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    Thursday, May 20, 2021

    Assassin's Creed Please add ONE historically accurate armor set

    Assassin's Creed Please add ONE historically accurate armor set

    Please add ONE historically accurate armor set

    Posted: 19 May 2021 07:35 PM PDT

    I may be beating a dead horse with this, and if I am sorry I'm advance.

    Please Ubisoft. I get that you want to make the game tailored to as wide of an audience as possible, but please, at least add one historically accurate armor set. There are many history buffs who would greatly appreciate some authenticity. The store updates have been getting a little too wild for my taste. How can you add a modern day pack (with riot gear and a gun??) but not a historically accurate pack? I've seen other posts of people wanting authenticity but they keep going more and more sideways. How does Ubisoft choose which route to go with armor designs? Am I missing something?

    submitted by /u/dtb301
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    Assassin's Creed Unity still has the most realistic interior and exterior lightning graphics in the franchise.

    Posted: 19 May 2021 02:49 AM PDT

    Also some of the animations are still the best in Unity in my opinion but that's debatable. I don't know why they don't spend more time on realistic lightning and animations on new games. They don't look bad but they look more cartoony than realistic.

    submitted by /u/clydeblackwood
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    AC: Odyssey VS AC: Valhalla

    Posted: 19 May 2021 08:13 PM PDT

    I believe this was discussed a long time ago, but now that Valhalla has been out for a long time, and many of us have a good amount of time in it, this question should be asked again.

    It is my opinion Odyssey is the superior game in almost every way. The only system in Valhalla that is preferable to me, is the more pronounced parry and counter attack system. To say Odyssey is superior isn't to say Valhalla is bad, Valhalla has a very good story, it has good graphics, and decent combat (comparatively to Odyssey, it is overall mediocre).

    The gear customization and variety in Valhalla is straight up lacking. In Odyssey, there are so many sets of armor to choose from, so many customizable character builds, and plenty of upgrades to work towards. The adrenaline system feels easier to manage and work with in Odyssey, the character abilities feel more useful, and combat flows so much better in Odyssey (Valhalla feels almost clunky and generic. Maybe this is psychological but the damage jumps in Odyssey by level make the game feel like you're actually getting stronger, they make crits feel more important, secondary fire damage more important, etc. In Valhalla the base damage being so low, it is almost unnoticeable, to me, when crits are landed or fire damage is inflicted, or when damage increases.) I could go on about every little detail regarding these things, but Odyssey feels like the much more superior game in this regard.

    Sea warfare, well it's not even an argument. Being able to battle at sea in Odyssey is a nice touch, and I find it really fun from time to time. The fact that Valhalla has removed this is a bummer (I understand sea warfare wasn't much of a thing during this age). Odyssey takes it here.

    As far as story lines go, they are both very engaging, but while Valhalla tells a very good story and engages you, Odyssey tells a GREAT story and really immerses you. I felt much more connected to Alexios/Kassandra than I do Eivor. The gravity of who you are and what you are working towards in Odyssey feels much more pronounced, and important. The DLC in Odyssey is just absolutely impressive, the breathtaking worlds, the impressive mythological battles it plunges you into and the way it ties into the main story line and reveals the true purpose of Alexios/Kassandra. Evior is an engaging character, and the story line is fun, but the weight behind it just isn't there. It feels inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. The first DLC just released for Valhalla just feels like a generic rewrite of what you do in the main game. Not to say Wrath of the Druids isn't good, it just doesn't live up to the DLC in Odyssey.

    When it comes to graphics and scenery, it feels as if ubisoft got lazy, and rushed the game with Valhalla. Now the graphics are good, but for a game that came out far after Odyssey you'd expect better graphics than the former. The world in Odyssey is uncomparativley breathtaking, sweepingly huge, and pristine with varying climates.

    Really, Odyssey is the all around superior game in my opinion and Valhalla led me back to play Odyssey one more time, and the difference stood out to me, big time. There is so much more content in Odyssey, and while some missions may be generic, the abundance of missions to choose from is staggering. There are more wholesome missions and engaging side story lines in Odyssey than there are in Valhalla. It's actually impressive how engaging some of the side story lines are in Odyssey. Odyssey ranks among the greatest RPGs/Open world games I've ever played along with RDR2, The Witcher 3, Cyberpunk 2077, Fallout New Vegas, and TES Oblivion. Valhalla is good, it's up there with Fallout 4, Skyrim, and others like them but not great.

