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    Assassin's Creed My concept for a wild west assassin logo

    Assassin's Creed My concept for a wild west assassin logo

    My concept for a wild west assassin logo

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 06:39 PM PDT

    So I'm Glowecestrescire arc in Valhalla now, and discovered something interesting.

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 03:18 AM PDT

    I don't think this is that well known, since this isn't even mentioned in the wiki.

    I'm not sure if everyone noticed, but the way Cynon said his lines made me realize that I'd heard this voice somewhere before.

    I did some digging and found out that Mark Bonnar is the VA for Cynon. The same guy who voiced BlackBeard in Black Flag. I know Ubi likes to reuse voice actors, but Mark hides it so well. Something I found interesting, thought I'd share. Just made the whole arc a bit more interesting as well, for me at least.

    submitted by /u/ChrisTravern
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    How well known do you think each protagonist is in universe?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 07:47 AM PDT

    By this I mean, how well known do you think our good ol' assassins and templars are known as just historical figures within their own universe by the general public?

    My take on it is this:

    Kassandra/Alexios- A Greek myth like Hercules, perhaps in the modern age they have a movie about their exploits, and perhaps there's a conspiracy about an ancient Greek warrior that is immortal walking the earth with their staff.

    Bayek- Most likely mentioned in letters and hieroglyphs of the era, depending on what happened to his body it might be on display in the British museum

    Eivor- Not very well known or famous, perhaps mentioned in British/medieval history courses in university

    Altair- Like a true assassin Altair is forgotten by history, perhaps a highlight being him mentioned in a letter by king Richard I.

    Ezio- Despite having three games to himself, his only remarkable claim to fame would be him being mentioned in letters by Da Vinci, and maybe centuries later he's mentioned in the movie 'The Da Vinci code' as a friend of the man.

    Edward- Definitely on the more famous side, I'd say he's remembered by history as an fairly notorious pirate on par with the likes of Bonnet and Blackbeard. Maybe even appearing in as a pop culture staple like they do.

    Shay- Despite making his own luck, Shay is mostly forgotten, perhaps appearing on records of Privateers in the seven years war, or even a war hero from that era, but not much else.

    Haytham- A historical footnote, mentioned in the correspondence of his time but largely forgotten.

    Connor- I already made a post about it, but the tldr of it is that due to basically being a founding father (or at least friends with them all) and being at key moments in the American revolution, Connor is the most famous out of all the Assassins and Templars. Being an native American Icon in the modern age and maybe even an movie or two and a biography of his life at least.

    Aveline- A noted daughter of a wealthy New Orleans merchant.

    Arno- Most likely mentioned by Napoleon in his letters is Arno's claim to fame, that and possibly being recognised indirectly as a short term cause of the French revolution (Imagine if he had delivered that letter)

    The Frye Twins- These two are definitely on the famous side and I'd hazard a guess and say they'd be second or third most famous. Having met Darwen, Dickens, Marx and the Queen. I'd say they'd be remembered as notorious gang leader siblings that had influence on some of the most powerful people in the world.

    But that's just my take on the relative fame of all the characters, what's yours?

    TLDR fame goes like this: Connor >> Evie/Jacob = Edward > Kassandra/Alexios >> Arno > Bayek > Shay> Aveline > Eivor = Haytham > Ezio > Altair

    submitted by /u/lalalegion
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    I drew ezio from assassins creed revelations, other than the face it's pretty good

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 07:46 PM PDT

    AC: Odyssey enemy scaling after 94 hours in the game

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 10:49 AM PDT

    Generally speaking, the game is great, spectacular visuals, and sneaking around murdering people will never get old. But the enemy scaling really irks me in this RPG.

    Alexios is never really "tanky." The snake that hits for half-health at Level 1 hits for the same at Level 64. You don't get beefier and stronger and that's the core of every RPG. He's got the 5 stages of the health bar, so if you get hit 5 times you're going to die no matter how strong you are.

    As well, the enemy scaling is atrocious and you have to upgrade your weapons every few levels to keep up with their increased health.

    The developers added a patch which made enemies up to 4 levels below you and warn you that content may become too easy and rewards meaningless but I don't think too easy is a problem at all.

    The problem with infinite enemy level scaling is that Alexios never gets OP even when he's 4 levels above the enemies. I can kill all the mythical creatures of Greece but in a 1-1 battle with a merc 4 levels below you it's still a struggle.

    I feel like there was an opportunity to truly convey Alexios' power arc through the story by making many of the common enemies easy, while keeping cult guards and special enemies at consistent level with Alexios.

    When you get to the arena and you get these Level 10 and Level 20 enemies and you're 20-30 levels above them because you've cleared most of the map, it MAKES SENSE that you cruise through the arena. When you fight the champion of the arena, it also makes sense if that guy is difficult.

