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    Assassin's Creed Assassin's Creed Valhalla Tech Support/Bug Report Megathread Part III

    Assassin's Creed Assassin's Creed Valhalla Tech Support/Bug Report Megathread Part III

    Assassin's Creed Valhalla Tech Support/Bug Report Megathread Part III

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 03:07 AM PST

    Note: We have recently gotten patch 1.0.4 and the previous megathreads got quite a lot of responses, so we are creating another tech support megathread. Previous tech support megathreads will be linked at the bottom of this post.

    As with any video game, after the launch of Assassin's Creed Valhalla some players are inevitably experiencing technical issues. And even though tech support posts are banned on the subreddit, we are creating this megathread for people to share and help each other with various technical issues they may have. These include, but are not limited to: questions, game crashes, performance, spec requirements, bug reports, issues with visual degradation etc.

    Make sure your PC specs meet the minimum requirements of the game!

    List of currenty known issues - Updated November 26th

    Make sure you also have the latest graphics drivers installed! At the time of release those are 457.30 for Nvidia and 20.11.2 for AMD.

    Provide any information you can - platform, PC specs, what version of Windows you're using, what issue you are having and how to potentially reproduce it etc. Any information you can give might be useful to other users to help solve your problem.

    If you're reporting Valhalla issues that contain spoilers for the main story, present day or any other narrative content, make sure to properly hide them!

    How to hide spoilers:

    >!Eivor is a Viking.!< 

    Result: Eivor is a Viking.

    DO NOT leave any spaces at the start or the end. You can also use the "Spoiler" function in Reddit's text editor.

    If you can't find a solution for your problem, you can also visit the Ubisoft Support page for Valhalla, the official Player Support forums or the #tech-support channel on our official Discord.

    Previous Valhalla Tech Support megathreads:

    Assassin's Creed Valhalla Tech Support Megathread

    Assassin's Creed Valhalla Tech Support/Bug Report Megathread Part II

    submitted by /u/Ghost_LeaderBG
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    I am completely burnt out of this era of Assassin's Creed.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 07:48 AM PST

    Before I get started, this is purely constructive criticism and I am not trying to invalidate this franchise in any way whatsoever.

    I've got 60 hours on Origins, 170 in Odyssey, and am now touching 85 on Valhalla as I finish the side quests. Now don't get me wrong, they were each a blast to play and this entire series is beloved to me. However, I am just so tired of the similarities all 3 of these games have for the amount of hours i've put in. I am once again hoping Ubisoft can make another generational leap in terms of:

    Character design Not the way they look or talk, but more of their interactions with the surrounding environment and objects. Ubisoft could have changed the way each of the main characters behave in terms of animation: walking with a torch, sliding/squeezing through tight objects, parkour (although this one has improved ever so slightly since the last game),

    Texture design 99% of textures from Odyssey being used in Valhalla, almost as if I just played odyssey 2.0 map expansion (But with an impressive enough looking map that it almost made me forget about it).

    Sound design Alright, we've all had this complaint; wtf is up with the audio? All 3 games had this one issue where the audio sounds super compressed to the point it's immersion breaking. Surely they can't expect fans to be satisfied with this type of audio on an AAA game. Games like Demon Souls have blown me away with their audio effects and sound really does make a Huge difference when it comes to immersion. Also the fact that so many sounds have been reused (mining ore, enemy detection, etc) just depletes from the originality feeling. Imagine booting Valhalla wanting a new experience and you hear the exact same SFX you heard in the previous 2 games. Although annoying at first, I eventually forgot about it too.

    Map Design Perhaps add more to it? While a beauty to look at, England is very, very empty. I am struggling to venture on and do more side quests because it's starting to feel like a chore. After finishing the story I can't find any motivation aside from the nice views I can get in photo mode to do anything in this game. I really wish the cities felt more alive and offered different things to do based on which town you went to, it would give me a reason to come back to them and enjoy what they have to offer.

    I respect all Ubisoft has done to bring new additions to Valhalla, but alas I guess I have raised my expectations a bit too high with this one. Here's to hoping the next game in the series will blow us away in a spectacularly new way. I am eager for it.

    EDIT: No guys, I did not play all three games back to back. That would be ridiculous! I bought them all launch day and hibernated for a month after that.

    EDIT 2: To the people complaining about the story, it was good. I admire the effort put into narrative this time around which was full of moments of interest (Especially the story of Basim), sadness (quite a lot of it), humor with a plethora of plot twists. One particular cutscene that actually made me laugh out loud was Eivor teaching Oswald Flyting, and after that I actually felt a connection towards an npc for the first time, aside from Sigurd of course. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pGosnPchO8&t=56s

    submitted by /u/Hasu_Kay
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    Wherever the next game is set, we need at least one densely populated city with parkour being an actual mechanic.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 10:28 AM PST

    This is something the older games did very well despite their flaws. No matter the quality of the story or characters you could always count on running around the rooftops and crowds of a historical city. We need this back in AC.

