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    Sunday, May 23, 2021

    Assassin's Creed Really hoping that Paris in the next Valhalla DLC is actually large.

    Assassin's Creed Really hoping that Paris in the next Valhalla DLC is actually large.

    Really hoping that Paris in the next Valhalla DLC is actually large.

    Posted: 23 May 2021 11:32 AM PDT

    I hope that Paris is going to be a large city in the DLC, Siege of Paris. For the past three games, we've gotten small cities. Alexandria, Memphis, and Athens weren't terribly sized but the three cities for Valhalla, Jorvik, Lunden, and Winchester all felt like they were the size of Cyrene.

    I get why the cities in Valhalla weren't that large because in real-life, none were larger than 10,000 people. I also really liked the three of them, I think they had some of the best atmosphere we've seen for any city, and even all the smaller settlements had their own vibes. However like I said, it basically takes 10 minutes to see every street of those cities.

    I am expecting Paris to be much larger, considering that it was the largest city in North-Western Europe at the time, however I worry that it will be on the same level as Alexandria. I'm not expecting it to be the same size as Paris in Unity, but something the same size as as Rome in Brotherhood would be nice.

    submitted by /u/FromLuxorToEphesus
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    Assassin's Creed: Valhalla Player Uses Oil Jar To Make Stacking Stones Puzzle A Bit Easier

    Posted: 23 May 2021 04:38 PM PDT

    Regardless of what the next AC is, the parkour system should be improved.

    Posted: 23 May 2021 06:32 AM PDT

    Valhalla has the best system out of the ancient trilogy but it's still lacks depth and is so imprecise. Parkouring in a straight line can even be a problem. The only time the parkour is at its best in Valhalla is the Animus Anomalies which is specifically designed for the parkour.

    submitted by /u/iamthenight22
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    I'm really liking the melee combat system in Unity

    Posted: 23 May 2021 03:26 PM PDT

    At first I was with everyone else about it, and it does have legit problems, like there's really nothing you can do about gunners, the way the game indicates which enemies you can counter and which you have to dodge is lost on me in the heat of the moment, and it's altogether to slow with an annoying amount of waiting. But it just "feels" weighty and real and altogether fantastic. This is also the only video game where I can parry. Origins and it's sequels I can't at all. Plus the way you fight with spears in Unity actually look like how you would fight with a spear, in Origins and the later games there's way to much spinning and slamming people like your holding a baseball bat.

    submitted by /u/Mikecirca81
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    First time playing through Unity and love it but...the parkour is chaotic.

    Posted: 23 May 2021 08:24 PM PDT

    Recently started my first ever full playthrough of Unity and really enjoying the world, assassin feel and soundtrack, but good god is the movement broken.

    I don't know whether this is a console issue, but Arno seems to go in every other direction despite where I want him to go, and this is worse than any other game in the series where something similar has happened.

    Want to jump from this ledge to that one directly across? Sike, you want the windowsill far to the right of it. Want to walk across that wire? Nope, you want to swing off it and into thin air above the street below. Want to shimmy sideways? Nope you wanna backward flip into a nearby window.

    I've heard people complain about the movement of almost every other game in the franchise and the dumbed down movement of the RPG's, but against all odds the game people praise for movement is the one where I've had hands-down the worst experience with. Even Syndicate felt more manoeuvrable than this on the identical engine.

    This is only added to with the extreme input delay the game has.

    submitted by /u/TomTheJester
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    My play through of Assassin's Creed 1 - (not so quick) thoughts

    Posted: 23 May 2021 12:15 PM PDT

    A while ago I stumbled upon the Assassin's Creed series somewhere and thought "huh, maybe I should play it. Seems decent enough" so like I usually try to do, I bought the first game to have a good understanding of what's going on.

    Although I'm well-aware that older games can still be just as good today, I can't say I was expecting a whole lot. I was still kinda impressed though.

    Just how intricate the parkour system is was certainly surprising. As in: surprising in terms of how many different places (small ledges, dents in brick walls, etc. etc.) you could actually grab onto and climb. Though it's not without flaw, that's for sure. Like sometimes even being a little bit off to the side would prevent me from climbing further, or Altair would just jump in a different direction to what I was doing (you don't even wanna know how many times I died in the docks because of that). Still though it's pretty nice all things considered and it definitely felt cool to be traversing the cities.

    Regardless I think the biggest surprise is the story. I came into this just wanting to stab some people and then run off escaping guards. For this reason especially the first few "real life" segments just felt like I was 10 again and my mom had just forcibly turned off my game in the middle of it, only to tell me to "go to bed". Quickly I actually got quite invested in the story. In what the targets were saying, what Al Mualim was telling me. What was really going on in the real world, and why I was even doing what I was doing. Additionally I enjoyed seeing the "redemption" of Altair, and his relationship with Malik.

