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    Sunday, November 22, 2020

    Assassin's Creed I’m glad that higher level enemies surviving stealth attacks actually make sense

    Assassin's Creed I’m glad that higher level enemies surviving stealth attacks actually make sense

    I’m glad that higher level enemies surviving stealth attacks actually make sense

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 04:33 PM PST

    Do you guys remember how in odyssey if you tried to assassinate a high level target you would stab them in the neck and they'd still be alive somehow? That's not the case in Valhalla. One moment I specifically remember is eivor trying to assassinate someone and they quickly turned around and tried to fight him off. They started wrestling for like a second before eivor took a lazy slash at them and they survived. Them surviving that actually makes sense since it wasn't a well placed stab. I appreciate that it actually makes sense this time because in odyssey you could stab someone in the neck and they'd magically survive.

    submitted by /u/MySticxg
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    Assassin's Creed art director : "AC Persia is inevitable"

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 11:12 AM PST

    According to this guy's tweet, he sent some shots of Alamut (the castle where real life assassin's order, also known as hashashins, was born) to Raphael Lacoste, art director of AC series and asked him when they will make a game based on persia and he claims that he has replied: "AC Persia is inevitable, don't worry"

    So it means sooner or later we'll get an ac game in persia perhaps, what are your speculations?

    submitted by /u/Mr_Aryan44
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    Really cool map detail I just noticed in Valhalla!

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 05:15 PM PST

    When browsing the map, I noticed that the ambient sound changed to monks singing when I hovered over a church and with a bit more experimenting, I've concluded that the ambient sound matches whatever area of the map the mouse is hovering over.

    So hover over any river and running water sounds play, over forest birds and a light breeze. Over certain towns battle music starts playing and with churches sometimes bells or singing.

    It's such a subtle feature but it's really cool in my opinion.

    submitted by /u/Ncko8
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    Valhalla Tips and tricks. Will keep this updated.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 01:22 AM PST

    A lot of you may know this info already, I'm just reaching out to those that may not.
    Feel free to respond with your favorite tricks and I'll add em to the list!

    ignore this link, it's just for the heading photo

    • Floating Pages Having trouble catching up with those floating pages? Use the Blinding Rush ability to slow everything down then just walk up and grab it before it even starts moving. Watch this if you don't have the ability yet

    • Can't find exploding vases? Use your Incendiary Powder Trap ability and shoot the area you want blown up. Watch this if you don't have the ability yet.

    • Getting paid to drink Need silver? Find a drinking challenge that you can repeatedly do for silver. You earn 200 per win or ~8000 silver per hour. Only a few places allow you gamble more than one game. I personally use Walden and Tamworth Fortress.

    • Fall Damage You can jump/fall from any distance without damage as long as you tap the heavy attack before landing.

    • Unlimited Ingots First complete all wealth objectives in a country. If that country contains one or more npc's that carry ingots (orange dot above their head) you can return back to kill them again to get another ingot. (Keep in mind that the ingots you receive are directly linked to the recommended level of the country. The harder the country, the better the ingot.

    • Barred Doors. Who doesn't LOVE barred doors?! I don't feel we see enough of them! Anyways one way to get through one is dual wielding 2-handed Dane Axes and a strong attack or the use of the ability Dive of the Valkyries (Rank 2) to bust through. Don't have the abilities? Heres Rank 1 Heres Rank 2

    • Inaccessible Structures Come across a building you absolutely cannot figure out how to get inside? Come back later. Most likely it will be opened up during a quest chain later on.

    • Free Adrenaline If your low on adrenaline before leaving Ravensthorp, assassinate the dummies to refill your adrenaline bars.

    Thanks to those who have added to this list! /u/oceanking

    That's it for now, but I will add more as I find them!

    submitted by /u/msgkar03
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    This game feels too quiet, especially in cities.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 01:41 PM PST

    Honestly be it in the wilderness, or in towns and cities, the game feels too quiet.

    There're is almost no ambient noises, and no ambient music to cover things up.

    AC games used to have crowd noise and music in the background, this really gave life to the games.
    Streets were filled NPCs talking about stuff, like in-games events, merchants yelling to sell their goods, town criers, and so on.

    Since Origins all those things seem to be gone, streets are almost empty, and NPCs only pronounce a handful of phrases when you go near them.