    Similarly, just blindly raising all the enemy levels to match Alexios (or even with 4 levels) doesn't make sense because it doesn't really convey his increased power. I felt as strong in a 1v1 fight in the first few hours of the game as I do at Level 64. The only thing that's changed was unlocking all the combat perks. And the more you level, the less damage you do because the enemies outlevel your weapons and you're forced to go to a blacksmith.

    The disparity between assassin strikes (immediate death) and combat strikes is also ridiculous, even if you engrave every piece of gear with warrior upgrades.

    I feel like level scaling in other RPGs like Skyrim works because the perks and powers you get in Skyrim compensate for the level scaling of enemies, trivializing the content more and making you feel as though you're becoming powerful and not just infinitely grinding.

    submitted by /u/SecondStageWerewolf
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    The Giant and the Storm Assassins Creed 3

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 06:48 PM PDT

    For the life of me I can't figure out how to get the fucking holes open to get the powder stores. I've tried everything, I can ram the man o war fine but I've upgraded my ship already so any ramming I do to the frigates one shots them, I chainshot them then unleash into their bows and I just have to get lucky and pray that the stores actually open. The best I can get is 2/3 can I get any help at all please

    submitted by /u/caramelstachee
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    Valhalla and Origins - comparisons

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 09:01 AM PDT

    Valhalla got me back into the AC series after I tried and failed to enjoy Odyssey and ultimately gave up after 10 hours into it (I may go back).

    I absolutely loved Valhalla so decided to give Origins a go. I'm about 10 hours in and loving it so far, here are some of my early observations.

    • Valhalla voice acting and script writing is leaps and bounds ahead of Origins.

    • 60fps makes so much difference to the gameplay it was tough adjusting to Origins 30fps.

    • Origins World seems more 'full' and it's graphics are almost on par with Valhalla.

    • Stealth actually works in Origins.

    • The bird is actually useful in Origins.

    • I prefer Origins level system and skill tree. It makes you think about your play style and pick a path that suits you best. Valhalla's skill tree is a mess.

    • Combat is better in Valhalla (stealth aside).

    • whilst I really enjoyed Valhalla's story, I think I prefer Origins and how the targets get revealed along the way.

    • Valhalla's side missions are way more interesting than Origins.

    • Music and sound is better in Valhalla.

    • Night / day cycling in Origins is better using one button rather than having to meditate.

    • Parkour and climbing is far better in Origins.

    • I still hate naval combat and think this is what put me off Odyssey.

    I'm sure I've missed some, but what are your feelings on the two games in comparison?

    submitted by /u/grapo2001
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    What would you all think of an Assassin's Creed game revolving around the origins and early years of Basim and Hytham before they met Eivor?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 04:21 PM PDT

    I am a fan of Basim so far and would really like to explore his origins a lot work especially SPOILER due to the death of his son and where that took him

    I think it could give us a way to shift back to a formal AC game while also exploring more of that time period

    submitted by /u/kvnklly
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    Why did Altair kill the old man in Solomon's temple?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 08:53 AM PDT

    Okay, so I have seen a lot of Assassin's Creed fans confused on this one so I did some research and found something pretty interesting.

    So we all know that Assassin's Creed is based on the historical Hashashins that were an Islamic Shia group mostly used to kill their Sunni brothers until they later converted and served as Saladin's personal bodyguards. So there's a strong chance that the early developers like Corey May and Patrice did some sort of research on those.

    As far as I have researched, Altair seems to be created after a real Hasashin. Well surely it has disputes with historical accuracy but If you read Baha ad-Din Shadad's writings, you can find that he mentioned a Hasashin called " ajelê difirin " 12 times who belonged in the Kurdish regions. I was very surprised to learn that " ajelê difirin " also meant "Flying Eagle" just like the name of Altair. Well, his father's name was also Omar who was executed by Saladin for treason. Now, this is where it gets interesting. He was tasked with the assassination of Saladin and confronted him several times. However, Saladin didn't kill him instead somehow turned him against Sheikh Sinan "Rasheed ad-Din Sinan" who was the brother of Al Mualim or " Rashid ad-Din Sinan ".

    Now, this is where I think he turned to the Sunni faith and his hatred for Shias increased as he learned that his Hashashin mentors used false trickeries to made him a murder for a false paradise. More interestingly, Saladin use to call him " Nasir " which also meant Eagle, and stated several times that Altair was untouchable and seemingly " immortal " to be mistaken as. Now coming to the point, this guy "Altair or Tahir" hated Shias and started killing them, he killed entire bases of Hashashins specifically Shias in hundreds and thousands of quantity. It is noted that he even hated his father Omar who was a Shia and stated himself as "Son of No One" or Ibn La Ahad.

