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    Monday, May 3, 2021

    Assassin's Creed I love the music in Valhalla, but the lack of it is strange

    Assassin's Creed I love the music in Valhalla, but the lack of it is strange

    I love the music in Valhalla, but the lack of it is strange

    Posted: 02 May 2021 03:56 AM PDT

    I'm on ps5, and the music in the open world only plays if I stay idle for like a minute, but then it fades away if I move LOL. Battle music seems to play in the open world, but not in campaign.. actually campaign missions have no music at all. It only plays in the main settlement once the first time I boot up the game.

    I used to play this game in November, but put it down for a bit, but I remember music played much more frequently. I remember this because I really loved the East Anglia and Oxenefordscire theme, and the one in that region of Norway where you start out. This happen to anyone else? It's weird

    Music is set to frequent too

    submitted by /u/118throwaway2111
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    I've been wanting for a Aztec/Inca/Mayan AC for a while now. I really hope one of the next games will be using that setting instead of returning to classic areas and time periods.

    Posted: 02 May 2021 09:20 AM PDT

    Valhalla Hidden Blade Drawing

    Posted: 02 May 2021 10:45 AM PDT

    AC is the only game I play

    Posted: 02 May 2021 03:36 AM PDT

    Okay, I don't know if anyone is interested but I think it's kind of a funny story.

    I'm a 24 year old girl with two sisters. So my parents bought us dolls, make up and legos, but no games ever. At 20 I started dating this guy who, whenever he bought a new game (once every year or so) would close off for two weeks and only play that. Of course, I didn't understand and called him an idiot, laughed at him. He said well you never played games, you don't know how it is. Here play this (ACIII), and maybe you'll understand. Just so you know, I'm also a massive history nerd.

    So I did it to prove to him that gaming is stupid. I lost the summer of 2017 to AC. Played it every day. The guy almost regretted giving it to me. I wasn't good, and according to him and his roommates, was quite entertaining to watch. But boy my obsession was born.

    After that I moved on to Black Flag. Didn't really like that because I didn't like the ship stuff. Felt like there wasn't a lot of technique during sea combat. And then I bought Odyssey and that's my absolute favourite. Origins I liked too.

    The only problem is... it's still the only game I play. We have broken up and I don't have a PlayStation or Xbox and don't want to buy one just for one game.... I'll have to find myself a bf with console and casually mention my obsession

    submitted by /u/Anoukvdpadt
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    I made Fan Art of Arno Dorian Because I Love AC Unity

    Posted: 02 May 2021 05:07 AM PDT

    (Spoilers) The ending of the main story of Valhalla felt empty and it's probably because this game has too many things in it.

    Posted: 02 May 2021 05:30 AM PDT

    So I just finished the Hamtunscire arc and was underwhelmed by the ending, especially the deaths of Soma, Hjorr, and Hunwald. And that made me realize these characters (and probably most of the side characters in fact) weren't necessarily poorly written, but the way you interacted with them was.

    Compare it to Black Flag (which happens to be my favourite game of the series), where I really felt saddened by the deaths of Blackbeard and Mary Read, playing as Edward, you spent a lot of meaningful time with them and a lot of the cutscenes really fleshed out their characters.

    I didn't feel that in Valhalla. The gameplay really had you running from place to place to finish a series of quests, but you never really got to build meaningful connections with the side characters you meet along the way. They just seemed like one-dimensional goalposts you had to encounter.

    I really wished the writers made this game leaner and focused on fewer arcs so as to develop stronger and more meaningful relationships with side characters. I think that would have made the ending more satisfying.

    submitted by /u/SG_MNL
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    Fun fact: AC:U's Ezio Outfit textures are literally the same from 2010 in AC:B but uncompressed. I thought it was interesting if all of the textures from AC Brotherhood could be put into a remaster and uncompressed. As far as I know, Ezio's Collection did not do this (apart from minor improvements).

    Posted: 02 May 2021 01:57 AM PDT

    Assassins Creed: Beat Down Old Guy

    Posted: 02 May 2021 04:44 PM PDT

    It'd be neat to be able to play an older protagonist.

    Something in the vein of Revelations.

    Idk, I'd find any character from any era interesting if they have years of experience weighing them down.

    submitted by /u/Senorvantes888
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    What AC retcons bugs you the most?

    Posted: 02 May 2021 12:36 AM PDT

    There are several established lore within the AC universe that has been later retconned in the future games or other transmedia to fit within those narratives. While some of these retcons can be explained they're still questionable. Which among these major changes annoys you the most?

    I don't particularly find retcons annoying if the explanations are valid enough and is retconned to better fit the game's narrative (eg: Darius in AC Odyssey)

    submitted by /u/Kevin_SH_91
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    A rant about AC Unity. Some good some bad

    Posted: 02 May 2021 06:32 AM PDT

    Unity is my favorite game but I hate the fact...

