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    Thursday, January 28, 2021

    Assassin's Creed [Spoilers] Assassin's Creed Valhalla - We Cracked the Mystery and Found the Real Way to Unlock the Noden's Arc Bow!

    Assassin's Creed [Spoilers] Assassin's Creed Valhalla - We Cracked the Mystery and Found the Real Way to Unlock the Noden's Arc Bow!

    [Spoilers] Assassin's Creed Valhalla - We Cracked the Mystery and Found the Real Way to Unlock the Noden's Arc Bow!

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 07:46 AM PST

    Would you want to see a Assassins Creed game set during the Aztec Empire?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 07:34 AM PST

    when I think about cool settings for an Assassins Creed Game the Aztec Empire always came to mind and I'm not sure why. I feel like an Aztec setting would be so unique and different then other game settings. everything about the Aztec's are so unique form there armor and there weapons and there many Gods.

    • Huitzilopochtli, Father of the Aztecs
    • Tlaloc, God of Rain and Storms
    • Tonatiuh, God of the Sun
    • Tezcatlipoca, God of Night

    there are many other Gods as well but something about the Aztecs are so Interesting to me. How would you AC fans feel about an Aztec AC game?

    submitted by /u/AsharkHead
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    [AC Valhalla] I wish tattoos come with explanations of what they mean

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 09:10 PM PST

    I wish each tattoo (or set of tattoos) come with brief explanations of their meaning, like a little background into those Norse concepts and stuff. Sometimes it's obvious, like if it says Midgard or Jortunheim or something, but I at least am unfamiliar with most of the Viking names and the imageries. I'm the kind of player who tries to not only dress/style my character based on looks and functions but also on symbolism and meaning, and it'd be helpful and more immersive to know what the tattoos mean before I apply them on Eivor.

    submitted by /u/AlbertZhuFG
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    [[Spoiler]] Final Aesir Sage found

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 10:26 AM PST

    Harald Fairhair

    So it looks like Harald has one of the neck marks making him the ninth and final reincarnation.

    • Eivor - Odin
    • Sigurd - Tyr
    • Basim - Loki
    • Svala - Freyja
    • Rig - Heimdall
    • Halfdan - Thor
    • Faravid - ??
    • Gull - ?? (from comics)
    • Harald - ??

    His identity is a bit of a puzzle. I had assumed the final one was Bragi but that is contingent on Gull being Idunn (due to her connection to the Apple) and it doesn't quite fit with Harald. Another theory is that Harald is genderbent Sif, based on their shared common trait of golden hair. However Darby has implied that Faravid is actually genderbent Sif. I think given his lineage Harald could be Freyr who is ancestor of the Yngling clan, the clan Harald belongs to.

    What's odd is that he never seemed to try to make it to Yggdrasil and to be fair it looks like only Svala, Eivor, Sigurd, and Basim ever did.


    submitted by /u/Lacrossedeamon
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    Missed Opportunity for the Raven (Valhalla)

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 02:02 PM PST

    Since our eyes in the sky this time is a Raven, I noticed that the raven doesn't have a large repitoir of sounds. In actuality, ravens are highly intelligent birds and can mimick various sounds they hear, even human voices. Real missed opportunity for the Synin to have more sounds since she is a raven. And ravens are incredibly smart birdos. Just a shame really.

    submitted by /u/Former-Inspector3755
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    Another possible unsolved secret in the game, Rig runestone [SPOILERS]

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 12:32 PM PST

    >!There have been lots of great mysteries solved on the sub recently. We have seen there is a lot of secrets that the game will not lead you too. I think there may be more to be found. I believe at the very least there might be a special runestone to be found.

    I have a new mystery that i think may lead somewhere. The burial site of rig and the runestone of many names. Rigs saga is told in the 10 pages spread across the land. In the final and tenth page we get what sounds to me like an instructional manual. Here is some of that page.

