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    Sunday, November 24, 2019

    Assassin's Creed [Day 46/72] Assassin's Creed III - The Tyranny of King Washington: The Betrayal

    Assassin's Creed [Day 46/72] Assassin's Creed III - The Tyranny of King Washington: The Betrayal

    [Day 46/72] Assassin's Creed III - The Tyranny of King Washington: The Betrayal

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 06:00 AM PST

    AC Marathon 2019 - Day 46

    Assassin's Creed III - The Tyranny of King Washington: The Betrayal

    Hello again, Assassins! After ending Benedict Arnold's hold over the Frontier, Ratonhnhaké:ton is being held in a prison in Boston. Not for long, obviously.

    Today's Target: Israel Putnam


    1 - Prison Break
    Escape from the cell and retrieve your equipment.
    2 - Sky World Journey
    Follow the Animal Spirit.
    3 - Dive Bomb
    Clear a path to exit the warehouse.
    4 - Consequences
    Fight Washington and escape.
    5 - Return to Sender
    Find out how Benjamin Franklin can help the cause.
    6 - Man of Mettle
    Obtain the special metal.
    7 - Pieces in Motion
    Find the diagrams of Franklin's design.
    8 - Aquila Unchained
    Free the Aquila.
    9 - Escape to New York
    Escape to New York with Faulkner and his crew.


    Share your feelings about today's sequence in the comments below. What did you think? Talk about what you liked, what you disliked, and your general thoughts. Feel free to engage with others and ask questions of your own!

    Being active in discussions will make you eligible for an official Marathon giveaway. More info in the 'Giveaway' section below.


    Here's the list of streamers that will be broadcasting today's sequence. All times in EST.

    12:00 PM - /u/KolyaAC on Twitch


    Here are the playthroughs that Marathon streamers have pre-recorded and uploaded:

    Playthrough by /u/mrnose20 - 1:28:11


    Make sure to download the official Marathon wallpapers for Assassin's Creed III - The Tyranny of King Washington!

    Desktop 1920x1080 || Desktop 1920x1200 || Mobile


    Here is today's Fan Art of the Day for Assassin's Creed III.
    Artist: englishbutter


    October 10th - Assassin's Creed
    October 15th - Assassin's Creed II
    October 27th - Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
    November 5th - Assassin's Creed: Revelations
    November 13th - Assassin's Creed III
    November 23rd - Assassin's Creed III: The Tyranny of King Washington
    November 26th - Assassin's Creed III: Liberation
    December 2nd - Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
    December 13th - Assassin's Creed IV: Freedom Cry
    December 15th - Assassin's Creed Rogue
    December 21st - Assassin's Creed Day


    This year we are giving away a set of prizes. These include a copy of the new Essential Guide, a digital copy of Assassin's Creed Odyssey Gold for the platform of your choice and an Art Commission done by NightFell.
    To be eligible for this year's giveaway, you must comment on at least 42 total threads across all games, including at least one thread from each game (DLCs don't count as a separate game, Liberation does). Replies to other comments count as well. Engaging in discussion with other users is strongly encouraged! You must confirm your participation by commenting on the final thread on Dec 21st.
    For additional details refer to the FAQ here.


    Tomorrow, on Day 47 of the Assassin's Creed Marathon, we will be travelling to New York as part of Assassin's Creed III - The Tyranny of King Washington: The Redemption!

    Watch the Assassin's Creed III: Tyranny Of King Washington Redemption Trailer to get you excited!

    Follow us on Twitter || Follow us on Instagram || Marathon Megathread & FAQ

    submitted by /u/ACMarathon
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    Assassin's Creed is the franchise that has avoided or radically refused to embrace its own lore, the most

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 05:56 PM PST

    Has there ever been any other saga that flies away from its own lore?

    Modern day has become a 10 min thing in the games, with no purpose, even tho the concept of a secret order still existing nowadays and fighting evil cyberpunk big corporation while searching the past, is awesome as f.

    Brotherhood and 3 nailed it! Seriously, go free roam as Desmond in monteriggioni. The atmosphere is great.

    Assassins, stealth and its creed are genuinely extremely interesting topics when taken seriously (I get so pissed when people say AC shouldn't take itself so serious with its lore).

