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    Sunday, May 30, 2021

    Assassin's Creed Would You Accept Early-1900s Guns as a Major Part of an Assassin’s Creed Game?

    Assassin's Creed Would You Accept Early-1900s Guns as a Major Part of an Assassin’s Creed Game?

    Would You Accept Early-1900s Guns as a Major Part of an Assassin’s Creed Game?

    Posted: 29 May 2021 08:27 AM PDT

    Ok so... a bit of backstory Recently, an idea has been buzzing in my head about a potential new Assassin's Creed game set during the Progressive Era in Chicago. For those of you who don't know, the Progressive Era, also known as the gilded age, was a period in American history lasting from the late 1800s to the early 1900s that included major political reform, focus on workers rights, and exposure of horrible business practices company owners would use. I'm not going to go over all I have thought of so far, but just as a summary,in my fictional AC story, you play as Nathan James, a poor factory worker working for a meat packing industry in Chicago. You are good friends with Upton Sinclair, who is historically a famous American Author know for his book "The Jungle," which exposed the meat packing industry of Chicago at this time period. After learning he is an Asssasin, you chose to help him take down the Templars in Chicago and other American cities, most of which are comprised of infamous factory owners at the time known for their abuses of power and mistreatment of workers.

    However, when I was thinking about it a few nights ago, I realized that the franchise would have to introduce modern guns. AC games in the past like Syndicate have included guns, but this would be a game that would take the series all the way into the 20th century and maybe World War 2. Police, gangsters, and anyone else you would logically fight in the game would be carrying around pistols, which could massively alter the gameplay of fighting sequences. At the absolute least, it would be a far cry from any other game in the series. Melee combat would become essentially meaningless when you character can just carry around a gun everywhere he went. Not to mention, considering the silencer pistol was invented in 1902, there's a chance that even the hidden blade AC is known for could become obsolete, but maybe I'm getting ahead of myself.

    With that being said... Right now, the majority of AC fans have hated the new direction the new games have been taking, stemming away from it's roots to appeal to a larger audience. To them, the introduction of guns would seem like an enormous step back for the series. However, if Ubisoft wants to explore later periods in history or give the modern day a decent amount of gameplay, maybe they have to introduce modern guns into the series. So, would you accept guns as a major part of an AC game?

    submitted by /u/Paytrin
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    10 hours into Wrath of Druids DLC and I love it!

    Posted: 29 May 2021 03:08 PM PDT

    This may be an "unpopular opinion" from what I've seen on this sub, but I really enjoy the Wrath of the Druids DLC so far. I find the cities/towns personable and each with its own little personality especially Dublin with its desire to be the trading hub of Ireland.

    I like all the characters and it seems like the story (so far) is easy to follow and grounded, each character with their own desires, personalities, and traits that Eivor can or can not relate to.

    The trading post mechanic is fun with the progression of building up Dublin's renowned fame by taking over more trading posts, each with a different type of enemy. Some may have bandits, others may have a pack of wolves.

    Ireland feels huge to discover with a lot to do. Extra raids, mysteries, and wealths to discover.

    All in all I'm pretty impressed! 10 hours in so far and I'm loving it!

    submitted by /u/TeamRespawnTV
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    Assassin's Creed Origins is the first AC game where I barely learned anything about history in game. Do you think database entries should return?

    Posted: 29 May 2021 09:13 AM PDT

    I understand there is discovery tour, but who wants to exit the main game just to read one entry about something. It's tedious. I think database entries should return, where you visit a location or meet historical characters and it prompts you with an entry, what do you think? Also I'm surprised that discovery tour has social stealth mechanics, like sitting on a bench, chair, but main game doesn't.

    submitted by /u/PuzzleheadedBag920
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    [spoilers] Odyssey. Did I mess my game up?

    Posted: 29 May 2021 08:41 PM PDT

    So I just got the game a month ago, I tend to buy them around the $20 mark. So I got to level 50, first mercenary, however I just met my mom. But I Laos just completed the 4 seals to Atlantis story line.. did I mess up? I think from Layla's convo I shouldn't of been there as "so much is missing I better go back into the animus* but then I know what sorta happened to Kassandra. But after I'm on the beach with the two guys and it felt like the end of the game? But I still have the cult to deal with and I just met my mom (17/22 cult dead)

    submitted by /u/hammerblaze
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    Bellec had a very good reason to turn on the Assassins, and should have been the main antagonist in Unity.

    Posted: 29 May 2021 12:38 AM PDT

    Taken from a comment in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVDc8N3Tahg

    "Bellec was radicalized from the Assassin purge during the seven years war in the colonies. He served in the French infantry as part of the Canadian militia. He fled with the rest of the surviving colonial Assassins to Europe. Agate and Achilles stayed behind and the Caribbean brotherhood laid low...until Connor. After the American revolution, he was fed up by the bureaucracy and political turmoil of the modern French brotherhood in Paris. They acted like self grandizing pricks in his eyes. He knew that people like Haytham and Germain were still part of the Templar order and he couldn't bear making peace with the people who killed a lot of his friends, including Charles Dorian."

