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    Friday, November 27, 2020

    Assassin's Creed [Valhalla] Detection is so instantaneous, that I have to play on 'Easy' for stealth to even begin to look realistic.

    Assassin's Creed [Valhalla] Detection is so instantaneous, that I have to play on 'Easy' for stealth to even begin to look realistic.

    [Valhalla] Detection is so instantaneous, that I have to play on 'Easy' for stealth to even begin to look realistic.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 05:08 PM PST

    Who ever attacks a monk-looking, slow-walking old-looking man with a sword straight away just because they don't recognise the fellow? I mean I know you're suspicious of foreigners but you just unleashed an attack upon a perfectly calm hooded chap who might have been a trader at the market which you're guarding.

    I had to quick-load 15 times before I got my social-stealth approach right.

    submitted by /u/NikolaBankov
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    Anyone notice the pig in Ravensthorpe? Cool detail

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 02:09 AM PST

    In Ravensthorpe there's a heavily tattooed pig walking around the settlement. I notice him whenever I go there and for awhile I thought it was the weirdest thing, couldn't understand why they put him there, just as a joke or something? But then it occurred to me: I always saw the pig outside the tattoo shop, and modern day tattoo artists will practice on pig skin because it's very similar to human skin. So Svend and Tove must be practicing their designs on the pig! Idk, I just thought it was a really neat little detail that a lot of people might not notice or pick up on.

    submitted by /u/chuvymumma
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    Why on earth did they drop unity freerunning mechanics?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 12:15 PM PST

    Unity was 5 bucks so i decided to finally try it out since im getting back into ac and ive heard rumblings of improved parkour. First off going back to the combat after valhalla is rough, the new combat is much better, however the free running mechanics were so much better! What the heck did they scrap them because the game did so poorly?

    submitted by /u/somethingclever71
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    Black flag was and is a masterpiece ��‍☠️

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 09:56 PM PST

    Just had to say one of the best Assassins Creed games ive ever played. The good old days. If anyone has not played it, do ur self a favor and play it. One of the best story lines and it's just so much fun

    submitted by /u/arthur3334
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    I am loving Valhalla over Odyssey. Its like a return to form with story telling

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 04:43 AM PST

    I loved origins, absolutely found odyssey a bore but everyone seemed to love it. Valhalla comes out but got seemingly mediocre reviews from the likes of ACG. People still saying it's boring. But I'm loving it, I feel like it somewhat has returned to its roots of story telling but adapting to it's current business practice. The voice acting of even the side quests is good, and the drive quest like the mysteries I'm enjoying...it definitely gives me Witcher vibes in that sense.

    Compared to odyssey where I felt they just had missions randomly generated for the sake of it and boring meaningless fetch quests for farmers.

    I haven't finished Valhalla yet but I'm enjoying the story, it feels like there is weight to it and the incorporation of the hidden ones I appreciate and not being a dlc.

    How is everyone else finding it from their personal view

    submitted by /u/krispybaecn
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    Is Valhallas stealth detection broken?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 02:04 PM PST

    During my plaground as an Assassin in Valhalla noticed how fast guards react and detect you. Even when you are far away from them. Also the reaction bar doesnt have the filling red state anymore and went instantly to spotted after white is full. So its much harder to being undetected in Valhalla.

    You can say that its more challenging now but the grad between having a challenge and being frustrating is very small.

    And Valhallas detection system felt more like the second to me. The Guards just detect you too fast. These even hurt the returning social stealth mechanics a lot because guards instantly detect you before you can use one of the groups or objects to hide. With the chain assassination axe skill you also get spotted every time. But whats even worse then the detection of the guards is their search AI.

    I often felt like they have some kind of GPS device to instantly find Eivor. No matter if he fled and hide behind walls/bushes or objects they always run around them and instantly find my location.

    Never had problems with that in Origins/Odyssey but Valhalla made it very frustrating. What did you think of the stealth detection?

    submitted by /u/JKAC2013
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    60 hours in...and Valhalla's variety is still keeping me hooked [No Spoilers]

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 10:57 PM PST

    I think this might be the most variety I've seen in an open world game.