    "After his death, the body of Lord Rig, ruler of Goldness was returned home on a perilous journey up the Volga through Rusland. Solveig fought off various tribes to secure his body's passage back home. He was brought to the shimmering creek where he had painted gold a statue of Odin and a cross. His body was buried beneath the creek with axe and cross in hand. There is a runestone there with his many names upon it.

    In his death, he became known as "The Keeper of the Shimmer of Rivers Unseen to the Eye".

    If you lay your body in the river, with the rushing waters caressing your skin, you will hear his song in the shine of the sun. If the creek shimmers in your favor, Rig will send you good luck. He is the skull-beneath-the-waters, the skald-of-lost-rivers. His song is simple and a melody bragi is jealous of, and it is said he will return one day but only as a wave, his bones made of mead-marrow, and only when the tree of life is rotten away and hewn by waves into tiny chips."

    I believe there maybe a hidden isu runestone in the game. Its location could be somewhere in either Norway or England as rig called both his home. I favour Norway because of how his journey home is described. We would seem to be looking for a creek or a shimmering stream maybe. We would also be potentially looking for a cross and a statue of odin.

    I also have a theory that in order to get this runestone we would have to use the feign death ability to lay down in this stream to unlock it. If real it may even be only unlockable at a certain time like the isu bow recently found.

    Help would be appreciated but I'm gonna go ahead and make a start.!<

    For anyone helping, a creek is like a shallow stream of water

    submitted by /u/Rd19900312
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    Issue with the newer games and distance.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 04:46 PM PST

    So as of recent, I have finished Origins and currently playing Odyssey. Overall, I enjoy the games for what they are - yes, I'd prefer "assassin" games but Ill take what I can get. However, an issue I have is time, distance and effort. Now, time and effort are fine. But these maps are huge. Thats not directly the problem I have.

    I often find myself travelling very far from checkpoint to checkpoint. And so, rather than engage, I let my horse follow the marker and go off with something else while waiting (e.g. go on my phone) I understand the point is to explore the world but after a while I really like to just stick to the main story line through and through.

    I dont like when the plot is disjointed with a million side quests to continue. It puts the pacing outta whack and I forget what even happens in the main storyline. I lose the narrative feeling. And I think that is to its detriment. And sometimes even when I get to the location, and a cut scene happens. I lose focus of whats going on.

    I know this is about preference. But I care much more about story, pacing and character than exploration. Maybe thats just me. I sound ranty but I mean the utmost respect to the developers for creating such a visceral and breathtaking world and experience. I just highlight that the distance negates from story. And Yes, I agree its partially my fault as the player. But if the game don't engage me, then it don't engage me.

    submitted by /u/Jezza262
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    New to the franchise and just finished Origins

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 02:21 PM PST

    Wow, this game is awesome lol. It's like a mix of witcher and far cry and I loved it.

    Only real complaint I had was basically the entire ending/boss battle were all Aya and not Baylek... Did this annoy anyone else? I started playing for the day with her traveling to Rome, certainly didn't expect to not play as him again until the game ended :/

    Feels like I got short-changed not even getting to fight the final boss with Bayek. Maybe it's because I'm new? 🤷🏾‍♀️ Lol

    submitted by /u/funaway727
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    Valhalla HUD doesn't provide any visual indication of conflict status

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 07:04 PM PST

    I've been thoroughly enjoying Assassin's Creed Valhalla so far, but one of those things that irks me about the game is that the HUD provides no direct visual indication of whether you're in open conflict, escaping conflict, or anonymous (out of conflict). Instead, we need to rely on sound effects and cues like whether Eivor has their weapon drawn. This has always been a feature of the series, and as a veteran Assassin's Creed player, not knowing whether you're "all clear" or that there are enemies still looking for you after a fight is something that really bothers me.

