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    Monday, September 30, 2019

    Assassin's Creed In a world without gold, we might have been heroes

    Assassin's Creed In a world without gold, we might have been heroes

    In a world without gold, we might have been heroes

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 07:36 AM PDT

    This moment from Black Flag kicks my ass every time I remember it, let alone play it. And it got me thinking recently. Assassin's Creed are plainly badass games but they also pack a punch with some of their explorative themes. When the first AC came out, I was still a kid in high school and Al Mualim and Altair's dialogues between missions were almost like a crash course introduction to philosophy. Assassin's Creed II had some really tough moments. Each game has kind of brought its own 'heavy hitter' in terms of themes and beats.

    So that being said, Thatch's quote above, and the Kingston prison mission with Mary Read, were the two moments that just knock me out each time. What are some moments in AC games that do this for you?

    submitted by /u/Vito_Cornelius
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    I really loved the incidental and diegetic sound cues in Syndicate

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 06:16 PM PDT

    Playing through Syndicate again I'm reminded again why it's one of my favorite in the series. The musical cues that play as you climb above the city, the cello as you dive back to street level and the jaunty little cue as you pop out of the leaves to walk among the crowd. All the street performers are entertaining especially the singers in the bars. I'll often stop and just listen as if I were just a passerby. I love all the music in AC games, with AC 2 being a personal favorite, but I feel that the way Syndicate used these little flourishes really enhanced the game.

    submitted by /u/MrLampost
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    Assassin’s Creed: Unity — A mixed bag, but very good overall

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 11:18 PM PDT

    So I've just finished playing AC Unity about three minutes ago and figured I'd type up my thoughts. Let's get the negatives out of the way first.

    The map is way overcrowded. There's way too many chests, cockades, and Paris stories, and it enough murder mysteries. I still have two districts left to clear because I just said "fuck it" and completed the last two sequences.

    The Nostradamus Enigmas are unnecessarily difficult. They don't just take a bit of critical thought and wordplay, they require extensive research into the database and on google for information the average person would never know.

    It feels too easy to get detected in stealth sections sometimes. Like, you're shimmying across a wall and you're detected by a dude on top of the wall who shouldn't be able to see you.

    That's about all I've got for the negatives. By far my biggest issue with the game is the map being bloated with collectibles.

    I really like the new combat system. I like that you need to be much more careful when guns are involved, because they will take you out quick. I also really like that combat is much more challenging. Standing in the middle of an army and pressing E and LMB alternately isn't a viable strategy anymore.

    The new free-running controls are amazing too, especially the "free-run down" ability. I'm so glad we have that option now.

    The amount of freedom you get to customize Arno's gear is very nice too because you can tailor your gear to your play style.

    The openness of the assassination missions is really nice too. The game just tells you "Here's your target. Go kill them," and how you do that is entirely up to you.

    The story was really solid too. Arno was a very fun protagonist to play. I would have liked to see a bit more of his rebellious attitude clashing with the Brotherhood in Paris, though.

    Overall, Unity is a fantastic game. It controls well for the most part, though Arno doesn't seem to like to change directions while running along a narrow surface. The assassination missions were my favorite in the series and I liked all of the main characters. However, the game suffers from a bloated map, too many Paris stories, and not enough murder mysteries.

    submitted by /u/mylegismissing
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    Regarding the ending of the "Fate of Atlantis" DLC + Modern day discussion [SPOILER]

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 06:36 AM PDT

    So, I guess this might be a kind of critique post regarding Odyssey, but bear with me.

    When I played the three parts of that DLC, I initially liked the aspect of having a continuation of the modern day story. It felt like Ubi was trying to actually tell us what happened before the next game and it felt good to see the Atlantis storyline of the maingame being expanded.
    Alas, the DLCs dropped and with every episode it just felt, worse, I guess? ESPECIALLY the modern day. I dont dislike the Kassandra part with the memories of Aletheia that much, since it does not make any sense whatsoever for me. But I despise what happened around Layla. And I was just curious how that sits with everyone else on this sub. And eventually I realized that it is completely stupid to pack modern day story into DLC, since the MD connects the games and some players will feel like all of us did when the next AC drops.

    This is actually such a big annoyance for me, that even now when I browse this sub, I am reminded of the things that happened.
    Just a few that really grinded my gears, kind of as a spark for your thoughts.

