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    Assassin's Creed I love origins photo mode

    Assassin's Creed I love origins photo mode

    I love origins photo mode

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 07:53 AM PDT

    The biggest missed opportunity of the franchise is that they never did the Napoleonic Wars.

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 06:50 PM PDT

    It would have been the Avengers-level event of AC's 18th-century era. It could cover the naval campaigns of the Napoleonic Wars, and also take place on land in Egypt, and perhaps other land areas. The Aquila would be the default ship, or even a new ship, or even multiple playable ships. It could include four playable Assassins: Eseosa, Arno, Connor, and Aveline. Shay would be the main antagonist, and perhaps even a playable character. Historical figures would include Napoleon and Lord Nelson, among others. It would have the most mechanically comprehensive gameplay since Black Flag, containing all the gameplay elements from that game, plus its most notable exception - horseback riding. If the game is expansive enough, it could even include land battles in Europe, perhaps even return to Paris. I haven't played the newer entries (Origins and Oddessey) yet, so I cannot comment on the free running experiences therein, but I'd like to see free running at least on par with the improved mechanics from Unity and Syndicate.

    submitted by /u/zen_mutiny
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    Are the modern day Templars basically just Assassins in terms of fighting skill levels?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 09:07 PM PDT

    I say this because AC Brotherhood showed how the multiplayer was just a Templar training program. They used the Animus' bleeding effect of old assassins to train them, which would then make them Assassin level fighters. Otso Berg was trained this way. Daniel Cross was also trained this way, which supposedly made him the best Assassin. And Otso Berg even says that the modern day assassins are weak, and it's known that they have been losing the war against the Templars.

    But really, the Templars simply became the Assassins of old, using the most skilled ancestors to fight the modern day assassins, which seems that at some point, they were no longer as skilled as the assassins of old. But if this is the case, then it's interesting how the Templars were getting the upper hand in combat by simply becoming the thing they hate.

    So is this the case?

    submitted by /u/KvotheG
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    Let the people mask you such that you become one with the crowd.

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 07:42 PM PDT

    How many tailing missions does assassins creed black flag have

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 09:40 PM PDT

    I want to know how many missions are tailing missions or incorporate tailing into them

    submitted by /u/TheGreatSirLoserLot
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    I feel like Ubi listened to us on some things for Valhalla

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 11:14 AM PDT

    For example, the return of one shot stealth, social stealth, and the hidden blade that we have been asking for. On the most recent gameplay I have seen it appears that the facial animations have definitely improved, I like how they removed the side quest logs and checklists at locations that some people complained about. I don't know how many other people were asking for settlements again, but I sure was. From a lot of the revent gameplay Ive seen the enemies aren't nearly as Tanky which people really hated. Lets hope they listened to us on fronts like the Story and dialogue.

    submitted by /u/Canuggets
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    Just finished Syndicate and actually loved playing as Jacob, as a stealth player

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 03:30 PM PDT

    Based on how most screenshots I've seen of the game have the user playing as Evie, and a few past posts on this sub have dissed Jacob pretty badly, I gather Evie's the more popular choice. I just wanted to share that I loved playing as Jacob and I played as him as often as possible throughout the game.

    But, I also did the stealth approach. I would hide, lie in wait, use throwing knives, etc. Etc. Maybe it made my life a little harder, but I instantly preferred Jacob's character from the first scenes and since he was the one who really came up with the whole Rooks idea, it felt right to play as him, swinging around London, taking care of business. While Evie would be focused on the piece of Eden.

    I don't think anything was that difficult with Jacob. In fact, whenever I played as Evie it felt ridiculously easy. Like, it's so cool she can turn invisible of course, and I used the hell out of that ability in her sequences, but I've always felt that was a cheap move. Too overpowered.

    I don't like being punished by games, by any means, but too easy is just boring, and that's what Evie felt like: easy and boring. Both in gameplay and as a character. I much preferred Jacobs sense of humor and his ideas. Also Sequence 8 (Maxwell Roth) was probably my overall favorite because it brought home how Jacob wasn't just all chaos. He's Chaotic Good with emphasis on Good.

    If he had just done very minor cleanup after a couple of his decisions, instead of leaving it to Evie, then he would've been perfect.