    I mean, interesting philosophies while being a medieval or ancient batman. How can you go wrong with that? Oh, by not having Assassins in an AC game.

    The first civ angle is also amazing when done right, and by right I mean with a Sci fi atmosphere, not trying to emulate fantasy.

    The Brotherhood vault section and that cyberpunk ambient music, peak Isu stuff.

    The otherworldly artefact hunt gives an interesting spin to an otherwise conspiratorial philosophical struggle.

    Even the soundtracks reflect this unnecessary change, abandoning the Sci fi elements for traditional ones.

    Kyd and Schachner nailed how an AC should sound.

    Your lore is amazing in concept, Ubisoft. Use it. Expand it.

    Treat it well. You can go so many places.

    You could have one of those industry loved, GOTY games with heavy themes about freedom and order, the main conflict of AC.

    But because you're not willing to go there all the way..

    Feels like AC never reaches its potential. I'm not saying I have the answers on how to reach it. But I do have an advice.

    Actually go places. Deal with the serious themes you flirt.

    There is an audience that wants deep stories, if you trust them enough.

    You make fun games. But does not a fun game with a great story sell better, in theory, than a fun game with a terrible story?

    Would God of War sell well without the great story they had? Probably. But didn't the great story generate more public interest for an already wanted game?

    Assassins Creed can be art, not just a game designed to appeal to everyone that ends up ironically alienating its fanbase. Please make it so.

    submitted by /u/Brandomd
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    [SPOILER] How I would’ve changed the Fate of Atlantis DLC.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 02:04 PM PST

    Okay so before I start this off, I wanna say I actually liked Odyssey and I say that because to many people think you hate something just because you criticize it. Oh yeah and other than the force romance I actually liked Legacy of the first blade.

    The first time I actually played this DLC I thought I actually liked it, but after playing it again I realized I realized that I have a lot of criticisms for it.

    For starters, the first two episodes delve way more into mythology than they should have. I understand that they used the explanation of distorted memories and the simulation being made specifically for Kassandra, but even then there was no need to make Persephone the exact same one from Greek mythology and Hades the exact same one who kidnapped her. And though it's only ever been implied and never explicitly said that the gods from every mythology are the same, Aita and Hades should've remained the same person. The idea of distorted Isu memories could've been interesting but given how it turned out, we're gonna ditch it.

    (Before I start listing what I would change, remember that in my version we're going through Aletheia's memories alone with her guiding us through them, and they all lead up to the destruction of Atlantis)

    Persephone still rules over Elysium, but it's wildly different. It's not a paradise for humans, it's an Isu city just like Atlantis. Except the rebellion we start in the first episode has already begun. This is because the human-Isu war has already begun, which we can infer is when these events did take place, and Persephone is leading the campaign against the humans. Kassandra as Aletheia spends the episode sabotaging both sides because Aletheia is a pacifist who just wants both races to live together as equals. However this changes throughout the DLC.

    In the second episode The underworld is not the underworld, and neither is it ruled by Hades because Hades is Aita. Instead the "Underworld" is just a nickname for a mining colony of humans who's job is to mine the adamant (what the POEs are made out of) so the Isu can continue forging POEs to eventually win the war. The person who oversees this process is the Isu Thanatos. And no him an Persephone aren't married. In this episode instead of Kassandra completing mundane tasks that lead up to a betrayal you could see from a mile away, she frees the humans but is caught by Thanatos and ultimately has to kill him.

    The third episode for the most part remains the same, with the city being untouched by the war but the tensions are still high. Poseidon doesn't see any of this however because he's under the impression that his city is perfect and both the humans and Isu are living happily. Hubris. Throughout this episode we discover that despite Poseidon's laws the Isu still seek to control the humans for their own personal gain, along with the kidnapping of various humans. In this episode we discover that Adam and Eve are in Atlantis and plan to assassinate Poseidon. Kassandra (as Aletheia) allies with them and they later discover where all these humans have been disappearing to. They're all being used to aid in project Olympos. Juno and Aita are still behind this and unleash the Hecatonchire. They defeat it but in this Kassandra ( as Aletheia) discovers that peace between both races is simply impossible because the Isu will always seek to be on top, and she willingly destroys Atlantis with Adam and Eve to put an end to it all.

