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    Tuesday, August 25, 2020

    Assassin's Creed I think I found a connection to Valhalla in Rogue

    Assassin's Creed I think I found a connection to Valhalla in Rogue

    I think I found a connection to Valhalla in Rogue

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 06:33 AM PDT

    From one of the first Animus restoration missions you can do you get a very curious bit of dialogue from Otso Berg. He says that the only time he was in an Animus he was a Viking in "England's Dark Ages" (793) and he pillaged and burned Lindsifame. In his bloodlust he fought and defeated a great Saxon warrior, and invited him to join him and the rest of the Vikings. The Saxon wept and cried out, "God had abandoned my people! There's nothing left here but chaos!" Then the young man, whose memory Otso was reliving, killed the Saxon without a second thought. When playing Valhalla in November, keep your eyes and ears on alert for this. I'm interested to see if they make this connection or let it die.

    submitted by /u/royalfool200
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    I miss the puzzles and ruins from AC II, Brotherhood, and Revelation.

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 11:52 AM PDT

    Just finished Odyssey. Elysium, Underworld, and Atlantis were copy and pasted so much so I found myself skipping all the dialogue just to get through, I have an obsession with getting every trophy so I forced myself to complete it.

    I think it was a huge miss in both Origins and Odyssey to not have vault types of discoverables like in the Ezio games.

    Hearing about the management changes at Ubisoft makes it clear as to why Odyssey was so repetitive.

    I know Valhalla is already done and even though Ismail was the head, he wasn't the man in charge, but I hope future titles regain some of that puzzle feeling.

    I also miss recruiting, training them to master assassin's and sending them on missions.

    I also really miss having a headquarters with all of our armor and weapon on display. Man those games were great.

    submitted by /u/OmNomShivan
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    Will Assassin’s Creed ever tell the story of its version of Jesus Christ?

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 07:43 PM PDT

    Will Ubisoft ever have the guts to go there?

    They've teed it up perfectly in Origins. We know that Kawab will venture to Judea to confront Herod. Kawab is a very young man and his story could easily span the entire Christ story.

    We have references in other games to the fact that Jesus used First Civilization technology to perform his miracles.

    I think it would be a fascinating addition to the series. It might be a bit controversial, of course.

    submitted by /u/shawnhopkins
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    made my own custom menu music.

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 09:26 PM PDT

    Assassins Creed: Valhalla - Not Being Able Killing Civilians Is A Good Thing

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 05:12 PM PDT

    Why does AC3 Feel so Good?

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 12:48 PM PDT

    Something I've found when playing AC3 is that it just feels incredibly satisfying. Whether it's walking, running around, freerunning through either cities or trees, assassinating targets (especially the running assassinations), hanging people with rope darts, or the fluid, brutal combat, everything about the game plays seems to scratch some kind of itch I have in a way that I can't really explain. Anyone else relate?

    submitted by /u/JcersHabs018
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    I absolutely love the concept and aesthetics of Modern AC, when done right, and the cyberpunk feel it has

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 10:29 AM PDT

    When you think about it, Modern AC at its core it's a cyberpunk tale. With the potential of being GREAT

    The hoodies as an aesthetic.. the giant corporation controlling society, the high technology and the low life of the oppressed people fighting against tyranny, the atmosphere of being a freedom fighter, in this case an assassin, in modern times, knowing you carry within you the responsability of belonging to a brotherhood that has existed for thousands of years and still exists, against an order that is even older and still stands unrivaled in its control.

    Imagine a MD game or tv show, the protagonist just walking around the city as it rains, wearing her hoodie, stalking her target, in the neon filled parts of the city.

    This picture right here, this whole mission btw was peak AC for me. Not just peak MD but overall. It had all of the elements of classic AC. Social stealth, parkour, combat, combined with great modern atmosphere. Perfection. Sets the tone for what MD should be

    It gives this spy-sci fi tale a brand new ambience that other espionage, cyberpunk stories fail to have, but the writing has been terrible lately.

