• Breaking News

    Thursday, February 4, 2021

    Assassin's Creed There are now 9 armor sets in the microtransaction store - just as many as in the entire base game. Are we just gonna let this slide?

    Assassin's Creed There are now 9 armor sets in the microtransaction store - just as many as in the entire base game. Are we just gonna let this slide?

    There are now 9 armor sets in the microtransaction store - just as many as in the entire base game. Are we just gonna let this slide?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 09:18 AM PST

    Now half of the armors available in the game are exclusive only to people who are willing to spend money on extremely overpriced microtransactions. Us other players, even those among us who spent over a hundred dollars on the collector's edition, have gotten very little content over these last few months. Like, all we've really gotten is a nice but kind of lackluster event, and a bunch of bugfixes.

    Meanwhile Ubi just keeps adding and adding ridiculous shit to the microtransaction store, just milking the whales of their money with content that only a very small percentage of players will actually get to enjoy. On top of that, it is not only cosmetic stuff but it actually affects gameplay and is in some cases rather overpowered. And then when the rest of the player base finally did get an armor set, it was event exclusive and literally a reskin with some blood splatters on it.

    Why isn't everybody talking about this? Only a few years ago, people would have raised hell if a games company did shit like this. This is not okay, especially not for a game that costs sixty goddamn bucks.

    submitted by /u/Zuazzer
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    A simple line portrait of Captain Edward Kenway along with a touch of his habitat.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 06:42 AM PST

    We need a damn Bayek Sequel

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 04:17 AM PST


    I loved Origins, i hated oddysey, and i liked Valhalla.

    But the main reason i love Origins is because of Bayek and his story and i feel like there is more to explore with his character. I feel like Bayek is honestly one of the only characters that can actually rival Ezio. What do you guys think the game would be about and where would it be set?

    submitted by /u/AltijdTrumbler
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    Find Varin in is abandoned settlement

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 11:18 AM PST

    you all probably know about it but, because i didn't see no one talking about it I will share.

    In norway you can go to heillboer, eivor's old settlement, where eivor start having memoirs from when he was a kid.

    If you enter the main house by the roof you can see Varin "ghost" near the throne .

    Picture here
    Sorry for spelling errors, english isn't my main language.

    submitted by /u/minecunha11
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    [SPOILERS] wish they would stop marketing the game with one gender and then making the other canon(AC Valhalla)

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 12:41 AM PST

    You want a game with a female protagonist? make the game with the female protagonist and market it with the female protagonist. No one will bite you. I mean look at Horizon Zero Dawn and Tomb Raider, most people love them. But trying to appease every one by saying both genders are canon and market it heavily with male Eivor while turning out that Eivor is canonically a female again( Even most characters throughout the game call you a she or her if you play male) and writing it off as (Eivor is the female reincarnation of the isu Havi) feels like lazy rpg mechanics or an attempt to please all sides Or if they want both genders in a game they could try bringing back the thing they did with Frye twins for example or Bayek and Aya

    submitted by /u/headbuttingkrogan
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    Gonna try to play AC Unity for the first time since 2014

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 09:48 PM PST

    Keep seeing people going off about how great this game was on the sub and haven't played it since beating it in 2014. I don't remember much about it except not having much of an opinion on it either way, also that at the time most people actually said Rogue was the better and more interesting title.

    I still had the disk sitting around so it's easy enough to grab it and pop it in to my ps5, something I hope will help all the bugs that I also vaguely remember.

    I've gotten every AC on release day since the series has started and I like the new ones just as much as the older Ezio ones. (and I remember somethings about the older series that some people on here seem to forget)

    So, idk let's see if the new praise this game seems to be getting lately is right or not, I haven't seen many people who actually love both the older and newer games opinion on it, so that's why I've decided to try it out again myself.