    This makes Bellec so much more complex as an antagonist, and I love it. Truth be told he should have been the one to kill Elise, and not Germain. It would have made the story that much more tragic.

    submitted by /u/ChrisTravern
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    Parkour Control in AC Valhalla is really bad

    Posted: 29 May 2021 08:51 AM PDT

    I dont know if im the only one with this problem but i am loosing more and more fun while playing AC Valhalla. Im done with the story and want to complete the map combined with exploring the beautiful Areas. These world events are mostly pretty cool but flying papers are a big problem.
    i dont know if im just bad in the game but the controls of parkour are catastrophic. It took me nearly 30 minutes to complete the flying paper parcour in lunden at the great wall. Sometimes Eivor just jumps suddenly to the ground, get stuck in the air before falling down or is getting stuck on a tree. That one tree was also the best one because it took me several Trys to get on that ast and then Eivor automatically climbs up the tree. When i tryed to get back down, he just got stuck in the climbing animation for almost 5 Seconds.
    And this was only one in Lunden. But that happens everytime and it takes so long to complete it that i sometimes just followed it on the ground and went there by the next try without parkour. In a game which got popular because of its parkour...
    They really should have polish it more instead of releasing it because of Deadline.

    submitted by /u/Florian1251
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    What era do you think Ubisoft should focus on next?

    Posted: 29 May 2021 11:59 AM PDT

    I've felt like they should do one set in Central/ Eastern Asia or Aztec period. What's your thoughts on what era or time period specifically, that they should put out next?

    What do you think the next historical villain's should be?

    submitted by /u/Organic_Primary6136
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    Why recent entries in the series can feel long and bloated

    Posted: 29 May 2021 12:34 AM PDT

    There is a general sentiment in the fandom that recent RPG series has been feeling too bloated and I share the sentiment about Odyssey and Valhalla.

    Both Odyssey and Valhalla took me months to finish because I felt burned out half way through the game.

    I couldn't pinpoint the main reason why as I actually liked the story of both and the gameplay wasn't bad.

    I realised that Origins didn't have this problem for me. I played through the main story of it during the launch week itself.

    So I revisted Origins to understand what it did right and what the recent games are doing wrong. Here is what I found to be the case.

    1. Too much water 7/10

    The bigger part of the fandom has raised valid complaints about the size of the game world in recent games. The recent RPG games ramped up the space of the openworld with both giving you more land and water and thus you needing a Mount and Ship to reach all the locations.

    Travelling by Ship becomes boring in both Odyssey and Valhalla. There are simply not enough activities to do in the sea/river and ship travel also has less resposive controls compared to travelling by mount.

    Origins had small boats to travel across bodies of water but it was not that necessary. Very few areas in the game had that much water. Most of the travel takes place by Camel or Horse. The ship battles were only present during certain sections of the story like in AC 3 so it didn't overstay it's welcome.

    Odyssey took some inspiration from Black flag and the ship combat stays interesting for a while longer but ultimately there is not enough diverse activities to do with your ship in the world. Black flag had fort battles and diving/fishing sections that kept it from being monotonous whereas Odyssey only has combat as the main activity.

    Valhalla is the worst of the recent games as there is no ship combat to make it interesting. The boat is only used for travel or to initiate raids. It has also worse controls as the boat takes too long to turn and the body of water you are travelling in is too narrow to navigate efficiently. I found myself just using follow river and checking out till I reach my destination.

    2. No single continous main story line

    From Odyssey onwards you are given the option to pursue different main story threads. Thus you can start multiple main story quests at the same time and are not generally required to complete one before progressing the other.

    While this gives players more choice in how they tackle the game, this also introduces the problem of story losing continuation and thus causing apathy in the player.

    This is further exacerbated by the Cult/Order target mechanic as the player can pursue those targets for a long time before returning to the main story.

    Origins had the least issues due to the above as the main story was a single thread and the Order target mechanic was also a central part of the story. You faced most of the order members as part of the main story and the mechanic was still novel at the time and so it could have caused less burnout in the player.

    Odyssey introduced branching story paths and also had the cult player a major role in most of the main story threads. However a lot of cult members didn't play a part in the story missions and were just roaming in the world. While it is initially interesting to figure out the identities and hunt them, it becomes a chore after 3 or 4 targets.

    Valhalla is the worst culprit as there are a lot of story arcs in the game and not all of them are related to the main story or the order mechanic. Doing the wife escort arc or the blacksmith arc after Sigurd/Order arcs is jarring and lead me to put the game down for a while. The order mechanic also becomes boring after a certain point as there is no story reason to pursue them.

