• Breaking News

    Tuesday, August 4, 2020

    Assassin's Creed “Tell then I sent it to Cyprus or Cipango, or that I dropped it into the Sea. Tell them anything to keep men away from this place. The Apple must not be found until the right time.”

    Assassin's Creed “Tell then I sent it to Cyprus or Cipango, or that I dropped it into the Sea. Tell them anything to keep men away from this place. The Apple must not be found until the right time.”

    “Tell then I sent it to Cyprus or Cipango, or that I dropped it into the Sea. Tell them anything to keep men away from this place. The Apple must not be found until the right time.”

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 07:15 AM PDT

    The whole sequence of traveling, walking with Sophia and explaining to her the Creed. When Ezio enters the library and finds only Altair at the base of the library. The memory of Altair saying goodbye to Darim, "Go with your family, son. And live well." "Everything good in me began with you, father." Walking down the hall, a ghost among the bricks, lighting the torch sconches...the sounds of Maria pleading with Altair to look into the Apple to see the fate of their family..but he is drawn to The Ones Who Came Before...and then the transition between Altair sitting down in the 13th century and then the transition to Ezio kneeling down in front of him.

    May be the greatest moment of Revalations, possibly in the series.

    submitted by /u/Ulysses3
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    Did Kassandra single-handedly devalue drachmae?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 04:02 PM PDT

    So after the Valhalla gameplay reveals I decided to dip back into Odyssey and clear up any remaining locations/trophies I didn't already have

    While looting some camp I realized that each individual guard was giving me thousands of drachmae, and then later that a single sword from the blacksmiths cost hundreds of thousands of drachmae

    So my question is this, was Kassandra so prolific and successful as a mercenary that she completely devalued the currency?

    submitted by /u/oceanking
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    Ac syndicate just blew my mind

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 01:48 PM PDT

    So I have been playing through all of the ac games, and I am english. Most of these locations, while beautiful, I don't really have a deep connection to. However, I was just walking around London and found Covent gardens and oh my god man. They remade this area perfectly, as in I instantly knew what part was what and I went to all the different parts of it I had been, for example going to a pub with my family and it was so packed and everyone was just spilling pints on each other. Idk man, I just wanted to say that the recreation of Covent gardens was done so well that I instantly recognised the different parts of it and it brought back memories.

    submitted by /u/Gaymer21fortnite
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    If you played AC Odyssey, you will know

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 10:35 AM PDT

    I live in a household where no bad words or insults are allowed, not even stupid. So now, when my siblings are really anoying y just shout to them MALAKA and no one understands. It feels so good

    submitted by /u/carmapilo17
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    (AC 3 Remastered) PROTIP: You can change any weapon at any time

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 07:32 PM PDT

    I don't know if this is well known but in the remaster you can buy any weapon and afterwards switch to them at any moment by holding the weapon wheel button and then pushing the left stick (if it's a melee weapon) or the right stick (if it's a firearm) to display the list of all your owned weapons in that category. For example if you are annoyed at the fact that the pesky pitcairn putnam pistol shows up in your holster from time to time just open the weapon wheel and then move the right stick to select your pistol then push it to the left to display all the pistols you've bought. No need to go to the store to change weapons anymore.

    Also, this is a bit more common knowledge but you can now buy heavy weapons (axes), blunt weapons (clubs) and swords and have them in your weapon wheel at the same time.

    submitted by /u/matajuegos
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    Did every living human being in the world work on Black Flag?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 05:07 PM PDT

    These credits man... first AC game I've played, was gonna start Rouge ( bought the package for the switch ) and these things are just not ending and there's no way to skip. I swear to god I got frustrated, made something quick to eat came back upstairs and they were still rolling. Finished eating and made this post. Still rolling. Good God.

    submitted by /u/Shaq_Bolton
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    Parkour "sequences" need to make a return in Assassin's Creed (minor spoilers)

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    Okay, we can all agree that Parkour hasn't been so cool since Origins but hear me out. Most people talk about Parkour mechanics while imo, even more important than the mechanics are the brief but long enough to be fun sequences fully dedicated to Parkour. What's more awesome than an Assassin fleeing from a fort in style after killing his target? (And preferably destroying the fort in the process with some good old fashioned gunpowder). That's a crucial part of any AC game since Assassins are more about "evasion" than "I'm a godly misthios and I will tear down every one of you malakas limb by limb".

