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    Saturday, March 20, 2021

    Assassin's Creed Finished Edward for you guys. Hope you Enjoy

    Assassin's Creed Finished Edward for you guys. Hope you Enjoy

    Finished Edward for you guys. Hope you Enjoy

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 02:53 PM PDT

    Drew Randvi in children's book style(My fan art)

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 06:32 AM PDT

    Odyssey is huge and I love it

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 06:10 AM PDT

    I'm level 63. I finished the main game without killing all the cultists, which was a major dud move on my part, I wanted those masked bastards dead and no mistake.

    I have just found out there is an area of the map I have yet to explore. An entire segment of the world map as yet unrevealed, not even filled in and unexplored!

    I absolutely love how huge this game is and hope that Valhalla is equally massive when I finally get around to playing it. I'm going to take a break between AC games, I went straight from Origins to Odyssey and I can't quite bring myself to ignore the rest of the gaming universe for so long that I play Valhalla next.

    TL;DR Wooot!

    submitted by /u/ShenTzuKhan
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    My problem with Assassin's Creed Rogue is that the Assassins don't act like Assassins

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 12:14 PM PDT

    First of all, Hope's criminals straight up murder innocent people. She's responsible for those deaths, which goes against the tenets of the creed.

    Second of all, they're all massive assholes. Adewale alone should have seen something was off, because he's a veteran, he knows the creed.

    So either Ubisoft doesn't understand what Assassins actually do, or they were trying way too hard to make Shay's betrayal look justified.

    But they could have just done morally gray on both sides, or even make Shay an asshole.

    submitted by /u/jedipony1
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    Unity could have been a masterpiece

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 03:00 PM PDT

    In its current state I still think Unity is better than a lot of people give it credit for. But I get so frustrated thinking about the potential this game had and how it was squandered because ubisoft needed that annual release. If given the time it deserved I think Unity could have been the best game in the series.

    The Setting

    The french revolution is the PERFECT back drop to have those philosophical discussions about the nature of humanity AC loves so much. You can even keep that assassin Templar love story if you really want it but instead of Arno and Elise just kinda doing their own thing they can have actual arguments about whats best for the people of France. Arno can show how having a ruling class clearly only leads to suffering and Elise can show that having absolute freedom only leads to chaos. Unlike when Connor and Haythem argued, this wouldn't feel one sided. Arno and Elise can actually be active members of their respective orders fighting to achieve the same end of ending the revolution. I would also remove all the sage nonsense and replace Germain with Napoleon. Napoleon would be the perfect antagonist for Arno and Elise to face together as he would be using the assassins to remove his political adversaries in the name of "freedom" and use the Templars to attain power for himself. He could maybe have the sword of eden but I think it would be more fitting to give him an apple. This would end with Elise and the Templars working behind the scenes to exile napoleon and Arno traveling to Elba Island to assassinate him.

    The Gameplay

    I think Unity's gameplay is pretty good as it is. With a bit deeper of a combat system and more player agency while free running it could be the best playing game in the series. The biggest problem with it now is that big asterisk thats on every talking point about Unity. *When it works. Unitys biggest problem is that its gameplay doesn't work 9 times outta 10. Thats the biggest thing holding this game back to this day and if ubisoft just spent that 1 extra year making sure everything was working as intended there's no doubt in my mind this game would've had much higher praise at launch.

    Assassination missions

    I love these so fucking much. Seriously please bring these back. If you haven't played Unity the Assassination missions are the best part of the game. You get a quick fly around of potential infiltration opportunities and a hint about a special Assassination and its how every assassins creed should handle every Assassination. They're just perfect go play Unity and you'll get it.

    TLDR; this game has been blue balling me since 2014.

    submitted by /u/King_Of_Rats00
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    Falling in love with these countries playing AC

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 02:21 PM PDT

    Despite its flaws, you can't say there's not so much love put into Assassin's Creed games especially the last few entries with these huge worlds. It's why I keep coming back and playing this series.

    I'm currently at the Cent arc (no spoilers) in Valhalla and I'm sailing around England and I find myself thinking "wow what a beautiful world". It makes me want to visit the countryside. The last and first time went to England I got really bad food poisoning and threw up on my cousin's bed (shocked he forgave me for that tbh) and swore never to come back. But as I play assassin's creed I find myself seeing the beauty in these places, Greece, Egypt, the Caribbean, and understanding why so many people love and cherish these places and have called it home for centuries. I think that's a really cool gift this series have given so many people. Seeing their love on screen and sharing that with others.

    If I was a country trying to bring attention and tourism to my country, I'd absolutely try to talk Ubisoft in making an assassin's creed game about our history. (This is my plug for a SE Asia AC Title at any Ubisoft people reading this)

    I can't wait to keep on playing more of these titles and I can't wait to visit these places one day.

    submitted by /u/FlaminRain
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    In Assassin's Creed: Origins, I feel a little sad seeing the pyramids and other wonders of Egypt so intact but starting to crumble away.