    3. Too much stuff to do in the world

    In addition to the above complaint about the main story quests, there is simply a lot of events and things to the world that are either boring or irrelevant to your progress.

    The following data is from howlongtobeat.com and shows the increase in time required for main story + extras completion.

    Name Main Story - Median Main + Extras - Median
    Assassin's Creed Origins 30h 49h 41m
    Assassin's Creed Odyssey 42h 15m 80h
    Assassin's Creed Valhalla 55h 87h 02m

    Origins had it's fair share of side content such the mercenary system and the coliseum. Hence the 50% increase in time to do sidequests in addition to the main story. These mechanics become boring after a certain point but since this was the first time they were introducted there is some novelty doing htem.

    Odyssey introduced a lot of things such as the region war mechanic ,the mercenary system and the coliseum as well as a ton of side quests. This almost doubles the time it takes to complete the main story while also doing side quests and can cause burnout.

    Valhalla looks to have trimmed down the side quests but there is a still a lot of uninteresting things in the world like Hunting, Cairns and World events. Valhalla the least amount of increase in doing the sidequests but the main story alone is already quite long and thus it can lead to burnout.

    TLDR: Travelling through water is boring, too many main story threads and bloated side content.

    submitted by /u/Diark
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    AC Unity has the best multiplayer

    Posted: 29 May 2021 10:55 AM PDT

    Coming from someone who is a achievement hunter and absolutely hates multiplayer achievements I really enjoyed unity's multiplayer. It feels like a actual good multiplayer involving the whole brotherhood to go on missions. I hope they do more co op stuff like this in the future instead of boring wolf pack and cod type multiplayer that is overused. Anyone else like the unity multiplayer at all?

    submitted by /u/HikariRikue
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    [SPOILERS] The past 2 games have been missing a pretty important aspect

    Posted: 29 May 2021 08:32 PM PDT

    Could we get a base game final boss battle? In both Odyssey and Valhalla, the final big bad of the Order/Cultists basically just hands you the final artifact. Pretty disappointing considering how much work goes into uncovering them.

    Edit: Yes I know boss battles aren't very Assassin'a Creed, but they are now unfortunately so we might as well make them good.


    submitted by /u/Hack874
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    I fucking hate naval combat in origins

    Posted: 29 May 2021 03:58 AM PDT

    Like I just straight up cannot figure it out and get good at it, I'm great at naval combat in black flag and alright at it in Odyssey but for some reason I cannot get good at it in origins and what bugs me even more is that it forces you to do it and I just can't get past the second aya mission for it

    submitted by /u/Gibster457
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    AC Origins isu costume glow effects

    Posted: 29 May 2021 04:47 PM PDT

    I was running around in the isu outfit from the Sphinx and either I was in a tomb or in Nefertiti land picking up the shards of a star and I got a huge burst of light and intense glowing added to the already glowing areas on the isu outfit. Anyone know what was going on?

    submitted by /u/XSofXTC
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    [Spoiler] Why is this weapon so weak? (Wrath of the Druids)

    Posted: 29 May 2021 03:38 PM PDT

    I am talking about the Misr Chepesh that you can get from trading

    I really cant understand why this weapon is so weak. At 8/10 upgrades it was a attack of 108 and speed of 47, while the Doppelhander at 4/10 upgrades has a attack of 108 too but a speed of 50. Why would they make a weapon so weak? I cant imagine this was made intenionally. But if was intenional, please ubisoft, buff this weapon, it would be my favourite greatsword if it werent so weak.

    What is your opinion to this, guys?

    submitted by /u/lopingninja
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    Can side quests in unity and Syndicate's be restarted while I'm still playing them?

    Posted: 29 May 2021 02:50 PM PDT

    Is there a way to restart a side quest if I screw up? I'm talking about ones I haven't finished yet. I've heard that if you go to the progress bar you can replay them from there, but that must only apply to ones you've already completed, as I've checked many times during a quest and that option never shows up while I'm doing them.

    submitted by /u/Mikecirca81
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    [AC3:R] Ropebeater Brawler Fight doesn't save

    Posted: 29 May 2021 02:20 PM PDT

    When I defeat the Ropebeater Brawler fight the game doesn't save it, the fight music keeps playing and when I re-enter the area or fast travel the icon appears again on the minimap

    submitted by /u/DontWorryBeHamburger
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    Cant someone make like a ac unity split screen mod.

    Posted: 29 May 2021 05:53 AM PDT

    I just did 100% on unity and its a great game despite its problem. Now i just really feel like ubi could have hit the bullseye if they had just given the option for split screen. Racing games do it all the time so why not assassin's creed. Anyway what if modders take it upon themselves to do it? Can they really make a split screen mod for couch playing?

    submitted by /u/Deep_Fortune4446
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