    These are some of my favourite Parkour memory sequences from the series: (keep adding to the list!)

    1. Connor escaping from Fort Wolcott after bombing it with the Aquila (AC3)

    2. Ezio destroying the whole fleet at the golden horn and escaping with Piri Reis (Revelations)

    3. Arno destroying the weapon warehouse (Unity)

    4. Edward rushing to his ship after Blackbeard's crew is ambushed (AC4)

    5. The race in Carnevale (AC2)

    6. Ezio chasing a Templar boat in a "looking for Masyaf key" mission (Revelations)

    7. Haytham chasing Braddock, though on a horse (AC3)

    8. Monterrigioni Seige (Brotherhood)

    9. Race with Frederico (AC2)

    10. Chasing the hot air balloon (Unity)

    11. Escape from Brewster's lab and also Jacob's escape on the train (Syndicate)

    12. Aya going to light the Pharos in one of the final memories (Origins)

    13. Escape from the Bastille (Unity)

    14. Some peg leg missions (AC3)

    15. There were some good ones in Rogue too, but I don't remember specifically.

    submitted by /u/Brother_Q
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    [Long Pitch] AC: Knighthood - Help the Templar Order rise in the shadows after officially dissolving in 1312: Find protection against the Black Death, gather influence in the Hundred Years´ War and retrieve Jacques De Molay´s Codex.

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 11:02 AM PDT

    [Long Pitch] AC: Knighthood - Help the Templar Order rise in the shadows after officially dissolving in 1312: Find protection against the Black Death, gather influence in the Hundred Years´ War and retrieve Jacques De Molay´s Codex.

    Mock-Up for AC:Knighthood

    Hello, everyone! This is my pitch on the game after Valhalla. There is both gameplay and narrative thoughts below, so feel free to pick and choose what you are most interested in. I would also suggest looking into the images to help visualizing some of the ideas.

    Anyway, since I really want the franchise to stay a bit longer in the Middle Ages before moving on to other settings, I think it would be great to see an expansion of Unity´s prologue, where we saw the Templars being hunted down until the end of their public organization. They did eventually rise and became even more powerful as the time went on, but how?

    That seems like a great setup to learn even more about the faction like never before and to show more of the European cities during the medieval time period.The following might not be too deep or get certain things right (both in lore and history), but I wanted to get out of my head some thoughts that have been on it for some time and see what you all think about the base concept.


    0.The Gameplay Trinity

    Freerunning, Stealth and Combat.

    All of the above is what makes the gameplay of AC what it is. The games usually have a problem in making all 3 of them great. While what I will say may not please everyone and is not the perfect solution, this is what I have in mind for each one in Knighthood:

    -Combat: This will be straightfoward, I really enjoy what they are doing in Vahalla and think it should stay that way in Knighthood. Dual wielding, melee/ranged hybrid, stamina meter for adversaries, multiple enemy types with their own attacks/weapons, skills with no adrenaline cost...all of those seems to really make for a fun system. I would only really add more variety on the finishers and also a new combat move with the hidden blade (depending on the enemy´s health, you could trigger a counter-kill with the blade, more on that below).

    -Stealth: Alongside the Social Stealth returning with Disguises and Enforcers (more on that below), I do think the traditional stealth could remain with the base right now but with a few returning elements from Unity in particular. Fast (and chainable) assassinations + distraction/lethal tools were important elements to make the stealth flow in Unity quite smooth and nice to look at (when it all worked, of course).