    I know Odyssey, Origins, and Valhalla have a lot of AC purists tilted the wrong way. These three games really do tie into the lore though and show how everything came to be, from the cult to the Templars. From Isu bloodline hybrids to the assassins. They have their place in the AC universe. I'm sure a lot of you will disagree with what I've said and I'm genuinely curious as to why.

    submitted by /u/tonyy777
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    Black Flag had the perfect balance of narrative intrigue and open-world RPG exploration

    Posted: 19 May 2021 08:49 AM PDT

    Man, playing through Black Flag again, I'm totally remembering why it's my favorite of the series. It's really well paced, there's no rpg grinding, exploration seems natural and story driven. The narrative doesn't feel bloated or too long. You actually care about the characters, and you're engaged in their stories.

    I hate to bash on the new games because I do like them from an RPG standpoint, but it feels very obvious that they lack that narrative cohesion that previous games have. Black Flag managed to perfectly blend an open world RPG with a compelling story, with neither of the elements taking away from the other.

    submitted by /u/Saniuqa
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    We really, really, REALLY need a set protagonist.

    Posted: 19 May 2021 08:38 PM PDT

    No matter if it's a male or female, we need a consistent protagonist now that we're getting into the whole Templar and Brotherhood forming territory. Imagine if you started out IN the brotherhood as a child and the tutorial is you growing up becoming an assassin. They could give ya family or something. You get sent out to...let's say Spain? The Templar and Brotherhood conflict breaks out. Communication is scattered and you can't contact your original bureau. You uncover the Templar plot in Spain and defeat them. It could be a trilogy. Second game, you're trying to make your way home and now you're in France. You uncover a plot and maybe a traitor and you're a lil older than the first entry. And the third game would be back in the middle east, you're visibly old now and finally put the big first initial conflict to an end. Your family is dead now because it's been years. Get ya sad moment that we all like. And the trilogy ends with the protagonist questioning their life, priorities, and the Creed itself. Each game is a different country, and each splinter of the brotherhood you meet, you gain some new gadgets and tricks. That's just my idea. Feel free to give yours or critique mine. I don't mind. I we all mostly agree we need a protagonist we can connect with long term. Thanks for the read.

    submitted by /u/sirsmelter
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    Why I believe Wrath of Druids is an improvement on Valhalla in many ways. No Spoilers.

    Posted: 19 May 2021 09:34 AM PDT

    Finished up wrath of the druids, wanted to share thoughts on why I enjoyed it more than the base game. No spoilers.

    A: I no longer have to raid monasteries to get the goods I need to build up the town. I don't have to raid at all - it simply means I'll have a slower start. I can get the resources to upgrade trading posts by other means. This is particularly nice because, in the context of what Eivor is trying to do in Ireland, it makes absolutely no sense for Eivor to go burning down churches. This was a real pain point for me in the original because I felt like a bad guy doing it.

    B: Dublin feels like a town. Most of the towns in England have this 'living in the ruins of a fallen empire feel' but that doesn't really make them feel like towns. Things are all over the place, so to speak. Dublin feels like a town, it's appropriately sized, and feels like a place that people could reasonably live in.

    C: The smaller scale is helpful. From having just one narrative to having river travel without fast-traveling be a viable way of traversing the map, the place being smaller makes it work better.

    D: Mood consistency. Valhalla had the serious main plot but then if you went to do any of the side content, a lot of it was very very silly. While entertaining, there was a divergence from the mood of the main plot. It felt like the main plot was an AC game and the side quests were made for fable 4.

    In short, I enjoyed the expansion quite a bit. It didn't overstay its welcome and looked great as usual. Ubisoft once again shows it has some of the best environment artists of any video game company.

    submitted by /u/DefNotaZombie
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    Are all numbers placebos in valhalla? Most of the stats don't seem to do anything

    Posted: 19 May 2021 09:39 PM PDT

    I'm so confused. First I found out that 50 mastery points in and my stats didn't change at all. Then the damage runes didn't seem to alter my damage at all.

