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    Thursday, January 7, 2021

    Assassin's Creed Common misconceptions about Valhalla stats: You cannot build for stealth..

    Assassin's Creed Common misconceptions about Valhalla stats: You cannot build for stealth..

    Common misconceptions about Valhalla stats: You cannot build for stealth..

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 10:36 AM PST

    --at least, you can't build for stealth in ways that you may have thought you could. I have done some testing, and wanted to share my findings to clear up some misconceptions about stats in Valhalla.

    1. You cannot reduce detection speed

    Even though it would ostensibly seem that stats such as Stealth and Evasion would make it so you get detected slower, neither of these stats (whether you get them through the skill tree, equipment stats, or runes*) make you harder to detect.

    *Even though the weapon shadow rune says it increases "Stealth," rather than "Stealth Damage," it only increases stealth damage. You can check this in the overall stats menu.

    • Stealth only affects the damage you do while undetected.

    • Evasion only affects how frequently an enemy's attack will do significantly less damage on you (think of it like the critical hit stat, but reversed).

    2. Weight does not affect how quiet you are

    From my testing, your armor/weapon Weight has no discernible difference to how much noise you make. It doesn't matter if you are wearing the lightest armor and slap on weight reduction runes or if you are wearing the bulkiest, heaviest gear you have--enemies will hear you at the same distance if you jump down/run by them. This is actually pretty annoying, since enemies can hear you drop down from surprisingly far away, and back in AC Unity you could wear stealth-oriented gear that made your movements quieter.

    • Weight only affects how much stamina is consumed while dodging.

    3. You can still build for stealth damage

    You can increase your Stealth Damage, Assassination Damage, and Ranged Damage to ensure that you defeat enemies while in stealth more reliably. However,

    • TL;DR: you cannot modify your stats to make you harder to detect or quieter.

    Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

    submitted by /u/neurotoxiny
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    I actually miss the big open ocean sailing. And the ship combat.

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 05:17 AM PST

    Although I hope AC goes back to its roots eventually, I adored the huge open Oceans, sailing trips to new far away islands, the ship combat etc. It felt so satisfying opening the sails and having nothing but ocean around you. It felt vast!

    I really like valhalla and many of its mechanics but the map is by far the most boring, samey yellow English countryside map of all three recent games. I mean, vast Egypt and gigantic Greece, they feel a lot bigger bigger and more meaningful to me.

    All three are great IMO, but the small rivers are not scratching my itch.

    submitted by /u/ChiliJunkie
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    I keep seeing people complain that England’s map is too boring and one-note... WHAT!

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 12:56 PM PST

    I mean.... I'm just convinced these people haven't actually played the game!

    Between the thick, foggy grottos in Grantebridgescire and the snowy, frigidness of the north, and the glorious fall colors in Glowecestrescire, and the swampy areas of Lincolnshire.... I mean cmon. Or even the beautiful clear coasts of the South. Not to mention the varying presence of Roman architecture depending where you are.

    I think it gets even harder to complain when you take into account that we also get 4 other unique maps that offer different vibes. I'd argue that Valhalla gives us the most variety in one map.

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/trevwhoree
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    Ac Syndicate - I Retextured Ezio outfit to look like something in a Victorian period

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 09:05 PM PST

    Ac Syndicate - I Retextured Ezio outfit to look like something in a Victorian period submitted by /u/Remote_Masterpiece12
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    [SPOILERS] Why an AC1 Remake could to soft reboot the franchise while tying nicely with AC Valhalla's modern day plot and ending.

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 04:12 PM PST

    Disclaimer: I'm very out of touch with the expanded lore and characters shown in supplementary media like comics and books, and even then i've long forgotten many details about the First Civilization. As such there may be discrenpacies. Take it as simple wishful thinking of a long time casual fan.

    So lately i've been playing Origins and damn is it good. Often i find myself thinking how AC1 time period (personal favorite) could really work with this model. Hunting the templar targets with flexibility to chose the next assassination, travelling through Damascus, Acre, Jerusalem and all the land in between as a true open map, meeting characters with meaningful side quests that better flesh out the time period while also enjoying the many quality of life improvements (swimming) introduced in later titles. If they manage to marry the light rpg elements and revamped combat with a greater emphasis on stealth and being an Assassin (something the new "trilogy" hasn't done) that would not only do the first game justice, which we all know hasn't aged very well, but return the franchise to it's roots. They would also be able to fit in some of Altair's later life story and even expand beyond it.