    The parkour should be an actual mechanic rather than just a means of getting around like running or walking. To make it more of a gameplay element they can have less sync points but each one could be an intricate parkour puzzle. Or have some underground tombs with parkour elements in them like the ones in brotherhood.

    It's fine if the city population is increased and isn't accurate to the times. Ubisoft has no problem taking liberties with history to smooth out the gameplay. So increasing the population for cities even if there wasn't many during that time would be fine.

    The next game should have at least one densely populated city that's designed as an urban playground, coupled with a more in depth parkour system. Imo this aspect is one of the core pillars of AC and it's disappointing to see it thrown to the wayside in the recent games.

    submitted by /u/torrentialsnow
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    I haven't played yet, but I'm alright with runes so my friend asked me to translate some

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 07:36 PM PST

    One of the chest tattoos:

    ᚠᛁᚴᚬᛏᚱᚦ ᚱᚢᚾᛁᛋ FIKTORTH RUNIS

    ᚦᚬᚢ ᛘᚢᛋᛏ ᚴᚾᚬᚢ THOU MUST KNOU

    ᛁᚠ ᚦᚬᚢ ᚢᛁᛚᛚ ᚬᛅᚠ IF THOU UILL HAF

    ᚠᛁᚴᚬᛏᚱᚦ FIKTORTH

    Victory runes

    thou must know

    if thou will have


    From an item he sent me a picture of:

    ᛋᚬᛘᛁ ᚬᚾ ᛏᛡᛁ ᚴᚱᛅᛋᛒ SOMI ON TII KRASB

    ᛅᚾᛏ ᛋᚬᛘᛁ ᚬᚾ ᛏᛡᛁ ANT SOMI ON TII

    ᛁᚾᛚᛅᚦ INLAY

    ᛅᚾᛏ ᚾᛅᛘᛁ ᛏᚦᚱ ANT NAMI TYR

    ᛏᚢᛁᚴᛁ TUIKI

    Some on the grasp

    and some on the inlay,

    and name Tyr twice.

    They're both actually lines from the Sigrdrffumal, from the Poetic Edda.

    submitted by /u/Gonji89
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    I think AC should go back to a single protagonist vs choosing male or female

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 08:52 PM PST

    So after reading u/Hasu_kay s post about being burned out, I agreed with a lot of his points, and started to think about the franchise as a whole, and in my opinion, I think choosing the protagonist (male vs female) from odyssey onward is a mistake.

    Hear me out:

    Setting the stage, prior to Odyssey, most of the community can agree that Origins as a story-line, along with the voice acting, made Bayek a phenomenal protagonist. In Syndicate, I loved the Frye twins, because each of them had their own unique.. not just personality, but identity. Adding to that all the other amazing ones: Black flag, Rogue, AC3. Hell, even Unity with all it's bugs, Arno was a great character (IMO), especially paired with Elise's story-line and how it tied into AC3. The point is, each of them had their own amazing personas, and even though the game was repetitive at times, it truly made up for it in the dispositions and story telling.

    Need I remind you of Ezio?

    Okay, so here we have a niche franchise, where the game play is repetitive, which can be quite burning. However the saving grace was their characters nature. Now..? I feel like it has lost a significant part of that. Why? Because as a result of allowing the user to decide whom to play, they needed to make broader strokes in the story-telling to accommodate both genders, and to me, it severely shows. Parts of it seem forced, and they dont flow naturally. Not saying that this was the only issue, but I feel as though Ubisoft went in the wrong direction with this decision.

    Thoughts? Agree? Disagree?

    I ask that you upvote so this can get greater visibility and community feedback.

    edit: i wanted to tag a dev for them to see this too if a lot of the community agrees.

    submitted by /u/Daedex
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    Please add a preview for cosmetic items

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 12:29 PM PST

    Ubisoft pls add a preview for tattoos, ship cosmetics etc. I really don't want to spend an hour outside of my game looking at youtube videos to see if they look good. Thanks

    Also is there any other place to suggest features other than Reddit because I don't know if the devs read this sub lmao

    submitted by /u/UnknownStrang3r
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    The lack of dense forest in Valhalla is a disappointment.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 01:54 PM PST

    I'm enjoying my experience so far, however I must say it is extremely disappointing that England literally has no actual forests on its map. Sure there are wooded areas, but the trees are all extremely spaced apart. Look at some pictures of sherwood and Epping forests and then look at Valhalla. These areas should be as packed as the frontier in AC3.

    submitted by /u/lavita432
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    Fishing in Valhalla sucks af

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 12:31 PM PST

    My fishing experience is that once every 15 minute you find like dozens of fish in a spot and once you catch one, all fish within 15km just magically disappear.