    The fact that in the lore both orders still exist, which lore wise is insane(ly interesting) despite being thousands of years old. And the fact that both desire peace, instead of most conspiratorial tales in which it's all black and white.

    The idea of exploring the creed in a modern setting just makes me go nuts because the potential is immense. Because that's what AC should be. About Assassins and their creed. In any setting.

    In fact, I'd argue that modern AC can work on its own, and it's being held back by the fact that Ubi refuses to give it more than a few minutes in the games or really just doesn´t allow for modern day focused stories, because, like I say, it's pure cyberpunk in modern times, or rather proto-cyberpunk.

    The hoods provide so much ambience, right? The idea that you are playing the outcast, set apart from society by Man and its tyranicall desires, no choice but to fight back. I guess that's why we are absolutely entrance by the idea of wearing them. Classic cyberpunk

    Even the Desmond saga, which was great don´t get me wrong, still only had about 3h of content through all games, in terms of missions and that. And it didn´t capture totally this ambience.

    There is something about the idea of walking around in your hoodie, climbing huge skyscrapers in Hong Kong, or wandering in the rainy streets of New York as you look to the skyline and you see Abstergo's building/s standing like a beacon of totalitarianism in the city, as if they were Sauron's eye...


    This is why Watch Dogs is not a good replacement for modern AC, nor is it a good replacement for one. It's its own thing, as it should. But it does not share the themes or atmosphere. At all.

    I mean, if shows like Mr Robot or Person of Interest, the little guys fighting against a secret society controlling the world and giant corporations, if that works and has great dialogue and great stories, why can´t Modern Day in AC?

    MR Robot accidently gave us fantastic MD AC and perfectly captures the atmosphere that element should have

    I´d propose a radical change. Two options. Either embrace the promise of Modern Day as stated in the first game (which tbh it was the main focus of the game since the historical narrative had little going on, despite great writing) and make it at least 20% of an AC or unleash Modern Day from its historical prison and make a game, or a tv series focused on it that exudes the same serious and mature philosophical style of AC1 or 3 but within the present context of our hyper evolving cyberpunk world. With fictional characters of course. No need to cause controversy. The potential is just too big. One just has to imagine it.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is HIRE ME UBISOFT, LET ME WRITE A MODERN DAY GAME OR MODERN DAY FOCUSED TV SERIES YOU COWA- brilliant madmen. https://i.ytimg.com/vi/yAn8TpLdGnI/maxresdefault.jpg

    submitted by /u/GreenArrow194
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    The Deadliest Assassin in the Franchise?

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 01:24 PM PDT

    Now that Ezio is knowned for his skill, and not to mention that most of the assassins in the franchise are definitely great and deadly and also that of Kassandra/Alexios who are Isu infused powers that are technically out of the title so ill exclude them due to unhuman powers..It is said that Altaïr is the deadliest and has a de-synchronization bar instead of a health bar in AC 1 as he was never hit in reality.. We know Ezio is just as skilled but he still was still hit in times which is a one step behind Altaïr's title...

    Just wanted to know your thoughts or reply on who is the most notorious assassin interms of combat..

    *Honorable Mention:Darius was a very complex character that deserves to be legendary, I thought that in his prime, he moved like a shadow in open conflict that you barely see his form, even being old he is just as good that made me think he might've surpassed Altaïr in skill..

    submitted by /u/Ketriro
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    What game do you think has the most immersive world?

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 07:03 PM PDT

    I personally think it's Unity, but I've only played 4, unity, and half of syndicate

    submitted by /u/yoUsermame360
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    why are my peddlers invisible in AC3?

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 10:09 PM PDT

    what the heck? I just started...are they accessible later? this is the 2nd time I'm approaching one and they're invisible https://imgur.com/a/vHfVE1S

    I'm playing the original on PC (not remaster)

    submitted by /u/juststupid8970
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    After selling 8, i am presenting my very last, wall mountable Assassin’s Creed Valhalla logo 3d model.