    1. Sigma Team (well, if you can call 3 guys in some grey armor that) rushing in with SWORDS, not expandable canes, not pistols or taser sticks or whatever. They even had pistols in AC 3 ffs. And Layla just beating them up with a PoE as a spear, I mean WHAT? And then having the balls to just call out Otso Berg? I can't even.
    2. Kassandra blasting Victoria into the shadow realm at the end of the second episode. In what way can this be spun to be useful for the narrative? I just felt like "we cannot let an episode end without someone dying, gotta hook em for the next part". Especially in the case of Vic, who admittedly was really annoying (not as much as Layla, but still very much so), but who only cared for Laylas wellbeing.
      I mean, I liked that Athena then went "This ain't it, chief", but in episode 3 she still decides to continue with Layla, who, mind you, has not done anything to this point to show even a little bit of growth. And still lacks it at the end of episode 3.
    3. The end of episode 3. Frick me, what was that. Otso Berg, you know, Black Cross of the templars, killing who knows how many Assassins, walks in on an Assassin in possession of a piece of Eden. Like, I get it, fodder in these games have maybe no knowledge about those things, but HIM? And he also does not bring anything to the battlefield, so they duke it out with a spear and a stick (or sword, actually cannot remember that). He has no cards up his sleeve, does not play dirty like he has before, no nothing to help him and the scene ends with Layla stepping to Vics corpse, picking up her com and telling the other Assassins what happened. Or at least her version of it. All the while a probably paralyzed Berg bleeds out on the ground. They better get down there fest, or that dude is dead when they arrive.

    You know what would really have subverted expectations? Otso walking in on Layla at the end, she trying to fight him and him just mercilessly disposing of her. Then Aletheia comes out and starts to speak with him. Mind you, Otso knows the templars are not what they once where, seeing Aletheias simulations could really have made an impact on him and in return, maybe have given us an actual interesting actor for the next AC game. But him being paralyzed now? There is no way in hell that will happen.

    I guess in some way, this is a "Odyssey bad" post. But, this really just critisizes how horrendous the MD execution is, in my opinion. I have not seen any posts in about this aspect of the DLCs and hopefully I can at least put my sentiments to rest with this post.

    So feel free to tell me you POI, I will try to respond quickly.

    And remember:

    "Laa shay'a waqui'n moutlaq bale kouloun moumkine "

    submitted by /u/MatDalan
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    Colonial Assassin games=Star Wars. *Major Spoilers for multiple games*

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 04:02 PM PDT

    All of the assassin's creed games set in the America's basically follow the story of Star Wars

    Shay=Anakin (changes sides and wipes out the "good" guys, including his mentors and ex friends)

    Achilles=Yoda (Mentor who messes up big time and lives and isolation for decades and eventually trains a young apprentice as the last hope)

    Haytham=Palpatine (Leader of the "bad guys")

    Connor=Luke (The last hope and is trained by the mentor, wipes out the "bad guys)

    submitted by /u/ECording
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    What did Jacques De Molay mean?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 05:37 AM PDT

    What did Jacques De Molay mean by "I curse you to the thirteenth genration of your blood" ? was Louise XVI the thirteenth generation of Philip IV? or was is just another dialogue?

    submitted by /u/arashz02
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    Assassin’s Creed 3: A game held back by its flaws

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 02:51 PM PDT

    This post is meant to look back at Assassin's Creed 3, which I find introduced many great new ideas to the franchise, but was held back from being fully enjoyable due to it's flaws. It's a game I WANT to love but had trouble doing so. In contrast, Assassin's Creed 4 perfects those ideas and makes a fun experience.

    First, story elements make no sense at times, like when Achilles is dying, Connor isn't as heartbroken about it as he probably should be. He just suddenly becomes really angry and vengeful, out to get Charles Lee and his father. Also, when he first encounters Haytham, Haytham already knows who Connor is, and this makes no sense. He's not shocked or anything.

    The glitches in AC3 annoyed me, as I once got caught between a mountain and a tree and got stuck floating in air and couldn't get out. Had to restart my system. I already knew that AC games we're getting glitchier and glitchier since AC: Brotherhood, as they were beginning to become rushed due to Ubisoft wanting to milk the franchise for money, but AC 3 had the worst ones. I sometimes found myself progressing in a mission because the guards were too dumb to notice me right in front of them.

