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    Wednesday, September 9, 2020

    Assassin's Creed Assassin Creed Origins in a phenomenal game.

    Assassin's Creed Assassin Creed Origins in a phenomenal game.

    Assassin Creed Origins in a phenomenal game.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 05:28 PM PDT

    So I just finished assassin creed origins with 100 percent completion with just about 60 hours of gameplay. I will say, this game is by far one of the best games I've played in a while. Combat is fun but I wish there were more gore in the finishing moves. The story is okay but the emotional experience you get from the motivation of Bayek seeking revenge for the death of his son Khemu (Egypt) is addicting and it's kinda sad. R.I.P. Khemu. Lol

    I know I'm a couple years behind. I have Odyssey next. The graphics and art of Egypt in this game is out of this world, especially on PC. I wonder what the next couple of games have for store.

    Great job Ubisoft.

    submitted by /u/chicken566
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    Syndicate is a special game

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 03:30 AM PDT

    Long read but I just got Syndicate on sale for $10 and it was beyond worth it, I've been grinding for the platinum trophy these past few days and wanted to share my thoughts on what I think makes it a special game in the franchise.

    Setting - The most modern AC being set in the 19th-century Victorian Era, where industrialization and new technology is booming, there's so much to explore and learn and many historical characters to interact with such as Karl Marx, Charles Darwin, Frederick Abberline, and the Queen herself.

    Characters - The Frye twins Jacob and Evie are awesome, Jacob is this hotheaded, ignorant, egotistic wild brother whereas Evie is the kind-hearted, charming, and book smart sister, they go hand in hand with one another in times of chaos. They're not only portrayed as Assassins of the British Brotherhood but also partly as gangsters since they take over the surrounding boroughs from the Blighters and Templars so their own gang, the "Rooks" can occupy it. Jacob favours combat and deals more damage up-close whereas Evie favours stealth and is better in the shadows. Certain missions are specified for one twin, but you will have the freedom of playing as both twins equally throughout the main storyline.

    Story - Crawford Starrick, a mad dog Templar manipulating businesses and industries all across the city, taking over Parliament and scouring for the Piece of Eden to eventually become an immortal leader of the most powerful city all while the twins chase him down and kill off his allies one by one, its a classic AC plot with a modern twist to it.

    Open-world - I don't think we appreciate the amount of time and research Ubisoft puts in to create these open-worlds, Victorian London includes the main city and all its surrounding boroughs, as well as a completely separated and entirely revamped World War I sequence featuring Lydia Frye, the granddaughter of Jacob Frye. The boroughs and gang-wars were what really shook me, each factory you liberate, each Templar you kill, each criminal you dispose of, has a backstory and identity both fictionalized by Ubisoft and revolutionized in the city of London. The open-world has more weight to it, it's not small and crowded like Unity or enormously massive like Odyssey/Origins, you use a grappling hook to navigate the large buildings as well as horse-drawn carriages to navigate the streets, and your own train to navigate the boroughs. And if you don't wanna do any of that, you can go on-foot classic AC parkour style.


    submitted by /u/shahzdad
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    How can I level up quickly in AC Origins other than playing the story?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 07:17 PM PDT

    Pretty much said it all in the title. Im level 22 btw.

    submitted by /u/lagspikeees
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    I Want Official Ubisoft Recorded Stealth Gameplay [AC Valhalla]

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 11:38 AM PDT

    Most AC Reveal Demo's feature a sequence that starts showing stealth mechanics and then into combat, origins did that perfectly, showcasing stealth and then combat, so did IV, unity and nearly every reveal till

    After that Valhalla did a reveal and the trailer featured slight social stealth gameplay , then the 20+ gameplay demo featured 0 stealth, and that annoyed me, I'm aware by both gameplay and devs that stealth is very much existent and improved upon but we need a demo showcasing a base infiltration, or mission assassination Showcasing assassinations, distractions, tools, hiding areas and more.

    i Can only hope two months before release but let's see

    submitted by /u/Timo-D03
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    AC tattoo, 9 years old but still one of my favourites

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 01:16 PM PDT

    What sequence do you unlock Arno's Master Coat and Hood AC:Unity?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 12:59 AM PDT

    I like staying cannon with my outfits, but the stats on Arno's base gear are pretty horrible. My friend told me that you unlock a newer set of gear for Arno for free later in the main story. What sequence is this?