    In the earliest games (I, II, Brotherhood), there was a clearly-defined color-coded indication of conflict status:

    • White or neutral: Anonymous (out of conflict)
    • Red: Exposed (in open conflict)
    • Yellow: Unseen (in conflict but guards have lost visual contact)
    • Blue or cyan: Vanishing (escaping conflict; guards have lost contact and are actively searching; becomes Hidden when the guards give up if you're invisible)
    • Green: Hidden (out of conflict and invisible, e.g. in a haystack or blended in)

    How this worked in later games is murkier to me, but I can say that Assassin's Creed Odyssey did have conflict status indication. Open conflict is indicated by a glowing white box around the health bar, and escaping conflict is indicated by a yellow "eyes looking" effect around the box. If there's nothing, you're anonymous. While there is an "unseen" state, where enemies have lost contact but you're still in conflict (indicated by a sound effect and the character flashing gray briefly), it's not directly indicated in the HUD itself.

    On the other hand, Assassin's Creed Valhalla lacks any visual indication of conflict status in the HUD. This change is annoying because I can't immediately tell if there are other enemies looking for me when I've killed everyone I can see in the area. Especially with the reintroduction of social stealth and blending mechanics, I find it very odd that this feature was removed in Valhalla.

    It's a relatively minor issue in the grand scheme of things, but I really hope Ubisoft will add a conflict status indicator to the HUD in a future update.

    submitted by /u/draconicpenguin10
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    [SPOILERS] Assassin's Creed Valhalla - Updated Isu alphabet and phonetics, and complete transliterations of other Isu messages

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 11:38 AM PST

    Few weeks ago, I posted a full breakdown of Isu language in terms of literations, alphabet and phonetics. That got some attention in Twitter, the creator of Isu language also highlighted this analysis which was great to hear.

    But today I want to provide a quick update on two things.

    First, we've discovered few more letters, including another pair consonant.

    Two, I've completed with all this knowledge other Isu messages that do not have transliterations, so you'll have some practice for reading and spelling.

    Updates to the alphabet

    Let me remind you of what we have right now:


    After exploring other Isu messages, we've realised that one of the resembles of [b], but looks more clean.

    Check this transliteration:


    Particularly, look at the last word of second line - second and fifth symbol. Second reminds of [b] from the text Sigurd quoted at Norway, but it looked... worn out.

    Look at this one...

    [b] from Sigurd's message he said at Norway

    ... and this:

    more clear version of [b] from message above

    This gets more interesting, when you look at the 5th symbol:


    Coincidentially, it looks similar to [b], except for horizontal line, and we also know that [b] - [p] are paired consonants. Therefore, we've identified clearer version of [b] and revealed another literation [p].

    As soon as we prepare an updated version of the alphabet, it will be posted below.

    There is another symbol we've found out, but had no luck yet to get their literation.


    It was found in the last transliteration below 4 times. To be honest, we still have no idea what it means yet.

    Transliterations of other messages

    Note: question marks stand for those Isu symbols we don't know a literations



    wahæád tá nyahæáid

    gwarôdachl tá ngwarôdichl

    zrhodysáid n chntæcharháid

    oænosrs charh r chalhændichr



    [uj/ow]ôo zlvdrmr zlv r

    àáà agwzír schar r

    e?o charærhdrmr charærh r



    æ[uj/ow] tràch rchàdi ig klàdi

    hm rhlabmná hndr apo ybospakomi



    dnsto tozmæ ôrhræ à yí[j/ow]

    zmæsàs stlmnos rhàbérrs lochysàs

    h[uj/ow]chæsàæ wrgwachætndichr



    doz sorhwl ?yrh hndl rhrérhôda ?yàrnd chyæs

    n?æ hm ylrhmnch chadryràs lochysæ do?æsomi

    submitted by /u/bool0011
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    Ever Kill An Order Member by Accident? Cause I Have Done it Twice [100% spoiler free]

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 12:08 PM PST

    Ok, so the first time was in Odyssey, I was playing the Athens vs Sparta war and was about to turn a region over... I kill the city leader and boom! He was an order member, and I had no idea.

    Second time in Valhalla, I get a weekly mission from Reda to save a Missing Person. The person is in a bandit camp, I stealth my way in, see an elite enemy and he was called something. I didn't pay no attention, cause many enemies are called weird Ye Olde English names and I assassinate him to start combat... boom! he was an order member.