    So what numbers are actually meaningful in this game? Or is the RPG system at large just an illusion and doesn't matter?

    submitted by /u/NearbyWerewolf
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    For all of its flaws, Syndicate has the best guns in the franchise

    Posted: 19 May 2021 07:23 PM PDT

    The story and characters are unimaginative. The setting doesn't fit the tone. The parkour is mediocre. Combat is decent but not exceptional. Stealth is good, but far too easy to remain undetected, especially with all the skills. However, in my opinion the guns almost make up for every other flaw.

    I know most assassin's creed players probably don't care, but the guns are fantastic. The sound effects really give the impression of a powerful weapon, and it's nice to have enemies who actually react to the sound of gunshots. Compared to previous games, there's a lot more things in the environment which can be destroyed with bullets, such as explosives, heavy loads suspended on ropes, and some other stuff. Horses panic when you fire a gun, or you can just kill them directly. The gunplay is integrated really well into the combat system, the combos you can pull off with firearms are satisfying and brutal. Unlike Unity there's almost no delay between clicking the mouse button and the gun firing. Some of the pistols are anachronistic, but at least loading times and clip sizes are realistic. In previous games, you can reload a muzzle-loading musket in 3 seconds whereas in real life it took experienced veterans at least 20 seconds. Reloading a 6-shot revolver in 3 seconds is still faster than real life cowboys but at least it's within the realm of possibility. My only complaint is that the gap in damage between the pistols are too large. Most pistol cartridges of the era were roughly equal in performance, but in game a level 9 pistol does twice as much damage as a level 4 pistol. Also high level enemies become bullet sponges if you try shooting them with a low level gun. Other than that, the gunplay is almost perfect.

    submitted by /u/notsuspendedlxqt
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    The new save system should be reverted

    Posted: 19 May 2021 02:24 PM PDT

    One of the things I liked the most about all the previous AC games is the save system... The games have a few save slots for each new game, which opens up the game for more players on one user for an example, OR not removing all progress just for a new playthrough... Valhalla on the other hand, why change that ??? After I wanted to start my 2nd playthrough, I lost 70h of a finished storyline and leveling, just because of the new system... Ubisoft, please return to the old system

    submitted by /u/LukaMilic98
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    (Valhalla spoilers) one more that could've made the story and game flow much better

    Posted: 19 May 2021 02:32 PM PDT

    Valhalla had some excellent moments and the idea of arcs is a great concept - that being said, the fact they you needed to do every single arc to advance the plot regarding Basem, Sigurd and all the issue stuff is a bit of a problem. Ideally the arcs involving these characters should've become available much more readily, and the isu ending should've been handled on its own similar to the Asgard ending.

    I mean the main game basically has 3 main plotlines; Asgard, the isu and Sigurd stuff, and lastly, the England takeover plot. Given that, it really should've been a no brainer to be able to unlock the arcs involving Sigurd much more quickly so that story could flow better. I enjoyed all the arcs, but many don't serve the the Sigurd plotline, and the problem with that is the urgency of Sigurd's plot is kinda gone cause of the long waiting times in between.

    Funny thing is this change would've done nothing to the overall structure and content of the game - half many arcs would simply end up becoming optional; which would've been a big + cause if these arcs were optional, we would be looking at incredible side content Witcher 3 style.

    submitted by /u/KayRay1994
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    AC Valhalla and the Druid DLC are GORGEOUS

    Posted: 19 May 2021 01:15 AM PDT

    After finishing the main game, I took a little break for the past 3 months and played a few other games: Fenyx Rising and Outriders.

    Just came back to Valhalla for the DLC and just can't stop noticing how breathtaking and gorgeous the settings are. The graphics, the lightings, the shades, the water , all are just so amazing. You tend to glaze over such things when you have played a game for long.

    Also coming back to Valhalla after playing Outriders truly felt like I am back playing a AAA title again.

    The devs and designers don't get enough credit, but really amazing job with Valhalla.

    submitted by /u/show_stoppa
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    (NO Spoilers plz!) I was wondering when wrath of druids dlc takes place?