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 05:44 PM PDT

    I know that we've seen this before in Assassin's Creed, but it somehow hit different with Egypt. We have 2 of the great wonders of the Ancient world looking so good but already decaying. Egypt was one of the first great world civilizations and to see it crumble away is kind of sad.

    What do you all think?

    submitted by /u/MidlandsRepublic2048
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    Valhalla feels so nice to play

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 08:43 PM PDT

    Coming from Odyssey it feels nice to plays. Like in the sense it genuinely feels nice to play. It's smooth your movement feels faster enemy damage no longer takes forever. I would have thought it was due to playing Odyssey on a base Xbox one but I finished it on a Series X right before Valhalla and I still noticed an upgrade.

    Some things I really appreciate so far

    •The lighting: It just feels really cozy at times. There's this really nice sense of calmness to it. Origins had that to, which really gave me a appreciation for Egypt. Greece is surely a nice place too but going back even further in time took away from the atmosphere for me personally. It just felt too primitive at times.

    •It feels modern: Relatively speaking of course. It's so nice they didn't go an additional 3000 years back in the past (exaggeration but it's just odd to have odyssey be a prequel to a game called origins) I missed the sense of civilization and community that was present in other AC games. It's not that it was absent in Odyssey, but it felt like civilization was just starting.

    •The Icey Water element feels better used: It existed in Rogue, but now it feels more expansive. If that makes more sense. I will say Valhalla could have been scaled down to Rogues size however.

    •Weapons feels a bit nicer; They felt kinda clunky in Odyssey but so far they feel nice.

    •Clothes are nice to wear: The armor was okay in Odyssey but I missed the Assassin's aesthetic.

    •The story has a better flow. I'm happy to already be on chapter 5. Even if things do slow down later it's nice to make decent progress at least at some point

    Overall Valhalla is just enjoyable to play. If you liked Odyssey that's great! But I prefer the Origins/Valhalla style.

    submitted by /u/alexmason32
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    Two New Things: Gunnar and Huldufolk Smoke

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 02:32 PM PDT

    Okay! So maybe my game is glitching, but since the update to 1.2.0, the huldufolk set no longer gives off the Smoke effect. (Yay).

    Second thing! When I have been passing by Gunnar today he has been saying "Better let me go or you won't like what happens". And "you're going to regret this. every minute of it". I'm guessing that is going to be something that is to come in the Wrath of the Druids.

    Has anyone else been experiencing these?

    submitted by /u/reterstoff
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    Can’t decorate after newest update.

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 10:48 PM PDT

    Has anyone else had a problem with decorating Ravensthorpe after this most recent update? I'm trying to do the Ostara quest Decorating Ravensthorpe but all the sort of dragon markers to change them are gone. I have quest markers for where they (quest ones) should be but there's nothing there. Also in several places all over town the decorations I previously had up are gone. I can't even change the tree. I tried to check both this sub and the internet, but I couldn't find anything about it.

    submitted by /u/Kikishea
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    Item appearance changes should not cost anything in AC: Valhalla

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 01:42 PM PDT

    The title pretty much says it all, it was completely free and instant in the last two games. You could literally do it at any point in time through the menu and it didn't require going to a specific NPC. Making it cost silver in this game is just a shitty thing to do. It's not even like 50 silver is a lot or anything, but it's the principle of the matter. It shouldn't cost anything in the first place and based on Ubisoft and the rest of the games industry's history, they will just slowly increase the cost per game until eventually, you need premium currency/real money in order to do appearance changes. This needs to be nipped in the bud immediately before we give them an inch and they decide to take a mile. And if you think the "slippery slope" argument doesn't apply to the games industry just look at how monetization has evolved over the last decade. The appearance change system should work the exact same way it did in AC: Odyessy.

    submitted by /u/codeine_inmycereal
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    Japanese or Chinese themed game please!

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 10:14 PM PDT

    I'm sure this is posted a lot. But with the rpg direction there taken this could really work. And imagine the landscape you'd have in ancient Asia, it would be beautiful.

    submitted by /u/bconti0
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    [SPOILER] I just don't get it about Ezio

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 07:44 AM PDT

    In AC Revelations, why the hell Ezio blew up the gunpowders in the hidden city of Cappadocia? It's just putting the civilians into trouble. I also don't think all of the civilians safely got out from all the smoke and suffocation. I still don't get it why Ezio Auditore did that to kill Miguel. I mean there could have been some other ways.

    submitted by /u/EzioTheHunter
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    AC: Rogue resources exploit work on AC: Black Flag?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 06:51 PM PDT

    In AC Rogue, there was the warehouses exploit where you can loot the warehouse, save and die to get more resources over and over. In Black Flag the best way is to the kill the legendary ships, but the reason I need materials is because I'm so atrocious at ship combat, nor do I like it. Does the warehouse exploit work in black flag too? I need to upgrade my ship to the last naval main mission of the game.

    submitted by /u/CrY0g4n1C
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    Hey there! So i made this a couple of months back and i thought i would share it here with you guys:)

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 02:58 PM PDT

    Ending of Valhalla is disappointing (spoilers)

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 03:32 PM PDT

    After 100 hours there's no credit sequence? No closure? Nothing? The game just says "ENGLAND PACIFIED" and spits you back out onto the map. Randvi doesn't even acknowledge your achievement. After such a long slog through this game, I am stunned and deeply disappointed. Game goes out with a whimper and leaves a bad taste.