    Ok, all that is just run-of-the-mill fanservice and wouldn't really move the franchise forward. Maybe bring back the focus on the Assassins and Templars conflict but that's about it. But here's where the modern day story comes in.

    (Warning: AC Valhalla ending spoiled ahead)

    If we break down Layla's story she basically fufilled the exact same role Desmond perfomed in 2012: "Animus user whose purpose is to relive the memories of long dead people that came in contact with Those Who Came Before in order to activate an Isu macguffin and prevent the end of the world. They end up sacrificing themselves in the process, releasing an untrustworthy Isu that was trapped inside it". Layla stays in the Yggdrasil Chamber with the Reader/Desmond to explore possible futures in order to stop another incoming world ending catastrophe. Since he's been simulating timelines set in the aftermath of ACIII ending's, she suggests they explore one where Desmond didn't stop the solar flare , something he hasn't considered before. They both become disembodied light beings and alongside the Yggdrasil form a very on-the-nose nod to Adam, Eve and the forbidden tree, signalling the end of an era and start of a new one. A new cycle begins.

    But what if, after multiple calculations, they realize the only way to save the world from this continuos cycle of impending doom is to allow it to happen, leaving the Isu and it's technology in the past once and for all? What if the best chance of survival is to somehow undo Desmond sacrifice (after all why would Layla specifically mention it?). Back to ACIII's ending Juno details how the world would be if Desmond let the solar flare happen. What if that's humanity's best bet?

    Imagine: Ubisfot announces the AC1 remake and we all think it's just a nice way to please old time fans and pass the time while we wait for the next big game. However as we are playing it, we realize some story beats are diverging from the 2007's original. There's new hidden messages and mysteries on the Animus. Slowly we start piecing together that something-or someone- with foreknowledge trying to warn Desmond about what's to come. Though it'd be easy to handwave it into the lore, we don't even need time travel for that. With Isu technology The Reader and Layla could find a way to communicate with 2012!Desmond, trying to guide him in order to avoid making the same mistakes (Think Mortal Kombat 9 soft reboot). Not even like it hasn't happened before. In Revelations, Ezio managed to directly address (and rest a hand on his shoulder no less) Desmond through the freaking Animus.

    I know it's common in long running franchises to cheaply abuse the time travel card and undo the bad stuff, but i think it would be a nice way to "start over". Imo AC Valhalla's ending is the only interesting thing to happen in the modern day plot since ACIII basically killed it, and i don't even really care for Desmond or Layla. At leats it would also get rid of most of the unnecessary bloat.

    What do you guys think?

    (sorry for the long post)

    submitted by /u/Maverick_Hiro
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    I wish there were a dark mode for Valhalla’s map.

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 09:27 PM PST

    To me, some of the markers, particularly the white artifact ones and the lighter yellow, non wealth treasures, are tough to see on the brighter map. I'd welcome a dark mode option or a way to otherwise invert the map or make the markers easier to see. I can't be the only one.

    submitted by /u/Warfightr
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    An interesting insight about the "Assassin's Creed" logo and the font used on it.

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 08:00 AM PST

    An interesting insight about the "Assassin's Creed" logo and the font used on it.


    I always loved the logo and the way it's so elegant and simplistic, so doing some researchs I found out that the font in the logo is pretty much inspired by Trajan, which in its turn is heavily inspired by the imperial Roman letters forms chiselled into stones from early as 43 BC! So, I think it totally makes sense for them to use such typeface that went throught generations and millenniums to carry the franchise's name.


    submitted by /u/joselucas1995
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    I just finished watching a little film called Assassins Creed Lineage and it was awesome!!