    Posted: 20 May 2021 12:44 AM PDT

    Hi! So im not even 1/4 way into main campaign yet so i know very little n would like to keep it that way... but i was just curious does the new DLC: WotD take place DURING, BEFORE or AFTER the main story campaign? I like to play games in order if at all possible so i figured id ask now instead of get to a point, realize i went to far n then going back... but no spoilers please! Thanks!

    submitted by /u/ThebLueSKyTorn
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    SPOILER Question about Isu Lore specifically the messenger from AC Origins

    Posted: 19 May 2021 11:35 PM PDT

    I have a question targeted at minds that are way deeper than mine into Isu Lore. I just watched the messages that Layla received through Bayek in Origins. Is it likely that the messenger are Loki/Aletheia? Two distinctive voices, one male one female, can be heard. In one message they refer to "the Reader", if I understand correctly it's pretty much established this refers to Desmond in his new role, and "the author" who might be Layla who joins Desmond in ACV.

    My question is, wether there are any indications or evidence that the messenger from ACO are indeed Loki and Aletheia?

    submitted by /u/wildp1tch
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    They finally got the side quests right!!!

    Posted: 19 May 2021 01:34 AM PDT

    For the most part in the newer assassin's creeds (Origins and Odyssey) I was constantly overwhelmed with side quests to the point where I would avoid picking them up sometimes. I just felt like my quests log was full of side quests and made it distracting and time consuming to pursue them. Overall this lead me to miss out on some really cool side quests that I would've enjoyed.

    In Valhalla I found that the side quests can be done pretty much instantly where you find them. You'd think this would make them too simple and not as fun but a lot of them are really cool and contribute to the immersion. Plus, you don't have the constant inconvenience of seeing them in your quests log and feeling like you're behind where you should be in the story. Each alliance quest also takes you pretty much around the entire region which allows you to knock them out as you follow the main quest line.

    Though I'm not a huge fan of the new RPG style games (aside from the dynamic storylines), this is one thing that I feel Ubisoft has really progressed with. I hope that they continue to incorporate this in their upcoming games.

    submitted by /u/irishmastery
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    River Raids and Wrath plot relevant/important? (Possible spoilers)

    Posted: 19 May 2021 09:44 PM PDT

    I've been playing through AC for the better part of a year. By playing through I mean after I did a full run of Kingdom Hearts I started AC over from 1 and just kinda played them piece by piece. Just got to the end of Valhalla and while the ending(Modern Era side) did give me hope, I got kinda burnt out on the first couple river raids.

    Are these two DLC plot relevant or should I just wait until the end game leveling is patched to be a bit easier/better and the final DLC comes out?

    submitted by /u/rrockwe1
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    What company would you like a new Assassin's Creed from?

    Posted: 19 May 2021 04:39 AM PDT

    I've seen many people doing this question about other famous sagas or franchises. I don't know if it has already been asked before in this community. I'm just curious: If Ubisoft allowed absolute autonomy to another development studio for making the next Assassin's Creed mainline game, which one you think would be the best?

    submitted by /u/Seeerrrg
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    If I could theme a game...Assassin’s Creed Shogunate

    Posted: 19 May 2021 05:47 PM PDT

    Base in 15th century Japan, the game would follow a protagonist orphaned by the war which destroyed their village, forcing them to wander from city to city spanning the Kansai prefecture. As a teen, the protagonist sets their sights on becoming a Samurai and serving under Nobunaga Oda to unity the prefecture then all of Japan!

    The fateful day finally arrives, they meet face to face with Nobunaga-dono himself! Assigned to mission directly from Nobunaga-dono, he sends the protagonist to aid a friend (Hidden One/Shinobi)

    It would be super dope to see Ubisoft tackle a full fledged Samurai game. They could even have a DLC with Miyamoto Musashi, maybe the people he's been challenging have been Templars of sorts and unbeknownst to him, he's been slaying their order.

    Idk, I think it'd be sick. I think the Japanese theme is a bit played out but I'll never get tired of it. I miss that place too much and the culture is beautiful. An Samurai AC would be dope.

    submitted by /u/DoloCV
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    Missing formula? Sequels of matured AC characters such as Arno, Bayek,Shay?

