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    Saturday, December 19, 2020

    Assassin's Creed Things AC Valhalla Brought Back from Origins/Kept and Removed from Odyssey (Gameplay Wise)

    Assassin's Creed Things AC Valhalla Brought Back from Origins/Kept and Removed from Odyssey (Gameplay Wise)

    Things AC Valhalla Brought Back from Origins/Kept and Removed from Odyssey (Gameplay Wise)

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 06:09 PM PST

    So this list really has no meaning/significance to it, but I just have so much free time and I think about this a lot so here's the list:

    Brought Back from Origins:

    -Arrow and Bow System with the slow-mos jumping off a high elevation and the Hunter/Light/Predator Bow System (Looking back at it, I really don't know why Odyssey removed these)

    -The Hidden Blade (Duh) and the assassination animations are somewhat similar

    -Shields (Again, don't know why Odyssey removed these)

    -Throwing dropped weapons (Um kind of I guess and again, really don't know why Odyssey removed this)

    -Skill tree is more similar to Origins than Odyssey

    Kept from Odyssey:

    -Multiple adrenaline segments


    -"Critical Assassinations", similar concept but I know they aren't the same with how Odyssey costed adrenaline/didn't even guarantee a kill and of course Valhalla has its timing minigame that guarantees a kill

    -Meaningless dialogue choices

    -Legendary Animal fights

    -Armor Set Bonus system

    Removed from Odyssey:

    -Multiple Ability Wheels

    -Masteries from Odyssey became part of the skill tree in Valhalla

    -Overpowered Attacks

    -Abilities being unlocked with skill points

    -Unlimited dodges and time slowed down when parrying an attack

    -How weapons could only have one grade/tier like Epic/Legendary

    -Transmogs (Ubisoft, why?)

    Feel free to add anything if you're bored like me.

    submitted by /u/arisen2013
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    What if the Assassins were forced to face those they killed in passing? Random rooftop guards etc?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 04:55 PM PST

    The post-death scenes where the Assassin talks to their target but instead of the Assassin choosing to talk to an important target (Templar) they instead have to face a guard killed in the line of duty. For example:

    Ezio - Who are you?

    Guard - Antonio. Where am I? I was standing on the roof and then. Oh.

    Ezio - You're dead

    Antonio - Am I? Wait, you. You killed me! Why?

    Ezio - You were in my way

    Antonio - On the roof? You, you're not allowed on roofs. I was posted up there to stop trespassers. My wife, does she know? My - my unborn son will never know his father.

    Ezio - How long

    Antonio - Three months, we only got married a year ago.

    and so on.

    submitted by /u/TwinSong
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    136hrs into the game, finished as much as I can. Feel disappointed I can't fully complete it.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 04:14 PM PST

    I've completed the main story and everything else. But there's one treasure of Britain I can't get in Essexe as the wine never lifted it. The last 2 games I've spent the extra time to go around and collect everything, do everything. This have left me feeling disappointed I can't fully finish the game.

    submitted by /u/plad313
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    Brotherhood was an amazing game and deserves more love.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 01:27 AM PST

    I've been going back and playing all the AC games in sequence, I've played them all before but it's been sometime so I wanted to feel the nostalgia. And Brotherhood is so underrated. I see many fans of 2 saying they were disappointed and explaining how it wasn't as good as 2. After finishing all of 2 and enjoying every minute of it (with DLC) I can say, just the base game of Brotherhood alone is better. The story can be a little farfetched at times I'll admit, but the world of Rome is amazing! It improves upon everything that was good in 2. AND IT'S PACKED!!! There is so much to do around every corner! Need to renovate? Let's go kill a borgia captain and burn the tower. Spare funds? Let me invest in a few shops and make some money. Craving a puzzle? Let's find Sixteens hidden symbols. Leonardos machine missions, theif missions, Christina memories, assassin recruiting and upgrading, hidden lairs of Romulus. For a game from 2010 released 2 generations of consoles ago, it holds up. The world is big and dense, not overly massive and spread out like Odyssey. I didn't pick up Valhalla (yet, possibly) because the most recent games just don't feel like AC games to me. Brotherhood was near perfect, and I know it was the last game before the original director of Assassin's Creed left Ubisoft. Sorry for the rant, I just love Brotherhood so goddamn much and wanted to hear what you guys think of it.

    Edit: Thank you all for the support and sharing of opinions. I'm glad this post was able to bring people to share their thoughts on this beloved game and franchise. Always happy to see people discussing, even if I disagree with them.

    submitted by /u/FadingShad0ws
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    Assassin's Creed Embers is brutal, man [Spoilers]

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 11:23 AM PST

    I just finished Revelations a while ago and jumped straight into Embers to see Ezio's final moments. They hit like a train.