    I'll probably either edit an update or comment an update if anyone is curious on my perspective, and I can give some info on how it runs on a ps5 if someone would like to know.

    edit: update in comments

    submitted by /u/BellaWasFramed
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    Small AC Odyssey & Origins Themes Piano Medley

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 10:46 AM PST

    The ultimate Assassin’s Creed - a blend of old and new.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 11:32 AM PST

    Fans of both, please read. We need to have an honest discussion about the direction of the series, accepting the pros and the cons of your preference. While commenting, please include if you are a fan of old or new, or both.

    There is a rift between fans of the old games and fans of the new, that I believe can be fixed and both groups would benefit.

    From gameplay to story, here are the things that would create a 10/10 experience. A mix of features from new and old to merge the two styles together, making everyone happy. Ultimately I feel the series should use RPG aspects but in a grounded way. Less about numbers and more about function.

    As a general point I appreciate the franchise went in a new direction, but I think with effort from Ubisoft's side, features can be implemented that both improve the RPG style of game whilst also building on old features of the franchise that long time fans loved about the games.

    Story: An assassins creed story should be ultimately serious and mature. This is not to say that there are no light moments, they are integral in connecting us to the characters and makes the plot and the people in it believable. It should offer philosophical and moral discussion. It should also be emotional and moving. Shades of grey and nuance are core to the series. The story should have something to say to the player. Assassins creed is mature in its themes, no more light hearted fluff please.

    Ultimately, the story of assassins creed is the philosophical and military struggle of two opposing groups who both have credence to their beliefs.

    Our protagonist should ultimately be a good human being, despite struggling with choices. They should offer a broad range of emotions throughout the main story, and have a character arc - they should have some sort of newfound understanding by the time the credits role. They don't have to be as charismatic as Ezio, and shouldn't be as uniform of a character as Connor. AC3 may have been well written but Connor fails as a compelling protagonist. (This is not my opinion, merely fact. The majority of people did not like Connor, due to the fact that he is one note.)

    The modern day must have a plot. The ones who came before don't have to be shoehorned into every plot, only use them if you feel they add something to the story. Ideally the modern day would have playable sections, like in 3. Those are the only times we have engaged in modern combat. We need a direction for the series to head in that was lost when Desmond died and Juno was killed off in a comic. What happened to the assassin and Templar war? The premise the series is based around? The story of each entry needs to move a story forward towards a planned end point.

    Most importantly, don't hire any old git to write the story, hire a great team of writers with proven track records. Darby McDevitt is a writer who clearly understands the nature of the franchise and how to write. The script is the most important part of an assassins creed game. Writers however need the power to establish something that spans across more than one game, akin to the early ac.

    The series is also sci fi, not fantasy. These instances of ancient technology should remain unbelievable, and in the shadows, just as if you found one. This knowledge is secretive and has been purged from recorded history, it's legacy mutated through word of mouth and reached mythical status. The Isu should be foreign and creepy. Every seemingly fantastical element has a grounded explanation. This series is best when it is internally consistent with its own established rules and lore. Don't like something and want to change it? Fine, but don't just ignore the plot point, retcon it.

    Combat: the series needs to return to a grounded combat system. I don't mind light RPG elements and can see how it's addition can benefit the game, but RPG elements are less important than the grounded, believable action adventure core. Maybe we innovate and adopt a faster, more streamlined for honor combat system. Besides this, we have two combat systems, the paired animation system which was 1-syndicate, and free form, which is origins to present. The paired animation looked really cinematic but didn't have much mechanical depth whereas free form has mechanical depth but the animations are terrible. I propose a hybrid between the two, which would look something like ghost of Tsushima.

    We need mechanical depth. Just an idea - our character would have 5-10 health bars depending on how upgraded they are. This means that hypothetically you can die very quickly. Enemy weapon and variation would determine damage dealt. A flanker with a knife could get behind you and get a good grab and stab in - 4 bars of health gone. You get hit with the slash of a sword? 1 bar. You get stabbed with a sword? 2. You get the picture - damage is serious and mitigating damage through proper defense, attack, and fleeing is vital. No sponges apart from a heavily armoured boss for instance.