    This is basically a rough draft, but I hope y'all get the gist.

    EDIT: Idk why but the first time I posted this it didn't even show up on the subreddit.

    Anyways I have some things to add, after reading this I think Kassandra should just be an observer in Aletheia's memories and not actually participating in them but commenting on them with Aletheia. Also that in this version Hermès and Aletheia are married and he helps her along the way though not totally supporting her cause, however this changes throughout the story.

    Lastly, in a comic Hermès and Aletheia are being hunted down for the destruction of Atlantis. In this comic Aletheia is seriously injured and before she dies Hermès replicates her consciousness onto the staff and escapes. Then you know how everything else happens with him passing it to Pythagoras, and Pythagoras to Kassandra.

    submitted by /u/Powerblue102
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    Bad habits while docking your ship

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 02:23 PM PST

    For some reason, ever since black flag and rogue I like to crouch on the side of my ship as it docks. I just can't break the habit no matter how much I try, even in odyssey.

    submitted by /u/Kev_core1
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    Fanorona is a disgrace in AC3

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 10:48 AM PST

    It is ridiculously difficult at the homestead. When I played it back in 2012, the gaming gods smiled upon me and I won without any programs but now I can't win for the life of me. The browser games and downloads don't help and it's just so tedious.

    Did the devs even play this and thought 'this is fine, players will love this'

    submitted by /u/iamthenight22
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    What was the initial reaction to Ezio in AC2?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 06:36 PM PST

    Most of the times when a main character for a series is replaced, people get super pissed. So just curious as to what was the reaction when the first AC2 trailer came out and people found out Altair wasn't returning? Were people pissed or open to the idea of another protagonist? I discovered AC around the time Revelations came out, so idk how people felt before AC2 and Brotherhood came out.

    submitted by /u/Simmyuddin
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    Something I need to understand

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 10:17 PM PST

    Why are so many people upset about the franchise I see this so many times Odyssey sucks Ubisoft killed AC and I haven't bought a title in years these comments to make me confused

    Odyssey is a fun game to me the story is average I can agree on that but the gameplay is fun I could slaughter stuff for hours it was a brain turn off game I went in the game knowing it was not an assassin at all Ubisoft to me never made it seem like it was supposed a true AC game but just take place in the universe. The game was fun and it bought new people in who thought AC was all the same.

    Ubisoft had to soft reboot the franchise after syndicate and the movie The AC franchise was kind of going in a tailspin so I agree with Ubisoft to go light rpg (I wish they would have refine this with Odyssey but a different team made them) People were done with the Juno story line it got to confuse now I would have loved AC to continue the Juno story but a new player or a casual player would not have understood anything that was going on so Ubi opted to finish the story line in comics something they knew fans cared about Ubisoft could have just abandoned it but they chose to finish it. Odyssey made bank with both sales and post launch content I feel like the franchise is alive

    These are the comments I dislike the most the" I haven't played or bought a new AC in years but the new ones are trash." Things have to evolve and move forward you can't keep doing the same thing.

    Also my last point AC was never a truly stealth game IDC it had stealth elements but it was more action adventure.

    I said my piece please let me know if I'm over thinking or if I'm wrong I appreciate any critique or discussion

    submitted by /u/bigbreel
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    I modeled Olivier Garneau's (Abstergo CCO) desk in 3D!

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 03:46 AM PST

    AC Odyssey New Game+

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 07:30 PM PST

    I just bought the game and I'm around 25-35 hours in maybe more but I was wondering if it's worth completing the map and doing the dlcs in my first play through or should I go straight into New game plus after I finish the campaign

    submitted by /u/Nainns
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    Origins and Odyssey(Love, Hate)

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 01:48 PM PST

    Few months ago I bought AC Origins and I LOVED it. I was sceptical because I abandoned the series a while ago, but I was amazed by that game. So I was hyped for odyssey. One of the biggest disappointments ever. I don't really know why but: 1.the combat: more rpg than Origins(which is good)but when you hit someone the game doesn't give you that satisfying feeling. It was like hitting a balloon. 2.the map was too big and becomes repetitive too early. What really interest me is the first point Do you feel the same?