    We can still work that around with the Abilities Wheel that we have now, since it can hold different skills equipped in one go: this time around, the Ranged Wheel would let you press the D-Pad down to switch to a "Throwables Wheel", where the character is always aiming a bomb on a curve (like Revelations/Unity/Syndicate/Rogue) and you then choose with the face buttons what he will throw.

    So, basically: The player can switch between the Bow and Throwable Wheels -> In the new wheel, you aim in a curve -> Choose between 4 throwables just like the Skills (it saves your last used one) -> Throw it by using the same button you use to shoot arrows. This sort of system is inspired by Ghost of Tsushima, who let players do this type of switching.

    -Freerunning: Let´s have 2 modes, just like what we have for exploration. We would have Manual (it would work in the same template of AC1-Revelations) and Automatic (which is what we have now). This should be a thing since the recent game do not want to give full control for the risk of players making mistakes or killing themselves, which was a common thing before. In this approach, we can give the choice for those that do want to get good at it and own those mistakes for themselves.

    Enviromental Puzzles could then work like this: while Automatic mode would have the prompts appear on screen and work only at that instance (like a QTE version of backwards/side jumps), Manual mode would just leave players figure out on their how to solve it.


    1.Time Period and Locations

    Medieval Marketplace concept art for AC:Unity by Gilles Beloeil

    The main game would be set during the period where the Black Death (1347 - 1351) and the 100 Years War (1337 -1453) overlap each other, since it could have the most potential for a chaotic scenario. The game could still happen before and after that frame though.

    I imagine we could have one main map, its own take on France, which would be a mix of towns, cities and countryside. Paris, Rouen and Orleans would be the major locations involved. Unity did seem to have more planned for its Medieval rift, so having that finally coming back and expanded would be quite the sight, since Paris at the time would have over 200.000 habitants and had a few of its iconic landmarks already made (like Notre-Dame).


    2.Prologue & Intro

    A familiar location, but from another point of view.

    I will give you a TL:DR here so you do not have to read my fanfiction:

    -[1307] Play as the male child of Jacques De Molay´s Advisor during Unity´s Prologue;

    -Before escaping from Paris with an ally, he hears the last words of his father about the hidden Sword of Eden and Jacques de Molay´s codex inside the Temple.

    -[1327] Time skip shows that the son became Grand Master of the French rite of the Templar Order. His wife gives birth to the main protagonist;

    -[1347] The main protagonist grows to become a scribe that trains in secret and dreams about becoming Knight. They are also unaware of the Assassins/Templars conflict, since their father is concerned about turning them into a target;

    -The protagonist eavesdrop on a conversation about Assassins recovering the Sword of Eden and the Codex. They also hear about an ambush that their father will make and decides to help to prove his worth;

    -At the ambush, the protagonist saves his father from the Assassins and fights one that has the Sword of Eden;

    -They retrieve the Piece of Eden and the protagonist gets a reward for his bravery and skills: he finally becomes a Knight, despite lacking the usual requirements, and is also introduced to the Templars.

    Now, for the fanfiction (or you can skip ahead):

    We start playing as a child boy during the Assassin assault on Jacques de Molay in Paris (1307), the event we saw during Unity´s prologue. Their father would be Jacque´s Advisor, the one who we played as during that pivotal moment.You end up finding your father after he gets stabbed by the Assassin Thomas de Carneillon. As soon as you touch the corpse, we get into a "memory corridor" with your father, where he explains about how he has hidden the Codex Pater Intellectus and the Sword of Eden inside the Temple. He then tells you to run away and find a friend of his on Paris, which could take him to safety and raise him.

    Before dying for good, he gives away his Templar necklace, which is a family´s heirloom.Thomas reappear from the Temple empty-handed, but sees you, who runs away. The gameplay in here would be the tutorial for free-running and stealth mainly, with the objective to get out of the Temple and find the father´s friend. After using the environment to create distractions and climbing through the rooftops, you find the ally´s house, who lets you in after showing the necklace.Together, both of you would use Social Stealth to reach a carriage outside of the city, which is being patrolled by Assassins.