    Combining buttons would give you access to a variety of moves, and the key is using these at the right times to cut through enemies. Tap A to dodge, hold A to roll. Dodges aren't leaps, they are used to evade heavy attacks. A roll takes longer to start but is ideal when needing to reposition in a fight. Tapping x is a normal attack, whereas holding x is a heavy attack. Heavy attacks do massive damage but must be used at the right times, for instance when an enemy is staggered or is open to one.

    A and X would be an evasion attack, where the character would spin to dodge, and land a blow that does little damage, but using this incorrectly would leave you open to being knocked down. Running and a + x would cause a hook blade like attack to happen, where you keep your momentum and pass the enemy. This would tie into RPG light mechanics where you can unlock and learn new techniques.

    There would be lots of different enemy types who employ different techniques, some will flank and group, others will oppress you. Some will get defensive and back off when on low health, others will charge at you wildly and might throw you off. Some will run if you take out their commander very swiftly. In this system, employing the right moves with the right timing would be key. Mastering this would make you god like. This system would also fall on the swifter side, allowing for an assassin to fight and run. Tools would also make a welcome return, things like rope darts.

    Parkour: parkour has regressed in the series. Ac 1-R had the most mechanically engaging parkour whereas unity had the best animations. In this new trilogy, parkour is a means to an end. It is a tool to traverse the map rather than a gameplay mechanic. Parkour should be an engaging gameplay mechanic. Add a realistic wall run. Add other parkour moves like vault to hang and many more that the player has mechanical control over. Incorporate parkour into combat, for instance ejecting off a wall into an attack would deal lots of damage. Players should be able to look at an environment, plan a route and execute it using a variety of moves that they have control over. Players should not be able to climb every structure known to man. Style and substance. Climbing puzzles should also make a return, as with new moves these would become a lot more varied and engaging.

    Stealth: a complete rework of stealth in the franchise is necessary. Look to popular stealth games like MGSV and splinter cell. Add a prone button, a light mechanic, (we do work in the dark to serve the light, right?) the ability to grab and interrogate or kidnap enemies, non lethal options for "unwitting pawns of evil". Stealth tools like firecrackers, chimes, sleep darts, fire. Reimplement social stealth. With engaging mechanics, I feel tailing missions could return to the franchise as they would actually be fun. Communication between enemies would be core to this new system, too.

    The return of social stealth. Hiding in plain sight. Unequip your sword for slower detection speed and smaller radius, however if you get caught not having a sword handy would not be ideal. Steal a guards uniform by knocking out or killing them, blend in with monks. Pretend to be drunk. Manipulate your surroundings to help you.

    Assassination tree: alike the cult of cosmos and order but expanded upon. The player would have to use the clues gathered to locate them rather than unlock an icon on the map. You would discover and investigate clues that would point to a time and a place, from which you have to identify the target. Clues would not be "go here" rather something implying you to go somewhere.

    World: ideally as immersive as possible. Minimal menu vendors - use skill points at your base, pay off a bounty at an appropriate location, purchase a weapon at a blacksmith. Encourage the player to not just chase map markers rather explore the world dynamically.

    Please feel free to criticise or/and expand!

    submitted by /u/jackwarr123
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    Questions about the Fate of Atlantis DLC: the world, who sank atlantis, and Isu technology being rather primitive?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 05:21 PM PST

    This is really multiple questions in one. After finishing the DLC for Odyssey I am left with more questions than answers. I have already played a little bit of Valhalla and the world seems to be in a bit of a sorry state. What on earth happened between the DLC and the new installment? Try as I may I have not found an answer to this question. Secondly, if the memories of atlantis were a simulation, who actually sank atlantis? It cannot have been Kassandra/Alexios right? Lastly, I noticed how Isu technology is on the one hand really advanced and on the other rather primitive? They will have supercomputers calculating infinite possibilities and can modify genetic code but the rest of their technology - transport, entertainment, weapons - seems rather primitive. Is there any explanation for all of this?

    submitted by /u/Chiefsky1
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    Just played Black Flag for the first time and loved it! Was inspired to make some minimalist art

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 09:07 AM PST

    Connor Kenway and the Curse of Oak Island

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 10:38 AM PST

    There is a mission where you travel to oak island for captain kidd's treasure.