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 10:57 PM PST

    I didn't know that the movie existed until I was at a thrift store just looking around. Sadly it was only 35 minutes but it was a good insight into Giovanni Auditore de Firenze's involvement in finding the Templar corruption in Renaissance Italy and a kickstart into playing Assassin's Creed II. So for those who haven't played the Assassin's Creed Ezio trilogy, I recommend watching this little movie to hype you up. I hope they at least remaster the trilogy or even better, add more to it and update it to more like Odyssey/Valhalla. (Graphics, fighting, weapons, assassin armor, high customization, unique side missions, legendary stuff etc.) please tell me what you all think about a remaster or a fully updated Ezio trilogy and if you have seen the little movie?

    submitted by /u/FalloutGSN
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    What do you guys think of a game set during the Spanish American War of Indepence

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 09:08 PM PST

    A game set between 1808-1839 where your duty is to liberate the Americas from the Spanish colonization(possible templars) and meet iconic figures such as Simon Bolivar, San Martin, etc. Maybe the map could go all the way from Panama to the northern zones of Argentina(yeah maybe too big of a map). And you could meet some Assassins coming from the USA along the away who came down there to help fight(Old Connor maybe?). I don't know maybe sounds very confusing and not that appealing but I think it would be fascinating to see a period that has little to no mainstream but was very significant.

    submitted by /u/ShazamThePowerDogwow
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    Do you like the new assassin creed mechanics? Why or why not?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 04:34 PM PST

    I personally don't find it enjoyable. The parkour is lacking,not a fan of the combat,the newer games don't make me feel like an assassin,and i don't like how it turned into a full on rpg. I wanna get back into the games, but i just can't.

    Games:Origins,Odyssey,and Valhalla

    submitted by /u/Sindeviltrigger
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    Choosing between Assassin and Templar?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 12:37 PM PST

    So i've been thinking, wouldn't it be nice to choose a side?

    So you can play the game and story out of the context of the opposing side? The idea would be to let the player choose at the start of the game between 2 characters e.g. a female assassin and a male templar. We can say that in the modern day story our they found 2 strings of dna to lead to these characters. (This way you can still choose your gender but it wouldn't mess with the lore so much.) These characters are at the opposing sides of the main conflict in the game but meet and talk to each other sometimes. at the end they can face a common enemy or each other but not kill each other although i like the common enemy thing more. This way you can experience 2 story's and it gives replay value because you maybe would want to see the other side of the story.

    Story wise you can have 2 treasure maps or paths which lead to the same macguffin (an apple of eden of something like that). That way if there is need for a key or an npc which holds information to get to the goal it wouldn't influence the story of the other side.

    Also it would be nice to have interaction with each other during the game. I was thinking to do sort of an economic system like in AC2, Brotherhood and revelations where you need to buy shops and other stuff to make money but since the other character is also present in the world (but would be an npc) he/she would also be doing the same thing. so you can come across a shop which is already bought by the other character where you can still buy things but at an extra cost your own shops would give your a discount ofc.

    tombs would also be back but you can find tombs of both sides for armor and weapons ( it would be nice if its the same thing like the shops where a tomb can already have been plundered by the other char but since you can't get all the armor or weapons in the game that way this would be a problem.

    The point is that you would have 2 story's and 2 fully fleshed out characters who you can both sympathise with you can also experience the templar side of a conflict which in my opinion has not been visited in a proper way in this franchise. although it being a valid look upon the world.

    submitted by /u/LegendOfYesterday
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    The Carin challenges are too finiky, too frequent, and break the golden rule: they're not fun

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 03:16 PM PST

    I want to throw my controller. Why for the love of God are there soooo many, and you have to go soooo high. When I do finish them I don't feel like I "really solved that one" and rather "oh God oh God don't fall don't fall"

    Terrible game mechanic, please for the love of holy grapefruit, don't include this in future games!!

    submitted by /u/Too-Far-Frame
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    Assassin's Creed Valhalla Opens the Door for Origins and Unity Sequels, More

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 10:49 PM PST

    So what`s with the enemy respawns in AC Valhalla?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 07:58 AM PST

    Ive been playing AC Valhalla for around 50 hours and so far, Im really enjoying the game, it quickly has become one of my favorite action adventures. But there is one thing that annoys the hell out of me: enemy respawns in forts.