    After that is done, we get a video montage of quick scenes that would show the boy growing up along the years (with a new remix of Ezio´s family in the background, of course). One of the final scenes is 20 years after the intro and the child, now a man on his 30s, is being promoted to Grand Master of the French rite of the Templar Order. Right after that, he is told that his wife is about to give birth. After rushing to see her, we get to witness the birth of our main protagonist.

    End of Prologue;

    The main game then cuts to 20 years later, on 1347. You live now on a sizeable plot of land that is owned by your father, who received it from a Lord for his actions as Knight and Templar Grand Master. The settlement has been your home for decades and will be location you shall upgrade and return to from time to time.

    There is a big tournament happening nearby, with a lot of cheering and colorful flags all around. The protagonist is fighting on it and is introduced to the combat tutorial. After winning against the final opponent, a big dragon appears and shoots a blaze of fire at our hero who is….dreaming all along.

    This is when it is revealed that our protagonist is just a scribe, but has this passionate dream of reliving the tales of the many heroes that he grew up with. With that in mind, they did train themselves in secret for years with the help of one of their father´s friend, who was a seasoned Knight himself. Their chance would finally come when a courier would appear and deliver a haunting information for their father: the Assassins found the Sword of Eden alongside Jacques de Molay´s Codex and both would be transported out of Paris.The protagonist overheard the information above and decides to know more.

    They manage to listen to the father talking about creating an ambush himself to collects those relics. That is when the hero decide to help without him knowing. We cut to the ambush on a forest and a big fight ensues between Assassins and Templars, which is when the protagonist jumps in and help their father side by side. This is when one of the assassins use the Sword of Eden to shoot lighting at the people around him and the Scribe finally see what sort of thing their father was trying to protect them from. While the sword´s needed to recharge, the protagonist rushes to the assassin and a 1-on-1 fight happens.

    After managing to kill the Assassin and claim the Sword for themselves, the Grand Master is angry and proud of our protagonist´s actions. The Codex is nowhere to be seen, but you all return home safely with the relic. On there, preparations get made and, despite not having the usual requirements, the protagonist becomes a Knight and an official member of the Templar Order.

    In regards to the rest of the narrative, the main character would see along the way that life was not like the tales that they grew up with, but they would still try to make the most out of it. Another conflict that would appear would be in the moments where helping the Templar´s cause would clash with their ideals. How far they would go for their family? Does the end justify the means?


    3.Social Stealth & Disguises

    Processing img 6nlur6ktbhe51...

    Valhalla seems to add Social Stealth back, which is to be used in specific locations (colored in orange on the compass and called "Distrust Areas"), where Eivor put on their hood/cape and walk among enemies while avoiding their sight and blending with other people.

    That should also be a thing in Knighthood, since the Assassins have the upper hand and have the control of most areas. In that case, being able to hide in plain sight from them writes by itself. The "stalkers" mechanic from Rogue could return in a way, but they would only attack you if you act suspicious near them (climbing, running, etc). To help spotting them, the Eagle Vision (or Pulse, as seen in Valhalla) will have a bigger range when you are blending. Look out for the rooftops, benches and haystacks, since the Assassins are on their hunting ground while you are their prey.

    Disguises should also be a thing as an alternative to walk around these dangerous locations in a more free way. In that case, using a local Assassin or Guard attire could fool some initiates while Veterans would be able to see through it (it is basically what the Hitman franchise does with their disguises and Enforcers). In a different manner, acquiring the armor should not be as easy as just getting someone with it, so I propose earning it in different ways, like from a quest or paying a tailor/blacksmith for it.For a balanced way to switch between loadouts, these "social" areas would require you to get into a hidden spot to change gear, like the fabled closets.