    Like, these kind of moments are really great as they can come as a random surprise and show that the Order has people everywhere.

    So, anyone else do this? And try to keep it spoiler free in the comments.

    submitted by /u/Shirokurou
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    Can we get a swap runestone a option when switching gear plz?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 07:06 PM PST

    Like in GoW when u switch gear pieces around. It also gives u the option to switch the attachments (enchantments) aka runes in acv.

    At this point i feel it's a must!

    submitted by /u/sk3latorr1
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    I gotta say Einar Selvik is the best of the three composers of Valhalla.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 06:32 AM PST

    I love both Kyd and Schachner, they really capture the Assassins Creed feel, but damn is Einar Selvik underrated. Vigahugr and Dag Eru Taldir are definitely the best soundtracks I've heard in the series, so unique.

    submitted by /u/TheWezzalt
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    How aggressive is the level scaling in this game?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 11:58 PM PST

    Hey guys, Finally got my hands around the game. I love feeling "overpowered" in games via grinding and getting better gear and etc but was sad to learn about the level scaling update.

    Is it aggressive? Is there any point in grinding? I even messed up ana got the double xp boost, so am I now always going to be undergeared?

    Thanks for any input

    submitted by /u/InsiderRDA
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    [Spoiler] Confused on story arc

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 11:05 PM PST

    So i've just finished the Oxenefordscire story arc where <! Sigurd gets taken by King Alfred !> and have returned home to build Valkas house in Ravensthorpe. Valka asked me to help her make an elixir to help with my visions. I drank it and now am in <!Asgard!> ?

    I'm now confused with the story as Eivor is now called Havi and we're now in a random story with a load of Gods? What is going on, this feels so random or like I'm missing a massive bit of context?

    Pls no story ending spoilers :)

    submitted by /u/OfficialLaunch
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    [SPOILERS] My issue with Assassin's Creed Valhalla

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 06:32 PM PST

    Alright this is something I have been feeling for a while. Let me just preface this by saying I love the game. It's really fun, Darby and his team did an amazing job crafting an intricate, engaging story that kept me hooked for 128+ hours, the music is impeccable and the world design is flawless. Eivor is also one of my top five protags in the franchise.

    But Valhalla is not without it's issues. Putting all bugs, glitches and gameplay issues aside, there are certain things in the game and story that left me kind of... underwhelmed?

    I'll start with the most recent thing for me. In previous AC games such as the Ezio trilogy, Ac 1, Black Flag etc, Isu artifacts were such a huge part of the game. In fact they were usually the focal point of the AvT war in those games. Valhalla on the other hand has a plethora of Isu artifacts that have absolutely 0 connection to the story... theyre just collectibles..? Now Im aware that Fulke and the Order were after the Isu tablet found in the Oxenefordshire arc, and sure thats an Isu artifact. But lets put that aside for a minute.

    What about Excalibur? Mjolnir? Gungnir? Noden's Arc?? These are quite literally Legendary weapons.. they are powerful Isu artifacts that could grant the user with immense power... and yet they have no significance in the main story. They're just collectible weapons Eivor obtains while exploring. So my question is why? Why didnt the Order or the Hidden Ones try and obtain these weapons? Sure it could be argued that these artifacts were in unknown locations or that maybe the Order didnt know about them. But I don't buy that for a second.

    This is the Order of the Ancients we are talking about. They were able to track down the crystal ball in Vinland and Apples of Eden in Origins and Odyssey. Surely, if they REALLY wanted to, they could search for and track down these weapons too? Furthermore, they had to have known about the weapons since Mjolnir for example is the legendary weapon used by the Isu Thor who they knew existed since he was a reverred god in Norse mythology. They HAD to have known about it. So why is it just a collectible? Why did it have no significance to the main plot?