    The "real life" part of the ending felt a little... Anticlimactic? Honestly I probably wouldn't have quite known it even was over, were it not for the credits. But at least the bit before it, playing as Altair, felt good. Overall I'd say the game was really fun. Certainly room for improvement in some small aspects but I'm satisfied with my time spent. If the other AC games are at least equally good, then I'll definitely be playing more.

    (Wow, this was way longer than I expected.)

    Remember, brothers. Nothing is true, everything is permitted.

    submitted by /u/Tiishen
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    Goddamn AC3 is some good eating.

    Posted: 23 May 2021 02:20 PM PDT

    Replaying it since release, 26 now, was 15 then! I remember liking it alot but ultimately preferring revelations (that was just my favourite one at the time, simply because of Ezios saga)

    Now I think its my favourite.

    Sure, issues abound, Connor can be bland (though it suits the character and there is definitive growth) the story starts strong, meanders a bit, but I'm only sequence 7 rn. Characters jump around and it's sometimes hard to keep track. Slightly unrealistic aswell as Connor being given all this responsibility, but gets more believable as the years go by in the game.

    And let's face it, Connor is a fucking tank and you truly feel like an assassin

    Side content is fun, mostly. The controls are clunky but that's kinda just old AC in general (which I preferred when it was more niche)

    It's also so long too. Modern day aswell gets a nod, there's some actual missions there, and Desmond was the modern day anchor.

    Honestly playing it next to the valhalla dlc (which I also love) it's mind boggling how the animations are better in a 9 year old game. Like straight up better in every way. The tree climbing ugh fuckin love that shit.

    Crafting sucks though, any point to it? Extra weapons or outfits? I'm skipping it so far. Didnt really remember that part.

    Dude, if they can just make the next one denser, more animations, more intimacy and stalking from rooftops with bells firing off when you make the strike on your target and run through a crowd, I would be in heaven.

    Vahalla for me is the best recent AC, but AC3 has just become my overall favourite.

    Too bad they probabaly will continue the rpg route, but having said that, with better animations and more focus, and more weight to your characters with more focus on the 3 pillars (Stealth, Parkour, Creed) I don't see it never happening.

    Long post! I'm just having a blast with this game all over again :)


    submitted by /u/DeliciousRoreos
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    They should bring back the guise system from AC: Liberation

    Posted: 23 May 2021 04:25 PM PDT

    If Ubisoft ever decides to go back to actually trying to implement stealth in the series again, I'd love for them to bring back the guise system from Liberation. It was cool that depending on Aveline's outfit, different tactics were available and the way notoriety would work.

    submitted by /u/claytalian
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    My thoughts on Assassin's Creed Syndicate after completing story

    Posted: 23 May 2021 05:26 PM PDT

    So I finished Syndicate today, and overall I really enjoyed it.....but I definitely think it had some problems.

    First the positives: ▪︎the world really felt lived in, I very rarely ran into NPCs with the same dialogue ▪︎Evie is great, and while I didn't mind Jacob, I think Evie could've absorbed some of his traits and been the sole protagonist ▪︎I loved the combat, felt alot like the Batman Arkham games with a little bit of Red Dead in terms of the chases/gunfights ▪︎the side characters/stories like Charles Dickens and Karl Marx were alot of fun ▪︎WW1 Lydia Frye missions were so cool, want a full game with her

    Negatives: ▪︎Evie only got to do one blackbox assassination mission ▪︎the story was hurt because it wasn't fleshed out enough/split between two protagonists ▪︎Jacob, while I didn't hate, ultimately didn't feel necessary ▪︎graphically it is pretty but 100% is a downgrade from Unity ▪︎less interiors to explore like Unity

    submitted by /u/claytalian
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    Surprising that I can't find a single Kassandra Ubi Collectible statue anywhere!

    Posted: 23 May 2021 10:39 AM PDT

    Surprising that I can't find a single Kassandra Ubi Collectible statue anywhere!

    I guess they didn't make a ton of them. I recently started collecting a few action figures and statues from certain games/movies that mean a lot to me, and Odyssey is definitely one of them. For such a popular and successful game, I'm pretty surprised there isn't more collectible merch, other than funko, which I have zero interest in.


    submitted by /u/De1taE1even
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    What do you think of AC black flag?

    Posted: 23 May 2021 04:00 PM PDT

    I've heard that for AC fans that this isn't a very good AC game but a good pirate game

    Allow me to let everyone know where I stand with the series I was introduced through the franchise through AC 3 and have played every title since then except oddessy.