    It makes the world feel empty.

    submitted by /u/Ravioli-4-fromages
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    ability to switch armor visuals

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 03:20 PM PST

    man this game really needs the ability to switch back to the other visuals of the armor sets I really want to rock the superior raven clan armor for my endgame exploration the mythical version is way to flashy and gold and kinda kills the flow when I'm roaming around

    submitted by /u/Soulreaver235
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    PSA: If you hold the "Call Mount"-whistle button, Eivor will automatically mount the horse at it comes galloping in

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 06:41 PM PST

    Maybe lots of people already knew this, but I just found out after 25~ hours. Perhaps I'll help a person or two.

    Happy raiding!

    submitted by /u/TheLastJudicator
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    If Ubisoft made a game where you played European colonizing Africa, in the same positive and peaceful way they showed the Viking invasion of England, how would people respond?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 10:33 AM PST


    I just read this article and it really made some good points about how Ubisoft might have missed the mark with the Vikings being 'the good guys'..

    Yes, I understand its a game and fiction, but it would be lie to argue that this game doesn't affect how people view these historical events in modern times, hell Assassins Creed is one of the best selling games of all time, its bound to have an impact

    submitted by /u/Mission_Busy
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    Please Ubisoft, make a Historical Armors DLC

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 11:05 AM PST

    *I can't create a new thread on Ubisoft official forums, so I post it here in hope someone might repost it over there. Thank you.

    So let's be honest here, this game is pretty good, but it's a Viking Fantasy. It's so far from being historical. Very far, and it's painful for many players.

    Let's just talk about armors. Sleeveless clothes/armors in cold weathers, GoT mega fur cloaks, scalemail armors, poorly crafted giga leather armors... It's ridiculous. Unless the game is trying to be Skyrim II, but set in M.A. England?

    Enough about ranting, here is a simple solution: there are already somewhat historical tunics in the game (very pretty), why not give them to Main NPCs as a DLC? Give them pretty tunics, and sometimes with chain mails for warriors (and remove lots a sleeveless clothes). It would be far more practical, smart and historically accurate, and not a lot of work.

    Historical Wepons would be great too, but let's not push our luck...

    Please, Ubisoft?

    submitted by /u/Tseiwey
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    I'm trying so hard to like Valhalla but I'm not a fan

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 02:37 PM PST

    This is all personal opinion of course. It has nothing to do with the fact that this "isn't like the old assassin's creed anymore." I'm way past that complaint, and I thoroughly enjoyed Origins (Odyssey not so much). I just don't find Valhalla fun. And it's disappointing because I pre-ordered it with so much excitement.

    Bless the devs, they've done everything they could to make the game feel fresh. But in all of that, it's managed to annoy me in every possible way. And might I add, what annoys me might be very fun for other people so again, this is my opinion.

    The "parkour" and movement is at its worst in the franchise, I've never struggled so much climbing into windows or moving from ledge to ledge. Riding in the longboat is...boring. Riding through England on horseback is...boring. The loot is...boring. Albeit, the game is beautiful. Raiding is only fun the first 2 times. It quickly becomes a chore. Finding those "wealth" chests can either be extremely easy or a complete and total pain in the fucking ass. Doesn't help that some chests are locked behind quests and you would never know that unless you Google it after spending an hour trying to find the secret entrance that doesn't exist. I personally find no enjoyment in the mysteries except checking them off the list. And of the last 3 AC's, the combat in this one is my least favorite. Since the game released I've 'Quit to Desktop' with a *yawn* more times than a "wow!"

    I'm still not even done with Valhalla's main questline because I was trying to really get down and dirty with the game's side content which I didn't do so much in Origins and Odyssey. If I ever do finish it, it'll probably take me months. I have started playing Origins again. I never finished it 100% so I might as well.

    I didn't mean for this to be a complaint thread, just getting my opinion of the game off my chest since I paid $60 for it. I recognize others find the game fun and will disagree with me. That's totally fine and I'm glad you like it! I just don't myself unfortunately. Open discussion is welcome.

    Edit: Just wanna add I'm not new to the AC franchise. I've played every entry except Black Flag (for some strange reason, I just skipped it and never looked back). I only compare the latest 3 entries because of their shift in gameplay. Can't really compare the oldies anymore (long live Ezio!)

    submitted by /u/biddierepellent
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    The bows in Valhalla look AWFUL!

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 07:35 PM PST

    tl;dr: Whoever designed the Predator bow visuals doesn't know what a bow looks like. Video rant here.


    As an archer and archery coach who dabbles in historical archery, I occasionally spotlight video games to critique their portrayal of bows and archery. I've done previous videos on Origins and Odyssey, providing some education on the historical context of archery during the time period and discussing the gameplay features in the game.

    I started Valhalla, and I was immediately floored at how bad the designs are for the bows.