    Mysteries can be World Events, Cairns, Standing Stones, Boss fights, Offerings, Flyting, Anomalies, Fun-times-with-shrooms, Legendary animals, and you never know what a mystery will be. The world events themselves ooze character, although I'd say a lot of them could have used more cutscenes for a more polished feel.

    The story arcs feel quite different from each other too. They're not all good, some of them certainly miss the mark narrative imo, but they're written with different narrative beats. They also have unique scores. Being all undercover at Lunden with those tense strings feels vastly different to walking the streets of Ledecestre looking for your order target.

    Speaking of which, you can just set everything aside and hunt the Order, go on a long fishing tour to get those elusive rewards, or decide to grit your teeth and take down the Drengr and the Daughters, or go hunt Excalibur...

    This sort of variety and agency is what keeps me going, I think this game sets the bar for open world activities.

    submitted by /u/SomeDamnAuthor
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    I love being able to visit Lunden 996 years before Syndicate’s London.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 06:01 PM PST

    So if I'm getting this right, this is the third time in the franchise you can visit the same location separated by time and games. First was the fortress in the first game and revelations, then the homestead in 3 and rogue, and now syndicate has London 996 years after Lunden in Valhalla. Pretty cool actually. (Syndicate is in 1868, Valhalla 872 if I remember).

    submitted by /u/Nerdthenord
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    This Update made things worse. Stability wise

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 06:52 AM PST

    For me this Update made things worse in terms of stability , before in 48 Hour Playtime 2 crashes , now 10 in 1 hour. Brake a door, crash , touch fire, crash , Open door crash. If you reload the Game the same activity will work but holy shit this is God awefull . Anyone else experiencing more crashes then before ? Im on Pc btw.

    submitted by /u/B33RCUL38
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    Cairns - maybe not as relaxing as the Developers thought.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 10:15 PM PST

    In real life, stacking a heap of stones into a tower in a remote area is calming. I've done it on my hikes and it's honestly a fun way to distract yourself and calm your mind. In this game however, I'm finding them to be more agitating than anything else. Been stuck on the Hamtunscire cairn for longer than I'd like to admit. At this point I'm curious, are others finding these as stressful/agitating as I am or are they actually calming for you?

    submitted by /u/MoncadasBandana
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    The current AC formula and going forwards

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 01:49 PM PST

    This a strange one because I enjoyed origins, I finished Odyssey but found it mehh and I'm enjoying Valhalla overall. Regardless though I'm concerned about the formula now and going forwards into future games

    There's a Unity montage on twitter currently comparing combat and parkour to the recent games and the parkour especially is so superior it's baffling. It was so quick and fluid and fun to use

    The recent games are making so much money that I'm worried we won't see much change mechanically or In the formula at all.

    The world events and mysteries of Valhalla are a great addition but combat, parkour and stealth are all massive steps backwards

    The mythical boss fights are all a bit much too, the Fenrir fight in Valhalla is just a spongey mess.

    My hopes for the next game:

    • a single, set protagonist who's fully a part of the Creed (assassins and templars again please)
    • massively improved parkour
    • the hitbox combat looks very messy, I'd like a proper parry and counter system. Evolve something similar to Unity/Ghost of Tsushima
    • world events and mysteries again
    • make modern day interesting again, I'm 95 hours into Valhalla and there's only been about 60seconds of modern day
    • more loot and purchase-able weapons/gear, the shops in Valhalla are practically empty
    submitted by /u/JakeyChappers11
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    I'm an Archaeologist and AC fan. I made a podcast episode about the archaeology in Assasin's Creed. We talk about Black Flag, Origins, AC2, Valhalla and more.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 07:11 PM PST

    [SPOILERS] Are all Order members really deserving of death?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 11:15 AM PST

    Compared to the cult member in Odyssey Im finding it odd why Eivor has so much vitriol against some Order members when their specific roles are kind of benign. Some of their background stories in the Order menu doesn't exactly make the case why they are deserving of death, like the blacksmith who was hoping to once day escape with his wife and kids and you just accuse him of being a child killer which I'm not sure was something ever ascribed to him.