    I've been playing thru all the assassins creed games, im now on 3, and I have to travel to oak island for a mission.

    I also watch the television show " the curse of oak island" .

    After doing a little research, I have found that a few, if not all, of the people searching the the treasure on Oak Island are in fact free masons.

    Now after further investigation, the free masons "say" they are not of the Templar lineage but chose the name to honor the order.

    Is it possible that, the team at Oak island currently digging for treasure, are in fact, Templar, and we all know what the Templar order is constantly searching for.

    Oak island, the money pit, there WAS or IS a Piece of Eden there.

    IN CONCLUSION. As assassins, are we not at least required to investigate further, and possibly take action so the Piece of Eden doesn't fall into Templar hands????????

    submitted by /u/bornicanskyguy
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    Add a preset save option to photo mode.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 03:34 PM PST

    It would be convenient to let us save camera settings as presets, so that we don't have to redo everything each time I press back to change my character position. I like to take a lot of photos myself.

    submitted by /u/synchroo1
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    [SPOILER] Today I noticed something about the Hidden Ones database entry.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 09:39 PM PST

    I was looking at the database in Valhalla today and went to the Hidden Ones entry and noticed the woman beside Basim kind of looks like Eivor. I originally thought that it was just a random person they put there instead of Hytham, but when took a closer look and paid attention to the face, I realized that she has a resemblance to Eivor.

    submitted by /u/OrdinaryCoffee0
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    [SPOILERS] Assassin's Creed Valhalla Story and Ending Analysis Part 6

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 09:04 AM PST

    Are there other people who don't like AC Unity?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 03:24 PM PST

    I have played all of the AC games and love every one except for Unity. I just remember being so frustrated playing it. The combat felt slugglish, it was filled with glitches even though I first played it in 2017, and the story was terribly bland and forgettable. Arno was probably the assassin I like least in the series. I also feel like the game was pushing too hard for microtransactions, way more than the games after it. All the good weapons were locked behind grinding or a paywall. I also played the game in single player since I dont know anyone who owned the game, and the co-op missions were brutal. The only parts of the game i liked were the character customization of Arno and the multiple ways to assassinate the targets. Every time I replay the series, I just go straight from Rogue to Syndicate.

    submitted by /u/200319594
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    Altair the original master assassin appreciation post

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 08:49 AM PST

    Just wanted to start a thread where people could discuss what they love about this character and his life's journey/story. With the tiresome new direction of the series most recent entrants (barring origins, love that game) I'm really hoping a return to form for the series and would love Ubisoft to release a game exploring the full life of Altair as told in the secret crusade. It'll likely never happen but with other franchises such as Call of duty returning to form with a soft reboot of modern warfare, it would be great to see ubisoft follow suit. They seem to copy other developers all the time ffs why not here?

    submitted by /u/Fizziebubble99
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    What setting do you want for the next Assassins Creed?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 09:47 PM PST

    Can't do polls so this'll have to work. Personally I want an Ancient Rome setting like during the reign of Caesar. I think it would be cool to see Roman Legions and the Roman Empire in an AC game. I think it would also allow for the reintroduction of Region Battles like we had in Odyssey. Odyssey wasn't the greatest AC but I thought the war between the Athenians and Sparta was a pretty cool feature. I'm pretty sure AC has had a Roman setting before but I think it would be good setting regardless. The character could be a gladiator who won their freedom and is inducted into the Creed or a former Roman soldier. Ancient Rome is one of my favorite historical settings and I would like to visit it in AC.

