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    Saturday, September 28, 2019

    Assassin's Creed I spent two hours drawing Kassandra from Odyssey

    Assassin's Creed I spent two hours drawing Kassandra from Odyssey

    I spent two hours drawing Kassandra from Odyssey

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 05:45 PM PDT

    Assassin’s Creed all-time sales top 140 million

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 07:03 AM PDT

    For any historians, what building is this inspired by, this dome theatre building in the Marais district of Paris? Near Place des Vosges (AC: Unity)

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 03:37 PM PDT

    So I just finished Sequence one of Odyssey...

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 08:41 PM PDT

    Alexios is hilarious. Shoving Cyclops eye up a goat's arse was the best thing I saw in a long time.

    submitted by /u/Nabono
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    Played AC3 for the first time, fucking adored it. TLDR by the way...

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 06:05 PM PDT

    I'm a shit gamer, so I would rather focus on a story, which was fucking amazing.

    You know, usually AC games choose setting to set up an atmosphere and have a cool background setting for story to take place, but 3 not only does all that, it also uses it's setting as it's main theme. In many ways, this game can be seen as a commentary to American Revolution, a war that is incredibly romanticized, yet it was lot more complicated that just goody goody colonists vs evil British. The game makes it clear - there were no clear good guys and bad guys, just people.

    Connor is perfect protagonist for this kind of story. He is very young throughout the most of the game, therefore quite naive. He fights for freedom of his people, believing that Patriots want exactly that. By the end, we see him as a lot more experienced and wiser person who realizes that world is lot more complicated than he thought. His story is incredibly tragic, because he loses everything throughout this fight, and even has to kill his own father and his close friend. I really felt bad for the guy, because all Connor was trying to do was to protect his people, yet he didn't achieve even that.

    The way Templars are portrayed is also amazing. First act of the game was a perfect way to showcase how different the story was going to be. The moment the game really started amazing me with it's moral ambiguity was when we kill William Johnson. From an outside perspective, dude seemed like an asshole, killing Natives who didn't want to sell the land. Then we realize that he was trying to buy the land to protect Natives in the future from getting thrown out of their land by colonists. His methods were cruel, he goes bit too far, but you can totally see where he is coming from.

    The ending was great, not giving any easy answers. Connor sees ships with British sailing away, smiles, only to look back and see slaves being traded in auction. He goes to land of his people, and everyone is gone, we only see a traveller who summarizes everything perfectly - "Clever men, these new leaders of ours. They know not to push it just yet. Too soon for taxes. Too...British"

    Fuck, I wish we got to see continuation of his story. So much fucking potential squandered.

    submitted by /u/raylan1234
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    [Revelations] So, well, this happened...

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 11:11 PM PDT

    So I'm playing Revelations (it's actually my first time) and I'm wandering around Constantinople taking Templar dens and climbing viewpoints. There's this one viewpoint in Bayezid near the Horn, so I climb it up. I'm still early in the game, just after the bomb crafting tutorial, so I have a full set of those. Also, it should be noted I had just finished playing Brotherhood, and on both my old 360 and my PS4 I'm used to pressing Y or triangle to synchronize. I accidentally throw a bomb on the viewpoint and somehow it doesn't fall off. Of course, when I click LS it starts panning around the city but midway through the bomb goes off and Ezio plummets into an early Leap of Faith while the eerie music from the synch is still playing. Long story short, I completely miss the haywagon and bam, I'm dead. I've had a lot of embarrassing and hilarious desynchronizations throughout the three years I've played the series, but this one had to be top 3. P.s. I'm liking Revelations so far, it feels a lot less constricted than the story-heavy Brotherhood. Something about the fact that Ezio isn't in Constantinople to actually kill, he's just searching for stuff.

    submitted by /u/americancloser
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    In the assassins creed games, what is the requirement to become an assassins?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 09:38 PM PDT

    Just like the title says, say If I hypothetically wanted to become an assassin, what would I have to do/be able to do?

    submitted by /u/logan14325
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    What would you all think of a game like this?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 10:38 AM PDT

    AC1: Remaster or Remake?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 03:27 PM PDT

    Kind of a poll. Would you rather see a remastered edition of Assassin's Creed for the latest generation consoles, or a complete overhaul of the game?

    submitted by /u/nicksredditacct
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    AC Origins Aim Assist

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 05:57 PM PDT

    When I'm using a controller and have aim assist at full, it "snaps" onto the enemy for me, I just aim in their direction.

    When I'm using mouse and keyboard, it doesn't really "snap" onto them like controllers do. It's harder to aim because it feels like the little amount of assist isn't worth it at all.

    Am I missing something here? Is there a secret that I don't know? Or has it always been like this?

    submitted by /u/oTronos
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    As a lurker, it’s time to post. (Spoilers All)

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 08:34 PM PDT

    I read all of the wonderful posts/comments both by critics and lovers of the games alike...but something I've yet to see discussed is endgame cutscenes of Syndicate. Being the game it was (personally I enjoy the different mechanics introduced) it was built and meant to be an in between kind of game.

    Moving on from that, and elaborating more on the aforementioned ending cutscene, they bring back the Shroud. The intent of Abstergo was to reanimate a precursor, now known as Isu. I had hoped so much in the next game the assassins would steal the shroud back from Abstergo and bring Desmond back.