    It was a lot more emotional than I wanted it to be... than I was ready for. It's devastating... but nice. Ezio got some peace and got to enjoy life, something he never got time to in the lifespan we spend with him. It was incredibly sad, still. Knowing the train is coming doesn't lessen the impact one bit.

    submitted by /u/EverySister
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    Tonight I begin my journey as a viking

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 08:15 AM PST

    I wasn't able to purchase Valhalla when it released but tonight I will begin my journey as a viking. I stayed clear of any spoilers or videos related to Valhalla, including this subreddit which was pretty hard to do. The only video I watched was the first trailer many months ago which initially got me hyped for this game. I can't wait to get home from work and start playing. Wish me luck!

    submitted by /u/TinyRickC147
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    Use the ambience tracks from Assassin's Creed games to relax if you're stressed. Music is a great relaxation device, especially ambience tracks

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 08:48 AM PST

    Now more than ever, people are stressed. I recently became a college student, and sometimes there's so much going on that that listening to music helps. I've found that listening to the amazing and soothing AC tracks help me, to at least give me good memories of playing and enjoying these games.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXR_qBBZeNk This one contains a mix of tracks from AC1 till and including Odyssey in order.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pyMDjCM_fc This one is also pretty good, contains a mix of the best tracks including Origins. No tracks from Odyssey unfortunately.

    I have also found that listening to the main tracks of games help too. They remind me of the fun I had yet.

    I couldn't find any mix of ambient tracks from Valhalla, and the songs sound so good even though I haven't played it yet. If anyone gets it I can add it to the post. Wherever you are, hope you are safe.

    submitted by /u/ChrisTravern
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    I’m genuinely enjoying AC Valhalla Overall [Discussion]

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 12:33 AM PST

    So I've been playing for a while now, and I have to say valhalla has been fun, I see so many people criticizing the game but I'm finding it really fun, the story is quite interesting with memorable characters and the lowkey hidden ones and templars feud is boiling from within, it's just written in this way that provides tension. the combat is really flexible too, I love how brutal it is; tho I wouldve liked a closer camera, but overall it genuinely doesn't deserve the hate it gets.

    Im also doing light stealth work not heavy because as of now the missions are taking me to more combat orientated zones, tho I'm excited to start using stealth in bigger bases.

    Overall, I'm finding it really worth its price and I have encountered no bugs yet.

    submitted by /u/Timo-D03
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    What is your weapon and shield combo? [Discussion]

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 05:28 PM PST

    Hey everyone. What do you use for fighting? I've been using two spears and its been working for me. Im curious as to what other combinations other players have been using. What you liked and what you didn't.

    submitted by /u/KCDOMPOLYHUBBY
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    [SPOILERS] Ravensthorpe improvements and how to make it feel more "lived-in"

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 06:38 AM PST

    Spoilers, I guess...

    As much as I like Ravensthorpe, it's never felt particularly lived-in to me. Sure, people and kids wander around on their pre-scripted routes but they never really interact with one another. The longhouse always feels disconcertingly empty and vacant, the different buildings are spaced to far apart from one another with little in-between them to give it a true sense of settlement (compared to, for instance, Stavanger and Fornburg).

    The recent Yuletide update fixed this last issue by decorating the walkways and generally making the town more, well, town-like. The fact that they expanded the town beyond the stream to the east also helped, no doubt. Now they just need to get some of these NPCs who randomly appear but seem to know Eivor (and she knows them) like they're life-long buddies (Norvid, anyone?) a bit more involved in the town itself.

    Basically, I'd like to see these improvements to the town remain beyond the end of the Yuletide season, as well as some further improvements, like getting some of the raiders and non-shopkeepers, like Alvis and Mayda, into the longhouse a bit more.

    submitted by /u/JascaDucato
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    Seriously I need to press on the right key for 3 minutes every time I want to buy iron or leather?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 05:05 AM PST

    So far I love this game but one thing that is ridicoulus is that I cant buy all the leather and iron from the store. Like come on, why do you need to waste my time with that, its not engaging, i really dont get anything out of it. This just stops my game every time i go to shop. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

    submitted by /u/sorosbemysugardaddy
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    Assassin's Creed: The Franchise and Moving Forward

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 08:47 PM PST

    So, Valhalla has been out for quite a while now and I haven't completed the Epilogue but I'm pretty deep into the narrative. It's really a great game and the old AC elements the they incorporated into the gameplay really just hit me like a truck because I miss the old mechanics and find myself returning to the older games more and more frequently. And I'm not trying to rush Valhalla's time in the spotlight, but I'm impatient and want to know what Ubi's plans are for the future of the franchise (like the most of us AC fans). It's not uncommon to hear nowadays that AC has lost it's identity, and to an extent I agree. Some games feel similar in the way they play and structure narrative, but others feel like the odd man out. And that makes me ask the question, how do you think the next AC game will play? More like the classics, or more like the new RPG style of gameplay? Where do you thin they'll go from a logical standpoint, not what you want but what you believe to be the next historical setting?