    I didn't really like the parkour in the cities, but found myself enjoying them more in the frontier on trees. This element is even more fun in AC4.

    Also, I really wish they didn't kill off Desmond. I don't know what Ubisoft Montreal was planning for future titles at the time, but I enjoyed the modern day segments and wanted to learn more about the modern day assassins. Desmond was the glue that united all the titles together for an overall story. This game seems to have rushed through the modern day segments, but tbh, compared to previous games, they are the best ones, and if done better, could have been the precursor to an entirely modern day AC game. I loved the idea of parkouring up skyscrapers that are under construction, fighting security guards or using stealth, and then jumping off the building to parachute into the next. The Brazil mission could have been done better. And the Abstergo mission makes NO sense. Like why the hell the Desmond just casually walk into the facility? There aren't enough guards there to stop him either. And Vidic had a very unclimatic demise for someone that's been a villain since the first game. Daniel Cross seems like a cool villain that could have been a new reoccurring villain in later games, even becoming an arch nemesis to Desmond. Imagine the supposed best assassin who's actually a Templar fight the new ultimate Assassin Desmond miles thanks to the bleeding effect from all his former ancestors? But he was also killed in an unclimatic way. This all just says to me that towards the end of the game, everything was rushed.

    The game started off strong with Haytham's sequences, and the surprise reveal that he's actually a Templar was a cool twist. But imagine if this game wasn't rushed. Imagine if Ubisoft took their time and perfected this game. Oh well.

    submitted by /u/KvotheG
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    AC unity co-OP with people

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 08:55 PM PDT

    Hey, is there like a discord server or something similar to ask people to play with me in AC unity?

    submitted by /u/logan14325
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    How long does it take to match up with others in AC unity

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 08:12 PM PDT

    I was curious because I am planning on buying it in a couple hours but I was curious how long it takes to be able to play with others as it was released quite a few years ago. If anyone can give me an answer that would be amazing


    submitted by /u/logan14325
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    POLL: Are you happy with the current state of the modern day?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 10:17 AM PDT

    Odyssey Club Challenge - "Show me the money!"

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 07:56 PM PDT

    Not sure if this is a glitch or if I'm missing a step somewhere. The "Show me the money!" challenge shows as incomplete, although I've completed all the other challenges and have all the club rewards.

    submitted by /u/TankFu8396
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    I sometimes feel like the "game in a game" stuff is unnecessary and ruins the mood.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 07:17 AM PDT

    First of all: i am not english, and i am still learning. Please keep that in mind while reading this.

    Assassin's creed is an awasome frenchise, i love the idea of running around in the past but sometimes the modern day sequences take that feeling away.

    Like i am happily making my way through paris when suddenly the game starts doing that weird glitch thing and i am taken away from where i was content (or comfortable? Translate couldnt help me much there)

    Dont get me wrong though, the idea of a modern world is... Cool? But i cant help wishing it were only about an assassin brotherhood throught time without any "game inside a game" shenanigans.

    submitted by /u/-_BadWolf_-
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    Black Flag Aveline dlc

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 01:59 PM PDT

    I probably get an answer soon. It's just a weird thing. So I had the basic version of BF already on my PC without the DLC. I got Uplay+ and got the Gold Edition with the DLC. So on the Uplay app I have BF twice for now. However now both versions have the DLC for some reason, so I'm wondering if I'll lose the DLC once I'm not on Uplay+ anymore, despite that technically I can access it on the version that's not from Uplay+.

    submitted by /u/TheCascador
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    What did y’all think of the Greece discovery tour

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 10:34 AM PDT

    I thought it was cool and I liked running around as the different characters. There were some things I didn't know as well, like the propylaia architecture and design as well as the chalkotheke

    submitted by /u/FlashEMC
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    If Assassin's Creed is EVER set in Rome it has to be based around Massalia watching Rome get into its war with Carthage.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 08:04 PM PDT

    I read the first two pages of this Jstor paper (1942, Benedict) and thought of all the ways they could work that out. A very serious storyline could be found for Alexios now that his is almost cut off. It can have the game space enter Gaul and traverse through those periods! You could sail on ships into the Mediterranean and see cities on the Spanish, African, Italian, Etruscan coast.