    submitted by /u/Francescopl
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    Caddywhompus after completing every AC game and what is to (potentially) come after

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 10:21 PM PST

    So I recently decided that I was gonna give a whole run through of All the AC games (it's taken me a few months) and it's been pretty great. Seeing the story evolve and I feel as though I've gotten far more invested than I was back in high school. Needless to say, love or hate, the games have come pretty far in respects to artistic design and storytelling while falling off a bit in regards to continuity and the modern story, but I think after finishing AC Origins (and Odyssey just this last week) things might be able to take off in a whole new direction. Note SPOILERS start after this

    So with all of the DLCs to come from the last two installments we learn an incredible amount about how the tech from the Isu is interpreted as magic or divinity from humans down the line (Greek & Egyptian gods). We also learn how important the bloodline from Alexios/Kassandra is after completing the Odyssey DLCs in relation to Aya and potentially Layla, as the Heir of Memories. In fact, after defeating Otso Berg and finishing Odyssey I was pumped to see what's going to happen next because Layla has the Staff of Hermes Tresmagistus, which we know is capable of "destroying everything." The question now is "where is all this going?" Do we finally have the Isu artifact that is going to help the Assassins defeat the Templars? Well to be honest, I doubt that's the case. As least for the next few games. After all, this is ubisoft's flag ship and after Syndicate we know that the Watchdogs universe is involved some how, but I won't be touching that here.

    My theory for the next game actually comes from the AC Origins DLC, The Hidden Ones. If you'll remember, one of the Ancients, Taharqa, had a son who swore revenge to kill Bayek. Well four years later his boy attempts to kill Bayek, but after hunting down his unknown killer, Bayek, recruits him instead. After defeating Rufio and going back to the bureau you can meet him on a cliffside where he'll tell you he is heading to Judea. Here's where the tinfoil hats come on Since the year after the end of this DLC is BC 45 what if he established a bureau near Jerusalem? And what if he somehow, either through himself or from an other playable character, we are introduced to Jesus? It's even theorized that that Shroad of Eden was in Jesus' tome when he was laid to rest. Which would have been a perfect way to fake his death and taking the eyes of the templars off of him. Now considering Abstergo obtained the Shroad after Syndicate it's not entirely relevant to advancing the story for the Assassins, but we've played at templar associates before. This could be the build up for another game along those lines, giving ubisoft time to line up a story for Layla to hone the powers of the SoHT and potentially learn more about the Shroad as well as offering modern day game play. Again all theories and if you've made it this far I really appreciate your time. Please feel free to debate and bring up any hole in my analysis so far!

    P.s. fun fact: in the Abstergo data base the Shroad is classified as Piece of Eden #66. The 6th letter of the alphabet is F. 66-FF "Friendly-Fire" hence anyone wearing it is in theory immune to damage from anyone, even allies

    submitted by /u/Erotic-Thunder
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    I’m playing Rouge for the first time

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 10:58 AM PST

    I just started playing Rogue for the first time. I did the whole AC out of order in a way. I started AC 1, then AC 2, then I jumped to AC 3 because lord knows you'd think that's how it goes 😂. I eventually upgraded to a PS4 and bought Black Flag, and Rogue and AC3 remastered.

    What are people's impressions of Rogue? Did you spend time at the start sailing to all the ports or did you just follow the storyline. It seemed like a waste because you lose most of your gear and money.

    It's a cool game though. I really appreciate the simple AC gameplay and mechanics. In fact, the mechanics are what makes me love AC so much. I really enjoyed Odyssey and Origins but it kind of got lost a bit there.

    submitted by /u/Timmyis-I-I-isTimmy
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    [question] In which of the Assassin's Creed games the NPC/guard shouts "Assassin!" when the assassin is spotted?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 10:58 AM PST

    In which of the Assassin's Creed games the NPC/guard shouts "Assassin!" when the assassin is spotted?

    Does anyone have a link to it?

    submitted by /u/Sammpo
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    I want "modern day" segments back like in Unity and Syndicate

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 01:37 AM PST

    I really liked the World War segments in those games and I think it could be a great variation if these were included.