    Personally I agree with this to some extent as it is lacking in the whole assassin's part of assassin's Creed but it was enough to satisfy me a bit

    Even if it isnt a good assassin's Creed game I don't think anyone can deny that this is in fact the greatest pirate game of all time

    What do you guys think? And what's your opinion on it?

    submitted by /u/sharkbyte_15
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    Me and my sister are big fans of Valhalla so we made this cover. Hope you guys like it.

    Posted: 23 May 2021 11:31 AM PDT

    Most good looking characters?

    Posted: 23 May 2021 08:21 PM PDT

    For me it's:


    1) Ezio Auditore

    2) Jacob Frye

    3) Edward Kenway

    4) Bayek with hair and beard

    5) Alexios


    1) Caroline Scott-Kenway

    2) Elise de la Serre

    3) Evie Frye

    4) Mary Read

    submitted by /u/TheChosenOne_101
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    I'm a new Assassin's Creed fan and I have some questions.

    Posted: 23 May 2021 03:51 AM PDT

    EDIT: This post is an hybrid between "discussion" and "question". To respect the subreddit's rules, what should I put as a flair?

    Alright, so hear me out: I'm just a new fan, alright? (and I don't wanna get downvoted because someone actually enjoys the new games, so I'm already gonna say it rn: I DON'T HATE NEW ASSASSIN'S CREED GAMES). And I don't know anything about the gameplay evolution that happened in AC: the only games I played were the ones in the Ezio Collection (really good games btw). Why did the AC games change so much? I've seen some Valhalla/Origins/Odissey gameplay and I still can't understand why did the gameplay change so much. The AC games were good because of the stealth and the whole AC identity is about the stealth, then why now the gameplay is in an MMRO style? And why in Odissey there are no Assassins either? And why in Valhalla the historical accuracy is just fucked up and you can ride WOLVES?

    I can't understand why the beauty of the first Assassin's Creed is just being replaced.

    submitted by /u/GrizzlyGrotz
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    How I Believe a WW2 Setting Could Work

    Posted: 23 May 2021 01:35 PM PDT

    I know there's many discussions about the possible controversy of including a reasonably recent tragedy in an action-adventure game, but this proposal is purely based on how the game would be played. To put it simple, I'm thinking of similar mechanics to Hitman and Sniper Elite (which is set in WW2 so it gives a decent idea about the vibe of the game). That being said, full-blown gunfire fights is a possibility and there's no real penalty against it (unless there's a specific mission, of course), but stealth is highly encouraged and gives slightly higher XP. Gunfire will also IMMEDIATELY alert enemies, of course. In terms of settings, no battlefields! People used to always bring this up, and they have to realize there's a difference between assassin and solider.

    I'm thinking four areas: occupied Poland, occupied France, battle Stalingrad, and crumbling Berlin. The level difficulty will be the following: Poland, France, Stalingrad, and Berlin. All with have their share of cities and countryside to explore. For the endgame, I want all Nazis gone. Their enemy type will be replaced with bigoted sympathizers, as while the political party is disbanded, their supporters are not. I'd also have new locations and background events that show that the world is literally and metaphorically being rebuilt from the horrors that unfolded.

    submitted by /u/LazyUsername03
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    Are items you buy with helix credits in Unity a permanent purchase?

    Posted: 23 May 2021 03:51 PM PDT

    Like If I spend real money and buy helix credits in Unity and spend them on clothes, will I allays have those clothes on all future save files or is that a one time thing just for that one play through?

    submitted by /u/Mikecirca81
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    Minor (Major) annoyance in AC: Valhalla

    Posted: 23 May 2021 03:28 PM PDT

    So it appears you can hide the Online Photos in the Map Legend in AC: Valhalla but for some reason this is categorised with the Opals collectible and obviously hiding the Online Photos also hides the Opals from the map.

    Oh why you do this Ubisoft? These Online Photos and Opals don't have anything in common except maybe the amount of icons they add to the map if you enable them. Even then Opals add way more icons than Online Photos so there's no reason whatsoever why these icons should be categorised together. Yet Online Photos add considerable amount of icons on the map, so disabling them should be an option.

    Additionally, next AC title should have an option in the options menu to hide Online Photos permanently if you choose to do so. Every AC title which has the feature to display Online Photos on map has had the issue (or purely a design choice) where hiding Online Photos doesn't save permanently and the Online Photos must be hidden every single time you play the game.

    submitted by /u/aurelia_ffxiv
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    Why is the map menu so laggy in AC2

    Posted: 23 May 2021 05:40 AM PDT

    So, I've recently bought the Ezio collection, and went to see the map as I normally do. And its just as laggy as the original. So why are both the remaster and OG's map so laggy?

    submitted by /u/ThatJerkLuke
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