    Sincerely, consider it Ubisoft, tell your coworkers, tell your plot designers, I want to see Alexios in Massalia, old as fuck, and his kids are running a mercenary camp, fighting Punics soon to be fighting the Romans. That would honestly be sick!

    Tell your friends, I already pre-crossposted this to your favorite sub.

    submitted by /u/WeAreElectricity
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    Assassin's Creed Origins The Stranger Fists only, Nightmare, No damage, items/consumables

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 03:32 PM PDT

    Assassin's Creed Origins Money Farm

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 06:36 PM PDT

    Is there one that still works and isnt the "animals in the cages" farm? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/buttHat016
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    Does anyone have a list of the Equipment you get out of the Jack the Ripper DLC for AC Syndicate?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 02:15 PM PDT

    Been thinking about getting it but I cannot for the life of me find anything that covers the actual stuff you get out of the dlc besides the missions. Ac fandom has failed me.

    submitted by /u/SlinGnBulletS
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    You should be anonymous on the roofs and wanted on the ground, not the other way round.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 05:32 PM PDT

    So I was playing Dying light a lot recently (btw this post only really applies to the older Ac games since the stopped doing that whole parkour thing since Origins pretty much).
    Anyway tho. In Dying light Parkour is a necessity cause on the ground there are zombies, that's why you're always running and mostly on rooftops. And then I realized that in the earlier Ac games it was the other way round. As long as you're on the ground you can walk around and not be bothered as long as you're not in certain areas. But on the rooftops there are guards that will attack you on sight.
    And it got me thinking: It should be the other way round like in Dying light. Cause Dying light's parkour works so great cause it's actually necessary. It makes the game easier.
    And it would fit the AC lore. Assassins could be easily spotted by guards as long as they're not using social stealth. And they usually respond to templars so your head should always be a bounty to every guard. Every guard should attack you on sight. But you should be safe on the rooftops. This would actually force you to use parkour. And you could still be on the ground with social stealth.
    Anyway again this doesn't apply to any recent AC games or future probably. Just a showerthought about the whole "guards on rooftops" thing the earlier AC games did.

    submitted by /u/zuluportero
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    Stuck? Equal Employment Opportunity Program quest Odyssey

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 03:17 PM PDT

    The marker for the quest doesn't show up on my map, I went back to the quest before this one after restarting my PS4 and still nothing. When I try to get to Phokis a black wall shows up and says "area unavailable". How do I proceed? I've seen other people post about other bugs but not this. :(

    submitted by /u/brilittlepiggy
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    What do you think about the original AC?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 10:30 AM PDT

    Title. did you play it when it released? did you like it? how does it hold up now? I remember that as a kid i was fantasizing about proper medieval combat and when it released and i saw the swordplay my jaw dropped. then I actually played it and indeed it was very fun although my english was really shit back then so I didn't understand a lot. By todays standards I think it is at best average but back then it was groundbreaking imo. I will replay it this week

    submitted by /u/GMetzo
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    [Odyssey] Some in-detail questions about damage types and health engravings. Also, am I "cheating" by having 2 gear sets?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 05:59 PM PDT

    1. Does Warrior/Hunter/Assassin damage only apply to skills/active abilities? Or does it help white damage?

      • As in say I'm naked apart from a bow, shooting normal arrows; will having +hunter damage make the shot do more damage, or does the +hunter damage only apply to abilities like predator shot?
    2. +100% dmg / but 25% health engraving. If I want +crit engravings do I want ones that activate at full health or low health? Not sure what the game thinks my 25% health is...

    3. I have been using 2 equipment sets: One a very powerful Assassination one with that 100% dmg/25% life engraving. So on tough mercs I open with this assassination to hopefully do a massive chunk off of their health, I then IMMEDIATELY put on my 2nd gear set, a tanky warrior build, and whack away the last slivers of health normally. Kinda feels like cheating to be able to switch gear in combat and abuse 2 builds so much... or is this normal and how everyone plays?

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Dserved83
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    How do I enter the fort in East New York?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 01:56 PM PDT

    It's the one with wood spikes blocking off part of the city and the doors stay shut and I've ran all the way round it and can't find a way in

    submitted by /u/The_Champ_Son
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