    submitted by /u/AdmiralHackbar4
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    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 11:07 PM PDT


    submitted by /u/cleeeo01
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    What do you think of a crossover game/part of the game

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 10:33 PM PDT

    Imagine for example being able to play as Shay and Connor in the same game or Connor and Arno. That idea just came up to my head so I didn't really have time to think of it and decide for myself if it is really worth it. I guess it will be cool having thingy like the AC Syndicate train HQ and being able to switch them in options menu but let's say the map will be much larger like the whole England. What do you think of a crossover AC game?

    submitted by /u/NoobMasterDecapricio
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    Favorite city in the AC franchise?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 04:25 PM PDT

    Across the entire AC franchise, which city was your favorite / the most epic to explore? And why?

    submitted by /u/Peter_Kinklage
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    Syndicate Ned Wynert mission glitch

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 04:18 PM PDT

    I'm level 4 atm and noticed an N symbol at the train station near Southwark but when I highlight it it just says 'associate activities Ned Wynert' but no XP or money details, I also cannot find him anywhere at the train station. Is this a glitch? If not, what's going on? Cheers

    submitted by /u/Ciao_patsy
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    I took a little break playing ac3, how did Desmond and the crew get from italy to the usa?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 02:01 PM PDT

    As said in the title, I took a little break so things are a little blurry of the events between AC Revelations and AC3. Desmond and everyone were in italy in ACR but now they're in the U.S? I just got to the part where they go to manhattan. I'd appreciate it if anyone can clear some of this up a bit for me. Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/Leeogorath
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    How do I reload more than one bullet in Black flag?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 05:44 PM PDT

    I will shoot a bullet and when I press Y (I'm on Xbox) to reload it only reloads one bullet.

    submitted by /u/Jerem_Reddit
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    The Berber Revolts - Mildly Obscure Setting Discussions

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 04:48 AM PDT

    A common trait Assassin's Creed groups have is the constant theorizing about future settings, because historical tourism is one of the best parts of the series. Many fans want pretty cliche settings such as the American Civil War and Wild West, World War 2, Ancient Rome, and Feudal Japan. Most of these popular settings will be discussed in my series on commonly suggested settings. The common thread between all settings in this series of posts is that they have not appeared on a Ubisoft poll or survey that can be easily found (China, Japan, Rome), they are not overly requested settings by the fanbase (see wild west and world war 2), and they all are relatively known enough to be marketable to a broad base. In each of these posts, I'll be discussing map areas, cities, architecture, culture, wars, historical events, historical characters, broad conjecture on how AC could work with this, and any existing lore in this area.

    Following the death of Muhammad and the birth of Islam, Western Asia, and North Africa saw much conflict with the rise and fall of dynasties to rule the new caliphates. In 661 the Umayyad Dynasty took control after the First Fitna (Civil War) and firmly cemented its hegemony for some time following the Second Fitna 680-692. With order restored, it expanded west, taking over Maghreb (North-Western Africa) and Al-Andalus (Iberia). The people in the Maghreb were ethnically Berbers but the majority of people in the bigger cities were Christians with a small Jewish minority, while many out in the country were pagans. Many Berbers converted to Islam during the conquests and would go on to assist the invasions and conquest of Hispania starting in 711, but the Arab rulers continually looked down on them as a second class even levying the dhimmi taxes (jizyah (a yearly income tax for permanent non-muslim residents) and kharaj (a single tax on conquered lands/ landowners) on Muslim Berbers which was previously haram (forbidden in Islamic Law). This was briefly undone in 720 by the then Caliph, but by 724 that had been reversed again and the definition of kharaj changed to make the tax be on the land not the landowner so they could continue to tax the Muslims.

    In 732, the Caliph appointed Ubayd Allah ibn-al-Habhab as governor of Ifriqiya (the Caliphate's name for the region of Maghreb with the headquarters at Kairouan). He was also placed in charge of expanding the Caliphate's reach in Europe and between 732-737 began a very costly war to enter Frankia at the Duchy of Gascony, which was repelled by Frankish statesman and military leader Charles Martel (grandfather of Charlemagne). It's also worth noting that despite the loss, the Caliphate's forces move just around Barcelona where a Piece of Eden or a Vault may lay based on several maps.
    In 739, a collection of 3 Berber regions rose up, comprised of the Ghomara, Berghouata that controlled Safi and Azemmour, and Miknasa, likely located in modern-day Tunisia. Together they chose Maysara al-Matghari to lead the Berber Revolt against their Arab overlords. They would spend months in secret planning and waiting for the time to strike. In late 739 or early 740, the regional General Habib Ibn Abi Obeida al-Fihri was commanded by Ubayd Allah to leave the Sous Valley and lead an expedition to Sicily and take Syracuse. As soon as General Habib had left Ifriqiya, Maysara struck. They took over the Garrison in Tangiers and marched south collecting troops and supplies before heading east to Kairouan, killing the son of Ubayd Allah along the way. On his way out of Ifriqiya, General Habib recruited a large number of local nobles, troops, and cavalry leaving Kairouan unable to defend itself against the Berber forces. When word reached General Habib, he dispatched a large number of the elites and nobles to Tangiers and Tlemcen to contain the rebellion led by Khalid ibn Habib al-Fihri (likely the son of General Habib).