    4.Counter-Assassin Missions

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    Expanding on another of Rogue´s idea, these would be the missions dedicated to foil the Assassin´s plans along the region. The key thing is to have variety on the types of missions, like one where you have to locate the disguised Assassin during a party, or another where you have to investigate a series of murders and guess which is the next target, or even one where you go around burning haystacks and other hiding spots.

    Doing all of them on a region/district would unlock a final quest to eliminate the Master Assassin of that area. They all should have their unique setups like the assassination contracts from II/Brotherhood/Black Flag and, when completed, will free that location of members from Brotherhood.


    5.A (Templar) Knight´s Tale

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    After we had pirates, mercenaries and vikings, the new public role of the protagonist would be of a Knight, which had quite a bit of prestige in the Middle Ages and could offer some unique activities for the role, like: jousting, fighting tournaments, duels, poetry, and falconry.

    The horse customization would sure be much bigger, since they were quite an important companion to these warriors, so being able to equip them with armor and saddle bags would be ideal. Adding to that, having different horses with their own attributes could help making them stand out from each other and give the player a choice on what they prefer (speed, health, stamina, etc).

    Either way, any horse will also increase its stats along the way if they are cared well, so players are motivated to feed them and not jump from high mountains with them. Also, combat on horseback would get more time to shine too (they should also bring back the horse-to-horse assassinations).You would use your role as a Knight to help the common folk (fulfilling the protagonist´s initial dream of heroic feats**)** and to grant the wishes of powerful Lords and Kings (to get their support for the Templar Order);


    6.The Map of Operations

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    Inspired by Dragon Age Inquisition and similar activities in past AC games, the Table would have the map of the main locations and will work sort of like the City Upgrades of Syndicate. You could access it on your homebase and in other lairs around the maps. The feature´s objective would be to make changes in the overworld and to give a bigger presence to the war that was going on (which is what Rogue also did for the 7 Years War with Shay´s fleet and some of its open-world activities).

    While useful to create off-screen battles, it would also be a place for open-world advantages, like giving food supplies to a Lord, who will then put guards on rooftops of the local town, which will make Assassins unable to use them there. Another example would be where you blackmail a Church priest and make the monks share all the useful information that they have heard from the civilians (as seen in the mock-up above).


    7.The Hidden Blade´s Customization

    Mock-up of the Hidden Blade´s customization screen.

    Yes, even as a Templar, you shall have a Hidden Blade. Since we saw Templars like Haytham use them before, this should not be an issue. Either way, what I want out of it is a bigger level of customization than ever before, both in appearance and perks.

    As seen above, the HB will have 3 main stats: stealth efficiency (which is the speed of the assassination and the type of enemy it can kill), sound supressor (the range of the noise that the stab/launcher makes) and combat lethality (how much health does an enemy must have left in combat before you can one-hit him).

    Alongside that, it has a space for a tool (like a wristbow, a hookblade or bomb-launcher) and ammo, if you have the compatible tool equipped (poison/normal/sleep bolts for the wristbow and poison/smoke/cherry bombs for the launcher).

    To upgrade it, you will need to spend valuable resources, so you gotta focus on what you would prefer to have at first. Eventually, you shall have the perfect blade. In regards to the tools, they could either be unlocked at the skill tree or tied to story progression.


    8.The Black Death and the Ankh

    The Ankh as seen on the AC comics.

    I think it is safe to assume that there would be an extra explanation given to the source of this powerful pandemic. In my mind, the Assassins and Templars would not be involved in its creation or spread. Instead, an Isu Vault would have been found by explorers/bandits and the disease would then be free.

    Created to destroy humanity during the Isu-Human war, the project was not finished in time, but the automated operation managed to finish it after the demise of its creators. In that case, both factions would have to face this ancient treat while fighting each other.Not only the disease would create quite the chaotic scenario, it would also prove to be a good narrative device to give the Templars an opportunity to rise again.