    Moreover, Noden's arc. The Isu Bow. The only way to find out how to obtain it is to purchase the collector's edition box, and go out of your way to decode the Isu language. While this concept is cool, WHY?? What about people who have no interest in decoding foreign languages? People who just want to play the game normally? What about people who did not buy the collectors edition? These people wont have the joy of stumbling across/discovering the bow by themselves. Why? Because the only way they can find out is by looking online on YouTube or Twitter. This sucks the fun out of it by a LOT. I dont know man, I appreciate the effort and it's a cool concept for sure but imo it just sucks that I have to spend extra money and extra time just to find out how to obtain an Isu bow.

    tl;dr The game is good but the fact that the legendary weapons are just collectibles and have no connection to the story is extremely underwhelming and a missed opportunity imo.

    submitted by /u/zDarkRonin
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    Solving the YYIYY IIIYYIYYIYY YIYYIYY AC: Origins Puzzle

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 11:35 AM PST

    Hey everyone,

    I posted this in the AC: Origins subreddit, but it wouldn't let me crosspost so I hope it's acceptable to post it here too. Anyway, I recently finished a playthrough of AC: Origins and came across a puzzle during the Curse of the Pharaohs DLC that hasn't been solved yet. I know it was covered briefly when the DLC first came out, but I thought I might take a crack at it. Here is my solution outlined below. Let me know what you think.


    As soon as I saw this, I went straight to my computer and googled away to see if anyone had deciphered it. My search came up short. A few people have taken a stab at it back when the DLC was first released, but none of the answers were compelling in my opinion. There is a Reddit post that sums up the findings so far. I'll link to the discussion here for the curious, but as far as I can tell the case has gone cold. Everyone has moved on since the releases of both AC: Odyssey and AC: Valhalla.

    The best solution that post offers uses Egyptian hieroglyphics to come up with a series of three numbers - 9 17 12 - which has been taken to mean a date. To quote the Reddit post, "on September 17th 2012 the Assassins arrived at the Auditore Villa in Monteriggioni." Additionally, this date is a few months before Desmond's death. I don't know about you, but I find that answer unsatisfying.


    Initially, I thought this might be some form of morse code or binary code. I spent a while trying different things. Eventually, I learned that in both the Coptic and Greek alphabets, there are letters that utilize I and Y as their representative mark. Those two letters are Iota and Ypsilon, which both also have numerical values. Iota = 10 and Ypsilon = 400. So the first step I took was transferring the code to represent its new numerical value.

    YYIYY = 40040010400400

    IIIYYIYYIYY = 1010104004001040040010400400

    YIYYIYY = 4001040040010400400


    Next, I added each Greek numeral together.

    40040010400400 = 1,610

    1010104004001040040010400400 = 2450

    4001040040010400400 = 2020


    From here, it got a bit tricky. I tried a range of things including converting each number from an octal format to binary and then to text. I tried it again but with Unicode. I tried to list off every 1 or 2 digits and then convert them into English letters. Nothing gave me anything even remotely related or legible. I was stumped. Eventually, since I added digits together in the prior step, I decided I should do that again.

    1610 = 8

    2450 = 11 or 2

    2020 = 4


    I put 11 or 2 on the second line because it doesn't matter which one is in that slot for my solution. I still end up at the same place. I googled 8/11/4 and 8/2/4 along with Assassin's Creed and came up with nothing. I checked all the available timelines for the series and nothing obvious popped out at me. I also tried switching these numbers for their equivalent English letters. For those wondering you get H-K-D or H-B-D. I checked to see if the letters were an acronym or referenced a location.


    Unsatisfied, I decided to do the only next thing I could think of which was to add all three numbers together. Now depending on whether you have an 11 or a 2 in the middle spot, you get either 23 or 14 respectively.

    Why I bring this up is if you stop at this point and translate each digit to its equivalent English letter you get 23 -> BC or 14 -> AD. Because time and history is such an important factor in the AC series, even if this wasn't intentional, it's a fun tidbit.