    I could imagine that if a feudal japan game comes out they could incorporate a WW2 or pre WW2 segment

    submitted by /u/Darmabfall88
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    How long do season passes last?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 09:53 AM PST

    I want to get the Black Flag season pass but it sais 'Season Pass' so does it only last for a season or do I have the pass forever?

    submitted by /u/IhaveNoLifeLol12
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    Can you beat the impossible fight

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 03:15 AM PST

    In siwa before you leave you fight a lot of guys and their pretty much invincible has anyone or is it possible to win that fight

    submitted by /u/PrestigeMaster04
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    I'm not liking Unity, but I can't tell why...

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 02:23 AM PST

    I've had a rather weird relationship with the series. It's something I wanted to get into around the time AC 2 came out, but for reasons, I didn't have a PC powerful enough to play any of the games till about 2010. I played AC1 around 2010 and loved it, I played AC2 in 2012 and loved it. I missed Brotherhood and Revelations because I didn't have a powerful pc until recently, but I played AC 3 in 2015. This year, I ended up trying to play through some of the AC games, including Black Flag (which I loved) and Rogue (which I thought was Okay, but playing it back to back with BF made me not enjoy it as much).

    Now I'm on Unity, and... Idk, I'm not enjoying it as much as I thought. Granted I'm only 5 hours in but so far, the story is lackluster. I know there are other AC games with meh protagonists (AC3) although honestly given the setting I thought it would be more exciting. I had fun in AC3 because even though Connor was a bit of a wet bag, the setting felt alive. Unity... kind of doesn't. Scripted crowd events happen way to often to feel organic and it feels like there's just too much clutter in terms of side missions and content. It'd be cool if there were even subtle variations between some of these side quests but it's AC, so of course, there isn't.

    All of this is all without going into the mechanics that made AC games feel alive to me. There are small things like high profile actions (scaling buildings) that would at least draw a gasp or some sort of attention. I get that France is burning but I feel invisible in free roam. It's so easy, too easy, in fact, to avoid drawing attention from the guards or even reactions from people when you're moving about in the city. There are basically no guards on rooftops, even in places where there are ladders and stuff.

    The free run parkour is awesome in terms of the animation fluidity, it's just that 20% of the time Arno does something you don't want him to do which makes it awkward. He's also very fast to stick to surfaces. I've had trouble doing quick drops into the proper places. It's also very easy to overextend and end up in places you don't intend to go.

    Finally, the combat/ability progression is weird. I get that it was tiring of having a game where you effortlessly beat the shit out of guards, but as it is it feels off. Having to level up for basic skills like lockpicking and using a pistol is just annoying. You apparently can't equip the hidden blade (the one thing that makes an AC game) so there are times where I drew my sword when I thought I was close enough to go for the kill. I'm sure I'll learn, I'll adjust and do better but the one thing about past AC combat was that it was intuitive.

    I mean all in all it's not terrible, but it's been a chore playing. I don't want it to be this way though and maybe I'm looking at this wrong. So I'm asking you all how your experience of the game was so I can understand how justified my initial complaints are.

    submitted by /u/-mickomoo-
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    Do i need xbox live gold to play AC Origins and AC Odyssey?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 12:53 PM PST

    Just bought the Ac Antiquity Pack and cancelled my Xbox Ultimate to buy Witcher 3. Can i still played AC games?

    submitted by /u/DidacticCrane27
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    Why do people think the next AC game will be themed around Norse/Viking mythos?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 10:27 AM PST

    There's nothing afaik to suggest that the next game will be set during the age of the vikings. On the other hand, there's the scene in AC3 where it foreshadows the future games where we see a wadjet (Origins), an omega (Odyssey) and a Shinto gate, which makes a feudal Japan the most likely candidate for the next AC game. Where did this idea of Ragnarok come from?

    submitted by /u/OrchideanFreud
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    Does anyone here know the name of that song that's really closely attached to assassin's creed?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 02:46 AM PST

    Stupid question, but it's the one that starts with all the trumpets and horns? And the singers voice is really raspy and low? I'm not really a big player of the franchise but this has been stuck on my mind for a while now so please help 😅

    submitted by /u/TwittyTwat
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