    Say, I infiltrate a large fort from the south and stealth-kill my way through to the northern part...by the time Im there, most enemies I stealth-killed are back again, in some cases they even stand beside the corpses of their "former selves", lol. Whats the point of stealth gameplay (hidding corpses etc.) when enemies respawn while you`re still in that fort?! Why not make them reappear 10-15 minutes after the player left that area?

    Has this been adressed by the developers, are they aware of this? Its hard to believe this is intentional.

    submitted by /u/FenixGear
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    My [GMV] Tribute for Assassins Creed: Origins. "It's a wild life"

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 03:48 PM PST

    What happened to ISU constructs in Modern Day?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 07:21 PM PST

    They are sprinkled throughout Ancient Greece, sometimes in caves, but most times they are giant structures sticking out like a sore thumb. What happened to these structures thousands and thousands of years later? Did they just vanish? How did archeologists not find any of this stuff? Did the templars break them down and destroy them? How come no scholars and notable figures in AC's universe wrote about the mysterious structures? Even as centuries passed and settlements became more modern? Even the Atlantis thing is weird, because the entrance door is literally on an Island that anyone can get to.

    Is there any canon explanation for the ignorance of about the ISU from the outside world?

    submitted by /u/PeterJakeson
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    Worst Thing in Every AC Game?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 01:41 PM PST

    My personal list:

    1: Repetitive gameplay and not being able to swim

    2: Button Mashing combat

    Brotherhood: Only having one city to explore

    Revelations: Tower Defense

    3: Having the game focus on Connor instead of Haytham

    Black Flag: Tailing missions dominating the story

    Rogue: lack of innovation and short campaign

    Unity: Bugs/glitches and terrible story

    Syndicate: Repetitive side missions

    Origins: Not having open world naval combat

    Odyssey: Too much grinding unless you pay for microtransactions

    submitted by /u/200319594
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    My raven isn’t available for 90% of the time

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 02:35 PM PST


    No matter where I am. Obviously you can't use it in enemy territory but I can't even use it when I am in a field with no one even close to me. Has anybody else the same problem?

    submitted by /u/xJesseD
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    General Assassins Creed question about sailing

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 10:30 PM PST

    How much sailing is there in Valhalla? Is it the same as Origins and Odyssey or is there more or less of it

    submitted by /u/ZALORTAM
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    Talking to someone as part of a quest

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 06:54 PM PST

    So I've noticed on my Assassins Creed Valhalla game that whenever I go to talk to someone for a quest, I have to be in front of them where I can see their face, in a certain proximity of the person. It took me 5 minutes just to talk to someone in the game bc I had to be exactly in one spot 🤦‍♀️ is it like that for anyone else?

    submitted by /u/gingerscubadiver
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    Found a visual bug, and boy it's a doozy.

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 11:45 PM PST

    Found a visual bug, and boy it's a doozy.

    I was customising my Jomsviking and while going through the weapons I discovered a blank square that took on the name of whatever previous weapon I had been hovering over. When I clicked it, I was greeted by this. I cannot get over it, every time I look at it I start laughing again! Has anyone else encountered this? (I didn't post to the megathread because I don't need support. This is a post intended for humour.)


    submitted by /u/Jahaaki
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    What's your Valhalla load out?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 03:50 PM PST

    All I've done is max out the Raven Clan armor set, Varin's axe, and the Bear Claw is the only item outside of what the game gave me from the beginning.

    I tried a couple two handed items, but the dual wield axe was just the coolest combo.

    submitted by /u/footsteps71
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    Was the arrow capacity changed in the most recent patch?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 07:31 PM PST

    I just opened up AC Valhalla and noticed that I can only carry 12 hunter arrows now, and I have the quiver fully upgraded. Was there a change in max arrow capacity in the patch that I missed? Or is it a bug?

    submitted by /u/wiese_sm
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    What’s your favorite thing about every Assassin’s Creed game?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 08:41 AM PST

    What is your favorite thing about each game?

    We'll stick with the main titles:

    • 1
    • 2
    • 2 Brotherhood
    • 2 Revelations
    • 3
    • 4 Black Flag
    • Rogue
    • Unity
    • Syndicate
    • Origins
    • Odyssey
    • Valhalla
    submitted by /u/MTFBWY_
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