    Firstly, I understand that this is effectively a fantasy game. I'm no stranger to the AC series and I'm not a stickler for pure historical accuracy. I tend to see myself as OK with most creative licenses - I won't cringe too much when seeing people carry weapons on their back. So when I'm stumped at how bad the bows are, it's saying a lot about how bad it is.

    Firstly, the Hunter and Light bows look fine. The Light bows are based off composite recurve designs from Eastern Europe and Central Asia (ironically, these are considered "Hunnish" bows, not the Hunter bow you start with). The Hunter bows, though fantastical in appearance, are based off the "double bow" or "Penabscot bow", named after the Penabscot tribe in North America. These bow types are unlikely to have been used by the Vikings. The bows that would have been used would probably be "longbows", though not the English kind.

    The problem is with the Predator bows, starting with the "Recurve" Bow.

    The first thing that got to me, as an archer, was that it clearly isn't a recurve bow. Recurve bows have a curvature that ultimately points way from the archer, like the Light and Hunter bows. The Recurve bow in AC:V is practically a straight stick. Not even a longbow, but literally a straight piece of wood. There is no curvature on the limbs. It's not even a bow.

    To compound the design problems, the bow model is covered in metal plates. Not only does this add a stupidly unnecessarily amount of weight to the bows and slows the arrow speed in real life, the metal plates are placed over the working areas of the limbs, preventing them from bending and therefore not being able to function as a bow.

    Because the bow is so straight and there is no tension at all, the string's placement looks completely wrong. The brace height (gap between string and bow) is far too small, so much so that it would be nearly impossible to pull back. Most bows of this kind would have a gap around 2 fists wide. This doesn't only give a mechanical leverage so that the limbs will flex when the string is pulled back, it prevents the archer from carving their own arm when the string is released.

    There are smaller details such as the string being tied to ringlets at the limb tips instead of being looped around the tip itself, which would give more leverage.

    Having picked up the second Predator bow in England, sadly it's the same deal with being a straight stick.

    For non-archers who might not appreciate how bad it looks, imagine an axe, but the blade is pointed towards you, or if the shield was held with the boss facing you and the handle towards the enemy.

    I know, it's a game, etc. Normally it wouldn't bother me, but you see Eivor running around with this ridiculous staff with an elastic string on their back all the time, and even with the other bows the string is pinched against the bow handle for some reason.

    submitted by /u/nusensei
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    Weapons changing sizes. Someone compensating for something?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 12:46 PM PST

    Like, I know the Greek and Roman swords in Origins were much longer than their historical counterparts.

    I also noticed spears in Odyssey magically extending when you equipped them.

    But in Valhalla, damn, the spears look tiny in the equipment menu, like a throwing javelin. When it's on your back, it's like, spear length. But when you wield it in combat, it's almost like a pike..

    And recently I noticed that the warhammer gets bigger when I take it in hand that's what she said

    Like, literally, I can see the head nearly double in size when you grab it vs just hanging down there yeah, I know how I phrased it.

    And all of the daggers are almost short swords. Not to mention swords ONLY coming in Extra Large.

    Like, why can't the weapons just be realistically sized? Cause this is beyond goofy, I feel like I'm in a mobile MMO where every sword has to be BIG.

    submitted by /u/Shirokurou
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    [SPOILER] Old character Easter egg?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 06:38 PM PST

    In Jotenheim, when you speak to Gunlodr (Minerva) for the first time, she talks about leaving messages for the future like she did with Ezio in AC2. She then asks into her void-like device 'are you there prophet?' After you leave with her, the camera pans to the device and you hear a voice in a very familiar accent say 'Who are you?'. This surely has to be Ezio? Did anyone else spot this?

    submitted by /u/DjazzMann
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    [Spoiler for 'A Strange New Land' quest] Valhalla's love letter to AC3

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 10:16 PM PST

    I just finished Vinland, and I just wanna say how much I appreciate the AC3 love. I know it was a mixed bag for a lot of people, but the ambience of the Mohawk language, music, and the wilderness was a really special thing back then, and I loved Valhalla's homage to that. Between the tie in with the Apple the Kanien'kehá:ka had in AC3, the subtle AC3 soundtrack in the ambient music, kayaking around the map like the promotional screenshots for AC3 promised but never delivered (grr) it really felt like a nostalgia trip. Well done Ubisoft.

    submitted by /u/ifockpotatoes
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    Valhalla: Nickel, Tungsten, and Titanium in 891?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 10:34 PM PST

    These metals were not discovered until the 1700's though Valhalla takes place in 891.

    I just find it kinda funny, not sure why they choose these metals over metals or metal alloys which were actually known at the time.

