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 09:45 AM PST

    About to finish Black Flag (for the 2nd time, first time was a few years back so decided to play this again before continuing to Rogue) & was just wondering how different Rogue is, or not. Thanks

    submitted by /u/sienna4mandrill
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    The new (viking?) assassin's creed game should have..

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 10:53 PM PST

    • fur armors (because they look so dope and Vikings use those)

    • village raiding (because that's what vikings do)

    • better wildlife and forests

    • mythical bosses like in origins and odyssey

    • better hunting mechanics

    • better crafting mechanics

    • you should be able to choose between female and male character like in odyssey

    • you should be able to make decisions like in odyssey (because that made the game feel more interesting even if it didn't have much of a difference)


    • lots of different armor pieces that you can make your character look cool and unique

    • mediaval castles because those were a thing in that Era

    • tattoos

    • crossbows

    What would you like to see in that new assassin's creed?

    submitted by /u/Hyproo
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    I wish those ostraka riddles gave you gear like in Origins.

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 03:10 AM PST

    Engravings are also decent, but it would be cool if you got exclusive gear so you had some more options for customization as well. Engravings make the riddles seem pointless.

    submitted by /u/RaptorGM666
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    [Odyssey] Bugged reset abilities.

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 10:16 PM PST

    I reset my abilities so that I could finish the weekly Charged Vengeance quest for orichalcum. I was level 53 with maybe 4 or 5 extra points from tombs. When I respec'd to warrior path, I only took a few skills and then dumped the rest in masteries so I could 1 shot charge attack archers.

    However, when I went to reset my abilities back to my assassin build I'm now only left with 18 ability points at level 53.

    All of the autosaves are bugged to show 18 points even though on those save files I had allocated all of my points into mastery and they aren't even in the mastery now. My last full save was well over 12 hours ago. Am I just fucked and have to replay 12 hours worth of content to get my points back? Or am I missing something really obvious that is leaving me with 18/53 points?

    Thanks in advance.

    Quick edit: I already know you have to reset masteries separately from abilities. The mastery points just straight up got eaten, it's showing as 0/20 on all of the warrior branches even though they were previously allocated. Figured I'd clarify before anyone points out sometimes people don't know you reset masteries as well as abilities.

    submitted by /u/GGFebronia
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    I wish we got a Assassin’s Creed that takes place in Persia

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 04:52 AM PST

    After playing the Legacy Blade DLC for Odyssey, i think we should get a full game about Darius story about being the first assassin in the world and his adventures in Persia

    submitted by /u/DaFreshestAce
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    What do people think about the modern segments in AC4? (Spoilers)

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 12:55 PM PST

    I always liked the modern segments in AC4. Black Flag was my first AC game so I guess I could be considered a little biased, but I've been replaying the game recently and now that I've play most of the main entries in the series (haven't yet played 3, Rouge, or most of Unity) I like it even more. The reason I'm posting about this is that I often hear that people say that the modern storylines should have been let go altogether after AC3. While replaying Black Flag, I've found the idea of Abstergo having an entertainment branch (is that what you'd call it?) really creative (albeit kind of a stretch) and I enjoyed all the subtle ways that the game would present that you are working for Templars. Now that I've played most of the other games I've also found myself invested in the files gained from hacking (yeah, I admit the mini games are pretty boring) and how much work was put into them. One example I like is the files about ancient artifacts and locations that have folklore around them and the tying them into the AC universe. Also I remember finding the twist at the end with the IT guy being the sage pretty creative. That was kind of long but basically, I just want to know y'all's thoughts on this (I know that the same thing is in Rouge but I haven't played that so I have nothing to say about it)

    submitted by /u/MayorOfAniCity
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    AC: Origins - Nonlethal stealth takedowns after turning off blood effects?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 07:23 PM PST

    So, I'm fairly new to the AC series. I've played a couple earlier games and I'm just now starting Origins. I usually turn off the blood effect toggle, but I was a bit surprised after I turned it on this time.

    Using the Sword and Bow was as would be expected, but when I went to do a stealth takedown, you can imagine my surprise when my target, who registered as being dead, proceeded to roll around on the ground, kicking his legs and looking for all the world like he'd just been punched in the gut. I could even pick him up and he continued this animation after I moved him. Before turning off blood, stealth attacks led to a more obviously dead, unmoving enemy.