    Did anyone else have a similar experience with Jacob?

    submitted by /u/jackofangels
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    Unique kills were actually really cool

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 08:34 PM PDT

    Unity introduced it but it wasn't very well done other than latouche and the first guy. Syndicate did it GREAT I mean the guy in the morgue was so cool, the through the painting, kinda think they had something with the unity/syndicate setup but idk

    submitted by /u/Taylorg555
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    How would you change assassins creed?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 10:20 PM PDT

    Pick any assassins creed game and make one major change, it can be whatever you want. What is everyone choosing?

    submitted by /u/jmarchese01
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    Help with Historical Video Games Research

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 07:09 PM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    I am a researcher at the University of the Sunshine Coast (Australia) investigating historical settings in video games and I am hoping you can help me by doing a short survey I have created to find out more about players' feelings about history in the Assassin's Creed series. Posting the survey doesn't seem to be against the rules, so I hope it is okay. I am also an Assassin's Creed player (among other games). I have completed every 'main' game, except for Liberation, with my favourites being Revelations and Origins. Revelations got me right in the nostalgic feelings and I have always loved Ancient Egypt. Very (too much?) proud of my Origins platinum trophy.

    I am hoping some of my fellow Assassin's players could help me by completing the survey and telling me about your thoughts regarding history and Assassin's Creed. It should only take a maximum of 15 minutes and can be found here.

    Legal/researcher information, consent, and protocols are on the first page of the survey. If you have any questions or comments, please post a comment here or email me (the email addresses of the research team are on the first page of the survey).

    Thanks to everyone in advance!

    submitted by /u/engageresearch
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    Possible AC Odyssey Bug: Why Can't I Sell, Dismantle, or Store This Common Item?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 11:41 PM PDT

    I've had this assassin's dagger (classified as "common dagger") for I don't know how long now, with +14 assassin damage & an engraving of +30% armor penetration. For whatever reason, I've been unable to remove it from my inventory. No matter what I try in the menu, no matter which blacksmith I visit on the map or how many times I interact with my storage on the Adrestia, I cannot sell, dismantle, or store this item. I don't know if it's a bug or what, I'm pretty sure this isn't a DLC or club reward weapon. I checked what's owned by me in the store, and there's no dagger there. Am I missing something? Is there anything I can do? Any/all feedback would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

    submitted by /u/harriskeith29
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    Does ac syndicate gold edition have any exclusive that the standard edition doesn’t have?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 11:20 PM PDT

    If you have the standard edition plus season pass, then is there a difference? Does the gold edition have anything exclusive like ac rogue deluxe has explorer pack exclusively?

    submitted by /u/Beelruce
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    Trying to get into Origins after finishing Odyssey

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 09:04 PM PDT

    I feel like I definitely did this backwards. I should've played Origins first.

    Trying to play Origins after Odyssey is one of the most frustrating experiences in my 35 years of gaming. This is because it's clear a lot of good ideas in Origins didn't quite work until they were refined in Odyssey. So playing Origins second is like having WaMart brand cereal after you're used to the name brand stuff.

    The weapons menu is a cluttered mess. The weapons upgrading is confusing. I get leather from killing animals and I guess I grind in forts looking for wood and bronze? I dunno. The cost of keeping weapons upgraded seems completely untenable

    I'm at level 12 and still not entirely sure what my story is supposed to be. I think an evil priest made me kill my son by mistake or something? Now it turns out my wife is going around with assassins blades I guess? I don't seem to have any cool friends like Alexios/Cassandra did.

    The combat system doesn't make sense. My character is taking random fatal leaps when I had no intention of him jumping in that direction. Jesus this camel is slow.

    My biggest gripe though, is I can't see what the hell I'm doing. All the map icons are so small and similar looking as to be essentially worthless. Is that a sync point or a town? Everything is some tone of yellow, gold or tan and impossible to see.

    Please tell me that things will eventually click into place. Right now this game is just frustrating me.

    submitted by /u/mb9981
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    Valhalla season pass or dlc info?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 04:35 PM PDT

    Has anyone heard anything yet about dlc or even content during the games lifespan? I feel like in Origins we knew a few months later and in Odyssey we knew when the trailer came out.

    submitted by /u/jakemiester81
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    I would love an assassins creed in the polish-lithuanian commonwealth

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 11:37 AM PDT

    I would really want an assassins creed set in 1410, in the days of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, it's an extremely interesting era, also, I would want them to be actual members of the assassins creed, because in the newer games, they use the term, "assassin" a bit loosely. That's just my opinion

    submitted by /u/Psychological-Flow90
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    Playing AC Origins and trying to 100% it. I don't see any notifications anywhere and need help!

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 04:03 PM PDT

    I have completed the elephants, gladiators, chariots, all ?'s. The only things I have left is the sphinx, which I need 5 more silica for, and some mission at the dunes.

    However, all regions say I have things missing and I don't know for the life of me, what they could be. Not just a couple regions, every single one!

    Is there something I'm missing? If so, what?!

    submitted by /u/backatitagain1120
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    When do you find out about Lucy?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 07:12 PM PDT

    Please no spoilers! Just want to know if I missed something or if it's just not explained.