    I mean let's just replace the fabric resource with carbon fiber while we are at it. =)

    submitted by /u/lumpystubb
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    Is there an offhand that even comes close to being as good as spear? (Valhalla)

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 06:31 PM PST

    It interrupts almost all attacks. It knocks down most enemies, leaving then open to get face stomped. You can knock enemies into each other, damaging both of them. It has incredible range.

    If you like something better let me know! I've tried mixing it up but keep coming back to spear. My second favorite offhand is dagger.

    submitted by /u/JGood004
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    Night and day duration far too short: may it be patched?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 03:55 PM PST

    Time flies by in the gaming. It is disappointing. Odyssey was perfect in that regard: watching sunset and sunrise took some time, colors changed progressively, it felt not rushed. Now the time is too fast and one second the sun declines, the other it is gone. May the devs patch it without too much of a hassle?

    submitted by /u/clemoonoz
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    I really REALLY hate the look of the armor and weapons in this game

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 09:57 PM PST

    TLDR: ubiosft continues to take a big lazy shit on good weapon and armor art design for years and im all pouty and mad about it >:(

    (Also im on mobile so sorry for bad formatting)

    A contentious and inflammatory title to be sure, but im getting really pissed off now not just with vahlalla but with all of ubisoft big releases, it's just vahlalla has been a breaking point. And screw it, im high on dilauded in the hospital so imma going to rant, something o genuinely don't do often.

    Really though, im starting to truly despise whoever is the lead weapon and/or armor artist at ubisoft. Its not just vahlalla but all their major releases. Every game has the most ass backwards, frustrating, design by committee, fantastical bullshit, baffling design choices ive ever seen in modern games. From the cheap looking garbage airsoft gear in ghost recon, the straight from LOTR, "more-gold-then-god" look for vahlalla, m249's being the mainstay weapon in watch dogs legion, Summer shorts and flip flops in the division 2, to the literal circus level of clown bullshit in seige, to whatever heroin induced nightmare is going on in for honor, and the blatant asset reuse (watch dogs is still using gun models from fucking far cry 3, not the same type of gun, literally the same model copy and pasted).

    And if its not baffling art and design choices its the massive number of "we gave it to the intern" level of bugs, every game is riddled with clipping, mesh seams, missing textures, clipping, screwed up animations or just plain 'ol shit animations, floating bits, clipping, terrible mesh rigging, nonsensical physics, and fucking clipping1.

    The worst part of all of it is just how dug in ubisoft is with this design philosophy that they seem to have no hope of ever changing, everyone of the subreddits for these games is constantly bombarded with requests for better looking or at least more appropriate looking gear for there respective games and every time its just silence, usually paired with another awful looking store item.

    Heres the thing, this may seem overly dramatic and vitriolic for a seemingly small part of these massive games, but armor and weapon designs is my thing or at least my biggest interest when it comes to games art. Ive always told myself that if I ever took up art (3d or traditional) it would be focused on equipment and prop design. Im always all over good details and consistency in design and i get huge amount of enjoyment from good design in any game, from the grounded to the fantastical. I legitimately consider the equipment design in these games to be as offensively bad and lazy as to how crap the audio quality is to audiophiles. Again sorry for the rant, but I just feel so defeated. Anyways thank you for coming to my TED talk.

    1 ive honestly been scarred by the staggering amount of clipping in ubisoft games. I have one particular standout moment though that has literally changed how I've viewed games for the worse. After spending the better part of an entire weekend scouring the whole map in AC3 for captions kidd treasure, this was around launch so no help from online guides, i finally got captain kidds outfit, only to immediately notice the sheer number of bugs, mostly mesh seams. I was incredibly disappointed, and on what could be considered the most petty, privileged, first world grudge ever, ive never really forgiven them.

    submitted by /u/ComManDerBG
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    What exactly are the post-assassination conversations?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 12:43 PM PST

    I first played Black Flag, and I assumed that Edward was just having a brief conversation with his victims before they breathed their last, and the abstract environment was simply accounting for the fact that the devs couldn't predict where exactly I would kill them.

    Next I played Syndicate, and now the targets were upright and gesticulating during the chat, but I took that to be a stylistic touch,

    Then I played Unity, and got to see Arno having indisputably psychic visions as he stabbed people.

    Now I'm playing Valhalla, and Eivor and his/her victims enter a detailed otherworld occupied by various types of terrain, and freaking Odin... who also visits Eivor when no one is being stabbed.