    Posted: 19 May 2021 01:26 AM PDT

    I think the way Ubisoft does a character development is a lot like being friends with someone for short period of time and never again. I think Bayek of Siwa, Arno as the Master Assasin, Edward Kenway's life after BF, Shay Patrick afer Rogue all can be made into a sequel. Especially one where we have Arno avenging hus fathers death and maybe we see Connor too?! Also would love to see more of Bayek , I'm prettt sure there is a lot more that can be done with Bayek, he was a great character in the series. This I believe is the missing formula! Gove players a sequel and keep a sense of continuity.

    There are so many storylines which can be expored.[ Love to hear about your ideas for sequels?]

    submitted by /u/VeterinarianTight102
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    [SPOILER] Valhalla is completely tone deaf

    Posted: 19 May 2021 09:10 AM PDT

    The story in Valhalla is pretty serious for the most part, espescially the main stuff around Sigurd. The side content (mainly world events) on the other hand is sillier than it's ever been in the series.

    You'll play hide and seek, viking baseball or force a smelly dude to take a bath. It's fine to have less serious moments in a game to lighten up the mood, but in Valhalla the tone is all over the place, making the game world feel silly and inconsistent. How am I supposed to take some of the game's darker twists and turns serious when the next moment I'm confronted with an extremely outdated 'the cake is a lie' reference? The ideal place to have moments like these would be Ravensthorpe, to make it feel like a save harbour for Eivor in an otherwise unwelcoming world. But instead there are dozens of tone deaf world events in every region, eliminating any sense of urgency or momentum you might experience while playing the story.

    What's also really bad is the actual Viking invasion part of the game. This is present throughout the story. We'll raid and pillage monistaries and burn townships to the ground, but then we'll go and act all high and mighty when someone else does it.

    There's a moment in the DLC, where Eivor wants to help out the king of Dublin who has troubles being trusted by the high king of Ireland because he's norse and the high king is christian. Alright, what does Eivor do? She pillages a monestary to establish a trade outpost. And half an hour later, the high king tells us that he can't trust the king of Dublin because a monestary was raided by norsemen form Dublin. Not by Eivor tho, by some other Dublin norsemen. How is what Eivor did any different from what the other vikings do? The line between the good kind of viking we're playing as and the bad kind of vikings we're fighting against is completely arbitrary.

    The viking invasion is questioned a few times, i.E. with reckless characters like Ivar, but Eivors actions are never called into consideration, there are never any consequences for burning down villages or raiding monestaries. The most laughable part about this is that the game doesn't allow you to kill civilians. Ubisoft is whitewashing Viking history so players don't have to question their actions. This is espescially frustrating beacuse the games always tried to portray a moral dilemma, the shades of grey between good and evil.

    Why is the game like this? Because a lighthearted silly story is less alienating to those who might not like more serious stuff. This is a game has no narrative vision, it's designed to be enjoyed by as many people as possible, but it ends up being the video game equivalent of wet bread. And as long as Ubisoft places money over artistic integrity we'll keep gettin this watered down slop.

    Also fire Yves Guillemot.

    submitted by /u/veico_cm
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    double assassination with runnig assassination

    Posted: 19 May 2021 06:48 AM PDT

    I assassinated two guards with running assassination in odyssey. Is that a feature or just a bug? Because a lot of people keep saying you have to use rush assassinate to do double assassinations in odyssey.

    submitted by /u/Appropriate-Leg5232
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    [Spoilers] Question about the completed anomalies video from Valhalla

    Posted: 19 May 2021 08:46 AM PDT

    >! Who are the fetuses that Odin and the other Aesir Isu uploaded themselves into? Would one of them be a distant ancestor of Eivor, or is that Eivor themself in some sort of containment that won't be born for thousands of years?!<

    >! If it is indeed an ancestor of Eivor, then wouldn't that mean that there could be other individuals with Odin's DNA besides Eivor? So we may not have seen the last of him?!<

    If it is Eivor, then are their parents at the beginning not actually their parents?

    submitted by /u/SpacePickle99
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    In origins does anodyne know where to get some good Heavy Blades weapons early in the game?

    Posted: 19 May 2021 04:11 PM PDT

    Like certain enemies or treasure chests that have a fixed drop rate? I'm not talking about misconstructions or the random chance of getting them at the bazaar. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Mikecirca81
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