    ...that they hide 50% of lore and character development outside the game. Only reading through the wiki, did I learn that the Helix Initiate you play as has a name, a whole entire plot and personality (goes through the bleeding effect just like Desmond) and the fact that Arno wrote a couple missives to his dead father about events in the game, like his childhood with DeLa Serre and Elise, his time in the bastille, and his thoughts on his allegiance to the Assasins and their place in the world.

    To me, unity is a game that lives and breathes. The crowd events of protecting civilians or tackling thieves always made me feel like there was something going on only I could stop. I ignored this game when it came out as I saw it too deviating from what I loved about the series after just putting down AC3 and Black Flag, so I never saw the slew of bugs it had. Between the beautiful medieval architecture of half timber houses to the decadent interiors of the Palaces, this game is breathtaking in either of the four most common weather patterns—Dusk/Dawn, Afternoon, Evening and Rainy—even if they are limited in variety. The stealth And combat are nice as you all know by now, I just feel that the story and Arno were some of the most profound things we got in a AC game. One thing I loved about AC3 is the targets you Assasins ye aren't puppet masters that are evil. They are simply men and women who have been manipulated to play a role in something grander than them. Look at killing Johnson in AC3 and killing Lefeniere in Unity. You went there believing them to be a rightful target for culling...only your intelligence was bad. Johnson was trying to buy the land off the locals to keep them out of harms way even if it was taking their ancestral land. The crown was going to come knocking eventually. Killing lefeniere was a ploy. You were fed clues that made sense to your investigation and the Templars knew you'd act on it—my point being is the war gets gray in the Colonial Brotherhood and it gets greyer in unity. Arnie whole closing speech is essence of that...I'm just upset they kept so much of the lore off net, forcing people to believe the game is much shallower than it is.

    submitted by /u/Ulysses3
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    Talk to Washington again in AC3 Remastered

    Posted: 02 May 2021 10:04 PM PDT

    I'm in AC3 Remastered and I talked to Washington in Valley Forge before getting Frontier Challenges 2. Now I read on the internet that if you talk to him before getting the challenge then it won't register. Now if I go to mission replay to the Valley Forge mission can I talk to him again or he won't appear since I've talked to him already during my main playthrough? I'm in sequence 9-2

    submitted by /u/Sakya22
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    Assassins Creed Valhalla is too long

    Posted: 02 May 2021 09:52 AM PDT

    In the beginning, I was pretty excited about this game. Eivor was a likeable character and I really enjoyed the whole process of moving from Norway to pursue a new life in England, making alliances and leveling up your settlement. Now, 40 hours into the game, it's just too damn boring having to go into Randvi's room, pledging an alliance, going there, kill some people and end it all with a big fight. And all that just to go back into Randvi's room just to do it again. The first 5 alliances made me fall in love with the story, but now I'm forcing myself to go back in to finish the game. I really don't know if it's even worth finishing the story anymore.

    submitted by /u/umasa001
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    We don't really know a lot about the upcoming DLC, we have a handful of screenshots from months ago and the recent leaks but that's it, is this weird?

    Posted: 02 May 2021 07:09 AM PDT

    The DLC was originally supposed to come out last Friday, now it's set to come out in just around 2 weeks time, yet we still haven't gotten a proper trailer for it, an idea of the kind of quests we'll be doing or even a look at the map size, this just seems a tad strange to me.

    submitted by /u/Exitoverhere
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    The new RPG games and the franchise direction [Spoilers]

    Posted: 02 May 2021 06:53 PM PDT

    Hey AC community, I wanted to make a post to hear what most of you think on the ending of Valhalla and the general direction of most of the new games, for contect I just played Valhalla and missed any discussion post its release, as to avoid spoilers. Why I did that when I do not actually care about spoilers I do not know. This may be a bit messy in terms of my thoughts as I am writing it at 4 AM in the middle of my night shift.

    As a whole I have been a fan of the series since 2007 (I believe that was when AC 1 came out) and I did believe the series needed a shakeup, but I am a bit 50/50 on how the series is going now. For context I actually like the RPG games, well to be exact I like Odyssey and Origins. Valhalla is a different story.

    So the thing in my case is that I have been playing this franchise for so long, that I actually feel like I do not really care about what even happens with the assassins or the templars, as they have felt redundant since Black Flag to me. They have been merely window dressing for a while now and do not server as a focal point of the games, mostly are there to justify the name, which already sells a lot. It is the reason we can be sure that things will continue as they are. Origins showed us how the assassins came to be and I actually loved that story. Odyssey had none of them, but I like the game due to the gameplay and characters (screw the grind though), even while the absence of our namesake order was missing. I get that most old fans would be annoyed at that, but I myself do not really have any decent ideas what Ubi can even do with them at this point, so I am not really faulting them on the absence honestly.

    Valhalla was just a slog for me, where I felt the story, the pacing, combined with the writing really brought the game down. Just because Ubi gave me a hidden blade and waved assassins at me did not really impress, when I have been following this franchise for this long. It is without a shadow of a doubt for me the AC story I have felt just complete apathy towards. When the story would ramp up and get a bit interesting, I was thrown back to the map to get more allies and go conquer more. Which was just a grind. Though please stop giving us story choices and gender ones for that matter. We should be reliving the memories of someone, not getting Witcher-lite as the story. Also wtf Basim.