    Even though it is heavily disputed and I did my research from Urdu, Arabic, and Kurdish scriptures of Baha Ad-Din Shadad, and can be entirely wrong. But, If we suppose that the early AC development team did their research this way, maybe the old man Altair killed was simply a Shia and since Al Mualim was a Shia too he punished him. Because it is clear the Hasashins didn't cared about the killings of Sunnis only Shias in the start. He later hypnotized him using Apple of Eden while in real life he used "Hashish" a special intoxicating powder. Not to mention Altair also killed Al Mualim which depicts his hatred for Shias even more.

    Maybe the team wanted to explore this internal fight of Shias and Sunnis too alongside the Templar-Assassin Conflict. But Ubisoft didn't want to bring religion and for censorship completely removed the Shia/Sunni thing.

    Now just as a final note, I said that this is entirely disputed and from several sources that aren't even confirmed and can be entirely false but It is worth noticing If the team wanted to go in this direction using these sources. Moreover, know that I am not hating on either Shias or Sunnis, I am just trying to make sense of that scene. Hey even If all of it is not true, it can set up a pretty strong backstory for Altair and his identity I guess.

    submitted by /u/MisterSalah
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    With the Siege of Paris DLC coming out with the added blackbox mission style, maybe they will actually fix the current stealth issues

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 10:35 PM PDT

    Or maybe I should just start putting clown makeup on

    submitted by /u/th0tminik
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    Do AC Valhalla's ps4 trophies transfer to Ps5?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 12:38 AM PDT

    I've tried looking across, reddit and YouTube and seem to find different answers everywhere.

    Loading up my ps4 save on the ps5 for the first time and I now have a separate trophy list at 0%

    submitted by /u/Neurgh
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    The perfect setting for Valhalla's next expansion is nowhere else than the Byzantine Empire. Hear me out.

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 07:11 AM PDT

    Long read incoming.


    Ubisoft obviously has zero qualms with transporting Eivor to increasingly different locations from dark ages Norway and England. Throughout the DLCs she has travelled from mysterious Ireland and its druids to the fortified Frankish realms and the city of Paris - all places thoroughly impacted by the Norsemen stampedes.

    But places like England and Ireland were mere backwaters on a European level compared to the continuation of the Roman empire. It's what we call today the Byzantine Empire, as it was dubbed by later historians, with its capital city, Constantinople - Miklagard in Old Norse - being one of the most developed places in the world at the time.

    You might wonder what do the Scandinavian Vikings rampaging through the British isles have to do with a Mediterranean Empire on the other side of Europe. But if you're not a history buff you probably would be surprised to know of Scandinavian mercenaries in the Romans' service as early as 874 - just one year after Valhalla's beginning. That was the year the Kievan Rus' signed a peace treaty with the Romans (led by Basil I) after hostilities, with a clause obliging the Rus' to send men to serve the Romans. New treaties after new hostilities between 907 and 911 allowed Rus' men to serve as mercenaries in the Empire as a right. Varangian mercenaries served as early as 902 fighting the Emirate of Crete and various other locations and foes over the years. Eventually, in 988, the Varangian guard was officially constituted by Basil II and served mainly as bodyguards to the Emperor himself, comprised mainly of Scandinavian and later Anglo-Saxon soldiers. However, the events of 988 are a bit too late for Eivor to be taking any part in, so the ideal setting would be during the first treaties with the Rus'.

    Basil I's reign itself was one of intrigue and non-stop ambition. He was initially an Armenian layman who was elevated to the second-highest position in the realm under emperor Michael. He later assassinated him and took the throne for himself, starting the Macedonian dynasty and ushering a golden age for the Eastern Roman Empire. He reconquered land in every direction, battling the Arabs and their Caliphate in southern Italy, Greece, Cyprus and Dalmatia, as well as of course the wars with the Rus' that allowed the entry of Varangian mercenaries in one of the strongest states in Europe.

    (Straight To) The Point

    The Byzantine Empire is an ideal setting for Eivor's next adventure. Finding her way down the rivers of Russia and through the Black Sea, she enters Constantinople and enlists herself as either a mercenary in Imperial service and/or an associate to the Assassins in the city.

    From there, possibilities are endless. Possible missions include hunting targets in Constantinople - the city is large enough for every play-style, from a revival of Ezio-era assassinations to furious hack-and-slash. In the meantime the player could encounter many historical figures like Photios (one of the most significant bishops of the Empire and a prolific writer), the skilled general Ooryphas or even the Emperor himself. And I'm sure there is space for an Isu artifact or two in one of the largest cities in the world at the time.

    Aside from the assassin aspect, the map itself could be something to behold. A beautiful next-gen recreation of Imperial Constantinople in the beginning of a new golden age for the Eastern Romans, laden with monuments like the Hagia Sophia, the Hippodrome, the Theodosian Walls and countless other churches, neighborhoods, aqueducts and places to explore thoroughly for treasure, over and under the ground. Half the work is already done from all the way back in Revelations - Ubisoft loves to reuse assets anyway and this could let their excellent artists shine.