    Part of that journey would also involve the search of the Ankh, a PoE with some powerful abilities, as seen in the wiki: "It was said to have the capability of healing the sick, and temporarily resurrecting the dead. It would also act as a recording device, storing the mannerisms of a living person and being able to return those mannerisms to a corpse".

    Canon or not, an old facebook app had also this lore piece: "The Brothers of the Cross were a secret Templar organization traveling across Germany promising protection from the plague in the mid-14th century. The Assassin Lukas Zurburg suspected that they were after the Ankh, a Piece of Eden said to be located somewhere in Central Europe. In 1350, the Brothers of the Cross vanished mysteriously, and Lukas and the Ankh were never seen again."

    Source: https://assassinscreed.fandom.com/wiki/Brothers_of_the_CrossRight now, the Modern Day Templars think that the Ankh is a myth created by the Assassins, but I think the memories of our protagonist could show the real truth behind it. And since we are on that subject...


    9.The Modern Day

    Mock-up of the Modern Crew on a historic location.

    Modern Day seems to be in a paradox, it cannot get enough resources to make it stand out at the same time it has a reduced spotlight to please those that do not like it. With that in mind, I guess a good middle point would be the AC: Brotherhood approach.

    We sort of had a glimpse of it in Origins/Odyssey: using the same place as seen in the historic period. In this case, the crew would be back at the main base of the historic protagonist, just like in Brotherhood. The castle would be a blend of old/new and you would be able to unlock secret areas along the way (with enviromental puzzles and combat/stealth scenarios induced by the Bleeding Effect).



    Thanks for reading so far. These are just a few things that came to mind these days when thinking about what game is going to happen after Valhalla. While betting on a Templar protagonist is risky, it was fun to think about the possibility.If you want an even deeper explanation on the potential of the setting itself, the "AC: Plague" concept by u/nstav13 is a great read and served as inspiration for the ideas above: https://www.reddit.com/r/assassinscreed/comments/e7ro6w/the_eventuality_of_assassins_creed_plague/

    submitted by /u/BrunoHM
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    AC Unity - Confession Stealth Reaper (No HUD/No EV/Stealth Kills Only)

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 05:39 AM PDT

    Building alliances is all narrative based in Valhalla.

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 10:13 PM PDT

    Source - https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://gamingbolt.com/assassins-creed-valhalla-interview-quests-combat-open-world-and-more/amp&ved=0ahUKEwiq9OCD5IDrAhXYXCsKHSgXAAMQyM8BCCgwAA&usg=AOvVaw1yQgMbXHD2HzwlOVjcZrNc&ampcf=1

    (I do not know how to link to reddit text) you'll have to scroll down a bit.

    I honestly found that the peloponnesian war was completely underutilised in odyssey and the systematic mechanics there like conquest battles and leaders were only required to farm xp and gold. The devs talked about how you can choose who you want to support in the game like it's a big deal and you couldnt care less what enemy you were fighting in the game. This doesnt sound like a mechanic and I think that's for the best.

    submitted by /u/AC4life234
    [link] [comments]

    Finished odyssey+all of its DLCs, my thoughts.

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 07:29 PM PDT

    I have to say the overall story was good..

    What I meant was the story of Kassandra/Alexios and her/his quest as a keeper since that's the whole major story about odyssey. The game should've been 3 acts.

    Act 1:try to reuinite your family and stop/convince Deimos and hunt the cult of cosmos and bring the greek world to piece. This Act 1 alone should've never been the only vanilla story, it ended abruptly and left a strange feeling that tells that this story is not over yet... DLCs i guess.

    Act 2: visit Pythagoras again and tell him the cult is no more and start hunting the mythical beast and thus begin the Atlantis story.

    Act 3: after all of that you begin the legacy of the first blade to connect to AC origins and conclude the protagonist adventure in odyessy.