    Adding the digits up one more time, no matter if you have 14 or 23 you get 5. So the big question then becomes, what is the significance of this number?

    Well, in the Greek and English alphabets, the 5th letter is Epsilon or "e". If we take the number 5 to mean Epsilon, then two possible meanings become relevant:

    • In computer science, Epsilon is often used to denote an empty string.
    • In mathematics, Epsilon is used to denote an arbitrarily small positive number that approaches 0 with a difference between it and 0 that is negligible.

    If Epsilon is really the answer to this riddle then "Well played, Ubisoft!"

    That being said, my solution for this puzzle comes from a use case for the letter "e." So assuming the 5 means the fifth letter in the English alphabet, and then if we take that letter into mathematics, we find that the letter "e" is used to represent Euler's number.

    What is Euler's number?

    Great question! So the simplest definition I could find comes from a Medium article. The full thing is worth a read, but I'll quote the writer's definition of e here:

    Just like every number can be considered a scaled version of 1 (the base unit) & every circle can be considered a scaled version of the unit circle (radius 1), every rate of growth can be considered a scaled version of e (unit growth, perfectly compounded). E is the base rate of growth shared by all continually growing processes; it shows up whenever systems grow exponentially & continuously: population, radioactive decay, interest calculations, etc… E represents the idea that all continually growing systems are scaled versions of a common rate.

    He's saying that with any given thing that grows at a continuous exponential rate, what it's actually doing is increasing at a rate of e to the x power. e is the base rate of growth on an exponential scale. So ubiquitous is this number that it shows up not just in math but in science, engineering, chemistry, physics, and many other disciplines. This number is also an irregular number meaning it can only be approximated in its value. The first few digits are 2.7182818 but the number itself is infinite.

    So what does this mean in the context of Assassin's Creed?

    The first thing to note is that this puzzle can only be found when Bayek visits the afterlife, or more specifically, Aaru or the Field of Reeds. This magical place is represented as a beautiful landscape that stretches to infinity. Another thing to think about is the consideration that Bayek never actually visits the afterlife in-game. He admits later that his visits there were only a vision or a hallucination brought on by the power of the artifact that plagues Thebes. Additionally, from the player's perspective, the various areas of the afterlife that Bayek visits are mere digital fabrications, created by Layla Hassan's Animus.

    In that context, e can almost be seen as an unmasking of the code that's constructing the world that Layla is experiencing through Bayek or more simply put, an Animus glitch. It's a peek at the source code. If we then consider this glitch in the context of the Ancient Mechanisms that Bayek discovers throughout Egypt, a fuller picture is realized. The messages relayed through those mechanisms hint over and over again that the reality Laya and/or Bayek are experiencing isn't real.

    Now, it's believed those mechanisms' messages were intended for Layla's ear as well as being a subtle nod to the fact that the Bayek Layla is experiencing is a construction of the Animus. Nevertheless, all of this makes me wonder just how reliable the Animus is at faithfully depicting history. It also makes me wonder if the actual historical Bayek ran into this message in the afterlife or not. If so, did he question it? When the Animus drops you in a place in history, are you faithfully reliving history or just being fed a convincing facsimile?


    That's my solution. Let me know what you think, and if the mods will allow me a small shameless plug, this post is actually the gist of the first issue of a gaming newsletter I recently started. If anyone wants to check that out, the link is here.

    submitted by /u/editingslayer
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    [SPOILERS] Shaun and Rebecca's relationship

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 01:38 PM PST

    So one thing that's been on my mind since finishing Valhalla is Shaun and Rebecca's relationship. From what I remember of the Ezio trilogy and III, they had a jokey, friendly relationship, often filled with snarky banter. Then the modern day pretty much died, and all we saw of them were in action filled cutscenes. Then, suddenly, they're back in Valhalla and it seems like all is the same, right? Well, when you look at the ingame codex for the Hidden Ones' Bureaus, Shaun laments the state of the modern day Assassin Bureaus and writes something along the lines of "one of our rooms is for laundry, although if all goes well, we'll be turning it into a baby room soon." It's not verbatim, I wrote it from memory, but the point stands. Since when are Shaun and Rebecca together? Was this something established in non game sources, like the comics, or is this something brand new in Valhalla, and never mentioned before?