    Maysara met with Khalid ibn Habib's forces outside of Tangiers, and after a brief battle retreated within the city walls. This lead to a coup and Maysara was executed for his cowardice and ordering a retreat (perhaps this could be an assassination against a traitor?). With Maysara dead, Khalid ibn Hamid al-Zanati was elected the new leader of Berber forces. Al-Zanati decided to quickly attack the forces of Al-Fihri before reinforcements from Sicily could arrive, leading to the Battle of the Nobles on the outskirts of Tangiers in October of 740. Over 10,000 of Al-Fihri's men were killed, included him, and the majority of Arab nobles and elites sons were left dead as well. Arab leadership didn't know how to respond and as a result during their panic decided to round a large number of priests and Berbers in Tlemcen and execute them in a massacre across the city. This only led the previously peaceful city to rise up and force out the Arab soldiers. General Habib returned to Tangiers within a month to learn of the Battle of the Nobles and immediately fled to Tlemcen where he found a captain trying to regroup after his soldiers fled. General Habib blamed the captain for the massacre and disarray and cut off his arm and leg as punishment.

    Governor Ubayd Allah fled back to Damascus in February of 741 to tell the Caliph of the battle. The Caliph was furious and dismissed him on the spot, and ordered a large army to be raised, which was then sent back west in April of 741. Kulthum ibn Iyadh al-Kushayri was appointed as the new governor with his nephew, Balj ibn Bishr al-Qushayri, as his lieutenant and successor. Thalaba ibn Salama al-Amili was chosen as Balj's successor should anything happen to him.
    Balj arrived in Kairouan first and immediately began ordering around troops and requisitioning supplies, pissing off locals. This caused them to send reports to General Habib who was still trying to organize the mess in Tlemcen who then sent a report to Kulthum to tell his nephew to stop pissing off the locals threatening to decamp. Kulthum managed to abate the eastern and western armies from trading blows but the sides remained hostile towards each other when meeting up. Despite requests from Habib and Balj not to, Kulthum ordered a march west that he participated in. This would lead to the Battle of Bagdoura near modern-day Fes. Near Fes is the ancient Roman city of Volubilis that was become the headquarters of Idris I and may have been home to a vault of a PoE. General Habib fell in battle quickly, leading the North African troops to flee leaving just the Syrians against the Berbers. Kulthum was the next to die, leaving Balj in charge and retreated to Ceuta.
    Following Bagdoura, al-Zanati disappeared completely leaving Oqasha ibn Ayub al-Fezari to take control of the Berber forces. Some Berbers would lay siege to Ceuta where Balj was trapped with 10,000 troops during the winter. The rest would move towards Tunisia and capture Gabes and Gafsa. After allying with another Berber Chieftan, Oqasha led a 300,000 stronger Berber force to Kairouan where they were met by the new governor in 742, Handhala ibn Swafwan al-Kalbi. After several failed attempts at taking the city, Oqasha lost a battle at El-Qarn and was captured and executed by Handhala around May of 742 following another battle about 3 miles outside Kairouan.

    By this point, the Berbers in al-Andalus had heard about the Battle of Bagdoura in October of 741 and separated into 3 columns to take Toledo, Cordoba, and Algeciras. Alfonso I of Asturias (A small Northern Kingdom) would use this opportunity to begin attacking other Caliphate fronts which would lead to many moors being freed from captivity. Abd Al-Malik, the Governor of Al-Andalus would broker a treaty to bring Balj and his men to Iberia to help squash the Berbers there but they would have to leave within a year.
    Sure enough, Balj took the deal and in January of 742 defeated the Berbers in Algeciras. By Spring he led his army to victory at the Siege of Toledo and Cordoba as well. During this, Balj overthrew Al-Malik and claimed himself governor, but died during the battle outside of Cordoba leaving Thalaba as Governor. The Andalusian Arabs wouldn't stand for this though and would turn against the Syrian Arabs. After a year of intermittent fighting, both parties agreed to send for Handhala who instead sent his cousin Abu al-Khattar who took the role of governor and granted each of the factions different regions to control taxation of, all under him.