    For sure some are terrible people, but some just make me feel weird for having to kill them.

    submitted by /u/Nick-Nick
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    Sorry for doubting you Origins

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 12:03 AM PST

    I know all the hype are in Valhalla right now and a lot of people are playing it too but I just wanna make an appreciation post for Origins. I've been an AC fan since AC2; Black Flag is my favorite and now Origins is in my top 5 AC games. I got the Gold Edition for only 15$ due to Black Friday sale on the PS4, I was reluctant to buy it for a long time because it strays away from the classic stealth AC gameplay and now it has become an RPG but I said screw it, it's only 15$ and it's Gold Edition that's a steal anyway.

    And I'm glad I bought it, before I thought I wouldn't like the setting because it's in the middle of a desert and it's all dry and etc but it's beautiful. The combat is quite fun too despite it's all RPG, Bayek is a likeable character and so is Aya, the plot is quite good too. I'm glad I was wrong about this game cuz I thought I won't enjoy it but now I'm 20 hours in and I can't stop playing it LOL.

    submitted by /u/PsychoKinezis
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    Oh look at that, thanks for the gift Ubi

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 05:50 AM PST

    Thanks to the lovely update where I was informed I was able to get rid of my duplicate Galloglach armor, imagine my surprise when the update finished and I load in and I not only see the two chestpieces I already had, but a third set, fresh off the smithy by a wonderful ubisoft programmer somewhere. Now I will admit, I think the armor is super cool, prob my fav I've come across so far, but as much as I like it, 3 is just too many...

    submitted by /u/zcmccain
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    [Valhalla] Why are there no repeatable quests, raids or bounty hunters?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 06:19 PM PST

    Reda's quests are apparently the only repeatable quests in the game. But why? We had them in Odyssey. So why can't we have them elsewhere for normal rewards?

    What about raids? I've cleared all raids and now that's it? No more? Or what about the giant raids where you have actual objectives? Did they really only let you do a few of them through the entire game?

    And lastly, bounty hunters? Why not? They were one of my favorite parts of Odyssey. I always made sure I had 5 "Stars" in Odyssey because they were always great to fight. Unique loot, tough enemies to fight for people who enjoy tough fights... I don't get it.

    I don't get why they've removed so many good components from Odyssey. That game had it's problems and certainly didn't feel like and Assassin's Creed game. But it still had some neat little moments.

    submitted by /u/asirpakamui
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    Patch 1.0.4 Problems - Xbox One X

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 05:07 PM PST

    Many, many issues with patch 1.0.4 for xbox on AC Valhalla.

    • Cannot complete contracts, see this one here: https://twitter.com/michaelmknight/status/1332109529719447553 It says the contract is in Cent, but the quest shows up in Jorvic on the map. Quest details state Cent and now it's just vanished from the map completely and in the quests tab. I managed to do every contract and this one messed it up
    • Emergency Aim skill spins me around and I lose my original target, then just end up shooting nothing. It's so bad I had to reset it for now
    • Eivor flickers and vanishes as do characters he interacts with
    • Talking to a character wont activate, have to run around the character until you see the talk button pop up
    • Characters/Enemies and Animals just stand there doing nothing
    • Map flickers
    • Eivor gets stuck and cannot move. Have to quit the game

    These are all I can think of now, 90 hours in the game and since the update it's been a total pain to play. Had to restart the game like 15 times because Eivor got stuck or I couldn't complete a mission.