    Really frustrating to complete the fishing task when you find 1 per hour seemingly.

    submitted by /u/chonicloud
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    Key hunting, so many keys, nearly every chest, go find a key.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 09:07 AM PST

    And some guides tell you "Use odin sight, it'll help you find the key" -_- Tell me that after you have to find the three keys for that one wealth chest in Jorvik that are scattered across the landscape. Who else feels like the developers went just a little overboard with the whole key thing? I don't mind it as much, but after setting my mind to simply gathering all the wealth in one or two sittings, it gets a little mind-numbing and tedious.

    Otherwise, as with the AC series, I adore the game. Just wish they were a little less tedious. If it's not the keys, it's always trying to figure out how to get up to something or finding the one little entrance to an underground treasure. I wouldn't mind a few more of just climb this wall and open a chest, just to lighten the load just a little bit. I'm all for a challenge, but one after another can build on the stress, haha.

    submitted by /u/Nature9000
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    Valhalla is one of the most unpolished games I have ever played

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 10:29 AM PST

    I haven been playing videogames for 30 years and this game here wins

    From unfinished awful cutscenes, with weird angle cameras that makes no sense to bugs where I just can't even finish missions or continue the main story without restarting the whole game.

    Constant crashes that makes me lose progress, broken AI, standing without doing anything during combat, awful clipping everywhere in many important characters and even the main protagonist, there is no single outfit that doesn't have it.

    And there is just this general lack of polished and love that it makes me really worried for the future of this franchise because apparently the game is selling well and reviews are good, so it feels like Ubisoft is not getting any kind of punishment for this mess

    submitted by /u/Gonzito3420
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    Assassin's Creed Valhalla - The ending is gonna blow you away

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 09:21 PM PST

    So after 100 hours, i finally managed to finish valhalla.

    And oh boy, the ending was just too good.

    It was like a knot of all the narrative threads started before.

    It sets up the next game perfectly.

    After seeing this conclusion, the game became something more... and it surpassed even God of War for me.

    So if you are an assassin's creed fan, just play it till the end. It's gonna surprise you, and make you very happy

    submitted by /u/KvasirTheOld
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    [Spoilers] During the Oxfordshire story arc

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 03:02 PM PST

    ...did anyone else punch Sigurd and Basim?

    Like seriously!!! I've been forging alliances, literally making kings and doing all the leg work in Sigurd's stead, looking after the settlement and all the requests that go into it for him to speak to me like that?! I would totally be frustrated by that and all the secret keeping while he's off on his little wild goose chase with Basim.

    I totally would be fuming too if I was Eivor especially with him almost flushing the deal we just made away and betraying our word and honour like that (can I just say the way Eivor "NOPED" that axe across the field into the guys head mid sentence was badass and satisfying as hell)

    Sigurd may only just be distracted but so far I dunno, I'm getting serious asshole vibes from him, I'll save my judgement for later though...

    submitted by /u/UnchainedGoku
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    Appreciation for AC Valhalla Soundtrack

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 04:42 PM PST

    I'm surprised people are not talking about the soundtrack more. This soundtrack is easily the best I've heard in the series after a long time. Jesper Kyd really knows how to capture the feel of the game in his tracks. The main theme is so good that when I fired the game up for the first time, I just left it at the main screen for sometime because I just wanted to listen to the theme. Huge props to Sarah Schachner and Einar Selvik as well for his vocals

    Out of the North by Jesper Kyd is easily my favourite track and has easily come into my top 3 AC tracks of all time. Kingdom of Wessex is my second favourite with the main theme at the third place. What are you favourite tracks from this game?

    submitted by /u/NathanD1234
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    [Spoilers] Fun fact about a certain person you meet in a certain debaucherous house

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 10:57 AM PST

    In the Essex storyline you meet a side character named Rollo in a whorehouse and he is getting whipped by prostitutes. It's a pretty funny introduction but you quickly learn he's a skilled fighter and eventually joins your crew. I recognized the name so took a quick look at the codex and low and behold it wasn't a coincidence.

    The Rollo you meet naked being "satisfied" is in fact the Rollo that would be gifted Normandy about 10 years after in game time. His descendants would become the House of Normandy, who would successfully conquer the entirety of England about 300 years after the game. So for a game with a plot around "Vikings conquering England," know that the random side character Rollo was the only one with the spawn to get it done

    submitted by /u/Serbian-American
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    Things that I love about AC Valhalla

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 03:11 PM PST

    AC Valhalla Positivity Discussion

    Hey everyone!

    I've seen so many posts recently with people either disliking or giving (constructive) criticism for Valhalla, which is perfectly fine. You're certainly allowed to dislike the game, and even if you do like it, you're more than welcome to air some grievances with it!

    BUT, I thought we should have a space where we can talk about what we LOVE about the game.