    Is this normal, or a really weird bug?

    submitted by /u/TatooineLight
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    Beginning my Odyssey journey, tempted to buy shiny Helix stuff

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 07:08 PM PST

    Hi guys, I'm beginning my first playthrough of Odyseey and I'm soooo tempted to buy them shiny wonderful stuff being thrown to my face from the Helix store. We all know Ubisoft is a cash-grabbing evil empire and their placement of the store is slowly getting to me lol. I don't mind spending some $$ on games as it's my only vice but are they worth it? I mean do you get them or something as strong eventually just by playing the game? Do they make you more OP? Do the map packs help you explore the world better? If so, which ones do you guys think are the "best buys"?

    I know this may have been asked a lot but can't seem to find anything that answered these questions when I backtracked, any input would be nice!

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Barugboog
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    My biggest issue with Assassin's Creed: Unity [SPOILERS]

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 01:26 AM PST

    Assassin's Creed Unity is by far my favourite game in the franchise. There's something about the city, the challenging and stealthy gameplay loop, the almost Hitman like approach to assassination, the graphics, the time period and customisation that keeps drawing me back to this game.

    However, the one key element of the game I really do not enjoy is the narrative itself, or rather, the way it's handled. Despite being meant to be the game's strongsuit as the AC franchise has always been narrative driven (at least up until Odessey), the more I revisit the game, the less I enjoy nor understand its narrative. It almost feels like Arno is up to a lot of plot relevant stuff in between main quests that is simply left out, and instead we're taken straight to the next main event or keypoint in the form of a main quest.

    This plagues the game from its very beginning - The prologue ends by Arno leaping off the top of the Bastille after being given a curious artifact that's meant to help him find the Assassin Brotherhood's hideout. The artifact is literally a circular medal with the Assassin logo engraved on it. Even Arno himself comments on it, saying something along the lines of "I suppose an simple address would be too mundane". Point being, it is literally impossible to find the Assassin headquarters using this "lead", at least not without further investigation, yet the following mission involves going to a random church which leads Arno straight to the Assassins' headquarters. The writers do not bother to explain how Arno managed to figure out where to go in the first place.

    I would have let that one plot hole slide if it hadn't been a recurring theme throughout the game. Another, more jarring example would be the first encounter with Germain. Arno informs Mirabeau that he learnt about a silversmith named Germain who had likely been involved in the plot against De La Serre. Mirabeau then proceeds to task Arno with finding him. At that point in the game, Germain is completely unknown to the Brotherhood and you're given absolutely no information about him. However, the following quest starts by you conveniently waltzing into his house and rescuing him from some captors. All without explaining how Arno learns about Germain's whereabouts and without even looking into nor questioning (!) why Germain is even kept under key and lock in the first place.

    There are a handful of games I revisit from time to time, but Unity is the only one whose story becomes less enjoyable and the characters become less likeable with every playthrough. Such a pity, the plot was supposed to be where the game really shines.

    submitted by /u/LadJustesen
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    what do you think of my Edward Lego build

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 07:53 PM PST

    Playing Odyssey before Origins?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 07:16 AM PST

    I recently bought AC Odyssey and Origins in a package deal on PlayStations store. I love the AC series but haven't played since Black Flag.

    My question is, do I need to play the games in order or does that no matter? I know it used to matter early on with the Ezio trilogy (ACII, Brotherhood, & Revelations) but can't remember if any storylines crossed paths still.

    submitted by /u/dmart07
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    Someone knows how can I find the last tier-s4 mercenary?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 09:49 AM PST

    I'm level 90 and I'm at the second position of tier-s4 but I can't find the last mercenary anywhere... normally I find high level mercenaries on "IDRA" and "CHITERA" islands, but not this time. Some help?

    submitted by /u/Tobo_Baldo
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    Athens or Sparta from a story/RP perspective

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 07:56 AM PST

    Sorry if this has been asked before but so far I've only seen this being talked about from a gameplay perspective. I recently started Odyssey and from what I gather who you choose to fight for in any given conquest battle does little to nothing for the games narrative and just boils down to the challenge and rewards of the fight.

    I'm just curious what peoples thoughts were on which, from a role playing perspective, our chosen Misthios would have tended to side with, or who you think is the better side/lesser evil based on their beliefs and way of life?

    submitted by /u/Grizzlysmizzly
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