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 05:08 PM PDT

    I just started AC3 and I have a lot of questions

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 11:24 PM PDT

    No spoilers please (avoiding googling to avoid them) sorry I have a lot of questions (apologies for any typos - I'm on mobile)

    I just started AC3 and killed some poachers for a homestead mission. I took one of their swords and kept it...it just says sword...looked all thru the menu and can't see anything?

    Do picked up weapons not have stats or do I need to go to the store? I also picked up a Lincoln sword from a chest but it's nowhere to be found? Also each homestead settler can be traded or bought items from only from the ledger book?? Then what's the point of their individual icons or locations if i cant talk to them? (After I complete the mission - example for Myriam I see her icon but cant talk to her after or interact with her camp)

    Also why are there 2 exits to the frontier from homestead right next to each other?? And lol connor ages like 10 years and I've barely started and have no settlers what was he doing all this time..also is it normal for the interactive convos to not be consistent with some story stuff? Like someone came from the village to tell me they are going to be evicted from the land soon. On my way toward the main quest I stopped by the village because there are interactive convo icons there and they seem happy and chill and tell me the land is great lol...

    Sorry I have so many questions!!! Like how do my "enemies" know who I am just walking around the frontier? Are they templars or the British?! They don't seem to attack me in Boston, only in the frontier?! Has Connor been steadily killing templars this whole time all over? But then why don't they attack me in Boston? I am so confused by the story so far lol. Also why would I be collecting almanac pages if that was haytham's mission not connor's??? Did Connor also meet Benjamin Franklin?

    submitted by /u/throwawayyy4512
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    Assassins's Creed - Altair vs Al Mualim

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 01:14 PM PDT

    God I love the first Assassin's Creed but one thing that really bugs me is that Al Mualim could have easily killed Altair if he just stabbed him while he was controlled by the apple, but instead lets him go. It just has a massive plot armour vibe and annoys me. If Al Mualim truly believed in his vision why would he risk that by fighting his best student, just kill him there and then, its not like he even fought fairly and with honour, he litterally used the apples tricks to gain a massive advantage so you cant exactly use the argument of Al Mualim having a sense of honor.. Can anyone explain a valid reason for it? Was it his Arrogance?..

    submitted by /u/KaiJerzy
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    you said symbol was from syndicate, so here it is.

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 11:54 AM PDT

    Kingston glitch in AC:BF. Assassin Contract not syncing.

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 08:12 PM PDT

    So I'm replaying the series and I'm on 4. I'm at the part where you just find out who Captain Kidd really is in Kingston. I did all 6 Assassin Contracts, but the map shows 5/6. The weird thing is my Progress Tracker shows I did them and got 100% sync on the 6 contracts in Kingston. I really wanted the Gun Blades this playthrough. Any chance the game will count what's in the progress tracker and not the map so I can get the swords later?

    submitted by /u/Edmund_Nygma
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    Post Assassins Creed 3, what’s the point?

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 12:37 PM PDT

    (My title does not intend to trigger. Just a genuine question)

    Hi there,

    So after AC3 on the Xbox 360, I like many others were a bit disappointed by the ending and decided to put the game to rest.

    I recently decided to purchase the Ezio trilogy on PS4 as I loved them and wanted to replay. Naturally I've been sucked into the Desmond narrative, albeit this time. I know how AC3 ends.

    My question is, what's the point of the series after? Desmond sacrificed himself and has saved the world thus fulfilling "the ones that became before's" prophecy right? So how do the next games relate? Do they relate? Is there any reference to the original storyline? Or is it purely just for fun.

    I've heard things about retrieving apples of Eden from the Templars? Why? What's the point?

    Either or, I just want to have a basic understanding of the future storyline before purchasing the next games in the series!

    Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/smithster152
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    AC: Odyssey - Easy tip to kill the boar boss without cheesing or using specific abilities (or bug?)