    submitted by /u/FoltestofTemeria
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    I actually like the Revelation tower defense minigame.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 03:07 AM PST

    Most people seem to hate it, and I don't know why. You can avoid doing it pretty easily. It's actually more work to deliberately get it to trigger, which I did a lot. I wish there was an option on the main menu to play it separately. There were a few different bosses and you could unlock new abilities for your assassins each time you did it.

    submitted by /u/iitc25
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    Just finished Valhalla, so offering a few thoughts [spoiler]

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 04:15 AM PST

    Just finished Valhalla, so sharing some thoughts

    Late to the party, I know, but putting a spoiler tag just in case (however probably unnecessary).

    Overall, a solid 7/10. An improvement from Odyssey, but didn't enjoy as much as Origins. I played male Eivor because it's a smidge more relatable to me (as much as I can relate to a 9th century Viking).

    Beautiful world design, combat mechanics were great and the Order menu felt less padded than the Cult.

    However...I felt stealth mechanics were lacking. I miss the stealth era of Ezio, Arno and Evie (yeah I know they're Vikings, but it's still AC). Also there were a handful of bugs, which were irritating, but nothing game-breaking.

    Very few compelling characters for me. Eivor was alright. Randvi stood behind a desk, Hytham faced a bookshelf and Sigurd went from "you're my brother, I trust you in all things" to "I'm a god, deal with it" in 0.5 seconds.

    The only characters I properly liked were Basim in the 21st century, and Aelfred after he revealed himself (although I generally disliked how the game portrayed him).

    My biggest gripe has to be the storyline. It was nice that we got sent to every corner of England, but the disconnected nature of most of them made it feel like a game of several side-quests, with a loose connecting arc


    P.S. Interesting how they never mentioned Guthrum was historically an oathbreaker and very solidly defeated at Edington. Yeah, yeah, work of fiction, I know. But still.

    Edit: Also, Ubisoft...in a game where the Big Bad is supposed to be a secret, maybe don't reveal him in the trailer?

    submitted by /u/TEL-CFC_boi
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    Why was The Hyena the only one condemned to Hell in AC: Origins?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 12:20 PM PST

    Most members of the Order of the Ancients are horrible people who commit atrocities, yet I found it interesting that in their memory corridors, it was only The Hyena that wasn't given passage to the Duat via Bayek waving a Heron feather. Everyone else received this rite, including Berenike and Flavius (killers of children), yet the Hyena (who was arguably the second most sympathetic Templar in the game besides Pothinus) doesn't get that privilege? Was it because she was committing sacrilege in the Pyramids?

    submitted by /u/RedtheGamer100
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    Playing through the series for the last few months, and have finally hit Origins!

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 05:59 PM PST

    Hello all!

    I finally felt safe enough dipping my toes into this subreddit to hopefully start indulging in AC content off all the older games! I've been streaming all the games more or less in order, and am more than happy to speak about 1 - Syndicate and get perspective of the games from older and newer fans like myself :)

    I started Origins today, and I hope that the "newer games" hold up to all the praise I've been told about them, and will eventually hit Valhalla one day ^

    submitted by /u/canIgethellforyou
    [link] [comments]

    SPOILERS Ac Valhalla ending [SPOILER for modern day story]

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 11:42 PM PST

    So, will Layla and/or Desmond ever be able to leave the digital Isu world? In theory could they not be put into new bodies similar to Juno in the comics(cant believe they put that in comics instead of a game 😒)?

    And I doubt they'll go back to the silent protagonist route, so will be play as Basim/Loki going forward or will they perhaps introduce someone new? Or will we play as Desmond/Layla and travel different timeliness trying to save the world from destruction?

    So many possibilities.

    submitted by /u/claytalian
    [link] [comments]

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