    Those DLCs should've never been DLCs at all. The DLCs should've been self contained, no connections to the major story. Something like heart of stone or blood and wine like what the Witcher 3 did.

    Your thoughts, You agree or disagree? And why.

    submitted by /u/Y_D_7
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    Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 11:30 AM PDT

    I've thought about this quote a lot and it's true meaning. Essentially, the way I interpret it is that in the service of free will through peace there is no means an Assassin won't take including fighting against what many consider to be truth if it is being imposed through order.

    My question is: Do you think it's hypocritical of the Assassin's to say that nothing is true, but to maintain a collective group striving for a singular goal and to say that everything is permitted, but to also have 3 tenets of the Creed that they abide by?

    Sort of a philosophical question, but just curious what people's thoughts were.

    submitted by /u/BenBenTV
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    Kassandra the Eagle Bearer has so much potential that will likely remain untapped.

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 08:39 AM PDT

    It's a shame that they don't seem to be interested in doing multiple games with the same character anymore because I would love to see more of Kassandra's life. That woman lived for over two thousand years. Think of all the empires and civilizations that rose and fell during her lifetime. You could do a game where she meets Alexander the Great, or one where she meets Ava in Rome, or one where she witnesses the fall of the Western Roman Empire, or one where she meets Charlemagne. In most of these time periods, you could have her meet the Hidden Ones/Assassins and officially become a member. If they don't wanna do a series of games like that, I would settle for comic books. Just give me something.

    submitted by /u/edd6pi
    [link] [comments]

    Would the Mayan Armor from Assassin's Creed IV count as the Armor of Eden?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 09:05 PM PDT

    Since the Mayan armor itself is made of fragments of Eden, then wouldnt it be the Armor of eden, and all the Eden pieces have some form of magical ability, and the Armor can deflect any and all metal projectiles, so would it count or no?

    submitted by /u/ReaperKing5729
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    Found “Assassins Creed Lineage” in the dollar video box at a store and oh my goodness I loved it.

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 05:07 PM PDT

    Didn't do a whole lot in terms of plot except fill out how much of an assassin Giovanni was but man, makes me so much more critical of the Michael Fassbender movie seeing how Lineage felt like a long AC2 cutscene. Also, PERFECTLY cast.

    submitted by /u/P-rov
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    Why aren't Arno, Jacob and Evie using the double hidden blade anymore?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 02:57 PM PDT

    Just wondering why because it seems like a step backwards in comparison to Ezio until Edward

    submitted by /u/niceemperor1
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    Lieutenants in odyssey not looking right?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 04:08 PM PDT

    So I have knocked out a few Mercs to recruit for my crew but when I want them on my ship they are wearing a helmet and look nothing like they do when I fought them or when I look on the mercenary screen. Is there a way to change this so they look how they are supposed to or am I stuck with generic looking lieutenants?

    submitted by /u/dzz30
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    Does Revelations get more engaging?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 09:45 PM PDT

    No spoilers please...

    I've barely scratched the surface and just did Desmond's first memory and Ezio just freed a thief to recruit but somehow I'm not into it yet whereas for the previous games I couldn't wait to play.

    Does the story get more engaging? I now regret finishing AC2 and ACB so quickly...I liked the whole main Ezio story so much more than the present day stuff and this seems more focused on that?

    I guess I should just do it to get an end to Ezio's story? Maybe I just have assassin fatigue from playing the games one after another lol

    submitted by /u/juststupid8970
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    What are peoples opinions on the AC3 modern day missions

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 09:11 PM PDT

    I like them. It adds to the gameplay of modern day gives it a bit of purpose rather then just being a chance to read emails.

    I think it was a perfect build up for Desmond being an assassin.

    I don't know why they never did stuff like this again. Obviously they went for the 1st person route. But they could of done it with Layla or someone else.

    submitted by /u/Wise-Tourist
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    Assassin's Creed Compilation Trailer [OC]

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 01:20 PM PDT

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