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 01:28 AM PDT

    So, I'm playing on hard and I know about the cave trick, but was refusing to use any form of cheesing. Chalk it up to a misguided sense of honor/masochism and wanting to beat this pos animal at its own game.

    Anyway, some ways into the fight, after clearing a wave of baby pigs the hard, old-fashioned way, I kept poking at the boar until it got ready to summon another pig squad. Always easy to tell when it's going to because it runs away to an edge of the arena and gets ready to scream for backup. I decided to just go ahead and hit it with an arrow in the face as it was doing so. A normal, no-skill arrow. This apparently interrupted its summon and caused it to charge me. I dodge, and notice it ran to the opposite side ready to summon again so... I shoot it again, it charges, I dodge. Rinse and repeat until dead. Every now and again I get a perfect dodge and get a few extra hits in.

    Not sure if this is some lucky bug I happened to encounter, as I'm sure I must've tried to hit it with arrows while summoning before, but honestly, headshotting it with arrows to interrupt its summon was way more fun than having to deal with the 4 pigs with ridiculous hit boxes 2-3 more times. Maybe this was luck, but would be cool if someone could confirm if this works for them.

    submitted by /u/sketchygio
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    The Elephant levels in Origins make me so unbelievable infuriated.

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 11:35 AM PDT

    The levels aren't even fun. I spend way too much time trying to beat them and die more times than I can keep track of. I dodge, I block, I shoot, I cut, and I run. Whatever you can do but Bayek is so weak that it takes me forever to beat them, if I can beat them at all. Was the goal seriously to make whoever is playing to want to throw their PC across the room? Who's idea was it to make it so damn hard?

    submitted by /u/The_GreatPotato
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    How Much do You Actually Care About Story Creator Mode?

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 09:56 AM PDT

    I personally think it's an amazing feature and with the way the franchise is heading I think it should be in every game from here on out. But I guess I don't see a lot of people using it to it's full potential. All I ever get recommended to me is "kill quest" or "lot xp". I'm currently working on a big story and it made me wonder how much to players actually value this future other than XP farms and if they would like to see it again in Valhalla. What are your thoughts? Any recommendations for fun story creator quests? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/VitaminAlpha
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    Are one-handed swords a usable weapon type in Valhalla?

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 05:00 PM PDT

    So I've seen NPCs use one-handed swords, and of course, huge longswords and greatswords (about 400 years before they even existed) and in a gear progression screenshot Eivor holds a giant two-handed monstrosity that looks like it's made of foam. But when it comes to one-handed weapons all people seem to use in the demos are the axe and the flail. Has anyone noticed Eivor using a one-handed sword, of the kind vikings would actually have? Or seen one on the inventory screen? I would prefer to go with sword and shield, much like Lagertha in the Vikings show.

    submitted by /u/KonguZya
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    Any predictions about Valhalla’s PC system requirements?

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 02:30 PM PDT

    Any ideas or predictions about what the requirements will be? If they're on the same engine, I hope they're not much higher than Odyssey as that's about how much my laptop can handle on highest graphics.

    submitted by /u/martinstanev
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    Do you think we will see new gameplay at Gamescom 2020?

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 02:55 AM PDT

    Ubisoft was listed as partners on the program which will be streamed online and that got my hopes up that we will see new gameplay, maybe from a different region in the game. The settlement and the customization were not yet shown aside from the short bit in the real gameplay trailer and maybe they already improved (facial) animations in the time since Ubisoft Forward. All the youtubers and streamers have published their gameplay so far and even though the amount of the videos is amazing, it always shows more or less the same in the East Anglia section.

    I would like to see a more greener environemnt, a more dense forest or something from the norwegian part of the map. I also would like to see how deep the customization is in terms of hair, beard, war paint and different armors is. And I would also like to see if there is more than one assassin hood/cloak combination, because in my opinion that short cloak looked really weird, like a fully grown man or woman wearing a hobbit cloak.

    submitted by /u/MYNAMEISHENDRIK
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