    The Berber Revolt officially continued for another 2-3 years as they slowly organized themselves into new states. The Umayyads would retain Ifriqiya and Al-Andalus while the Berbers freed the majority of what would become Morocco and Algeria. During this time, the Berbers were building fortified mountain locations and hideouts called ksars. Most of them were without walls until the 12th century or so. During the rebellion, the city of Anfa (now Casablanca) remained fairly silent until the end when it was part of a newly founded state. It's also possible that Abdallah al-Kami participated in these events. He was the father of Idris I who formally founded Morocco and the city of Fes about 50 years later with Berber Allies. Northern Africa is filled with beauty to explore, for historic cities to deserts, coasts, and grasslands. While this event also has the possibility to send us to Spain, I'd prefer to see Spain as a small secondary map if at all, saving the whole of the Iberian peninsula for my next post, and another game.

    submitted by /u/nstav13
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    The Rebel Collection is glitchy on Switch?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 04:53 PM PDT

    Bought AC: The Rebel Collection on Switch the other day and the game is great. But, is anyone's glitchy as well? I've only started playing Black Flag two days ago and there have been two times when the game just stops responding. It's not my switch cause the home button works fine.

    submitted by /u/Other_Vader
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    What do you not or do wanna see in Valhalla

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 06:08 AM PDT

    What do you want to see in Valhalla anything big or small

    submitted by /u/MrStan13
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    will AC valhalla be available for Uplay+ users on day1?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 12:46 AM PDT

    Hello everyone, I never subscribed uplay+ since watchdogs and AC the the only ubisoft games I play or used to play in recent past. I saw that in european ubisoft stores only WD legion is reported to be included on uplay+, do you think AC valhalla will be included too?

    submitted by /u/DismalMode7
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    Finding Certain Songs In Game

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 08:34 AM PDT

    I've recently downloaded Assassin's Creed Syndicate after hearing a lot of good things about as well as the fantastic soundtrack by Austin Wintory. There is this song that I've fallen in love with that I've been trying to find in-game. It's called Jokes Jokes Jokes, it's a pub song, and I've heard that you can find it in the Devil's Acre, but I'm not sure when and where I can find it. If anyone can give me some tips as to where I can find it, that would be very helpful! Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Grobanne2011
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    Assassin's Creed - Odyssey's missing areas.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 12:15 PM PDT

    Hello, I've noticed amongst my travels that Ikaros some times finds small camps that just have one chest in them. There are no icons for them in the world map. So I was wondering if those are repeatable locations where I can always get chests from later on. Also, I just like to complete everything in the game but I am not bothered to do anything repetitive that doesn't aim towards that. So should I just skip those "hidden" locations?

    Also, is it safe to assume that all the quests from the board are just repeatable quests as well?

    submitted by /u/MembershipObjective6
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    I finished Assassin’s Creed II and I am stuck at 97.18% synchronization.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 03:59 PM PDT

    I have completed all 14 sequences, including sequences 12 and 13, all side missions and every single collectible. The only thing in the DNA section I am missing are four secret locations which didn't have anything to do with Assassin Seals. I also heard that these are only available if you preorder the game at GameStop or something like that. Are these locations keeping me away from 100%? If that's the case, it's pretty lame on Ubisoft's part, other than that - what a magnificent game, I am excited for Brotherhood!

    submitted by /u/AndyToskovic
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    New player, planning to play full series

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 03:40 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm a new player, and I've just started the first game in the franchise. As the title says, I'm planning on doing the entire main series, as I've read that they seem to be relatively short games. I was just looking to see if anyone had any advice for a person entirely new to the franchise. Eg games to skip, tips for gameplay, etc. Thanks very much in advance, I'm having a lot of fun so far with the original game!

    submitted by /u/TBud14
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    Why isn't Valhalla available with ultimate pack for next gen?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 01:42 PM PDT

    I'm looking into pre-ordering Valhalla and want to do so for the PS5 but I noticed that the ultimate edition is only available to the current generation.

    submitted by /u/xLOSTHAZE
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