    Missions in Valhalla are decently designed, I do give them that as do not have to tail people all the time like some older entries (looking at you AC3). Stealth though, that felt like a complete afterthought in this game. I would like to invade a castle and take it out stealthily, but the designers who placed multiple 4 enemy groups wanted me to raid I guess. I may have missed something but having to go for headshots on said groups was just akward. On the little changes made from the other RPG games Valhalla has the least interesting progression in terms of developing your character, where everyone basically ends up with exactly the same skills and gear, whatever you use really doesn't matter, unless playing on the hardest difficulty (probably, I have yet to try that difficulty). On the character progression as an example how in Odyssey one of my friends went for an assassin build, another for a fire one and I went for a crit build, all 3 giving distinct benefits and minuses. Valhalla does not have any of that and instead everyone gets the same gear and skills, without bascially any room left for experimentation. Considering the game difficulty as well, it is not that interesting in my eyes. Though to be fair this is an issue for me because Odyssey did it so well and I was hoping to an extent they follow up on that. Bonus point here which was an issue I specifically had and was mostly funny to me - my first time playing abilities in Norway bugged out and I could not aquire them, so I was stuck for a while wondering what that icon on my map is supposed to be showing, only when I got to England and was able to grab my first ability did I understand. Bugs a lot of the time do not matter to me as long as they do allow me to finish a game, so I was actually cool wiht that, mostly laughed it off. I did make it through the release of Unity (and Cyberpunk 2077 for that matter) so I already am prepared for the worse with new games.

    So lastly I just wanna ask - did you guys enjoy the game or no? Did you like this way of character progression and upgrades, or the one from Odyssey/Origins? Do you want more story choices?

    Random bonus I feel like adding in at the last moment is about which games I like the most in this franchise - Brotherhood, 2, Syndicate, Odyssey and Origins in no particular order. I like the other games as well to a certain extent, except for 3.

    Again sorry if this is messy, I am tired.

    submitted by /u/Azagroth
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    AC: Odyssey - Isu Codices - Temporized! [TFoA DLC SPOILERS & Mini-Theories connected to Valhalla]

    Posted: 02 May 2021 07:35 AM PDT

    Wrath of the Druids timeline Vs Main Story

    Posted: 02 May 2021 03:44 PM PDT

    Hi all, I'm currently on a 2nd playthrough of AC Valhalla. I was wondering has there been any info on whether the Wrath of the Druids DLC will take place after the main story or during?

    I have a load to keep me going but I'm wondering should I just go ahead and wrap up the Story or keep hunting down everything until the DLC goes up?

    submitted by /u/DextrousLab
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    Assassin's creed valhalla's 3rd dlc premise

    Posted: 02 May 2021 11:47 AM PDT

    So,if there is a 3rd dlc coming for valhalla,what would you like to see? It could also be a small game much like far cry new dawn was, it could be anything really, personally I'd like to see Constantinople.

    P.S keep them short or make them long, I'll read them all anyways.

    submitted by /u/hardcorejenkins
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    AC Syndicate and Watch Dogs 2 villains

    Posted: 02 May 2021 03:10 PM PDT

    Anyone else notice the similarities between Crawford Starrick (Syndicate) and Dušan Nemec (WD2)?

    Obviously these games are both Ubisoft open world sequels that came out around the same time. But I noticed that the antagonists of these games share a lot in common. They're both wealthy executives with facial hair who profit off of the exploitation of their workers and society.

    But what stuck out to me the most is how disconnected these villains are from our protagonists. In both Syndicate and WD2, we mostly learn about the villain through these cutscenes where it just shows the villain monologuing in their office. In WD2 there's a brief interaction between Dušan and Marcus in the very early game, but that doesn't really do anything (Marcus doesn't even remember it because he was drunk).

    It's almost like in both of these games there's no reason for our heroes to despise these villains, except for the fact that they just so happen to belong to different factions in some conflict that predates any of these characters. I actually like the characterization of both of these villains; I think Starrick has a great voice and perfectly epitomizes an old school tycoon, and I think Dušan is a great depiction of a despicable, sneering bay-area tech executive. I just wish there was a better reason for our playable characters to hate these guys.

    submitted by /u/ShapShip
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    Where would you like the enxt game to happen and when, would you like a new feature?

    Posted: 02 May 2021 02:31 PM PDT

    Hi first post here. So.. apart from the history continuity orrumored locations and times, Where woul'd you like the next AC game to happen ad when. Is there any new feature (weapon power, ability) you'd like to see?

    submitted by /u/RodNozza12
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    Does Unity have special weapon unique animations

    Posted: 02 May 2021 01:57 PM PDT

    I know that some of the weapons in AC games like the gunswords in AC Black Flag have unique fighting animations.

    Is there a weapon in AC unity that has some of its own fighting animations?

    Just wanna experience them before uninstalling the game!

    submitted by /u/testgcd
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