    Though upon further research Abstergo has Desmond's DNA sample so it is no longer required for animus ancestral memory exploration, but even still I feel like they reopened that door by including it in the last DLC of Odyssey. Moving on...

    If they ever do intend to reboot the game. What better way than to make it a continuation. It's a new out of Animus (real world) story where Desmond is acclimating to the animus again, after being revived with the shroud.

    We get modern graphics and updated controls, maybe weapons and gameplay, but all in all the original AC1. Because Desmond is still out of sorts upon his resurrection it would be extremely cool to have random partial missions from the catalog of games, or maybe just a bleeding glimpse.

    Ran with it there at the end but mainly I just want to know all of your thoughts, if you can follow the ramblings. Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/Askmeifimanapple
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    What period from 100-900 AD would you most want to see covered in a game?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 01:36 PM PDT

    Confusion on the timeline of AC Odyssey

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 10:50 PM PDT

    So I was playing the discovery mode on Odyssey and I was kind of thinking about the timeline as I was going through some of the tours. So the big battle where Kleon and Brasidas die(battle of amphipolis) happened in 422 BCE which the protagonist participated in. I believe this is the last big historical event that the protagonist took a part in before the game ended, but it gives us a timeline that the protagonist at least spent 9 years on their odyssey (431-422 BCE). During which they had access to the spear of Leonidas. And we also know that the spear of leonidas was given to herodotus after it no longer had any powers left. However according to real life history, as well as what is mentioned in the discovery tour, herodotus dies in the year 425 bce, 3 years before the events of amphipolis. I'm wondering then how he ended up with the spear unless the protagonist buried it in his grave long after he passed or something like that. Cheers. I apologise for using protagonist I mean Kassandra/Alexious (even though canonically it is Kassandra)

    submitted by /u/helplmao123
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    If Thebes is part of Egypt then why can we not travel to it within the main game without a loading screen

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 04:26 PM PDT

    I just saw on a map that it is in Egypt and not like a bit out side the map

    We should be able to travel to it with no loading screen

    Also is the curse of the pharaohs map just below the Sahara or what

    submitted by /u/matts142
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    [FATE OF ATLANTIS SPOILER] There’s a good chance that if you hated some aspects of Odyssey, you will LOATHE AC Kingdome/Ragnarok

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 12:19 PM PDT

    Remember how in the end of Fate of Atlantis the Assassins finally captured Otso? Well do I have some news for you. A few months ago there was a 4chan post (NOT THE ONE WITH THE FAKE SCREENSHOTS) that mentioned that Otso Berg will is captured by the Assassins, a long with a lot of information regarding Kingdom. Two of those details is that:

    A) there will be a male/female protagonist like Odyssey

    B) there will be dialogue choices will return

    Now me personally, I am fine with this, but I know that A LOT of you are not ok with this.

    Remember, there's still a chance that this info is fake and that the person who made the 4chan post just got REALLY lucky with the Otso info. Either way though, there's a full year and things CAN and WILL change during development. So take this info with a grain of salt.

    submitted by /u/UrCasGamer
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    Any critical osyssey <!> side quests? - SPOILERS

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 05:10 AM PDT

    Ok so I'm at work, forgive me for not correctly recalling names/locations, but when the game takes you south of athens to help the priests find your mother, you eventually encounter the cult member cherris. she runs away and you can't find her... i looked everywhere.

    Then, i simply did the sidequest there, and sure enough there she is.

    Any other situations like this that i should be aware of? I prefer to skip sidequests entirely in my games so that I can return to them once the main story is done, for longevity sake.


    edit: aww can't edit title for spelling.. so embarrassing lol

    submitted by /u/hanscrolo
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    do mercenaries kill eachother

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 02:45 PM PDT

    i was fighting a mercenarie and then a another one comes and rescue me and leaves

    submitted by /u/Normandy_sr3
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    Do all MD assassins and templars know about the Isu, pieces of Eden and Temples or is it just highly classified information for some members?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 06:52 AM PDT

    Been wondering about this for a while.

    submitted by /u/VerdArrow
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    Can someone point me in the direction of a uplay assassins creed origins trainer?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 03:33 PM PDT

    My levels are too low for the missions and I'm on the trial of uplay+ so I need to try finish the game quicker, just need one with XP adding

    submitted by /u/Behsurk
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    AC:Odyssey - Unreachable(?) treasure chest in Cradle of the Underworld, screenshots inside

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 11:50 AM PDT

    Hey all,

    Currently cleaning out the maps, and in the named cave "Cradle of the Underworld", there's sort of a structure in the rock, directly across from the underwater passage leading to the Tartarus rift.

    There are three fence- or gate-like structures you can't pass: https://i.imgur.com/ATPRm9r.jpg

    And there's a big door that can't be opened, with an area behind it that could lead to the chest: https://i.imgur.com/utwQYKX.jpg

    map location: https://i.imgur.com/zMguHqn.jpg

    Sorry for the dark screenshots, but, uh, there's not a lot of light in that cave

    Note that I do have 3/3 treasure chests for the location, so this one is unmarked in that respect.

    Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/Philmriss
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