    For me, I actually love systematic format of taking over each shire/region and they way the wealth/mysteries/artefacts are set up so you don't miss anything.

    It goes without saying, but the game is gorgeous. The massive Roman ruins throughout England may be my favourite part. But Norway is just breathtaking for me as well!

    What are your guys' favourite parts of Valhalla?

    submitted by /u/roachwarehouse
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    Vahalla has the Best Castle Sieges

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 08:40 PM PST

    There are quite a few castle siege missions in Valhalla (not the Raids) and I gotta say, these are the best castle sieges I've seen in any game. The music, atmosphere, burning oil/arrows, ramming down gates. It has it all. I can't think of a game that does castle sieges better. Probably one of the most immersive parts of the game (when it's not bugging out).


    Any other games that do castle sieges better?

    submitted by /u/postal83
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    Animations are really janky... they're a bit behind the curve for a AAA flagship game IMO

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 11:45 AM PST

    I'd say "oh they just needed more time," but honestly even Odyssey's animations (while better) weren't great. I don't know if it's an engine limitation or if this is an area they purposefully cut back in due to short dev cycles and/or putting resources in other areas, but honestly the animation quality is really off-putting.

    The finisher animations are janky as heck, half the time you're swinging your sword/axe into the air at nothing because for the animation to play correctly, conditions have to be perfect (level ground, no obstacles nearby, etc.). Even when the animations work as intended, they still don't look quite believable much of the time.

    Non-combat animations are also super basic, generic and repetitive, and still have that jank (example: fire and explosions, lol).

    Is anyone privy to Anvil and/or Ubi dev methodology? Why are animations so bad given the budget and scope of these games?

    submitted by /u/ThucydidesJones
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    Who is reliving memories in Black Flag, Rogue, Unity, and Syndicate?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 11:07 PM PST

    Are the research analysts from Black Flag and Rogue different people, and the Helix initiates from Unity and Syndicate are the same person? It gets a bit confusing as to who we actually are in the modern-day story.

    submitted by /u/Dark_Knight_Eternal
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    [Spoiler Free] Corn has made ACV unplayable

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 10:03 AM PST

    A certain character mentions corn during a siege. As far as I can tell, corn wasn't native to Europe but rather Central/South America and wasn't discovered (by Europeans) until Christopher Columbus, well after 800-900 AD.

    Unplayable is a joke, I enjoy the game and tolerate the shortcomings.

    Edit: We have established that the word corn was used in Europe at the time to describe any grain local to the area.

    submitted by /u/alexParmesan01
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    [SPOILER] Isn’t anyone going to acknowledge THAT character’s brief appearance in Valhalla?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 12:07 PM PST

    In the Jotunheim arc, when Havi's shown the portal in which to speak with future people, Ezio eventually answers. Perhaps this is well known by the community, but I've seen it nowhere. Listen in at 22:55 in this video, showing the entire arc.

    Thought that little Easter Egg was awesome!

    submitted by /u/Marcuspepsi
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    Armor for people that like realism

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 01:51 PM PST

    Most armors in the game that I have seen have been less than realistic. You can play as a god, a golden warrior, a draugr, and some other weird things with the armor types. Even the hidden one's armor has gold detail all over it and I don't know if anyone else feels the same way but it really brings you out of the immersion with these armor types. It would be nice to have a couple of cool sets of armor that are for the most part accurate but still badass instead of purely fictional

    submitted by /u/xEnigma_4
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    My God, I'm 75 hours into this game and forgot about the alliance map.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 07:53 AM PST

    I completed a lot of the main quests through the two DreamWorlds. Thought my leveling was going slow considering I did 90%+ of each area but it didn't clock until trying to clean up some remaining areas and was still locked out of a few places. I havent pledged to any people yet...

    submitted by /u/Sammarco7
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    who has trouble seeing in Valhalla?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 07:10 PM PST

    Am I the only one who has such trouble with color coloration of this game? I've played all the others, and this game makes it impossible to distinguish between people, floors, plants, walls, etc. I love the game so far but it's so hard to tell things apart!

    submitted by /u/Bondage_chick
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    The parkour is going to make me uninstall this game at some point

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 12:08 PM PST

    The parkour in this game is just dreadful. It feels extremely clunky And Eivor almost never does what I expect him to do.

    This is especially visible with the floating tattoo designs you have to chase. I get that there should be a little challenge to get them but it should be figuring out the best way to follow it and not based on how lucky you get with Eivor jumping to where he is supposed to.

    Why would I want to jump down from a huge pillar on the ground several feet below me instead of the tree right in front of me, especially since that is clearly the path I should take to chase that piece of paper.

    I NEVER get frustrated playing video games (at least I can't think of an instance I got angry at a game) but most of these chases (and several other moments just traversing the open world) got me very close to throwing my controller away and just uninstalling the game.

    submitted by /u/Ch33z3M0nk3y
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