    What the heck does it all mean? Is this some Isu craziness in Arno and Eivor's genes?

    submitted by /u/Jerswar
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    If you have any down time after playing some Valhalla I recommend the show “The Last Kingdom” on Netflix

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 12:30 AM PST

    It's set in pretty much the exact same time period with the same big names. Idk how accurate either of these are but it's just a great supplement to the game. The main character is just as badass as Eivor and it gets bloody with some big army battles and smaller war bands too. Great politics and battle strategies and acts of betrayal.

    submitted by /u/maximus368
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    Should I feel bad about not enjoying the original ACs as much as the new ones?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 08:39 PM PST

    Hi, I know everyone's in the middle of the Valhalla hype right now, but I wanted to talk about something I thought was kinda interesting.

    I'm somewhat of a newbie to AC. I finished Syndicate, very close to finishing Odyssey, and a quarter of the way through Origins. I ordered the original AC on my Xbox 360 because I wanted to see what the original games were like, and I just could not bring myself to be terribly immersed gameplay-wise.

    Don't get me wrong, the lore and world-building of the game is top notch, and is pretty damn impressive for the time. But on the gameplay side, I cant help but find the investigation building very repetitive and boring. The same activities that is often just a swordfight or following people. I understand a common criticism of the first game is these repetitive missions, but I feel like theres something more I should be enjoying. I do think the actual assassination missions are fun and cool, and the social stealth system definitely is an original way of doing stealth and offers lots of interesting ways to go about things; I just wish there was more that you could do with these tools. Inversely, the newer ACs activities, while also repetitive, just feel much more engaging to me for one reason or another. I also have AC II ordered and plan to play that. I don't think I can just finish the first because it feels like I'm forcing myself to play the original. Do you guys think there's something I'm missing or not understanding about the original's value?

    submitted by /u/SuspiciousScout
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    I highly, highly recommend that everyone uses the “Focus of Nornir” ability

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 04:39 PM PST

    I recently equipped the Focus of Nornir ability with a light bow and let me tell you, dying to bosses became a thing of the past.

    If you find yourself having trouble with a boss, Focus of Nornir will make it fairly easy to whittle down their health. Happy hunting!

    submitted by /u/CarbonSorrow
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    The ending to this game is stunningly beautiful and powerful. [Spoiler}

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 10:48 AM PST

    The meaning of the final sequence where Eivor is battling Odin is immeasurable.

    At the start of the game Eivor believes fully in the Norse traditions and in the notion of Valhalla, where the warriors slain in battle reach an afterlife of eternal feasting and fighting. Throughout the game though, the various obstacles she has to overcome, the blood that gets spilt for no meaningful reason, Sigurd's descent into a mad pursuit of that same eternal glory, take their toll on Eivor. Meeting the various Ango-Saxons (Oswald, Ceolbert etc.) with their belief in one God perhaps played a part in Eivor's change of perspective of the world.

    And finally, when she reaches "Valhalla" at the end, she realises the fakeness of it. But she cannot escape it so easily, she has to fight against the very core of her ideals, the very essence of her existence: Odin himself.

    To beat Odin she has to let go of her axe, symbolising her overcoming the relentless pursuit of glory and acknowledging what is of true significance. She strikes Odin with the hidden blade, which signifies the new ideals that are starting to take root in her soul, and finally passes through the gates of the true Valhalla, where she is hugged by her parents, whose sacrifice Eivor had deemed dishonorable at the start, whereas now she admires that very act.

    Bravo to Darby McDevitt and his team of writers.

    submitted by /u/Randerth
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    My thoughts on the current state of the franchise and it’s past

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 10:50 PM PST

    (Ok just to start off, this isn't to knock on anyone who likes new AC - if you, that's great!)

    Honestly, old Assassin's Creed > new Assassin's Creed. Yeah I know it's a basic conversation but I'm new here. I've been replaying all the games and the old ones are just done so well (bugs aside). The stories hold so much impact and emotion, the characters are written and voice acted so well they feel real, the world feels lived in, there aren't terrible animations and no "dialogue options" that have no impact. I've never cared for the modern day but it at least had a story (until 3 ended). The ones that came before weren't gods or myths come to life, they were just an advanced human race.

    The new ones just feel... soulless. Origins was great (in terms of story and character), but after that hoooo boy the franchise imo nosedived. Light RPG mechanics work, but turning AC entirely into an RPG doesn't.

    I can't stand playing the new games anymore. I hope it does start improving with the next few games - oh and just give us one consistent character for a few games. Also if I'm being honest; just because you have a massive open world doesn't mean it's any good. It feels incredibly empty, like Valhalla does.

    This was just my rant, if you guys enjoy the new AC games I'm happy for you! I don't want to take that away from anyone.

    submitted by /u/Get2DaChopra
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