    Why do you release games or patches that are clearly not ready.

    submitted by /u/michaelmknight
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    Fighting bosses in Valhalla really makes me realize how lame Eivors combat mechanics are.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 08:59 AM PST

    While fighting one of the many bosses in this game I realized how lame Eivor is in comparison when it comes to combat animations. The bosses get cool multi hit combos, flourishes, parries, and counter attacks. Eivor gets a couple of basic swings and a power attack. Eivors parry just knocks the enemy back but has no built in follow up. You just swing at them with your usual attacks. Tough boss fights all revolve around that one skill that slows down time and just lets you wail on them a few times until they decide to parry you. You would think a game series that has been around as long this one would have a well refined and deep combat system.

    submitted by /u/WarViper1337
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    The world feels dead outside of settlements

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 12:39 AM PST

    I have no complaints about the vibe and atmosphere when you are in a village or town. They feel alive, vibrant and Ubisoft did a great job.

    Let's be real though, once you head out onto the road, in my experience at least, it's completely dead and this seems like a missed opportunity.

    Just off the top of my head you could have: - travellers, looking weary and worn out from the journey - hunting parties that actively hunt small and large game - prisoner trains, be it Saxon or Dane - patrols, self explanatory, similar to ACIII - war parties, again similar to ACIII, but maybe much larger and should be avoided - religious pilgrims, accompanied by Templars or something similar. - caravans/ travelling merchants, that you can buy from and sell to - refugees, choose to give them rations in exchange for information - bandits, purely so you can kill them

    there are many other are possibilities.

    Its been a while since I played Origins but I'm sure the open road was slightly more populated?

    submitted by /u/cking145
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    I love the conversations between Eivor and Basim, kinda makes me wish... *SPOILERS*

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 05:29 PM PST

    I was sad to learn of Basim's betrayal. I really would have preferred that Eivor just join the Assassins and actually become a true Assassin protagonist, with Basim as his mentor. They could have travelled to Masyaf and founded the Levantine brotherhood. Instead we just got more Isu weirdness.

    submitted by /u/WolverineKuzuri93
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    I'd pay for authentic Anglo Saxon/Norse clothing

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 04:26 AM PST

    I never buy cosmetics in games but would if they made authentic Anglo Saxon/Norse clothing. Proper tunics etc and chainmail is all I need and I'll be happy all through my play through. I doubt we'll ever get this though as they are focussing on the fantasy element :(

    submitted by /u/Cyclopathik
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    Ivar the Boneless [SPOILER]

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 01:35 PM PST

    How do you all feel about Ivar and his story throughout his arc?

    submitted by /u/Averquilla307
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    I found a way to make it permanently night time in assassins creed syndicate

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 01:33 PM PST

    One of the biggest complaints this game has is its brutally short night in comparison to its day which is said to be only 4 minutes long whereas day is a whole 14 minutes. This is proven more by how fast the clocks spin at night which is a shame since London at night is so atmospheric.

    So how do you maintain constant night? The answer is surprisingly simple and easy. All you have to do is start up a mission that takes place at night, preferably the mission where you assassinate Dr Elliostson, and once that is completed then feel free to explore the city at night with no stress about the sun coming up early. Also as a bonus this mission has constant rain as well so now you can really feel like you're in London.

    Hope this helps everyone who has been annoyed at the short night now get exploring :D

    submitted by /u/OrbusQuail
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    Wish that one MASSIVE mountain in ******** was climbable.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 06:33 PM PST

    Anyone else get to Jotunheim, and head straight for that insanely huge mountain range in the background, and feel crushed with disappointment when you hit the out of world barrier? Or is that just me? ;) I swear if they added that in a DLC, I would buy it just for that lol.

    Climbing to the highest tower in that area and then looking up at it, really puts into perspective. That tower is already HUGE, but that mountain would take hours to climb up lol.

    submitted by /u/FACT50
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    The Magisters Robes are simultaneously one of the best and worst armor sets in the game.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 03:22 PM PST

    Aesthetically I love the set and how it looks, but the Robes piece has so many blatantly visible seams I dont understand how this made it into the games. When climbing any piece, you can see the whole armpit/side/body of Eivor from the huge visible holes in both sides of the armor...

    submitted by /u/ghostspectrum
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