    I accidentally read a spoiler about Lucy being a templar before killing her.

    Now I'm in AC3 (finished sequence 5) waiting for them to explain or acknowledge it...I am talking to desmond's dad and all desmond says is that Lucy seemed sincere, etc but not saying she was a templar or pretending to be an assassin.

    AC3 so far feels so disjointed story-wise so far I feel like I'm accidentally skipping dialogue or something? Did I miss a section where they say how they found out lucy was a templar and that's why desmond was forced to kill her? So wait lucy was an assassin pretending to be a templar OR a templar pretending to be an assassin?

    Please no additional spoilers...im just confused and don't want to google to avoid spoilers. Also love the no instruction on the power sources...

    submitted by /u/juststupid8970
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    The three godly spears AC Odyssey

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 12:04 AM PDT

    In greek mythology the three gods Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon all have weapons symbolizing there power. Zeus has a single pointed lightning bolt/spear. Hades has his two pointed bident and Poseidon his three pointed spear. I have found the trident and the bident but no sign of a Zeus spear even after extensive searching in game and online. Does anyone know if it exhists in game?

    submitted by /u/LORDOFHOLLOWSS
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    Could the PoE be made of dead isu's consciousness

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 11:54 PM PDT

    Why can Altair's apple of eden show him knowledge of past and future, if it initial purpose was just to be a means for control humans? It's a usless feature to have in an object like that, and we see this in much other poe in the series (except for the discs in revelations)

    This could only be explaned by saying that the majority of the poe, among other things, are made of the consciousness of some dead isu (this could explain and "justify" the fact that the writers give to same kind of poe different powers, that could maybe come from different isus)

    submitted by /u/Dyno_661
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    Fanart I drew of Ezio in Constantinople (Istanbul) from the Revelations concept art. I used charcoal, pastel and pencil.

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 01:24 AM PDT

    AC Odyssey - Regarding Lagos & The Monger

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 07:26 AM PDT

    Did anyone else try to save Lagos but executed the Monger?

    I was pretty bummed when I had to kill Lagos because I publicly executed The Monger. For the small amount of time you got to know Lagos, he was a gentle soul who was just taken advantage of. The Monger was just a manipulative psychopath in comparison.

    I thought that would've reflected in Alexios's/Cassandra's conversation with Brasidas, but I was surprised to see Alexios so dismissive like that.

    submitted by /u/PAPA_JOHNS_ZIMBABWE
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    Just finished playing Assassin’s Creed Rogue

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 07:43 AM PDT

    Just finished playing Assassin's Creed Rogue for the 1st time. It was under the recommendation from many people in this thread. Thank you! I love AC 4, so when people said it was similar to Black Flag, I decided to give it a shot. The naval combat is amazing! I had more fun on the sea than I did in AC 4 thanks to some of the new combat additions.

    However, I will say that the gameplay did bore me a little at times, and it didn't start to get interesting until Shay 1st started working with the Templars. The story is very good and I like how it shows the Assassin/Templar war as not being black and white. There's a lot of grey between the two factions, and you understand the Templar cause more. The colonial assassins were really arrogant. The missions towards the end were the most fun and the conclusion to the story was the most satisfying.

    BUT, this AC game had the worst glitches I've experienced so far in any AC game (I haven't played anything made after Rogue, but I want to play Unity, and then everything that came after in order). During missions, I couldn't progress at times and had to restart the mission because characters would get stuck and there was no option to give a command. It happened to me twice. When it came time to kill Adewalé, the game glitched and he got stuck on the side of the cliff he jumps off of, and no matter what I did, he didn't die. It was annoying. I thought AC 3 was glitchy, but I never had an issue during missions.

    Besides that, I enjoyed the game. I still love AC 4 more and it's still my favourite, but AC Rogue is the closest thing to that gaming experience. I heard AC Unity was a mess, but I did hear a lot of people say it was actually a good game and it's underrated. I'd like to see more future games play on a twist like this. Like imagine a story of a Templar turned Assassin!

    submitted by /u/KvotheG
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    [SPOILERS] i have a question about the Kera storyline in Odyssey

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 10:14 AM PDT

    The way it was going it seemed like she was definitely going to be a love interest but after killing the main bad guy and telling her i walked out of the cave and suddenly seen this girl fighting Spartans and i went and killed her and it said cultist killed and that was it no more chance at any love interest and they both end up together WTF.

    After looking it up i could not work out what happened so it must be killing the girl before any quest told me to. Also there was no option to go find her in the woods. I had no idea you could kill the spartan guy so did anyone else have this issue was it a bug ?

    submitted by /u/Jack1715
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