    Constantinople isn't even the end of the possible map location, or even the only one. We could see Eivor battling the Saracens on the beaches of Crete or the ruins of Athens hunting for Isu artifacts, or even a homage to Odyssey by meeting Kassandra herself (or a descendant) in an Isu vault of some sorts. Atlantis, anyone?

    I could go on and on about all the possible monumental sights, missions, storylines, enemies, bosses and lore to fill an entire new game. Alas, it's only a DLC, although these ideas could be implemented when Infinity reaches us later on. However, my conviction is that the 9th-century Byzantine Empire, if made correctly, could be one of Ubisoft's greatest Expansion or game content to date.

    submitted by /u/kebablou
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    Was in the mood to draw and ended up drawing this for an hour and a half ��

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 06:52 PM PDT

    [Spoiler] What will the story of Siege of Paris be, considering the timeline?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 04:45 PM PDT

    Does this mean Eivor's clan has to basically not exist in England or be assimilated with English rule?

    By the time Siege of Paris starts, the Vikingr threat to Winchester is over, so this begs the another question. Could this be the set up to Eivor becoming an Assassin?

    Maybe the rise of King Alfred and his creation of the Templars will cause Eivor to realize how important the Hidden Ones are. I know that apparently the Siege of Paris is still about forming bonds and stuff with rulers, but is this confirmed to be about their clan?

    submitted by /u/Atroxo
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    Assassin’s Creed 3, An Extraordinary Man Trophy

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 04:22 PM PDT

    I've had this problem for a while now where I only have 1 event left for each of the Lumberers and the Miner. I know what they are but I can't seem to get their lazy a**es to do them. I have already completed the game, did I miss my opportunity or what? Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Goddamnodriscoll
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    Do I have to play Odyssey from the beginning to see all endings?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 07:26 PM PDT

    Hi, since the game has 9 endings I wanted to ask, if I have to play the whole game nine times to see them all. I mean i like the game, but playing it nine times.... and yes I need to have 100% in any game

    submitted by /u/admiralmatrix
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    Overdesign II Trophy in 5 mins

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 06:34 AM PDT

    Did this in five mins - here's how:

    Easy Difficulty - and you need to be under level 280

    You need the abilities Incendiary Power Trap Level 2

    Go to Wenham - antagonise or slightly injure the big red skull guards with shields

    Go to the top of one of the straw huts - set it on fire with torch - stand in the fire

    Fire your power trap at one of the big guards - it won't destroy their shields but it will kill them very quickly

    after killed one - get off the roof and let fire go out - and then repeat 2 more times

    About 30 seconds after you kill the third one - the Trophy pops

    submitted by /u/raphph
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    How to unlock Legacy outfits in AC4?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 04:46 PM PDT

    I know that you unlock them by playing the previous games. BUT! I own the Xbox one copy of AC4 on Xbox one, and since the remasters of games don't work for this, will 360 work on Xbox one too? Like, will it connect when all the games are 360, while 4 itself is Xbox one? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/VertyThe
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    [Spoiler] What is Fenrir?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 03:19 PM PDT

    For those who finished the game, you know what I mean.

    submitted by /u/Disastrous-Resort-45
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    Is it Assassin's Creed Origins a bit too long?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 08:44 PM PDT

    So, I've been playing this game for a while now and I have the feeling that I'm not gonna finish it. It is really an amazing game, don't get me wrong. But it feels like it gets repetitive way too early, especially with such a huge map and tons of very similar side quests? Anyone else struggles with this? Any piece of advice on how to make it more entertaining to make it to the end?


    submitted by /u/TheDudeWalterEgo
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    No Steropes or Arges bounties, nor will they spawn. What do I do?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 02:44 PM PDT

    So, supposedly these are supposed to just be in my quest log, but nope. Not there. I've done countless google searches about this, there's ton's of posts about this issue on several websites, but not a single solution. What do I do? On Xbox, I'm level 67, normal, not NG+, I've beaten the main story and have completed all the DLC's save for the second half of Atlantis Ep3 and The Lost Tales of Greece. Is there any known solution? I've restarted my game, waited, fast traveled, changed game worlds, uninstalled and reinstalled. Nothing has worked.

    submitted by /u/AzurLaneandComplain
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    Jomsviking Profile Pictures

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 01:28 PM PDT

    When I go to select my jomsvikings for river raids my lieutenant sometimes has a profile picture but the others all show generic vikings. This make it really hard to tell who I have selected and who I don't. I'm 100% sure this worked when the game launched but had problems since not long after release.

    I assume it isn't just me? Is there any fixes?

    submitted by /u/Tamel_Eidek
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