    For me, if we follow Ubisoft's track record, they'll most likely give the game to Quebec and as that studio is SIGNIFICANTLY smaller than Montreal I think we'd have to see some kind of similar setting, lots of recycled assets and mechanics taken from Valhalla. I'm thinking the "Mythological Trilogy" won't be just a trilogy and they'll find a way to put older elements into the game and capitalize on the nostalgic feeling, while also continuing some of the blatantly bizarre and out of place quests and main narrative missions. That being said, I feel as if we'll get one of two settings, either some country in Asia during the middle ages, or another Medieval European setting like Germany or Spain or something. As for gameplay, and although I dislike them, I'm leaning heavily towards Ubisoft integrating more RPG elements and mystical bullshit. Let me know what you think down below maybe I'll make a Youtube video or something idek bro, regardless of how good Valhalla is I just want to play as an Assassin again.

    submitted by /u/Skippymidnight
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    If I disliked Odyssey will I enjoy Valhalla?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 02:15 PM PST

    I played through Origins and generally enjoyed it. I am trying to get into Odyssey now but I just can't. In a way it doesn't matter why this is the case and if I give specifics people will likely want to pick apart my criticisms. So I think it's better if I ask: "If someone did not like Odyssey will they like Valhalla?"

    submitted by /u/Z0idberg_MD
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    What happened to my power level and arrows?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 11:55 AM PST

    I've been power level 403 for a few days, and yesterday I turned on the game to realize I'm back to 400 and the last three skill sets have been removed?

    Just curious if this is a bug in the game or if they were removed for a specific reason.

    Also, my arrows are capped at 22 instead of 30. I had 22 arrows left and went to buy more to cap it off and I couldn't purchase anymore. I tried to pick some up around the land and it said I was full.

    submitted by /u/iTzDizzle
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    The quality of the cutscenes makes it really hard for me to get invested in the story (Valhalla)

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 08:39 AM PST

    I started the game again and I don't know about you guys but one of the things I loved about Ezio, Connor or other assassins it's their personality when it comes to the cutscenes and since Oddysey, I find hard to get invested because of the poor facial and body animation during these conversations cutscenes. Characters are extremely emotionless

    It's honestly very hard to take it seriously when they talk and move and talk around so awkwardly.

    I really hope that for the next game we get motion capture cutscenes with proper human animations that can evoque more emotion in the player

    submitted by /u/Gonzito3420
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    200 hours in and I still don’t understand how item shop replenishment works =P

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 09:43 PM PST

    [Edit: It appears to restock everytime you level up and since I rarely level anymore because I have nothing left to do that gives good EXP. that's why my vendor doesn't resupply.

    Seriously I'm at 30k silver and can't spend it as I can never seem to find stocked item shops to stock up on Mastery scrolls/tungsten/iron and other supplies. I thought it was every 24 hours but that doesn't seem to be the case either.

    I've completed the game and have 100% achievements so exp is hard to come by. I also can't seem to have enough iron. I only have one set that's fully upgraded and a few weapons.

    submitted by /u/msgkar03
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    Vocalists in soundtracks, specifically in the Jesper Kyd tracks

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 12:47 AM PST

    Does anybody know who the woman vocalists are in some of the old soundtracks? Like in all the Ezio games. They have beautiful voices and I'm having trouble finding any info about them with google, I would assume they're in some credits somewhere, Ubisoft's Youtube page for the soundtracks just mention Jesper

    submitted by /u/Spurdungus
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    Can I Fully Upgrade All Gear In AC Valhalla?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 12:15 AM PST

    So I'm just wondering, certain upgrade materials seem to be in limited amounts (the ones you get from wealth chests). Would it be wasteful of limited resources to upgrade gear I never intend on using or will I find enough supplies throughout the game to fully upgrade all armor and weapons provided I open every wealth chest in the game?

    It's gonna really bother me if I can't fully upgrade everything; to me that would be part of a perfect completion of the game.

    submitted by /u/Atiggerx33
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    Ignoring its ties to the series, is Odyssey a good game?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 11:30 PM PST

    Hello, I've just gotten into the series. I played black flag and am in the middle of syndicate. I've heard/seen a lot of people put Odyssey at the bottom of their rankings since it doesn't feel like an AC game (heck there aren't even assassins or templars). But I want to know if it's a good game in general. So, ignoring its ties to AC, is it a good game in your opinion?

    submitted by /u/Thomas_Caz1
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    Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, garden hoe beat down?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 11:30 PM PST

    In Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, I ran into a citizen that was working a field, causing them to drop their hoe. I picked it up and took it to the nearest group of guards and proceeded pummel and destroy them. It has to be one of the best weapons in the game. Has anyone else discovered this?

    submitted by /u/ShrikesCantos
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    Blood Stains On Yule Armour Ruins It

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 02:39 PM PST

    The new armour you get from the Yule festival looks great and is much more fitting with the theme of the game compared to the other armours. Why ruin it with permanent blood stains?

    submitted by /u/SomberSun
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    I believe that there is a way to avoid triggering the cinematic camera while doing an execution but I still haven't found it so far.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 02:32 PM PST

    I don't know exactly how but I managed to do three times in the row an execution without triggering the awful cinematic camera.

    It would be good if we could all try to find out how, maybe pressing some button before the execution I am not sure. I need to keep trying

    submitted by /u/Gonzito3420
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