    Note to Ubi: maybe spend less time on a endless, repetitive middle portion and get the end of the damn game right.

    submitted by /u/917redditor
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    Historically Accurate Amor in Valhalla

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 01:47 AM PDT

    Hey, does anybody know how I can build an outfit to look halfway decent? I just want to look somewhat period appropriate when I play the game, the other armors are killing the immersion for me. I'm either a stinky HBO Viking or an overdesigned, glowing, Helix Credit billboard. I'm not expecting total accuracy, but how close can we get?

    submitted by /u/AfroNyokki
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    We need to talk about a particular soundtrack

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 11:23 AM PDT

    So let me say one thing, straight to the point, not because of laziness, but because I bet a lot of fans have been missing on this and they just need to know:

    Freedom Cry has one of the best (probably top 3) soundtracks in the entire saga.

    There. That should be my entire post but it won't, because otherwise would get removed (it kinda already did).

    The thing is... I just finished the game for the first time after making an oath to myself almost a decade ago, that I would never play any AC title ever again after Desmond's death.

    And now, while the credits rolled, I turned up the volume and closed my eyes just to appreciate the music as best as I could. I have never, ever been so glad at an extremely long credit sequence.

    Also Adéwalé has the coolest looking presence of an Assassin I've ever seen. It's like a mixture of wisdom, personality and stoic menacingness all packed into one character: all the great qualities of the previous Assassins (I'm not counting Edward for obvious reasons) residing in just one man. I'm actually sad Connor didn't have the chance to meet uncle Adé, they would be best friends, you can be absolutely sure about that.

    Full circle: the end got me a little chocked up thanks to that final blow: the power of the music; its insanely perfect soundtrack. It feels so organic and so powerful. It's... cathartic.

    If you haven't played it, I greatly recommend it as someone who loves AC1 since the day it got released and hates naval combat and rpg and all the new stuff. Freedom Cry is a nice in-between that you could finish in a single day or two. Maybe a week at most if you don't have much time to spare.

    And I hope you enjoy the music as much as I did, which it's also officially free on Youtube and streaming services in case you just want to take a listen.

    Finally: what is your favorite Soundtrack in the saga? (I can't decide between the Ezio trilogy and Freedom Cry.)

    Good day or night to you all.

    submitted by /u/IsuiGtz94
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    How long do I have left on AC Valhalla?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 06:51 PM PDT

    I am on Glowecestrecrie arc - chapter 2: clues and riddles and I are about to give up.

    For some reason, this game just keeps dragging on and on and it just feels like a chore instead of immersion. True I could just put the controller down but having to beat ALL main AC growing up, I feel obliged to beat this one, especially I probably am nearing the finish line?

    So yeah guys... how many arcs do I have left?

    submitted by /u/Dexamadeus
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    They nerfed the archery event for Ostara.

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 04:43 AM PDT

    They caught on to our antics during the Yule festival lol. The archery competition event was the best way to get Festival tokens (the ONLY way when you consider time vs reward) during Yule. I bought all event items within a day of playing just by doing archery. For 2 minutes of work you'd get 60 tokens whereas beating the last boss of brawl gave you like 75 and took about 20 minutes to run through the whole gauntlet. I'm sad to say now the archery competition only gives like 30 tokens now haha. I'm disappointed but also not mad. XD

    submitted by /u/EnderOdinson
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    Trial of the Gods ~ Origins

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 12:16 PM PDT

    I've looked through older posts and as far as I can see I can't find an answer to my question (though its entirely possible I missed it!)

    I started playing Origins for the first time yesterday after working my way through the previous games and I'm not entirely certain how the Trial of the Gods works. I'm level 13 currently, with 3 days left to complete the Trials. I'm not sure whether I'll be the appropriate level in time and I'm worried about missing the experience ~ how often do they return to the game? Is it a monthly event or anything like that?

    Thank you in advance for any and all help!(:

    submitted by /u/OzzyOctopus
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    Option To Remove Weapon Trails

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 06:10 PM PDT

    I've asked this before, around release when I tried to play this on PC. Unfortunately my system couldn't keep up with it and now that the game has been out for some time, I have it on Ps5 and I'd like to request a feature for the most annoying thing to me in this game.

    The ability to turn off the streaks behind your Weapon as you swing. I actually installed mods for this in other AC games and TW3 because it's just so distracting to me, especially since every other NPC doesn't have this effect. I would love the ability to toggle this off more than any other feature. If these mods exist, I can't be alone in finding this distracting.

    Please please please!

    Edit: why am I getting downvoted for a tiny feature request?

    submitted by /u/Busteraxe
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