    Ancient Japan would be cool as well

    submitted by /u/Vlaymore
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    Trial of the gods is fantastic.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 02:47 PM PST

    Now that my post went through, I recently got back into this game and I am attempting to get all 3 Anubis gear sets however, it wont ever give me the sunslayer. Im 2 weeks in on rewards from the gods, i have the swords and scepters. I know this is old but i was curious if something was found for it. I have defeated both gods two weeks straight.

    submitted by /u/Gavenlee2003
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    Valhalla - Is there a way to have a better view of city names?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 04:50 PM PST

    pretty much the title! I tried to adjust the settings to make everything appear bigger, but even then I can't quite read the city names/locations/river names even if I'm zooming.

    I'm on PS4, if that helps in any way.

    Is there a way to make them appear bigger or darker?

    Oh and I have perfect vision so the problem is not my sight..!

    Thanks in advance to the awesome human who can answer this!

    submitted by /u/daisy11235813
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    Is the Captain flintlock completely unobtainable?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 07:23 AM PST

    In black flag, im aware community missions are done. is there any alternate ways to get the captains guns or am I out of luck

    submitted by /u/wolfknight98
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    Okay, I've just completed the main story and I'm confused about certain things. Can anyone help me? [SPOILERS]

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 08:43 AM PST

    Okay I'm pretty confused... First of all, before you ask, this is my first ever AC game. However, I have done some reading in regards to the lore and I actually understand a large majority of the modern day stuff. However, I'm still confused regarding just what the hell happened in regards to the "Brother's Keeper" final mission.

    Here are some questions hopefully some of you kind folk could help answer.

    1: Just what the hell was that Valhalla simulation?

    The big machine that connects people to Valhalla seem to come out of left field. I thought the whole point of the final plan was for the Isu's (Odin, Tyr and co) to be reincarnated. Where did the giant simulation come from? If that could be used to escape death (if that was the whole point of it), why was reincarnation in the human gene pool considered a better option?

    2: What was the deal with Svala?

    If she had the memories of her time as Freyja, why had she never acted upon them like Loki/Basim did? Did she just want to live a human life and have kids? Why only at the end of her life did she head for the Valhalla simulation? Was she aware that Eivor was Odin? I felt that her arc was poorly explored.

    3: Did the machine grant immortality or not?

    Basim was extremely old when he comes out of it before he touches the staff, but he was still alive.

    4: What had gone wrong with the machine?

    When Layla goes in, the simulation of Valhalla is distorted and crumbling. Why is this happening? Is it due to what Desmond did in 2012? And if Svala was dead by this point, how come Basim was still alive?

    5: What was the deal with those three women who were helping Basim/Loki?

    Were they the same three women who were speaking to Odin in the Asgard arc? How is it they were there and how come Basim had the power to "free" them and let them rest.

    6: Why did Sigurd keep losing his arm within the simulation?

    What was the deal with that? I get that it draws back to what happened to him in life (both as an Isu and as a human), but why does it keep happening within the simulation? Any theories on that?

    To anyone who helps me figure this out, many thanks.

    submitted by /u/pvhc47
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    The Hearthweru Pack is cheaper than other packs. Is that a limited-time offer?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 04:59 PM PST

    Title pretty much.

    I just started playing the game a week ago, so I am not sure whether packs have some limited-time offer going on or not. But I am curious on why The Hearthweru pack (which seems pretty good, I think) is significantly cheaper than other ones.

    submitted by /u/spacev3gan
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    AC2: Port Authority mission help

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 12:58 PM PST

    In assassins creed 2 port authority mission, by the merchant i have two heavy amour guards that stop me from doing the double kill by the wheel, is anybody else experiencing this and what do i do

    submitted by /u/Sryeetsalot
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